Demolition Permit means a permit allowing demolition as required by the Building Code Act.
Demolition Permit means a permit authorizing the demolition, or partial demolition, of a building or structure.
Demolition Permit means a permit issued pursuant to section 14 of the Winnipeg Building By-law in regards to the demolition of any building, structure, or portion thereof;
Examples of Demolition Permit in a sentence
The Developer agrees to file four copies of a Site Plan and the Site Plan Specification Form called for in Administrative Regulation 4.1 within 90 days of the County Board approval, and before issuance of the Land Disturbance Permit or Demolition Permit.
FINAL Building Permit for Demolition Permit must be signed by an official with authority to close permit.
Download: California Demolition Permit Disclosure Form (PDF) Military Ordnance Disclosure Applicable to any property within one mile of known ordnance location with explosive risk in California.
Demolition Permit Disclosure Applicable to any property with plans for demolition that will affect tenancy in California.
The Demolition Permit is issued by the Inspection Services Department.
More Definitions of Demolition Permit
Demolition Permit means a document issued by The Corporation of the City of Stratford in accordance with the Act indicating that the person has obtained permission pursuant to this by-law to Demolish a Residential Property;
Demolition Permit means a permit allowing demolition as required by theBuilding Code Act.
Demolition Permit means a permit issued pursuant to the Building By-law that authorizes demolition of a building or structure;
Demolition Permit means a permit required under section 63(1) for the purpose of demolishing a building;
Demolition Permit means a Permit issued by the Chief Building Official pursuant to the provisions of the Act, the Building Code and the By-law whereby the Chief Building Official authorizes the removal of a building or any material part thereof.
Demolition Permit means a permission or authorization given in writing by the Chief Building Official for the demolition in whole, or in part, of a structure;
Demolition Permit means a permit issued by the County’s Planning and Development department in relation to demolition of a structure(s);