Appropriate Amount definition
Examples of Appropriate Amount in a sentence
Exposure Amount (Field: Columns 50-56)Report the Appropriate Amount in Thousands of Dollars.
Appearances Dimension 59 Accuracy49 Completeness41 Timeliness39 Consistent33 Relevance23 Accessible, Understandability17 Currency, Interpretability, Objectivity16 Believability15 Appropriate Amount of Data, Reliable14 Concise, Security13 Value-Added12 Reputation9 Format8 Comprehensive7 Correctness, Usefulness6 Authority, Ease of Manipulation, Free of Error5 Clarity, Informativeness, PreciseTable 9-2: Most frequently cited dimensions of information quality in the literature, based on 12 journals.
Each coat shall be applied after an interval that ensures the proper hardening or curing of the previous coat.
Appropriate Amount (QD6)Value-Added (QD5)Completeness (QD4)We distinguish between nine contextual quality dimensions of process information (cf.
Second, where liability has been established, market definition can assist to determine the turnover of the business of the undertaking in Singapore for the relevant markets that are affected by the infringement and therefore, the appropriate amount of financial penalty as set out in the CCCS Guidelines on the Appropriate Amount of Penalty in Competition Cases (“Penalty Guidelines”).133 108.