Advance Rulings. 1. Each Party, through its customs administration or other relevant authorities, to the extent permitted by its domestic laws, regulations and administrative determinations, on the application of a person described in Paragraph 2(a), shall provide in writing advance rulings in respect of the tariff classification, questions arising from the application of the principles of the Agreement on Customs Valuation and/or origin of goods. 2. Where available, each Party shall adopt or maintain procedures for advance rulings, which shall: (a) provide that an importer in its territory or an exporter or producer in the territory of another Party may apply for an advance ruling before the importation of the goods in question; (b) require that an applicant for an advance ruling provide a detailed description of the goods and all relevant information needed to process an application for an advance ruling; 1 In the case of Cambodia, the Agreement on Customs Valuation, as implemented in accordance with the provisions of the Protocol on the Accession of the Kingdom of Cambodia to the WTO shall apply mutatis mutandis. (c) provide that its customs administration may, at any time during the course of an evaluation of an application for an advance ruling, request that the applicant provide additional information within a specified period; (d) provide that any advance ruling be based on the facts and circumstances presented by the applicant, and any other relevant information in the possession of the decision-maker; and (e) provide that an advance ruling be issued to the applicant expeditiously, within the period specified in each Party’s domestic laws, regulations or administrative determinations. 3. A Party may reject requests for an advance ruling where the additional information requested by it in accordance with Paragraph 2(c) is not provided within the specified period. 4. Subject to Paragraphs 1 and 5 and where available, each Party shall apply an advance ruling to all importations of goods described in that ruling imported into its territory for three years from the date of that ruling, or such other period as specified in that Party's domestic laws, regulations or administrative determinations. 5. A Party may modify or revoke an advance ruling upon a determination that the ruling was based on an error of fact or law (including human error), the information provided is false or inaccurate, if there is a change in domestic law consistent with this Agreement, or there is a change in a material fact or circumstance on which the ruling is based. 6. Where an importer claims that the treatment accorded to an imported good should be governed by an advance ruling, the customs administration may evaluate whether the facts and circumstances of the importation are consistent with the facts and circumstances upon which an advance ruling was based.
Appears in 15 contracts
Samples: Asean Australia New Zealand Free Trade Agreement, Free Trade Agreement, Free Trade Agreement
Advance Rulings. 1. Each Party, through its customs administration or other relevant authorities, to the extent permitted by its domestic laws, regulations and administrative determinations, on the application of a person described in Paragraph 2(a)administration, shall provide in writing advance rulings in respect of the tariff classification, questions arising from the application of the principles of the Agreement on Customs Valuation and/or classification and origin of goodsgoods and whether a good qualifies for entry free of customs duty in accordance with Article 3.5 (Goods Re-entered After Repair or Alteration) (hereinafter referred to as “advance rulings”), to a person described in Subparagraph 2(a).
2. Where available, each Each Party shall adopt or maintain procedures for advance rulings, which shall:
(a) provide that an importer in its territory or an exporter or producer in the territory of another Party may apply for an advance ruling before the importation of the goods in question;
(b) require that an applicant for an advance ruling provide a detailed description of the goods and all relevant information needed to process an application for issue an advance ruling;
1 In the case of Cambodia, the Agreement on Customs Valuation, as implemented in accordance with the provisions of the Protocol on the Accession of the Kingdom of Cambodia to the WTO shall apply mutatis mutandis.
(c) provide that its customs administration may, at any time during the course of an evaluation of an application for issuing an advance ruling, request that the applicant provide additional information within a specified period;
(d) provide that any advance ruling be based on the facts and circumstances presented by the applicant, and any other relevant information in the possession of the decision-maker; and
(e) provide that an advance ruling be issued to the applicant expeditiously, or in any case within 60 days of the period specified in each Party’s domestic laws, regulations or administrative determinationsreceipt of all necessary information.
3. A Party may reject requests for an advance ruling where the additional information requested by it in accordance with Paragraph Subparagraph 2(c) is not provided within the a specified periodtime.
4. Subject to Paragraphs 1 and 5 and where availableParagraph 5, each Party shall apply an advance ruling to all importations of goods described in that ruling imported into its territory for three within 3 years from of the date of that ruling, or such other period as specified in required by that Party's domestic laws, regulations or administrative determinations.
5. A Party may modify or revoke an advance ruling upon a determination that the ruling was based on an error of fact or law (including human error)law, the information provided is false or inaccurate, if there is a change in domestic law consistent with this Agreement, or there is a change in a material fact fact, or circumstance circumstances on which the ruling is based.
6. Subject to the confidentiality requirements of a Party’s domestic law, each Party shall publish its advance rulings.
7. Where an importer claims that the treatment accorded to an imported good should be governed by an advance advanced ruling, the customs administration may evaluate whether the facts and circumstances of the importation are consistent with the facts and circumstances upon which an advance advanced ruling was based. 8 The importing Party may apply measures as provided in Article 5.12.
Appears in 7 contracts
Samples: Customs Procedures Agreement, Trans Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement, Trans Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement