THE CONTRACT PRICE. A. This Contract is an indefinite-quantity contract for construction work and services. The Estimated Annual Value of this Contract is $2,000,000. This is only an estimate and may increase or decrease at the discretion of Sourcewell. B. The Contractor shall perform any or all Tasks in the Construction Task Catalog for the Unit Price appearing therein multiplied by the following Adjustment Factors:
THE CONTRACT PRICE. The Owner shall pay to the Contractor for the performance of this Contract, subject to any additions or deductions provided therein, in current funds, the contract price of Eighty-three thousand seven hundred forty-three dollars and 00/100 dollars ($83,743.00). Payments are to be made to the Contractor in accordance with and subject to the provisions embodied in the documents made a part of this Contract.
THE CONTRACT PRICE. A. This Contract is an indefinite-quantity contract for construction work and services. The Estimated Annual Value of this Contract is $2,000,000. This is only an estimate and may increase or decrease at the discretion of Sourcewell. B. The Contractor shall perform any or all Tasks in the Construction Task Catalog for the Unit Price appearing therein multiplied by the following Adjustment Factors: TO BE ENTERED BY SOURCEWELL: a. Normal Working Hours – Non Secure Areas: Work performed from 7:00am until 4:00pm Monday to Friday, except holidays. Contractor shall perform Tasks during Normal Working Hours for the Unit Price set forth in the CTC multiplied by the Adjustment Factor of:
THE CONTRACT PRICE. The Owner shall pay to the Contractor for the faithful performance of the Contract Agreement, subject to additions and deductions as provided for in the Contract Documents, in current funds a sum of Dollars ($ .00) (the “Contract Price”) which sum shall also pay for loss or damage arising out of the nature of the Work aforesaid, or from the action of the elements, or from unforeseen obstructions or difficulties encountered in the prosecution of the Work, and for all expenses incurred by, or in consequence of the Work, its suspension or discontinuance and for well and faithfully completing the Work and the whole thereof, as herein provided, and for replacing defective Work or products for a period of one year after completion. Contract Agreement
THE CONTRACT PRICE. A. This Contract is an indefinite-quantity contract for construction work and services. The Estimated Annual Value of this Contract is $2,000,000. This is only an estimate and may increase or decrease at the discretion of Sourcewell. B. The Contractor shall perform any or all Tasks in the Construction Task Catalog for the Unit Price appearing therein multiplied by the following Adjustment Factors for the region in which the Work is Performed: TO BE ENTERED BY SOURCEWELL: Area A – Northern Georgia Area a. Normal Working Hours – Non Secure Areas: Work performed from 7:00am until 4:00pm Monday to Friday, except holidays. Contractor shall perform Tasks during Normal Working Hours for the Unit Price set forth in the CTC multiplied by the Adjustment Factor of:
THE CONTRACT PRICE. The PMHA shall pay the Contractor for the performance of the contract, in current funds, subject to additions and /or deductions as approved by the PMHA, the sum of $ 00,000.00. The Contract payment will be made in full up on completion and subject to inspection and approval of the Maintenance Supervisor over the site or his designee. PMHA shall make no social security contribution on behalf of the Contractor or withhold any State or Federal income taxes from the Contractor's pay and the Contractor is solely responsible for any and all taxes, thereby releasing PMHA from the payment of the same.
THE CONTRACT PRICE shall be the entire compensation owing to the Prime Contractor for the Work and this compensation shall cover and include all profit and all costs of supervision, survey, labour, material, equipment, overhead, financing, and all other costs and expenses whatsoever incurred in performing the Work.
THE CONTRACT PRICE. The Town shall pay the Contractor for the full and satisfactory performance of the Contract, a sum not to exceed:
THE CONTRACT PRICE. Mechanical system installation, start-up, initial testing, the preparation of Operation and Maintenance Manuals, and operator training are the responsibility of the General Contractor. The testing, adjusting, and balancing requirements in this Section do not relieve the General Contractor from the obligations to complete all portions of the work in a satisfactory and fully operational manner.
THE CONTRACT PRICE. Fees will be based on the rate set out in Part "B" as the "Rate".