個金香港分行開戶總約定書_v9_201407 修訂對照表
個金香港分行開戶總約定書_v9_201407 修訂對照表
條款 | 修訂前 | 修訂後 |
第一章第三條 | 香港銀行公會規則 一切帳戶須遵守當時施行及約束該銀行的香港銀行公會規則。本合約與上述規則如有牴觸時,前者及自動作為有效的變更及修訂,使該銀行能符合該規則(包括特種利率規定)。由於 使該銀行能符合該規則而做出的上述修正,經 該銀行在任何兩份香港通行報紙上公告後,對 客戶即告生效及具有無可爭辯的約束力。 | 香港銀行公會規則 一切帳戶須遵守當時施行及約束該銀行的香港銀行公會規則。本合約與上述規則如有牴觸時,前者即自動作為有效的變更及修訂,使該銀行能符合該規則(包括特種利率規定)。 |
第一章第十六 條 | 客戶超過一年帳戶無交易往來,該銀行得將該帳戶歸入「靜止戶」,自轉入日起,不得執行交易(含網路銀行服務)。靜止戶欲恢復往來, 須透過該銀行客服人員進行啓用。 | 客戶連續十二個月帳戶無交易往來,該銀行得將該帳戶歸入「靜止戶」,自轉入日起,不得執行交易(含網路銀行服務)。靜止戶欲恢復往 來,須透過該銀行客服人員進行啓用。 |
第一章第二十三 條 第一項 | 無 | ( 九) 遵循美國外國帳戶稅收遵從法(Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act , 簡 稱FATCA),依法辨識美國稅務居民身份別, 向美國當局、依法有權機關(包含美國國 稅局)、金融監理機關或其他法定對象申 報美國稅務居民海外帳戶資料。 |
第二章第一條 | 二、客戶:指任何一名自然人或已簽署申請書的自然人,在適用情況下亦包括客戶的任何遺產代理人或合法承繼人; | 二、客戶:指任何該銀行同意按照本約定條款用 其姓名或名稱開立及維持任何帳戶之 人士,在適用情況下亦包括客戶的任何遺 產代理人或合法承繼人及獲授權人士; |
六、指示:指客戶根據本總約定書條款給予該銀行之指示或依照該銀行規定方式送達或傳送至該銀行之口頭、書面、傳真或電報指示,惟每項指示必須符合該銀行不時為每類交易指定之條件及限制; | 六、指示:指客戶根據本總約定書條款給予該銀行之指示或依照該銀行規定方式送達或傳送至該銀行之口頭、書面、傳真、電 子郵件傳送表單影像或電報指示,惟每項 指示必須符合該銀行不時為每類交易指定之條件及限制; | |
第二章第二條 | x約定條款自簽約日起生效,若任一方欲終止本約定條款,應於本約定條款到期日前一個月以書面通知對方,。但客戶如有下列情事之一者,該銀行得隨時以書面通知客戶終止本約定 條款: | 本約定條款自簽約日起生效,若任一方欲終止本約定條款,應於本約定條款到期日前一個月以書面通知另一方。但客戶如有下列情事之一者,該銀行得隨時以書面通知客戶終止本約定 條款: |
第二章第三條 | 無 | 七、客戶連續十二個月未登入網路銀行,其網 路銀行非約定轉帳之限額將歸零,客戶如 擬恢復轉帳限額,應重新申請。 |
第二章第四條 | 一般傳真指示服務條款(General Facsimile Instructions) | 傳真指示/電子郵件傳送表單影像指示服務條款(Facsimile or Imaged File by way of email Instruction Services) |
一、客戶授權該銀行可接受客戶以傳真方式傳遞之各項業務指示,惟該傳真指示仍應以該銀行各項業務制式申請表單為之,並應 加蓋該帳戶之原留簽章。(以下將此類指示統稱為「指示」)。 | 一、客戶授權該銀行可接受客戶以傳真方式或電子郵件傳送表單影像檔案之各項業務指示,惟該等指示仍應以該銀行各項業務制式申請表單為之,並應涵蓋申請表單之全 部內容且加蓋該帳戶之原留簽章。(以下將 此類指示統稱為「指示」)。 | |
六、客戶應於該銀行指定服務時間以內發送傳 真指示。若有關指示未能於指定服務時間 內獲該銀行接收,該銀行有權決定不接受 該 傳真指示或於次營業日始執行該筆傳 | 六、客戶應於該銀行指定服務時間以內發送指示。若有關指示未能於指定服務時間內獲該銀行接收或可能因系統的限制或該銀 行 運作程序的影響而未必能夠即時或即 |
條款 | 修訂前 | 修訂後 |
真 交易;傳真交易涉及之匯率部分須依該銀行於執行傳真交易當日所掛牌或約定之 匯率辦理。客戶瞭解傳真交易可能因系 統的限制或該銀行運作程序的影響而未必能夠即時或即日處理。客戶同意該銀行 毋須對於較後時間執行非指定時間內收受之傳真交易而向客戶或其他人士(包括公 司,不論構成法律團體與否)負任何責 任。 | 日處理,客戶瞭解且同意該銀行有權決定 不接受該指示或於次營業日始執行該筆 交易,且毋須對於較後時間執行非指定時 間內收受之指示而向客戶或其他人士(包括公司,不論構成法律團體與否)負任何責 任;另交易涉及之匯率部分須依該銀行於 執行交易當日所掛牌或約定之匯率辦理。 | |
七、客戶在每次發出傳真指示時須採用該銀行規定之「傳真交易指示」專用格式,客戶可依實際情況自行增補欄位,惟須先經該 銀行同意。 | 七、客戶在每次發出指示時須採用該銀行規定之專用格式,客戶可依實際情況自行增補欄位,惟須先經該銀行同意。 | |
八、「傳真交易指示」正本無須送交該銀行。 該銀行得以該傳真交易指示申請書傳真本視為存取款或其他業務申請書或相關 書類之正式憑證。 | 八、該等指示之正本無須送交該銀行。交易指示申請書傳真本或表單影像將視為存取款或其他業務申請書或相關書類之正式 憑證。 | |
九、客戶同意,無論任何原因導致客戶傳真指示內容或簽章不清無法辨認時,該銀行有權拒絕接受該筆傳真指示。客戶並同意除該銀行之故意或重大過失外,就該傳 真指示之真偽及意思表示之正確性或在傳送過程中發生任何不正確、中斷、錯失、延誤或故障等,該銀行無須負任何責任。客戶同意傳真指示一經發出,未得該銀行同意,不可將之撤銷或撤回。客戶須繼續對所發出的任何傳真指示負全部責任,除非該銀行同意並確認撤銷或撤回指示的請 求。 | 九、客戶同意,無論任何原因導致客戶指示內容或簽章不清無法辨認時,該銀行有權拒絕接受該筆指示。客戶並同意除該銀行之故意或重大過失外,就該指示之真偽及意思表示之正確性或在傳送過程中發生任何不正確、中斷、錯失、延誤或故障等, 該銀行無須負任何責任。客戶同意指示一經發出,未得該銀行同意,不可將之撤銷或撤回。客戶須繼續對所發出的任何指示負全部責任,除非該銀行同意並確認撤銷或撤回指示的請求。 | |
十、客戶瞭解並接受以傳真發出指示可能帶來的風險。由於傳真指示上的簽章並非為正本簽章,其可能會被偽冒。以傳真機所發 出的傳真指示可能因按錯號碼而未能送達至該銀行,亦可能被誤送到別處,因而被第三者得悉其內容時,該銀行不需負擔 任何責任。 | 十、客戶瞭解並接受發出指示可能帶來的風險。由於指示上的簽x並非為正本簽章, 其可能會被偽冒。指示可能因按錯號碼或錯 誤的電子郵件地址而未能送達至該銀行,亦可能被誤送到別處,因而被第三者得悉其內容時,該銀行不需負擔任何責 任。 | |
十一、客戶同意承擔所有傳真發出指示所帶來的風險,亦放棄就下列各項向該銀行申索: (一)系統或設備失靈(不論是否由該銀行提供),包括電訊服務; (二)該銀行接受任何依外觀認定為客戶所發出、實際上未獲授權之傳真指示; (三)該銀行因電信線路問題而導致延遲執行客戶的指示; (四)客戶因重複傳真而導致該銀行重複執行客戶的指示; (五)該銀行延遲或未能交付或提供任何部 份的傳真交易服務。 | 十一、客戶同意承擔該等指示所帶來的風險, 亦放棄就下列各項向該銀行申索: (一)系統或設備失靈(不論是否由該銀行提供),包括電訊服務; (二)該銀行接受任何依外觀認定為客戶所發出、實際上未獲授權之指示; (三)該銀行因電信線路問題而導致延遲執行客戶的指示; (四)客戶因重複傳真/重複經電子郵件傳送 表單影像而導致該銀行重複執行客戶的指示; (五)該銀行延遲或未能交付或提供任何部 份的指示服務。 | |
十二、客戶同意該銀行可不定時修訂或增減傳真交易範圍及相關條件,包括修改及增 補本部份之約定條款。若該銀行修訂本 | 十二、客戶同意該銀行可不定時修訂或增減該 等指示服務範圍及相關條件,包括修改及增補本部份之約定條款。若該銀行修 |
條款 | 修訂前 | 修訂後 |
約定條款及/或加入額外條文,有關修訂將在該銀行營業廳或網站;或其他該銀行認為合適的形式告示,對客戶即作為正式有效的通知。倘客戶在修訂生效當日或以後繼續維持或使用傳真交易服務,則視為客戶同意該修訂之條款,並且有關之修訂條款立即對客戶具約束力。透過傳真指示及傳真交易服務提供的各種帳戶或設施,須受不定時補充、修訂或替代的各別適用的合約章則及條款、帳戶委託書及客戶指引與手冊("服務條件")之規範。客戶確認本服務條款的內容,將不會限制服務條件中列明的 任何特定條款。 | 訂本約定條款及/或加入額外條文,有關修訂將在該銀行營業廳或網站;或其他該銀行認為合適的形式告示,對客戶即作為正式有效的通知。倘客戶在修訂生效當日或以後繼續維持或使用該等指示服務,則視為客戶同意該修訂之條款, 並且有關之修訂條款立即對客戶具約束力。透過該等指示服務提供的各種帳戶或設施,須受不定時補充、修訂或替代的各別適用的合約章則及條款、帳戶委託書及客戶指引與手冊("服務條件")之規範。客戶確認本服務條款的內容,將不會限制服務條件中列明的任何特定條 款。 | |
十三、客戶明白傳真交易服務乃該銀行為方便客戶而增設之服務,並無取代其他方法之意。若傳真交易服務因任何緣故(不論是否為該銀行引致或為該銀行控制範圍之內)無法使用或失效,客戶無向該銀行要求任何賠償之權利,且僅能利用其他方式(例如以臨櫃方式)申請各項業務;若客戶已以臨櫃申請各項業務, 須確保不會其後以傳真指示方式重複作出相同指示。如因客戶疏忽而致該銀行重複執行指示時,客戶應對因此所衍 生之一切損失自行負責。 | 十三、客戶明白該等指示服務乃該銀行為方便客戶而增設之服務,並無取代其他方法之意。若該等指示服務因任何緣故(不論是否為該銀行引致或為該銀行控制範圍之內)無法使用或失效,客戶無向該銀行要求任何賠償之權利,且僅能利用其他方式(例如以臨櫃方式)申請各項業務;若客戶已以臨櫃申請各項業務, 須確保不會其後以該等指示方式重複作出相同指示。如因客戶疏忽而致該銀行重複執行指示時,客戶應對因此所衍 生之一切損失自行負責。 | |
第二章第四條 | 十四、該銀行在接收、行使、處理、憑據此類傳真指示時,所為之作為或不作為,除 因該銀行蓄意違約外客戶須負責賠償該銀行隨時可能面對或引起的一切索賠,訴訟、損失、損害、成本費用支出或因此而蒙受的損失,無論此等行為是直接或間接由於或關乎該銀行收受傳真指示及執行或未有執行該等指示。此 項責任於該銀行終止向客戶提供傳真 交易服務後仍然生效。 | 十四、該銀行在接收、行使、處理、憑據該等指示時,所為之作為或不作為,除因該銀行蓄意違約外, 客戶須負責賠償該銀行隨時可能面對或引起的一切索賠,訴訟、損失、損害、成本費用支出或因此而蒙受的損失,無論此等行為是直接或間接由於或關乎該銀行收受客戶所發出 之該等指示及執行或未有執行該等指示。此項責任於該銀行終止向客戶提 供該等指示服務後仍然生效。 |
十五、客戶應確保帳戶內已有足夠款項或預先安排的信用貸款以執行傳真指示,如因款項及/或信用貸款不足以至無法執行該傳真指示,該銀行對於因此而引起的 一切後果,該銀行將不負任何責任。 | 十五、客戶應確保帳戶內已有足夠款項或預先安排的信用貸款以執行該等指示,如因款項及/或信用貸款不足以至無法執行該等指示,該銀行對於因此而引起的一 切後果將不負任何責任。 | |
十六、該銀行有權隨時通知客戶,該銀行得暫停、終止或不繼續接受客戶以傳真指示方式進行部份或全部傳真交易,並且即刻生效。此外,若該銀行認為客戶帳戶有不當往來之情形或本項服務有遭他人非法使用之虞時,該銀行得隨時逕行終止本項服務,而不無須另行事先通知,該銀行對此等終止服務將不負任何 責任。 | 十六、該銀行有權隨時通知客戶,該銀行得暫停、終止或不繼續接受客戶以該等指示方式進行部份或全部交易,並且即刻生效。此外,若該銀行認為客戶帳戶有不當往來之情形或本項服務有遭他人非法使用之虞時,該銀行得隨時逕行終止本項服務,而無須另行事先通知,該銀行對此等終止服務將不負任何責任。 | |
十七、客戶同意該銀行可(但無義務)採用錄 音方式記錄對客戶及/或照會人員的電 | 十七、客戶同意該銀行可(但無義務)採用錄 音方式記錄對客戶及/或照會人員的電 |
條款 | 修訂前 | 修訂後 |
話照會,該記錄對客戶具有約束力,並可作為證據,證明存在該等交易及通訊及其中所載的事實。所有該等錄音屬該銀行所有。該銀行可訂定保存客戶及其他文件的期限,並可能在期限過後銷毀該文件。該銀行於收到客戶一般傳真指示後一律與客戶(或聯名戶的主帳戶人) 電話聯絡確認有關指示。 | 話照會,該記錄對客戶具有約束力,並可作為證據,證明存在該等交易及通訊及其中所載的事實。所有該等錄音屬該銀行所有。該銀行可訂定保存客戶及其他文件的期限,並可能在期限過後銷毀該文件。該銀行於收到客戶該等指示後一律與客戶(或聯名戶的主帳戶人)電話 聯絡確認有關指示。 | |
第三章第五條 | 六、口頭與書面 就本約定條款之目的,客戶授權該銀行全權判斷、認定及執行客戶以口頭或書面方式所為之請求、指示、確認或其他相關行為,進行相關之處理。「口頭」指客戶本身或所授權人員親自所為或經由電話所為之行為;客戶同意該銀行須按法規要求為雙方對話加以錄音並為客戶進行語音密碼核身,其錄音存檔於設在該銀行營業地點的中央錄音系統(存檔期為不少於3 個月),以為佐證。「書面」指以正本、電報 或傳真本所為之行為。客戶授權該銀行將電報、傳真本視同正本加以處理,絕無異議。若該銀行認為傳真本或表單影像之文字或資料模糊不清或有疑義時,得選擇拒絕受理或與客戶確認,客戶以書面為各項交易提出請求時, 同意簽蓋書面所載之授權扣款戶口號碼之原留存該銀行印鑑樣式,該樣式能有效代表客戶與該銀行簽訂之書面申請及 ISDA 或 IFEMA 所涉及之各項交易及業務往來,於客戶提出書面 修改通知正本前均有效。 | 六、口頭與書面 就本約定條款之目的,客戶授權該銀行全權判斷、認定及執行客戶以口頭或書面方式所為之請求、指示、確認或其他相關行為,進行相關之處理。「口頭」指客戶本身或所授權人員親自所為或經由電話所為之行為;客戶同意該銀行須按法規要求為雙方對話加以錄音並為客戶進行語音密碼核身,其錄音存檔於設在該銀行營業地點的中央錄音系統(存檔期為不少於3 個月),以為佐證。「書面」指以正本、電報、傳真本或表單影像所為之行為。客戶授權該銀行將電報、傳真本或表單影像視同正本加以處理,絕無異議。若該銀行認為傳真本或表單影像之文字或資料模糊不清或有疑義時,得選擇拒絕受理或與客戶確認,客戶以書面為各項交易提出請求時,同意簽蓋書面所載之授權扣款戶口號碼之原留存該銀行印鑑樣式,該樣式能有效代表客戶與該銀行簽訂之書面申請及 ISDA 或 IFEMA 所涉及之各項交易及業務往來,於客戶提出書面修改通知正本前均有效。 |
第四章第四條 | 一、客戶瞭解並同意該銀行根據本約定書獲客戶委任及授權擔任代理人辦理有價證券業務之相關交易時,可能得自交易對手之任何費用,均係作為代理人收取之佣金。基金交易中,基金發行機構基於不同收費方式與項目,得發行不同種類(classes)之基金股份。一般來說,申購費於申購 A 類股份 (class A shares) 時 收 取 , 而CDSC(Contingent Deferred Sales Charge) 於 贖回 B 類股份(class B shares)時收取。 | 客戶瞭解並同意該銀行根據本約定書獲客戶委任及授權擔任代理人辦理有價證券業務之相關交易時,可能得自交易對手之任何費用, 均係作為代理人收取之佣金。基金交易中,基金發行機構基於不同收費方式與項目,得發行不同種類(classes)之基金股份。一般來說,申購費於申購 A 類股份(class A shares)時收取, 而 CDSC(Contingent Deferred Sales Charge)於贖回 B 類股份(class B shares)時收取。 |
附錄 2 5 | 無 | 5.7 其他: |
無 | 5.8.就銀行 FATCA 遵循業務之特定目的須蒐 集、處理及利用之個人資料,如客戶不同 意提供或提供資料不足, 銀行必須依 FATCA 規定將客戶帳戶列為 FATCA 不合作 帳戶(Recalcitrant Account),而得自存入客戶 名下屬 FATCA 法案所規範金融商品特 定帳戶之款項扣繳 30%之美國稅款,銀行 並得依約對客戶提前終止所有屬 FATCA 法案規範金融商品之契約、帳戶、往來業 務關係及提供之相關服務(不論在香港特 別區境內或境外)。 |
Revision of Account Opening Master Agreement_v9_201401
Article | Original Terms and Conditions | Revised Terms and Conditions |
Chinatrust Commercial Bank Ltd., | CTBC Bank Co., Ltd. | |
Chapter 1 Article 3 | Rules of the Hong Kong Associations of Banks All accounts shall comply with and be bound by the rules of the Hong Kong Associations of Banks as applicable to the Bank for the time being. In the event this Agreement contravenes with the rules as aforesaid, appropriate changes and amendments will be considered to be effected automatically to the former to enable the Bank to comply with such rules (including the provisions on specific interest rate). Such amendments to enable the Bank to comply with such rules shall forthwith become effective and irrevocably binding on the Customer after notice thereof has been published by the Bank in any two newspapers circulating in Hong Kong. | Rules of the Hong Kong Associations of Banks All accounts shall comply with and be bound by the rules of the Hong Kong Associations of Banks as applicable to the Bank for the time being. In the event this Agreement contravenes with the rules as aforesaid, appropriate changes and amendments will be considered to be effected automatically to the former to enable the Bank to comply with such rules (including the provisions on specific interest rate). |
Chapter 1 Article 16 | Dormant Account In the event that the Customer's accounts has no Customer's transaction for one year, the Bank may unilaterally categorize such an account as a dormant account. Upon the customer’s account is dormant, no transaction can be made via automatic equipment including Internet banking service. The customer can apply for re-activation of dormant account through the bank’s customer service representative. | Dormant Account In the event that the account of the account Holder is inactive or dormant for 12 consecutive years, the Bank may unilaterally categorize such an account as a dormant account. Upon the customer’s account is dormant, no transaction can be made via automatic equipment including Internet banking service. The customer can apply for re-activation of dormant account through the bank’s customer service representative. |
Chapter 1 Article 23 I | (IX)Complying with the US Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (or hereafter the “FATCA”) to identify US tax residents and report account information to the Authority (including Internal Revenue Service) or financial fupervisory institute. | |
Chapter 2 Article 1 | II. “Customer” shall mean any natural person or a natural person who has signed the account opening form, where applicable includes the administrator or | II. “Customer” mean any person who agrees to the terms and conditions of the agreement and use his or her name in account opening, where applicable includes the administrator |
legal success or of the Customer; | or legal success or of the Customer; | |
Chapter 2 Article 1 | VI. “Instruction” shall mean the instruction provided to the Bank by the Customer in accordance with this Agreement through Internet banking services or the verbal, written, facsimile or cable instructions to be delivered or transmitted to the Bank provided that each instruction must comply with the conditions and restrictions designated for each transaction by the Bank from time to time; | VI. “Instruction” shall mean the instruction provided to the Bank by the Customer in accordance with this Agreement through Internet banking services or the verbal, written, facsimile, imaged file or cable instructions to be delivered or transmitted to the Bank provided that each instruction must comply with the conditions and restrictions designated for each transaction by the Bank from time to time; |
Chapter 2 Article 3 | VII. If the Customer hasn’t logged in to the Internet Banking for 12 consecutive years online fund transfers by way of Internet Banking to unregistered third-party account will be set to zero compulsorily. The Customer shall apply for resetting the transaction if Customer intends to. | |
Chapter 2 Article 4 | Terms and conditions for General Facsimile Instructions I. The Customer authorizes the Bank to accept the instructions of the Customer transmitted by means of facsimile provided such facsimile instruction shall be in the form for various businesses of the Bank and affixed with the specimen signature of such account holder. (hereinafter such type of instructions are referred to as “instructions”). | Terms and conditions for Facsimile or Imaged File by way of email Instructions Service I. The Customer authorizes the Bank to accept the instructions of the Customer transmitted by means of facsimile or imaged file by way of email, provided such facsimile or imaged file by way of email instruction shall be in the form for various businesses of the Bank and affixed with the whole image of application forms and specimen signature of such account holder. (hereinafter such type of instructions are referred to as “instructions”). |
Chapter 2 Article 4 | VI. The Customer shall transmit the facsimile instruction to the Bank within the designated service hours. If the relevant instruction is not received by the Bank within the designated service hours, the Bank is entitled to decide not to accept such facsimile instruction or to execute such facsimile transaction on the following business day. The exchange rate involved in the facsimile transaction shall be determined according to the rate quoted by the | VI. The Customer shall transmit the instruction to the Bank within the designated service hours. If the relevant instruction is not received by the Bank within the designated service hours, the Bank is entitled to decide not to accept such instruction or to execute such transaction on the following business day. The exchange rate involved in the transaction shall be determined according to the rate quoted by the Bank or other exchange rate agreed on the date the transaction is executed. The Customer understands that the |
Bank or other exchange rate agreed on the date the facsimile transaction is executed. The Customer understands that the facsimile instruction may not be dealt with immediately or on the same day due to system limitation or the operation procedures of the Bank. The Customer agrees that the Bank does not have any liability to the Customer or other parties (including corporations, whether incorporated or not) for the execution of facsimile instruction received after the designated service hours. | instruction may not be dealt with immediately or on the same day due to system limitation or the operation procedures of the Bank. The Customer agrees that the Bank does not have any liability to the Customer or other parties (including corporations, whether incorporated or not) for the execution of instruction received after the designated service hours. | |
Chapter 2 Article 4 | VII. The Customer shall transmit the specific form of facsimile instruction provided by the Bank whenever each facsimile instruction is transmitted. The Customer may add and supplement information to the form according to the circumstance but subject to the consent of the Bank in advance. | VII. The Customer shall transmit the specific form of instruction provided by the Bank whenever each instruction is transmitted. The Customer may add and supplement information to the form according to the circumstance but subject to the consent of the Bank in advance. |
Chapter 2 Article 4 | VIII. The original of the facsimile instruction does not have to be delivered to the Bank. The Bank shall treat the copy of facsimile instruction application as the official evidence for the deposit or withdrawal of money or the application of other business or related documents. | VIII. The original of the instruction does not have to be delivered to the Bank. The Bank shall treat the copy of facsimile or imaged file by way of email instruction application as the official evidence for the deposit or withdrawal of money or the application of other business or related documents. |
Chapter 2 Article 4 | IX. The Customer agrees in any event if the content or the signature of the facsimile instruction transmitted by the Customer is illegible, the Bank is entitled to reject such facsimile instruction. The Customer also agrees that the Bank shall not be liable for the authenticity of the facsimile instruction or any inaccuracy, interruption, mistake, delay or breakdown arising from such facsimile instruction except arising from the willful default or gross negligence of | IX. The Customer agrees in any event if the content or the signature of the instruction transmitted by the Customer is illegible, the Bank is entitled to reject such instruction. The Customer also agrees that the Bank shall not be liable for the authenticity of the instruction or any inaccuracy, interruption, mistake, delay or breakdown arising from such instruction except arising from the willful default or gross negligence of the Bank. The Customer agrees that once the instruction is transmitted, it is irrevocable or |
the Bank. The Customer agrees that once the facsimile instruction is transmitted, it is irrevocable or cannot be withdrawn without the consent of the Bank. The Customer shall continue to assume full responsibility for any facsimile instruction transmitted by him/her, unless the Bank agrees and confirms to revoke or withdraw the instruction upon request. | cannot be withdrawn without the consent of the Bank. The Customer shall continue to assume full responsibility for any instruction transmitted by him/her, unless the Bank agrees and confirms to revoke or withdraw the instruction upon request. | |
Chapter 2 Article 4 | X. The Customer understands and accepts the risk that may arise from facsimile instruction. As the signature on the facsimile instruction is not the signature in original, it may be forged. The facsimile instruction transmitted by facsimile machine may not be delivered to the Bank due to wrong number. In the event it is transmitted by mistake to other places and the content becomes known to any third party, the Bank shall not have any liability. | X. The Customer understands and accepts the risk that may arise from instruction. As the signature on the instruction is not the signature in original, it may be forged. The instruction may not be delivered to the Bank due to wrong number or email address. In the event it is transmitted by mistake to other places and the content becomes known to any third party, the Bank shall not have any liability. |
Chapter 2 Article 4 | XI. The Customer agrees to assume the risk of facsimile instruction, and waives his/her right to claim from the Bank in respect of the following items: (I) breakdown of system or equipment (whether or not the system or equipment is provided by the Bank), including telecommunication services and the TOKEN; (II) the Bank accepts the facsimile instruction apparently transmitted from the Customer but in fact may not have been authorised; (III) the delay in the execution of the instruction of the Customer by the Bank as a result of telecommunication problems; (IV) the repeated transmission of the facsimile by the Customer resulting in the repeated execution of the | XI. The Customer agrees to assume the risk of instruction, and waives his/her right to claim from the Bank in respect of the following items: (I) breakdown of system or equipment (whether or not the system or equipment is provided by the Bank), including telecommunication services and the TOKEN; (II)the Bank accepts the instruction apparently transmitted from the Customer but in fact may not have been authorised; (III) the delay in the execution of the instruction of the Customer by the Bank as a result of telecommunication problems; (IV)the repeated transmission of the facsimile or imaged file by way of email by the Customer resulting in the |
instruction of the Customer by the Bank; (V) any delay or failure by the Bank in delivering or providing any part of facsimile transaction service. | repeated execution of the instruction of the Customer by the Bank; (V)any delay or failure by the Bank in delivering or providing any part of facsimile or imaged file by way of email instruction service. | |
Chapter 2 Article 4 | XII. The Customer agrees that the Bank may amend or add and delete the scope of facsimile transaction and related terms from time to time, including the amendment, addition and supplement of the terms in this section. The amendment of these terms and conditions and / or addition of new terms to these terms and conditions by the Bank will be published by the Bank in the form of announcement, advertisement or other appropriate means so as to inform the Customer. If the Customer continues to maintain or use the facsimile transaction service on or after the date the amendment becomes effective, the Customer will be deemed to agree with and accept these terms and conditions as amended, which will be immediately binding on the Customer. The provision of various accounts or facilities through facsimile instruction and facsimile transaction services shall be governed by the contract rules and terms, letter of authorization and the guidance and manual for the Customer (“Service Conditions”) as supplemented, amended or substituted from time to time. The Customer confirms the content of these terms and conditions will not restrict any specific provisions set out in the Service Conditions. | XII. The Customer agrees that the Bank may amend or add and delete the scope of facsimile or imaged file by way of email instruction transaction and related terms from time to time, including the amendment, addition and supplement of the terms in this section. The amendment of these terms and conditions and / or addition of new terms to these terms and conditions by the Bank will be published by the Bank in the form of announcement, advertisement or other appropriate means so as to inform the Customer. If the Customer continues to maintain or use the facsimile or imaged file by way of email service on or after the date the amendment becomes effective, the Customer will be deemed to agree with and accept these terms and conditions as amended, which will be immediately binding on the Customer. The provision of various accounts or facilities through facsimile or imaged file by way of email instruction and facsimile imaged file by way of email instruction services shall be governed by the contract rules and terms, letter of authorization and the guidance and manual for the Customer (“Service Conditions”) as supplemented, amended or substituted from time to time. The Customer confirms the content of these terms and conditions will not restrict any specific provisions set out in the Service Conditions. |
Chapter 2 Article 4 | XIII. The Customer understands that the facsimile transaction service is a service offered by the Bank for the | XIII. The Customer understands that the facsimile or imaged file by way of email instruction service is a service offered by the Bank for |
convenience of the Customer, and is not intended to substitute other means. If the facsimile transaction service cannot be used or becomes void due to any reason (whether or not caused by the Bank or within the control of the Bank), the Customer does not have the right to claim any compensation from the Bank, and will use other means, such as counter service to apply for various types of transaction. If the Customer has applied for transactions at the counter, the Customer shall ensure that he/she will not repeat the same instruction by means of facsimile instruction. If the negligence of the Customer causes repeated execution of instruction by the Bank, the Customer shall assume all losses arising therefrom. | the convenience of the Customer, and is not intended to substitute other means. If the facsimile or imaged file by way of email instruction service cannot be used or becomes void due to any reason (whether or not caused by the Bank or within the control of the Bank), the Customer does not have the right to claim any compensation from the Bank, and will use other means, such as counter service to apply for various types of transaction. If the Customer has applied for transactions at the counter, the Customer shall ensure that he/she will not repeat the same instruction by means of facsimile or imaged file by way of email instruction. If the negligence of the Customer causes repeated execution of instruction by the Bank, the Customer shall assume all losses arising therefrom. | |
Chapter 2 Article 4 | XIV. All claims, litigations, losses, damages, costs and expenses arising from the act or omission of the Bank at any time based on the receipt, exercise, processing of facsimile instruction by the Bank will be indemnified by the Customer to the Bank, save as those arising from the willful default of the Bank, whether such acts are directly or indirectly arising from or related to the receipt and execution of the facsimile instruction by the Bank or failure in the execution of such instructions. Such liability will survive the Bank’s termination of provision of facsimile transaction service to the Customer. | XIV. All claims, litigations, losses, damages, costs and expenses arising from the act or omission of the Bank at any time based on the receipt, exercise, processing of instruction by the Bank will be indemnified by the Customer to the Bank, save as those arising from the willful default of the Bank, whether such acts are directly or indirectly arising from or related to the receipt and execution of the facsimile or imaged file by way of email instruction by the Bank or failure in the execution of such instructions. Such liability will survive the Bank’s termination of provision of facsimile or imaged file by way of email transaction service to the Customer. |
Chapter 2 Article 4 | XV. The Customer shall ensure that his/her account has adequate funds or pre-arranged credit facility to execute the facsimile instruction. If there is inadequate funds and / or credit facility to execute such facsimile instruction, | XV. The Customer shall ensure that his/her account has adequate funds or pre-arranged credit facility to execute the instruction. If there is inadequate funds and / or credit facility to execute such instruction, the Bank will not assume any |
the Bank will not assume any liability in respect of the consequences arising therefrom. | liability in respect of the consequences arising therefrom. | |
Chapter 2 Article 4 | XVI. The Bank is entitled to inform the Customer that the Bank will suspend, terminate or not continue to accept the Customer conducting part or all of the facsimile transaction by means of facsimile instruction, which will become effective immediately. In addition, if the Bank considers the account of the Customer has improper operation or the service is used illegally by other parties, the Bank shall terminate the service forthwith without any prior notice. The Bank will not assume any liability from the termination of such service. | XVI. The Bank is entitled to inform the Customer that the Bank will suspend, terminate or not continue to accept the Customer conducting part or all of the transaction by means of facsimile or imaged file by way of email instruction, which will become effective immediately. In addition, if the Bank considers the account of the Customer has improper operation or the service is used illegally by other parties, the Bank shall terminate the service forthwith without any prior notice. The Bank will not assume any liability from the termination of such service. |
Chapter 2 Article 4 | XVII. The Customer agrees that the Bank may (but not obliged to) tape record the telephone conversation between the Customer and / or the attending officer. Such records shall be binding on the Customer and can be used as evidence to prove the existence of such transactions and the facts contained in such communications. All such recordings are the properties of the Bank. The Bank shall set a time limit to keep such records and other documents of the Customer, and will destroy the originals after expiry of such time limit. Upon receipt of general facsimile instructions from the Customer, the Bank shall confirm such instructions by phone with the Customer (or the principal holder of a joint account). | XVII. The Customer agrees that the Bank may (but not obliged to) tape record the telephone conversation between the Customer and / or the attending officer. Such records shall be binding on the Customer and can be used as evidence to prove the existence of such transactions and the facts contained in such communications. All such recordings are the properties of the Bank. The Bank shall set a time limit to keep such records and other documents of the Customer, and will destroy the originals after expiry of such time limit. Upon receipt of instructions from the Customer, the Bank shall confirm such instructions by phone with the Customer (or the principal holder of a joint account). |
Chapter3 Article5 | VI. Xxxxxx and in writing For the purposes of these terms and conditions, the Customer authorizes the | VI. Xxxxxx and in writing For the purposes of these terms and conditions, the Customer authorizes the Bank to assess, |
Bank to assess, determine and execute in its sole discretion the Requests, instructions, confirmations or other related acts made by the Customer verbally or in writing, and handle any matters arising therefrom. “Verbally” shall mean the acts of the Customer in person or by its Authorized Persons or by phone. The Customer agrees that the Bank shall record the conversations of both parties pursuant to the regulations and verify the identity of the Customer with the phone banking password on the phone. The recording files are maintained at the central recording system set up at the business location of the Bank (which are kept for not less than 3 months) for evidences purpose. “In writing” shall mean the original, cable or facsimile. The Customer authorizes the Bank to process the cable and facsimile as an original without any dispute. If the Bank considers the text or information in the facsimile copy is illegible or questionable, the Bank may choose not to accept the request or contact the Customer to confirm. When the Customer makes requests for transactions in writing, the Customer agrees to sign in the same specimen signature retained at the Bank for debiting the account. The specimen signature is valid between the Customer and the Bank for various transactions and businesses relating to ISDA or IFEMA, and will remain valid until the Customer amends the same by giving an original notice in writing. | determine and execute in its sole discretion the Requests, instructions, confirmations or other related acts made by the Customer verbally or in writing, and handle any matters arising therefrom. “Verbally” shall mean the acts of the Customer in person or by its Authorized Persons or by phone. The Customer agrees that the Bank shall record the conversations of both parties pursuant to the regulations and verify the identity of the Customer with the phone banking password on the phone. The recording files are maintained at the central recording system set up at the business location of the Bank (which are kept for not less than 3 months) for evidences purpose. “In writing” shall mean the original, cable facsimile or imaged file by way of email. The Customer authorizes the Bank to process the cable, facsimile and imaged file by way of email as an original without any dispute. If the Bank considers the text or information in the facsimile or imaged file by way of email copy is illegible or questionable, the Bank may choose not to accept the request or contact the Customer to confirm. When the Customer makes requests for transactions in writing, the Customer agrees to sign in the same specimen signature retained at the Bank for debiting the account. The specimen signature is valid between the Customer and the Bank for various transactions and businesses relating to ISDA or IFEMA, and will remain valid until the Customer amends the same by giving an original notice in writing. | |
Annexure 2 5 | 5.7. Other Institutes | |
5.8. For the purpose to collect, process and use the customer’s personal information pursuant to the terms for the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act of the United States, provided that the customer declines to provide personal information or provide insufficient personal |
i nformation, CTBC must classify the customer’s a ccount as “Recalcitrant Account” subject to withholding 30% tax from the payments (in connection with specific US source income, gross proceeds or foreign pass-thru payments), the account closure and termination of all financial instrument contracts and services, given that the customer fails to provide the personal information as required by FATCA whether inside or outside Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. |
個人/聯名戶開戶申請書_v10_201406 修訂對照表
修訂前 | 修訂後 | 頁次 |
Chinatrust Commercial Bank, Ltd. | CTBC Bank Co., Ltd. | P.1 P.12 |
無 | 教育程度Educational Attainment: □博士Doctorate □碩士Master □大學University □專科 Training School / Post-secondary □高中 Completed Secondary □國中 High School □小學(含)以下 Primary School & Below | P.4 |
各項約定及條款確認聲明 Declarations & acknowledgement of various stipulations and provisions 三、自動化服務條款確認聲明 立約人(等)茲向 貴行申請自動化服務通路相關功能,經 貴行解說並已審閱及充分暸解「網路銀行業務服務條款」、「一般傳真指示服務條 款」、及「電話銀行服務條款」內容,同意其規定對立約人(等)均具約束力,且立約人(等)了解: We/I hereby apply to the Bank for the automated services and related functions. The Bank has explained to us/me and we/I have reviewed and fully understand the contents of the “Terms and Conditions for Internet Banking Services”, “Terms and Conditions for of General Facsimile Instructions Services” and “Terms and Conditions for of Phone Banking Services”, and hereby agree to be bound by their stipulations, and we/I understand that: | 各項約定及條款確認聲明 Declarations & acknowledgement of various stipulations and provisions 三、自動化服務條款確認聲明 立約人(等)茲向 貴行申請自動化服務通路相關功能,經 貴行解說並已審閱及充分暸解「網路銀行業務服務條款」、「傳真指示/電子郵件傳送 表單影像指示服務條款」、及「電話銀行服務條款」內容,同意其規定對立約人(等)均具約束力, 且立約人(等)了解: We/I hereby apply to the Bank for the automated services and related functions. The Bank has explained to us/me and we/I have reviewed and fully understand the contents of the “Terms and Conditions for Internet Banking Services”, “Terms and Conditions for of Facsimile or Imaged File by way of email Instructions Services” and “Terms and Conditions for of Phone Banking Services”, and hereby agree to be bound by their stipulations, and we/I understand that: | P.11 |
(二)傳真指示服務之簽章式樣以立約人(等)留存於貴行印鑑卡之式樣為限,並授權貴行核對無誤後代為執行相關交易,立約人(等)願妥善保存本項作業所需之相關留存印鑑或密碼,並願配合貴行為確認立約人(等)交易有效性所為之身分確認方式,如因立約人(等) 無法於 貴行作業時間內配合完成確認作業,致使貴行無法執行該傳真指示,立約人(等)願負全部責任,概與 貴行無關,立約人(等)亦不得向 貴行追究任何法律責任。 The specimen signature(s) for Fax banking/ General Facsimile Instructions Services shall be limited to our/my specimen signature card lodged with the Bank. We/I hereby authorize the Bank to carry out the operations concerned after having verified the authenticity of the signature(s). We/I are/am willing to keep properly the specimen signature(s) or password concerned required by various operations, and are/am willing to cooperate with the Bank on various identity verification processes. If we/I are/am unable to complete the identity verification process within the Bank’s work hours which results in the Bank’s inability to execute such facsimile | (二)傳真指示/電子郵件傳送表單影像指示服務之簽章式樣以立約人(等)留存於貴行印鑑卡之式樣為限,並授權貴行核對無誤後代為執行相關交易,立約人(等)願妥善保存本項作業所需之相關留存印鑑或密碼,並願配合 貴行為確認立約人(等)交易有效性所為之身份確認方式。傳真指示/電子郵件傳送表單影像指示係指立約人(等)特此請求及授權 貴行(但貴行並無義務必須執行)按照立約人(等)當中任 何一人或不時獲授權處理立約人(等)在 貴 行開立帳戶之任何人士就任何目的不時透過 或看來是透過傳真或附隨於電子郵件之電子 圖形檔案(包括但不限於標誌圖形檔案格式(Tag Image File Format)、微軟公司所公布的視窗點陣圖(Windows BitMaps)、便攜式網絡圖 像格式(Portable Network Graphics)、圖形互換 檔案格式(Graphics Interchange Format)、聯合圖像專家小組規範(Joint Photographic Experts Group)、RAW 檔案(即現代「數位相機底片」)、 可攜式文件格式(Adobe Portable Document Format)、Encapsulated PostScript (檔案/或其他 格式的圖形檔案)按 貴行絕對酌情權同意及接受向 貴行發出關於帳戶的任何毋須出 具正本或通知行事。如因立約人(等)無法於 | P.11 |
修訂前 | 修訂後 | 頁次 |
instruction(s), we/I are/am willing to bear full responsibility, and the Bank shall not be responsible therefor and we/I shall not seek legal responsibility from the Bank. | 貴行作業時間內配合完成確認作業,致使貴行無法執行該傳真指示/電子郵件傳送表單 指示,立約人(等)願負全部責任,概與 貴行無關,立約人(等)亦不得向 貴行追究任何法律責任。 The specimen signature(s) for Facsimile or Imaged File by way of email Instructions Services shall be limited to our/my specimen signature card lodged with the Bank. We/I hereby authorize the Bank to carry out the operations concerned after having verified the authenticity of the signature(s). We/I are/am willing to keep properly the specimen signature(s) or password concerned required by various operations, and are/am willing to cooperate with the Bank on various identity verification processes. For facsimile or imaged file by way of instructions, we/I, hereby request and authorize you (but you are not obliged) to act on any instructions or communications for any purpose without production of the original of the same which may from time to time be or purport to be given by way of facsimile or imaged files attached to electronic mail including, without limitation, those files in the format of Tag Image File, Windows BitMaps, Portable Network Graphics, Graphics Interchange, Joint Photographic Experts Group, RAW, Adobe Portable Document, Encapsulated PostScript and the imaged files in such other formats as agreed and accepted by you in your absolute discretion in connection with our/my account(s) by me/any of us; or by any person from time to time authorized to operate our/my account(s) in our/my name with you. If we/I are/am unable to complete the identity verification process within the Bank’s work hours which results in the Bank’s inability to execute such facsimile instruction(s), we/I are/am willing to bear full responsibility, and the Bank shall not be responsible therefor and we/I shall not seek legal responsibility from the Bank. |
公司戶開戶申請書_v10_201406 修訂對照表
修訂前 | 修訂後 | 頁次 |
Chinatrust Commercial Bank, Ltd. | CTBC Bank Co., Ltd. | P.1 P.18 P.21 |
香港銀行公會規則 Rules of the Hong Kong Association of Banks (“HKAB”) 9. 一切賬戶須遵守當時施行及約束本行的香港銀行公會規則。本合約與上述規則如有牴觸時,前者即自動作出有效的變更及修訂,使本行能符合該規則(包括特種利率規定)。由於使本行能符合該規則而做出的上述修正,經本行在任何 兩份香港通行報紙上公告後,對賬戶 持有人即告生效及具有無可爭辯的約束力。 All Accounts shall be subject to the rules of HKAB for the time being which are binding on the Bank. If there is any conflict between the Agreement and the above rules, the former shall be deemed automatically varied and effectively amend to enable the Bank to comply with such rules (including special rates rules). Any of the above mentioned amendments arising out of for the Bank’s compliance with the rules of HKAB shall be effective and conclusively binding on the Account Holder(s) so long as the same has been announced by the Bank in any two newspapers circulated in Hong Kong. | 香港銀行公會規則 Rules of the Hong Kong Association of Banks (“HKAB”) 9.一切賬戶須遵守當時施行及約束本行的香港銀行公會規則。本合約與上述規則如有牴觸時,前者即自動作出有效的變更及修訂,使本行能符合該規則(包括特種利率規定)。 All Accounts shall be subject to the rules of HKAB for the time being which are binding on the Bank. If there is any conflict between the Agreement and the above rules, the former shall be deemed automatically varied and effectively amend to enable the Bank to comply with such rules (including special rates rules). | P.3 |
23.客戶連續十二個月帳戶無交易往來,該銀行得將該帳 戶歸入「靜止戶」,自轉入日起,不得執行交易(含網 路銀行服務)。靜止戶欲恢復往來,須透過該銀行客 服人員進行啓用。 In the event that the account of the account Holder is inactive or dormant for 12 consecutive years, the Bank may unilaterally categorize such an account as a dormant account. Upon the customer’s account is dormant, no transaction can be made via automatic equipment including Internet banking service. The customer can apply for re-activation of dormant account through the bank’s customer service representative. | P.9 | |
各類帳戶總條款 General Terms and Conditions for All Accounts 關 於個人資料(私隱)條例(“該條例”)致賬戶持有人的通知(個人賬戶持有人)Notice to Customers relating to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (the “Ordinance”)(for individual Account Holder) …… | 各類帳戶總條款 General Terms and Conditions for All Accounts 關於個人資料(私隱)條例(“該條例”)致賬戶持有人的通知(個人賬戶持有人)Notice to Customers relating to the P ersonal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (the “Ordinance”)(for individual Account Holder) …… (xii)遵循美國外國帳戶稅收遵從法(Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act,簡稱 FATCA),依法辨識美國稅務居 民身分別,向美國當局、依法有權機關(包含美國國 稅局)、金融監理機關或其他法定對象申報美國稅務 居民海外帳戶資料。 | P.11 |
修訂前 | 修訂後 | 頁次 |
Complying with the US Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (or hereafter the “FATCA”) to identify US tax residents and report account information to the Authority (including Internal Revenue Service) or financial supervisory institute. | ||
補 充 條 款 ( 供 行 使 傳 真 指 示 使 用)Supplemental provisions (for acting on facsimile instructions) ...... (a)賬戶持有人授權本行可隨時操作任何帳戶經授權簽署之傳真指示(以下將此類指示統稱為「指示」)。 The Account Holder(s) hereby authorize the Bank to act in accordance with any facsimile instruction for any Account duly signed with authorization. Each of such instructions shall hereinafter be referred to as an "Instruction". | 補 充條款(供行使傳真/電子郵件傳送表單影像指示使用)Supplemental provisions (for acting on facsimile/Imaged File by way of email instructions) ...... (a)賬戶持有人授權本行可隨時操作任何帳戶經授權簽署之傳真/電子郵件傳送表單影像指示(以下將此類指示統稱為「指示」)。 The Account Holder(s) hereby authorize the Bank to act in accordance with any facsimile/Imaged File by way of email instruction for any Account duly signed with authorization. Each of such instructions shall hereinafter be referred to as an "Instruction". | P.17 |
董 事 會 會 議 紀 錄 II.各項銀行服務之申請 Application for Various Banking Services 就申請網路銀行服務、傳真交易指示、電話銀行服務及電話銀行服務/一般傳真指示申請表格中所載之各項服務: In relation to the application for internet banking services, facsimile instructions, phone banking services, and other services as described in the Phone Banking Services / General Facsimile Instruction Application Form: (1)本公司同意向貴行申請網路銀行服務、傳真交易指示、電話銀行服務及電話銀行服務/一 般傳真指示申請表格(下稱“申請表格”); That the Company agrees to apply for internet banking services, facsimile instructions, phone banking services, and other services as described in the Phone Banking Services / General Facsimile Instruction Application Form(hereinafter called the “Application Form”); | 董 事 會 會 議 紀 錄 II.各項銀行服務之申請 Application for Various Banking Services 就申請網路銀行服務、傳真/電子郵件傳送表單影像交易指示、電話銀行服務及電話銀行服務/傳真/電子郵件 傳送表單影像指示申請表格中所載之各項服務: In relation to the application for internet banking services, facsimile/Imaged File by way of email instructions, phone banking services, and other services as described in the Phone Banking Services/Facsimile/Imaged File by way of email Instruction Application Form: (1)本公司同意向貴行申請網路銀行服務、傳真交易指示、電話銀行服務及電話銀行服務/傳真/電子郵件 傳送表單影像指示申請表格(下稱“申請表格”); That the Company agrees to apply for internet banking services, facsimile instructions, phone banking services, and other services as described in the Phone Banking Services/Facsimile/Imaged File by way of email Instruction Application Form(hereinafter called the “Application Form”); | P.22 |
□本公司就上述銀行服務,經過本次董事會決議通過,依據上述內容,向貴行作出申請網路銀行服務、傳真交易指示、電話銀行服務及電話銀行服務/一般傳真指示申請表格中所載之各項服務。 IT WAS RESOLVED THAT the Company shall apply for internet banking services, facsimile instructions, phone banking services, and other services as described in the Phone Banking Services / General | □本公司就上述銀行服務,經過本次董事會決議通過,依據上述內容,向貴行作出申請網路銀行服務、傳真/ 電子郵件傳送表單影像交易指示、電話銀行服務及電話銀行服務/傳真/電子郵件傳送表單影像指示申請表格中所載之各項服務。 IT WAS RESOLVED THAT the Company shall apply for internet banking services, facsimile/Imaged File by way of email instructions, phone banking services, and other services as described in the Phone Banking Services/Facsimile/Imaged File by way of email | P.22 |
修訂前 | 修訂後 | 頁次 |
Facsimile Instruction Application Form。 | Instruction Application Form。 |
個金香港分行各項業務金融交易及有價證券約定條款_v3_201407 修訂對照表
條款 | 修訂前 | 修訂後 |
第一章第一條 | 二、客戶:指任何一名自然人或已簽署申請書的自然人,在適用情況下亦包括客戶的任何遺產代理人或合法承繼人; | 二、客戶:指任何該銀行同意按照本約定條款用 其姓名或名稱開立及維持任何帳戶之 人士,在適用情況下亦包括客戶的任何遺 產代理人或合法承繼人及被授權人士; |
六、指示:指客戶根據本總約定書條款給予該銀行之指示或依照該銀行規定方式送達或傳送至該銀行之口頭、書面、傳真或電報指示,惟每項指示必須符合該銀行不時為每類交易指定之條件及限制; | 六、指示:指客戶根據本總約定書條款給予該銀行之指示或依照該銀行規定方式送達或傳送至該銀行之口頭、書面、傳真、電 子郵件傳送表單影像或電報指示,惟每項指示必須符合該銀行不時為每類交易指 定之條件及限制; | |
第一章第三條 | 無 | 七、客戶連續十二個月未登入網路銀行,其網 路銀行非約定轉帳之限額將歸零,客戶如 擬恢復轉帳限額,應重新申請。 |
第一章第四條 | 一般傳真指示服務條款(General Facsimile Instructions) | 傳真指示/電子郵件傳送表單影像指示服務條款(Facsimile or Imaged File by way of email Instruction Services) |
一、客戶授權該銀行可接受客戶以傳真方式傳遞之各項業務指示,惟該傳真指示仍應以該銀行各項業務制式申請表單為之,並應加 x該帳戶之原留簽章。(以下將此類指示統稱為「指示」)。 | 一、客戶授權該銀行可接受客戶以傳真方式或 電子郵件傳送表單影像檔案傳遞之各項業務指示,惟該等指示仍應以該銀行各項業務制式申請表單為之,並應涵蓋申請表單 之全部內容且加蓋該帳戶之原留簽章。(以 下將此類指示統稱為「指示」)。 | |
六、客戶應於該銀行指定服務時間以內發送傳 真指示。若有關指示未能於指定服務時間 內獲該銀行接收,該銀行有權決定不接受該傳真指示或於次營業日始執行該筆傳 真交易;傳真交易涉及之匯率部分須依該銀行於執行傳真交易當日所掛牌或約定 之匯率辦理。客戶瞭解傳真交易可能因系 統的限制或該銀行運作程序的影響而未必能夠即時或即日處理。客戶同意該銀行 毋須對於較後時間執行非指定時間內收受之傳真交易而向客戶或其他人士(包括公 司,不論構成法律團體與否)負任何責 任。 | 六、客戶應於該銀行指定服務時間以內發送指示。若有關指示未能於指定服務時間內獲該銀行接收或可能因系統的限制或該銀行 運作程序的影響而未必能夠即時或即 日處理,客戶瞭解且同意該銀行有權決定 不接受該指示或於次營業日始執行該筆 交易,且毋須對於較後時間執行非指定時 間內收受之指示而向客戶或其他人士(包括公司,不論構成法律團體與否)負任何責 任;另交易涉及之匯率部分須依該銀行於 執行交易當日所掛牌或約定之匯率辦理。 | |
七、客戶在每次發出傳真指示時須採用該銀行規定之「傳真交易指示」專用格式,客戶可依實際情況自行增補欄位,惟須先經該 銀行同意。 | 七、客戶在每次發出指示時須採用該銀行規定之專用格式,客戶可依實際情況自行增補欄位,惟須先經該銀行同意。 | |
八、「傳真交易指示」正本無須送交該銀行。 該銀行得以該傳真交易指示申請書傳真本視為存取款或其他業務申請書或相關書類之正式憑證。 | 八、該等指示之正本無須送交該銀行。交易指示申請書傳真本或表單影像將視為存取款或其他業務申請書或相關書類之正式 憑證。 | |
第一章第四條 | 九、客戶同意,無論任何原因導致客戶傳真指示內容或簽章不清無法辨認時,該銀行有權拒絕接受該筆傳真指示。客戶並同意除該銀行之故意或重大過失外,就該傳 真指示之真偽及意思表示之正確性或在傳送過程中發生任何不正確、中斷、錯失、延 誤或故障等,該銀行無須負任何責任。客 | 九、客戶同意,無論任何原因導致客戶指示內容或簽章不清無法辨認時,該銀行有權拒絕接受該筆指示。客戶並同意除該銀行之故意或重大過失外,就該指示之真偽及意思表示之正確性或在傳送過程中發生任何不正確、中斷、錯失、延誤或故障等, 該銀行無須負任何責任。客戶同意指示一 |
條款 | 修訂前 | 修訂後 |
戶同意傳真指示一經發出,未得該銀行同意,不可將之撤銷或撤回。客戶須繼續對所發出的任何傳真指示負全部責任,除非該銀行同意並確認撤銷或撤回指示的請 求。 | 經發出,未得該銀行同意,不可將之撤銷或撤回。客戶須繼續對所發出的任何指示負全部責任,除非該銀行同意並確認撤銷或撤回指示的請求。 | |
十、客戶瞭解並接受以傳真發出指示可能帶來的風險。由於傳真指示上的簽章並非為正本簽章,其可能會被偽冒。以傳真機所發 出的傳真指示可能因按錯號碼而未能送達至該銀行,亦可能被誤送到別處,因而被第三者得悉其內容時,該銀行不需負擔 任何責任。 | 十、客戶瞭解並接受發出指示可能帶來的風險。由於指示上的簽x並非為正本簽章, 其可能會被偽冒。指示可能因按錯號碼或錯 誤的電子郵件地址而未能送達至該銀行,亦可能被誤送到別處,因而被第三者得悉其內容時,該銀行不需負擔任何責 任。 | |
十一、客戶同意承擔所有傳真發出指示所帶來的風險,亦放棄就下列各項向該銀行申索: (一)系統或設備失靈(不論是否由該銀行提供),包括電訊服務; (二)該銀行接受任何依外觀認定為客戶所發出、實際上未獲授權之傳真指示; (三)該銀行因電信線路問題而導致延遲執行客戶的指示; (四)客戶因重複傳真而導致該銀行重複執行客戶的指示; (五)該銀行延遲或未能交付或提供任何部 份的傳真交易服務。 | 十一、客戶同意承擔該等指示所帶來的風險, 亦放棄就下列各項向該銀行申索: (一)系統或設備失靈(不論是否由該銀行提供),包括電訊服務; (二)該銀行接受任何依外觀認定為客戶所發出、實際上未獲授權之指示; (三)該銀行因電信線路問題而導致延遲執行客戶的指示; (四)客戶因重複傳真/重複經電子郵件傳送 表單影像而導致該銀行重複執行客戶的指示; (五)該銀行延遲或未能交付或提供任何部 份的指示服務。 | |
十二、客戶同意該銀行可不定時修訂或增減傳真交易範圍及相關條件,包括修改及增補本部份之約定條款。若該銀行修訂本約定條款及/或加入額外條文,有關修訂將在該銀行營業廳或網站;或其他該銀行認為合適的形式告示,對客戶即作為正式有效的通知。倘客戶在修訂生效當 日或以後繼續維持或使用傳真交易服務,則視為客戶同意該修訂之條款,並且有關之修訂條款立即對客戶具約束力。透過傳真指示及傳真交易服務提供的各種帳戶或設施,須受不定時補充、修訂或替代的各別適用的合約章則及條款、帳戶委託書及客戶指引與手冊("服務條件")之規範。客戶確認本服務條款的內容,將不會限制服務條件中列明的 任何特定條款。 | 十二、客戶同意該銀行可不定時修訂或增減該 等指示服務範圍及相關條件,包括修改及增補本部份之約定條款。若該銀行修訂本約定條款及/或加入額外條文,有關修訂將在該銀行營業廳或網站;或其他該銀行認為合適的形式告示,對客戶即作為正式有效的通知。倘客戶在修訂生效當日或以後繼續維持或使用該等指示服務,則視為客戶同意該修訂之條款, 並且有關之修訂條款立即對客戶具約束力。透過該等指示服務提供的各種帳戶或設施,須受不定時補充、修訂或替代的各別適用的合約章則及條款、帳戶委託書及客戶指引與手冊("服務條件")之規範。客戶確認本服務條款的內容,將不會限制服務條件中列明的任何特定條 款。 | |
十三、客戶明白傳真交易服務乃該銀行為方便客戶而增設之服務,並無取代其他方法之意。若傳真交易服務因任何緣故(不論是否為該銀行引致或為該銀行控制範圍之內)無法使用或失效,客戶無向該銀行要求任何賠償之權利,且僅能利用其他方式(例如以臨櫃方式)申請各項業務;若客戶已以臨櫃申請各項業務, 須確保不會其後以傳真指示方式重複 作出相同指示。如因客戶疏忽而致該銀 | 十三、客戶明白該等指示服務乃該銀行為方便客戶而增設之服務,並無取代其他方法之意。若該等指示服務因任何緣故(不論是否為該銀行引致或為該銀行控制範圍之內)無法使用或失效,客戶無向該銀行要求任何賠償之權利,且僅能利用其他方式(例如以臨櫃方式)申請各項業務;若客戶已以臨櫃申請各項業務, 須確保不會其後以該等指示方式重複 作出相同指示。如因客戶疏忽而致該銀 |
條款 | 修訂前 | 修訂後 |
行重複執行指示時,客戶應對因此所衍 生之一切損失自行負責。 | 行重複執行指示時,客戶應對因此所衍 生之一切損失自行負責。 | |
十四、該銀行在接收、行使、處理、憑據此類傳真指示時,所為之作為或不作為,除 因該銀行蓄意違約外客戶須負責賠償該銀行隨時可能面對或引起的一切索賠,訴訟、損失、損害、成本費用支出或因此而蒙受的損失,無論此等行為是直接或間接由於或關乎該銀行收受傳真指示及執行或未有執行該等指示。此 項責任於該銀行終止向客戶提供傳真 交易服務後仍然生效。 | 十四、該銀行在接收、行使、處理、憑據該等指示時,所為之作為或不作為,除因該銀行蓄意違約外, 客戶須負責賠償該銀行隨時可能面對或引起的一切索賠,訴訟、損失、損害、成本費用支出或因此而蒙受的損失,無論此等行為是直接或間接由於或關乎該銀行收受客戶所發出 之該等指示及執行或未有執行該等指示。此項責任於該銀行終止向客戶提 供該等指示服務後仍然生效。 | |
十五、客戶應確保帳戶內已有足夠款項或預先安排的信用貸款以執行傳真指示,如因款項及/或信用貸款不足以至無法執行該傳真指示,該銀行對於因此而引起的 一切後果,該銀行將不負任何責任。 | 十五、客戶應確保帳戶內已有足夠款項或預先安排的信用貸款以執行該等指示,如因款項及/或信用貸款不足以至無法執行該等指示,該銀行對於因此而引起的一 切後果將不負任何責任。 | |
十六、該銀行有權隨時通知客戶,該銀行得暫停、終止或不繼續接受客戶以傳真指示方式進行部份或全部傳真交易,並且即刻生效。此外,若該銀行認為客戶帳戶有不當往來之情形或本項服務有遭他人非法使用之虞時,該銀行得隨時逕行終止本項服務,而不無須另行事先通知,該銀行對此等終止服務將不負任何 責任。 | 十六、該銀行有權隨時通知客戶,該銀行得暫停、終止或不繼續接受客戶以該等指示方式進行部份或全部交易,並且即刻生效。此外,若該銀行認為客戶帳戶有不當往來之情形或本項服務有遭他人非法使用之虞時,該銀行得隨時逕行終止本項服務,而無須另行事先通知,該銀行對此等終止服務將不負任何責任。 | |
十七、客戶同意該銀行可(但無義務)採用錄音方式記錄對客戶及/或照會人員的電話照會,該記錄對客戶具有約束力,並可作為證據,證明存在該等交易及通訊及其中所載的事實。所有該等錄音屬該銀行所有。該銀行可訂定保存客戶及其他文件的期限,並可能在期限過後銷毀該文件。該銀行於收到客戶一般傳真指示後一律與客戶(或聯名戶的主帳戶人) 電話聯絡確認有關指示。 | 十七、客戶同意該銀行可(但無義務)採用錄音方式記錄對客戶及/或照會人員的電話照會,該記錄對客戶具有約束力,並可作為證據,證明存在該等交易及通訊及其中所載的事實。所有該等錄音屬該銀行所有。該銀行可訂定保存客戶及其他文件的期限,並可能在期限過後銷毀該文件。該銀行於收到客戶該等指示後一律與客戶(或聯名戶的主帳戶人)電話 聯絡確認有關指示。 | |
第二章第五條 | 六、口頭與書面 就本約定條款之目的,客戶授權該銀行全權判斷、認定及執行客戶以口頭或書面方式所為之請求、指示、確認或其他相關行為,進行相關之處理。「口頭」指客戶本身或所授權人員親自所為或經由電話所為之行為;客戶同意該銀行須按法規要求為雙方對話加以錄音並為客戶進行語音密碼核身,其錄音存檔於設在該銀行營業地點的中央錄音系統(存檔期為不少於3 個月),以為佐證。「書面」指以正本、電報或傳真本所為之行為。客戶授權該銀行將電報、傳真本視同正本加以處理,絕無異議。若該銀行認為傳真本或表單影像之文字或資料模糊不清或有疑義時,得選擇拒絕受理或與客戶確認,客戶以書面為各項交易提出請求時, 同意簽蓋書面所載之授權扣款戶口號碼之原 | 七、口頭與書面 就本約定條款之目的,客戶授權該銀行全權判斷、認定及執行客戶以口頭或書面方式所為之請求、指示、確認或其他相關行為,進行相關之處理。「口頭」指客戶本身或所授權人員親自所為或經由電話所為之行為;客戶同意該銀行須按法規要求為雙方對話加以錄音並為客戶進行語音密碼核身,其錄音存檔於設在該銀行營業地點的中央錄音系統(存檔期為不少於3 個月),以為佐證。「書面」指以正本、電報、傳真本或表單影像所為之行為。客戶授權該銀行將電報、傳真本或表單影像視同正本加以處理,絕無異議。若該銀行認為傳真本或表單影像之文字或資料模糊不清或有疑義時,得選擇拒絕受理或與客戶確認,客戶以書面為各項交 易提出請求時,同意簽蓋書面所載之授權扣款 |
條款 | 修訂前 | 修訂後 |
留存該銀行印鑑樣式,該樣式能有效代表客戶與該銀行簽訂之書面申請及 ISDA 或 IFEMA 所涉及之各項交易及業務往來,於客戶提出書面 修改通知正本前均有效。 | 戶口號碼之原留存該銀行印鑑樣式,該樣式能有效代表客戶與該銀行簽訂之書面申請及ISDA 或 IFEMA 所涉及之各項交易及業務往 來,於客戶提出書面修改通知正本前均有效。 | |
第三章第四條 | 一、客戶瞭解並同意該銀行根據本約定書獲客戶委任及授權擔任代理人辦理有價證券業務之相關交易時,可能得自交易對手之任何費用,均係作為代理人收取之佣金。基金交易中,基金發行機構基於不同收費方式與項目,得發行不同種類(classes)之基金股份。一般來說,申購費於申購 A 類股份 (class A shares) 時 收 取 , 而CDSC(Contingent Deferred Sales Charge) 於 贖回 B 類股份(class B shares)時收取。 | 客戶瞭解並同意該銀行根據本約定書獲客戶委任及授權擔任代理人辦理有價證券業務之相關交易時,可能得自交易對手之任何費用, 均係作為代理人收取之佣金。基金交易中,基金發行機構基於不同收費方式與項目,得發行不同種類(classes)之基金股份。一般來說,申購費於申購 A 類股份(class A shares)時收取, 而 CDSC(Contingent Deferred Sales Charge)於贖回 B 類股份(class B shares)時收取。 |
附錄 2 5 | 無 | 5.7.其他: |
無 | 5.8.就銀行美國外國帳戶稅收遵從法(Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, 簡 稱 FATCA) 遵循業務之特定目的須蒐集、處理及利用 之個人資料,如客戶不同意提供或提供資 料不足,銀行必須依 FATCA 規定將客戶帳 戶列為 FATCA 不合作帳戶(Recalcitrant Account),而得自存入客戶名下屬 FATCA 法案所規範金融商品特定帳戶之款項扣 繳 30%之美國稅款,銀行並得依約對客戶 提前終止所有數FATCA 法案規範金融商品 之契約、帳戶、往來業務關係及提供之相 關服務(不論在香港特別區境內或境外)。 |
Article | Original Terms and Conditions | Revised Terms and Conditions |
Chinatrust Commercial Bank Ltd., | CTBC Bank Co., Ltd. | |
Chapter 1 Article 1 | II. “Customer” shall mean any natural person or a natural person who has signed the account opening form, where applicable includes the administrator or legal success or of the Customer; | II. “Customer” mean any person who agrees to the terms and conditions of the agreement and use his or her name in account opening, where applicable includes the administrator or legal success or of the Customer; |
Chapter 1 Article 1 | VI. “Instruction” shall mean the instruction provided to the Bank by the Customer in accordance with this Agreement through Internet banking services or the verbal, written, facsimile or cable instructions to be delivered or transmitted to the Bank provided that each instruction must comply with the conditions and restrictions designated for each transaction by the Bank from time to time; | VI. “Instruction” shall mean the instruction provided to the Bank by the Customer in accordance with this Agreement through Internet banking services or the verbal, written, facsimile, imaged file or cable instructions to be delivered or transmitted to the Bank provided that each instruction must comply with the conditions and restrictions designated for each transaction by the Bank from time to time; |
Chapter 1 Article 3 | VII. If the Customer hasn’t logged in to the Internet Banking for 12 consecutive years online fund transfers by way of Internet Banking to unregistered third-party account will be set to zero compulsorily. The Customer shall apply for resetting the transaction if Customer intends to. | |
Chapter 1 Article 4 | Terms and conditions for General Facsimile Instructions I. The Customer authorizes the Bank to accept the instructions of the Customer transmitted by means of facsimile provided such facsimile instruction shall be in the form for various businesses of the Bank and affixed with the specimen signature of such account holder. (hereinafter such type of instructions are referred to as “instructions”). | Terms and conditions for Facsimile or Imaged File by way of email Instructions Service I. The Customer authorizes the Bank to accept the instructions of the Customer transmitted by means of facsimile or imaged fileby way of email, provided such facsimile or imaged file by way of email instruction shall be in the form for various businesses of the Bank and affixed with the whole image of application forms and specimen signature of such account holder. (hereinafter such type of instructions are referred to as “instructions”). |
Chapter 1 Article 4 | VI. The Customer shall transmit the facsimile instruction to the Bank within the designated service hours. If the relevant instruction is not received by the Bank within the designated service hours, the Bank is entitled to decide not to accept such facsimile instruction or to execute such facsimile transaction on the following business day. The exchange rate involved in the facsimile transaction shall be determined according to the rate quoted by the Bank or other exchange rate agreed on the date the facsimile transaction is executed. The Customer understands that the facsimile instruction may not be dealt with immediately or on the same day due to system limitation or the operation procedures of the Bank. The Customer agrees that the Bank does not have any liability to the Customer or other parties (including corporations, whether incorporated or not) for the execution of facsimile instruction received after the designated service hours. | VI. The Customer shall transmit the instruction to the Bank within the designated service hours. If the relevant instruction is not received by the Bank within the designated service hours, the Bank is entitled to decide not to accept such instruction or to execute such transaction on the following business day. The exchange rate involved in the transaction shall be determined according to the rate quoted by the Bank or other exchange rate agreed on the date the transaction is executed. The Customer understands that the instruction may not be dealt with immediately or on the same day due to system limitation or the operation procedures of the Bank. The Customer agrees that the Bank does not have any liability to the Customer or other parties (including corporations, whether incorporated or not) for the execution of instruction received after the designated service hours. |
Chapter 1 Article 4 | VII. The Customer shall transmit the specific form of facsimile instruction provided by the Bank whenever each facsimile instruction is transmitted. The Customer may add and supplement information to the form according to the circumstance but subject to the consent of the Bank in advance. | VII. The Customer shall transmit the specific form of instruction provided by the Bank whenever each instruction is transmitted. The Customer may add and supplement information to the form according to the circumstance but subject to the consent of the Bank in advance. |
Chapter 1 Article 4 | VIII. The original of the facsimile instruction does not have to be delivered to the Bank. The Bank shall treat the copy of facsimile instruction application as the official evidence for the deposit or withdrawal of money or the application of other business or related documents. | VIII. The original of the instruction does not have to be delivered to the Bank. The Bank shall treat the copy of facsimile or imaged file by way of email instruction application as the official evidence for the deposit or withdrawal of money or the application of other business or related documents. |
Chapter 1 Article 4 | IX. The Customer agrees in any event if the content or the signature of the facsimile instruction transmitted by the Customer is illegible, the Bank is entitled to reject such facsimile instruction. The Customer also agrees that the Bank shall not be liable for the authenticity of the facsimile instruction or any inaccuracy, interruption, mistake, delay or breakdown arising from such facsimile instruction except arising from the willful default or gross negligence of the Bank. The Customer agrees that once the facsimile instruction is transmitted, it is irrevocable or cannot be withdrawn without the consent of the Bank. The Customer shall continue to assume full responsibility for any facsimile instruction transmitted by him/her, unless the Bank agrees and confirms to revoke or withdraw the instruction upon request. | IX. The Customer agrees in any event if the content or the signature of the instruction transmitted by the Customer is illegible, the Bank is entitled to reject such instruction. The Customer also agrees that the Bank shall not be liable for the authenticity of the instruction or any inaccuracy, interruption, mistake, delay or breakdown arising from such instruction except arising from the willful default or gross negligence of the Bank. The Customer agrees that once the instruction is transmitted, it is irrevocable or cannot be withdrawn without the consent of the Bank. The Customer shall continue to assume full responsibility for any instruction transmitted by him/her, unless the Bank agrees and confirms to revoke or withdraw the instruction upon request. |
Chapter 1 Article 4 | X. The Customer understands and accepts the risk that may arise from facsimile instruction. As the signature on the facsimile instruction is not the signature in original, it may be forged. The facsimile instruction transmitted by facsimile machine may not be delivered to the Bank due to wrong number. In the event it is transmitted by mistake to other places and the content becomes known to any third party, the Bank shall not have any liability. | X. The Customer understands and accepts the risk that may arise from instruction. As the signature on the instruction is not the signature in original, it may be forged. The instruction may not be delivered to the Bank due to wrong number or email address. In the event it is transmitted by mistake to other places and the content becomes known to any third party, the Bank shall not have any liability. |
Chapter 1 Article 4 | XI. The Customer agrees to assume the risk of facsimile instruction, and waives his/her right to claim from the Bank in respect of the following items: (VI) breakdown of system or equipment (whether or not the system or equipment is provided by the Bank), including telecommunication services and the TOKEN; (VII) the Bank accepts the facsimile instruction apparently transmitted from the Customer but in fact may not have been authorised; (VIII)the delay in the execution of the instruction of the Customer by the Bank as a result of telecommunication problems; (IX) the repeated transmission of the facsimile by the Customer resulting in the repeated execution of the instruction of the Customer by the Bank; (X) any delay or failure by the Bank in delivering or providing any part of facsimile transaction service. | XI. The Customer agrees to assume the risk of instruction, and waives his/her right to claim from the Bank in respect of the following items: (VI)breakdown of system or equipment (whether or not the system or equipment is provided by the Bank), including telecommunication services and the TOKEN; (VII) the Bank accepts the instruction apparently transmitted from the Customer but in fact may not have been authorised; (VIII) the delay in the execution of the instruction of the Customer by the Bank as a result of telecommunication problems; (IX)the repeated transmission of the facsimile or imaged file by way of email by the Customer resulting in the repeated execution of the instruction of the Customer by the Bank; (X)any delay or failure by the Bank in delivering or providing any part of facsimile or imaged file by way of email instruction service. |
Chapter 1 Article 4 | XII. The Customer agrees that the Bank may amend or add and delete the scope of facsimile transaction and related terms from time to time, including the amendment, addition and supplement of the terms in this section. The amendment of these terms and conditions and / or addition of new terms to these terms and conditions by the Bank will be published by the Bank in the form of announcement, advertisement or other appropriate means so as to inform the Customer. If the Customer continues to maintain or use the facsimile transaction service on or after the date the amendment becomes effective, the Customer will be deemed to agree with and accept these terms and conditions as amended, which will be immediately binding on the Customer. The provision of various accounts or facilities through facsimile instruction and facsimile transaction services shall be governed by the contract rules and terms, letter of authorization and the guidance and manual for the Customer (“Service Conditions”) as supplemented, amended or substituted from time to time. The Customer confirms the content of these terms and conditions will not restrict any specific provisions set out in the Service Conditions. | XII. The Customer agrees that the Bank may amend or add and delete the scope of facsimile or imaged file by way of email instruction transaction and related terms from time to time, including the amendment, addition and supplement of the terms in this section. The amendment of these terms and conditions and / or addition of new terms to these terms and conditions by the Bank will be published by the Bank in the form of announcement, advertisement or other appropriate means so as to inform the Customer. If the Customer continues to maintain or use the facsimile or imaged file by way of email service on or after the date the amendment becomes effective, the Customer will be deemed to agree with and accept these terms and conditions as amended, which will be immediately binding on the Customer. The provision of various accounts or facilities through facsimile or imaged file by way of email instruction and facsimile imaged file by way of email instruction services shall be governed by the contract rules and terms, letter of authorization and the guidance and manual for the Customer (“Service Conditions”) as supplemented, amended or substituted from time to time. The Customer confirms the content of these terms and conditions will not restrict any specific provisions set out in the Service Conditions. |
Chapter 2 Article 4 | XIII. The Customer understands that the facsimile transaction service is a service offered by the Bank for the convenience of the Customer, and is not intended to substitute other means. If the facsimile transaction service cannot be used or becomes void due to any reason (whether or not caused by the Bank or within the control of the Bank), the Customer does not have the right to claim any compensation from the Bank, and will use other means, such as counter service to apply for various types of transaction. If the Customer has applied for transactions at the counter, the Customer shall ensure that he/she will not repeat the same instruction by means of facsimile instruction. If the negligence of the Customer causes repeated execution of instruction by the Bank, the Customer shall assume all losses arising therefrom. | XIII. The Customer understands that the facsimile or imaged file by way of email instruction service is a service offered by the Bank for the convenience of the Customer, and is not intended to substitute other means. If the facsimile or imaged file by way of email instruction service cannot be used or becomes void due to any reason (whether or not caused by the Bank or within the control of the Bank), the Customer does not have the right to claim any compensation from the Bank, and will use other means, such as counter service to apply for various types of transaction. If the Customer has applied for transactions at the counter, the Customer shall ensure that he/she will not repeat the same instruction by means of facsimile or imaged file by way of email instruction. If the negligence of the Customer causes repeated execution of instruction by the Bank, the Customer shall assume all losses arising therefrom. |
Chapter 2 Article 4 | XIV. All claims, litigations, losses, damages, costs and expenses arising from the act or omission of the Bank at any time based on the receipt, exercise, processing of facsimile instruction by the Bank will be indemnified by the Customer to the Bank, save as those arising from the willful default of the Bank, whether such acts are directly or indirectly arising from or related to the receipt and execution of the facsimile instruction by the Bank or failure in the execution of such instructions. Such liability will survive the Bank’s termination of provision of facsimile transaction service to the Customer. | XIV. All claims, litigations, losses, damages, costs and expenses arising from the act or omission of the Bank at any time based on the receipt, exercise, processing of instruction by the Bank will be indemnified by the Customer to the Bank, save as those arising from the willful default of the Bank, whether such acts are directly or indirectly arising from or related to the receipt and execution of the facsimile or imaged file by way of email instruction by the Bank or failure in the execution of such instructions. Such liability will survive the Bank’s termination of provision of facsimile or imaged file by way of email transaction service to the Customer. |
Chapter 2 Article 4 | XV. The Customer shall ensure that his/her account has adequate funds or pre-arranged credit facility to execute the facsimile instruction. If there is inadequate funds and / or credit facility to execute such facsimile instruction, the Bank will not assume any liability in respect of the consequences arising therefrom. | XV. The Customer shall ensure that his/her account has adequate funds or pre-arranged credit facility to execute the instruction. If there is inadequate funds and / or credit facility to execute such instruction, the Bank will not assume any liability in respect of the consequences arising therefrom. |
Chapter 2 Article 4 | XVI. The Bank is entitled to inform the Customer that the Bank will suspend, terminate or not continue to accept the Customer conducting part or all of the facsimile transaction by means of facsimile instruction, which will become effective immediately. In addition, if the Bank considers the account of the Customer has improper operation or the service is used illegally by other parties, the Bank shall terminate the service forthwith without any prior notice. The Bank will not assume any liability from the termination of such service. | XVI. The Bank is entitled to inform the Customer that the Bank will suspend, terminate or not continue to accept the Customer conducting part or all of the transaction by means of facsimile or imaged file by way of email instruction, which will become effective immediately. In addition, if the Bank considers the account of the Customer has improper operation or the service is used illegally by other parties, the Bank shall terminate the service forthwith without any prior notice. The Bank will not assume any liability from the termination of such service. |
Chapter 2 Article 4 | XVII. The Customer agrees that the Bank may (but not obliged to) tape record the telephone conversation between the Customer and / or the attending officer. Such records shall be binding on the Customer and can be used as evidence to prove the existence of such transactions and the facts contained in such communications. All such recordings are the properties of the Bank. The Bank shall set a time limit to keep such records and other documents of the Customer, and will destroy the originals after expiry of such time limit. Upon receipt of general facsimile instructions from the Customer, the Bank shall confirm such instructions by phone with the Customer (or the principal holder of a joint account). | XVII. The Customer agrees that the Bank may (but not obliged to) tape record the telephone conversation between the Customer and / or the attending officer. Such records shall be binding on the Customer and can be used as evidence to prove the existence of such transactions and the facts contained in such communications. All such recordings are the properties of the Bank. The Bank shall set a time limit to keep such records and other documents of the Customer, and will destroy the originals after expiry of such time limit. Upon receipt of instructions from the Customer, the Bank shall confirm such instructions by phone with the Customer (or the principal holder of a joint account). |
Chapter 3 Article5 | VI. Xxxxxx and in writing For the purposes of these terms and conditions, the Customer authorizes the Bank to assess, determine and execute in its sole discretion the Requests, instructions, confirmations or other related acts made by the Customer verbally or in writing, and handle any matters arising therefrom. “Verbally” shall mean the acts of the Customer in person or by its Authorized Persons or by phone. The Customer agrees that the Bank shall record the conversations of both parties pursuant to the regulations and verify the identity of the Customer with the phone banking password on the phone. The recording files are maintained at the central recording system set up at the business location of the Bank (which are kept for not less than 3 months) for evidences purpose. “In writing” shall mean the original, cable or facsimile. The Customer authorizes the Bank to process the cable and facsimile as an original without any dispute. If the Bank considers the text or information in the facsimile copy is illegible or questionable, the Bank may choose not to accept the request or contact the Customer to confirm. When the Customer makes requests for transactions in writing, the Customer agrees to sign in the same specimen signature retained at the Bank for debiting the account. The specimen signature is valid between the Customer and the Bank for various transactions and businesses relating to ISDA or IFEMA, and will remain valid until the Customer amends the same by giving an original notice in writing. | VI. Xxxxxx and in writing For the purposes of these terms and conditions, the Customer authorizes the Bank to assess, determine and execute in its sole discretion the Requests, instructions, confirmations or other related acts made by the Customer verbally or in writing, and handle any matters arising therefrom. “Verbally” shall mean the acts of the Customer in person or by its Authorized Persons or by phone. The Customer agrees that the Bank shall record the conversations of both parties pursuant to the regulations and verify the identity of the Customer with the phone banking password on the phone. The recording files are maintained at the central recording system set up at the business location of the Bank (which are kept for not less than 3 months) for evidences purpose. “In writing” shall mean the original, cable facsimile or imaged file by way of email. The Customer authorizes the Bank to process the cable, facsimile and imaged file by way of email as an original without any dispute. If the Bank considers the text or information in the facsimile or imaged file by way of email copy is illegible or questionable, the Bank may choose not to accept the request or contact the Customer to confirm. When the Customer makes requests for transactions in writing, the Customer agrees to sign in the same specimen signature retained at the Bank for debiting the account. The specimen signature is valid between the Customer and the Bank for various transactions and businesses relating to ISDA or IFEMA, and will remain valid until the Customer amends the same by giving an original notice in writing. |
Annexu | 5.7 Other institutes: |
re 2 5 | 5.8. For the purpose to collect, process and use the customer’s personal information pursuant to the terms for the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act of the United States, provided that the customer declines to provide personal information or provide insufficient personal information, CTBC must classify the customer’s account as “Recalcitrant Account” subject to withholding 30% tax from the payments (in connection with specific US source income, gross proceeds or foreign pass-thru payments), the account closure and termination of all financial instrument contracts and services, given that the customer fails to provide the personal information as required by FATCA whether inside or outside Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. |