EXPERIMENTAL OR INVESTIGATIONAL means any healthcare service that has progressed to limited human application, but has not been recognized as proven and effective in clinical medicine. See Experimental or Investigational Services in Section 3 for a more detailed description of the type of healthcare services we consider experimental or investigational.
EXPERIMENTAL OR INVESTIGATIONAL means that we determine the Service is:
EXPERIMENTAL OR INVESTIGATIONAL means the use of any treatment, procedure, facility, equipment, drug, device, or supply not accepted as standard medical treatment of the condition being treated or any of such items requiring Federal or other governmental agency approval not granted at the time services were provided.


  • General exclusions and limitations 22 Services or Drugs that are Experimental or Investigational in nature.

  • Unless otherwise required by law with respect to drugs which have been prescribed for treatment for which the drug has not been approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), We will not cover any services or supplies, including treatment, procedures, drugs, biological products or medical devices or any hospitalizations in connection with Experimental or Investigational services or supplies.

  • Experimental or Investigational services and supplies are not covered.

  • Covered Transplants This plan only covers transplant procedures that are not considered Experimental or Investigational for Your condition.

  • We cover other types of Therapy Services provided they are performed by a licensed Provider, are Medically Necessary and Appropriate and are not Experimental or Investigational.


EXPERIMENTAL OR INVESTIGATIONAL means a service that is determined to be experimental or investigational. In determining whether services are Experimental or Investigational, the Company will consider the following:
EXPERIMENTAL OR INVESTIGATIONAL. : means any procedure, treatment, facility, supply, device, or drug that:
EXPERIMENTAL OR INVESTIGATIONAL means, except as provided for under any clinical trials benefit provision, a drug, a device, a procedure, or treatment where:
EXPERIMENTAL OR INVESTIGATIONAL means any portion or part of any procedure, device, drug, treatment, or medicine, or the use thereof, which falls within any of the following categories:
EXPERIMENTAL OR INVESTIGATIONAL means treatment, a device or prescription medication which is recommended by a Physician, but is not considered by the medical community as a whole to be safe and effective for the condition for which the treatment, device or prescription medication is being used, including any treatment, procedure, facility, equipment, drugs, drug usage, devices, or supplies not recognized as accepted medical practice; and any of those items requiring federal or other governmental agency approval not received at the time services are rendered. The Company will make the final determination as to what is Experimental or Investigational.
EXPERIMENTAL OR INVESTIGATIONAL means that the Claims Administrator determines the Service is:
EXPERIMENTAL OR INVESTIGATIONAL means that it is determined that the Service is: