THE PARTIES SHALL. (i) use reasonable efforts to maintain the confidentiality of the information and materials, whether oral, written or in any form whatsoever, of the other that may be reasonably understood, from legends, the nature of such information itself and/or the circumstances of such information’s disclosure, to be confidential and/or proprietary thereto or to third parties to which either of them owes a duty of nondisclosure (collectively, “Confidential Information”);
(ii) take reasonable action in connection therewith, including without limitation at least the action that each takes to protect the confidentiality of its comparable proprietary assets;
(iii) to the extent within their respective possession and/or control, upon termination of this Agreement for any reason, immediately return to the provider thereof all Confidential Information not licensed or authorized to be used or enjoyed after termination or expiration hereof, and
(iv) with respect to any person to which disclosure is contemplated, require such person to execute an agreement providing for the treatment of Confidential Information set forth in clauses (i) through (iii). The foregoing shall not require separate written agreements with employees and agents already subject to written agreements substantially conforming to the requirements of this Section nor with legal counsel, certified public accountants, or other professional advisers under a professional obligation to maintain the confidences of clients.
THE PARTIES SHALL. 6.1 In addition to this Agreement, comply with such other Agreement(s) between the Parties relating to products which are delivered via or utilize the Finnlemm Mobile Banking Service;
6.2 Comply with all applicable laws;
THE PARTIES SHALL. 1. Review the entire Project area and identify those sub-areas where cooperating in the proposed vegetation management work would be mutually beneficial.
2. Agree upon the prioritization of the proposed work.
3. Identify to each other the degree of participation each party expects to have with regard to funding, contributed labor, equipment availability, or other potential contributions for the good of the Project.
4. Identify the recommended treatment methods for each sub-area, identify the required environmental permits, approvals and mitigations, and mutually agree who will accomplish the necessary pre-implementation work for each phase.
5. Work within the agreed upon timelines set forth during the Project’s planning stages.
6. Notify all landowners in writing, prior to initiation of work, when vegetation management work will take place on their land.
7. Honor commitments made for specific projects, once the implementation phase has been initiated.
8. Exchange funds with another party when one party provides services or materials for another at an agreed upon rate or amount.
9. Work in the spirit of cooperation for all Project activities and take into account the impact of any actions on the good of both parties.
THE PARTIES SHALL. A. Collaborate on mutually agreed upon projects and other work in pursuit of the overarching goals of this Agreement for Shared Stewardship, sharing decision space to identify priorities which are consistent with the State Forest Action Plan as well as the State Wildlife Action Plan, NRCS State Technical Committee recommendations, and the Forest Plans for the Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie and Shawnee National Forest.
B. Collectively evaluate and examine options for managing ecological risks and natural resource concerns. Realistically prioritize actions in order to focus and direct concerted investments for achieving landscape-scale improvements.
C. Make reasonable efforts to achieve consistency and avoid conflicts between Federal, state, tribal, and private objectives, plans, policies, and programs; and address and resolve all issues and concerns raised by any partner unless precluded by law.
D. Encourage the use of applicable state and Federal programs and authorities to carry out actions.
E. Share, consider, and incorporate state and local expertise and data, including socioeconomic data, in the development and analysis of actions.
F. Agree upon mechanisms to ensure substantial participation from other state and policy makers. To effectively reach these agencies, organizations, and other partners, the Parties will develop a communication and outreach plan to gauge interest, determine desired levels and methods of engagement, and seek input to prioritization processes.
G. Create an outcome-based investment strategy that prioritizes shared goals and accomplishes work in partnership.
THE PARTIES SHALL. A. Collaborate on mutually agreed upon projects and other work in pursuit of the overarching goals of this MOU, sharing decision space to identify priorities which are consistent with the State Forest Action Plan, and the State Wildlife Action Plan. Consideration will be given to NRCS State Technical Committee recommendations and associated decisions by the State Conservationist in addressing all natural resource concerns across the State when setting priorities
B. Collectively evaluate and examine options for managing ecological risks and determine the appropriate actions to take. Realistically prioritize actions in order to focus and direct concerted investments for achieving landscape scale improvements.
C. Make reasonable efforts to achieve consistency and avoid conflicts between federal, state, tribal, and private objectives, plans, policies, and programs; and address and resolve all issues and concerns raised by any partner unless precluded by law.
D. Encourage the use of applicable state and federal programs and authorities to carry out actions, when available. This includes but is not limited to state-delivered landowner technical assistance, forest health assistance, wildland fire suppression, prescribed fire, state delivered USFS State and Private Forestry Programs, Joint Chief’s Landscape Restoration Partnerships, Good Neighbor Authority, landscape scale restoration programs and others available through the Federal Farm Xxxx and other authorities.
E. Consider and incorporate state and local expertise and data, including socioeconomic data, in the development and analysis of actions.
F. Agree upon mechanisms to ensure substantial participation from state and local partners such as Arkansas State Parks, Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission, Arkansas Department of Transportation, Conservation Districts, and others who will have an interest in carrying out the principles described in this MOU. To effectively reach these agencies, organizations, and other partners, the parties will develop a communication and outreach plan to gauge interest, determine desired levels and methods of engagement, and seek input to prioritization processes.
G. Agree to work under the premise of stewarding the whole. Parties will consult with and seek input from additional units of government, tribes, collaborative groups, advisory groups, and others as may be appropriate to derive the best solutions and highest benefits for the resources invested.
THE PARTIES SHALL. 1. Follow the actions outlined in the Xxxxxxxxx County Integrated Fire Plan August 2005 Implementation Plan to ensure that the Plan is implemented, monitored, evaluated and updated. The Forest Service will provide technical advice and support when requested based on employee availability.
2. Work together to identify high risk areas and prioritize fuels reduction projects on public and private land that meet objectives for landscape scale treatment, as well as identify and implement other wildfire mitigation actions, including education and outreach. The Forest Service will, within its budgetary and program development processes, work toward achieving the hazardous fuels reduction goals of the Plan.
3. Work together on emergency management issues, including evacuation and response, incident command training and multi-agency coordination.
THE PARTIES SHALL. (a) keep the Confidential Information confidential and not disclose the same or any part thereof to any third party, without the other Party's prior written consent, save that a Party may only disclose such Confidential Information to its Group, its officers, directors, and employees engaged in the provision of the Services (subject, in the case of the Supplier, to the provisions of sub-Clause 20.3) and the Other Service Providers in connection with the performance of this Agreement; and
(b) not use or copy the Confidential Information or any part thereof except for the proper performance of their responsibilities under the Agreement.
THE PARTIES SHALL. 6.1 In addition to this Agreement, comply with such other Agreement(s) between the Parties relating to products which are delivered via or utilise the KCB Mobile Banking Service;
6.2 Comply with all applicable laws.
THE PARTIES SHALL. A. Collaborate on mutually agreed-upon projects in pursuit of the overarching goals of this MOU, sharing decision space to identify priorities which are consistent with the State Forest Action Plan, State Wildlife Action Plan, the Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan, NRCS State Technical Committee recommendations, and the Land Management Plan for the National Forests in Florida, among others.
B. Collectively evaluate and examine options for managing ecological risks. Realistically prioritize actions in order to focus and direct concerted investments for achieving landscape- scale improvements.
C. Make reasonable efforts to achieve consistency and avoid conflicts between federal, state, tribal, and private objectives, plans, policies, and programs; and address and resolve all issues and concerns raised by any partner unless precluded by law.
D. Encourage the use of available, applicable state and federal programs and authorities to achieve actions included but not limited to those listed in Appendix A.
E. Share, consider and incorporate state and local expertise and data, including socioeconomic data, in the development and analysis of actions.
X. Xxxxx upon mechanisms to ensure substantial participation from other state partners. To effectively reach these agencies, organizations, and other partners, the parties will develop a communication and outreach plan to gauge interest, determine desired levels and methodsof engagement, and seek input for prioritization processes.
G. Create an outcome-based investment strategy that prioritizes shared goals and accomplishes work in partnership.
THE PARTIES SHALL. (a) expand and strengthen their transport cooperation in order to contribute to the development of sustainable transport systems;