CONSTRUCTION GUARANTEE means a guarantee at call obtained by the contractor from an institution approved by the employer in terms of the employer's construction guarantee form as selected in the schedule
CONSTRUCTION GUARANTEE is amended by replacing it with the following:
CONSTRUCTION GUARANTEE means a guarantee at call obtained by the contractor from an institution approved by the employer in terms of the employer's construction guarantee form as selected in the schedule Clause 1.1 Definition of "Construction Period" is amended by replacing it with the following:

Examples of CONSTRUCTION GUARANTEE in a sentence

  • CONSTRUCTION GUARANTEE – means a guarantee at call obtained by the contractor from an institution approved by the employer in terms of the employer’s construction guarantee form as selected in the schedule.

  • C1.3.2: VARIABLE CONSTRUCTION GUARANTEE - JBCC 2000 PRINCIPALBUILDING AGREEMENT (Edition 5.0 (Reprint 1) of July 2007)To:South African National Biodiversity Institute Private Bag X101Silverton 0184 Sir, VARIABLE CONSTRUCTION GUARANTEE FOR THE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT IN TERMS OF JBCC 2000 (5.0 EDITION JULY 2007) 5.

  • The contract duration is 24 months VARIABLE CONSTRUCTION GUARANTEE – (GCC (2010) 2nd EDITION: 2010)Director-GeneralDepartment of Public Works and Infrastructure Government of the Republic of South Africa To: Department of Public Works and InfrastructureIndependence Avenue Qhasana Building 5605 Sir,VARIABLE CONSTRUCTION GUARANTEE FOR THE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT IN TERMS OF GCC (2010) 2nd EDITION 20101.

  • C1.3.2: VARIABLE CONSTRUCTION GUARANTEE - JBCC 2000 PRINCIPAL BUILDINGAGREEMENT (Edition 5.0 of July 2007) To:South African National Biodiversity Institute Private Bag X101Silverton 0184 Sir, VARIABLE CONSTRUCTION GUARANTEE FOR THE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT IN TERMS OF JBCC 2000 (5.0 EDITION JULY 2007) 5.

  • CONSTRUCTION GUARANTEE (PRO-FORMA)‌ GUARANTOR DETAILS AND DEFINITIONSGuarantor means ...........................................................................................................


CONSTRUCTION GUARANTEE means a fixed amount on-demand guarantee in accordance with the draft included within the tender documents, obtained by the contractor from an institution approved by the employer for the amount determined in terms of 14.0.
CONSTRUCTION GUARANTEE means guarantee at call obtained by the contractor from an institution approved by the employer in terms of the employer's construction guarantee form as selected in the schedule Clause 1.1 Definition of "Construction Period" is amended by replacing it with Section No. 1 PRELIMINARIES Bill No. 1 PRELIMINARIES the following:
CONSTRUCTION GUARANTEE has the meaning assigned to it in the Collateral Agency Agreement.
CONSTRUCTION GUARANTEE means the Guarantee, dated as of November 21, 2017, provided by the Construction Guarantor in favor of the Borrower.
CONSTRUCTION GUARANTEE means a guarantee at call obtained by the contractor from an institution approved by the employer in terms of the employer's construction guarantee form as selected in the schedule Clause 1.1 Definition of "Construction Period" is amended by replacing it with the following: "CONSTRUCTION PERIOD" means the period commencing on the commencement date and ending on the date of practical completion
CONSTRUCTION GUARANTEE. Means the bond issued in terms of the APP, equal to 10% (ten percent) of the COST OF THE SYSTEM, which the DEVELOPER shall deliver to CEA within the term established in Clause Twenty Eighth, to guarantee compliance of its obligations arising from the APP, including the payment of the conventional penalties caused by its breach of the APP with respect to the construction, equipment and TESTS of the SYSTEM.
CONSTRUCTION GUARANTEE means a guarantee at call obtained by the contractor from an institution approved by the employer in terms of the employer's construction guarantee form as selected in the schedule PRICING OF PRELIMINARIES Should Option A, as set out in clause B10.3.1 hereinafter be used for the adjustment of preliminaries then each item priced is to be allocated to one or more of the three categories Fixed(F), Value Related(V) or Time Related(T) and the respective amounts entered in the spaces provided under each item Items not priced in these Preliminaries shall be deemed to be included elsewhere in these Bills of Quantities.