School Education Sample Clauses

School Education. Dr/Mr/Mrs/Ms [Participant name(s) and forename(s)] Seniority in the position: Nationality: Address: [official address in full] Department/unit: Phone: E-mail: Sex: [M/F] Academic year: 20../20.. The financial support includes: ☐special needs support [To be completed for invited staff from enterprises and any other participants receiving financial support from Erasmus+ EU funds when the institution/organisation does not already have this information]. Bank account where the financial support should be paid: Bank account holder (if different than participant): Bank name: Clearing/BIC/SWIFT number: Account/IBAN number: Why ‘if applicable » does it mean that the money can be paid in « cash » ? Called hereafter “the participant”, of the other part, Have agreed the Special Conditions and Annexes below which form an integral part of this agreement ("the agreement"): Annex I Key Action 1 – SCHOOL EDUCATION Annex II General Conditions The terms set out in the Special Conditions shall take precedence over those set out in the annexes. [It is not compulsory to circulate papers with original signatures for Annex I of this document: scanned copies of signatures and electronic signatures may be accepted, depending on the national legislation or institutional regulations.] SPECIAL CONDITIONS
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School Education. 1.1. The Parties shall exchange information materials and publications concerning new development in their school systems, curricula and didactic methods.
School Education. 1.2.1. The two Parties, during the period covered by the present Programme, shall endeavour to promote initiatives in the field of education to be defined through diplomatic channels between the relevant Ministry of the two countries.
School Education. There is a strong child-initiated, play-based focus within the pre-school. We follow the guidance set out in the Early Years foundation Stage which is a framework for learning, development and care for children from birth to age five. The Early Years Foundation Stage Provision for the development and learning of children from birth to 5 years is guided by the Early Years Foundation Stage. Our provision reflects the four overarching principles of the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (DfE 2014):
School Education. 6. The Teacher Education Institutions/Universities shall indicate the equal number of sending and receiving students to facilitate SEAMEO Secretariat in mapping.
School Education. 1.7. The two Parties shall encourage a closer co-operation between institutions and school authorities at all levels, in order to increase the mutual knowledge of their school systems, curricula, and teaching methods as well as through the exchanges of books, exchanges of teachers and cultural exchanges among schools, and other teaching material. The two Parties shall exchange - upon request - information and educational materials concerning the educational system of the other country. The two Parties shall exchange expertise and information in the field of education with special reference to the support of handicapped children. The two Parties shall exchange drawings and artworks of school children to get acquainted with their activities. The two Parties shall exchange expertise in the fields of information systems, technical education and computer science. The two Parties express their readiness to encourage a closer cooperation in the field of vocational training, for teachers training and teaching methods, also with the support of new technologies (“Open Learning-Distance Learning”).
School Education. 1.5.The Parties shall encourage a closer co-operation between institutions and school authorities at all levels in order to increase the mutual knowledge of their school systems, curricula and teaching methods through the exchange of books and other teaching material. The Parties shall encourage, also through their respective Ministries of Education, further development of relations and exchanges between the schools of both countries.
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School Education. The Cyprus Centre, as coordinator of the Be Safe Net project, presented its progress and particularly the extension to further hazards as well as a redesign of the website. The Kiev Centre produced the module on chemical hazards, the Ravello Centre has developed material related to earthquakes, the Valletta Centre will shortly complete the coastal hazards material while the Sofia and Biskra Centres have collected information on flood risk and desertification respectively. The Secretariat pointed out that the Be Safe Net undertaking is particularly interesting as the experiences of all Centres are used in a common project. As further risks are still to be covered, other Centres were called upon to provide additional material and, given that the aim is to create a multilingual site, Centres are welcome to translate some of the material into their own language as a few Centres had already collaborated with their national Ministry of Education on this topic. As not all material is already implemented, the website has thus not yet been publicized among the educational world to avoid any negative appraisal due to its partial content. The Chair insisted that a first step is to identify secondary schools in different countries to evaluate the material content (as has already been done on the landslides material in some German schools) before making it accessible to everyone. The Kiev Centre strongly emphasized the need for it to be a multilingual site as the best international experiences should be available for the benefit of all. The Biskra Centre also remarked that the more different languages are made available, the more the project’s visibility at international level will increase. She added that Biskra’s material on desertification will even be made available in Arabian. Along these lines, the Ankara Centre presented the workshop held in Antalya which insisted upon the importance of the local level of training on risks.
School Education. The Strasbourg Centre will organize the next meeting of the Be Safe Net initiative in Modena (Italy) in early June and they have identified a resource person to work on the project. The Baku Centre announced they will organize a conference to work on pedagogical material related to school safety. The Biskra Centre also insisted on thinking about prevention measures before the construction of schools while the Ankara Centre recalled the XXXXX project which retrofitted many schools in Istanbul. The Secretariat remarked that the school safety aspect should be incorporated into the Be Safe Net initiative once the hazard description phase has been completed. Having produced an educational map on seismicity distributed to French schools, the Bruyères-xx-Xxxxxx Centre could share materials with the Be Safe Net initiative. Information and awareness The Ravello Centre suggested to consider the role that local media can play in risk prevention, often neglected due to its lack of mediatic echo with respect to disasters: a seminar could try to define conditions to facilitate local media information on risks and thus motivate other local actors to deal with them. The Lisbon Centre informed that such training for journalists has already been organized in Portugal by the Civil Protection. Nevertheless, the Walferdange and Xxxxxxxx Centres pointed out that media involvement requires avoiding negative feedback while the Executive Secretary stressed the independence of journalists. The Yerevan Centre informed that, within their ongoing campaign, special attention will be devoted to most vulnerable people and they will develop specific tests for the safety of buildings where children with disabilities are housed. Vulnerability / early warning Taking into account transfrontier risks, the Ankara Centre proposed to organize a conference on flood and landslide vulnerability in the States of the Black Sea region. The Tbilisi Centre recalled that its study of the potential risks of large dams will be further developed through the monitoring of seismic risk based on an automatic diagnostic system and computer simulations of flooding. The Moscow Centre will further develop its methodology on remote control of structures and buildings in order to be adopted at national level. Finally, the Strasbourg Centre will continue its work on landslide susceptibility mapping at European scale by developing and testing an adapted model.

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  • Adult Education Teachers of Adult Education shall be paid at the rate of thirty-five ($35.00) an hour. Break time will not be deducted from teachers’ pay.

  • Public Education 7.1.01 Inform and educate the public about vaccines and vaccine- preventable diseases

  • Special Education Special education services, related services, and accommodations for students who are eligible under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504), the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), or any applicable provisions of state law, shall be provided in accordance with applicable state and federal law, this Agreement and Authorizer rules and policies. The Authorizer is the LEA for purposes of ensuring compliance with IDEA, Section 504, and all other federal and state laws and regulations concerning accommodation of and education of students with disabilities.

  • General Education From: American River College General Catalog, Semester This is a temporary template to display CSU GE Breath couses until ASSIST is functional. Plese keep in mind that this is a static file and will not reflect any subsequent changes. ORAL COMMUNICATION ← CSU GE Area: A1 - Oral Communication SPEECH 301 - Public Speaking (3.00) SPEECH 331 - Group Discussion (3.00) SPEECH 361 - The Communication Experience (3.00) ← WRITTEN COMMUNICATION CSU GE Area: A2 - Written Communication ENGWR 480 - Honors College Composition (3.00) ENGWR 300 - College Composition (3.00) ESLW 340 - Advanced Composition (4.00) CRITICAL THINKING ← CSU GE Area: A3 - Critical Thinking ESL 350 - Advanced Composition and Literature (4.00) SPEECH 302 - Persuasive Speech (3.00) SPEECH 311 - Argumentation and Debate (3.00) ENGWR 301 - College Composition and Literature (3.00) ENGWR 482 - Honors Advanced Composition and Critical Thinking (3.00) XXXX 320 - Logic and Critical Reasoning (3.00) ENGRD 310 - Critical Reading as Critical Thinking (3.00) ENGWR 481 - Honors College Composition and Literature (3.00) ENGWR 302 - Advanced Composition and Critical Thinking (3.00) ENGWR 303 - Argumentative Writing and Critical Thinking Through Literature (4.00) PHYSICAL SCIENCE CSU GE Area: B1 - Physical Science PS 300 - Introduction to Physical Science (3.00) GEOG 300 - Physical Geography: Exploring Earth's Environmental Systems (3.00) PHYS 310 - Conceptual Physics (3.00) GEOL 310 - Historical Geology (3.00) GEOL 300 - Physical Geology (3.00) GEOG 306 - Weather and Climate (3.00) GEOL 305 - Earth Science (3.00) ASTR 300 - Introduction to Astronomy (3.00) GEOG 307 - Environmental Hazards and Natural Disasters (3.00) Same-As: GEOL 325 GEOL 345 - Geology of California (3.00) GEOG 308 - Introduction to Oceanography (3.00) Same-As: GEOL 330 PHYS 311 - Basic Physics (3.00) ASTR 330 - Introduction to Astrobiology (3.00) PHYS 350 - General Physics (4.00) GEOG 305 - Global Climate Change (3.00) Same-As: GEOL 320 ASTR 310 - The Solar System (3.00) PHYS 410 - Mechanics of Solids and Fluids (5.00) CHEM 423 - Organic Chemistry - Short Survey (5.00) CHEM 305 - Introduction to Chemistry (5.00) CHEM 400 - General Chemistry I (5.00) CHEM 309 - Integrated General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry (5.00) PHYS 360 - General Physics (4.00) CHEM 401 - General Chemistry II (5.00) ASTR 481 - Honors Astronomy: Stars, Galaxies and Cosmology (4.00) ASTR 320 - Stars, Galaxies, and Cosmology (3.00) LIFE SCIENCE ← CSU GE Area: B2 - Life Science NATR 320 - Principles of Ecology (4.00) NATR 302 - Introduction to Wildlife Biology (4.00) ANTH 300 - Physical Anthropology (3.00) BIOL 370 - Marine Biology (4.00) BIOL 342 - The New Plagues: New and Ancient Infectious Diseases Threatening World Health (3.00) BIOL 352 - Conservation Biology (3.00) NATR 310 - Study Design and Field Methods (4.00) ANTH 480 - Honors Physical Anthropology (3.00) BIOL 300 - The Foundations of Biology (3.00) PSYC 310 - Biological Psychology (3.00) BIOL 305 - Natural History (4.00) ANTH 303 - Introduction to Forensic Anthropology (3.00) BIOL 301 - Evolution (3.00) BIOL 310 - General Biology (4.00) BIOL 303 - Survey of Biology (4.00) NATR 305 - Fisheries Ecology and Management (4.00) BIOL 440 - General Microbiology (4.00) BIOL 400 - Principles of Biology (5.00) BIOL 420 - Principles of Zoology (5.00) BIOL 482 - Honors Marine Biology (4.00) BIOL 410 - Principles of Botany (5.00) BIOL 430 - Anatomy and Physiology (5.00) BIOL 442 - General Microbiology and Public Health (5.00) BIOL 415 - Introduction to Biology: Biodiversity, Evolution, and Ecology (5.00) HEED 308 - Environmental Health Science (3.00) BIOL 375 - Marine Ecology (3.00) LABORATORY ACTIVITY CSU GE Area: B3 - Laboratory Activity GEOL 301 - Physical Geology Laboratory (1.00) PSYC 311 - Biological Psychology Laboratory (1.00) PS 301 - Physical Science Laboratory (1.00) ASTR 400 - Astronomy Laboratory (1.00) GEOL 311 - Historical Geology Laboratory (1.00) GEOL 306 - Earth Science Laboratory (1.00) GEOG 309 - Introduction to Oceanography Lab (1.00) Same-As: GEOL 331 PHYS 312 - Conceptual Physics Laboratory (1.00) ANTH 301 - Physical Anthropology Laboratory (1.00) GEOG 301 - Physical Geography Laboratory (1.00) NATR 320 - Principles of Ecology (4.00) NATR 302 - Introduction to Wildlife Biology (4.00) BIOL 370 - Marine Biology (4.00) NATR 310 - Study Design and Field Methods (4.00) PHYS 350 - General Physics (4.00) BIOL 305 - Natural History (4.00) BIOL 310 - General Biology (4.00) BIOL 303 - Survey of Biology (4.00) NATR 305 - Fisheries Ecology and Management (4.00) PHYS 410 - Mechanics of Solids and Fluids (5.00) BIOL 440 - General Microbiology (4.00) BIOL 400 - Principles of Biology (5.00) CHEM 423 - Organic Chemistry - Short Survey (5.00) CHEM 305 - Introduction to Chemistry (5.00) CHEM 400 - General Chemistry I (5.00) BIOL 420 - Principles of Zoology (5.00) CHEM 309 - Integrated General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry (5.00) BIOL 482 - Honors Marine Biology (4.00) PHYS 360 - General Physics (4.00) BIOL 410 - Principles of Botany (5.00) CHEM 401 - General Chemistry II (5.00) ASTR 481 - Honors Astronomy: Stars, Galaxies and Cosmology (4.00) BIOL 430 - Anatomy and Physiology (5.00) BIOL 442 - General Microbiology and Public Health (5.00) BIOL 415 - Introduction to Biology: Biodiversity, Evolution, and Ecology (5.00) ← QUANTITATIVE REASONING CSU GE Area: B4 - Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning PSYC 330 - Introductory Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences (3.00) MATH 350 - Calculus for Life and Social Sciences I (3.00) MATH 300 - Introduction to Mathematical Ideas (3.00) MATH 351 - Calculus for Life and Social Sciences II (3.00) MATH 340 - Calculus for Business and Economics (3.00) CISP 440 - Discrete Structures for Computer Science (3.00) MATH 410 - Introduction to Linear Algebra (3.00) MATH 325 - Problem Solving (3.00) MATH 342 - Modern Business Mathematics (3.00) MATH 310 - Mathematical Discovery (3.00) MATH 330 - Trigonometry (3.00) MATH 355 - Calculus for Biology and Medicine I (4.00) MATH 311 - Mathematical Concepts for Elementary School Teachers - Number Systems (3.00) MATH 420 - Differential Equations (4.00) MATH 402 - Calculus III (5.00) MATH 400 - Calculus I (5.00) MATH 336 - College Algebra (5.00) STAT 305 - Statway, Part II (6.00) STAT 300 - Introduction to Probability and Statistics (4.00) MATH 370 - Pre-Calculus Mathematics (5.00) MATH 356 - Calculus for Biology and Medicine II (4.00) MATH 401 - Calculus II (5.00) ARTS AND HUMANITIES ART 324 - Collage and Assemblage (3.00) MUFHL 321 - Basic Musicianship (3.00) DANCE 433 - Performance Group: ARCH Dance Company (3.00) MUFHL 410 - Music Theory and Musicianship III (4.00) ARTH 335 - Survey of Photography (3.00) Same-As: ARTPH 345 MUFHL 411 - Music Theory and Musicianship IV (4.00) MUFHL 401 - Music Theory and Musicianship II (4.00) MUFHL 400 - Music Theory and Musicianship I (4.00) ART 390 - Ceramics (3.00) ARTH 333 - Introduction to Islamic Art (3.00) ARTH 318 - History of American Art (3.00) CSU GE Area: C2 - Humanities: (Literature, ← TA 303 - History and Theory of the Theatre II Philosophy, Languages Other than English) (3.00) PHIL 315 - Contemporary Moral Issues (3.00) PHIL 300 - Introduction to Philosophy (3.00) HUM 310 - Modern Humanities (3.00) ENGLT 340 - World Literature I (3.00) HIST 340 - History of California through 1879 (3.00) ENGLT 321 - American Literature II (3.00) HIST 373 - History of Mexico (3.00) ENGLT 380 - Introduction to Shakespeare (3.00) HIST 367 - History of Russia (3.00) HUM 330 - Humanities of the Americas (3.00) PHIL 360 - Social/Political Philosophy (3.00) HIST 481 - History of Western Civilization- Honors (3.00) ENGLT 360 - Women in Literature (3.00) PHIL 330 - History of Classical Philosophy (3.00) ENGLT 311 - English Literature II (3.00) IDES 310 - History of Interior Architecture and Furnishings I (3.00) ENGLT 304 - Introduction to Poetry (3.00) HIST 308 - History of World Civilizations, 1500 to Present (3.00) ENGLT 310 - English Literature I (3.00) ENGLT 345 - Mythologies of the World (3.00) HUM 365 - Introduction to the New Testament (3.00) ENGLT 494 - Topics in Literature (3.00) ENGLT 320 - American Literature I (3.00) ENGLT 370 - Children and Literature (3.00) ENGLT 378 - Young Adult Literature (3.00) SOCIAL SCIENCES

  • HOME EDUCATION 1. Educational services that may be required for home education students as defined in School Act, Part II, Div. 4, Sec. 12 & 13 and School Act Regulations, Sec. (3), shall be provided by bargaining unit members.

  • Employee Education (A) At the discretion of the Agency Head or designee, the state may allow employees to attend short courses, institutes, and workshops which will improve their performance in their current position, without a loss of pay and benefits.

  • Union Education If the local union indicates to the Hospital that its members have approved a special assessment for union education in accordance with the CUPE constitution and local union by laws, the Hospital agrees to deduct this assessment. Such assessment will be paid on a quarterly basis into a trust fund established and administered by OCHU/CUPE for this purpose.

  • Training and Education SECTION 1 – Law Enforcement Supervisors’ Training The state and the PBA recognize the importance of supervisor training programs to develop management skills in our law enforcement supervisors. The state will make a reasonable effort to continue existing training programs in law enforcement techniques and to develop new programs in performance review techniques, supervisory skills, and managerial techniques.

  • Continuing Education 24.01 The Hospital and the Union recognize that continuing education is important for all employees and that they have shared interests and responsibilities in ensuring equitable access to it.

  • Special Education Teachers Whenever any Elementary Special Education class to which a student(s) is(are) added as a result of the distribution of students from the class of an absent Elementary Special Education teacher, Article 8-7 shall be in effect. In addition, whenever the class size of the receiving Special Education teacher exceeds the class size maxim mandated by Special Education class size law and/or regulation, the Xxxxxxxx Formula in AAA Case No. 1139-0696- 85, February 21, 1986, shall be used to calculate the compensation which said teacher shall receive as follows: The rate of pay for said teacher for teaching said additional students shall be computed by multiplying the teacher’s daily gross compensation by a fraction in which the denominator is twenty-six (26) and the numerator is the number of children taught in excess of Article 8-1.1 Item 3 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the parties.

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