Clinical Data definition
Examples of Clinical Data in a sentence
Electronic submission of the site level dataset is voluntary and is intended to facilitate the timely selection of appropriate clinical sites for FDA inspection as part of the application and/or supplement review process.This request also provides instructions for where OSI requested items should be placed within an eCTD submission (Attachment 1, Technical Instructions: Submitting Bioresearch Monitoring (BIMO) Clinical Data in eCTD Format).
This study will be monitored by the Clinical Data Update System (CDUS).
This study will be monitored by the Clinical Data Update System (CDUS) version 3.0. Cumulative CDUS data will be submitted quarterly by electronic means.
Neither Party shall be liable for any use that the other Party may make of the Clinical Data nor for advice or information given in connection therewith.
This study will be monitored by the Clinical Data Update System (CDUS) version 3.0. Cumulative CDUS data will be submitted quarterly to CTEP by electronic means.