Provided by the Contractor Sample Clauses

Provided by the Contractor. Describe what the Contractor is to provide in the way of accommodation, laboratories, storage, vehicles and office equipment for the Service Manager and any restrictions or minimum requirements concerning the Contractor’s own facilities. Also state what happens to these facilities upon completion of the contract.
Provided by the Contractor. The Contractor shall provide, for his own use adequate size offices. - A cleaning service must also be provided. - Domestic rubbish will be removed free of charge. - The Contractor shall dismantle and clear off site all such infrastructure at the discretion of the Service Manager on completion of the contract. - No such dismantling and clearance work shall be carried out without prior approval by the Service Manager. - Any electrical equipment or appliances used by the Contractor shall conform to the applicable South African Safety standards and Kriel standard PSR 010, and shall be maintained in safe and proper working condition. - The Employer shall have the right to stop the Contractor’s use of any electrical equipment or appliance, which in the Employer’s opinion does not conform to the foregoing. - Site Location - - The boundary of the site is within the Power Station boundary fences. - The Contractor is to xxxx the boundaries of his site clearly. - The Contractor is to ensure that all his material and equipment is always within the boundaries of his site. - A site for the Contractor will be provided if needed. (The exact position will be determined on site). - The Contractor will ensure further treatment of the yard area to keep all neat and tidy at all times. - The Contractor shall also include for such items as security, watch and access arrangements to his yard area. - The Contractor shall not occupy any site area other than that located to him - On completion of the service on Site, all areas allocated to the Contractor shall be re-instated to their former condition to the satisfaction of Employer - The Contractor supplies, installs, properly maintains and removes all temporary construction facilities and utilities necessary for the complete performance of the service - Including the following: - - The Contractor’s yard should adhere to sound housekeeping, failing with this the Employer may use another Contractor to clean up the Contractor’s yard. These costs will be carried by the Contractor. - Any damage to installed lighting is repaired at the Contractor’s expense. - The reticulation of electricity, water and any other services required by the Contractor from a supplied central distribution point. - Hazardous Substances to be contained as per Eskom requirements. - Transportation on and off site - Telephone connections may be available and the Contractor applies via the Services Manager for a connection. Connection fees and calls are for the Con...
Provided by the Contractor. The Contractor shall provide everything else necessary for providing the service.
Provided by the Contractor. The Contractor to bring whatever deemed necessary to complete the works
Provided by the Contractor. The Contractor will be required to purchase the equipment as per the price list. All items at completion of the contract belong to the Employer. The Contractor to provide:  Computers and Printers for management staff and maintain these items.  Stationary  Kitchen equipment for tea and coffee  Accommodation and any change rooms.  Staff transport from home to site and back after shift  Containers for storage of equipment.  Personal protective equipment (hard hats, safety glasses clear vision, dust masks, earplugs, sun hats, safety boots, gloves, reflective jackets/vests, “
Provided by the Contractor. Contractor to provide and ensure safe transportation services for all his Contractors and it must comply with 32-93 and 32-345 procedures.  Contractor to provide own (coffee, sugar, milk, tea, etc.)  All computers and printers accessories needed to be provided by the Contractor.  The Contractor will be responsible for the cost of all private phone calls, faxes and internet usage.  The Contractor to provide accommodation and meals for his/her employees and costs for this to be included in the contract price.  All PPE to be provided by Contractor and must be SABS approved and according to Eskom standards  Provide SABS approved Safety harnesses as per Eskom Safety Requirements.  The Contractor will be responsible for the cost of all internet usage or telephone calls made to any cellular, Telkom or international number.  Contractor to provide a Method Statement for the SOW  Contractor will provide a full detailed Method Statement to explain how the SOW will be executed and this must form part of the Tender returnables. - a method statement on how the contractor will maintain, inspect and test, fire protection equipment such as pumps, valves, nozzles, pipework and sprinkler bulbs.  Contractor to provide own cabins for office and work place with COC, Eskom to provide space.  The Contractor supplies, maintains and ensures that his personnel at all times wear personal protective equipment as required on site.  The Contractor’s equipment does not impair the operation of the plant or access to the plant.  Access permits [Refer to procedure: Access Control at Eskom premises (32-1134)]  Contractor to provide own tools and equipment and test instruments to enable to preform work according to the scope of work.  Contractor to supply own 220 or 380 VAC extension’s and lead lights at the Contractor own costs.  Certified copies of ID’s and Qualifications to be provided by the Contractor on contract reward.
Provided by the Contractor. Control of noise, dust, water and waste
Provided by the Contractor. The contractor should provide facilities they deem necessary in executing the work. This must be discussed with the Project Manager prior to commencement of work.
Provided by the Contractor.  For Outage – The Contractor must supply own certified rigging equipment’s up to 5Tons (Chain blocks, Pull lifts, Nylon slings and wire slings and other rigging equipment as required to perform the scope of work)  All certificates of Rigging equipment should be included on the safety fileContractor to provide and ensure safe transportation services for all his Contractors employees and it must comply with 32-93 and 33-345 procedures.  Access permits [Refer to procedure: Access Control at Eskom premises (32-1134)]  Contractor to provide own (coffee, sugar, milk, tea, etc.)  All computers and printers accessories needed to be provided by the Contractor.  All PPE to be provided by Contractor and must be SABS approved and of Eskom standards.  Gloves and dusk masks will supplied by the Contractor.  Provide SABS approved Safety harnesses as per Eskom Safety requirements and must be inspected daily and logged.  Contractor will provide a Method Statement to explain how the SOW will be executed and this must form part of the Tender returnable.  The Contractor makes his own arrangements for accommodation and meals.  The Contractor provides his own cell phone and the cost thereof.  The Contractor will be responsible for all none Eskom telephone calls, faxes and internet usages.  Contractor to provide 2 x (380VAC 63 Amp) 50m extensions. Extensions must be COC certified.  All lifting gear / equipment (such as slings, eye-bolts, shackles, snatch block, ratchet level hoists, lifting blocks, chain blocks, turfers, and pull lifts and other equipment’s required to perform the scope of work) up to five tons to be provided by the Contractor.  Contractor to provide barricading for no-entry in works areas.
Provided by the Contractor. Contractor to provide and insure safe transportation services for all his Contractors and it must comply with 32-93 and 33-345 procedures.  Contractor to provide own (Coffee, sugar, milk, tea etc.)  All computers and printers accessories needed to be provided by the Contractor  The Contractor will be responsible for the cost of all private phone calls, faxes and internet usage.  The Contractor to provide accommodation and meals for his / her employees and costs for this to be included in the contract price.  All PPE to be provided by Contractor as per construction regulations.  Provide SABS approved Safety harnesses as per the Employer’s Safety Requirements.  The Contractor will be responsible for the cost of all internet usage or Telephone calls made to any Cellular, Telkom or international number.  Contractor will provide the method statement to explain how the scope of work will be executed and this must form part of the returnable.  Contractor to supply own 220 or 380 VAC extension’s at the Contractor own costs.  Certified copies of ID’s and Qualifications to be provided by the Contractor on contract reward.  All power tools and hand tool necessary to perform the work according to the scope of work.  Contractor to supply sufficient transport for the Contractors employees on site. This is to avoid wastage of time between work stations.  Contractor to supply own communication system such as two way radios. The Contractor supplies, maintains and ensures that his personnel at all times wear personal protective equipment as required per site.