Obligations of Sample Clauses

Obligations of. The Companies
Obligations of. LIMITED AT PART 1
Obligations of shall have the right to organize its own sales activities as best considered, in its own name and on its own account. To this end, they can contract its customers with users licenses, to fix the conditions of contracting with its End Customers -in accordance with the terms of this agreement-, always respecting the levels of quality and presence that fit service and target market, with special care not to carry out actions that could in any way damage the image and brand of IMTCloud and the IMTLazarus service.
Obligations of. THALES AND/OR TCSA To deliver to Nice a certified copy of the shareholders resolution of TCSA: (a) authorising the transfer of the French Business; and (b) approving the transfer of the registered office of TCSA to a new location.
Obligations of. Downsizing Generators for Costs of Amending GIAsA Downsizing Generator will be responsible for the actual costs incurred by the CAISO and applicable Participating TO(s) to amend its Generator Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 3.10.12 to incorporate changes resulting from the Generator Downsizing Process.
Obligations of. GSTN Without prejudice to any other undertakings or obligations of GSTN under this Agreement,
Obligations of. THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH (MOH) 1. Provide and support the procurement of modern contraceptives in response to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan’s public sector forecasted modern contraceptives needs in accordance with the procurement schedule described in Table 2 below: PRODUCT: INJECTABLES (Depo-provera) CONDOMS (No-logo) IUDS (Copper-T-380A) COMBINED OCS (Lo- Femenal) PROGESTIN ONLY PILLS (Ovrette) YEAR Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity 2006 15,200 2,000,000 0 0 0 2007 16,000 2,304,000 0 0 0 2008 15,200 3,000,000 0 300,000 138,000 2. Earmark sufficient budget support for the purchase of modern contraceptives.
Obligations of shall have the following obligations:
Obligations of. User User agrees that: (A) With respect to PHI, User shall: (1) Make PHI available in a designated record set if requested by CTH, if User maintains PHI in a designated record set, as defined in HIPAA. (2) Provide to CTH data aggregation services related to the healthcare operations User performs for CTH, if requested by CTH, if User provides data aggregation services as defined in HIPAA. (3) Provide access to PHI to an individual who is requesting his or her own PHI, or such individual’s Legally Authorized Representative, in compliance with the requirements of HIPAA. (4) Make PHI available to CTH for amendment, and incorporate any amendments to PHI that CTH directs, in compliance with HIPAA. (5) Document and make available to CTH, an accounting of disclosures in compliance with the requirements of HIPAA. (6) If User receives a request for access, amendment or accounting of PHI by any individual, promptly forward the request to CTH or, if forwarding the request would violate HIPAA, promptly notify CTH of the request and of User’s response. CTH will respond to all such requests, unless User is Required by Law to respond or CTH has given prior written consent for User to respond to and account for all such requests. (B) With respect to ALL Confidential Information, User shall: (1) Exercise reasonable care and no less than the same degree of care User uses to protect its own confidential, proprietary and trade secret information to prevent Confidential Information from being used in a manner that is not expressly an Authorized Purpose or as Required by Law. User will access, create, maintain, receive, use, disclose, transmit or Destroy Confidential Information in a secure fashion that protects against any reasonably anticipated threats or hazards to the security or integrity of such information or unauthorized uses. (2) Establish, implement and maintain appropriate procedural, administrative, physical and technical safeguards to preserve and maintain the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the Confidential Information, in accordance with applicable laws or regulations relating to Confidential Information, to prevent any unauthorized use or disclosure of Confidential Information as long as User has such Confidential Information in its actual or constructive
Obligations of. (1) Under this Agreement, the Implementing Partner is responsible for implementing agreed activities, and shall hereunder: (a) Have the overall responsibility for the planning, implementation, reporting and monitoring (2), (b) Provide the financial and other resources required in addition to the Grant, including the contribution from … [Partner Country/implementing Partner/other donors] of [currency and amount] (3), (c) Ensure that the Grant is used according to the approved work plans and budget, (d) Ensure that funds under this Agreement are properly accounted for, and that the Grant is reflected in the plan, budgets and accounting of Implementing Partner (4), (e) Promptly inform Denmark of any condition which interferes or threatens to interfere with the successful implementation. 1) This article describes the inputs and obligations of the Implementing Partner needed to achieve the thematic objective(s), outcomes(s) and outputs stated in the Development Engagement Document. 2) If applicable; mentioning of safeguards e.g. on procurement and triggers that will abolish the safeguards, 3) Partner financial contribution to be included if applicable. 4) If it is not possible for the Implementing Partner to include the Grant in its budgets, plans and account, the clause should be modified in a way to describe what trigger/action to be taken in order to have the Grant fully reflected.