ফরম 2ফরম অথ ´এই িবিধমালার সিহত সংӔɳ <কান ফরম; (১৪) “<বাড” অথ ´িবিধ ৫ এর অধীন গ$ত ɑাি̌ <বাড; (১৫) “<বতন” অথ ´ সরকার কҸক <বতন; অxেমািদত এবং কҸপ েBর কমচ´ ারী কҸক Ғহীত িনধা´িরত মািসক (১৬) “মেনানীত Vিɳ” অথ ´িবিধ-১৫ এর অধীেন মেনানীত <কান Xিx; (১৭) “সদΝ” অথ ´তহিবেলর <কান সদΝ; (১৮) “সrান” অথ ´rবধ সrান; এবং (১৯) “Eিবধােভাগী” অথ ´ কҸপেBর কমচ´ ারী বা তাহােদর মেনানীত <কান Vিɳ বা Vিɳবগ ´ যাহারা তহিবল হইেত আিথক Eিবধা পাওয়ার <যাt। ৩।
সপোোিী িযৱহাি 2সপোোিী িযৱহাি ি অথু হ’ে সি েেেযেেকে গ্ৰাহেি হেকত সিাগাকিাগ েকিাোঁকত পােন্ েডিিেগী া েক্ষতা আিু িত্নেমূহ- i. প্ৰেত ত িজািি অভযাে; ii. ভাে ডিশ্বােি আেৰ্ু; iii. গ্ৰাহেি হেকত সিাগাকিাগ েকিাোঁকত ডন্জি জ্ঞান্, অডভজ্ঞতা আিু ডেদ্ধহস্ততাি প্ৰক াগ iv. ডিত্তী োমগ্ৰী* িা ডিত্তী সেৱা গ্ৰাহেে প্ৰোন্ েিা েম ত েম্ভাৱয ডিপে সমাোডিো েিাি ডেদ্ধহস্ততা; আিু v. েেেযি প্ৰডত গ্ৰাহেি ডন্ভু িৰ্ীেতা িডত দ্ধ। *েম’ডিটি ডিিাইকভটিভ (Commodity derivative) চু ডিপত্ৰ 7. গ্ৰাহেি হেকত েেেযই সেন্কেন্ েকিাোঁকত স্বীেত তপ্ৰাপ্ত িযডিক প্ৰক াজন্ী েহকিাডগতা আিু েহা আগিỤাি৷
A/c েপয়ী 1A/c েপয়ী িচিhত কৰা েচকৰ dাৰা কৰা হ’ব।ঋণদাতাৰ eকমাǎ িবেবচনা aনসিৰ েকৱল” বা িডমাG Ƭা€ বা ভাৰতীয় েবংিকং বয্ৱsাৰ aধীনত aনেমািদত ধন হsাnৰৰ aনয্ েকােনা gহণেযাগয্ পdিতৰ dাৰা কিৰব লািগব। eেন সকেলা েচক বা হsাnৰৰ ধৰণৰ েkǎত আেৰাপ কৰা সংgহৰ মাচু ল বা eেন aনয্ানয্ মাচু ল যিদ থােক েতেn ঋণgহণকাৰীেয় বহন কিৰব লািগব, ঋণgহণকাৰী বা েতoৰ বহন কিৰব লািগব। েবংেক েচকখনৰ ে5নিজট/সংgহ/বাsিৱকীকৰণৰ বােব েলাৱা সময় িনিবর্েশেষ ঋণgহণকাৰীেয় 2.6
Adjudicator 1Adjudicator is the expert appointed jointly by the Procuring Entity and the Contractor to resolve disputes in the first instance, as provided for in GCC Sub Clause 42.2. (c) “Call-Off Order” is a particular order within a Framework Agreement indicating the quantity and timing of supplies to be supplied by the Supplier to the Purchaser. (d) “Standing Offer” means the Supplier agrees to provide the Goods from time to time and when authorized by the Purchaser by the issue of Call –off order. The Supplier agrees that the Purchaser is not obliged to order a specific number of, or any, Goods during the term of the Contract. (e) Completion Schedule means the fulfilment of the Related Services by the Supplier in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the Contract; (f) Contract Agreement means the Agreement entered into between the Procuring Entity and the Supplier, together with the Contract Documents referred to therein, including all attachments, appendices, and all documents incorporated by reference therein; (g) Contract Documents means the documents listed in the Contract Agreement, including any amendments thereto; (h) Contract Pricemeans the price stated in the Notification of Award and thereafter as adjusted in accordance with the provisions of the Contract; (i) Cost means all expenditures reasonably incurred or to be incurred by the Contractor, whether on or off the point of delivery, including overhead, taxes, duties, fees and such other similar levies including corresponding incidental charges and premiums for banking and insurances, as applicable. (j) Daymeans calendar days unless otherwise specified as working days; (k) Delivery means the transfer of ownership of the Goods from the Supplier to the Procuring Entity in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the Contract; (l) Force Majeure means an event or situation beyond the control of the Supplier that is not foreseeable, is unavoidable, and its origins not due to negligence or lack of care on the part of the Contractor; such events may include, but not be limited to, acts of the Government in its sovereign capacity, wars or revolutions, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, and freight embargoes or more as included in GCC Clause 36; (m) GCC mean the General Conditions of Contract; (n) Goodsmeans raw materials, products and equipment and objects in solid, liquid or gaseous form, electricity, and related Services if the value of such Services does not exceed that of the Goods themselves; (o) Government means the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh; (p) Head of the Procuring Entity means the Secretary of a Ministry or a Division, the Head of a Government Department or Directorate; or the Chief Executive; or as applicable, Divisional Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner, Zilla Judge; or by whatever designation called, of a local Government agency, an autonomous or semi-autonomous body or a corporation, or a corporate body established under the Companies Act; (q) Procuring Entity meansan Entity having administrative and financial powers to undertake Procurement of Goods, Works or Services using public funds, as specified in the PCC; (r) Related Servicesmeans Services linked to the supply of Goods contracts; (s) PCC means the Particular Conditions of Contract; (t) Subcontractormeans any natural person, private or government entity, or a combination of the above, to whom any part of the Goods to be supplied or execution of any part of the Related Services is subcontracted by the Supplier; (u) Suppliermeans a Person under contract with a Procuring Entity for the supply of Goods and related services under the Act; (v) Site means the point(s) of delivery named in the PCC (w) Writing means communication written by hand or machine duly signed and includes properly authenticated messages by facsimile or electronic mail. 2.
aনেমাদন পǎ 1aনেমাদন পǎ ঋণদাতাi ঋণৰ সুিবধা aনেমাদন কৰােটা জনাবৈল ঋণgহণকাৰীক pদান কৰা পǎ আৰু iয়াক চু িk আৰু iয়াত uেlখ কৰা চতর্ সমহৰ িভিtত আৰু iয়াৰ ৈসেত সংগিত ৰািখ পিỤব লািগব। “সচী” চু িkখনৰ aংশ িহচােপ সংযুk িযেকােনা বা সকেলা সচী য’ত সmিtৰ িবৱৰণ, ঋণ aনেমাদন কৰা, pেযাজয্ মাচু ল, ঋণ পিৰেশাধৰ বােব িকিs আিদ, বা পাৰsিৰক সnিত আৰ/ু বা সমেয় সমেয় পিৰৱতর্ ন কৰা িযেকােনা িবিধগত / িনয়ntণমলক বয্ৱsা থােক। “সৰিkত সmিt” pাথিমক িনৰাপtা (ঋণদাতাi আগবেỤাৱা ধনৰ পৰা kয় কৰা সmিt, িলেয়ন িচিhত হoক বা নহoক) আৰু ঋণৰ বােব আগবেỤাৱা জািমন িনৰাপtাৰ ৈসেত পৰৱতর্ী সকেলা িবকাশ, সংেযাজন আৰু unয়নৰ ৈসেত দেয়াটােক anভর্ু k কৰা আৰু ঋণৰ িনɸিtৰ লগেত ঋণদাতাক সুৰিkত কিৰবৈল েলাৱা বীমা পিলচী, ঋণgহণকাৰীৰ sাথর্ ei চু িkৰ aধীনত হoক বা পৰৱতর্ী aনয্ েকােনা চু িk(সমহূ )ৰ aধীনত। “িনৰাপদ পাoনাদাৰ” i েসi ঋণদাতাক বজায় যাৰ পkত ঋণgহণকাৰীেয় িযেকােনা আিথকর্ সাহাযয্ যথাযথ পিৰেশাধৰ বােব িনৰাপtাৰ sাথর্ সিɳ কেৰ। “িনৰাপদ ঋণ” িযেকােনা িনৰাপtা সতৰ dাৰা সৰিkত ঋণ “িনৰাপtা সতু ” সৰিkত পাoনাদাৰৰ সপেk সিɳ কৰা , সmিtৰ oপৰত িযেকােনা ধৰণৰ aিধকাৰ, st আৰু সুত, আৰু iয়াত SARFAESI আiন, 2002ৰ ধাৰা 31ত uেlখ কৰা বািহেৰ aনয্ িযেকােনা বnকী চু িk, মাচু ল, বnক, িনযুিk আিদ anভর্ু k কৰা হয়। ““িবেশষ uেlখ eকাuG (SMA)” আৰু and “নন- পাৰফিমংর্ eেচট (NPA)” ‘েɲছড eেচটছৰ িৰজ’িলuচনৰ বােব pেডিnেয়ল ে™মৱকর্ ’ৰ oপৰত সময়ৰ িবnতু pেযাজয্ আৰ িব আi চাkর্ লাৰ aনসিৰ িবেশষ uেlখ eকাuG (SMA 1&2)আৰু aকাযয্কৰী সmিt িহচােপ eকাuGৰ েƽণীিবভাজন কৰা। “কৰ” iয়াৰ িভতৰত ঋণgহণকাৰীেয় pদান কিৰবলগীয়া বা ঋণgহণকাৰীৰ ৈহ েকndীয় বা ৰাজয্ চৰকাৰক ঋণদাতাi pদান কিৰবলগীয়া সকেলা কৰ anভর্ু k কৰা ৈহেছ, য'ত সামgী আৰু েসৱা কৰ (GST), পথ কৰ, মটৰ গাড়ী কৰ, েসuজ কৰ, আয়কৰেক anভর্ূ k কিৰ িকn eiেবাৰ iয়াৰ মাজেত সীমাবd নহয়। "েৱবচাiট” aথর্াt ঋণদাতাৰ ৰাজ˱ৱা েৱবচাiট, xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx. 1.2 iয়াত সংjািয়ত েনােহাৱা শb আৰু aিভবয্িkসমহৰ য'ত সাধাৰণ দফা আiন, 1897ৰ িভিtত বয্াখয্া আৰু aথর্ িনযুk কৰা ৈহেছ, তাত েসi বয্াখয্া আৰু aথর্ থািকব লািগব। 1.3 eকক ভােৱ বয্ৱVত সকেলা শbi pসংগত aনয্ pেয়াজন েনােহাৱাৈলেক ব˱বচন anভর্ু k কিৰব লািগব আৰু eটা িলংগৰ uেlখত সকেলা িলংগ anভর্ু k হ’ব লািগব। aনেু cদ 2 2.1
C-TPAT 1C-TPAT মোধকে িযুক্তরোষ্ট্র সরকোর সন্ত্রোসবোশদর ধবরুশদ্ধ বোধণজয সুরধক্ষত করশত এবং মোধকে িযুক্তরোশষ্ট্রর সীমোন্ত রক্ষোশর্ে C-TPAT কমেসুধে ততরী কশরশে। আমরো আমোশদর সরবরোহ Yৃঙ্খলোর মশিয সন্ত্রোসী, সন্ত্রোসী অস্ত্র ও উপকরণ, এবং অিযোিয ধিধষদ্ধ বস্তু যোশত প্রশবY করশত িো পোশর এবং উপকরণগুধল ক্ষধতগ্রস্ত, হোধরশয়, বো েু ধর িো হশয় যোয় তো ধিধিত করোর জিয সংগ্রোম করধে।
Call-Off Order 1Call-Off Order is a particular order within a Framework Agreement indicating the quantity and timing of supplies to be supplied by the Supplier to the Purchaser. (d) “Standing Offer” means the Supplier agrees to provide the Goods from time to time and when authorized by the Purchaser by the issue of Call –off order. The Supplier agrees that the Purchaser is not obliged to order a specific number of, or any, Goods during the term of the Contract. (e) Completion Schedule means the fulfilment of the Related Services by the Supplier in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the Contract; (f) Contract Agreement means the Agreement entered into between the Procuring Entity and the Supplier, together with the Contract Documents referred to therein, including all attachments, appendices, and all documents incorporated by reference therein; (g) Contract Documents means the documents listed in the Contract Agreement, including any amendments thereto; (h) Contract Pricemeans the price stated in the Notification of Award and thereafter as adjusted in accordance with the provisions of the Contract; (i) Cost means all expenditures reasonably incurred or to be incurred by the Contractor, whether on or off the point of delivery, including overhead, taxes, duties, fees and such other similar levies including corresponding incidental charges and premiums for banking and insurances, as applicable. (j) Daymeans calendar days unless otherwise specified as working days; (k) Delivery means the transfer of ownership of the Goods from the Supplier to the Procuring Entity in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the Contract; (l) Force Majeure means an event or situation beyond the control of the Supplier that is not foreseeable, is unavoidable, and its origins not due to negligence or lack of care on the part of the Contractor; such events may include, but not be limited to, acts of the Government in its sovereign capacity, wars or revolutions, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, and freight embargoes or more as included in GCC Clause 36; (m) GCC mean the General Conditions of Contract; (n) Goodsmeans raw materials, products and equipment and objects in solid, liquid or gaseous form, electricity, and related Services if the value of such Services does not exceed that of the Goods themselves; (o) Government means the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh; (p) Head of the Procuring Entity means the Secretary of a Ministry or a Division, the Head of a Government Department or Directorate; or the Chief Executive; or as applicable, Divisional Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner, Zilla Judge; or by whatever designation called, of a local Government agency, an autonomous or semi-autonomous body or a corporation, or a corporate body established under the Companies Act; (q) Procuring Entity meansan Entity having administrative and financial powers to undertake Procurement of Goods, Works or Services using public funds, as specified in the PCC; (r) Related Servicesmeans Services linked to the supply of Goods contracts; (s) PCC means the Particular Conditions of Contract; (t) Subcontractormeans any natural person, private or government entity, or a combination of the above, to whom any part of the Goods to be supplied or execution of any part of the Related Services is subcontracted by the Supplier; (u) Suppliermeans a Person under contract with a Procuring Entity for the supply of Goods and related services under the Act; (v) Site means the point(s) of delivery named in the PCC (w) Writing means communication written by hand or machine duly signed and includes properly authenticated messages by facsimile or electronic mail. 2.
coercive practice 1coercive practice means harming or threatening to harm, directly or indirectly, Persons or their property to influence a decision to be taken in the Procurement proceeding or the execution of a Contract, and this will include creating obstructions in the normal submission process used for Tenders. (g) “Obstructive practice” (applicable in case of Development Partner) means deliberately destroying, falsifying, altering or concealing of evidence material to the investigation or making false statements to investigators in order to materially impede an investigation into allegations of a corrupt, fraudulent, coercive or collusive practice; and /or threatening, harassing or intimidating any party to prevent it from disclosing its knowledge of matters relevant to the investigation or from pursuing the investigation. (h) Should any corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, coercive (or obstructive in case of Development Partner) practice of any kind is determined by the Procuring Entity or the Development Partner, if applicable, this will be dealt in accordance with the provisions of the Public Procurement Act and Rules and Guidelines of the Development Partners as stated in the ITT sub-clause 0.0.Xx case of obstructive practice, this will be dealt in accordance with Development Partners Guidelines. (i) If corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, coercive (or obstructive in case of Development Partner) practices of any kind is determined by the Procuring Entity against any Tenderer or Supplier (including its manufacturers, sub-contractors, agents, personnel, consultants, and service providers) in competing for, or in executing, a contract under public fund; i. Procuring Entity and/or the Development Partner shall exclude the concerned Tenderer from further participation in the concerned procurement proceedings; ii. Procuring Entity and/or the Development Partnershall reject any recommendation for award that had been proposed for that concerned Tenderer; iii. Procuring Entity and/or the Development Partner shalldeclare, at its discretion, the concerned Tenderer to be ineligible to participate in further Procurement proceedings, either indefinitely or for a specific period of time; iv. Development Partner shall sanction the concerned Tenderer or individual, at any time, in accordance with prevailing Development Partner’ sanctions procedures, including by publicly declaring such Tenderer or individual ineligible, either indefinitely or for a stated period of time: (i) to be awarded a Development Partner-financed contract; and (ii) to be a nominated sub-contractor, consultant, manufacturer or Supplier, or service provider of an otherwise eligible firm being awarded a Development Partner-financed contract and v. Development Partner shall cancel the portion of the loan allocated to a contract if it determines at any time that representatives of the Procuring Entity or of a beneficiary of the loan engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, coercive or obstructive practices during the
collusive practice 1collusive practice means a scheme or arrangement between two (2) or more Persons, with or without the knowledge of the Procuring Entity, that is designed to arbitrarily reduce the number of Tenders submitted or fix Tender prices at artificial, non-competitive levels, thereby denying the Procuring Entity the benefits of competitive price arising from genuine and open competition; (f) “coercive practice” means harming or threatening to harm, directly or indirectly, Persons or their property to influence a decision to be taken in the Procurement proceeding or the execution of a Contract, and this will include creating obstructions in the normal submission process used for Tenders. (g) “Obstructive practice” (applicable in case of Development Partner) means deliberately destroying, falsifying, altering or concealing of evidence material to the investigation or making false statements to investigators in order to materially impede an investigation into allegations of a corrupt, fraudulent, coercive or collusive practice; and /or threatening, harassing or intimidating any party to prevent it from disclosing its knowledge of matters relevant to the investigation or from pursuing the investigation. (h) Should any corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, coercive (or obstructive in case of Development Partner) practice of any kind is determined by the Procuring Entity or the Development Partner, if applicable, this will be dealt in accordance with the provisions of the Public Procurement Act and Rules and Guidelines of the Development Partners as stated in the ITT sub-clause 0.0.Xx case of obstructive practice, this will be dealt in accordance with Development Partners Guidelines. (i) If corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, coercive (or obstructive in case of Development Partner) practices of any kind is determined by the Procuring Entity against any Tenderer or Supplier (including its manufacturers, sub-contractors, agents, personnel, consultants, and service providers) in competing for, or in executing, a contract under public fund; i. Procuring Entity and/or the Development Partner shall exclude the concerned Tenderer from further participation in the concerned procurement proceedings; ii. Procuring Entity and/or the Development Partnershall reject any recommendation for award that had been proposed for that concerned Tenderer; iii. Procuring Entity and/or the Development Partner shalldeclare, at its discretion, the concerned Tenderer to be ineligible to participate in further Procurement proceedings, either indefinitely or for a specific period of time; iv. Development Partner shall sanction the concerned Tenderer or individual, at any time, in accordance with prevailing Development Partner’ sanctions procedures, including by publicly declaring such Tenderer or individual ineligible, either indefinitely or for a stated period of time: (i) to be awarded a Development Partner-financed contract; and (ii) to be a nominated sub-contractor, consultant, manufacturer or Supplier, or service provider of an otherwise eligible firm being awarded a Development Partner-financed contract and v. Development Partner shall cancel the portion of the loan allocated to a contract if it determines at any time that representatives of the Procuring Entity or of a beneficiary of the loan engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, coercive or obstructive practices during the
Completion Schedule 1Completion Schedule means the fulfilment of the Related Services by the Supplier in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the Contract; (f) Contract Agreement means the Agreement entered into between the Procuring Entity and the Supplier, together with the Contract Documents referred to therein, including all attachments, appendices, and all documents incorporated by reference therein; (g) Contract Documents means the documents listed in the Contract Agreement, including any amendments thereto; (h) Contract Pricemeans the price stated in the Notification of Award and thereafter as adjusted in accordance with the provisions of the Contract; (i) Cost means all expenditures reasonably incurred or to be incurred by the Contractor, whether on or off the point of delivery, including overhead, taxes, duties, fees and such other similar levies including corresponding incidental charges and premiums for banking and insurances, as applicable. (j) Daymeans calendar days unless otherwise specified as working days; (k) Delivery means the transfer of ownership of the Goods from the Supplier to the Procuring Entity in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the Contract; (l) Force Majeure means an event or situation beyond the control of the Supplier that is not foreseeable, is unavoidable, and its origins not due to negligence or lack of care on the part of the Contractor; such events may include, but not be limited to, acts of the Government in its sovereign capacity, wars or revolutions, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, and freight embargoes or more as included in GCC Clause 36; (m) GCC mean the General Conditions of Contract; (n) Goodsmeans raw materials, products and equipment and objects in solid, liquid or gaseous form, electricity, and related Services if the value of such Services does not exceed that of the Goods themselves; (o) Government means the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh; (p) Head of the Procuring Entity means the Secretary of a Ministry or a Division, the Head of a Government Department or Directorate; or the Chief Executive; or as applicable, Divisional Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner, Zilla Judge; or by whatever designation called, of a local Government agency, an autonomous or semi-autonomous body or a corporation, or a corporate body established under the Companies Act; (q) Procuring Entity meansan Entity having administrative and financial powers to undertake Procurement of Goods, Works or Services using public funds, as specified in the PCC; (r) Related Servicesmeans Services linked to the supply of Goods contracts; (s) PCC means the Particular Conditions of Contract; (t) Subcontractormeans any natural person, private or government entity, or a combination of the above, to whom any part of the Goods to be supplied or execution of any part of the Related Services is subcontracted by the Supplier; (u) Suppliermeans a Person under contract with a Procuring Entity for the supply of Goods and related services under the Act; (v) Site means the point(s) of delivery named in the PCC (w) Writing means communication written by hand or machine duly signed and includes properly authenticated messages by facsimile or electronic mail. 2.
Contract Agreement 1Contract Agreement means the Agreement entered into between the Procuring Entity and the Supplier, together with the Contract Documents referred to therein, including all attachments, appendices, and all documents incorporated by reference therein; (g) Contract Documents means the documents listed in the Contract Agreement, including any amendments thereto; (h) Contract Pricemeans the price stated in the Notification of Award and thereafter as adjusted in accordance with the provisions of the Contract; (i) Cost means all expenditures reasonably incurred or to be incurred by the Contractor, whether on or off the point of delivery, including overhead, taxes, duties, fees and such other similar levies including corresponding incidental charges and premiums for banking and insurances, as applicable. (j) Daymeans calendar days unless otherwise specified as working days; (k) Delivery means the transfer of ownership of the Goods from the Supplier to the Procuring Entity in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the Contract; (l) Force Majeure means an event or situation beyond the control of the Supplier that is not foreseeable, is unavoidable, and its origins not due to negligence or lack of care on the part of the Contractor; such events may include, but not be limited to, acts of the Government in its sovereign capacity, wars or revolutions, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, and freight embargoes or more as included in GCC Clause 36; (m) GCC mean the General Conditions of Contract; (n) Goodsmeans raw materials, products and equipment and objects in solid, liquid or gaseous form, electricity, and related Services if the value of such Services does not exceed that of the Goods themselves; (o) Government means the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh; (p) Head of the Procuring Entity means the Secretary of a Ministry or a Division, the Head of a Government Department or Directorate; or the Chief Executive; or as applicable, Divisional Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner, Zilla Judge; or by whatever designation called, of a local Government agency, an autonomous or semi-autonomous body or a corporation, or a corporate body established under the Companies Act; (q) Procuring Entity meansan Entity having administrative and financial powers to undertake Procurement of Goods, Works or Services using public funds, as specified in the PCC; (r) Related Servicesmeans Services linked to the supply of Goods contracts; (s) PCC means the Particular Conditions of Contract; (t) Subcontractormeans any natural person, private or government entity, or a combination of the above, to whom any part of the Goods to be supplied or execution of any part of the Related Services is subcontracted by the Supplier; (u) Suppliermeans a Person under contract with a Procuring Entity for the supply of Goods and related services under the Act; (v) Site means the point(s) of delivery named in the PCC (w) Writing means communication written by hand or machine duly signed and includes properly authenticated messages by facsimile or electronic mail. 2.
Contract Documents 1Contract Documents means the documents listed in the Contract Agreement, including any amendments thereto; (h) Contract Pricemeans the price stated in the Notification of Award and thereafter as adjusted in accordance with the provisions of the Contract; (i) Cost means all expenditures reasonably incurred or to be incurred by the Contractor, whether on or off the point of delivery, including overhead, taxes, duties, fees and such other similar levies including corresponding incidental charges and premiums for banking and insurances, as applicable. (j) Daymeans calendar days unless otherwise specified as working days; (k) Delivery means the transfer of ownership of the Goods from the Supplier to the Procuring Entity in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the Contract; (l) Force Majeure means an event or situation beyond the control of the Supplier that is not foreseeable, is unavoidable, and its origins not due to negligence or lack of care on the part of the Contractor; such events may include, but not be limited to, acts of the Government in its sovereign capacity, wars or revolutions, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, and freight embargoes or more as included in GCC Clause 36; (m) GCC mean the General Conditions of Contract; (n) Goodsmeans raw materials, products and equipment and objects in solid, liquid or gaseous form, electricity, and related Services if the value of such Services does not exceed that of the Goods themselves; (o) Government means the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh; (p) Head of the Procuring Entity means the Secretary of a Ministry or a Division, the Head of a Government Department or Directorate; or the Chief Executive; or as applicable, Divisional Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner, Zilla Judge; or by whatever designation called, of a local Government agency, an autonomous or semi-autonomous body or a corporation, or a corporate body established under the Companies Act; (q) Procuring Entity meansan Entity having administrative and financial powers to undertake Procurement of Goods, Works or Services using public funds, as specified in the PCC; (r) Related Servicesmeans Services linked to the supply of Goods contracts; (s) PCC means the Particular Conditions of Contract; (t) Subcontractormeans any natural person, private or government entity, or a combination of the above, to whom any part of the Goods to be supplied or execution of any part of the Related Services is subcontracted by the Supplier; (u) Suppliermeans a Person under contract with a Procuring Entity for the supply of Goods and related services under the Act; (v) Site means the point(s) of delivery named in the PCC (w) Writing means communication written by hand or machine duly signed and includes properly authenticated messages by facsimile or electronic mail. 2.
corrupt practice 1corrupt practice means offering, giving or promising to give, receiving, or soliciting either directly or indirectly, to any officer or employee of the Procuring Entity or other public or private authority or individual, a gratuity in any form; employment or any other thing or service of value as an inducement with respect to an act or decision or method followed by the Procuring Entity in connection with a Procurement proceeding or Contract execution; (d) “fraudulent practice” means the misrepresentation or omission of facts in order to influence a decision to be taken in a Procurement proceeding or Contract execution; (e) “collusive practice” means a scheme or arrangement between two (2) or more Persons, with or without the knowledge of the Procuring Entity, that is designed to arbitrarily reduce the number of Tenders submitted or fix Tender prices at artificial, non-competitive levels, thereby denying the Procuring Entity the benefits of competitive price arising from genuine and open competition; (f) “coercive practice” means harming or threatening to harm, directly or indirectly, Persons or their property to influence a decision to be taken in the Procurement proceeding or the execution of a Contract, and this will include creating obstructions in the normal submission process used for Tenders. (g) “Obstructive practice” (applicable in case of Development Partner) means deliberately destroying, falsifying, altering or concealing of evidence material to the investigation or making false statements to investigators in order to materially impede an investigation into allegations of a corrupt, fraudulent, coercive or collusive practice; and /or threatening, harassing or intimidating any party to prevent it from disclosing its knowledge of matters relevant to the investigation or from pursuing the investigation. (h) Should any corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, coercive (or obstructive in case of Development Partner) practice of any kind is determined by the Procuring Entity or the Development Partner, if applicable, this will be dealt in accordance with the provisions of the Public Procurement Act and Rules and Guidelines of the Development Partners as stated in the ITT sub-clause 0.0.Xx case of obstructive practice, this will be dealt in accordance with Development Partners Guidelines. (i) If corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, coercive (or obstructive in case of Development Partner) practices of any kind is determined by the Procuring Entity against any Tenderer or Supplier (including its manufacturers, sub-contractors, agents, personnel, consultants, and service providers) in competing for, or in executing, a contract under public fund; i. Procuring Entity and/or the Development Partner shall exclude the concerned Tenderer from further participation in the concerned procurement proceedings; ii. Procuring Entity and/or the Development Partnershall reject any recommendation for award that had been proposed for that concerned Tenderer; iii. Procuring Entity and/or the Development Partner shalldeclare, at its discretion, the concerned Tenderer to be ineligible to participate in further Procurement proceedings, either indefinitely or for a specific period of time; iv. Development Partner shall sanction the concerned Tenderer or individual, at any time, in accordance with prevailing Development Partner’ sanctions procedures, including by publicly declaring such Tenderer or individual ineligible, either indefinitely or for a stated period of time: (i) to be awarded a Development Partner-financed contract; and (ii) to be a nominated sub-contractor, consultant, manufacturer or Supplier, or service provider of an otherwise eligible firm being awarded a Development Partner-financed contract and v. Development Partner shall cancel the portion of the loan allocated to a contract if it determines at any time that representatives of the Procuring Entity or of a beneficiary of the loan engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, coercive or obstructive practices during the
Cost 1Cost means all expenditures reasonably incurred or to be incurred by the Contractor, whether on or off the point of delivery, including overhead, taxes, duties, fees and such other similar levies including corresponding incidental charges and premiums for banking and insurances, as applicable. (j) Daymeans calendar days unless otherwise specified as working days; (k) Delivery means the transfer of ownership of the Goods from the Supplier to the Procuring Entity in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the Contract; (l) Force Majeure means an event or situation beyond the control of the Supplier that is not foreseeable, is unavoidable, and its origins not due to negligence or lack of care on the part of the Contractor; such events may include, but not be limited to, acts of the Government in its sovereign capacity, wars or revolutions, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, and freight embargoes or more as included in GCC Clause 36; (m) GCC mean the General Conditions of Contract; (n) Goodsmeans raw materials, products and equipment and objects in solid, liquid or gaseous form, electricity, and related Services if the value of such Services does not exceed that of the Goods themselves; (o) Government means the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh; (p) Head of the Procuring Entity means the Secretary of a Ministry or a Division, the Head of a Government Department or Directorate; or the Chief Executive; or as applicable, Divisional Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner, Zilla Judge; or by whatever designation called, of a local Government agency, an autonomous or semi-autonomous body or a corporation, or a corporate body established under the Companies Act; (q) Procuring Entity meansan Entity having administrative and financial powers to undertake Procurement of Goods, Works or Services using public funds, as specified in the PCC; (r) Related Servicesmeans Services linked to the supply of Goods contracts; (s) PCC means the Particular Conditions of Contract; (t) Subcontractormeans any natural person, private or government entity, or a combination of the above, to whom any part of the Goods to be supplied or execution of any part of the Related Services is subcontracted by the Supplier; (u) Suppliermeans a Person under contract with a Procuring Entity for the supply of Goods and related services under the Act; (v) Site means the point(s) of delivery named in the PCC (w) Writing means communication written by hand or machine duly signed and includes properly authenticated messages by facsimile or electronic mail. 2.
cস9Tv-১ িবভাগীỢ অিফেসর ˚পকɤ (Vision), অিভলWƟ (Mission 1cস9Tv-১ িবভাগীỢ অিফেসর ˚পকɤ (Vision), অিভলWƟ (Mission কম´সɑাদেনর (WƯ এবং কায´াবলী সזবvvীv ˰זʆvেসবז fvfɩত9রণ nর vvv মזvসɖত ƵfTfǘত vvবল ১.২ অিভলWƟ (Mission) fচf9সז fTǘז Ƶfতɵזvসম˛েহ মזvসɖত fচf9সז fTǘז বvবʆז চזল9 ১.৩ কম´সɑাদেনর (WƯ ১.৩.১ vȼরxসংʆזর 9মস´ ɑזvেvর cǘǎ রণ। vǘতז Sȵ4েvর fvfমেȑ ƵfTǘেণর সেু 4זv সɏসזরণ, vেবষণזম˛ল9 9זv বf˛ ȝ9রণ z vזvז´ ল Ƶ9זT। [১] n9זেvfম9 9ז4ưম fvfɩত9রণ [২] fTǘזv পזঠvזv z fTǘ9 ƵfTǘেণর মזrvেম fTǘে9র vǘতז ব˛fȝ 9ের fTǘזর vvু vত মזেvזȵ4v [৩] vেবষণז সɑזvv z vזvז´ ল Ƶ9זT [৪] fv4fমত পזঠvưম বfহň˛´ত 9ז4ưম [a] vזতী4 Tȝזচזর c9ৗTল পfর9ɤvז, cসবז Ƶvזv Ƶfত˟fত, ই-vňזvv´ זস, তvv vfr9זর, vfňে4זv Ƶfত9זর বvবʆזপvז সংưזv 9ז4ưম nর লǘvমזǎז vv´v ১.৩.২ সTু זসv z সংɾזর মল˛ 9 9মস´ ɑזvেvর cǘǎ সTু זসv z সংɾזরম˛ল9 9ז4ưেমর বזʅবז4v cvזরvזর9রণ ১.৪ কায´াবলী 9) fTǘז 9ז4ư ম fvfɩত9রেণর লcǘv তȐী4 z বvবহזfর9 পזঠসম˛হ fvfɩত9রণ v) fTǘזর vণু vত মזেvזȵ4েvর লcǘv fTǘזvেvর হזেত 9লেম ƵfTǘণ Ƶvזv v) n9זেvfম9 9vזেলvזর vv4ু ז4ী স9ল Ƶ9זর পরীǘז nহণ 4) vেবষণז 9ז4ưম nর সংvvז z vণু vত মזv ব˛fȝর লেǘv Ƶে4זvvী4 পvcǘপ nহণ ঙ) fTǘזর vণু vত S9ষ´ সזrv z Ƶfতɵזv বvবʆזপvז vǘতז বf˛ ȝ9েɤ fTǘ9 z স9ল প4ז´ ে4র 9ম9 চ) cসবזnহীতזেvর cসবזর পfরfr বf˛ ȝ nবং Ƶfতɵזেvর সזfň´স লvזব সম˛েহর 7rfু v9ী9রণ ত´ז-9মচ´ זরীেvর ƵfTǘণ Ƶvזv সহ vvvזvv পvcǘপ nহণ ছ) Tזরীfর9 z মזvfস9 fব9זেTর লcǘv ưী?ז z সזংɾ˛ fত9 9ז4ưম nহণ v) vזতী4 Tȝ זচזর c9ৗTল পfর9ɤvז, cসবז Ƶvזv Ƶfত˟fত, ই-vňזvv´ זস,তvv vfr9זর, vfňে4זv Ƶfত9זর বvবʆזপvז সংưזv 9ז4ư ম বזʅবז4েvর লেǘv Ƶে4זvvী4 পvেǘপnহণ (e) fপfছে4 প?ז ছזǎ-ছזǎীেvর সহז4তז4 nfসʁvזs cসল ফর fvফɟזর ʁু েPvস vঠণ fবfňȵ 9ז4ư cস9Tv-২ েমর চু ?זv ফলזফলxƵňזব (Outcome/Impact) চু?זv ফলזফলx Ƶňזব 9মস´ ɑזvv স˛চ9সমহ˛ n99 Ƶ9˛ ত vv´v ২◦২◦-২◦২১ Ƶ9˛ ত vv´v ২◦২১- ২◦২২ লǘvমזǎז ২◦২২-২◦২৩ Ƶেǘপv fvrז´ fরত লǘvমזǎז vv´েvর cǘেǎ c4ৗvňזেব vזf4ʲƵזȼ মȫণזল4xfবňזvx সংʆזসমেু হর vזম Sপזȑস˛ǎ ২◦২৪-২a ২◦২a-২s fTTু মত˛ ু v (xזস) (পזচঁ বছেরর 9ম ব4সী) ২◦২a সזেলর PזেvP´ -২e fTTু মত˛ ু v (xזস) Ƶfত হזvזের ২৮ ২৮ ২e.২a ২e.১২ ২e ʆזvী4 সর9זর fবňזv, ˰זʆv cসবז fবňזv, ˰זʆv fTǘז vfrvȼর nবং ˰זʆv vfrvȼর ৮ম বািষ´কী পিরকɤনা (অধƟỢ-১০ পɵৃ া-৫২২ ৪ এ (দỢ২০২৫ সােলর টােগ´ট অজ´ েনর িনিমেȑ), িবিডএইচএস-২০১৪, িবিবএস-২০১৭ এসিভআরএস-২০২০, ইউিনেসফ, আরিপআইিপ; ভিলউম-১ এমআইএস (িডিজএইচএস), এমআইএস (িডিজএফিপ) মזত˛ মুতv (xזস) ২◦২a সזেলর PזেvP´ - ১◦◦ মזত˛ মত˛ ু vvvুপזত (xזস) Ƶfত লcǘ ১sa ১s৩ ১৪a ১২a ১◦◦ ʆזvী4 সর9זর fবňזv, ˰זʆv cসবז fবňזv, ˰זʆv fTǘז vfrvȼর nবং ˰זʆv vfrvȼর িবিজএইচএস-২০১৪,িবিবএস-২০১৭, এসিবআরএস-২০২০,ইউিনেসফ, আরিপআইিপ; ভিলউম-১, এমআইএস (িডিজএইচএস), এমআইএস (িডিজএফিপ), ৮মপǹবািষ´কী পিরকɤনা (অধƟাỢ-১০, পɵৃ া-৫২২ এ (দỢ২০২৫ সােলর টােগ´ট অজ´ েনর িনিমȑ। cমזP Ƶvvv হזর (TFR) (xזস) ২◦২a সזেলর PזেvP´ - ১◦◦ cমזP Ƶvvv হזর Ƶfত লcǘ ২.◦৪ ২.◦৪ ২.◦২ ২.◦১ ২ ʆזvী4 সর9זর fবňזv, ˰זʆv cসবז fবňזv, ˰זʆv fTǘז vfrvȼর nবং ˰זʆv vfrvȼর িবিজএইচএস-২০১৪,িবিবএস-২০১৭, এসিবআরএস-২০২০,ইউিনেসফ, আরিপআইিপ; ভিলউম-১, এমআইএস (িডিজএইচএস), এমআইএস (িডিজএফিপ), ৮মপǹবািষ´কী পিরকɤনা (অধƟাỢ-১০, পɵৃ া-৫২২ এ (দỢ২০২৫ সােলর টােগ´ট অজ´ েনর িনিমȑ। পfরবזর পfর9ɤvז পȝfত বvবহזর ২◦২a সזেলর PזেvP´ -ea পȝfতবvবহזর9זরীর হזর Ƶfত Tতে9 s৩.◦৪ s৩.৯ e◦ e২ ea ʆזvী4 সর9זর fবňזv nবং ˰זʆv vfrvȼর িবিজএইচএস-২০১৪,িবিবএস-২০১৭, এসিবআরএস-২০২০,ইউিনেসফ, আরিপআইিপ; ভিলউম-১, এমআইএস (িডিজএইচএস), এমআইএস (িডিজএফিপ), ৮মপǹবািষ´কী পিরকɤনা (অধƟাỢ-১০, পɵৃ া-৫২২ এ (দỢ২০২৫ সােলর টােগ´ট অজ´ েনর িনিমȑ। cস9Tv ৩ : 9মসɑזvv পfর9ɤvז 9মস´ ɑזvv cǘǎ cǘেǎর মזv 9ז4ư´ ম 9মস´ ɑזvv সচ˛ 9 vণvז পыfত n99 9মস´ ɑזvv সচ˛ ে9র মזv লǘvমזǎזxfvণז´ 49 ২◦২৪-২a ƵেWপণ ƵেWপণ vসזrזরণ vfত
Delivery 1Delivery means the transfer of ownership of the Goods from the Supplier to the Procuring Entity in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the Contract; (l) Force Majeure means an event or situation beyond the control of the Supplier that is not foreseeable, is unavoidable, and its origins not due to negligence or lack of care on the part of the Contractor; such events may include, but not be limited to, acts of the Government in its sovereign capacity, wars or revolutions, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, and freight embargoes or more as included in GCC Clause 36; (m) GCC mean the General Conditions of Contract; (n) Goodsmeans raw materials, products and equipment and objects in solid, liquid or gaseous form, electricity, and related Services if the value of such Services does not exceed that of the Goods themselves; (o) Government means the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh; (p) Head of the Procuring Entity means the Secretary of a Ministry or a Division, the Head of a Government Department or Directorate; or the Chief Executive; or as applicable, Divisional Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner, Zilla Judge; or by whatever designation called, of a local Government agency, an autonomous or semi-autonomous body or a corporation, or a corporate body established under the Companies Act; (q) Procuring Entity meansan Entity having administrative and financial powers to undertake Procurement of Goods, Works or Services using public funds, as specified in the PCC; (r) Related Servicesmeans Services linked to the supply of Goods contracts; (s) PCC means the Particular Conditions of Contract; (t) Subcontractormeans any natural person, private or government entity, or a combination of the above, to whom any part of the Goods to be supplied or execution of any part of the Related Services is subcontracted by the Supplier; (u) Suppliermeans a Person under contract with a Procuring Entity for the supply of Goods and related services under the Act; (v) Site means the point(s) of delivery named in the PCC (w) Writing means communication written by hand or machine duly signed and includes properly authenticated messages by facsimile or electronic mail. 2.
Deviation 1Deviation is a departure from the requirements specified in the Tender Document; “Reservation” is the setting of limiting conditions or withholding from complete acceptance of the requirements specified in the Tender Document; and “Omission” is the failure to submit part or all of the information or documentation required in the Tender Document. 48.3 If a Tender is not responsive to the mandatory requirements set out in the Tender Document, shall not subsequently be made responsive by the Tenderer by correction of the material deviation, reservation, or omission. 48.4 There shall be no requirement as to the minimum number of responsive tenders. 48.5 There shall be no automatic exclusion of Tenders which are above or below the official estimate. 48.6 TEC will examine the adequacy and authenticity of the documentary evidence which may follow the order below: (a) verification of the completeness of the country of origin declaration in the Price Schedule for Goods and related services (Form PG3A-4A and 4B) to determine the eligibility of the Goods and related services. (b) verification and examination of the documentary evidence and completed Specification Submission Sheet (Form PG3A-5) to determine the conformity of the Goods and related services. (c) verification and examination of the documentary evidence that the Tenderer’s qualifications conform to the Tender Document and the Tenderer meets each of the qualification criterion specified in SubSection C, Qualification Criteria. 48.7 Provided that a Tender is responsive, TEC may request that the Tenderer submit the necessary information or documentation, within a reasonable period of time, to rectify nonmaterial nonconformities or omissions in the Tender related to documentation requirements. Such omission shall not be related 49.
EMI (সমান মােহকীয়া িকিs) 1EMI (সমান মােহকীয়া িকিs) iয়াৰ aথর্ হ’ল িdতীয় সূচীত িনিদর্ ɳ কৰা মািহলী পিৰেশাধৰ পিৰমাণ, িযেবাৰ ঋণৰ সময়েছাৱাৰ িভতৰত সতৰ ৈসেত ঋণ পিৰেশাধ কিৰবৈল pেয়াজন হয়। "IRACP” “aিgম ধনৰ ৈসেত জিড়ত আয় িচনাkকৰণ, সmিt েƽণীিবভাজন আৰু যাৱতীয় সা-সুিবধা”। IRACP িনয়ntণ কৰা িবেবচনাপূণর্ নীিতসমহূ িনয়ntণ কতৃর্ পk aথর্াৎ, আৰ িব আiেয় (RBI) সমেয় সমেয় জািৰ কৰা িনেদর্ শনাৰ dাৰা পিৰচািলত হ'ব। “ঋণদাতা” ঋণদাতা” ৰ aথর্ হ’ল M/x. Xxxxxxx Leyland Finance Limited, আৰু iয়াত চু িkখনত uেlখ কৰা খG/ৰাজয্/আǹিলক/শাখা কাযর্ালয়সমহূ anভর্ু k কৰা হয়। “ঋণ” “ঋণ” ৰ aথর্ হ’ল aনেু cদ 2.1 চু িk আৰু pথম সূচীত uেlখ কৰা ঋণ। “NCLT বা ৰাɲীয় েকাmানী আiন নয্ায়ািধকৰণ” i ভাৰতৰ eটা aধর্-নয্ািয়ক সংsাক বজায় িযেয় েকাmানী eটাৰ oপৰত িনপীড়ন আৰু aপবয্ৱsাপনাৰ দাবী, েকাmানী, aংশীদািৰt, বয্িkক েkǎ aনসিৰ বn কৰা, িয ধৰণৰ িবষেয় নহoক আৰু েকাmানী আiন, 2013ৰ aধীনত িনধর্ািৰত aনয্ানয্ সকেলা kমতাৰ ৈসেত জিড়ত িবষয়সমহৰ িবচাৰ কেৰ লগেত ঋণ ঘূৰাব েনাৱৰা aৱsা আৰু েদuলীয়া িবিধ, 2016ৰ aধীনত েকাmানীসমহৰ িবৰেd ঋণ ঘৰাব েনাৱৰা aৱsা আৰু েদuলীয়াৰ কাযর্য্িবিধ। “েপাɳ েডেটড েচক” বা “PDC’s” pিতেটা িকিsৰ িনধর্ািৰত তািৰখৰ ৈসেত িমল থকা তািৰখসমহূ বহন কৰা িকিsৰ পিৰমাণৰ বােব ঋণদাতাৰ সপেk ঋণgহণকাৰীেয় uিলoৱা িকিsৰ পিৰমাণৰ েচক। “পূবর্ পিৰেশাধ” ঋণদাতাi িনধর্াৰণ কৰা চতর্ আৰু পিৰেশাধৰ সময়ত বলবৎ েহাৱা চতর্ aনসিৰ আগতীয়াৈক পিৰেশাধ কৰা। “হাৰ আৰু সতু ” ei চু িkৰ aনেু cদ 2.2ত uেlখ কৰা সতৰ হাৰ। “িনয়ntণ কতৃর্ পk” ভাৰতীয় িৰজাভর্ েবংক (RBI) আৰু aনয্ানয্ চৰকাৰ, aধর্ চৰকাৰী কতৃর্ পk, eটা িবিধগত সংsা iতয্ািদক বজায় আৰু anভর্ু k কেৰ। “পনৰ পিৰেশাধ” ei চু িk aনসিৰ ঋণদাতাক পিৰেশাধ কিৰব লগা ঋণৰ মলূ পিৰমাণ, iয়াৰ oপৰত সতু , pিতKিত আৰ/ু বা aনয্ েকােনা মাচু ল, িpিময়াম, ফীজ বা পিৰেশাধ কিৰব লগা aনয্ান মাচু লেবাৰ; আৰু িবেশষৈক ei চু িkৰ aনেু cদ 2.9ত uেlখ কৰা পিৰেশাধৰ সুিবধােবাৰ। “aনেমাদন পǎ” ঋণদাতাi ঋণৰ সুিবধা aনেমাদন কৰােটা জনাবৈল ঋণgহণকাৰীক pদান কৰা পǎ আৰু iয়াক চু িk আৰু iয়াত uেlখ কৰা চতর্ সমহৰ িভিtত আৰু iয়াৰ ৈসেত সংগিত ৰািখ পিỤব লািগব। “সচী” চু িkখনৰ aংশ িহচােপ সংযুk িযেকােনা বা সকেলা সচী য’ত সmিtৰ িবৱৰণ, ঋণ aনেমাদন কৰা, pেযাজয্ মাচু ল, ঋণ পিৰেশাধৰ বােব িকিs আিদ, বা পাৰsিৰক সnিত আৰ/ু বা সমেয় সমেয় পিৰৱতর্ ন কৰা িযেকােনা িবিধগত / িনয়ntণমলক বয্ৱsা থােক। “সৰিkত সmিt” pাথিমক িনৰাপtা (ঋণদাতাi আগবেỤাৱা ধনৰ পৰা kয় কৰা সmিt, িলেয়ন িচিhত হoক বা নহoক) আৰু ঋণৰ বােব আগবেỤাৱা জািমন িনৰাপtাৰ ৈসেত পৰৱতর্ী সকেলা িবকাশ, সংেযাজন আৰু unয়নৰ ৈসেত দেয়াটােক anভর্ু k কৰা আৰু ঋণৰ িনɸিtৰ লগেত ঋণদাতাক সুৰিkত কিৰবৈল েলাৱা বীমা পিলচী, ঋণgহণকাৰীৰ sাথর্ ei চু িkৰ aধীনত হoক বা পৰৱতর্ী aনয্ েকােনা চু িk(সমহূ )ৰ aধীনত। “িনৰাপদ পাoনাদাৰ” i েসi ঋণদাতাক বজায় যাৰ পkত ঋণgহণকাৰীেয় িযেকােনা আিথকর্ সাহাযয্ যথাযথ পিৰেশাধৰ বােব িনৰাপtাৰ sাথর্ সিɳ কেৰ। “িনৰাপদ ঋণ” িযেকােনা িনৰাপtা সতৰ dাৰা সৰিkত ঋণ “িনৰাপtা সতু ” সৰিkত পাoনাদাৰৰ সপেk সিɳ কৰা , সmিtৰ oপৰত িযেকােনা ধৰণৰ aিধকাৰ, st আৰু সুত, আৰু iয়াত SARFAESI আiন, 2002ৰ ধাৰা 31ত uেlখ কৰা বািহেৰ aনয্ িযেকােনা বnকী চু িk, মাচু ল, বnক, িনযুিk আিদ anভর্ু k কৰা হয়। ““িবেশষ uেlখ eকাuG (SMA)” আৰু and “নন- পাৰফিমংর্ eেচট (NPA)” ‘েɲছড eেচটছৰ িৰজ’িলuচনৰ বােব pেডিnেয়ল ে™মৱকর্ ’ৰ oপৰত সময়ৰ িবnতু pেযাজয্ আৰ িব আi চাkর্ লাৰ aনসিৰ িবেশষ uেlখ eকাuG (SMA 1&2)আৰু aকাযয্কৰী সmিt িহচােপ eকাuGৰ েƽণীিবভাজন কৰা। “কৰ” iয়াৰ িভতৰত ঋণgহণকাৰীেয় pদান কিৰবলগীয়া বা ঋণgহণকাৰীৰ ৈহ েকndীয় বা ৰাজয্ চৰকাৰক ঋণদাতাi pদান কিৰবলগীয়া সকেলা কৰ anভর্ু k কৰা ৈহেছ, য'ত সামgী আৰু েসৱা কৰ (GST), পথ কৰ, মটৰ গাড়ী কৰ, েসuজ কৰ, আয়কৰেক anভর্ূ k কিৰ িকn eiেবাৰ iয়াৰ মাজেত সীমাবd নহয়। "েৱবচাiট” aথর্াt ঋণদাতাৰ ৰাজ˱ৱা েৱবচাiট, xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx. 1.2 iয়াত সংjািয়ত েনােহাৱা শb আৰু aিভবয্িkসমহৰ য'ত সাধাৰণ দফা আiন, 1897ৰ িভিtত বয্াখয্া আৰু aথর্ িনযুk কৰা ৈহেছ, তাত েসi বয্াখয্া আৰু aথর্ থািকব লািগব। 1.3 eকক ভােৱ বয্ৱVত সকেলা শbi pসংগত aনয্ pেয়াজন েনােহাৱাৈলেক ব˱বচন anভর্ু k কিৰব লািগব আৰু eটা িলংগৰ uেlখত সকেলা িলংগ anভর্ু k হ’ব লািগব। aনেু cদ 2 2.1
Eিবধােভাগী 1Eিবধােভাগী অথ ´ কҸপেBর কমচ´ ারী বা তাহােদর মেনানীত <কান Vিɳ বা Vিɳবগ ´ যাহারা তহিবল হইেত আিথক Eিবধা পাওয়ার <যাt। ৩।
Force Majeure 1Force Majeure means an event or situation beyond the control of the Supplier that is not foreseeable, is unavoidable, and its origins not due to negligence or lack of care on the part of the Contractor; such events may include, but not be limited to, acts of the Government in its sovereign capacity, wars or revolutions, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, and freight embargoes or more as included in GCC Clause 36; (m) GCC mean the General Conditions of Contract; (n) Goodsmeans raw materials, products and equipment and objects in solid, liquid or gaseous form, electricity, and related Services if the value of such Services does not exceed that of the Goods themselves; (o) Government means the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh; (p) Head of the Procuring Entity means the Secretary of a Ministry or a Division, the Head of a Government Department or Directorate; or the Chief Executive; or as applicable, Divisional Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner, Zilla Judge; or by whatever designation called, of a local Government agency, an autonomous or semi-autonomous body or a corporation, or a corporate body established under the Companies Act; (q) Procuring Entity meansan Entity having administrative and financial powers to undertake Procurement of Goods, Works or Services using public funds, as specified in the PCC; (r) Related Servicesmeans Services linked to the supply of Goods contracts; (s) PCC means the Particular Conditions of Contract; (t) Subcontractormeans any natural person, private or government entity, or a combination of the above, to whom any part of the Goods to be supplied or execution of any part of the Related Services is subcontracted by the Supplier; (u) Suppliermeans a Person under contract with a Procuring Entity for the supply of Goods and related services under the Act; (v) Site means the point(s) of delivery named in the PCC (w) Writing means communication written by hand or machine duly signed and includes properly authenticated messages by facsimile or electronic mail. 2.