Examples of Covered Project in a sentence
If an applicable Master Agreement expires during the term of the Covered Project, the Union(s) agree that there shall be no work disruption of any kind as described in this Article as a result of the expiration of any such agreement(s) having application on the Covered Project and/or failure of the involved parties to that Master Agreement to reach a new contract.
The Project Labor Coordinator shall prepare reports detailing the outcomes of the Local Worker, Transitional Worker, and Apprentice utilization goals on each Covered Project, and the implementation and progress of the CCPP.
Therefore, the Parties agree that, in the event of a breach of this Article, the disputing party in breach shall pay to Metropolitan the sum of not less than $10,000.00 and no more than $20,000.00 per shift from the time the arbitrator determines that a delay has occurred until the arbitrator determines that the Covered Project is no longer disrupted.
Employees are not required to become or remain Union members or pay Union dues or fees as a condition of performing work on a Covered Project.
The terms of the Union’s interim agreement offered to Contractors will be no less favorable than the terms offered by the Union to any other employer or group of employers covering the same type of construction work in the geographic area of the Covered Project.