ABSOLUTE CAP Sample Clauses

ABSOLUTE CAP. Notwithstanding any other provision in this Agreement, in no event shall the maximum aggregate indemnification obligation of SSC under this Agreement, or otherwise in connection with the purchase and sale hereunder exceed the Purchase Price actually received by SSC; provided, however, this Section 9(e) shall not apply to SSC's indemnification obligation with respect to losses and damages under Section 9(b)(ii) and attorneys' fees, costs and expenses reasonably incurred incident thereto.
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ABSOLUTE CAP. Notwithstanding any other provision in this Agreement, in no event shall the maximum aggregate indemnification obligation of Buyer and DVL under this Agreement, or otherwise in connection with the purchase and sale hereunder exceed the distributions and other monies actually received by Buyer with respect to the Class B Interest; provided, however, this Section 10(e) shall not apply to the indemnification obligations of Buyer and DVL with respect to losses and damages under Section 10(b)(ii) and attorneys' fees, costs and expenses reasonably incurred incident thereto.


  • Guaranty Absolute, etc This Guaranty shall in all respects be a continuing, absolute, unconditional and irrevocable guaranty of payment, and shall remain in full force and effect until all Obligations (other than contingent indemnity obligations) of the Borrower and each other Obligor have been paid in full (or, in the case of L/C Obligations, Cash Collateralized), all obligations of the Guarantor hereunder shall have been paid in full, all Commitments shall have terminated and, except as provided in Section 10.01(e) of the Credit Agreement, all Lender Hedging Agreements have terminated. The Guarantor may not rescind or revoke its obligations hereunder. The Guarantor guarantees that the Obligations of the Borrower and each other Obligor will be paid strictly in accordance with the terms of the Credit Agreement and each other Loan Document under which they arise, regardless of any law, regulation or order now or hereafter in effect in any jurisdiction affecting any of such terms or the rights of any Lender or any holder of any Note with respect thereto. The liability of the Guarantor under this Guaranty shall be absolute, unconditional and irrevocable irrespective of: (1) any lack of validity, legality or enforceability of the Credit Agreement, any Note or any other Loan Document; (2) the failure of any Lender or any holder of any Note (a) to assert any claim or demand or to enforce any right or remedy against the Borrower, any other Obligor or any other Person (including any other guarantor) under the provisions of the Credit Agreement, any Note, any other Loan Document or otherwise, or (b) to exercise any right or remedy against any other guarantor of, or collateral securing, any Obligations of the Borrower or any other Obligor; (3) any change in the time, manner or place of payment of, or in any other term of, all or any of the Obligations of the Borrower or any other Obligor, or any other extension, compromise or renewal of any Obligations of the Borrower or any other Obligor; (4) any reduction, limitation, impairment or termination of any Obligations of the Borrower or any other Obligor for any reason, including any claim of waiver, release, surrender, alteration or compromise, and shall not be subject to (and the Guarantor hereby waives any right to or claim of) any defense or setoff, counterclaim, recoupment or termination whatsoever by reason of the invalidity, illegality, nongenuineness, irregularity, compromise, unenforceability of, or any other event or occurrence affecting, any Obligations of the Borrower, any other Obligor or otherwise; (5) any amendment to, rescission, waiver, or other modification of, or any consent to departure from, any of the terms of the Credit Agreement, any Note or any other Loan Document; (6) any addition, exchange, release, surrender or non-perfection of any collateral, or any amendment to or waiver or release or addition of, or consent to departure from, any other guaranty, held by any Lender or any holder of any Note securing any of the Obligations of the Borrower or any other Obligor; (7) the insolvency or bankruptcy of, or similar event affecting, the Borrower or any other Obligor; or (8) any other circumstance which might otherwise constitute a defense available to, or a legal or equitable discharge of, the Borrower, any other Obligor, any surety or any guarantor. The Guarantor waives all rights and defenses which may arise with respect to any of the foregoing, and the Guarantor waives any right to revoke this Guaranty with respect to future indebtedness.

  • Security Interest Absolute, etc This Security Agreement shall in all respects be a continuing, absolute, unconditional and irrevocable grant of security interest, and shall remain in full force and effect until the Termination Date. All rights of the Lender and the security interests granted to the Lender hereunder, and all obligations of the Grantors hereunder, shall, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, in each case, be absolute, unconditional and irrevocable irrespective of:

  • Absolute Net Lease This Lease shall be deemed and construed to be an "absolute net lease" and, except as herein expressly provided, the Landlord shall receive all payments required to be made by Tenant, free from all charges, assessments, impositions, expenses, deductions of any and every kind or nature whatsoever. Tenant shall, at Tenant's sole cost and expense, maintain the landscaping and parking lot, and make all additional repairs and alterations as required to maintain the Premises consistent with industry best practices.

  • Obligation Absolute; Partial Liquidated Damages The Company’s obligations to issue and deliver the Conversion Shares upon conversion of this Debenture in accordance with the terms hereof are absolute and unconditional, irrespective of any action or inaction by the Holder to enforce the same, any waiver or consent with respect to any provision hereof, the recovery of any judgment against any Person or any action to enforce the same, or any setoff, counterclaim, recoupment, limitation or termination, or any breach or alleged breach by the Holder or any other Person of any obligation to the Company or any violation or alleged violation of law by the Holder or any other Person, and irrespective of any other circumstance which might otherwise limit such obligation of the Company to the Holder in connection with the issuance of such Conversion Shares; provided, however, that such delivery shall not operate as a waiver by the Company of any such action the Company may have against the Holder. In the event the Holder of this Debenture shall elect to convert any or all of the outstanding principal amount hereof, the Company may not refuse conversion based on any claim that the Holder or anyone associated or affiliated with the Holder has been engaged in any violation of law, agreement or for any other reason, unless an injunction from a court, on notice to Holder, restraining and or enjoining conversion of all or part of this Debenture shall have been sought and obtained, and the Company posts a surety bond for the benefit of the Holder in the amount of 150% of the outstanding principal amount of this Debenture, which is subject to the injunction, which bond shall remain in effect until the completion of arbitration/litigation of the underlying dispute and the proceeds of which shall be payable to the Holder to the extent it obtains judgment. In the absence of such injunction, the Company shall issue Conversion Shares or, if applicable, cash, upon a properly noticed conversion. If the Company fails for any reason to deliver to the Holder such Conversion Shares pursuant to Section 4(c)(ii) by the Share Delivery Date, the Company shall pay to the Holder, in cash, as liquidated damages and not as a penalty, for each $1,000 of principal amount being converted, $10 per Trading Day (increasing to $20 per Trading Day on the fifth (5th) Trading Day after such liquidated damages begin to accrue) for each Trading Day after such Share Delivery Date until such Conversion Shares are delivered or Holder rescinds such conversion. Nothing herein shall limit a Hxxxxx’s right to pursue actual damages or declare an Event of Default pursuant to Section 8 hereof for the Company’s failure to deliver Conversion Shares within the period specified herein and the Holder shall have the right to pursue all remedies available to it hereunder, at law or in equity including, without limitation, a decree of specific performance and/or injunctive relief. The exercise of any such rights shall not prohibit the Holder from seeking to enforce damages pursuant to any other Section hereof or under applicable law.

  • Guaranty Absolute; Continuing Guaranty; Assignments (a) The Guarantors, jointly and severally, guaranty that the Guaranteed Obligations will be paid strictly in accordance with the terms of the Transaction Documents, regardless of any law, regulation or order now or hereafter in effect in any jurisdiction affecting any of such terms or the rights of the Collateral Agent or any Buyer with respect thereto. The obligations of each Guarantor under this Guaranty are independent of the Guaranteed Obligations, and a separate action or actions may be brought and prosecuted against any Guarantor to enforce such obligations, irrespective of whether any action is brought against any Transaction Party or whether any Transaction Party is joined in any such action or actions. The liability of any Guarantor under this Guaranty shall be as a primary obligor (and not merely as a surety) and shall be irrevocable, absolute and unconditional irrespective of, and each Guarantor hereby irrevocably waives, to the extent permitted by law, any defenses it may now or hereafter have in any way relating to, any or all of the following:

  • Absolute Obligation Except as expressly provided herein, no provision of this Debenture shall alter or impair the obligation of the Company, which is absolute and unconditional, to pay the principal of, liquidated damages and accrued interest, as applicable, on this Debenture at the time, place, and rate, and in the coin or currency, herein prescribed. This Debenture is a direct debt obligation of the Company. This Debenture ranks pari passu with all other Debentures now or hereafter issued under the terms set forth herein.

  • PLEDGORS’ OBLIGATIONS ABSOLUTE, ETC The obligations of each Pledgor under this Agreement shall be absolute and unconditional and shall remain in full force and effect without regard to, and shall not be released, suspended, discharged, terminated or otherwise affected by, any circumstance or occurrence whatsoever, including, without limitation: (i) any renewal, extension, amendment or modification of or addition or supplement to or deletion from any Secured Debt Agreement or any other instrument or agreement referred to therein, or any assignment or transfer of any thereof; (ii) any waiver, consent, extension, indulgence or other action or inaction under or in respect of any such agreement or instrument including, without limitation, this Agreement; (iii) any furnishing of any additional security to the Pledgee or its assignee or any acceptance thereof or any release of any security by the Pledgee or its assignee; (iv) any limitation on any party's liability or obligations under any such instrument or agreement or any invalidity or unenforceability, in whole or in part, of any such instrument or agreement or any term thereof; or (v) any bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, composition, adjustment, dissolution, liquidation or other like proceeding relating to any Pledgor or any Subsidiary of any Pledgor, or any action taken with respect to this Agreement by any trustee or receiver, or by any court, in any such proceeding, whether or not such Pledgor shall have notice or knowledge of any of the foregoing.

  • Guaranty Absolute and Unconditional (a) Guarantor waives any and all notice of the creation, renewal, extension or accrual of any of the Guaranteed Obligations and notice of or proof of reliance by the Administrative Agent or the Lenders, upon this Guaranty or acceptance of this Guaranty; the Guaranteed Obligations, and any of them, shall conclusively be deemed to have been created, contracted or incurred in reliance upon this Guaranty; and all dealings between the Borrower or the Guarantor, on the one hand, and the Administrative Agent and the Lenders, on the other, shall likewise be conclusively presumed to have been had or consummated in reliance upon this Guaranty. Guarantor waives diligence, presentment, protest, demand for payment and notice of default or nonpayment to or upon the Borrower or itself with respect to the Guaranteed Obligations. This Guaranty shall be construed as a continuing, absolute and unconditional guarantee of payment and performance without regard to (i) the validity or enforceability of this Agreement, the other Transaction Documents, any of the Guaranteed Obligations or any collateral security therefor or guarantee or right of offset with respect thereto at any time or from time to time held by the Administrative Agent or the Lenders, (ii) any defense, set-off or counterclaim (other than a defense of payment or performance) which may at any time be available to or be asserted by it or the Borrower against the Administrative Agent or the Lenders, (iii) any other circumstance whatsoever (with or without notice to or knowledge of the Borrower or the Guarantor) which constitutes, or might be construed to constitute, an equitable or legal discharge of the Borrower for the Guaranteed Obligations, or of the Guarantor under this Guaranty, in bankruptcy or in any other instance or (iv) any other defense, set-off or counterclaim of a guarantor or a surety. When pursuing its rights and remedies hereunder against the Guarantor, the Administrative Agent may, but shall be under no obligation, to pursue such rights and remedies that it may have against the Borrower or any other Person or against any collateral security or guarantee for the Guaranteed Obligations or any right of offset with respect thereto, and any failure by the Administrative Agent to pursue such other rights or remedies or to collect any payments from the Borrower or any such other Person or to realize upon any such collateral security or guarantee or to exercise any such right of offset, or any release of the Borrower or any such other Person or any such collateral security, guarantee or right of offset, shall not relieve the Guarantor of any liability hereunder, and shall not impair or affect the rights and remedies, whether express, implied or available as a matter of law or equity, of the Administrative Agent against the Guarantor. This Guaranty shall remain in full force and effect and be binding in accordance with and to the extent of its terms upon the Guarantor and its successors and assigns thereof, and shall inure to the benefit of the Administrative Agent, the Lenders, and their successors, permitted endorsees, permitted transferees and permitted assigns, until all the Obligations and the Guaranteed Obligations of the Guarantor under this Guaranty shall have been satisfied by payment in full, notwithstanding that from time to time during the term of the Credit Agreement, the Borrower may be free from any due and payable Obligations.

  • Liability of Guarantors Absolute Each Guarantor agrees that its obligations hereunder are irrevocable, absolute, independent and unconditional and shall not be affected by any circumstance which constitutes a legal or equitable discharge of a guarantor or surety other than payment in full of the Guaranteed Obligations. In furtherance of the foregoing and without limiting the generality thereof, each Guarantor agrees as follows:

  • Guarantee Absolute and Unconditional Each Guarantor waives any and all notice of the creation, renewal, extension or accrual of any of the Obligations and notice of or proof of reliance by the Purchasers upon the guarantee contained in this Section 2 or acceptance of the guarantee contained in this Section 2; the Obligations, and any of them, shall conclusively be deemed to have been created, contracted or incurred, or renewed, extended, amended or waived, in reliance upon the guarantee contained in this Section 2; and all dealings between the Company and any of the Guarantors, on the one hand, and the Purchasers, on the other hand, likewise shall be conclusively presumed to have been had or consummated in reliance upon the guarantee contained in this Section 2. Each Guarantor waives to the extent permitted by law diligence, presentment, protest, demand for payment and notice of default or nonpayment to or upon the Company or any of the Guarantors with respect to the Obligations. Each Guarantor understands and agrees that the guarantee contained in this Section 2 shall be construed as a continuing, absolute and unconditional guarantee of payment and performance without regard to (a) the validity or enforceability of the Purchase Agreement or any other Transaction Document, any of the Obligations or any other collateral security therefor or guarantee or right of offset with respect thereto at any time or from time to time held by the Purchasers, (b) any defense, set-off or counterclaim (other than a defense of payment or performance or fraud by Purchasers) which may at any time be available to or be asserted by the Company or any other Person against the Purchasers, or (c) any other circumstance whatsoever (with or without notice to or knowledge of the Company or such Guarantor) which constitutes, or might be construed to constitute, an equitable or legal discharge of the Company for the Obligations, or of such Guarantor under the guarantee contained in this Section 2, in bankruptcy or in any other instance. When making any demand hereunder or otherwise pursuing its rights and remedies hereunder against any Guarantor, the Purchasers may, but shall be under no obligation to, make a similar demand on or otherwise pursue such rights and remedies as they may have against the Company, any other Guarantor or any other Person or against any collateral security or guarantee for the Obligations or any right of offset with respect thereto, and any failure by the Purchasers to make any such demand, to pursue such other rights or remedies or to collect any payments from the Company, any other Guarantor or any other Person or to realize upon any such collateral security or guarantee or to exercise any such right of offset, or any release of the Company, any other Guarantor or any other Person or any such collateral security, guarantee or right of offset, shall not relieve any Guarantor of any obligation or liability hereunder, and shall not impair or affect the rights and remedies, whether express, implied or available as a matter of law, of the Purchasers against any Guarantor. For the purposes hereof, “demand” shall include the commencement and continuance of any legal proceedings.

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