Consumer Guarantee definition
Examples of Consumer Guarantee in a sentence
Whether a specific failure breaches a Consumer Guarantee and a consumer is entitled to a remedy under the ACL will depend on the circumstances.Consumer Guarantees have no set time limit but generally last for an amount of time that is reasonable to expect in the circumstances, given factors including the age, cost and quality of the goods, the use made of the goods or any representation made by the supplier or manufacturer.
To the maximum extent permitted by law, our liability for any breach or non-compliance with a Consumer Guarantee is limited to doing one or more of the following (at our election): • In the case of goods, to their replacement, the supply of equivalent goods, their repair, or payment of the cost of doing any of those things; or • In the case of services, to resupplying the services or payment of the cost of their re supply.
You are responsible for, and must pay for, all use of your Service except for unauthorised use that results from our negligence or breach of a Consumer Guarantee.
Please see the BCH Consumer Guarantee at is no financial protection if you purchase just transport or accommodation-only from us.
Nothing in this agreement limits any rights the applicant and/or the Student may have under the Consumer Guarantee Xxx 0000.