Contractor Software definition
Examples of Contractor Software in a sentence
Contractor Software revisions provided by Contractor are specifically limited to the Third-Party Software identified and set forth in Appendix B to this Agreement.
All such Additional Contractor Software Terms will be of no force or effect and will be deemed rejected by the City in their entirety.
Contractor Software Version Upgrades, Software Revisions and Patches.
At all times, including during or after the termination or expiration of this Agreement or any license Contractor grants to the City, the City retains the right to reveal or extract the City’s Information and all City-specific data from the Contractor Software and Documents, and the right to use the City-specific data and the City’s Information for the City’s own use, for use with other non-Contractor software, or to load elsewhere.
Where applicable, the Purchaser has the option to purchase additional units/seats/licences of the items of Contractor Software at the unit prices set out in the Contract, subject to any increases envisaged by and/or permitted by the Contract.