An employee definition

An employee is an individual who (i) contracts directly with the Company (rather than through a third party, such as an employee-leasing firm), (ii) performs services for the Company and (iii) is treated as an employee of the Company for federal employment-tax purposes.
An employee means a person who is employed on a full time basis and does not include those who are employed on a casual, part time or fixed term basis.
An employee means a person who is employed by the Employer, who is a member of the Faculty Association as designated by the Employer pursuant to the Post- Secondary Learning Act, and who is in one (1) of the following categories: a) Continuous full-time Employee means an Employee who is regularly assigned to work the full normal working hours without a definite term. b) Continuous part-time Employee means an Employee who is regularly assigned to work not less than one-half (½) of the full normal hours of work without a definite term. c) Temporary full-time Employee means an Employee who is employed for a defined term for a minimum of two (2) consecutive trimesters and up to a maximum of twenty-four (24) months in length and who is assigned to work full- time hours. d) Temporary part-time Employee means an Employee employed for a defined term for a minimum of two (2) consecutive trimesters and up to a maximum of twenty-four (24) months in length and assigned to work not less than one-half (½) of full-time hours. e) Casual Employee means an hourly employee who works variable hours based on operational need and who has no guarantee of ongoing employment. When a Casual Employee has worked full-time for a complete trimester and the assignment is continued for the following complete trimester or longer, that Employee shall have the status of a Temporary Employee for the period of that continued assignment. Employees hired in an assignment full-time for multiple ongoing trimesters will be hired as Temporary Employees.

Examples of An employee in a sentence

  • An Employee may be accompanied by a Union Representative when viewing her personnel file.

  • An Employee shall be so scheduled as to provide her with days off on at least three (3) of the actual Named Holidays.

  • An Employee who has accrued sick leave entitlement under the terms of this Collective Agreement shall, upon the voluntary termination of her employment with the Employer, be entitled to retain such entitlement provided she enters into employment with an Employer who is also Party to a collective agreement with an identical sick leave provision, within six (6) months of the date of her termination of employment.

  • An Employee will be paid for regularly scheduled hours of work at her Basic Rate of Pay when a work period is cancelled by the Employer or client with less than twenty-four (24) hours notice provided that no alternative assignment is available.

  • An Employee elected or appointed to the Union Bargaining Committee shall be granted time off with pay and without loss of seniority in order to participate in negotiations with the Employer.

More Definitions of An employee

An employee means any person in respect of whom his employer is liable to pay an employer’s contribution under section 4 of the Contributory Pensions Act 1970 [title 18 item 7];
An employee means a person who is engaged in employment as an employed earner;
An employee means any person (including a Director) in an employment relationship with the Company or any subsidiary corporation (as defined in section 424 of the Code).
An employee is anyone engaged on a full-time, part-time, casual or temporary basis.
An employee means a person who is employed by the Employer, who is a member of the Faculty Association as designated by the Employer pursuant to the Post­ secondary Xxxxxxx Act, and who is in one (1 ) of the following categories: i) Continuous full-time Employee means an Employee who is regularly assigned to work the fu11 nounal working hours without a definite tenn. ii) Continuous pa1t-time Employee means an Employee who is regularly assigned to work not less than one-half (Xx) of the full nonnal hours of work without a definite term. iii) Temporary full-time Employee means an Employee who is employed for a defined term for a minimum of two (2) consecutive trimesters and up to a maximum of twenty-four (24) months in length and who is assigned to work full­ time hours. iv) Temporary part-time Employee means an Employee employed for a defined term for a minimum of two (2) consecutive trimesters and up to a maximum of twenty-four (24) months in length and assigned to work not less than one-half (Xx) of full-time hours. v) Casual Employee means a non-Continuous Employee who does not fall into one (I) of the above categories. When a Casual Employee has worked full-time for a complete trimester and the assignment is continued for the following complete trimester or longer, that Employee shall have the status of a Temporary Employee for the period of that continued assignment. Employees hired in an assignment full-time for multiple ongoing trimesters will be hired as Temporary Employees.
An employee means any individual currently in the employ of the Company, including Leased Employees, but excluding any director of such Company who is not in the employ of the Company.
An employee means any person in respect of whom his employer is liable to pay an employer's contribution under section 4 of the Contributory Pensions Act 1970 [title 18 item 7], but does not include a person over the age of 65 in respect of whom subsidy is not payable under section 2(1)(b);