Right Holder Guarantor کی شقوں کے نمونے

Right Holder Guarantor. [X] [X guarantor] [Y] [Y guarantor] [Z] [Z guarantor] 5. The rights and obligations of each Right Holder, and the Right Holders collectively, pursuant to the EPA shall commence on the Effective Date and shall remain in force: a) With respect to Reconnaissance, Exploration and Appraisal Activities, for the duration of the Exploration Phase (and for the duration of the Production Phase, to the extent such activities are conducted within a Development and Production Area); b) With respect to Development and Production Activities, for the duration of the Production Phase (and for the duration of the relevant Production Period, with respect to any particular Development and Production Area); and c) For such additional period of time as may be reasonably necessary to finalise the implementation of a plan for the transfer of Petroleum Activities to the State pursuant to Article 25.4 of this EPA and/or the cessation of Petroleum Activities and decommissioning of Facilities pursuant to Article 18 of this EPA and the Decree no 10289/2013 (PAR). 6. This EPA may be terminated prior to the relevant date or dates set forth in paragraph 5 above at the time and in the manner set forth in Article 36 of this EPA. 7. Notwithstanding that this EPA has expired, has otherwise been terminated or revoked subject to applicable law or the ليفكلا قحلا بحاص [س ـلا ليفك] [س] [ص ـلا ليفك] [ص] [ع ـلا ليفك [ع] باحصأو قح بحاص لك تابجومو قوقح أدبت .5 ذافنلا خيراتب ،ةيقافتلاا هذه قفو ،نيعمتجم قوقحلا :لوعفملا ةيراس ىقبتو علاطتسلاا ةطشنأب قلعتي ام يف )أ ةلحرم ةليط ،ميوقتلا و فاشكتسلااو ردقلاب ،جاتنلإا ةلحرم ةليطو( فاشكتسلاا ةقطنم نمض ةطشنلأا هذه هيف سرَ امُت يذلا ؛)جاتنلإاو ريوطتلا ،جاتنلإاو ريوطتلا ةطشنأب قلعتي ام يف )ب جاتنلاا ةدم ةليطو( جاتنلإا ةلحرم ةليط ريوطت ةقطنم يأب قلعتي ام يف ،اهل ةدئاعلا ؛)ةنيعم جاتناو مزلا وه ام قفو ةيفاضإ ةينمز ةدملو )ج ةطشنلأا لقن ةطخ ذيفنت مامتلإ لوقعم لكشب ةداملا ىلإ ًادانتسا ةلودلا ىلإ ةيلورتبلا ةطشنلأا فقول وأ/و ةيقافتلاا هذه نم 25.4 تآشنملا ليغشتل مئادلا فقولاو ةيلورتبلا ةيقافتلاا هذه نم 18 ةداملا ىلإ ًادانتسا ةمظنلأا( 2013/10289 مقر موسرملاو .)ةيلورتبلا ةطشنلأاب ةقلعتملا دعاوقلاو خيراوتلا وأ خيراتلا لبق ةيقافتلاا هذه ءاهنإ نكمي .6 ةقيرطلاو خيراتلاب كلذو هلاعأ 5 ةرقفلا يف ةددحملا .ةيقافتلاا هذه نم 36 ةداملا يف نيددحملا لاح يف وأ ،ةيقافتلاا هذه ةدم ءاهتنا نم مغرلاب .7 ءارجلإا يعرملا نوناقلا قفو اهخسف وأ اهؤاهنإ مت terms and conditions of this EPA, the obligations of the EPA which have accrued hereunder before the date of termination shall continue to be bind...