ACTS OF DEFAULT. You’ll be in default if: (A) you don’t timely pay rent or other amounts you owe; (B) you or any guest or occupant violates this Lease, apartment rules, or fire, safety, health, or criminal laws, regardless of whether or where ar- rest or conviction occurs; (C) you abandon the apartment;
Appears in 14 contracts
Samples: Lease Contract, Lease Contract, Lease Contract
ACTS OF DEFAULT. You’ll be in default if: (A) you don’t timely pay rent or other amounts you owe; (B) you or any guest or occupant violates this Lease, apartment our rules, or fire, safety, health, or criminal laws, regardless of whether or where ar- rest or conviction occurs; (C) you abandon the apartmentdwelling;
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Lease Contract, Lease Contract