Additional Space Commencing on May 1, 2001, Sublessor herein grants unto the Sublessee a Right of First Refusal on any space that shall be and/or becomes available in the building during the remaining Term of this Sublease. Prior to May 1, 2001 and thereafter prior to the first day of May of any calendar year during the remaining Term hereof, Sublessor shall notify Sublessee by written notice of the availability of any such space in the building. Should Sublessee desire to exercise its Right of First Refusal and sublease such available space, Sublessee must notify Sublessor in writing of its desire to sublease the available space within seven (7) calendar days of Sublessee's receipt of Landlord's notice of availability. Within thirty (30) days of the receipt of Sublessee's notice exercising the right to sublease such available space, Sublessee and Sublessor shall enter into an amendment of this agreement setting forth the terms under which the additional space is subleased to Sublessee. The Base Rental shall be at a rental mutually agreed between Sublessee and Sublessor. Failure by Sublessee to exercise its Right of First Refusal within said seven (7) calendar day period, or if exercised, failure to enter into an amendment of this agreement within thirty (30) days of Sublessor's receipt of Sublessee's notice, shall be deemed a waiver of such right and Sublessor shall thereafter be free of any obligation under this Article 2.04 for a period of 12 months. Any exercise by Sublessee of this Right of First Refusal shall be for a minimum of 5,000 rental square feet.
Additional Land All xxxxxxxxxx xxxxx, xxxxxxx and development rights hereafter acquired by Borrower for use in connection with the Land and the development of the Land and all additional lands and estates therein which may, from time to time, by supplemental mortgage or otherwise be expressly made subject to the lien of this Security Instrument;
Additional CPV code(s 80000000 - Education and training services 80100000 - Primary education services 80110000 - Pre-school education services 80200000 - Secondary education services 80212000 - Vocational secondary education services 80310000 - Youth education services 80340000 - Special education services 85000000 - Health and social work services 85300000 - Social work and related services
Additional Facilities If any structural additions or change in use shall be made to the buildings or other improvements included in the Project Facility subsequent to the date hereof (other than the initial construction of the Building contemplated by the Project), or if any additional buildings or improvements shall be constructed on the Land other than the Building (such change of use, new structures, structural additions, buildings and improvements being referred to hereinafter as “Additional Facilities”), the Obligor agrees that its PILOT Obligations hereunder shall be increased by an amount, as determined by the Agency or a tax assessor selected by the Agency, equal to the increased tax payments, if any, that would have been payable on such increase if this Agreement were not in effect. Nothing herein shall constitute the Agency’s consent to the construction of any such additions or additional buildings or improvements or to such change of use.
ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONTRACT CONDITIONS Special Contract Conditions revisions: the corresponding subsections of the Special Contract Conditions referenced below are replaced in their entirety with the following:
R E E M E N T S In consideration of the mutual promises, terms, covenants and conditions set forth herein and the performance of each, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows:
COSTS DISTRIBUTED THROUGH COUNTYWIDE COST ALLOCATIONS The indirect overhead and support service costs listed in the Summary Schedule (attached) are formally approved as actual costs for fiscal year 2022-23, and as estimated costs for fiscal year 2024-25 on a “fixed with carry-forward” basis. These costs may be included as part of the county departments’ costs indicated effective July 1, 2024, for further allocation to federal grants and contracts performed by the respective county departments.
E N D M E N T For good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree to amend the Agreement as follows:
Additional Payment In addition to any Spousal Support, in the event of Divorce: (check one)
W H E R E A S the Joint Venturers have established the existence of diamond bearing ore bodies (including kimberlite pipes and alluvial deposits) within the Argyle mining area and the Ellendale mining area defined in Clause 1 and have carried out certain investigations relating inter alia to the mining and treatment of that ore and the sale of diamonds;