SAP Technology Solution(s definition
SAP Technology Solution(s means SAP NetWeaver Foundation for Third Party Applications, SAP Cloud Platform (excluding when used solely as a Connectivity App between an SAP Application and ERP) and SAP Leonardo IoT , Business Services (including any renamed, prior and/or successor versions of any of the foregoing made generally available by SAP if any but excluding when any of the foregoing are used as a User Interface for ERP.
SAP Technology Solution(s means SAP NetWeaver Foundation for Third Party Applications, SAP Business Technology Platform (excluding when used solely as a Connectivity App between an SAP Application and S/4 EM), SAP Signavio Solutions and SAP Process Insights (including any renamed, prior and/or successor versions of any of the foregoing made generally available by SAP, if any, but excluding when any of the foregoing are used as a User Interface for S/4 EM).
SAP Technology Solution(s means SAP NetWeaver Foundation for Third Party Applications, SAP Business Technology Platform (excluding when used solely as a Connectivity App between an SAP Application and S/4 EM), SAP Signavio Solutions and SAP Process Insights (including any renamed, prior and/or successor versions of any of the foregoing made generally available by SAP, if any, but excluding when any of the foregoing are used as a User Interface for S/4 EM).„Technologické riešenia spoločnosti SAP“ znamená SAP NetWeaver Foundation for Third Party Applications, SAP Business Technology Platform (s výnimkou prípadov, keď sa používa výlučne ako Prepájacia aplikácia medzi Aplikáciou spoločnosti SAP a S/4 EM), SAP Signavio Solutions a SAP Process Insights (vrátane všetkých premenovaných, predchádzajúcich a/alebo následníckych verzií vyššie uvedených produktov, ktoré spoločnosť SAP všeobecne sprístupní (ak k tomu vôbec dôjde), ale s výnimkou prípadov, keď sa niektorý z vyššie uvedených produktov používa ako Používateľské rozhranie pre S/4 EM).
Examples of SAP Technology Solution(s in a sentence
For the purpose of this Section, “SAP Application(s)” means all SAP software (including third-party software licensed by SAP) licensed under a license agreement with an SAP entity/authorized partner and/or SAP cloud services for which Customer has a valid subscription, excluding SAP Technology Solutions and all database Packages.
More Definitions of SAP Technology Solution(s
SAP Technology Solution(s means SAP NetWeaver Foundation for Third Party Applications, SAP Business Technology Platform (excluding when used solely as a Connectivity App between an SAP Application and ERP), SAP Signavio Solutions and SAP Process Insights (including any renamed, prior and/or successor versions of any of the foregoing made generally available by SAP, if any but excluding when any of the foregoing are used as a User Interface for ERP).d) 「SAP テクノロジーソリューション」とは、SAP NetWeaver Foundation for Third Party Applications, SAP Business Technology Platform(専ら「SAP アプリケーション」と ERP 間✰「接続アプリ」として使用されている場合を除く)、SAP Signavio Solutions 及び SAP Process Insights(SAP により一般に提供されている、前記✰名称変更されたバージョンや旧バージョン及び/又は後継バージョンを含む(ある場合)。ただし、上記✰いずれかが、ERP ✰「ユーザーインター➚ェース」として使用されている場合を除く)をいう。
SAP Technology Solution(s means SAP NetWeaver Foundation for Third Party Applications, SAP Business Technology Platform (excluding when used solely as a Connectivity App between an SAP Application and S/4 EM) and SAP Leonardo IoT, Business Services (including any renamed, prior and/or successor versions of any of the foregoing made generally available by SAP, if any, but excluding when any of the foregoing are used as a User Interface for S/4 EM).「SAP Technology 解決方案」係指適用於第三方應用程式之 SAP NetWeaver Foundation、SAP Business Technology Platform (當其僅作為 SAP 應用程式與 S/4 EM 間之連線應用程式使用時除外),及 SAP Leonardo IoT、企業服務 (包括任何 SAP 一般提供之上述軟體經重新命名、早期及/或後續版本 (如有該版本),但當上述任一軟體用於 S/4 EM 使用者介面時不在此限)。
SAP Technology Solution(s means SAP NetWeaver Foundation for Third Party Applications, SAP Cloud Platform (excluding when used solely as a Connectivity App between an SAP Application and ERP) and SAP IoT Application Enablement (including any renamed and/or successor versions of any of the foregoing made generally available by SAP (if any)).
SAP Technology Solution(s means SAP NetWeaver Foundation for Third Party Applications, SAP Business Technology Platform
SAP Technology Solution(s means SAP NetWeaver Foundation for Third Party Applications, SAP Cloud Platform (excluding when used solely as a Connectivity App between an SAP Application and
SAP Technology Solution(s means SAP NetWeaver Foundation for Third Party Applications, SAP Business Technology Platform (excluding when used solely as a Connectivity App between an SAP Application and ERP) and SAP Leonardo IoT, Business Services (including any4. ERP4.1. Purchase Order Execution: Purchase Order Execution (“POE“) licenciran je za upotrebu (izuzev za zaposlenike Korisnika) namijenjenu kreiranju i obradi narudžbenica u licenciranom softveru ERP preko licencirane platforme SAP Business Technology Platform (uključujući sve ovlaštene aplikacije koje se zatim izvode) i/ili ne-SAP aplikacija. Upotreba POE-a ne zahtijeva licencu imenovanog korisnika. "Ne-SAP aplikacije" znači sve tehnologije osim licenciranih Paketa za koje je Korisnik osigurao odgovarajuću licencu od pravne osobe koja nije društvo SAP, SAP SE i/ili bilo koje od njegovih/njihovih društava kćeri i/ili distributera.4.2. Sales and Service Order Execution for B2B and B2C: Sales and Service Order Execution for B2B and B2C (“SOE B2B/C“) licenciran je za upotrebu (izuzev za zaposlenike Korisnika) namijenjenu naručivanju i obradi narudžbi u licenciranom softveru ERP preko licencirane platforme SAP Business Technology Platform (uključujući sve ovlaštene aplikacije koje se zatim izvode) i/ili ne-SAP aplikacija. Upotreba SOE B2B/C-a ne zahtijeva licencu Imenovanog korisnika. "Ne-SAP aplikacije" znači sve tehnologije osim licenciranih Paketa za koje je Korisnik osigurao odgovarajuću licencu od pravne osobe koja nije društvo SAP, SAP SE i/ili bilo koje od njegovih/njihovih društava kćeri i/ili distributera.4.3. Sales and Service Order Execution for B2C: Sales and Service Order Execution for B2C (“SOE B2C“) licenciran je za upotrebu od strane Potrošača namijenjenu naručivanju i obradi narudžbi u licenciranom softveru ERP preko licencirane platforme SAP Business Technology Platform (uključujući sve ovlaštene aplikacije koje se zatim izvode) i/ili ne-SAP aplikacija. Upotreba SOE B2C-a ne zahtijeva licencu Imenovanog korisnika. "Ne-SAP aplikacije" znači sve tehnologije osim licenciranih Paketa za koje je Korisnik osigurao odgovarajuću licencu od pravne osobe koja nije društvo SAP, SAP SE i/ili bilo koje od njegovih/njihovih društava kćeri i/ili distributera.4.4. SAP Digital Access: ovaj Paket daje (a) ljudima licencu za upotrebu rješenja SAP ERP (“ERP”) putem ne-SAP aplikacija koje su izravno integrirane u rješenje ERP, bez potrebe da budu licencirani kao “Imenovani korisnik” rješenja ERP, i (b) stvarima (npr. botovima, senz...
SAP Technology Solution(s means SAP NetWeaver Foundation for Third Party Applications, SAP Business Technologyc) „Používateľské rozhrania“ znamená ľubovoľné technológie, ktoré