account holder 1account holder ’ means any person who is due to receive a municipal account, which includes a user of pre-paid electricity or water;
annual budget 1annual budget ’ means the budget approved by the municipal council for any particular financial year, and includes any adjustments to such bud- get;
applicant 1applicant ’ means a person who applies for the supply of municipal services;
availability charge 1availability charge ’ means a fixed monthly or annual charge levied against the account holder which is based on the cost for providing a munici- pal service to the premises of the account holder;
billing 1billing ’ means invoicing on a municipal account to an account holder of an amount or amounts payable for rates, metered services, other munici- pal charges, levies, fees, fines, taxes, or any other amount or amounts payable arising from any other liability or obligation;
consumer 1consumer ’ means the occupier of any premises to which the municipality has agreed to supply or is actually supplying municipal services, or if there is no occupier, then any person who has entered into a service agreement with the municipality for the supply of municipal services to such premises, or, if there be no such person, then the owner of the premises, and ‘‘domestic consumer’’ or ‘‘domestic user’’ of municipal services means the person or household to which municipal services are rendered in respect of residential property;
consumer price index 1consumer price index ’ means the consumer price index (CPIX) as determined and gazetted by the South Bureau of Statistics;
Council 1Council ’ means the Council of the Hessequa Municipality (or any service provider to the municipality);
credit control 1credit control ’ means all the functions relating to the collection of revenue;
credit control and indigence policy 1credit control and indigence policy ’ means the credit control and indigence policy as approved by the Hessequa Municipal Council;
customer management 1customer management ’ means the focusing on the account holder’s needs in a responsive and proactive way to encourage payment and thereby limiting the need for enforcement;
customer service centre 1customer service centre ’ means and serves as—
disadvantaged 1disadvantaged ’ means ‘‘indigent’’;
due date 1due date ’ means the date specified as such on a municipal account for any charges payable and which is the last day allowed for the payment of such charges;
indigent 1indigent ’ means households with a total gross income that is less than a fixed amount and that comply with any other specific criteria as deter- mined by the Council, from time to time;
interest 1interest ’ means an amount calculated at a rate determined by the municipality on a municipal account in arrears;
land reform beneficiary 1land reform beneficiary ’, in relation to a property, means a person who—
major services 1major services ’ means those services contemplated in section 17(5);
market value 1market value ’ in relation to a property means the value of the property as determined in accordance with section 46 of the Property Rates Act, 2004 (Act 6 of 2004);
minor tariffs 1minor tariffs ’ means all tariffs, charges, fees, rentals or fines levied or imposed by the municipality in respect of services, other than major ser- vices provided, and includes services incidental to the provision of the major services.