Medical condition definition
Medical condition means either of the following:
Medical condition means either any health impairment related to or associated with a diagnosis of cancer or health impairments related to genetic characteristics.
Medical condition means an illness, injury, disability, or other health-related condition.
Examples of Medical condition in a sentence
Post-Stabilization Care Services means Covered Services related to an Emergency Medical Condition that are provided after a Member’s condition is stabilized, in Aid Group Mandatory Aid Codes Non-Mandatory Aid Codes Prescription Drug means a drug or medication that can only be accessed through a Provider’s prescription.
More Definitions of Medical condition
Medical condition means, for the purposes of qualifying
Medical condition means the state of a patient’s physical or mental health, including the patient’s illness, injury, or disease.
Medical condition means, for the purposes of qualifying for extended foster care services, a physical or mental health condition as documented by any licensed health care provider regulated by a disciplining authority under RCW 18.130.040.
Medical condition means any physiological, mental, or psychological condition, impairment, or disorder, including drug addiction and alcoholism.
Medical condition means an irregularity in the health of an Insured Person which required or requires medical advice, consultation, investigation, Treatment, care, service or diagnosis by a Physician.
Medical condition means a disease, illness, injury, genetic or congenital defect, pregnancy, or a biological or psychological condition that lies outside the range of normal, age-appropriate human variation.
Medical condition means any sickness, disease, or other condition for which the Insured Person received medical treatment, diagnosis, consultation or prescribed drugs, or a condition for which medical service or treatment was recommended by a Registered Medical Practitioner, while this Policy is in force. “Neurologist” shall mean a Registered Medical Practitioner specialising in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases or conditions of the brain and other parts of the nervous system. “Neurosurgeon” shall mean a Registered Medical Practitioner specialising in surgical procedures on the brain and other parts of the nervous system. “Primary Healthcare Services” shall mean the entry level health care that supports the day-to-day basic health care needs of the community, including treatment for common illnesses and minor injuries and the prevention of future ill-health through advice, immunisation and screening programs. “Provider” shall mean the designated service provider engaged by the Company. “Rehabilitation Centre” shall mean a registered institution (other than a Hospital) which provides physiotherapy, occupational therapy and other rehabilitative treatment for physical Injury, dysfunction or disability. “Stay” or “Stayed” shall mean an admission of the Insured Person to a Rehabilitation Centre that is recommended by a Registered Medical Practitioner for Medical Service as a result of a Medically Necessary condition for a period of no less than 6 consecutive hours. “Stroke” shall mean a definite diagnosis of an acute cerebrovascular event caused by intra-cranial thrombosis, infarction of brain tissue, haemorrhage and embolism from an extra-cranial source resulting in neurological deficit. The diagnosis of Stroke must be based on changes seen in a CT scan or MRI and must beconfirmed by a Neurologist.