Reactive Power and Primary Frequency Response 9.6.1 Power Factor Design Criteria
Please see the current Washtenaw Community College catalog for up-to-date program requirements Conditions & Requirements
Loop Provisioning Involving Integrated Digital Loop Carriers 2.6.1 Where Freedom has requested an Unbundled Loop and BellSouth uses IDLC systems to provide the local service to the End User and BellSouth has a suitable alternate facility available, BellSouth will make such alternative facilities available to Freedom. If a suitable alternative facility is not available, then to the extent it is technically feasible, BellSouth will implement one of the following alternative arrangements for Freedom (e.g. hairpinning): 1. Roll the circuit(s) from the IDLC to any spare copper that exists to the customer premises. 2. Roll the circuit(s) from the IDLC to an existing DLC that is not integrated. 3. If capacity exists, provide "side-door" porting through the switch. 4. If capacity exists, provide "Digital Access Cross Connect System (DACS)- door" porting (if the IDLC routes through a DACS prior to integration into the switch). 2.6.2 Arrangements 3 and 4 above require the use of a designed circuit. Therefore, non- designed Loops such as the SL1 voice grade and UCL-ND may not be ordered in these cases. 2.6.3 If no alternate facility is available, and upon request from Freedom, and if agreed to by both Parties, BellSouth may utilize its Special Construction (SC) process to determine the additional costs required to provision facilities. Freedom will then have the option of paying the one-time SC rates to place the Loop.
Statewide HUB Program Statewide Procurement Division Note: In order for State agencies and institutions of higher education (universities) to be credited for utilizing this business as a HUB, they must award payment under the Certificate/VID Number identified above. Agencies, universities and prime contractors are encouraged to verify the company’s HUB certification prior to issuing a notice of award by accessing the Internet (xxxxx:// or by contacting
Reformulation Standard “Reformulated Products” shall mean Products that contain concentrations less than or equal to 0.1% (1,000 parts per million (ppm)) of DEHP when analyzed pursuant to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency testing methodologies 3580A and 8270C or other methodology utilized by federal or state government agencies for the purpose of determining the phthalate content in a solid substance.
Joint Funded Project with the Ohio Department of Transportation In the event that the Recipient does not have contracting authority over project engineering, construction, or right-of-way, the Recipient and the OPWC hereby assign certain responsibilities to the Ohio Department of Transportation, an authorized representative of the State of Ohio. Notwithstanding Sections 4, 6(a), 6(b), 6(c), and 7 of the Project Agreement, Recipient hereby acknowledges that upon notification by the Ohio Department of Transportation, all payments for eligible project costs will be disbursed by the Grantor directly to the Ohio Department of Transportation. A Memorandum of Funds issued by the Ohio Department of Transportation shall be used to certify the estimated project costs. Upon receipt of a Memorandum of Funds from the Ohio Department of Transportation, the OPWC shall transfer funds directly to the Ohio Department of Transportation via an Intra- State Transfer Voucher. The amount or amounts transferred shall be determined by applying the Participation Percentages defined in Appendix D to those eligible project costs within the Memorandum of Funds. In the event that the Project Scope is for right-of-way only, notwithstanding Appendix D, the OPWC shall pay for 100% of the right-of-way costs not to exceed the total financial assistance provided in Appendix C.
Power System Stabilizers The Developer shall procure, install, maintain and operate Power System Stabilizers in accordance with the requirements identified in the Interconnection Studies conducted for Developer’s Large Generating Facility. NYISO and Connecting Transmission Owner reserve the right to reasonably establish minimum acceptable settings for any installed Power System Stabilizers, subject to the design and operating limitations of the Large Generating Facility. If the Large Generating Facility’s Power System Stabilizers are removed from service or not capable of automatic operation, the Developer shall immediately notify the Connecting Transmission Owner and NYISO. The requirements of this paragraph shall not apply to wind generators.
Recommended language skills The sending institution, following agreement with the receiving institution, is responsible for providing support to its nominated candidates so that they can have the recommended language skills6 at the start of the mobility period (see also section 5 “Preparation and Support”). Student Mobility Staff Mobility CZ BRNO05 Czech English B2 for Czech B2 for English B2 for Czech B2 for English Beirut English C1 C1 For more details on the language of instruction recommendations, see the course catalogue of each institution. The links to the course catalogue are provided in the first section.
Reactive Power 1.8.1 The Interconnection Customer shall design its Small Generating Facility to maintain a composite power delivery at continuous rated power output at the Point of Interconnection at a power factor within the range established by the Connecting Transmission Owner on a comparable basis, until NYISO has established different requirements that apply to all similarly situated generators in the New York Control Area on a comparable basis. 1.8.2 The NYISO is required to pay the Interconnection Customer for reactive power, or voltage support service, that the Interconnection Customer provides from the Small Generating Facility in accordance with Rate Schedule 2 of the NYISO Services Tariff.
EPP command RTT Refers to “EPP session-‐command RTT”, “EPP query-‐command RTT” or “EPP transform-‐command RTT”.