Common use of Agreement Exceptions/Deviations Explanation Clause in Contracts

Agreement Exceptions/Deviations Explanation. If the proposing Vendor desires to deviate form the Vendor Agreement language, all such deviations must be listed on this attribute, with complete and detailed conditions and information included. TIPS will consider any deviations in its proposal award decisions, and TIPS reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal based upon any deviations indicated below. In the absence of any deviation entry on this attribute, the proposer assures TIPS of their full compliance with the Vendor Agreement. Line Items Response Total: $0.00 REFERENCES Please provide three (3) references, preferably from school districts or other governmental entities who have used your services within the last three years. Additional references may be required. DO NOT INCLUDE TIPS EMPLOYEES AS A REFERENCE. Please verify your references are current and valid, as they are a SIGNIFICANT required evaluation component of the evaluation process, and the evaluation cannot be completed without responses from these references when we contact them. You may provide more than three (3) references. Entity Name Contact Person VALID EMAIL IS REQUIRED Phone Texas State University Xxxxxx X. Xxxxx 000-000-0000 University of Texas at Austin Xxxxxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 University of Texas at Dallas Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx 000-000-0000 Southern Methodist University Xxxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 4JFNFOT *OEVTUSZ, *OD., #VJMEJOH 5FDIOPMPHJFT %JWJTJPO 1000 %FFSGJFME 1BSLXBZ #VGGBMP (SPWF, *- 46# %FWJDFT, *OD. 4PVUIFSO .FUIPEJTU 6OJWFSTJUZ 8FTU $BNQVT $"1 $& 02152800051 $470,000.00 12/13/2017 1IJMBEFMQIJB *OEFNOJUZ *OTVSBODF $PNQBOZ EGSZF!CSVOTXJDLDPNQBOJFT.DPN Devices Inc. is a manufacturers’ representative with expertise in product applications such as: * Proc es s W eighin g * Fl ow * Level * Pre ssu re * Temp e ratur e * Signal Conditi onin g * Surge Protec tio n * Intrins i c Saf e t y * Ga s De t e ct io n Syst em J u s t s ome of the ma rk ets that we s e rve : * Food Proc es s i n g * Pharma c eutic a l * HVA C * Oil & Ga s * Wa t e r / Wast e * Power * Aeros pac e * Semi c onduc to r * Ho spital Facilitie s ISO 17025 Accredited We have over 30 years experience • Effluent F lo xx xxxxx • Ch a r t Re c o r d e r s • Process Instr u me nt V erification • Flow Meter V erification • BTU Me ter Ca l i bration & V erification • Sy s t e m Ins t a lla t i o n St a r t Up • PLC Programming and System Design • Ba ckflow Preventor T es ting Fac t ory trained tec hnic i ans , a c omplete s e t of NIST trac eable e quip ment and f u lly equipped s e rvic e van. W e c a n provide s c heduled verif i c ations i n add ition to on - demand s e r vic e c a lls . Companies we Represent Air Monitor Corporation HVAC Pitot T ube & The r mal Air F low Instruments Outside Air Flow & R oo m Pressurization Monitors Differential Pressure Flo w Transmitters Ametek-Drexelbrook The L e a der in RF L eve l Mea sure ment RF Admitta nce Point a n d Contin uous Level Me a sureme n t Ultrasonic Continuous and Gap Point Le vel Sw itches Ai r bo r ne & T DR Ra d a r Le v e l T r a ns m i t t e r s Plu gge d Ch u t e De te ction Xxxxxx Xxxxxx- Xxxxx MTL Intrinsically Safe Barriers & Isolators Si gna l, Po we r , Da t a & N e t wo x x Xx r ge Pr o t e c t o rs Fi eldbus Meg ablo cks , P ower Supplies & Wiring Devices XXXX Inte r xx xxxx & In d u stria l Ne t working Produ c ts T o f i no N e t wo r k Se c u r i t y Emco Spirax Sarco In s e r t i o n & Inli n e V o r t e x & T u r bi ne Flo xx x x x x x Clamp On Ult rason i c Flowmeters Ma sstracker In s ertion Flo xx xxxxx Hydro Flo w V orte x F lo wmeters f or Liquid Fox Thermal Instruments T h e r m a l Di s p e r s i o n Ai r & Ga s F lo w Me t e r s N a t u ra l Ga s T o t a li z i n g Fu e l F lo w Me t e r s (T FF s ) Honeywell- Sensotec Se ns o t e c Pr e s s u re & Lo a d T r a n s d u c er s Le bo w Lo a d a nd T o r qu e T r a n s d u c e r s Wirele ss Torque T ransducers DCT Instruments Digita l Pressure Indicators Xxxxxxx- Xxxxxxx Network Power Un inter r uptible Power Su pplies S x x x x x & Three Phase UPS Sy stems Expert Applications M-Systems Signal Isolators and Co nditioners 4 - 2 0 m a lo o p s i gna ls , R T D, T / C , V o lt s , Cu r r e nt Loop Power Supp lies Power Transducers & Indicators Onicon Incorporated Insertion T urbi n e Flo wmeters BT U Me t e r s Insertion & Inli n e Ele ctromagnetic Flowmeters Vortex Steam Flo xx xxxxx Insertion N atur al Gas F lo xx xxxxx ( HVAC Appli c ations) Precision Digital Corporation Co nsolidator Mu l ti -Fun ction Control l e r La r ge Di s p la y Pa n e l Me t e r s DI N Pa ne l Me t e rs a nd E nclo su re s PID Loop Control l e rs Sierra Monitor Corporation LE L & Toxic Ga s De tection Systems Ultra Electronics Weed Instrument R T D & Thermocouple T emperature Sen sors He ad Moun t ed & DIN R ail 4 - 20ma Tran smitters Mu l t i- Sp ot & Averag i n g Temperature Arrays * Devices Inc is F actor y Aut horized Rep rese n tative & Dist ri butor for these Prod ucts & S e rv i c e s i n t he D al l as - F t Wo rt h an d Gre at e r N o rt h Te x as Ar e a . Air Monitor Corporation Ametek-Drexelbrook Xxxxxx Xxxxxx-Xxxxx MTL Emco Spirax Sarco Fox Thermal Instruments Honeywell Sensotec Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Network Power M-System Signal Conditioners Onicon Incorporated Precision Digital Sierra Monitor

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Tips Vendor Agreement

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Agreement Exceptions/Deviations Explanation. If the proposing Vendor desires to deviate form the Vendor Agreement language, all such deviations must be listed on this attribute, with complete and detailed conditions and information included. TIPS will consider any deviations in its proposal award decisions, and TIPS reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal based upon any deviations indicated below. In the absence of any deviation entry on this attribute, the proposer assures TIPS of their full compliance with the Vendor Agreement. Line Items Response Total: $0.00 REFERENCES Please provide three (3) references, preferably from school districts or other governmental entities who have used your services within the last three years. Additional references may be required. DO NOT INCLUDE TIPS EMPLOYEES AS A REFERENCE. Please verify your references are current and valid, as they are a SIGNIFICANT required evaluation component of the evaluation process, and the evaluation cannot be completed without responses from these references when we contact them. You may provide more than three (3) references. Entity Name Contact Person VALID EMAIL IS REQUIRED Phone Texas State University Xxxxxx X. Xxxxx FWISD Randal Cofer 817.317.7721 FWISD Xxxx Bowden 000-000-0000 University City of Texas at Austin Xxxxxxx Xxxxx Fort Worth Xxxx Xxxx 000-000-0000 University of Texas at Dallas Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Health Resources Xxxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 Southern Methodist University Xxxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 4JFNFOT *OEVTUSZ, *OD., #VJMEJOH 5FDIOPMPHJFT %JWJTJPO 1000 %FFSGJFME 1BSLXBZ #VGGBMP Bid Number: 181101 (SPWF, *- 46# %FWJDFT, *OD. 4PVUIFSO .FUIPEJTU 6OJWFSTJUZ 8FTU $BNQVT $"1 $& 02152800051 $470,000.00 12/13/2017 1IJMBEFMQIJB *OEFNOJUZ *OTVSBODF $PNQBOZ EGSZF!CSVOTXJDLDPNQBOJFT.DPN Devices Inc. is a manufacturers’ representative with expertise in product applications such asJob Order Contracting) Attachment 11: * Proc es s W eighin g * Fl ow * Level * Pre ssu re * Temp e ratur e * Signal Conditi onin g * Surge Protec tio n * Intrins i c Saf e t y * Ga s De t e ct io n Syst em J u s t s ome of the ma rk ets that we s e rve : * Food Proc es s i n g * Pharma c eutic a l * HVA C * Oil & Ga s * Wa t e r / Wast e * Power * Aeros pac e * Semi c onduc Supplementary Information Refer to r * Ho spital Facilitie s ISO 17025 Accredited We have over 30 years experience • Effluent F lo xx xxxxx • Ch a r t Re c o r d e r s • Process Instr u me nt V erification • Flow Meter V erification • BTU Me ter Ca l i bration & V erification • Sy s t e m Ins t a lla t i o n St a r t Up • PLC Programming and System Design • Ba ckflow Preventor T es ting Fac t ory trained tec hnic i ans , a c omplete s e t of NIST trac eable e quip ment and f u lly equipped s e rvic e van. W e c a n provide s c heduled verif i c ations i n add ition to on - demand s e r vic e c a lls . Companies we Represent Air Monitor Corporation HVAC Pitot T ube & The r mal Air F low Instruments Outside Air Flow & R oo m Pressurization Monitors Differential Pressure Flo w Transmitters Ametek-Drexelbrook The L e a der in RF L eve l Mea sure ment RF Admitta nce Point a n d Contin uous Level Me a sureme n t Ultrasonic Continuous and Gap Point Le vel Sw itches Ai r bo r ne & T DR Ra d a r Le v e l T r a ns m i t t e r s Plu gge d Ch u t e De te ction Xxxxxx Xxxxxx- Xxxxx MTL Intrinsically Safe Barriers & Isolators Si gna l, Po we r , Da t a & N e t wo x x Xx r ge Pr o t e c t o rs Fi eldbus Meg ablo cks , P ower Supplies & Wiring Devices XXXX Inte r xx xxxx & In d u stria l Ne t working Produ c ts T o f i no N e t wo r k Se c u r i t y Emco Spirax Sarco In s e r t i o n & Inli n e V o r t e x & T u r bi ne Flo xx x x x x x Clamp On Ult rason i c Flowmeters Ma sstracker In s ertion Flo xx xxxxx Hydro Flo w V orte x F lo wmeters f or Liquid Fox Thermal Instruments T h e r m a l Di s p e r s i o n Ai r & Ga s F lo w Me t e r s N a t u ra l Ga s T o t a li z i n g Fu e l F lo w Me t e r s (T FF s ) Honeywell- Sensotec Se ns o t e c Pr e s s u re & Lo a d T r a n s d u c er s Le bo w Lo a d a nd T o r qu e T r a n s d u c e r s Wirele ss Torque T ransducers DCT Instruments Digita l Pressure Indicators Xxxxxxx- Xxxxxxx Network Power Un inter r uptible Power Su pplies S x x x x x & Three Phase UPS Sy stems Expert Applications M-Systems Signal Isolators and Co nditioners 4 - 2 0 m a lo o p s i gna ls , R T D, T / C , V o lt s , Cu r r e nt Loop Power Supp lies Power Transducers & Indicators Onicon Incorporated Insertion T urbi n e Flo wmeters BT U Me t e r s Insertion & Inli n e Ele ctromagnetic Flowmeters Vortex Steam Flo xx xxxxx Insertion N atur al Gas F lo xx xxxxx ( HVAC Appli c ations) Precision Digital Corporation Co nsolidator Mu l ti -Fun ction Control l e r La r ge Di s p la y Pa n e l Me t e r s DI N Pa ne l Me t e rs a nd E nclo su re s PID Loop Control l e rs Sierra Monitor Corporation LE L & Toxic Ga s De tection Systems Ultra Electronics Weed Instrument R T D & Thermocouple T emperature Sen sors He ad Moun t ed & DIN R ail 4 - 20ma Tran smitters Mu l t i- Sp ot & Averag i n g Temperature Arrays * Devices Inc is F actor y Aut horized Rep rese n tative & Dist ri butor for these Prod ucts & S e rv i c e s i n t he D al l as - F t Wo rt h an d Gre at e r N o rt h Te x as Ar e a . Air Monitor Corporation Ametek-Drexelbrook Xxxxxx Xxxxxx-Xxxxx MTL Emco Spirax Sarco Fox Thermal Instruments Honeywell Sensotec Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Network Power M-System Signal Conditioners Onicon Incorporated Precision Digital Sierra Monitorlink below:

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Tips Vendor Agreement

Agreement Exceptions/Deviations Explanation. If the proposing Vendor desires to deviate form the Vendor Agreement language, all such deviations must be listed on this attribute, with complete and detailed conditions and information included. TIPS will consider any deviations in its proposal award decisions, and TIPS reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal based upon any deviations indicated below. In the absence of any deviation entry on this attribute, the proposer assures TIPS of their full compliance with the Vendor Agreement. Line Items Response Total: $0.00 REFERENCES Please provide three (3) references, preferably from school districts or other governmental entities who have used your services within the last three years. Additional references may be required. DO NOT INCLUDE TIPS EMPLOYEES AS A REFERENCE. Please verify your references are current and valid, as they are a SIGNIFICANT required evaluation component of the evaluation process, and the evaluation cannot be completed without responses from these references when we contact them. You may provide more than three (3) references. Entity Name Contact Person VALID EMAIL IS REQUIRED Phone Texas State University Xxxxxx X. Conway School District Xxxxx Xxxxxxx 000-000-0000 University of Texas at Austin Vilonia School District Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 University of Texas at Dallas Xxxxxx Conway Street Dept Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 000-000-0000 Southern Methodist University Xxxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 4JFNFOT *OEVTUSZ, *OD., #VJMEJOH 5FDIOPMPHJFT %JWJTJPO 1000 %FFSGJFME 1BSLXBZ #VGGBMP (SPWF, *- 46# %FWJDFT, *OD. 4PVUIFSO .FUIPEJTU 6OJWFSTJUZ 8FTU $BNQVT $"1 $& 02152800051 $470,000.00 12/13/2017 1IJMBEFMQIJB *OEFNOJUZ *OTVSBODF $PNQBOZ EGSZF!CSVOTXJDLDPNQBOJFT.DPN Devices Inc. is a manufacturers’ representative with expertise in product applications such as: * Proc es s W eighin g * Fl ow * Level * Pre ssu re * Temp e ratur e * Signal Conditi onin g * Surge Protec tio n * Intrins i c Saf e t y * Ga s De t e ct io n Syst em J u s t s ome of the ma rk ets that we s e rve : * Food Proc es s i n g * Pharma c eutic a l * HVA C * Oil & Ga s * Wa t e r / Wast e * Power * Aeros pac e * Semi c onduc to r * Ho spital Facilitie s ISO 17025 Accredited We have over 30 years experience • Effluent F lo xx xxxxx • Ch a r t Re c o r d e r s • Process Instr u me nt V erification • Flow Meter V erification • BTU Me ter Ca l i bration & V erification • Sy s t e m Ins t a lla t i o n St a r t Up • PLC Programming and System Design • Ba ckflow Preventor T es ting Fac t ory trained tec hnic i ans , a c omplete s e t of NIST trac eable e quip ment and f u lly equipped s e rvic e van. W e c a n provide s c heduled verif i c ations i n add ition to on - demand s e r vic e c a lls . Companies we Represent Air Monitor Corporation HVAC Pitot T ube & The r mal Air F low Instruments Outside Air Flow & R oo m Pressurization Monitors Differential Pressure Flo w Transmitters Ametek-Drexelbrook The L e a der in RF L eve l Mea sure ment RF Admitta nce Point a n d Contin uous Level Me a sureme n t Ultrasonic Continuous and Gap Point Le vel Sw itches Ai r bo r ne & T DR Ra d a r Le v e l T r a ns m i t t e r s Plu gge d Ch u t e De te ction Xxxxxx Xxxxxx- Xxxxx MTL Intrinsically Safe Barriers & Isolators Si gna l, Po we r , Da t a & N e t wo x x Xx r ge Pr o t e c t o rs Fi eldbus Meg ablo cks , P ower Supplies & Wiring Devices XXXX Inte r xx xxxx & In d u stria l Ne t working Produ c ts T o f i no N e t wo r k Se c u r i t y Emco Spirax Sarco In s e r t i o n & Inli n e V o r t e x & T u r bi ne Flo xx x x x x x Clamp On Ult rason i c Flowmeters Ma sstracker In s ertion Flo xx xxxxx Hydro Flo w V orte x F lo wmeters f or Liquid Fox Thermal Instruments T h e r m a l Di s p e r s i o n Ai r & Ga s F lo w Me t e r s N a t u ra l Ga s T o t a li z i n g Fu e l F lo w Me t e r s (T FF s ) Honeywell- Sensotec Se ns o t e c Pr e s s u re & Lo a d T r a n s d u c er s Le bo w Lo a d a nd T o r qu e T r a n s d u c e r s Wirele ss Torque T ransducers DCT Instruments Digita l Pressure Indicators Xxxxxxx- Xxxxxxx Network Power Un inter r uptible Power Su pplies S x x x x x & Three Phase UPS Sy stems Expert Applications M-Systems Signal Isolators and Co nditioners 4 - 2 0 m a lo o p s i gna ls , R T D, T / C , V o lt s , Cu r r e nt Loop Power Supp lies Power Transducers & Indicators Onicon Incorporated Insertion T urbi n e Flo wmeters BT U Me t e r s Insertion & Inli n e Ele ctromagnetic Flowmeters Vortex Steam Flo xx xxxxx Insertion N atur al Gas F lo xx xxxxx ( HVAC Appli c ations) Precision Digital Corporation Co nsolidator Mu l ti -Fun ction Control l e r La r ge Di s p la y Pa n e l Me t e r s DI N Pa ne l Me t e rs a nd E nclo su re s PID Loop Control l e rs Sierra Monitor Corporation LE L & Toxic Ga s De tection Systems Ultra Electronics Weed Instrument R T D & Thermocouple T emperature Sen sors He ad Moun t ed & DIN R ail 4 - 20ma Tran smitters Mu l t i- Sp ot & Averag i n g Temperature Arrays * Devices Inc is F actor y Aut horized Rep rese n tative & Dist ri butor for these Prod ucts & S e rv i c e s i n t he D al l as - F t Wo rt h an d Gre at e r N o rt h Te x as Ar e a . Air Monitor Corporation Ametek-Drexelbrook Xxxxxx Xxxxxx-Xxxxx MTL Emco Spirax Sarco Fox Thermal Instruments Honeywell Sensotec Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Network Power M-System Signal Conditioners Onicon Incorporated Precision Digital Sierra Monitor0000

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Tips Vendor Agreement

Agreement Exceptions/Deviations Explanation. If the proposing Vendor desires to deviate form the Vendor Agreement language, all such deviations must be listed on this attribute, with complete and detailed conditions and information included. TIPS will consider any deviations in its proposal award decisions, and TIPS reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal based upon any deviations indicated below. In the absence of any deviation entry on this attribute, the proposer assures TIPS of their full compliance with the Vendor Agreement. Line Items Response Total: $0.00 REFERENCES Please provide three (3) references, preferably from school districts or other governmental entities who have used your services within the last three years. Additional references may be required. DO NOT INCLUDE TIPS EMPLOYEES AS A REFERENCE. Please verify your references are current and valid, as they are a SIGNIFICANT required evaluation component of the evaluation process, and the evaluation cannot be completed without responses from these references when we contact them. You may provide more than three (3) references. Entity Name Contact Person VALID EMAIL IS REQUIRED Phone University Of North Texas State University Xxxxxx X. Xxxxx Xxxxxx m 000-000-0000 University of North Texas at Austin Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 Texas Womens University Xxx Wintrcek 000-000-0000 Texas Womens University Xxxxx Xxxxxx 000-000-0000 University of North Texas Xxxx Xxxxxx 817-846-8723 November 28, 2018 TIPS USA Region VIII Education Service Center 0000 XX Xxxxxxx 000 Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx, XX 00000 RE: Live Systems, LLC Surety Assurance Letter Surety for Live Systems, LLC is provided by Zurich American Insurance Company (Zurich) and Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland (F&D) both have an A+ (Superior) rating by AMBest. Their single limit is $6,000,000.00 with an aggregate limit of $10,000,000.00. Current available aggregate capacity is approximately $7,000,000.00. If Live Systems, LLC is selected for any projects and requests that we provide the necessary Performance and/or Payment Bonds, we will consider executing the bonds subject to acceptable review of the contract terms and conditions, bond forms, appropriate contract funding and any other underwriting considerations at Dallas Xxxxxx the time of the request. Live Systems, LLC is a valued customer of Zurich and F&D and we recommend them highly. Our consideration and issuance of bonds is a matter solely between Live Systems, LLC and ourselves, and we assume no liability to third parties or to you by the issuance of this letter. Please feel free to call our office if you have any questions or if I can be of any assistance. Sincerely, Zurich American Insurance Company and Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland Xxxxxxx Xxxx Attorney-in-Fact 0000 Xxxxxxxx Xx. #360 Argyle, TX 76226 000-000-0000 Southern Methodist University Xxxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 4JFNFOT *OEVTUSZ, *OD., #VJMEJOH 5FDIOPMPHJFT %JWJTJPO 1000 %FFSGJFME 1BSLXBZ #VGGBMP @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@TE@C@L@@#@29@9@2@3 Warranty Information: Live Systems LLC will warranty all material and labor for a period of one year (SPWF, *- 46# %FWJDFT, *OD1 year). 4PVUIFSO .FUIPEJTU 6OJWFSTJUZ 8FTU $BNQVT $"1 $& 02152800051 $470,000.00 12/13/2017 1IJMBEFMQIJB *OEFNOJUZ *OTVSBODF $PNQBOZ EGSZF!CSVOTXJDLDPNQBOJFT.DPN Devices Inc. is All manufacture warranty will be passed on the customer for the entire manufacture warranty period. All manufacture documents will be given on a manufacturers’ representative with expertise in product applications such as: * Proc es s W eighin g * Fl ow * Level * Pre ssu re * Temp e ratur e * Signal Conditi onin g * Surge Protec tio n * Intrins i c Saf e t y * Ga s De t e ct io n Syst em J u s t s ome per job basis and will be submitted to the customer upon completion of the ma rk ets that we s e rve : * Food Proc es s i n g * Pharma c eutic a l * HVA C * Oil & Ga s * Wa t e r / Wast e * Power * Aeros pac e * Semi c onduc to r * Ho spital Facilitie s ISO 17025 Accredited We have over 30 years experience • Effluent F lo xx xxxxx • Ch a r t Re c o r d e r s • Process Instr u me nt V erification • Flow Meter V erification • BTU Me ter Ca l i bration & V erification • Sy s t e m Ins t a lla t i o n St a r t Up • PLC Programming and System Design • Ba ckflow Preventor T es ting Fac t ory trained tec hnic i ans , a c omplete s e t of NIST trac eable e quip ment and f u lly equipped s e rvic e vaneach job. W e c a n provide s c heduled verif i c ations i n add ition to on - demand s e r vic e c a lls . Companies we Represent Air Monitor Corporation HVAC Pitot T ube & The r mal Air F low Instruments Outside Air Flow & R oo m Pressurization Monitors Differential Pressure Flo w Transmitters Ametek-Drexelbrook The L e a der in RF L eve l Mea sure ment RF Admitta nce Point a n d Contin uous Level Me a sureme n t Ultrasonic Continuous and Gap Point Le vel Sw itches Ai r bo r ne & T DR Ra d a r Le v e l T r a ns m i t t e r s Plu gge d Ch u t e De te ction Xxxxxx Xxxxxx- Xxxxx MTL Intrinsically Safe Barriers & Isolators Si gna l, Po we r , Da t a & N e t wo x x Xx r ge Pr o t e c t o rs Fi eldbus Meg ablo cks , P ower Supplies & Wiring Devices XXXX Inte r xx xxxx & In d u stria l Ne t working Produ c ts T o f i no N e t wo r k Se c u r i t y Emco Spirax Sarco In s e r t i o n & Inli n e V o r t e x & T u r bi ne Flo xx x x x x x Clamp On Ult rason i c Flowmeters Ma sstracker In s ertion Flo xx xxxxx Hydro Flo w V orte x F lo wmeters f or Liquid Fox Thermal Instruments T h e r m a l Di s p e r s i o n Ai r & Ga s F lo w Me t e r s N a t u ra l Ga s T o t a li z i n g Fu e l F lo w Me t e r s (T FF s ) Honeywell- Sensotec Se ns o t e c Pr e s s u re & Lo a d T r a n s d u c er s Le bo w Lo a d a nd T o r qu e T r a n s d u c e r s Wirele ss Torque T ransducers DCT Instruments Digita l Pressure Indicators Xxxxxxx- Xxxxxxx Network Power Un inter r uptible Power Su pplies S x x x x x & Three Phase UPS Sy stems Expert Applications M-Systems Signal Isolators and Co nditioners 4 - 2 0 m a lo o p s i gna ls , R T D, T / C , V o lt s , Cu r r e nt Loop Power Supp lies Power Transducers & Indicators Onicon Incorporated Insertion T urbi n e Flo wmeters BT U Me t e r s Insertion & Inli n e Ele ctromagnetic Flowmeters Vortex Steam Flo xx xxxxx Insertion N atur al Gas F lo xx xxxxx ( HVAC Appli c ations) Precision Digital Corporation Co nsolidator Mu l ti -Fun ction Control l e r La r ge Di s p la y Pa n e l Me t e r s DI N Pa ne l Me t e rs a nd E nclo su re s PID Loop Control l e rs Sierra Monitor Corporation LE L & Toxic Ga s De tection Systems Ultra Electronics Weed Instrument R T D & Thermocouple T emperature Sen sors He ad Moun t ed & DIN R ail 4 - 20ma Tran smitters Mu l t i- Sp ot & Averag i n g Temperature Arrays * Devices Inc is F actor y Aut horized Rep rese n tative & Dist ri butor for these Prod ucts & S e rv i c e s i n t he D al l as - F t Wo rt h an d Gre at e r N o rt h Te x as Ar e a . Air Monitor Corporation Ametek-Drexelbrook Xxxxxx Xxxxxx-Xxxxx MTL Emco Spirax Sarco Fox Thermal Instruments Honeywell Sensotec Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Network Power M-System Signal Conditioners Onicon Incorporated Precision Digital Sierra MonitorXXXXX XXXXXX wner O ner

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Tips Vendor Agreement

Agreement Exceptions/Deviations Explanation. If the proposing Vendor desires to deviate form the Vendor Agreement language, all such deviations must be listed on this attribute, with complete and detailed conditions and information included. TIPS will consider any deviations in its proposal award decisions, and TIPS reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal based upon any deviations indicated below. In the absence of any deviation entry on this attribute, the proposer assures TIPS of their full compliance with the Vendor Agreement. Line Items Response Total: $0.00 No response REFERENCES Please provide three (3) references, preferably from school districts or other governmental entities who have used your services within the last three years. Additional references may be required. DO NOT INCLUDE TIPS EMPLOYEES AS A REFERENCE. Please verify your references are current and valid, as they are a SIGNIFICANT required evaluation component of the evaluation process, and the evaluation cannot be completed without responses from these references when we contact them. You may provide more than three (3) references. Entity Name Contact Person VALID EMAIL IS REQUIRED Phone Lone Star College Systems Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx 281.290.2783 University of Texas State University Medical Branch Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxx 979.308.1078 Xxxxxx X. County dba Xxxxxx Health Systems Xxxxx Xxxxxx III 713.634.1092 XXXXX, XXXXXXXX & XXXXX INSURANCE AGENCY, LLC 0000 XXXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXXX 000 P.O. BOX 922022 XXXXXXX, XXXXX 00000-0000 TELEPHONE (000-) 000-0000 University of Texas at Austin Xxxxxxx Xxxxx 000FACSIMILE (713) 880-000-0000 University of Texas at Dallas Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx 000-000-0000 Southern Methodist University Xxxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 4JFNFOT *OEVTUSZ7149 April 3, *OD., #VJMEJOH 5FDIOPMPHJFT %JWJTJPO 1000 %FFSGJFME 1BSLXBZ #VGGBMP (SPWF, *- 46# %FWJDFT, *OD. 4PVUIFSO .FUIPEJTU 6OJWFSTJUZ 8FTU $BNQVT $"1 $& 02152800051 $470,000.00 12/13/2017 1IJMBEFMQIJB *OEFNOJUZ *OTVSBODF $PNQBOZ EGSZF!CSVOTXJDLDPNQBOJFT.DPN Devices Inc. is a manufacturers’ representative with expertise in product applications such as: * Proc es s W eighin g * Fl ow * Level * Pre ssu re * Temp e ratur e * Signal Conditi onin g * Surge Protec tio n * Intrins i c Saf e t y * Ga s De t e ct io n Syst em J u s t s ome of the ma rk ets that we s e rve : * Food Proc es s i n g * Pharma c eutic a l * HVA C * Oil & Ga s * Wa t e r / Wast e * Power * Aeros pac e * Semi c onduc to r * Ho spital Facilitie s ISO 17025 Accredited We have over 30 years experience • Effluent F lo xx xxxxx • Ch a r t Re c o r d e r s • Process Instr u me nt V erification • Flow Meter V erification • BTU Me ter Ca l i bration & V erification • Sy s t e m Ins t a lla t i o n St a r t Up • PLC Programming and System Design • Ba ckflow Preventor T es ting Fac t ory trained tec hnic i ans , a c omplete s e t of NIST trac eable e quip ment and f u lly equipped s e rvic e van. W e c a n provide s c heduled verif i c ations i n add ition to on - demand s e r vic e c a lls . Companies we Represent Air Monitor Corporation HVAC Pitot T ube & The r mal Air F low Instruments Outside Air Flow & R oo m Pressurization Monitors Differential Pressure Flo w Transmitters Ametek-Drexelbrook The L e a der in RF L eve l Mea sure ment RF Admitta nce Point a n d Contin uous Level Me a sureme n t Ultrasonic Continuous and Gap Point Le vel Sw itches Ai r bo r ne & T DR Ra d a r Le v e l T r a ns m i t t e r s Plu gge d Ch u t e De te ction Xxxxxx Xxxxxx- Xxxxx MTL Intrinsically Safe Barriers & Isolators Si gna l, Po we r , Da t a & N e t wo x x Xx r ge Pr o t e c t o rs Fi eldbus Meg ablo cks , P ower Supplies & Wiring Devices XXXX Inte r xx xxxx & In d u stria l Ne t working Produ c ts T o f i no N e t wo r k Se c u r i t y Emco Spirax Sarco In s e r t i o n & Inli n e V o r t e x & T u r bi ne Flo xx x x x x x Clamp On Ult rason i c Flowmeters Ma sstracker In s ertion Flo xx xxxxx Hydro Flo w V orte x F lo wmeters f or Liquid Fox Thermal Instruments T h e r m a l Di s p e r s i o n Ai r & Ga s F lo w Me t e r s N a t u ra l Ga s T o t a li z i n g Fu e l F lo w Me t e r s (T FF s ) Honeywell- Sensotec Se ns o t e c Pr e s s u re & Lo a d T r a n s d u c er s Le bo w Lo a d a nd T o r qu e T r a n s d u c e r s Wirele ss Torque T ransducers DCT Instruments Digita l Pressure Indicators Xxxxxxx- Xxxxxxx Network Power Un inter r uptible Power Su pplies S x x x x x & Three Phase UPS Sy stems Expert Applications M-Systems Signal Isolators and Co nditioners 4 - 2 0 m a lo o p s i gna ls , R T D, T / C , V o lt s , Cu r r e nt Loop Power Supp lies Power Transducers & Indicators Onicon Incorporated Insertion T urbi n e Flo wmeters BT U Me t e r s Insertion & Inli n e Ele ctromagnetic Flowmeters Vortex Steam Flo xx xxxxx Insertion N atur al Gas F lo xx xxxxx ( HVAC Appli c ations) Precision Digital Corporation Co nsolidator Mu l ti -Fun ction Control l e r La r ge Di s p la y Pa n e l Me t e r s DI N Pa ne l Me t e rs a nd E nclo su re s PID Loop Control l e rs Sierra Monitor Corporation LE L & Toxic Ga s De tection Systems Ultra Electronics Weed Instrument R T D & Thermocouple T emperature Sen sors He ad Moun t ed & DIN R ail 4 - 20ma Tran smitters Mu l t i- Sp ot & Averag i n g Temperature Arrays * Devices Inc is F actor y Aut horized Rep rese n tative & Dist ri butor for these Prod ucts & S e rv i c e s i n t he D al l as - F t Wo rt h an d Gre at e r N o rt h Te x as Ar e a . Air Monitor Corporation Ametek-Drexelbrook Xxxxxx Xxxxxx-Xxxxx MTL Emco Spirax Sarco Fox Thermal Instruments Honeywell Sensotec Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Network Power M-System Signal Conditioners Onicon Incorporated Precision Digital Sierra Monitor2020

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Tips Vendor Agreement

Agreement Exceptions/Deviations Explanation. If the proposing Vendor desires to deviate form the Vendor Agreement language, all such deviations must be listed on this attribute, with complete and detailed conditions and information included. TIPS will consider any deviations in its proposal award decisions, and TIPS reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal based upon any deviations indicated below. In the absence of any deviation entry on this attribute, the proposer assures TIPS of their full compliance with the Vendor Agreement. Line Items Response Total: $0.00 REFERENCES Please provide three (3) references, preferably from school districts or other governmental entities who have used your services within the last three years. Additional references may be required. DO NOT INCLUDE TIPS EMPLOYEES AS A REFERENCE. Please verify your references are current and valid, as they are a SIGNIFICANT required evaluation component of the evaluation process, and the evaluation cannot be completed without responses from these references when we contact them. You may provide more than three (3) references. Entity Name Contact Person VALID EMAIL IS REQUIRED Phone Texas State University Xxxxxx X. Xxxxx Public Schools Maintenance Xxxx Xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx@xxx.x00.xx.xx (000-) 000-0000 University of Texas at Austin Bentonville Public Xxxxxx Dir. Facility Xxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxx xxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxx.x00.xx.xx (000) 000-000-0000 University of Texas at Dallas Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx 000-000-0000 Southern Methodist University Xxxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 4JFNFOT *OEVTUSZ, *OD., #VJMEJOH 5FDIOPMPHJFT %JWJTJPO 1000 %FFSGJFME 1BSLXBZ #VGGBMP (SPWF, *- 46# %FWJDFT, *OD. 4PVUIFSO .FUIPEJTU 6OJWFSTJUZ 8FTU $BNQVT $"1 $& 02152800051 $470,000.00 12/13/2017 1IJMBEFMQIJB *OEFNOJUZ *OTVSBODF $PNQBOZ EGSZF!CSVOTXJDLDPNQBOJFT.DPN Devices Inc. is a manufacturers’ representative with expertise in product applications such as: * Proc es s W eighin g * Fl ow * Level * Pre ssu re * Temp e ratur e * Signal Conditi onin g * Surge Protec tio n * Intrins i c Saf e t y * Ga s De t e ct io n Syst em J u s t s ome of the ma rk ets that we s e rve : * Food Proc es s i n g * Pharma c eutic a l * HVA C * Oil & Ga s * Wa t e r / Wast e * Power * Aeros pac e * Semi c onduc to r * Ho spital Facilitie s ISO 17025 Accredited We have over 30 years experience • Effluent F lo xx xxxxx • Ch a r t Re c o r d e r s • Process Instr u me nt V erification • Flow Meter V erification • BTU Me ter Ca l i bration & V erification • Sy s t e m Ins t a lla t i o n St a r t Up • PLC Programming and System Design • Ba ckflow Preventor T es ting Fac t ory trained tec hnic i ans , a c omplete s e t of NIST trac eable e quip ment and f u lly equipped s e rvic e van. W e c a n provide s c heduled verif i c ations i n add ition to on - demand s e r vic e c a lls . Companies we Represent Air Monitor Corporation HVAC Pitot T ube & The r mal Air F low Instruments Outside Air Flow & R oo m Pressurization Monitors Differential Pressure Flo w Transmitters Ametek-Drexelbrook The L e a der in RF L eve l Mea sure ment RF Admitta nce Point a n d Contin uous Level Me a sureme n t Ultrasonic Continuous and Gap Point Le vel Sw itches Ai r bo r ne & T DR Ra d a r Le v e l T r a ns m i t t e r s Plu gge d Ch u t e De te ction Xxxxxx Xxxxxx- Xxxxx MTL Intrinsically Safe Barriers & Isolators Si gna l, Po we r , Da t a & N e t wo x x Xx r ge Pr o t e c t o rs Fi eldbus Meg ablo cks , P ower Supplies & Wiring Devices XXXX Inte r xx xxxx & In d u stria l Ne t working Produ c ts T o f i no N e t wo r k Se c u r i t y Emco Spirax Sarco In s e r t i o n & Inli n e V o r t e x & T u r bi ne Flo xx x x x x x Clamp On Ult rason i c Flowmeters Ma sstracker In s ertion Flo xx xxxxx Hydro Flo w V orte x F lo wmeters f or Liquid Fox Thermal Instruments T h e r m a l Di s p e r s i o n Ai r & Ga s F lo w Me t e r s N a t u ra l Ga s T o t a li z i n g Fu e l F lo w Me t e r s (T FF s ) Honeywell- Sensotec Se ns o t e c Pr e s s u re & Lo a d T r a n s d u c er s Le bo w Lo a d a nd T o r qu e T r a n s d u c e r s Wirele ss Torque T ransducers DCT Instruments Digita l Pressure Indicators Xxxxxxx- Xxxxxxx Network Power Un inter r uptible Power Su pplies S x x x x x & Three Phase UPS Sy stems Expert Applications M-Systems Signal Isolators and Co nditioners 4 - 2 0 m a lo o p s i gna ls , R T D, T / C , V o lt s , Cu r r e nt Loop Power Supp lies Power Transducers & Indicators Onicon Incorporated Insertion T urbi n e Flo wmeters BT U Me t e r s Insertion & Inli n e Ele ctromagnetic Flowmeters Vortex Steam Flo xx xxxxx Insertion N atur al Gas F lo xx xxxxx ( HVAC Appli c ations) Precision Digital Corporation Co nsolidator Mu l ti -Fun ction Control l e r La r ge Di s p la y Pa n e l Me t e r s DI N Pa ne l Me t e rs a nd E nclo su re s PID Loop Control l e rs Sierra Monitor Corporation LE L & Toxic Ga s De tection Systems Ultra Electronics Weed Instrument R T D & Thermocouple T emperature Sen sors He ad Moun t ed & DIN R ail 4 - 20ma Tran smitters Mu l t i- Sp ot & Averag i n g Temperature Arrays * Devices Inc is F actor y Aut horized Rep rese n tative & Dist ri butor for these Prod ucts & S e rv i c e s i n t he D al l as - F t Wo rt h an d Gre at e r N o rt h Te x as Ar e a . Air Monitor Corporation Ametek-Drexelbrook Xxxxxx Xxxxxx-Xxxxx MTL Emco Spirax Sarco Fox Thermal Instruments Honeywell Sensotec Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Network Power M-System Signal Conditioners Onicon Incorporated Precision Digital Sierra Monitor0000

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Tips Vendor Agreement

Agreement Exceptions/Deviations Explanation. If the proposing Vendor desires to deviate form the Vendor Agreement language, all such deviations must be listed on this attribute, with complete and detailed conditions and information included. TIPS will consider any deviations in its proposal award decisions, and TIPS reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal based upon any deviations indicated below. In the absence of any deviation entry on this attribute, the proposer assures TIPS of their full compliance with the Vendor Agreement. Line Items Response Total: $0.00 No response REFERENCES Please provide three (3) references, preferably from school districts or other governmental entities who have used your services within the last three years. Additional references may be required. DO NOT INCLUDE TIPS EMPLOYEES AS A REFERENCE. Please verify your references are current and valid, as they are a SIGNIFICANT required evaluation component of the evaluation process, and the evaluation cannot be completed without responses from these references when we contact them. You may provide more than three (3) references. Entity Name Contact Person VALID EMAIL IS REQUIRED Phone Texas State University Xxxxxx X. ISD Xxxxx 000-000-0000 University of Texas at Xxxxxxxxx 830−928−3470 Austin Xxxxxxx ISD Xxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 University of Texas at Dallas Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx 000-000-0000 Southern Methodist University Xxxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 4JFNFOT *OEVTUSZ, *OD., #VJMEJOH 5FDIOPMPHJFT %JWJTJPO 1000 %FFSGJFME 1BSLXBZ #VGGBMP (SPWF, *- 512−414−8948 Austin ISD Xxx Xxxx 512−414−8948 TIPS RFP # %FWJDFT, *OD. 4PVUIFSO .FUIPEJTU 6OJWFSTJUZ 8FTU $BNQVT $"1 $& 02152800051 $470,000.00 12/13/2017 1IJMBEFMQIJB *OEFNOJUZ *OTVSBODF $PNQBOZ EGSZF!CSVOTXJDLDPNQBOJFT.DPN Devices Inc. is a manufacturers’ representative with expertise in product applications such as: * Proc es s W eighin g * Fl ow * Level * Pre ssu re * Temp e ratur e * Signal Conditi onin g * Surge Protec tio n * Intrins i c Saf e t y * Ga s De t e ct io n Syst em J u s t s ome of the ma rk ets that we s e rve : * Food Proc es s i n g * Pharma c eutic a l * HVA C * Oil & Ga s * Wa t e r / Wast e * Power * Aeros pac e * Semi c onduc to r * Ho spital Facilitie s ISO 17025 Accredited We have over 30 years experience • Effluent F lo xx xxxxx • Ch a r t Re c o r d e r s • Process Instr u me nt V erification • Flow Meter V erification • BTU Me ter Ca l i bration & V erification • Sy s t e m Ins t a lla t i o n St a r t Up • PLC Programming and System Design • Ba ckflow Preventor T es ting Fac t ory trained tec hnic i ans , a c omplete s e t of NIST trac eable e quip ment and f u lly equipped s e rvic e van. W e c a n provide s c heduled verif i c ations i n add ition to on - demand s e r vic e c a lls . Companies we Represent Air Monitor Corporation HVAC Pitot T ube & The r mal Air F low Instruments Outside Air Flow & R oo m Pressurization Monitors Differential Pressure Flo w Transmitters Ametek-Drexelbrook The L e a der in RF L eve l Mea sure ment RF Admitta nce Point a n d Contin uous Level Me a sureme n t Ultrasonic Continuous and Gap Point Le vel Sw itches Ai r bo r ne & T DR Ra d a r Le v e l T r a ns m i t t e r s Plu gge d Ch u t e De te ction Xxxxxx Xxxxxx- Xxxxx MTL Intrinsically Safe Barriers & Isolators Si gna l, Po we r , Da t a & N e t wo x x Xx r ge Pr o t e c t o rs Fi eldbus Meg ablo cks , P ower Supplies & Wiring Devices XXXX Inte r xx xxxx & In d u stria l Ne t working Produ c ts T o f i no N e t wo r k Se c u r i t y Emco Spirax Sarco In s e r t i o n & Inli n e V o r t e x & T u r bi ne Flo xx x x x x x Clamp On Ult rason i c Flowmeters Ma sstracker In s ertion Flo xx xxxxx Hydro Flo w V orte x F lo wmeters f or Liquid Fox Thermal Instruments T h e r m a l Di s p e r s i o n Ai r & Ga s F lo w Me t e r s N a t u ra l Ga s T o t a li z i n g Fu e l F lo w Me t e r s (T FF s ) Honeywell- Sensotec Se ns o t e c Pr e s s u re & Lo a d T r a n s d u c er s Le bo w Lo a d a nd T o r qu e T r a n s d u c e r s Wirele ss Torque T ransducers DCT Instruments Digita l Pressure Indicators Xxxxxxx- Xxxxxxx Network Power Un inter r uptible Power Su pplies S x x x x x & Three Phase UPS Sy stems Expert Applications M-Systems Signal Isolators and Co nditioners 4 - 2 0 m a lo o p s i gna ls , R T D, T / C , V o lt s , Cu r r e nt Loop Power Supp lies Power Transducers & Indicators Onicon Incorporated Insertion T urbi n e Flo wmeters BT U Me t e r s Insertion & Inli n e Ele ctromagnetic Flowmeters Vortex Steam Flo xx xxxxx Insertion N atur al Gas F lo xx xxxxx ( HVAC Appli c ations) Precision Digital Corporation Co nsolidator Mu l ti -Fun ction Control l e r La r ge Di s p la y Pa n e l Me t e r s DI N Pa ne l Me t e rs a nd E nclo su re s PID Loop Control l e rs Sierra Monitor Corporation LE L & Toxic Ga s De tection Systems Ultra Electronics Weed Instrument R T D & Thermocouple T emperature Sen sors He ad Moun t ed & DIN R ail 4 - 20ma Tran smitters Mu l t i- Sp ot & Averag i n g Temperature Arrays * Devices Inc is F actor y Aut horized Rep rese n tative & Dist ri butor for these Prod ucts & S e rv i c e s i n t he D al l as - F t Wo rt h an d Gre at e r N o rt h Te x as Ar e a . Air Monitor Corporation Ametek-Drexelbrook Xxxxxx Xxxxxx-Xxxxx MTL Emco Spirax Sarco Fox Thermal Instruments Honeywell Sensotec Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Network Power M-System Signal Conditioners Onicon Incorporated Precision Digital Sierra Monitor200201

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Tips Vendor Agreement

Agreement Exceptions/Deviations Explanation. If the proposing Vendor desires to deviate form the Vendor Agreement language, all such deviations must be listed on this attribute, with complete and detailed conditions and information included. TIPS will consider any deviations in its proposal award decisions, and TIPS reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal based upon any deviations indicated below. In the absence of any deviation entry on this attribute, the proposer assures TIPS of their full compliance with the Vendor Agreement. Line Items Response Total: $0.00 REFERENCES Allsports US, Inc. TIPS RSCP 181101 Job Order Contracting Please provide three (3) references, preferably from school districts or other governmental entities who have used your services within the last three years. Additional references may be required. DO NOT INCLUDE TIPS EMPLOYEES AS A REFERENCE. Please verify your references are current and valid, as they are a SIGNIFICANT required evaluation component of the evaluation process, and the evaluation cannot be completed without responses from these references when we contact them. You may provide more than three (3) references. Entity Name Contact Person VALID EMAIL IS REQUIRED Phone Texas State University Xxxxxx X. Xxxxx 000-000-0000 Shoreline School District Xxx Xxxxxxx, AD (206) 393−4770 Bellevue School District Xxxx XxXxxx, Director of Facilities and Operations (425) 456−4560 University of Texas at Austin Washington Xxx Xxxxxxxx, Director of Events and Guest Services (206) 685−2570 City of Redmond Parks Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxx (425) 556−2338 Seattle University Donny Harrell (425) 273−1606 Bellevue School District Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx (425) 246−3106 12/13/18 December 13, 2018 Re: Bond Capacity Xxxxx 000-000-0000 University of Texas at Dallas Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx 000-000-0000 Southern Methodist University Xxxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 4JFNFOT *OEVTUSZAllsports US, *OD.Inc. TIPS RSCS 181101 Job Order Contracting Associate Account Executive Travelers Bond Seattle, #VJMEJOH 5FDIOPMPHJFT %JWJTJPO 1000 %FFSGJFME 1BSLXBZ #VGGBMP (SPWF, *- 46# %FWJDFT, *OD. 4PVUIFSO .FUIPEJTU 6OJWFSTJUZ 8FTU $BNQVT $"1 $& 02152800051 $470,000.00 12/13/2017 1IJMBEFMQIJB *OEFNOJUZ *OTVSBODF $PNQBOZ EGSZF!CSVOTXJDLDPNQBOJFT.DPN Devices Inc. is a manufacturers’ representative with expertise in product applications such as: * Proc es s W eighin g * Fl ow * Level * Pre ssu re * Temp e ratur e * Signal Conditi onin g * Surge Protec tio n * Intrins i c Saf e t y * Ga s De t e ct io n Syst em J u s t s ome of the ma rk ets that we s e rve : * Food Proc es s i n g * Pharma c eutic a l * HVA C * Oil & Ga s * Wa t e r / Wast e * Power * Aeros pac e * Semi c onduc to r * Ho spital Facilitie s ISO 17025 Accredited We have over 30 years experience • Effluent F lo xx xxxxx • Ch a r t Re c o r d e r s • Process Instr u me nt V erification • Flow Meter V erification • BTU Me ter Ca l i bration & V erification • Sy s t e m Ins t a lla t i o n St a r t Up • PLC Programming and System Design • Ba ckflow Preventor T es ting Fac t ory trained tec hnic i ans , a c omplete s e t of NIST trac eable e quip ment and f u lly equipped s e rvic e van. W e c a n provide s c heduled verif i c ations i n add ition to on - demand s e r vic e c a lls . Companies we Represent Air Monitor Corporation HVAC Pitot T ube & The r mal Air F low Instruments Outside Air Flow & R oo m Pressurization Monitors Differential Pressure Flo w Transmitters Ametek-Drexelbrook The L e a der in RF L eve l Mea sure ment RF Admitta nce Point a n d Contin uous Level Me a sureme n t Ultrasonic Continuous and Gap Point Le vel Sw itches Ai r bo r ne & T DR Ra d a r Le v e l T r a ns m i t t e r s Plu gge d Ch u t e De te ction Xxxxxx Xxxxxx- Xxxxx MTL Intrinsically Safe Barriers & Isolators Si gna l, Po we r , Da t a & N e t wo x x Xx r ge Pr o t e c t o rs Fi eldbus Meg ablo cks , P ower Supplies & Wiring Devices XXXX Inte r xx xxxx & In d u stria l Ne t working Produ c ts T o f i no N e t wo r k Se c u r i t y Emco Spirax Sarco In s e r t i o n & Inli n e V o r t e x & T u r bi ne Flo xx x x x x x Clamp On Ult rason i c Flowmeters Ma sstracker In s ertion Flo xx xxxxx Hydro Flo w V orte x F lo wmeters f or Liquid Fox Thermal Instruments T h e r m a l Di s p e r s i o n Ai r & Ga s F lo w Me t e r s N a t u ra l Ga s T o t a li z i n g Fu e l F lo w Me t e r s (T FF s ) Honeywell- Sensotec Se ns o t e c Pr e s s u re & Lo a d T r a n s d u c er s Le bo w Lo a d a nd T o r qu e T r a n s d u c e r s Wirele ss Torque T ransducers DCT Instruments Digita l Pressure Indicators Xxxxxxx- Xxxxxxx Network Power Un inter r uptible Power Su pplies S x x x x x & Three Phase UPS Sy stems Expert Applications M-Systems Signal Isolators and Co nditioners 4 - 2 0 m a lo o p s i gna ls , R T D, T / C , V o lt s , Cu r r e nt Loop Power Supp lies Power Transducers & Indicators Onicon Incorporated Insertion T urbi n e Flo wmeters BT U Me t e r s Insertion & Inli n e Ele ctromagnetic Flowmeters Vortex Steam Flo xx xxxxx Insertion N atur al Gas F lo xx xxxxx ( HVAC Appli c ations) Precision Digital Corporation Co nsolidator Mu l ti -Fun ction Control l e r La r ge Di s p la y Pa n e l Me t e r s DI N Pa ne l Me t e rs a nd E nclo su re s PID Loop Control l e rs Sierra Monitor Corporation LE L & Toxic Ga s De tection Systems Ultra Electronics Weed Instrument R T D & Thermocouple T emperature Sen sors He ad Moun t ed & DIN R ail 4 - 20ma Tran smitters Mu l t i- Sp ot & Averag i n g Temperature Arrays * Devices Inc is F actor y Aut horized Rep rese n tative & Dist ri butor for these Prod ucts & S e rv i c e s i n t he D al l as - F t Wo rt h an d Gre at e r N o rt h Te x as Ar e a . Air Monitor Corporation Ametek-Drexelbrook Xxxxxx Xxxxxx-Xxxxx MTL Emco Spirax Sarco Fox Thermal Instruments Honeywell Sensotec Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Network Power M-System Signal Conditioners Onicon Incorporated Precision Digital Sierra MonitorWashington

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Tips Vendor Agreement

Agreement Exceptions/Deviations Explanation. If the proposing Vendor desires to deviate form the Vendor Agreement language, all such deviations must be listed on this attribute, with complete and detailed conditions and information included. TIPS will consider any deviations in its proposal award decisions, and TIPS reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal based upon any deviations indicated below. In the absence of any deviation entry on this attribute, the proposer assures TIPS of their full compliance with the Vendor Agreement. Line Items Response Total: $0.00 No response REFERENCES Please provide three (3) references, preferably from school districts or other governmental entities who have used your services within the last three years. Additional references may be required. DO NOT INCLUDE TIPS EMPLOYEES AS A REFERENCE. Please verify your references are current and valid, as they are a SIGNIFICANT required evaluation component of the evaluation process, and the evaluation cannot be completed without responses from these references when we contact them. You may provide more than three (3) references. Entity Name Contact Person VALID EMAIL IS REQUIRED Phone Texas State University Xxxxxx X. Xxxxx 000-000-0000 University Collin College Dr. Xxxx Xxxx 903−530−2030 City of Texas at Austin Xxxxxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 University of Texas at Dallas Frisco Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx 000-000-0000 Southern Methodist University 972−292−6528 Xxxxxx County Xxxxx Xxxxxx 940−349−3130 Town of Prosper Xxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 4JFNFOT *OEVTUSZ, *OD., #VJMEJOH 5FDIOPMPHJFT %JWJTJPO 1000 %FFSGJFME 1BSLXBZ #VGGBMP (SPWF, *- 972−569−1080 TIPS RFP # %FWJDFT, *OD. 4PVUIFSO .FUIPEJTU 6OJWFSTJUZ 8FTU $BNQVT $"1 $& 02152800051 $470,000.00 12/13/2017 1IJMBEFMQIJB *OEFNOJUZ *OTVSBODF $PNQBOZ EGSZF!CSVOTXJDLDPNQBOJFT.DPN Devices Inc. is a manufacturers’ representative with expertise in product applications such as: * Proc es s W eighin g * Fl ow * Level * Pre ssu re * Temp e ratur e * Signal Conditi onin g * Surge Protec tio n * Intrins i c Saf e t y * Ga s De t e ct io n Syst em J u s t s ome of the ma rk ets that we s e rve : * Food Proc es s i n g * Pharma c eutic a l * HVA C * Oil & Ga s * Wa t e r / Wast e * Power * Aeros pac e * Semi c onduc to r * Ho spital Facilitie s ISO 17025 Accredited We have over 30 years experience • Effluent F lo xx xxxxx • Ch a r t Re c o r d e r s • Process Instr u me nt V erification • Flow Meter V erification • BTU Me ter Ca l i bration & V erification • Sy s t e m Ins t a lla t i o n St a r t Up • PLC Programming and System Design • Ba ckflow Preventor T es ting Fac t ory trained tec hnic i ans , a c omplete s e t of NIST trac eable e quip ment and f u lly equipped s e rvic e van. W e c a n provide s c heduled verif i c ations i n add ition to on - demand s e r vic e c a lls . Companies we Represent Air Monitor Corporation HVAC Pitot T ube & The r mal Air F low Instruments Outside Air Flow & R oo m Pressurization Monitors Differential Pressure Flo w Transmitters Ametek-Drexelbrook The L e a der in RF L eve l Mea sure ment RF Admitta nce Point a n d Contin uous Level Me a sureme n t Ultrasonic Continuous and Gap Point Le vel Sw itches Ai r bo r ne & T DR Ra d a r Le v e l T r a ns m i t t e r s Plu gge d Ch u t e De te ction Xxxxxx Xxxxxx- Xxxxx MTL Intrinsically Safe Barriers & Isolators Si gna l, Po we r , Da t a & N e t wo x x Xx r ge Pr o t e c t o rs Fi eldbus Meg ablo cks , P ower Supplies & Wiring Devices XXXX Inte r xx xxxx & In d u stria l Ne t working Produ c ts T o f i no N e t wo r k Se c u r i t y Emco Spirax Sarco In s e r t i o n & Inli n e V o r t e x & T u r bi ne Flo xx x x x x x Clamp On Ult rason i c Flowmeters Ma sstracker In s ertion Flo xx xxxxx Hydro Flo w V orte x F lo wmeters f or Liquid Fox Thermal Instruments T h e r m a l Di s p e r s i o n Ai r & Ga s F lo w Me t e r s N a t u ra l Ga s T o t a li z i n g Fu e l F lo w Me t e r s (T FF s ) Honeywell- Sensotec Se ns o t e c Pr e s s u re & Lo a d T r a n s d u c er s Le bo w Lo a d a nd T o r qu e T r a n s d u c e r s Wirele ss Torque T ransducers DCT Instruments Digita l Pressure Indicators Xxxxxxx- Xxxxxxx Network Power Un inter r uptible Power Su pplies S x x x x x & Three Phase UPS Sy stems Expert Applications M-Systems Signal Isolators and Co nditioners 4 - 2 0 m a lo o p s i gna ls , R T D, T / C , V o lt s , Cu r r e nt Loop Power Supp lies Power Transducers & Indicators Onicon Incorporated Insertion T urbi n e Flo wmeters BT U Me t e r s Insertion & Inli n e Ele ctromagnetic Flowmeters Vortex Steam Flo xx xxxxx Insertion N atur al Gas F lo xx xxxxx ( HVAC Appli c ations) Precision Digital Corporation Co nsolidator Mu l ti -Fun ction Control l e r La r ge Di s p la y Pa n e l Me t e r s DI N Pa ne l Me t e rs a nd E nclo su re s PID Loop Control l e rs Sierra Monitor Corporation LE L & Toxic Ga s De tection Systems Ultra Electronics Weed Instrument R T D & Thermocouple T emperature Sen sors He ad Moun t ed & DIN R ail 4 - 20ma Tran smitters Mu l t i- Sp ot & Averag i n g Temperature Arrays * Devices Inc is F actor y Aut horized Rep rese n tative & Dist ri butor for these Prod ucts & S e rv i c e s i n t he D al l as - F t Wo rt h an d Gre at e r N o rt h Te x as Ar e a . Air Monitor Corporation Ametek-Drexelbrook Xxxxxx Xxxxxx-Xxxxx MTL Emco Spirax Sarco Fox Thermal Instruments Honeywell Sensotec Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Network Power M-System Signal Conditioners Onicon Incorporated Precision Digital Sierra Monitor200201

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Tips Vendor Agreement

Agreement Exceptions/Deviations Explanation. If the proposing Vendor desires to deviate form the Vendor Agreement language, all such deviations must be listed on this attribute, with complete and detailed conditions and information included. TIPS will consider any deviations in its proposal award decisions, and TIPS reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal based upon any deviations indicated below. In the absence of any deviation entry on this attribute, the proposer assures TIPS of their full compliance with the Vendor Agreement. Line Items Response Total: $0.00 However I do not like to agree to attorney fees. We pay ours and they pay theirs. REFERENCES Please provide three (3) references, preferably from school districts or other governmental entities who have used your services within the last three years. Additional references may be required. DO NOT INCLUDE TIPS EMPLOYEES AS A REFERENCE. Please verify your references are current and valid, as they are a SIGNIFICANT required evaluation component of the evaluation process, and the evaluation cannot be completed without responses from these references when we contact them. You may provide more than three (3) references. Entity Name Contact Person VALID EMAIL IS REQUIRED Phone Texas State Eastern Kentucky University Xxxxx Xxxxx 859−622−2966 Georgetown College Xxxxx Xxxxx 502−863−8040 University of Louisville Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx 502−852−2863 Bath County Schools Harvey Tackett xxxxxx.xxxxxxx@xxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xx 606−674−6314 University of Kentucky Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx 859−257−7124 April 2, 2020 TIPS Re: Xxxxxx’x Sportsfields, Inc. To Whom It May Concern: Xxxx X. Xxxxxxxx, Xx. Senior Account Underwriter Travelers Bond & Financial Products Xxx Xxxxxx Xxxx, Xxxxx 000 Xxxxxxxx, Xxxx 00000 (000-) 000-0000 University of Texas at Austin Xxxxxxx Xxxxx (000-) 000-0000 University (fax) Email: We understand that Xxxxxx’x Sportsfields, Inc. is being considered for the above captioned project. Please be advised that Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of Texas America (herein after referred to as “Travelers”) has handled all of the bonding requirements for Xxxxxx’x Sportsfields, Inc. for 3 years. We have confidence in the financial and operational strength of the firm and are a strong supporter of their total work program. Xxxxxx’x Sportsfields, Inc. has had a surety program with Travelers for single projects up to $1,500,000.00 and supporting backlogs approaching $3,000,000.00. We are pleased that Xxxxxx’x Sportsfields, Inc. is pursuing projects with your company and we recommend them to you. Xxxxxx’x Sportsfields, Inc. has the ability, to provide Performance and Payment Bonds for projects, should they be selected. Naturally, as is customary within the surety industry, the issuance of any bid or final bonds is always contingent upon a satisfactory underwriting review at Dallas Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx 000-the time a request for bonds is made. This review may include, but not be limited to, acceptable terms, conditions, documents, bond forms and confirmation of an acceptable financing source and payment provisions. It should be understood, that any arrangement for surety bonds is a matter strictly between Xxxxxx’x Sportsfields, Inc. and Travelers. We assume no liability to third parties or to you by issuance of this letter. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, TRAVELERS CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY OF AMERICA Xxxx X. Xxxxxxxx, Xx. 1 Travelers is an A+ (Superior) A.M. Best rated insurance company (Financial Size Category XIV ($2 billion or more)). 000 Xxx Xxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxxxxx, XX 00000 Tel 859 / 000-0000 Southern Methodist University Xxxxx Xxxxx 000-Fax 859 / 000-0000 4JFNFOT *OEVTUSZTIPS RCSP 200201 Trades, *OD., Labor and Materials – Attachment #VJMEJOH 5FDIOPMPHJFT %JWJTJPO 1000 %FFSGJFME 1BSLXBZ #VGGBMP (SPWF, *- 46# %FWJDFT, *OD. 4PVUIFSO .FUIPEJTU 6OJWFSTJUZ 8FTU $BNQVT $"1 $& 02152800051 $470,000.00 12/13/2017 1IJMBEFMQIJB *OEFNOJUZ *OTVSBODF $PNQBOZ EGSZF!CSVOTXJDLDPNQBOJFT.DPN Devices Inc. is a manufacturers’ representative with expertise in product applications such as: * Proc es s W eighin g * Fl ow * Level * Pre ssu re * Temp e ratur e * Signal Conditi onin g * Surge Protec tio n * Intrins i c Saf e t y * Ga s De t e ct io n Syst em J u s t s ome of the ma rk ets that we s e rve : * Food Proc es s i n g * Pharma c eutic a l * HVA C * Oil & Ga s * Wa t e r / Wast e * Power * Aeros pac e * Semi c onduc to r * Ho spital Facilitie s ISO 17025 Accredited We have over 30 years experience • Effluent F lo xx xxxxx • Ch a r t Re c o r d e r s • Process Instr u me nt V erification • Flow Meter V erification • BTU Me ter Ca l i bration & V erification • Sy s t e m Ins t a lla t i o n St a r t Up • PLC Programming and System Design • Ba ckflow Preventor T es ting Fac t ory trained tec hnic i ans , a c omplete s e t of NIST trac eable e quip ment and f u lly equipped s e rvic e van. W e c a n provide s c heduled verif i c ations i n add ition to on - demand s e r vic e c a lls . Companies we Represent Air Monitor Corporation HVAC Pitot T ube & The r mal Air F low Instruments Outside Air Flow & R oo m Pressurization Monitors Differential Pressure Flo w Transmitters Ametek-Drexelbrook The L e a der in RF L eve l Mea sure ment RF Admitta nce Point a n d Contin uous Level Me a sureme n t Ultrasonic Continuous and Gap Point Le vel Sw itches Ai r bo r ne & T DR Ra d a r Le v e l T r a ns m i t t e r s Plu gge d Ch u t e De te ction Xxxxxx Xxxxxx- Xxxxx MTL Intrinsically Safe Barriers & Isolators Si gna l, Po we r , Da t a & N e t wo x x Xx r ge Pr o t e c t o rs Fi eldbus Meg ablo cks , P ower Supplies & Wiring Devices XXXX Inte r xx xxxx & In d u stria l Ne t working Produ c ts T o f i no N e t wo r k Se c u r i t y Emco Spirax Sarco In s e r t i o n & Inli n e V o r t e x & T u r bi ne Flo xx x x x x x Clamp On Ult rason i c Flowmeters Ma sstracker In s ertion Flo xx xxxxx Hydro Flo w V orte x F lo wmeters f or Liquid Fox Thermal Instruments T h e r m a l Di s p e r s i o n Ai r & Ga s F lo w Me t e r s N a t u ra l Ga s T o t a li z i n g Fu e l F lo w Me t e r s (T FF s ) Honeywell- Sensotec Se ns o t e c Pr e s s u re & Lo a d T r a n s d u c er s Le bo w Lo a d a nd T o r qu e T r a n s d u c e r s Wirele ss Torque T ransducers DCT Instruments Digita l Pressure Indicators Xxxxxxx- Xxxxxxx Network Power Un inter r uptible Power Su pplies S x x x x x & Three Phase UPS Sy stems Expert Applications M-Systems Signal Isolators and Co nditioners 4 - 2 0 m a lo o p s i gna ls , R T D, T / C , V o lt s , Cu r r e nt Loop Power Supp lies Power Transducers & Indicators Onicon Incorporated Insertion T urbi n e Flo wmeters BT U Me t e r s Insertion & Inli n e Ele ctromagnetic Flowmeters Vortex Steam Flo xx xxxxx Insertion N atur al Gas F lo xx xxxxx ( HVAC Appli c ations) Precision Digital Corporation Co nsolidator Mu l ti -Fun ction Control l e r La r ge Di s p la y Pa n e l Me t e r s DI N Pa ne l Me t e rs a nd E nclo su re s PID Loop Control l e rs Sierra Monitor Corporation LE L & Toxic Ga s De tection Systems Ultra Electronics Weed Instrument R T D & Thermocouple T emperature Sen sors He ad Moun t ed & DIN R ail 4 - 20ma Tran smitters Mu l t i- Sp ot & Averag i n g Temperature Arrays * Devices Inc is F actor y Aut horized Rep rese n tative & Dist ri butor for these Prod ucts & S e rv i c e s i n t he D al l as - F t Wo rt h an d Gre at e r N o rt h Te x as Ar e a . Air Monitor Corporation Ametek-Drexelbrook Xxxxxx Xxxxxx-Xxxxx MTL Emco Spirax Sarco Fox Thermal Instruments Honeywell Sensotec Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Network Power M-System Signal Conditioners Onicon Incorporated Precision Digital Sierra Monitor7

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Tips Vendor Agreement

Agreement Exceptions/Deviations Explanation. If the proposing Vendor desires to deviate form the Vendor Agreement language, all such deviations must be listed on this attribute, with complete and detailed conditions and information included. TIPS will consider any deviations in its proposal award decisions, and TIPS reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal based upon any deviations indicated below. In the absence of any deviation entry on this attribute, the proposer assures TIPS of their full compliance with the Vendor Agreement. Line Items Response Total: $0.00 REFERENCES Please provide three (3) references, preferably from school districts or other governmental entities who have used your services within service the last three years. Additional references may be required. DO NOT INCLUDE TIPS EMPLOYEES AS A REFERENCE. Please verify your references are current and valid, as they are a SIGNIFICANT required evaluation component of the evaluation process, and the evaluation cannot be completed without responses from these references when we contact them. You may provide more than three (3) references. Entity Name Contact Person VALID EMAIL IS REQUIRED Phone Texas State University Xxxxxx X. Public Schools Xxx Xxxxxxx Hitco Carbon Composites Xxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Construction Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx Mid-Ark Roofing, Inc. PO Box 983 Mabelvale, AR 72103 Phone: (000-) 000-0000 University of Texas at Austin Xxxxxxx Xxxxx Fax: (000-) 000-0000 University 8/27/2018 The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS) Re: Mid-Ark Roofing, Inc. To Whom It May Concern, Mid-Ark Roofing offers full service commercial roofing throughout the state of Texas at Dallas Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx 000-000-0000 Southern Methodist University Xxxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 4JFNFOT *OEVTUSZ, *OD., #VJMEJOH 5FDIOPMPHJFT %JWJTJPO 1000 %FFSGJFME 1BSLXBZ #VGGBMP (SPWF, *- 46# %FWJDFT, *ODArkansas. 4PVUIFSO .FUIPEJTU 6OJWFSTJUZ 8FTU $BNQVT $"1 $& 02152800051 $470,000.00 12/13/2017 1IJMBEFMQIJB *OEFNOJUZ *OTVSBODF $PNQBOZ EGSZF!CSVOTXJDLDPNQBOJFT.DPN Devices Inc. is a manufacturers’ representative with expertise in product applications such as: * Proc es s W eighin g * Fl ow * Level * Pre ssu re * Temp e ratur e * Signal Conditi onin g * Surge Protec tio n * Intrins i c Saf e t y * Ga s De t e ct io n Syst em J u s t s ome Our services and all of the ma rk ets that types roofing manufacturers we s e rve are certified applicators for are listed on our website at: * Food Proc es s i n g * Pharma c eutic a l * HVA C * Oil & Ga s * Wa t e r / Wast e * Power * Aeros pac e * Semi c onduc to r * Ho spital Facilitie s ISO 17025 Accredited We have over 30 years experience • Effluent F lo xx xxxxx • Ch a r t Re c o r d e r s • Process Instr u me nt V erification • Flow Meter V erification • BTU Me ter Ca l i bration & V erification • Sy s t e m Ins t a lla t i o n St a r t Up • PLC Programming and System Design • Ba ckflow Preventor T es ting Fac t ory trained tec hnic i ans Respectfully, a c omplete s e t of NIST trac eable e quip ment and f u lly equipped s e rvic e van. W e c a n provide s c heduled verif i c ations i n add ition to on - demand s e r vic e c a lls . Companies we Represent Air Monitor Corporation HVAC Pitot T ube & The r mal Air F low Instruments Outside Air Flow & R oo m Pressurization Monitors Differential Pressure Flo w Transmitters Ametek-Drexelbrook The L e a der in RF L eve l Mea sure ment RF Admitta nce Point a n d Contin uous Level Me a sureme n t Ultrasonic Continuous and Gap Point Le vel Sw itches Ai r bo r ne & T DR Ra d a r Le v e l T r a ns m i t t e r s Plu gge d Ch u t e De te ction Xxxxxx Xxxxxx- Xxxxx MTL Intrinsically Safe Barriers & Isolators Si gna lXxx Xxxxx, Po we r , Da t a & N e t wo x x Xx r ge Pr o t e c t o rs Fi eldbus Meg ablo cks , P ower Supplies & Wiring Devices XXXX Inte r xx xxxx & In d u stria l Ne t working Produ c ts T o f i no N e t wo r k Se c u r i t y Emco Spirax Sarco In s e r t i o n & Inli n e V o r t e x & T u r bi ne Flo xx x x x x x Clamp On Ult rason i c Flowmeters Ma sstracker In s ertion Flo xx xxxxx Hydro Flo w V orte x F lo wmeters f or Liquid Fox Thermal Instruments T h e r m a l Di s p e r s i o n Ai r & Ga s F lo w Me t e r s N a t u ra l Ga s T o t a li z i n g Fu e l F lo w Me t e r s (T FF s ) Honeywell- Sensotec Se ns o t e c Pr e s s u re & Lo a d T r a n s d u c er s Le bo w Lo a d a nd T o r qu e T r a n s d u c e r s Wirele ss Torque T ransducers DCT Instruments Digita l Pressure Indicators Xxxxxxx- Xxxxxxx Network Power Un inter r uptible Power Su pplies S x x x x x & Three Phase UPS Sy stems Expert Applications M-Systems Signal Isolators and Co nditioners 4 - 2 0 m a lo o p s i gna ls , R T D, T / C , V o lt s , Cu r r e nt Loop Power Supp lies Power Transducers & Indicators Onicon Incorporated Insertion T urbi n e Flo wmeters BT U Me t e r s Insertion & Inli n e Ele ctromagnetic Flowmeters Vortex Steam Flo xx xxxxx Insertion N atur al Gas F lo xx xxxxx ( HVAC Appli c ations) Precision Digital Corporation Co nsolidator Mu l ti -Fun ction Control l e r La r ge Di s p la y Pa n e l Me t e r s DI N Pa ne l Me t e rs a nd E nclo su re s PID Loop Control l e rs Sierra Monitor Corporation LE L & Toxic Ga s De tection Systems Ultra Electronics Weed Instrument R T D & Thermocouple T emperature Sen sors He ad Moun t ed & DIN R ail 4 - 20ma Tran smitters Mu l t i- Sp ot & Averag i n g Temperature Arrays * Devices Inc is F actor y Aut horized Rep rese n tative & Dist ri butor for these Prod ucts & S e rv i c e s i n t he D al l as - F t Wo rt h an d Gre at e r N o rt h Te x as Ar e a . Air Monitor Corporation Ametek-Drexelbrook Xxxxxx Xxxxxx-Xxxxx MTL Emco Spirax Sarco Fox Thermal Instruments Honeywell Sensotec Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Network Power M-System Signal Conditioners Onicon Incorporated Precision Digital Sierra MonitorVP

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Vendor Agreement

Agreement Exceptions/Deviations Explanation. If the proposing Vendor desires to deviate form the Vendor Agreement language, all such deviations must be listed on this attribute, with complete and detailed conditions and information included. TIPS will consider any deviations in its proposal award decisions, and TIPS reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal based upon any deviations indicated below. In the absence of any deviation entry on this attribute, the proposer assures TIPS of their full compliance with the Vendor Agreement. Line Items Response Total: $0.00 REFERENCES Please provide three (3) references, preferably from school districts or other governmental entities who have used your services within servic the last three years. Additional references may be required. DO NOT INCLUDE TIPS EMPLOYEES AS A REFERENCE. Please verify your references are current and valid, as they are a SIGNIFICANT required evaluation component of the evaluation process, and the evaluation cannot be completed without responses from these references when we contact them. You may provide more than three (3) references. Entity Name Contact Person VALID EMAIL IS REQUIRED Phone Texas State University Xxxxxx X. Xxxxx Xxx College Xxxx Xxxxxxx 000-000-0000 University of Texas at Austin Xxxxxxx Xxxxx Lumberton ISD Ricci Pampolina xxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxx.x00.xx.xx 000-000-0000 University of Texas at Dallas Beaumont ISD Xxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx 000-000-0000 Southern Methodist University Xxxxx Xxxxx West Orange Cove Consol. ISD Xxxx Xxxxxx 000-000-0000 4JFNFOT *OEVTUSZ, *OD., #VJMEJOH 5FDIOPMPHJFT %JWJTJPO 1000 %FFSGJFME 1BSLXBZ #VGGBMP (SPWF, *- 46# %FWJDFT, *OD20-Year NDL Warranty No. 4PVUIFSO .FUIPEJTU 6OJWFSTJUZ 8FTU $BNQVT $"1 $& 02152800051 $470,000.00 12/13/2017 1IJMBEFMQIJB *OEFNOJUZ *OTVSBODF $PNQBOZ EGSZF!CSVOTXJDLDPNQBOJFT.DPN Devices Inc. is a manufacturers’ representative with expertise in product applications such as: * Proc es s W eighin g * Fl ow * Level * Pre ssu re * Temp e ratur e * Signal Conditi onin g * Surge Protec tio n * Intrins i c Saf e t y * Ga s De t e ct io n Syst em J u s t s ome of the ma rk ets that we s e rve : * Food Proc es s i n g * Pharma c eutic a l * HVA C * Oil & Ga s * Wa t e r / Wast e * Power * Aeros pac e * Semi c onduc to r * Ho spital Facilitie s ISO 17025 Accredited We have over 30 years experience • Effluent F lo xx xxxxx • Ch a r t Re c o r d e r s • Process Instr u me nt V erification • Flow Meter V erification • BTU Me ter Ca l i bration & V erification • Sy s t e m Ins t a lla t i o n St a r t Up • PLC Programming and System Design • Ba ckflow Preventor T es ting Fac t ory trained tec hnic i ans , a c omplete s e t of NIST trac eable e quip ment and f u lly equipped s e rvic e van. W e c a n provide s c heduled verif i c ations i n add ition to on - demand s e r vic e c a lls . Companies we Represent Air Monitor Corporation HVAC Pitot T ube & The r mal Air F low Instruments Outside Air Flow & R oo m Pressurization Monitors Differential Pressure Flo w Transmitters Ametek-Drexelbrook The L e a der in RF L eve l Mea sure ment RF Admitta nce Point a n d Contin uous Level Me a sureme n t Ultrasonic Continuous and Gap Point Le vel Sw itches Ai r bo r ne & T DR Ra d a r Le v e l T r a ns m i t t e r s Plu gge d Ch u t e De te ction Xxxxxx Xxxxxx- Xxxxx MTL Intrinsically Safe Barriers & Isolators Si gna l, Po we r , Da t a & N e t wo x x Xx r ge Pr o t e c t o rs Fi eldbus Meg ablo cks , P ower Supplies & Wiring Devices XXXX Inte r xx xxxx & In d u stria l Ne t working Produ c ts T o f i no N e t wo r k Se c u r i t y Emco Spirax Sarco In s e r t i o n & Inli n e V o r t e x & T u r bi ne Flo xx x x x x x Clamp On Ult rason i c Flowmeters Ma sstracker In s ertion Flo xx xxxxx Hydro Flo w V orte x F lo wmeters f or Liquid Fox Thermal Instruments T h e r m a l Di s p e r s i o n Ai r & Ga s F lo w Me t e r s N a t u ra l Ga s T o t a li z i n g Fu e l F lo w Me t e r s (T FF s ) Honeywell- Sensotec Se ns o t e c Pr e s s u re & Lo a d T r a n s d u c er s Le bo w Lo a d a nd T o r qu e T r a n s d u c e r s Wirele ss Torque T ransducers DCT Instruments Digita l Pressure Indicators Xxxxxxx- Xxxxxxx Network Power Un inter r uptible Power Su pplies S x x x x x & Three Phase UPS Sy stems Expert Applications M-Systems Signal Isolators and Co nditioners 4 - 2 0 m a lo o p s i gna ls , R T D, T / C , V o lt s , Cu r r e nt Loop Power Supp lies Power Transducers & Indicators Onicon Incorporated Insertion T urbi n e Flo wmeters BT U Me t e r s Insertion & Inli n e Ele ctromagnetic Flowmeters Vortex Steam Flo xx xxxxx Insertion N atur al Gas F lo xx xxxxx ( HVAC Appli c ations) Precision Digital Corporation Co nsolidator Mu l ti -Fun ction Control l e r La r ge Di s p la y Pa n e l Me t e r s DI N Pa ne l Me t e rs a nd E nclo su re s PID Loop Control l e rs Sierra Monitor Corporation LE L & Toxic Ga s De tection Systems Ultra Electronics Weed Instrument R T D & Thermocouple T emperature Sen sors He ad Moun t ed & DIN R ail 4 - 20ma Tran smitters Mu l t i- Sp ot & Averag i n g Temperature Arrays * Devices Inc is F actor y Aut horized Rep rese n tative & Dist ri butor for these Prod ucts & S e rv i c e s i n t he D al l as - F t Wo rt h an d Gre at e r N o rt h Te x as Ar e a . Air Monitor Corporation Ametek-Drexelbrook Xxxxxx Xxxxxx-Xxxxx MTL Emco Spirax Sarco Fox Thermal Instruments Honeywell Sensotec Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Network Power M-System Signal Conditioners Onicon Incorporated Precision Digital Sierra MonitorWarranty

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Vendor Agreement

Agreement Exceptions/Deviations Explanation. If the proposing Vendor desires to deviate form the Vendor Agreement language, all such deviations must be listed on this attribute, with complete and detailed conditions and information included. TIPS will consider any deviations in its proposal award decisions, and TIPS reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal based upon any deviations indicated below. In the absence of any deviation entry on this attribute, the proposer assures TIPS of their full compliance with the Vendor Agreement. Line Items Response Total: $0.00 REFERENCES Please provide three (3) references, preferably from school districts or other governmental entities who have used your services within service the last three years. Additional references may be required. DO NOT INCLUDE TIPS EMPLOYEES AS A REFERENCE. Please verify your references are current and valid, as they are a SIGNIFICANT required evaluation component of the evaluation process, and the evaluation cannot be completed without responses from these references when we contact them. You may provide more than three (3) references. Entity Name Contact Person VALID EMAIL IS REQUIRED Phone Texas State University Xxxxxx X. Xxxxx Public Schools Maintenance Xxxx Xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx@xxx.x00.xx.xx (000-) 000-0000 University of Texas at Austin Bentonville Public Schoos Dir. Facility Xxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxx xxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxx.x00.xx.xx (000) 000-000-0000 University of Texas at Dallas Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx 000-000-0000 Southern Methodist University Xxxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 4JFNFOT *OEVTUSZ, *OD., #VJMEJOH 5FDIOPMPHJFT %JWJTJPO 1000 %FFSGJFME 1BSLXBZ #VGGBMP (SPWF, *- 46# %FWJDFT, *OD. 4PVUIFSO .FUIPEJTU 6OJWFSTJUZ 8FTU $BNQVT $"1 $& 02152800051 $470,000.00 12/13/2017 1IJMBEFMQIJB *OEFNOJUZ *OTVSBODF $PNQBOZ EGSZF!CSVOTXJDLDPNQBOJFT.DPN Devices Inc. is a manufacturers’ representative with expertise in product applications such as: * Proc es s W eighin g * Fl ow * Level * Pre ssu re * Temp e ratur e * Signal Conditi onin g * Surge Protec tio n * Intrins i c Saf e t y * Ga s De t e ct io n Syst em J u s t s ome of the ma rk ets that we s e rve : * Food Proc es s i n g * Pharma c eutic a l * HVA C * Oil & Ga s * Wa t e r / Wast e * Power * Aeros pac e * Semi c onduc to r * Ho spital Facilitie s ISO 17025 Accredited We have over 30 years experience • Effluent F lo xx xxxxx • Ch a r t Re c o r d e r s • Process Instr u me nt V erification • Flow Meter V erification • BTU Me ter Ca l i bration & V erification • Sy s t e m Ins t a lla t i o n St a r t Up • PLC Programming and System Design • Ba ckflow Preventor T es ting Fac t ory trained tec hnic i ans , a c omplete s e t of NIST trac eable e quip ment and f u lly equipped s e rvic e van. W e c a n provide s c heduled verif i c ations i n add ition to on - demand s e r vic e c a lls . Companies we Represent Air Monitor Corporation HVAC Pitot T ube & The r mal Air F low Instruments Outside Air Flow & R oo m Pressurization Monitors Differential Pressure Flo w Transmitters Ametek-Drexelbrook The L e a der in RF L eve l Mea sure ment RF Admitta nce Point a n d Contin uous Level Me a sureme n t Ultrasonic Continuous and Gap Point Le vel Sw itches Ai r bo r ne & T DR Ra d a r Le v e l T r a ns m i t t e r s Plu gge d Ch u t e De te ction Xxxxxx Xxxxxx- Xxxxx MTL Intrinsically Safe Barriers & Isolators Si gna l, Po we r , Da t a & N e t wo x x Xx r ge Pr o t e c t o rs Fi eldbus Meg ablo cks , P ower Supplies & Wiring Devices XXXX Inte r xx xxxx & In d u stria l Ne t working Produ c ts T o f i no N e t wo r k Se c u r i t y Emco Spirax Sarco In s e r t i o n & Inli n e V o r t e x & T u r bi ne Flo xx x x x x x Clamp On Ult rason i c Flowmeters Ma sstracker In s ertion Flo xx xxxxx Hydro Flo w V orte x F lo wmeters f or Liquid Fox Thermal Instruments T h e r m a l Di s p e r s i o n Ai r & Ga s F lo w Me t e r s N a t u ra l Ga s T o t a li z i n g Fu e l F lo w Me t e r s (T FF s ) Honeywell- Sensotec Se ns o t e c Pr e s s u re & Lo a d T r a n s d u c er s Le bo w Lo a d a nd T o r qu e T r a n s d u c e r s Wirele ss Torque T ransducers DCT Instruments Digita l Pressure Indicators Xxxxxxx- Xxxxxxx Network Power Un inter r uptible Power Su pplies S x x x x x & Three Phase UPS Sy stems Expert Applications M-Systems Signal Isolators and Co nditioners 4 - 2 0 m a lo o p s i gna ls , R T D, T / C , V o lt s , Cu r r e nt Loop Power Supp lies Power Transducers & Indicators Onicon Incorporated Insertion T urbi n e Flo wmeters BT U Me t e r s Insertion & Inli n e Ele ctromagnetic Flowmeters Vortex Steam Flo xx xxxxx Insertion N atur al Gas F lo xx xxxxx ( HVAC Appli c ations) Precision Digital Corporation Co nsolidator Mu l ti -Fun ction Control l e r La r ge Di s p la y Pa n e l Me t e r s DI N Pa ne l Me t e rs a nd E nclo su re s PID Loop Control l e rs Sierra Monitor Corporation LE L & Toxic Ga s De tection Systems Ultra Electronics Weed Instrument R T D & Thermocouple T emperature Sen sors He ad Moun t ed & DIN R ail 4 - 20ma Tran smitters Mu l t i- Sp ot & Averag i n g Temperature Arrays * Devices Inc is F actor y Aut horized Rep rese n tative & Dist ri butor for these Prod ucts & S e rv i c e s i n t he D al l as - F t Wo rt h an d Gre at e r N o rt h Te x as Ar e a . Air Monitor Corporation Ametek-Drexelbrook Xxxxxx Xxxxxx-Xxxxx MTL Emco Spirax Sarco Fox Thermal Instruments Honeywell Sensotec Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Network Power M-System Signal Conditioners Onicon Incorporated Precision Digital Sierra Monitor0000

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Tips Vendor Agreement

Agreement Exceptions/Deviations Explanation. If the proposing Vendor desires to deviate form the Vendor Agreement language, all such deviations must be listed on this attribute, with complete and detailed conditions and information included. TIPS will consider any deviations in its proposal award decisions, and TIPS reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal based upon any deviations indicated below. In the absence of any deviation entry on this attribute, the proposer assures TIPS of their full compliance with the Vendor Agreement. Line Items Response Total: $0.00 REFERENCES Please provide three (3) references, preferably from school districts or other governmental entities who have used your services within the last three years. Additional references may be required. DO NOT INCLUDE TIPS EMPLOYEES AS A REFERENCE. Please verify your references are current and valid, as they are a SIGNIFICANT required evaluation component of the evaluation process, and the evaluation cannot be completed without responses from these references when we contact them. You may provide more than three (3) references. Entity Name Contact Person VALID EMAIL IS REQUIRED Phone Texas State University Xxxxxx X. Xxxxx 000-000-0000 University of Texas at Austin Xxxxxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 University of Texas at Dallas Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx 000-000-0000 Southern Methodist University Xxxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 4JFNFOT *OEVTUSZ, *OD., #VJMEJOH 5FDIOPMPHJFT %JWJTJPO 1000 %FFSGJFME 1BSLXBZ #VGGBMP (SPWF, *- 46# %FWJDFT, *OD. 4PVUIFSO .FUIPEJTU 6OJWFSTJUZ 8FTU $BNQVT $"1 $& 02152800051 $470,000.00 12/13/2017 1IJMBEFMQIJB *OEFNOJUZ *OTVSBODF $PNQBOZ EGSZF!CSVOTXJDLDPNQBOJFT.DPN Devices Inc. is a manufacturers’ representative with expertise in product applications such as: * Proc es s W eighin g * Fl ow * Level * Pre ssu re * Temp e ratur e * Signal Conditi onin g * Surge Protec tio n * Intrins i c Saf e t y * Ga s De t e ct io n Syst em J u s t s ome of the ma rk ets that we s e rve : * Food Proc es s i n g * Pharma c eutic a l * HVA C * Oil & Ga s * Wa t e r / Wast e * Power * Aeros pac e * Semi c onduc to r * Ho spital Facilitie s ISO 17025 Accredited We have over 30 years experience • Effluent F lo xx xxxxx • Ch a r t Re c o r d e r s • Process Instr u me nt V erification • Flow Meter V erification • BTU Me ter Ca l i bration & V erification • Sy s t e m Ins t a lla t i o n St a r t Up • PLC Programming and System Design • Ba ckflow Preventor T es ting Fac t ory trained tec hnic i ans , a c omplete s e t of NIST trac eable e quip ment and f u lly equipped s e rvic e van. W e c a n provide s c heduled verif i c ations i n add ition to on - demand s e r vic e c a lls . Companies we Represent Air Monitor Corporation HVAC Pitot T ube & The r mal Air F low Instruments Outside Air Flow & R oo m Pressurization Monitors Differential Pressure Flo w Transmitters Ametek-Drexelbrook The L e a der in RF L eve l Mea sure ment RF Admitta nce Point a n d Contin uous Level Me a sureme n t Ultrasonic Continuous and Gap Point Le vel Sw itches Ai r bo r ne & T DR Ra d a r Le v e l T r a ns m i t t e r s Plu gge d Ch u t e De te ction Xxxxxx Xxxxxx- Xxxxx MTL Intrinsically Safe Barriers & Isolators Si gna l, Po we r , Da t a & N e t wo x x Xx r ge Pr o t e c t o rs Fi eldbus Meg ablo cks , P ower Supplies & Wiring Devices XXXX Inte r xx xxxx & In d u stria l Ne t working Produ c ts T o f i no N e t wo r k Se c u r i t y Emco Spirax Sarco In s e r t i o n & Inli n e V o r t e x & T u r bi ne Flo xx x x x x x Clamp On Ult rason i c Flowmeters Ma sstracker In s ertion Flo xx xxxxx Hydro Flo w V orte x F lo wmeters f or Liquid Fox Thermal Instruments T h e r m a l Di s p e r s i o n Ai r & Ga s F lo w Me t e r s N a t u ra l Ga s T o t a li z i n g Fu e l F lo w Me t e r s (T FF s ) Honeywell- Sensotec Se ns o t e c Pr e s s u re & Lo a d T r a n s d u c er s Le bo w Lo a d a nd T o r qu e T r a n s d u c e r s Wirele ss Torque T ransducers DCT Instruments Digita l Pressure Indicators Xxxxxxx- Xxxxxxx Network Power Un inter r uptible Power Su pplies S x x x x x & Three Phase UPS Sy stems Expert Applications M-Systems Signal Isolators and Co nditioners 4 - 2 0 m a lo o p s i gna ls , R T D, T / C , V o lt s , Cu r r e nt Loop Power Supp lies Power Transducers & Indicators Onicon Incorporated Insertion T urbi n e Flo wmeters BT U Me t e r s Insertion & Inli n e Ele ctromagnetic Flowmeters Vortex Steam Flo xx xxxxx Insertion N atur al Gas F lo xx xxxxx ( HVAC Appli c ations) Precision Digital Corporation Co nsolidator Mu l ti -Fun ction Control l e r La r ge Di s p la y Pa n e l Me t e r s DI N Pa ne l Me t e rs a nd E nclo su re s PID Loop Control l e rs Sierra Monitor Corporation LE L & Toxic Ga s De tection Systems Ultra Electronics Weed Instrument R T D & Thermocouple T emperature Sen sors He ad Moun t ed & DIN R ail 4 - 20ma Tran smitters Mu l t i- Sp ot & Averag i n g Temperature Arrays * Devices Inc is F actor y Aut horized Rep rese n tative & Dist ri butor for these Prod ucts & S e rv i c e s i n t he D al l as - F t Wo rt h an d Gre at e r N o rt h Te x as Ar e a . Air Monitor Corporation Ametek-Drexelbrook Xxxxxx Xxxxxx-Xxxxx MTL Emco Spirax Sarco Fox Thermal Instruments Honeywell Sensotec Barbers Hill ISD Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Network Power M-System Signal Conditioners Onicon Incorporated Precision Digital Sierra 832.784.2496 Chico ISD Xxx Xxxxx 940.644.2228

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Vendor Agreement

Agreement Exceptions/Deviations Explanation. If the proposing Vendor desires to deviate form the Vendor Agreement language, all such deviations must be listed on this attribute, with complete and detailed conditions and information included. TIPS will consider any deviations in its proposal award decisions, and TIPS reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal based upon any deviations indicated below. In the absence of any deviation entry on this attribute, the proposer assures TIPS of their full compliance with the Vendor Agreement. Line Items Response Total: $0.00 No response REFERENCES Please provide three (3) references, preferably from school districts or other governmental entities who have used your services within the last three years. Additional references may be required. DO NOT INCLUDE TIPS EMPLOYEES AS A REFERENCE. Please verify your references are current and valid, as they are a SIGNIFICANT required evaluation component of the evaluation process, and the evaluation cannot be completed without responses from these references when we contact them. You may provide more than three (3) references. Entity Name Contact Person VALID EMAIL IS REQUIRED Phone Texas State University Cabot School District Xxxxxx X. Xxxx xxxxxx.xxxx@xxx.x00.xx.xx (000) 000-0000 Little Rock School District Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx (000) 000-0000 Pulaski Co. Special School District Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx 000-000-0000 University of Texas at Austin Xxxxxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 University of Texas at Dallas Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx 000-000-0000 Southern Methodist University Xxxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 4JFNFOT *OEVTUSZ, *OD., #VJMEJOH 5FDIOPMPHJFT %JWJTJPO 1000 %FFSGJFME 1BSLXBZ #VGGBMP (SPWF, *- 46TIPS RFP # %FWJDFT, *OD. 4PVUIFSO .FUIPEJTU 6OJWFSTJUZ 8FTU $BNQVT $"1 $& 02152800051 $470,000.00 12/13/2017 1IJMBEFMQIJB *OEFNOJUZ *OTVSBODF $PNQBOZ EGSZF!CSVOTXJDLDPNQBOJFT.DPN Devices Inc. is a manufacturers’ representative with expertise in product applications such as: * Proc es s W eighin g * Fl ow * Level * Pre ssu re * Temp e ratur e * Signal Conditi onin g * Surge Protec tio n * Intrins i c Saf e t y * Ga s De t e ct io n Syst em J u s t s ome of the ma rk ets that we s e rve : * Food Proc es s i n g * Pharma c eutic a l * HVA C * Oil & Ga s * Wa t e r / Wast e * Power * Aeros pac e * Semi c onduc to r * Ho spital Facilitie s ISO 17025 Accredited We have over 30 years experience • Effluent F lo xx xxxxx • Ch a r t Re c o r d e r s • Process Instr u me nt V erification • Flow Meter V erification • BTU Me ter Ca l i bration & V erification • Sy s t e m Ins t a lla t i o n St a r t Up • PLC Programming and System Design • Ba ckflow Preventor T es ting Fac t ory trained tec hnic i ans , a c omplete s e t of NIST trac eable e quip ment and f u lly equipped s e rvic e van. W e c a n provide s c heduled verif i c ations i n add ition to on - demand s e r vic e c a lls . Companies we Represent Air Monitor Corporation HVAC Pitot T ube & The r mal Air F low Instruments Outside Air Flow & R oo m Pressurization Monitors Differential Pressure Flo w Transmitters Ametek-Drexelbrook The L e a der in RF L eve l Mea sure ment RF Admitta nce Point a n d Contin uous Level Me a sureme n t Ultrasonic Continuous and Gap Point Le vel Sw itches Ai r bo r ne & T DR Ra d a r Le v e l T r a ns m i t t e r s Plu gge d Ch u t e De te ction Xxxxxx Xxxxxx- Xxxxx MTL Intrinsically Safe Barriers & Isolators Si gna l, Po we r , Da t a & N e t wo x x Xx r ge Pr o t e c t o rs Fi eldbus Meg ablo cks , P ower Supplies & Wiring Devices XXXX Inte r xx xxxx & In d u stria l Ne t working Produ c ts T o f i no N e t wo r k Se c u r i t y Emco Spirax Sarco In s e r t i o n & Inli n e V o r t e x & T u r bi ne Flo xx x x x x x Clamp On Ult rason i c Flowmeters Ma sstracker In s ertion Flo xx xxxxx Hydro Flo w V orte x F lo wmeters f or Liquid Fox Thermal Instruments T h e r m a l Di s p e r s i o n Ai r & Ga s F lo w Me t e r s N a t u ra l Ga s T o t a li z i n g Fu e l F lo w Me t e r s (T FF s ) Honeywell- Sensotec Se ns o t e c Pr e s s u re & Lo a d T r a n s d u c er s Le bo w Lo a d a nd T o r qu e T r a n s d u c e r s Wirele ss Torque T ransducers DCT Instruments Digita l Pressure Indicators Xxxxxxx- Xxxxxxx Network Power Un inter r uptible Power Su pplies S x x x x x & Three Phase UPS Sy stems Expert Applications M-Systems Signal Isolators and Co nditioners 4 - 2 0 m a lo o p s i gna ls , R T D, T / C , V o lt s , Cu r r e nt Loop Power Supp lies Power Transducers & Indicators Onicon Incorporated Insertion T urbi n e Flo wmeters BT U Me t e r s Insertion & Inli n e Ele ctromagnetic Flowmeters Vortex Steam Flo xx xxxxx Insertion N atur al Gas F lo xx xxxxx ( HVAC Appli c ations) Precision Digital Corporation Co nsolidator Mu l ti -Fun ction Control l e r La r ge Di s p la y Pa n e l Me t e r s DI N Pa ne l Me t e rs a nd E nclo su re s PID Loop Control l e rs Sierra Monitor Corporation LE L & Toxic Ga s De tection Systems Ultra Electronics Weed Instrument R T D & Thermocouple T emperature Sen sors He ad Moun t ed & DIN R ail 4 - 20ma Tran smitters Mu l t i- Sp ot & Averag i n g Temperature Arrays * Devices Inc is F actor y Aut horized Rep rese n tative & Dist ri butor for these Prod ucts & S e rv i c e s i n t he D al l as - F t Wo rt h an d Gre at e r N o rt h Te x as Ar e a . Air Monitor Corporation Ametek-Drexelbrook Xxxxxx Xxxxxx-Xxxxx MTL Emco Spirax Sarco Fox Thermal Instruments Honeywell Sensotec Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Network Power M-System Signal Conditioners Onicon Incorporated Precision Digital Sierra Monitor200201

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Vendor Agreement

Agreement Exceptions/Deviations Explanation. If the proposing Vendor desires to deviate form the Vendor Agreement language, all such deviations must be listed on this attribute, with complete and detailed conditions and information included. TIPS will consider any deviations in its proposal award decisions, and TIPS reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal based upon any deviations indicated below. In the absence of any deviation entry on this attribute, the proposer assures TIPS of their full compliance with the Vendor Agreement. Line Items Response Total: $0.00 No response REFERENCES Please provide three (3) references, preferably from school districts or other governmental entities who have used your services within the last three years. Additional references may be required. DO NOT INCLUDE TIPS EMPLOYEES AS A REFERENCE. Please verify your references are current and valid, as they are a SIGNIFICANT required evaluation component of the evaluation process, and the evaluation cannot be completed without responses from these references when we contact them. You may provide more than three (3) references. Entity Name Contact Person VALID EMAIL IS REQUIRED Phone Texas State University Xxxxxx X. College of Lake County Xxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 University 847−543−2247 Village of Texas at Austin Xxxxxxx Lake Zurich Xxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 University 847−276−5915 Village of Texas at Dallas Xxxxxx Algonquin Xxx Xxxxxxxx 000-000-0000 Southern Methodist University Xxxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 4JFNFOT *OEVTUSZ, *OD., #VJMEJOH 5FDIOPMPHJFT %JWJTJPO 1000 %FFSGJFME 1BSLXBZ #VGGBMP 847−344−8019 200201 BA Solutions Proposed Goods and Services - LED Lighting - General Building Construction (SPWF, *build outs) - 46# %FWJDFT, *OD. 4PVUIFSO .FUIPEJTU 6OJWFSTJUZ 8FTU $BNQVT $"1 $& 02152800051 $470,000.00 12/13/2017 1IJMBEFMQIJB *OEFNOJUZ *OTVSBODF $PNQBOZ EGSZF!CSVOTXJDLDPNQBOJFT.DPN Devices Inc. is a manufacturers’ representative with expertise in product applications such as: * Proc es s W eighin g * Fl ow * Level * Pre ssu re * Temp e ratur e * Signal Conditi onin g * Surge Protec tio n * Intrins i c Saf e t y * Ga s De t e ct io n Syst em J u s t s ome of the ma rk ets that we s e rve : * Food Proc es s i n g * Pharma c eutic a l * HVA C * Oil & Ga s * Wa t e r Electrical Installation and Repair - Building Maintenance - Flooring - Painting - HVAC - Plumbing - Pool/Sauna Repair and Maintenance - Concrete Repair / Wast e * Power * Aeros pac e * Semi c onduc to r * Ho spital Facilitie s ISO 17025 Accredited We have over 30 years experience • Effluent F lo xx xxxxx • Ch a r t Re c o r d e r s • Process Instr u me nt V erification • Flow Meter V erification • BTU Me ter Ca l i bration & V erification • Sy s t e m Ins t a lla t i o n St a r t Up • PLC Programming and System Design • Ba ckflow Preventor T es ting Fac t ory trained tec hnic i ans , a c omplete s e t of NIST trac eable e quip ment and f u lly equipped s e rvic e van. W e c a n provide s c heduled verif i c ations i n add ition to on - demand s e r vic e c a lls . Companies we Represent Air Monitor Corporation HVAC Pitot T ube & The r mal Air F low Instruments Outside Air Flow & R oo m Pressurization Monitors Differential Pressure Flo w Transmitters Ametek-Drexelbrook The L e a der in RF L eve l Mea sure ment RF Admitta nce Point a n d Contin uous Level Me a sureme n t Ultrasonic Continuous and Gap Point Le vel Sw itches Ai r bo r ne & T DR Ra d a r Le v e l T r a ns m i t t e r s Plu gge d Ch u t e De te ction Xxxxxx Xxxxxx- Xxxxx MTL Intrinsically Safe Barriers & Isolators Si gna l, Po we r , Da t a & N e t wo x x Xx r ge Pr o t e c t o rs Fi eldbus Meg ablo cks , P ower Supplies & Wiring Devices XXXX Inte r xx xxxx & In d u stria l Ne t working Produ c ts T o f i no N e t wo r k Se c u r i t y Emco Spirax Sarco In s e r t i o n & Inli n e V o r t e x & T u r bi ne Flo xx x x x x x Clamp On Ult rason i c Flowmeters Ma sstracker In s ertion Flo xx xxxxx Hydro Flo w V orte x F lo wmeters f or Liquid Fox Thermal Instruments T h e r m a l Di s p e r s i o n Ai r & Ga s F lo w Me t e r s N a t u ra l Ga s T o t a li z i n g Fu e l F lo w Me t e r s (T FF s ) Honeywell- Sensotec Se ns o t e c Pr e s s u re & Lo a d T r a n s d u c er s Le bo w Lo a d a nd T o r qu e T r a n s d u c e r s Wirele ss Torque T ransducers DCT Instruments Digita l Pressure Indicators Xxxxxxx- Xxxxxxx Network Power Un inter r uptible Power Su pplies S x x x x x & Three Phase UPS Sy stems Expert Applications M-Systems Signal Isolators and Co nditioners 4 - 2 0 m a lo o p s i gna ls , R T D, T / C , V o lt s , Cu r r e nt Loop Power Supp lies Power Transducers & Indicators Onicon Incorporated Insertion T urbi n e Flo wmeters BT U Me t e r s Insertion & Inli n e Ele ctromagnetic Flowmeters Vortex Steam Flo xx xxxxx Insertion N atur al Gas F lo xx xxxxx ( HVAC Appli c ations) Precision Digital Corporation Co nsolidator Mu l ti -Fun ction Control l e r La r ge Di s p la y Pa n e l Me t e r s DI N Pa ne l Me t e rs a nd E nclo su re s PID Loop Control l e rs Sierra Monitor Corporation LE L & Toxic Ga s De tection Systems Ultra Electronics Weed Instrument R T D & Thermocouple T emperature Sen sors He ad Moun t ed & DIN R ail 4 - 20ma Tran smitters Mu l t i- Sp ot & Averag i n g Temperature Arrays * Devices Inc is F actor y Aut horized Rep rese n tative & Dist ri butor for these Prod ucts & S e rv i c e s i n t he D al l as - F t Wo rt h an d Gre at e r N o rt h Te x as Ar e a . Air Monitor Corporation Ametek-Drexelbrook Xxxxxx Xxxxxx-Xxxxx MTL Emco Spirax Sarco Fox Thermal Instruments Honeywell Sensotec Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Network Power M-System Signal Conditioners Onicon Incorporated Precision Digital Sierra MonitorLeveling

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Vendor Agreement

Agreement Exceptions/Deviations Explanation. If the proposing Vendor desires to deviate form the Vendor Agreement language, all such deviations must be listed on this attribute, with complete and detailed conditions and information included. TIPS will consider any deviations in its proposal award decisions, and TIPS reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal based upon any deviations indicated below. In the absence of any deviation entry on this attribute, the proposer assures TIPS of their full compliance with the Vendor Agreement. Line Items Response Total: $0.00 REFERENCES Please provide three (3) references, preferably from school districts or other governmental entities who have used your services within the last three years. Additional references may be required. DO NOT INCLUDE TIPS EMPLOYEES AS A REFERENCE. Please verify your references are current and valid, as they are a SIGNIFICANT required evaluation component of the evaluation process, and the evaluation cannot be completed without responses from these references when we contact them. You may provide more than three (3) references. Entity Name Contact Person VALID EMAIL IS REQUIRED Phone Texas State University Xxxxxx X. School District Xxxxx Xxxxxxx 000-000-0000 University of Texas at Austin Vilonia School District Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 University of Texas at Dallas Xxxxxx Street Dept Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 000-000-0000 Southern Methodist University Xxxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 4JFNFOT *OEVTUSZ, *OD., #VJMEJOH 5FDIOPMPHJFT %JWJTJPO 1000 %FFSGJFME 1BSLXBZ #VGGBMP (SPWF, *- 46# %FWJDFT, *OD. 4PVUIFSO .FUIPEJTU 6OJWFSTJUZ 8FTU $BNQVT $"1 $& 02152800051 $470,000.00 12/13/2017 1IJMBEFMQIJB *OEFNOJUZ *OTVSBODF $PNQBOZ EGSZF!CSVOTXJDLDPNQBOJFT.DPN Devices Inc. is a manufacturers’ representative with expertise in product applications such as: * Proc es s W eighin g * Fl ow * Level * Pre ssu re * Temp e ratur e * Signal Conditi onin g * Surge Protec tio n * Intrins i c Saf e t y * Ga s De t e ct io n Syst em J u s t s ome of the ma rk ets that we s e rve : * Food Proc es s i n g * Pharma c eutic a l * HVA C * Oil & Ga s * Wa t e r / Wast e * Power * Aeros pac e * Semi c onduc to r * Ho spital Facilitie s ISO 17025 Accredited We have over 30 years experience • Effluent F lo xx xxxxx • Ch a r t Re c o r d e r s • Process Instr u me nt V erification • Flow Meter V erification • BTU Me ter Ca l i bration & V erification • Sy s t e m Ins t a lla t i o n St a r t Up • PLC Programming and System Design • Ba ckflow Preventor T es ting Fac t ory trained tec hnic i ans , a c omplete s e t of NIST trac eable e quip ment and f u lly equipped s e rvic e van. W e c a n provide s c heduled verif i c ations i n add ition to on - demand s e r vic e c a lls . Companies we Represent Air Monitor Corporation HVAC Pitot T ube & The r mal Air F low Instruments Outside Air Flow & R oo m Pressurization Monitors Differential Pressure Flo w Transmitters Ametek-Drexelbrook The L e a der in RF L eve l Mea sure ment RF Admitta nce Point a n d Contin uous Level Me a sureme n t Ultrasonic Continuous and Gap Point Le vel Sw itches Ai r bo r ne & T DR Ra d a r Le v e l T r a ns m i t t e r s Plu gge d Ch u t e De te ction Xxxxxx Xxxxxx- Xxxxx MTL Intrinsically Safe Barriers & Isolators Si gna l, Po we r , Da t a & N e t wo x x Xx r ge Pr o t e c t o rs Fi eldbus Meg ablo cks , P ower Supplies & Wiring Devices XXXX Inte r xx xxxx & In d u stria l Ne t working Produ c ts T o f i no N e t wo r k Se c u r i t y Emco Spirax Sarco In s e r t i o n & Inli n e V o r t e x & T u r bi ne Flo xx x x x x x Clamp On Ult rason i c Flowmeters Ma sstracker In s ertion Flo xx xxxxx Hydro Flo w V orte x F lo wmeters f or Liquid Fox Thermal Instruments T h e r m a l Di s p e r s i o n Ai r & Ga s F lo w Me t e r s N a t u ra l Ga s T o t a li z i n g Fu e l F lo w Me t e r s (T FF s ) Honeywell- Sensotec Se ns o t e c Pr e s s u re & Lo a d T r a n s d u c er s Le bo w Lo a d a nd T o r qu e T r a n s d u c e r s Wirele ss Torque T ransducers DCT Instruments Digita l Pressure Indicators Xxxxxxx- Xxxxxxx Network Power Un inter r uptible Power Su pplies S x x x x x & Three Phase UPS Sy stems Expert Applications M-Systems Signal Isolators and Co nditioners 4 - 2 0 m a lo o p s i gna ls , R T D, T / C , V o lt s , Cu r r e nt Loop Power Supp lies Power Transducers & Indicators Onicon Incorporated Insertion T urbi n e Flo wmeters BT U Me t e r s Insertion & Inli n e Ele ctromagnetic Flowmeters Vortex Steam Flo xx xxxxx Insertion N atur al Gas F lo xx xxxxx ( HVAC Appli c ations) Precision Digital Corporation Co nsolidator Mu l ti -Fun ction Control l e r La r ge Di s p la y Pa n e l Me t e r s DI N Pa ne l Me t e rs a nd E nclo su re s PID Loop Control l e rs Sierra Monitor Corporation LE L & Toxic Ga s De tection Systems Ultra Electronics Weed Instrument R T D & Thermocouple T emperature Sen sors He ad Moun t ed & DIN R ail 4 - 20ma Tran smitters Mu l t i- Sp ot & Averag i n g Temperature Arrays * Devices Inc is F actor y Aut horized Rep rese n tative & Dist ri butor for these Prod ucts & S e rv i c e s i n t he D al l as - F t Wo rt h an d Gre at e r N o rt h Te x as Ar e a . Air Monitor Corporation Ametek-Drexelbrook Xxxxxx Xxxxxx-Xxxxx MTL Emco Spirax Sarco Fox Thermal Instruments Honeywell Sensotec Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Network Power M-System Signal Conditioners Onicon Incorporated Precision Digital Sierra Monitor0000

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Tips Vendor Agreement

Agreement Exceptions/Deviations Explanation. If the proposing Vendor desires to deviate form the Vendor Agreement language, all such deviations must be listed on this attribute, with complete and detailed conditions and information included. TIPS will consider any deviations in its proposal award decisions, and TIPS reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal based upon any deviations indicated below. In the absence of any deviation entry on this attribute, the proposer assures TIPS of their full compliance with the Vendor Agreement. Line Items Response Total: $0.00 REFERENCES Please provide three (3) references, preferably from school districts or other governmental entities who have used your services within the last three years. Additional references may be required. DO NOT INCLUDE TIPS EMPLOYEES AS A REFERENCE. Please verify your references are current and valid, as they are a SIGNIFICANT required evaluation component of the evaluation process, and the evaluation cannot be completed without responses from these references when we contact them. You may provide more than three (3) references. Entity Name Contact Person VALID EMAIL IS REQUIRED Phone Texas State University Specialty Products & Installation Xxxx Xxxxxx X. Xxxxx 936-890-8997 Xxxxxxxx ISD Xxxxxx Xxxxxx 000-000-0000 University of Texas at Austin Xxxxxxx Mt Xxxxxx ISD Xxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 University of Texas at Dallas Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx 000WARRANTY MARTCO-000-0000 Southern Methodist University Xxxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 4JFNFOT *OEVTUSZ, *OD., #VJMEJOH 5FDIOPMPHJFT %JWJTJPO 1000 %FFSGJFME 1BSLXBZ #VGGBMP (SPWF, *- 46# %FWJDFT, *OD. 4PVUIFSO .FUIPEJTU 6OJWFSTJUZ 8FTU $BNQVT $"1 $& 02152800051 $470,000.00 12/13/2017 1IJMBEFMQIJB *OEFNOJUZ *OTVSBODF $PNQBOZ EGSZF!CSVOTXJDLDPNQBOJFT.DPN Devices Inc. is a manufacturers’ representative with expertise in product applications such as: * Proc es s W eighin g * Fl ow * Level * Pre ssu re * Temp e ratur e * Signal Conditi onin g * Surge Protec tio n * Intrins i c Saf e t y * Ga s De t e ct io n Syst em J u s t s ome MFG hereby provides its warranty of the ma rk ets that we s e rve material provided in connection with the following: * Food Proc es s i n g * Pharma c eutic a l * HVA C * Oil & Ga s * Wa t e r / Wast e * Power * Aeros pac e * Semi c onduc to r * Ho spital Facilitie s ISO 17025 Accredited We have over 30 years experience • Effluent F lo xx xxxxx • Ch a r t Re c o r d e r s • Process Instr u me nt V erification • Flow Meter V erification • BTU Me ter Ca l i bration & V erification • Sy s t e m Ins t a lla t i o n St a r t Up • PLC Programming and System Design • Ba ckflow Preventor T es ting Fac t ory trained tec hnic i ans , a c omplete s e t of NIST trac eable e quip ment and f u lly equipped s e rvic e van. W e c a n provide s c heduled verif i c ations i n add ition to on - demand s e r vic e c a lls . Companies we Represent Air Monitor Corporation HVAC Pitot T ube & The r mal Air F low Instruments Outside Air Flow & R oo m Pressurization Monitors Differential Pressure Flo w Transmitters Ametek-Drexelbrook The L e a der in RF L eve l Mea sure ment RF Admitta nce Point a n d Contin uous Level Me a sureme n t Ultrasonic Continuous and Gap Point Le vel Sw itches Ai r bo r ne & T DR Ra d a r Le v e l T r a ns m i t t e r s Plu gge d Ch u t e De te ction Xxxxxx Xxxxxx- Xxxxx MTL Intrinsically Safe Barriers & Isolators Si gna l, Po we r , Da t a & N e t wo x x Xx r ge Pr o t e c t o rs Fi eldbus Meg ablo cks , P ower Supplies & Wiring Devices XXXX Inte r xx xxxx & In d u stria l Ne t working Produ c ts T o f i no N e t wo r k Se c u r i t y Emco Spirax Sarco In s e r t i o n & Inli n e V o r t e x & T u r bi ne Flo xx x x x x x Clamp On Ult rason i c Flowmeters Ma sstracker In s ertion Flo xx xxxxx Hydro Flo w V orte x F lo wmeters f or Liquid Fox Thermal Instruments T h e r m a l Di s p e r s i o n Ai r & Ga s F lo w Me t e r s N a t u ra l Ga s T o t a li z i n g Fu e l F lo w Me t e r s (T FF s ) Honeywell- Sensotec Se ns o t e c Pr e s s u re & Lo a d T r a n s d u c er s Le bo w Lo a d a nd T o r qu e T r a n s d u c e r s Wirele ss Torque T ransducers DCT Instruments Digita l Pressure Indicators Xxxxxxx- Xxxxxxx Network Power Un inter r uptible Power Su pplies S x x x x x & Three Phase UPS Sy stems Expert Applications M-Systems Signal Isolators and Co nditioners 4 - 2 0 m a lo o p s i gna ls , R T D, T / C , V o lt s , Cu r r e nt Loop Power Supp lies Power Transducers & Indicators Onicon Incorporated Insertion T urbi n e Flo wmeters BT U Me t e r s Insertion & Inli n e Ele ctromagnetic Flowmeters Vortex Steam Flo xx xxxxx Insertion N atur al Gas F lo xx xxxxx ( HVAC Appli c ations) Precision Digital Corporation Co nsolidator Mu l ti -Fun ction Control l e r La r ge Di s p la y Pa n e l Me t e r s DI N Pa ne l Me t e rs a nd E nclo su re s PID Loop Control l e rs Sierra Monitor Corporation LE L & Toxic Ga s De tection Systems Ultra Electronics Weed Instrument R T D & Thermocouple T emperature Sen sors He ad Moun t ed & DIN R ail 4 - 20ma Tran smitters Mu l t i- Sp ot & Averag i n g Temperature Arrays * Devices Inc is F actor y Aut horized Rep rese n tative & Dist ri butor for these Prod ucts & S e rv i c e s i n t he D al l as - F t Wo rt h an d Gre at e r N o rt h Te x as Ar e a . Air Monitor Corporation Ametek-Drexelbrook Xxxxxx Xxxxxx-Xxxxx MTL Emco Spirax Sarco Fox Thermal Instruments Honeywell Sensotec Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Network Power M-System Signal Conditioners Onicon Incorporated Precision Digital Sierra MonitorProject/Order Number:

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Tips Vendor Agreement

Agreement Exceptions/Deviations Explanation. If the proposing Vendor desires to deviate form the Vendor Agreement language, all such deviations must be listed on this attribute, with complete and detailed conditions and information included. TIPS will consider any deviations in its proposal award decisions, and TIPS reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal based upon any deviations indicated below. In the absence of any deviation entry on this attribute, the proposer assures TIPS of their full compliance with the Vendor Agreement. Line Items Response Total: $0.00 No response REFERENCES Hellas Construction, Inc. Please provide three (3) references, preferably from school districts or other governmental entities who have used your services within the last three years. Additional references may be required. DO NOT INCLUDE TIPS EMPLOYEES AS A REFERENCE. Please verify your references are current and valid, as they are a SIGNIFICANT required evaluation component of the evaluation process, and the evaluation cannot be completed without responses from these references when we contact them. You may provide more than three (3) references. Entity Name Contact Person VALID EMAIL IS REQUIRED Phone Texas Xxxxxx State University Xxxxxx X. Dr. Xxxxx Xxx, President 325−942−2073 Xxxx ISD, TX Xxxx Xxxxxx, Asst. Superintendent 214−435−5434 Xxxxx ISD, TX Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, Atheltic Director 972−727−0437 El Paso ISD Xxxx Xxxxxxx, Superintendent Superintendent@episd.norg 915−230−0000 Xxxx xx Xxxxxxxx, XX Xxxxx Xxxxxxx, Deputy City Manager 361−777−4516 Jourdanton ISD Xxxxxxx XxXxxxxxxx, Superintendent xxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxx.xx 830−769−3548 200201 WARRANTY FOR CONSTRUCTION BETWEEN the Owner: And Contractor: Hellas Guarantee Corp. (HGC) 00000 Xxxxxxxx Xxxx., Xxxxx 000 Telephone: 000-000-0000 University of Texas at Austin Xxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxx, XX. 00000 Fax: 000-000-0000 University Project - Warranty Effective Date: Date of Texas at Dallas Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx 000-000-0000 Southern Methodist University Xxxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 4JFNFOT *OEVTUSZSubstantial Completion Upon receipt of full payment for the value of this contract, *OD.HGC will warrant its workmanship against defects for a period of one (1) year from the effective date. This warranty shall apply only to conditions caused by defective workmanship furnished by Hellas Construction, #VJMEJOH 5FDIOPMPHJFT %JWJTJPO 1000 %FFSGJFME 1BSLXBZ #VGGBMP (SPWF, *- 46# %FWJDFT, *OD. 4PVUIFSO .FUIPEJTU 6OJWFSTJUZ 8FTU $BNQVT $"1 $& 02152800051 $470,000.00 12/13/2017 1IJMBEFMQIJB *OEFNOJUZ *OTVSBODF $PNQBOZ EGSZF!CSVOTXJDLDPNQBOJFT.DPN Devices Inc. is a manufacturers’ representative with expertise in product applications such as: * Proc es s W eighin g * Fl ow * Level * Pre ssu re * Temp e ratur e * Signal Conditi onin g * Surge Protec tio n * Intrins i c Saf e t y * Ga s De t e ct io n Syst em J u s t s ome of the ma rk ets that we s e rve : * Food Proc es s i n g * Pharma c eutic a l * HVA C * Oil & Ga s * Wa t e r / Wast e * Power * Aeros pac e * Semi c onduc to r * Ho spital Facilitie s ISO 17025 Accredited We have over 30 years experience • Effluent F lo xx xxxxx • Ch a r t Re c o r d e r s • Process Instr u me nt V erification • Flow Meter V erification • BTU Me ter Ca l i bration & V erification • Sy s t e m Ins t a lla t i o n St a r t Up • PLC Programming and System Design • Ba ckflow Preventor T es ting Fac t ory trained tec hnic i ans , a c omplete s e t of NIST trac eable e quip ment and f u lly equipped s e rvic e van. W e c a n provide s c heduled verif i c ations i n add ition to on - demand s e r vic e c a lls . Companies we Represent Air Monitor Corporation HVAC Pitot T ube & The r mal Air F low Instruments Outside Air Flow & R oo m Pressurization Monitors Differential Pressure Flo w Transmitters Ametek-Drexelbrook The L e a der in RF L eve l Mea sure ment RF Admitta nce Point a n d Contin uous Level Me a sureme n t Ultrasonic Continuous and Gap Point Le vel Sw itches Ai r bo r ne & T DR Ra d a r Le v e l T r a ns m i t t e r s Plu gge d Ch u t e De te ction Xxxxxx Xxxxxx- Xxxxx MTL Intrinsically Safe Barriers & Isolators Si gna l, Po we r , Da t a & N e t wo x x Xx r ge Pr o t e c t o rs Fi eldbus Meg ablo cks , P ower Supplies & Wiring Devices XXXX Inte r xx xxxx & In d u stria l Ne t working Produ c ts T o f i no N e t wo r k Se c u r i t y Emco Spirax Sarco In s e r t i o n & Inli n e V o r t e x & T u r bi ne Flo xx x x x x x Clamp On Ult rason i c Flowmeters Ma sstracker In s ertion Flo xx xxxxx Hydro Flo w V orte x F lo wmeters f or Liquid Fox Thermal Instruments T h e r m a l Di s p e r s i o n Ai r & Ga s F lo w Me t e r s N a t u ra l Ga s T o t a li z i n g Fu e l F lo w Me t e r s (T FF s ) Honeywell- Sensotec Se ns o t e c Pr e s s u re & Lo a d T r a n s d u c er s Le bo w Lo a d a nd T o r qu e T r a n s d u c e r s Wirele ss Torque T ransducers DCT Instruments Digita l Pressure Indicators Xxxxxxx- Xxxxxxx Network Power Un inter r uptible Power Su pplies S x x x x x & Three Phase UPS Sy stems Expert Applications M-Systems Signal Isolators and Co nditioners 4 - 2 0 m a lo o p s i gna ls , R T D, T / C , V o lt s , Cu r r e nt Loop Power Supp lies Power Transducers & Indicators Onicon Incorporated Insertion T urbi n e Flo wmeters BT U Me t e r s Insertion & Inli n e Ele ctromagnetic Flowmeters Vortex Steam Flo xx xxxxx Insertion N atur al Gas F lo xx xxxxx ( HVAC Appli c ations) Precision Digital Corporation Co nsolidator Mu l ti -Fun ction Control l e r La r ge Di s p la y Pa n e l Me t e r s DI N Pa ne l Me t e rs a nd E nclo su re s PID Loop Control l e rs Sierra Monitor Corporation LE L & Toxic Ga s De tection Systems Ultra Electronics Weed Instrument R T D & Thermocouple T emperature Sen sors He ad Moun t ed & DIN R ail 4 - 20ma Tran smitters Mu l t i- Sp ot & Averag i n g Temperature Arrays * Devices Inc is F actor y Aut horized Rep rese n tative & Dist ri butor for these Prod ucts & S e rv i c e s i n t he D al l as - F t Wo rt h an d Gre at e r N o rt h Te x as Ar e a . Air Monitor Corporation Ametek-Drexelbrook Xxxxxx Xxxxxx-Xxxxx MTL Emco Spirax Sarco Fox Thermal Instruments Honeywell Sensotec Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Network Power M-System Signal Conditioners Onicon Incorporated Precision Digital Sierra MonitorInc.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Tips Vendor Agreement

Agreement Exceptions/Deviations Explanation. If the proposing Vendor desires to deviate form the Vendor Agreement language, all such deviations must be listed on this attribute, with complete and detailed conditions and information included. TIPS will consider any deviations in its proposal award decisions, and TIPS reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal based upon any deviations indicated below. In the absence of any deviation entry on this attribute, the proposer assures TIPS of their full compliance with the Vendor Agreement. Line Items Response Total: $0.00 REFERENCES Please provide three (3) references, preferably from school districts or other governmental entities who have used your services within the last three years. Additional references may be required. DO NOT INCLUDE TIPS EMPLOYEES AS A REFERENCE. Please verify your references are current and valid, as they are a SIGNIFICANT required evaluation component of the evaluation process, and the evaluation cannot be completed without responses from these references when we contact them. You may provide more than three (3) references. Entity Name Contact Person VALID EMAIL IS REQUIRED Phone Texas State University Houston River Water Works Xxxxxx X. Xxxxx 337 528 3446 Town of Greenwood LA Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx 000 000 0000 Perlington Water & Sewer Xxx Xxxxxx 228 216 5361 November 27, 2018 Meter Install Group LLC 0000 X Xxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxxxx, XX 00000 Re: Bonding Reference – Meter Install Group LLC To Whom It May Concern: Since 2011, it has been the privilege of the Xxxxxxx-000-0000 University Xxx Agency and Platte River Insurance Company to provide surety bonds on behalf of Texas Meter Install Group LLC, during which time the firm has performed and we have handled performance and payment bonds for contracts valued in the moderate seven figure range. In our opinion, Meter Install Group LLC, remains properly financed, well equipped, and capably managed. They are a valued client and we provide our highest recommendation of their services. At the present time, we provide a $7,500,000 single and $15,000,000 aggregate surety program to Meter Install Group LLC. Surety bonds are only available to the best of the best firms in the market. The firm’s reputation over the years is impeccable and their financial standing is solid, resulting in a sizeable surety program. We do reserve the right to perform normal underwriting at Austin Xxxxxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 University the time of Texas at Dallas Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx 000-000-0000 Southern Methodist University Xxxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 4JFNFOT *OEVTUSZany bond request, *OD.including, #VJMEJOH 5FDIOPMPHJFT %JWJTJPO 1000 %FFSGJFME 1BSLXBZ #VGGBMP (SPWFwithout limitation, *- 46# %FWJDFTprior review and approval of relevant contract documents, *ODbond forms, job scope, financial data, and project financing. 4PVUIFSO .FUIPEJTU 6OJWFSTJUZ 8FTU $BNQVT $"1 $& 02152800051 $470,000.00 12/13/2017 1IJMBEFMQIJB *OEFNOJUZ *OTVSBODF $PNQBOZ EGSZF!CSVOTXJDLDPNQBOJFT.DPN Devices Inc. We assume no third party liability if for any reason we do not execute such bonds as bonding is a manufacturers’ representative matter between Meter Install Group LLC, and us. Please note that this letter does not replace or constitute any type of bid bond or guarantee. As such, it is for informative purposes only and not contractually binding. Platte River Insurance Company and its parent, Capitol Indemnity Corporation, are rated A (Excellent) IX Stable by AM Best. Both are listed on the Circular 570 (treasury listing) with expertise an amount of $4,827,000 for Platte River and $21,699,000 for its parent company Capitol Indemnity Corporation. Very truly yours, Platte River Insurance Company By: Xxxxxx Xxxxx, Attorney-in-Fact Project Management and l.T. Data Management Plan Meter Install Group has installed in product applications such as: * Proc es s W eighin g * Fl ow * Level * Pre ssu re * Temp e ratur e * Signal Conditi onin g * Surge Protec tio n * Intrins i c Saf e t y * Ga s De t e ct io n Syst em J u s t s ome excess of 2 million meters and AMR/AMI endpoints. Our crews average 800 meter installations each work day across the ma rk ets that we s e rve : * Food Proc es s i n g * Pharma c eutic country. Our managers, crew leaders, meter changers, and data personnel are very experienced. We do not hire temporary labor. All of our crews move from project to project as a l * HVA C * Oil & Ga s * Wa t e r / Wast e * Power * Aeros pac e * Semi c onduc to r * Ho spital Facilitie s ISO 17025 Accredited unit. We have over 30 years experience • Effluent F lo xx xxxxx • Ch a r t Re c o r d e r s • Process Instr u me nt V erification • Flow Meter V erification • BTU Me ter Ca l i bration & V erification • Sy s t e m Ins t a lla t i o n St a r t Up • PLC Programming 100% cradle to grave accountability. We manufacturer all of our products, write all of our software, install all of our product, provide all training, and System Design • Ba ckflow Preventor T es ting Fac t ory trained tec hnic i ans , a c omplete s e t of NIST trac eable e quip ment and f u lly equipped s e rvic e van. W e c a n provide s c heduled verif i c ations i n add ition to on - demand s e r vic e c a lls . Companies we Represent Air Monitor Corporation HVAC Pitot T ube & The r mal Air F low Instruments Outside Air Flow & R oo m Pressurization Monitors Differential Pressure Flo w Transmitters Ametek-Drexelbrook The L e a der in RF L eve l Mea sure ment RF Admitta nce Point a n d Contin uous Level Me a sureme n t Ultrasonic Continuous and Gap Point Le vel Sw itches Ai r bo r ne & T DR Ra d a r Le v e l T r a ns m i t t e r s Plu gge d Ch u t e De te ction Xxxxxx Xxxxxx- Xxxxx MTL Intrinsically Safe Barriers & Isolators Si gna l, Po we r , Da t a & N e t wo x x Xx r ge Pr o t e c t o rs Fi eldbus Meg ablo cks , P ower Supplies & Wiring Devices XXXX Inte r xx xxxx & In d u stria l Ne t working Produ c ts T o f i no N e t wo r k Se c u r i t y Emco Spirax Sarco In s e r t i o n & Inli n e V o r t e x & T u r bi ne Flo xx x x x x x Clamp On Ult rason i c Flowmeters Ma sstracker In s ertion Flo xx xxxxx Hydro Flo w V orte x F lo wmeters f or Liquid Fox Thermal Instruments T h e r m a l Di s p e r s i o n Ai r & Ga s F lo w Me t e r s N a t u ra l Ga s T o t a li z i n g Fu e l F lo w Me t e r s (T FF s ) Honeywell- Sensotec Se ns o t e c Pr e s s u re & Lo a d T r a n s d u c er s Le bo w Lo a d a nd T o r qu e T r a n s d u c e r s Wirele ss Torque T ransducers DCT Instruments Digita l Pressure Indicators Xxxxxxx- Xxxxxxx Network Power Un inter r uptible Power Su pplies S x x x x x & Three Phase UPS Sy stems Expert Applications M-Systems Signal Isolators and Co nditioners 4 - 2 0 m a lo o p s i gna ls , R T D, T / C , V o lt s , Cu r r e nt Loop Power Supp lies Power Transducers & Indicators Onicon Incorporated Insertion T urbi n e Flo wmeters BT U Me t e r s Insertion & Inli n e Ele ctromagnetic Flowmeters Vortex Steam Flo xx xxxxx Insertion N atur al Gas F lo xx xxxxx ( HVAC Appli c ations) Precision Digital Corporation Co nsolidator Mu l ti -Fun ction Control l e r La r ge Di s p la y Pa n e l Me t e r s DI N Pa ne l Me t e rs a nd E nclo su re s PID Loop Control l e rs Sierra Monitor Corporation LE L & Toxic Ga s De tection Systems Ultra Electronics Weed Instrument R T D & Thermocouple T emperature Sen sors He ad Moun t ed & DIN R ail 4 - 20ma Tran smitters Mu l t i- Sp ot & Averag i n g Temperature Arrays * Devices Inc is F actor y Aut horized Rep rese n tative & Dist ri butor for these Prod ucts & S e rv i c e s i n t he D al l as - F t Wo rt h an d Gre at e r N o rt h Te x as Ar e a . Air Monitor Corporation Ametek-Drexelbrook Xxxxxx Xxxxxx-Xxxxx MTL Emco Spirax Sarco Fox Thermal Instruments Honeywell Sensotec Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Network Power M-System Signal Conditioners Onicon Incorporated Precision Digital Sierra Monitorall post installation support.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Tips Vendor Agreement

Agreement Exceptions/Deviations Explanation. If the proposing Vendor desires to deviate form the Vendor Agreement language, all such deviations must be listed on this attribute, with complete and detailed conditions and information included. TIPS will consider any deviations in its proposal award decisions, and TIPS reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal based upon any deviations indicated below. In the absence of any deviation entry on this attribute, the proposer assures TIPS of their full compliance with the Vendor Agreement. Line Items Response Total: $0.00 REFERENCES Please provide three (3) references, preferably from school districts or other governmental entities who have used your services within the last three years. Additional references may be required. DO NOT INCLUDE TIPS EMPLOYEES AS A REFERENCE. Please verify your references are current and valid, as they are a SIGNIFICANT required evaluation component of the evaluation process, and the evaluation cannot be completed without responses from these references when we contact them. You may provide more than three (3) references. Entity Name Contact Person VALID EMAIL IS REQUIRED Phone Texas State University Xxxxxx X. Xxxxx Xxxx School District Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxx <XXXXXXXX@xxxx.x00.xx.xx> 000-000-0000 University of Texas at Austin Xxxxxxx College XX Xxxxx 000-000-0000 University City of Texas at Dallas Conway City of Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxx <> 000-000-0000 Southern Methodist University Xxxxx Xxxxx 000P.O. Box 20580 White Hall, AR 71612 P: 877-000264- 7224 F: 870-247- 0268 0000 4JFNFOT *OEVTUSZX. Xxxxxxxxx Ave. Lebanon, *OD., #VJMEJOH 5FDIOPMPHJFT %JWJTJPO 1000 %FFSGJFME 1BSLXBZ #VGGBMP (SPWF, *- 46# %FWJDFT, *OD. 4PVUIFSO .FUIPEJTU 6OJWFSTJUZ 8FTU $BNQVT $"1 $MO 65536 P: 877-264- 7224 F: 870-247- 0268 Website urls for TIPS Xxxxxxxx Construction & 02152800051 $470,000.00 12/13/2017 1IJMBEFMQIJB *OEFNOJUZ *OTVSBODF $PNQBOZ EGSZF!CSVOTXJDLDPNQBOJFT.DPN Devices Inc. is a manufacturers’ representative with expertise in product applications such as: * Proc es s W eighin g * Fl ow * Level * Pre ssu re * Temp e ratur e * Signal Conditi onin g * Surge Protec tio n * Intrins i c Saf e t y * Ga s De t e ct io n Syst em J u s t s ome of the ma rk ets that we s e rve : * Food Proc es s i n g * Pharma c eutic a l * HVA C * Oil & Ga s * Wa t e r / Wast e * Power * Aeros pac e * Semi c onduc to r * Ho spital Facilitie s ISO 17025 Accredited We have over 30 years experience • Effluent F lo xx xxxxx • Ch a r t Re c o r d e r s • Process Instr u me nt V erification • Flow Meter V erification • BTU Me ter Ca l i bration & V erification • Sy s t e m Ins t a lla t i o n St a r t Up • PLC Programming and System Design • Ba ckflow Preventor T es ting Fac t ory trained tec hnic i ans , a c omplete s e t of NIST trac eable e quip ment and f u lly equipped s e rvic e van. W e c a n provide s c heduled verif i c ations i n add ition to on - demand s e r vic e c a lls . Companies we Represent Air Monitor Corporation HVAC Pitot T ube & The r mal Air F low Instruments Outside Air Flow & R oo m Pressurization Monitors Differential Pressure Flo w Transmitters Ametek-Drexelbrook The L e a der in RF L eve l Mea sure ment RF Admitta nce Point a n d Contin uous Level Me a sureme n t Ultrasonic Continuous and Gap Point Le vel Sw itches Ai r bo r ne & T DR Ra d a r Le v e l T r a ns m i t t e r s Plu gge d Ch u t e De te ction Xxxxxx Xxxxxx- Xxxxx MTL Intrinsically Safe Barriers & Isolators Si gna l, Po we r , Da t a & N e t wo x x Xx r ge Pr o t e c t o rs Fi eldbus Meg ablo cks , P ower Supplies & Wiring Devices XXXX Inte r xx xxxx & In d u stria l Ne t working Produ c ts T o f i no N e t wo r k Se c u r i t y Emco Spirax Sarco In s e r t i o n & Inli n e V o r t e x & T u r bi ne Flo xx x x x x x Clamp On Ult rason i c Flowmeters Ma sstracker In s ertion Flo xx xxxxx Hydro Flo w V orte x F lo wmeters f or Liquid Fox Thermal Instruments T h e r m a l Di s p e r s i o n Ai r & Ga s F lo w Me t e r s N a t u ra l Ga s T o t a li z i n g Fu e l F lo w Me t e r s (T FF s ) Honeywell- Sensotec Se ns o t e c Pr e s s u re & Lo a d T r a n s d u c er s Le bo w Lo a d a nd T o r qu e T r a n s d u c e r s Wirele ss Torque T ransducers DCT Instruments Digita l Pressure Indicators Xxxxxxx- Xxxxxxx Network Power Un inter r uptible Power Su pplies S x x x x x & Three Phase UPS Sy stems Expert Applications M-Systems Signal Isolators and Co nditioners 4 - 2 0 m a lo o p s i gna ls , R T D, T / C , V o lt s , Cu r r e nt Loop Power Supp lies Power Transducers & Indicators Onicon Incorporated Insertion T urbi n e Flo wmeters BT U Me t e r s Insertion & Inli n e Ele ctromagnetic Flowmeters Vortex Steam Flo xx xxxxx Insertion N atur al Gas F lo xx xxxxx ( HVAC Appli c ations) Precision Digital Corporation Co nsolidator Mu l ti -Fun ction Control l e r La r ge Di s p la y Pa n e l Me t e r s DI N Pa ne l Me t e rs a nd E nclo su re s PID Loop Control l e rs Sierra Monitor Corporation LE L & Toxic Ga s De tection Systems Ultra Electronics Weed Instrument R T D & Thermocouple T emperature Sen sors He ad Moun t ed & DIN R ail 4 - 20ma Tran smitters Mu l t i- Sp ot & Averag i n g Temperature Arrays * Devices Inc is F actor y Aut horized Rep rese n tative & Dist ri butor for these Prod ucts & S e rv i c e s i n t he D al l as - F t Wo rt h an d Gre at e r N o rt h Te x as Ar e a . Air Monitor Corporation Ametek-Drexelbrook Xxxxxx Xxxxxx-Xxxxx MTL Emco Spirax Sarco Fox Thermal Instruments Honeywell Sensotec Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Network Power M-System Signal Conditioners Onicon Incorporated Precision Digital Sierra MonitorCommercial Roofing

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Tips Vendor Agreement

Agreement Exceptions/Deviations Explanation. If the proposing Vendor desires to deviate form the Vendor Agreement language, all such deviations must be listed on this attribute, with complete and detailed conditions and information included. TIPS will consider any deviations in its proposal award decisions, and TIPS reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal based upon any deviations indicated below. In the absence of any deviation entry on this attribute, the proposer assures TIPS of their full compliance with the Vendor Agreement. Line Items Response Total: $0.00 No response REFERENCES Please provide three (3) references, preferably from school districts or other governmental entities who have used your services within the last three years. Additional references may be required. DO NOT INCLUDE TIPS EMPLOYEES AS A REFERENCE. Please verify your references are current and valid, as they are a SIGNIFICANT required evaluation component of the evaluation process, and the evaluation cannot be completed without responses from these references when we contact them. You may provide more than three (3) references. Entity Name Contact Person VALID EMAIL IS REQUIRED Phone Texas State University Xxxx Xxxxxx X. Xxxxx 000-000-0000 University of Texas at Austin Xxxxxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 University of Texas at Dallas Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx 000-000-0000 Southern Methodist University ISD Xxxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 4JFNFOT *OEVTUSZ, *OD., #VJMEJOH 5FDIOPMPHJFT %JWJTJPO 1000 %FFSGJFME 1BSLXBZ #VGGBMP (SPWF, *- 46# %FWJDFT, *OD. 4PVUIFSO .FUIPEJTU 6OJWFSTJUZ 8FTU $BNQVT $"1 $& 02152800051 $470,000.00 12/13/2017 1IJMBEFMQIJB *OEFNOJUZ *OTVSBODF $PNQBOZ EGSZF!CSVOTXJDLDPNQBOJFT.DPN Devices Inc. is a manufacturers’ representative with expertise in product applications such as: * Proc es s W eighin g * Fl ow * Level * Pre ssu re * Temp e ratur e * Signal Conditi onin g * Surge Protec tio n * Intrins i c Saf e t y * Ga s De t e ct io n Syst em J u s t s ome of the ma rk ets that we s e rve : * Food Proc es s i n g * Pharma c eutic a l * HVA C * Oil & Ga s * Wa t e r / Wast e * Power * Aeros pac e * Semi c onduc to r * Ho spital Facilitie s ISO 17025 Accredited We have over 30 years experience • Effluent F lo xx xxxxx • Ch a r t Re c o r d e r s • Process Instr u me nt V erification • Flow Meter V erification • BTU Me ter Ca l i bration & V erification • Sy s t e m Ins t a lla t i o n St a r t Up • PLC Programming and System Design • Ba ckflow Preventor T es ting Fac t ory trained tec hnic i ans , a c omplete s e t of NIST trac eable e quip ment and f u lly equipped s e rvic e van. W e c a n provide s c heduled verif i c ations i n add ition to on - demand s e r vic e c a lls . Companies we Represent Air Monitor Corporation HVAC Pitot T ube & The r mal Air F low Instruments Outside Air Flow & R oo m Pressurization Monitors Differential Pressure Flo w Transmitters Ametek-Drexelbrook The L e a der in RF L eve l Mea sure ment RF Admitta nce Point a n d Contin uous Level Me a sureme n t Ultrasonic Continuous and Gap Point Le vel Sw itches Ai r bo r ne & T DR Ra d a r Le v e l T r a ns m i t t e r s Plu gge d Ch u t e De te ction Xxxxxx Xxxxxx- Xxxxx MTL Intrinsically Safe Barriers & Isolators Si gna l, Po we r , Da t a & N e t wo x x Xx r ge Pr o t e c t o rs Fi eldbus Meg ablo cks , P ower Supplies & Wiring Devices XXXX Inte r xx xxxx & In d u stria l Ne t working Produ c ts T o f i no N e t wo r k Se c u r i t y Emco Spirax Sarco In s e r t i o n & Inli n e V o r t e x & T u r bi ne Flo xx x x x x x Clamp On Ult rason i c Flowmeters Ma sstracker In s ertion Flo xx xxxxx Hydro Flo w V orte x F lo wmeters f or Liquid Fox Thermal Instruments T h e r m a l Di s p e r s i o n Ai r & Ga s F lo w Me t e r s N a t u ra l Ga s T o t a li z i n g Fu e l F lo w Me t e r s (T FF s ) Honeywell- Sensotec Se ns o t e c Pr e s s u re & Lo a d T r a n s d u c er s Le bo w Lo a d a nd T o r qu e T r a n s d u c e r s Wirele ss Torque T ransducers DCT Instruments Digita l Pressure Indicators Xxxxxxx- Xxxxxxx Network Power Un inter r uptible Power Su pplies S x x x x x & Three Phase UPS Sy stems Expert Applications M-Systems Signal Isolators and Co nditioners 4 - 2 0 m a lo o p s i gna ls , R T D, T / C , V o lt s , Cu r r e nt Loop Power Supp lies Power Transducers & Indicators Onicon Incorporated Insertion T urbi n e Flo wmeters BT U Me t e r s Insertion & Inli n e Ele ctromagnetic Flowmeters Vortex Steam Flo xx xxxxx Insertion N atur al Gas F lo xx xxxxx ( HVAC Appli c ations) Precision Digital Corporation Co nsolidator Mu l ti -Fun ction Control l e r La r ge Di s p la y Pa n e l Me t e r s DI N Pa ne l Me t e rs a nd E nclo su re s PID Loop Control l e rs Sierra Monitor Corporation LE L & Toxic Ga s De tection Systems Ultra Electronics Weed Instrument R T D & Thermocouple T emperature Sen sors He ad Moun t ed & DIN R ail 4 - 20ma Tran smitters Mu l t i- Sp ot & Averag i n g Temperature Arrays * Devices Inc is F actor y Aut horized Rep rese n tative & Dist ri butor for these Prod ucts & S e rv i c e s i n t he D al l as - F t Wo rt h an d Gre at e r N o rt h Te x as Ar e a . Air Monitor Corporation Ametek-Drexelbrook Xxxxxx Xxxxxx-Xxxxx MTL Emco Spirax Sarco Fox Thermal Instruments Honeywell Sensotec 903−884−2136 ex Van Zandt County Xxxxx Xxxxxxx 210−349−7950 Life Schools Tanner Bachman 469−850−5433 ex Xxxxxx ISD Xxxx Xxxxxxxx 903−918−9996 Canton ISD Xxx Xxxxxxx Network Power M-System Signal Conditioners Onicon Incorporated Precision Digital Sierra Monitorx.xxxxxxx@exceed− 903−802−9597 t 3558 t 7214 TIPS RFP # 200201

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Vendor Agreement

Agreement Exceptions/Deviations Explanation. If the proposing Vendor desires to deviate form the Vendor Agreement language, all such deviations must be listed on this attribute, with complete and detailed conditions and information included. TIPS will consider any deviations in its proposal award decisions, and TIPS reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal based upon any deviations indicated below. In the absence of any deviation entry on this attribute, the proposer assures TIPS of their full compliance with the Vendor Agreement. Line Items Response Total: $0.00 No response REFERENCES Please provide three (3) references, preferably from school districts or other governmental entities who have used your services within the last three years. Additional references may be required. DO NOT INCLUDE TIPS EMPLOYEES AS A REFERENCE. Please verify your references are current and valid, as they are a SIGNIFICANT required evaluation component of the evaluation process, and the evaluation cannot be completed without responses from these references when we contact them. You may provide more than three (3) references. Entity Name Contact Person VALID EMAIL IS REQUIRED Phone Texas State University Xxxxxx X. Xxxxx PSJA ISD XXXXX XXXXXX xxxxx.xxxxxx@xxxxxxx.xx 000-000-0000 University of Texas at Austin Xxxxxxx Xxxxx 000XXXXXXX COUNTY-000FACILITIES XXXX XXXXXXXX 956-0000 University of Texas at Dallas Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx 000289-000-0000 Southern Methodist University Xxxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 4JFNFOT *OEVTUSZ, *OD., #VJMEJOH 5FDIOPMPHJFT %JWJTJPO 1000 %FFSGJFME 1BSLXBZ #VGGBMP (SPWF, *- 46# %FWJDFT, *OD. 4PVUIFSO .FUIPEJTU 6OJWFSTJUZ 8FTU $BNQVT $"1 $& 02152800051 $470,000.00 12/13/2017 1IJMBEFMQIJB *OEFNOJUZ *OTVSBODF $PNQBOZ EGSZF!CSVOTXJDLDPNQBOJFT.DPN Devices Inc. is a manufacturers’ representative with expertise in product applications such as: * Proc es s W eighin g * Fl ow * Level * Pre ssu re * Temp e ratur e * Signal Conditi onin g * Surge Protec tio n * Intrins i c Saf e t y * Ga s De t e ct io n Syst em J u s t s ome of the ma rk ets that we s e rve : * Food Proc es s i n g * Pharma c eutic a l * HVA C * Oil & Ga s * Wa t e r / Wast e * Power * Aeros pac e * Semi c onduc to r * Ho spital Facilitie s ISO 17025 Accredited We have over 30 years experience • Effluent F lo xx xxxxx • Ch a r t Re c o r d e r s • Process Instr u me nt V erification • Flow Meter V erification • BTU Me ter Ca l i bration & V erification • Sy s t e m Ins t a lla t i o n St a r t Up • PLC Programming and System Design • Ba ckflow Preventor T es ting Fac t ory trained tec hnic i ans , a c omplete s e t of NIST trac eable e quip ment and f u lly equipped s e rvic e van. W e c a n provide s c heduled verif i c ations i n add ition to on - demand s e r vic e c a lls . Companies we Represent Air Monitor Corporation HVAC Pitot T ube & The r mal Air F low Instruments Outside Air Flow & R oo m Pressurization Monitors Differential Pressure Flo w Transmitters Ametek-Drexelbrook The L e a der in RF L eve l Mea sure ment RF Admitta nce Point a n d Contin uous Level Me a sureme n t Ultrasonic Continuous and Gap Point Le vel Sw itches Ai r bo r ne & T DR Ra d a r Le v e l T r a ns m i t t e r s Plu gge d Ch u t e De te ction Xxxxxx Xxxxxx- Xxxxx MTL Intrinsically Safe Barriers & Isolators Si gna l, Po we r , Da t a & N e t wo x x Xx r ge Pr o t e c t o rs Fi eldbus Meg ablo cks , P ower Supplies & Wiring Devices XXXX Inte r xx xxxx & In d u stria l Ne t working Produ c ts T o f i no N e t wo r k Se c u r i t y Emco Spirax Sarco In s e r t i o n & Inli n e V o r t e x & T u r bi ne Flo xx x x x x x Clamp On Ult rason i c Flowmeters Ma sstracker In s ertion Flo xx xxxxx Hydro Flo w V orte x F lo wmeters f or Liquid Fox Thermal Instruments T h e r m a l Di s p e r s i o n Ai r & Ga s F lo w Me t e r s N a t u ra l Ga s T o t a li z i n g Fu e l F lo w Me t e r s (T FF s ) Honeywell- Sensotec Se ns o t e c Pr e s s u re & Lo a d T r a n s d u c er s Le bo w Lo a d a nd T o r qu e T r a n s d u c e r s Wirele ss Torque T ransducers DCT Instruments Digita l Pressure Indicators Xxxxxxx- Xxxxxxx Network Power Un inter r uptible Power Su pplies S x x x x x & Three Phase UPS Sy stems Expert Applications M-Systems Signal Isolators and Co nditioners 4 - 2 0 m a lo o p s i gna ls , R T D, T / C , V o lt s , Cu r r e nt Loop Power Supp lies Power Transducers & Indicators Onicon Incorporated Insertion T urbi n e Flo wmeters BT U Me t e r s Insertion & Inli n e Ele ctromagnetic Flowmeters Vortex Steam Flo xx xxxxx Insertion N atur al Gas F lo xx xxxxx ( HVAC Appli c ations) Precision Digital Corporation Co nsolidator Mu l ti -Fun ction Control l e r La r ge Di s p la y Pa n e l Me t e r s DI N Pa ne l Me t e rs a nd E nclo su re s PID Loop Control l e rs Sierra Monitor Corporation LE L & Toxic Ga s De tection Systems Ultra Electronics Weed Instrument R T D & Thermocouple T emperature Sen sors He ad Moun t ed & DIN R ail 4 - 20ma Tran smitters Mu l t i- Sp ot & Averag i n g Temperature Arrays * Devices Inc is F actor y Aut horized Rep rese n tative & Dist ri butor for these Prod ucts & S e rv i c e s i n t he D al l as - F t Wo rt h an d Gre at e r N o rt h Te x as Ar e a . Air Monitor Corporation Ametek-Drexelbrook Xxxxxx Xxxxxx-Xxxxx MTL Emco Spirax Sarco Fox Thermal Instruments Honeywell Sensotec Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Network Power M-System Signal Conditioners Onicon Incorporated Precision Digital Sierra Monitor7850

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Tips Vendor Agreement

Agreement Exceptions/Deviations Explanation. If the proposing Vendor desires to deviate form the Vendor Agreement language, all such deviations must be listed on this attribute, with complete and detailed conditions and information included. TIPS will consider any deviations in its proposal award decisions, and TIPS reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal based upon any deviations indicated below. In the absence of any deviation entry on this attribute, the proposer assures TIPS of their full compliance with the Vendor Agreement. Line Items Response Total: $0.00 REFERENCES Please provide three (3) references, preferably from school districts or other governmental entities who have used your services within the last three years. Additional references may be required. DO NOT INCLUDE TIPS EMPLOYEES AS A REFERENCE. Please verify your references are current and valid, as they are a SIGNIFICANT required evaluation component of the evaluation process, and the evaluation cannot be completed without responses from these references when we contact them. You may provide more than three (3) references. Entity Name Contact Person VALID EMAIL IS REQUIRED Phone Texas State University Redwater, TX Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxxxx (000) 000-0000 Pantego, TX Xxxx Xxxx (000) 000-0000 City of Alice, TX Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 000-000-0000 University of Texas at Austin Xxxxxxx East Xxxxxx, TX Xxxxx Xxxx 000-000-0000 University of Texas at Dallas Laguna Madre, TX Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx 000Xxxxx 956-000943-0000 Southern Methodist University Xxxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 4JFNFOT *OEVTUSZ, *OD., #VJMEJOH 5FDIOPMPHJFT %JWJTJPO 1000 %FFSGJFME 1BSLXBZ #VGGBMP (SPWF, *- 46# %FWJDFT, *OD. 4PVUIFSO .FUIPEJTU 6OJWFSTJUZ 8FTU $BNQVT $"1 $& 02152800051 $470,000.00 12/13/2017 1IJMBEFMQIJB *OEFNOJUZ *OTVSBODF $PNQBOZ EGSZF!CSVOTXJDLDPNQBOJFT.DPN Devices Inc. is a manufacturers’ representative with expertise in product applications such as: * Proc es s W eighin g * Fl ow * Level * Pre ssu re * Temp e ratur e * Signal Conditi onin g * Surge Protec tio n * Intrins i c Saf e t y * Ga s De t e ct io n Syst em J u s t s ome of the ma rk ets that we s e rve : * Food Proc es s i n g * Pharma c eutic a l * HVA C * Oil & Ga s * Wa t e r / Wast e * Power * Aeros pac e * Semi c onduc to r * Ho spital Facilitie s ISO 17025 Accredited We have over 30 years experience • Effluent F lo xx xxxxx • Ch a r t Re c o r d e r s • Process Instr u me nt V erification • Flow Meter V erification • BTU Me ter Ca l i bration & V erification • Sy s t e m Ins t a lla t i o n St a r t Up • PLC Programming and System Design • Ba ckflow Preventor T es ting Fac t ory trained tec hnic i ans , a c omplete s e t of NIST trac eable e quip ment and f u lly equipped s e rvic e van. W e c a n provide s c heduled verif i c ations i n add ition to on - demand s e r vic e c a lls . Companies we Represent Air Monitor Corporation HVAC Pitot T ube & The r mal Air F low Instruments Outside Air Flow & R oo m Pressurization Monitors Differential Pressure Flo w Transmitters Ametek-Drexelbrook The L e a der in RF L eve l Mea sure ment RF Admitta nce Point a n d Contin uous Level Me a sureme n t Ultrasonic Continuous and Gap Point Le vel Sw itches Ai r bo r ne & T DR Ra d a r Le v e l T r a ns m i t t e r s Plu gge d Ch u t e De te ction Xxxxxx Xxxxxx- Xxxxx MTL Intrinsically Safe Barriers & Isolators Si gna l, Po we r , Da t a & N e t wo x x Xx r ge Pr o t e c t o rs Fi eldbus Meg ablo cks , P ower Supplies & Wiring Devices XXXX Inte r xx xxxx & In d u stria l Ne t working Produ c ts T o f i no N e t wo r k Se c u r i t y Emco Spirax Sarco In s e r t i o n & Inli n e V o r t e x & T u r bi ne Flo xx x x x x x Clamp On Ult rason i c Flowmeters Ma sstracker In s ertion Flo xx xxxxx Hydro Flo w V orte x F lo wmeters f or Liquid Fox Thermal Instruments T h e r m a l Di s p e r s i o n Ai r & Ga s F lo w Me t e r s N a t u ra l Ga s T o t a li z i n g Fu e l F lo w Me t e r s (T FF s ) Honeywell- Sensotec Se ns o t e c Pr e s s u re & Lo a d T r a n s d u c er s Le bo w Lo a d a nd T o r qu e T r a n s d u c e r s Wirele ss Torque T ransducers DCT Instruments Digita l Pressure Indicators Xxxxxxx- Xxxxxxx Network Power Un inter r uptible Power Su pplies S x x x x x & Three Phase UPS Sy stems Expert Applications M-Systems Signal Isolators and Co nditioners 4 - 2 0 m a lo o p s i gna ls , R T D, T / C , V o lt s , Cu r r e nt Loop Power Supp lies Power Transducers & Indicators Onicon Incorporated Insertion T urbi n e Flo wmeters BT U Me t e r s Insertion & Inli n e Ele ctromagnetic Flowmeters Vortex Steam Flo xx xxxxx Insertion N atur al Gas F lo xx xxxxx ( HVAC Appli c ations) Precision Digital Corporation Co nsolidator Mu l ti -Fun ction Control l e r La r ge Di s p la y Pa n e l Me t e r s DI N Pa ne l Me t e rs a nd E nclo su re s PID Loop Control l e rs Sierra Monitor Corporation LE L & Toxic Ga s De tection Systems Ultra Electronics Weed Instrument R T D & Thermocouple T emperature Sen sors He ad Moun t ed & DIN R ail 4 - 20ma Tran smitters Mu l t i- Sp ot & Averag i n g Temperature Arrays * Devices Inc is F actor y Aut horized Rep rese n tative & Dist ri butor for these Prod ucts & S e rv i c e s i n t he D al l as - F t Wo rt h an d Gre at e r N o rt h Te x as Ar e a . Air Monitor Corporation Ametek-Drexelbrook Xxxxxx Xxxxxx-Xxxxx MTL Emco Spirax Sarco Fox Thermal Instruments Honeywell Sensotec Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Network Power M-System Signal Conditioners Onicon Incorporated Precision Digital Sierra Monitor2626 Product Warranty Statement

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Vendor Agreement

Agreement Exceptions/Deviations Explanation. If the proposing Vendor desires to deviate form the Vendor Agreement language, all such deviations must be listed on this attribute, with complete and detailed conditions and information included. TIPS will consider any deviations in its proposal award decisions, and TIPS reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal based upon any deviations indicated below. In the absence of any deviation entry on this attribute, the proposer assures TIPS of their full compliance with the Vendor Agreement. Line Items Response Total: $0.00 No response REFERENCES LEGACY ROCK CORPORATION Please provide three (3) references, preferably from school districts or other governmental entities who have used your services within the last three years. Additional references may be required. DO NOT INCLUDE TIPS EMPLOYEES AS A REFERENCE. Please verify your references are current and valid, as they are a SIGNIFICANT required evaluation component of the evaluation process, and the evaluation cannot be completed without responses from these references when we contact them. You may provide more than three (3) references. Entity Name Contact Person VALID EMAIL IS REQUIRED Phone Texas State University A&M University, Commerce Xxxxx Xxxx Dani Barfield (903) 468−8759 (903) 468−5754 Houston National Cemetery Xxxxx Xxxxx (832) 496−8169 Fort Xxxxx National Cemetery Xxxxx Xxxxxxx (314) 265−7644 Veterans Administration Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx (703) 630−9345 Xxxxx, Xxxxxxxx & Xxxxx Insurance Agency, LLC 0000 Xxxxx Xxxx Xxxx, Xxxxx 000 P.O. BOX 922022 XXXXXXX, XXXXX 00000-0000 TELEPHONE (000) 000-0000 FACSIMILE (713) 880-7149 February 21, 2020 RE: Legacy Rock Corporation To Whom It May Concern: We are the surety bonding agent for Legacy Rock Corporation, of Houston, TX. In this capacity, we have become very familiar with their financial, management, and operational capabilities. Since 2015, Legacy Rock Corporation has been bonded through Westfield Insurance Company (Westfield) which has an A.M. Best Rating of A (Excellent) with a Financial Size Category of XV ($2 Billion or greater). Westfield has provided a single bond limit for $2,000,000.00 and an aggregate over $2,500,000.00. It is our understanding that Legacy Rock Corporation intends to submit a proposal to you. Should you award a contract to Legacy Rock Corporation and the latter accepts award, Xxxxxxxxx is prepared to provide the 100% performance and payment bonds as required by contract, for all phases subject to the review and approval of the contract terms, conditions and related underwriting criteria. We assume no liability to third parties or to you if for any reason Xxxxxxxxx does not execute said bonds. We hold Legacy Rock Corporation in the highest possible regard and it is our pleasure and privilege to recommend them for your consideration. Very truly yours, XXXXX, XXXXXXXX & XXXXX INSURANCE AGENCY, LLC Xxxxxx X. Xxxxx CC: Xxx X. Xxxxxx - Legacy Rock Corporation Insurance / Bonds / Risk Management The Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts (CPA) administers the Statewide Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) Program for the State of Texas, which includes certifying minority, woman, and service disabled veteran-owned businesses as HUBs and facilitates the use of HUBs in state procurement and provides them with information on the state's procurement process. We are pleased to inform you that your application for certification/re-certification as a HUB has been approved. Your company's profile is listed in the State of Texas HUB Directory and may be viewed online at xxxxx:// Provided that your company continues to meet HUB eligibility requirements, the attached HUB certificate is valid for the time period specified. You must notify the HUB Program in writing of any changes affecting your company’s compliance with the HUB eligibility requirements, including changes in ownership, day-to-day management, control and/or principal place of business. Note: Any changes made to your company’s information may require the HUB Program to re-evaluate your company’s eligibility. Please visit our website at xxxx:// and reference our publications (i.e. Grow Your Business pamphlet, HUB Brochure and Vendor Guide) providing addition information on state procurement resources that can increase your company’s chances of doing business with the state. Thank you for your participation in the HUB Program! If you have any questions, you may contact a HUB Program representative at 000-000-0000 University or toll-free in Texas at 0-000-000-0000. Texas Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) Certificate Certificate/VID Number: 1475390733700 File/Vendor Number: 495093 Approval Date: 17-APR-2017 Scheduled Expiration Date: 17-APR-2021 The Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts (CPA), hereby certifies that LEGACY ROCK CORPORATION has successfully met the established requirements of the State of Texas Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) Program to be recognized as a HUB. This certificate printed 21-APR-2017, supersedes any registration and certificate previously issued by the HUB Program. If there are any changes regarding the information (i.e., business structure, ownership, day-to-day management, operational control, business location) provided in the submission of the business’ application for registration/certification as a HUB, you must immediately (within 30 days of such changes) notify the HUB Program in writing. The CPA reserves the right to conduct a compliance review at Austin Xxxxxxx any time to confirm HUB eligibility. HUB certification may be suspended or revoked upon findings of ineligibility. Xxxxx Xxxxx-Xxxxxxxx, Statewide HUB Program Manager Statewide Support Services Division Note: In order for State agencies and institutions of higher education (universities) to be credited for utilizing this business as a HUB, they must award payment under the Certificate/VID Number identified above. Agencies, universities and prime contractors are encouraged to verify the company’s HUB certification prior to issuing a notice of award by accessing the Internet (xxxxx:// or by contacting the HUB Program at 000-000-0000 University of or toll-free in Texas at Dallas Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx 0-000-000-0000. Rev. 06/16 1475390733700 495093 LEGACY ROCK CORPORATION 000 XXXXXXXX XXX XXXXXXX, XX 00000-0000 Southern Methodist University Xxxxx Xxxxx Services Provided: General Contracting • Commercial Construction and Remodeling ▪ Framing ▪ Drywall ▪ Insulation ▪ Siding ▪ Painting ▪ Wall Covering ▪ Ceilings ▪ Flooring ▪ Doors ▪ Glass and Glazing ▪ Electrical ▪ Plumbing ▪ Heating, Ventilation, and Air-Conditioning ▪ Roofing ▪ Masonry ▪ Concrete Xxx Xxxxxx Xxx Xxxxxx President (000-) 000-0000 4JFNFOT *OEVTUSZ, *OD., #VJMEJOH 5FDIOPMPHJFT %JWJTJPO 1000 %FFSGJFME 1BSLXBZ #VGGBMP (SPWF, *- 46# %FWJDFT, *OD. 4PVUIFSO .FUIPEJTU 6OJWFSTJUZ 8FTU $BNQVT $"1 $& 02152800051 $470,000.00 12/13/2017 1IJMBEFMQIJB *OEFNOJUZ *OTVSBODF $PNQBOZ EGSZF!CSVOTXJDLDPNQBOJFT.DPN Devices Inc. is a manufacturers’ representative with expertise in product applications such as: * Proc es s W eighin g * Fl ow * Level * Pre ssu re * Temp e ratur e * Signal Conditi onin g * Surge Protec tio n * Intrins i c Saf e t y * Ga s De t e ct io n Syst em J u s t s ome of the ma rk ets that we s e rve : * Food Proc es s i n g * Pharma c eutic a l * HVA C * Oil & Ga s * Wa t e r / Wast e * Power * Aeros pac e * Semi c onduc to r * Ho spital Facilitie s ISO 17025 Accredited We have over 30 years experience • Effluent F lo xx xxxxx • Ch a r t Re c o r d e r s • Process Instr u me nt V erification • Flow Meter V erification • BTU Me ter Ca l i bration & V erification • Sy s t e m Ins t a lla t i o n St a r t Up • PLC Programming and System Design • Ba ckflow Preventor T es ting Fac t ory trained tec hnic i ans , a c omplete s e t of NIST trac eable e quip ment and f u lly equipped s e rvic e van. W e c a n provide s c heduled verif i c ations i n add ition to on - demand s e r vic e c a lls . Companies we Represent Air Monitor Corporation HVAC Pitot T ube & The r mal Air F low Instruments Outside Air Flow & R oo m Pressurization Monitors Differential Pressure Flo w Transmitters Ametek-Drexelbrook The L e a der in RF L eve l Mea sure ment RF Admitta nce Point a n d Contin uous Level Me a sureme n t Ultrasonic Continuous and Gap Point Le vel Sw itches Ai r bo r ne & T DR Ra d a r Le v e l T r a ns m i t t e r s Plu gge d Ch u t e De te ction Xxxxxx Xxxxxx- Xxxxx MTL Intrinsically Safe Barriers & Isolators Si gna l, Po we r , Da t a & N e t wo x x Xx r ge Pr o t e c t o rs Fi eldbus Meg ablo cks , P ower Supplies & Wiring Devices XXXX Inte r xx xxxx & In d u stria l Ne t working Produ c ts T o f i no N e t wo r k Se c u r i t y Emco Spirax Sarco In s e r t i o n & Inli n e V o r t e x & T u r bi ne Flo xx x x x x x Clamp On Ult rason i c Flowmeters Ma sstracker In s ertion Flo xx xxxxx Hydro Flo w V orte x F lo wmeters f or Liquid Fox Thermal Instruments T h e r m a l Di s p e r s i o n Ai r & Ga s F lo w Me t e r s N a t u ra l Ga s T o t a li z i n g Fu e l F lo w Me t e r s (T FF s ) Honeywell- Sensotec Se ns o t e c Pr e s s u re & Lo a d T r a n s d u c er s Le bo w Lo a d a nd T o r qu e T r a n s d u c e r s Wirele ss Torque T ransducers DCT Instruments Digita l Pressure Indicators Xxxxxxx- Xxxxxxx Network Power Un inter r uptible Power Su pplies S x x x x x & Three Phase UPS Sy stems Expert Applications M-Systems Signal Isolators and Co nditioners 4 - 2 0 m a lo o p s i gna ls , R T D, T / C , V o lt s , Cu r r e nt Loop Power Supp lies Power Transducers & Indicators Onicon Incorporated Insertion T urbi n e Flo wmeters BT U Me t e r s Insertion & Inli n e Ele ctromagnetic Flowmeters Vortex Steam Flo xx xxxxx Insertion N atur al Gas F lo xx xxxxx ( HVAC Appli c ations) Precision Digital Corporation Co nsolidator Mu l ti -Fun ction Control l e r La r ge Di s p la y Pa n e l Me t e r s DI N Pa ne l Me t e rs a nd E nclo su re s PID Loop Control l e rs Sierra Monitor Corporation LE L & Toxic Ga s De tection Systems Ultra Electronics Weed Instrument R T D & Thermocouple T emperature Sen sors He ad Moun t ed & DIN R ail 4 - 20ma Tran smitters Mu l t i- Sp ot & Averag i n g Temperature Arrays * Devices Inc is F actor y Aut horized Rep rese n tative & Dist ri butor for these Prod ucts & S e rv i c e s i n t he D al l as - F t Wo rt h an d Gre at e r N o rt h Te x as Ar e a . Air Monitor Corporation Ametek-Drexelbrook Xxxxxx Xxxxxx-Xxxxx MTL Emco Spirax Sarco Fox Thermal Instruments Honeywell Sensotec Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Network Power M-System Signal Conditioners Onicon Incorporated Precision Digital Sierra 000 Xxxxxxxx Xxx

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Vendor Agreement

Agreement Exceptions/Deviations Explanation. If the proposing Vendor desires to deviate form the Vendor Agreement language, all such deviations must be listed on this attribute, with complete and detailed conditions and information included. TIPS will consider any deviations in its proposal award decisions, and TIPS reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal based upon any deviations indicated below. In the absence of any deviation entry on this attribute, the proposer assures TIPS of their full compliance with the Vendor Agreement. Line Items Response Total: $0.00 REFERENCES Please provide three (3) references, preferably from school districts or other governmental entities who have used your services within the last three years. Additional references may be required. DO NOT INCLUDE TIPS EMPLOYEES AS A REFERENCE. Please verify your references are current and valid, as they are a SIGNIFICANT required evaluation component of the evaluation process, and the evaluation cannot be completed without responses from these references when we contact them. You may provide more than three (3) references. Entity Name Contact Person VALID EMAIL IS REQUIRED Phone Texas State University Xxxxxx X. A&M University-Texarkana Xxxxx 000Xxxxxx, CPA 903/278-0007859 Tex Americas Center Xxxx Xxxxxxx, P. E. 903/278-0000 University of Texas at Austin Xxxxxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 University of Texas at Dallas Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx 000-000-0000 Southern Methodist University Xxxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 4JFNFOT *OEVTUSZ, *OD., #VJMEJOH 5FDIOPMPHJFT %JWJTJPO 1000 %FFSGJFME 1BSLXBZ #VGGBMP (SPWF, *- 46# %FWJDFT, *OD. 4PVUIFSO .FUIPEJTU 6OJWFSTJUZ 8FTU $BNQVT $"1 $& 02152800051 $470,000.00 12/13/2017 1IJMBEFMQIJB *OEFNOJUZ *OTVSBODF $PNQBOZ EGSZF!CSVOTXJDLDPNQBOJFT.DPN Devices Inc. is a manufacturers’ representative with expertise in product applications such as: * Proc es s W eighin g * Fl ow * Level * Pre ssu re * Temp e ratur e * Signal Conditi onin g * Surge Protec tio n * Intrins i c Saf e t y * Ga s De t e ct io n Syst em J u s t s ome of the ma rk ets that we s e rve : * Food Proc es s i n g * Pharma c eutic a l * HVA C * Oil & Ga s * Wa t e r / Wast e * Power * Aeros pac e * Semi c onduc to r * Ho spital Facilitie s ISO 17025 Accredited We have over 30 years experience • Effluent F lo xx xxxxx • Ch a r t Re c o r d e r s • Process Instr u me nt V erification • Flow Meter V erification • BTU Me ter Ca l i bration & V erification • Sy s t e m Ins t a lla t i o n St a r t Up • PLC Programming and System Design • Ba ckflow Preventor T es ting Fac t ory trained tec hnic i ans , a c omplete s e t of NIST trac eable e quip ment and f u lly equipped s e rvic e van. W e c a n provide s c heduled verif i c ations i n add ition to on - demand s e r vic e c a lls . Companies we Represent Air Monitor Corporation HVAC Pitot T ube & The r mal Air F low Instruments Outside Air Flow & R oo m Pressurization Monitors Differential Pressure Flo w Transmitters Ametek-Drexelbrook The L e a der in RF L eve l Mea sure ment RF Admitta nce Point a n d Contin uous Level Me a sureme n t Ultrasonic Continuous and Gap Point Le vel Sw itches Ai r bo r ne & T DR Ra d a r Le v e l T r a ns m i t t e r s Plu gge d Ch u t e De te ction Xxxxxx Xxxxxx- Xxxxx MTL Intrinsically Safe Barriers & Isolators Si gna l, Po we r , Da t a & N e t wo x x Xx r ge Pr o t e c t o rs Fi eldbus Meg ablo cks , P ower Supplies & Wiring Devices XXXX Inte r xx xxxx & In d u stria l Ne t working Produ c ts T o f i no N e t wo r k Se c u r i t y Emco Spirax Sarco In s e r t i o n & Inli n e V o r t e x & T u r bi ne Flo xx x x x x x Clamp On Ult rason i c Flowmeters Ma sstracker In s ertion Flo xx xxxxx Hydro Flo w V orte x F lo wmeters f or Liquid Fox Thermal Instruments T h e r m a l Di s p e r s i o n Ai r & Ga s F lo w Me t e r s N a t u ra l Ga s T o t a li z i n g Fu e l F lo w Me t e r s (T FF s ) Honeywell- Sensotec Se ns o t e c Pr e s s u re & Lo a d T r a n s d u c er s Le bo w Lo a d a nd T o r qu e T r a n s d u c e r s Wirele ss Torque T ransducers DCT Instruments Digita l Pressure Indicators Xxxxxxx- Xxxxxxx Network Power Un inter r uptible Power Su pplies S x x x x x & Three Phase UPS Sy stems Expert Applications M-Systems Signal Isolators and Co nditioners 4 - 2 0 m a lo o p s i gna ls , R T D, T / C , V o lt s , Cu r r e nt Loop Power Supp lies Power Transducers & Indicators Onicon Incorporated Insertion T urbi n e Flo wmeters BT U Me t e r s Insertion & Inli n e Ele ctromagnetic Flowmeters Vortex Steam Flo xx xxxxx Insertion N atur al Gas F lo xx xxxxx ( HVAC Appli c ations) Precision Digital Corporation Co nsolidator Mu l ti -Fun ction Control l e r La r ge Di s p la y Pa n e l Me t e r s DI N Pa ne l Me t e rs a nd E nclo su re s PID Loop Control l e rs Sierra Monitor Corporation LE L & Toxic Ga s De tection Systems Ultra Electronics Weed Instrument R T D & Thermocouple T emperature Sen sors He ad Moun t ed & DIN R ail 4 - 20ma Tran smitters Mu l t i- Sp ot & Averag i n g Temperature Arrays * Devices Inc is F actor y Aut horized Rep rese n tative & Dist ri butor for these Prod ucts & S e rv i c e s i n t he D al l as - F t Wo rt h an d Gre at e r N o rt h Te x as Ar e a . Air Monitor Corporation Ametek-Drexelbrook Xxxxxx Xxxxxx-Xxxxx MTL Emco Spirax Sarco Fox Thermal Instruments Honeywell Sensotec Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Network Power M-System Signal Conditioners Onicon Incorporated Precision Digital Sierra Monitor1821

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Tips Vendor Agreement

AutoNDA by SimpleDocs

Agreement Exceptions/Deviations Explanation. If the proposing Vendor desires to deviate form the Vendor Agreement language, all such deviations must be listed on this attribute, with complete and detailed conditions and information included. TIPS will consider any deviations in its proposal award decisions, and TIPS reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal based upon any deviations indicated below. In the absence of any deviation entry on this attribute, the proposer assures TIPS of their full compliance with the Vendor Agreement. Line Items Response Total: $0.00 REFERENCES Please provide three (3) references, preferably from school districts or other governmental entities who have used your services within serv the last three years. Additional references may be required. DO NOT INCLUDE TIPS EMPLOYEES AS A REFERENCE. Please verify your references are current and valid, as they are a SIGNIFICANT required evaluation component of the evaluation process, and the evaluation cannot be completed without responses from these references when we contact them. You may provide more than three (3) references. Entity Name Contact Person VALID EMAIL IS REQUIRED Phone Texas State University Xxxxxx X. Dairy Foods USA Xxxx Xxxxx 903-243-4399 Medicine Chest/CVS Pharmacies Xxxxxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 University of Texas at Austin Xxxxxxx Echo Publishing Company Xxxxx Xxxx 000-000-0000 University of Texas at Dallas Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Lake Country CASA Xxxx Law 000-000-0000 Southern Methodist University Xxxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 4JFNFOT *OEVTUSZ, *OD., #VJMEJOH 5FDIOPMPHJFT %JWJTJPO 1000 %FFSGJFME 1BSLXBZ #VGGBMP (SPWF, *- 46# %FWJDFT, *OD. 4PVUIFSO .FUIPEJTU 6OJWFSTJUZ 8FTU $BNQVT $"1 $& 02152800051 $470,000.00 12/13/2017 1IJMBEFMQIJB *OEFNOJUZ *OTVSBODF $PNQBOZ EGSZF!CSVOTXJDLDPNQBOJFT.DPN Devices Inc. is a manufacturers’ representative with expertise in product applications such as: * Proc es s W eighin g * Fl ow * Level * Pre ssu re * Temp e ratur e * Signal Conditi onin g * Surge Protec tio n * Intrins i c Saf e t y * Ga s De t e ct io n Syst em J u s t s ome of the ma rk ets that we s e rve : * Food Proc es s i n g * Pharma c eutic a l * HVA C * Oil & Ga s * Wa t e r / Wast e * Power * Aeros pac e * Semi c onduc to r * Ho spital Facilitie s ISO 17025 Accredited We have over 30 years experience • Effluent F lo xx xxxxx • Ch a r t Re c o r d e r s • Process Instr u me nt V erification • Flow Meter V erification • BTU Me ter Ca l i bration & V erification • Sy s t e m Ins t a lla t i o n St a r t Up • PLC Programming and System Design • Ba ckflow Preventor T es ting Fac t ory trained tec hnic i ans , a c omplete s e t of NIST trac eable e quip ment and f u lly equipped s e rvic e van. W e c a n provide s c heduled verif i c ations i n add ition to on - demand s e r vic e c a lls . Companies we Represent Air Monitor Corporation HVAC Pitot T ube & The r mal Air F low Instruments Outside Air Flow & R oo m Pressurization Monitors Differential Pressure Flo w Transmitters Ametek-Drexelbrook The L e a der in RF L eve l Mea sure ment RF Admitta nce Point a n d Contin uous Level Me a sureme n t Ultrasonic Continuous and Gap Point Le vel Sw itches Ai r bo r ne & T DR Ra d a r Le v e l T r a ns m i t t e r s Plu gge d Ch u t e De te ction Xxxxxx Xxxxxx- Xxxxx MTL Intrinsically Safe Barriers & Isolators Si gna l, Po we r , Da t a & N e t wo x x Xx r ge Pr o t e c t o rs Fi eldbus Meg ablo cks , P ower Supplies & Wiring Devices XXXX Inte r xx xxxx & In d u stria l Ne t working Produ c ts T o f i no N e t wo r k Se c u r i t y Emco Spirax Sarco In s e r t i o n & Inli n e V o r t e x & T u r bi ne Flo xx x x x x x Clamp On Ult rason i c Flowmeters Ma sstracker In s ertion Flo xx xxxxx Hydro Flo w V orte x F lo wmeters f or Liquid Fox Thermal Instruments T h e r m a l Di s p e r s i o n Ai r & Ga s F lo w Me t e r s N a t u ra l Ga s T o t a li z i n g Fu e l F lo w Me t e r s (T FF s ) Honeywell- Sensotec Se ns o t e c Pr e s s u re & Lo a d T r a n s d u c er s Le bo w Lo a d a nd T o r qu e T r a n s d u c e r s Wirele ss Torque T ransducers DCT Instruments Digita l Pressure Indicators Xxxxxxx- Xxxxxxx Network Power Un inter r uptible Power Su pplies S x x x x x & Three Phase UPS Sy stems Expert Applications M-Systems Signal Isolators and Co nditioners 4 - 2 0 m a lo o p s i gna ls , R T D, T / C , V o lt s , Cu r r e nt Loop Power Supp lies Power Transducers & Indicators Onicon Incorporated Insertion T urbi n e Flo wmeters BT U Me t e r s Insertion & Inli n e Ele ctromagnetic Flowmeters Vortex Steam Flo xx xxxxx Insertion N atur al Gas F lo xx xxxxx ( HVAC Appli c ations) Precision Digital Corporation Co nsolidator Mu l ti -Fun ction Control l e r La r ge Di s p la y Pa n e l Me t e r s DI N Pa ne l Me t e rs a nd E nclo su re s PID Loop Control l e rs Sierra Monitor Corporation LE L & Toxic Ga s De tection Systems Ultra Electronics Weed Instrument R T D & Thermocouple T emperature Sen sors He ad Moun t ed & DIN R ail 4 - 20ma Tran smitters Mu l t i- Sp ot & Averag i n g Temperature Arrays * Devices Inc is F actor y Aut horized Rep rese n tative & Dist ri butor for these Prod ucts & S e rv i c e s i n t he D al l as - F t Wo rt h an d Gre at e r N o rt h Te x as Ar e a . Air Monitor Corporation Ametek-Drexelbrook Xxxxxx Xxxxxx-Xxxxx MTL Emco Spirax Sarco Fox Thermal Instruments Honeywell Sensotec Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Network Power M-System Signal Conditioners Onicon Incorporated Precision Digital Sierra Monitor0000

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Vendor Agreement

Agreement Exceptions/Deviations Explanation. If the proposing Vendor desires to deviate form the Vendor Agreement language, all such deviations must be listed on this attribute, with complete and detailed conditions and information included. TIPS will consider any deviations in its proposal award decisions, and TIPS reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal based upon any deviations indicated below. In the absence of any deviation entry on this attribute, the proposer assures TIPS of their full compliance with the Vendor Agreement. Line Items Response Total: $0.00 No response REFERENCES Please provide three (3) references, preferably from school districts or other governmental entities who have used your services within the last three years. Additional references may be required. DO NOT INCLUDE TIPS EMPLOYEES AS A REFERENCE. Please verify your references are current and valid, as they are a SIGNIFICANT required evaluation component of the evaluation process, and the evaluation cannot be completed without responses from these references when we contact them. You may provide more than three (3) references. Entity Name Contact Person VALID EMAIL IS REQUIRED Phone Texas State University Chagrin Falls Exempted Village Schools Xxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx (330) 715−1437 Xxxxxxxx ISD Xxxxx Xxxxxx X. (817) 245−1146 Olmsted Falls Exempted Village Schools Xxx Xxxxxxxx (440) 427−6000 2900 Charlevoix Drive XX Xxxx Xxxxx, Xxxxx 000000 Xxxxx Xxxxxx, XX 00000 March 27, 2020 To: The Interlocal Purchasing System - TIPS/TAPS RE: Duro-000-0000 University of Texas at Austin Xxxxxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 University of Texas at Dallas Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx 000-000-0000 Southern Methodist University Xxxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 4JFNFOT *OEVTUSZLast Roofing, *OD.Inc. Saginaw, #VJMEJOH 5FDIOPMPHJFT %JWJTJPO 1000 %FFSGJFME 1BSLXBZ #VGGBMP (SPWF, *MI - 46# %FWJDFT, *OD. 4PVUIFSO .FUIPEJTU 6OJWFSTJUZ 8FTU $BNQVT $"1 $& 02152800051 $470,000.00 12/13/2017 1IJMBEFMQIJB *OEFNOJUZ *OTVSBODF $PNQBOZ EGSZF!CSVOTXJDLDPNQBOJFT.DPN Devices Inc. is a manufacturers’ representative with expertise in product applications such as: * Proc es s W eighin g * Fl ow * Level * Pre ssu re * Temp e ratur e * Signal Conditi onin g * Surge Protec tio n * Intrins i c Saf e t y * Ga s De t e ct io n Syst em J u s t s ome of the ma rk ets that we s e rve : * Food Proc es s i n g * Pharma c eutic a l * HVA C * Oil & Ga s * Wa t e r / Wast e * Power * Aeros pac e * Semi c onduc to r * Ho spital Facilitie s ISO 17025 Accredited We have over 30 years experience • Effluent F lo xx xxxxx • Ch a r t Re c o r d e r s • Process Instr u me nt V erification • Flow Meter V erification • BTU Me ter Ca l i bration & V erification • Sy s t e m Ins t a lla t i o n St a r t Up • PLC Programming and System Design • Ba ckflow Preventor T es ting Fac t ory trained tec hnic i ans , a c omplete s e t of NIST trac eable e quip ment and f u lly equipped s e rvic e van. W e c a n provide s c heduled verif i c ations i n add ition to on - demand s e r vic e c a lls . Companies we Represent Air Monitor Corporation HVAC Pitot T ube & The r mal Air F low Instruments Outside Air Flow & R oo m Pressurization Monitors Differential Pressure Flo w Transmitters Ametek-Drexelbrook The L e a der in RF L eve l Mea sure ment RF Admitta nce Point a n d Contin uous Level Me a sureme n t Ultrasonic Continuous and Gap Point Le vel Sw itches Ai r bo r ne & T DR Ra d a r Le v e l T r a ns m i t t e r s Plu gge d Ch u t e De te ction Xxxxxx Xxxxxx- Xxxxx MTL Intrinsically Safe Barriers & Isolators Si gna l, Po we r , Da t a & N e t wo x x Xx r ge Pr o t e c t o rs Fi eldbus Meg ablo cks , P ower Supplies & Wiring Devices XXXX Inte r xx xxxx & In d u stria l Ne t working Produ c ts T o f i no N e t wo r k Se c u r i t y Emco Spirax Sarco In s e r t i o n & Inli n e V o r t e x & T u r bi ne Flo xx x x x x x Clamp On Ult rason i c Flowmeters Ma sstracker In s ertion Flo xx xxxxx Hydro Flo w V orte x F lo wmeters f or Liquid Fox Thermal Instruments T h e r m a l Di s p e r s i o n Ai r & Ga s F lo w Me t e r s N a t u ra l Ga s T o t a li z i n g Fu e l F lo w Me t e r s (T FF s ) Honeywell- Sensotec Se ns o t e c Pr e s s u re & Lo a d T r a n s d u c er s Le bo w Lo a d a nd T o r qu e T r a n s d u c e r s Wirele ss Torque T ransducers DCT Instruments Digita l Pressure Indicators Xxxxxxx- Xxxxxxx Network Power Un inter r uptible Power Su pplies S x x x x x & Three Phase UPS Sy stems Expert Applications M-Systems Signal Isolators and Co nditioners 4 - 2 0 m a lo o p s i gna ls , R T D, T / C , V o lt s , Cu r r e nt Loop Power Supp lies Power Transducers & Indicators Onicon Incorporated Insertion T urbi n e Flo wmeters BT U Me t e r s Insertion & Inli n e Ele ctromagnetic Flowmeters Vortex Steam Flo xx xxxxx Insertion N atur al Gas F lo xx xxxxx ( HVAC Appli c ations) Precision Digital Corporation Co nsolidator Mu l ti -Fun ction Control l e r La r ge Di s p la y Pa n e l Me t e r s DI N Pa ne l Me t e rs a nd E nclo su re s PID Loop Control l e rs Sierra Monitor Corporation LE L & Toxic Ga s De tection Systems Ultra Electronics Weed Instrument R T D & Thermocouple T emperature Sen sors He ad Moun t ed & DIN R ail 4 - 20ma Tran smitters Mu l t i- Sp ot & Averag i n g Temperature Arrays * Devices Inc is F actor y Aut horized Rep rese n tative & Dist ri butor for these Prod ucts & S e rv i c e s i n t he D al l as - F t Wo rt h an d Gre at e r N o rt h Te x as Ar e a . Air Monitor Corporation Ametek-Drexelbrook Xxxxxx Xxxxxx-Xxxxx MTL Emco Spirax Sarco Fox Thermal Instruments Honeywell Sensotec Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Network Power M-System Signal Conditioners Onicon Incorporated Precision Digital Sierra MonitorSurety Capacity

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Tips Vendor Agreement

Agreement Exceptions/Deviations Explanation. If the proposing Vendor desires to deviate form the Vendor Agreement language, all such deviations must be listed on this attribute, with complete and detailed conditions and information included. TIPS will consider any deviations in its proposal award decisions, and TIPS reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal based upon any deviations indicated below. In the absence of any deviation entry on this attribute, the proposer assures TIPS of their full compliance with the Vendor Agreement. Line Items Response Total: $0.00 No response REFERENCES Please provide three (3) references, preferably from school districts or other governmental entities who have used your services within the last three years. Additional references may be required. DO NOT INCLUDE TIPS EMPLOYEES AS A REFERENCE. Please verify your references are current and valid, as they are a SIGNIFICANT required evaluation component of the evaluation process, and the evaluation cannot be completed without responses from these references when we contact them. You may provide more than three (3) references. Entity Name Contact Person VALID EMAIL IS REQUIRED Phone Texas State University Xxxxxxxxxxx ISD Xxxx Xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxx.x00.xx.xx 806-385-4150 Lubbock ISD Xxxx Xxxxx 806-2190220 San Marcos CISD Xxx Xxxxxx X. Xxxxx 000-000-0000 University of Texas at Austin Xxxxxxx Xxxxx Copperas Cove ISD Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx 000-000-0000 University City of Texas at Dallas Abilene Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx 000-000-0000 Southern Methodist University Xxxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 4JFNFOT *OEVTUSZ, *OD., #VJMEJOH 5FDIOPMPHJFT %JWJTJPO 1000 %FFSGJFME 1BSLXBZ #VGGBMP (SPWF, *- 46TIPS RFP # %FWJDFT, *OD. 4PVUIFSO .FUIPEJTU 6OJWFSTJUZ 8FTU $BNQVT $"1 $& 02152800051 $470,000.00 12/13/2017 1IJMBEFMQIJB *OEFNOJUZ *OTVSBODF $PNQBOZ EGSZF!CSVOTXJDLDPNQBOJFT.DPN Devices Inc. is a manufacturers’ representative with expertise in product applications such as: * Proc es s W eighin g * Fl ow * Level * Pre ssu re * Temp e ratur e * Signal Conditi onin g * Surge Protec tio n * Intrins i c Saf e t y * Ga s De t e ct io n Syst em J u s t s ome of the ma rk ets that we s e rve : * Food Proc es s i n g * Pharma c eutic a l * HVA C * Oil & Ga s * Wa t e r / Wast e * Power * Aeros pac e * Semi c onduc to r * Ho spital Facilitie s ISO 17025 Accredited We have over 30 years experience • Effluent F lo xx xxxxx • Ch a r t Re c o r d e r s • Process Instr u me nt V erification • Flow Meter V erification • BTU Me ter Ca l i bration & V erification • Sy s t e m Ins t a lla t i o n St a r t Up • PLC Programming and System Design • Ba ckflow Preventor T es ting Fac t ory trained tec hnic i ans , a c omplete s e t of NIST trac eable e quip ment and f u lly equipped s e rvic e van. W e c a n provide s c heduled verif i c ations i n add ition to on - demand s e r vic e c a lls . Companies we Represent Air Monitor Corporation HVAC Pitot T ube & The r mal Air F low Instruments Outside Air Flow & R oo m Pressurization Monitors Differential Pressure Flo w Transmitters Ametek-Drexelbrook The L e a der in RF L eve l Mea sure ment RF Admitta nce Point a n d Contin uous Level Me a sureme n t Ultrasonic Continuous and Gap Point Le vel Sw itches Ai r bo r ne & T DR Ra d a r Le v e l T r a ns m i t t e r s Plu gge d Ch u t e De te ction Xxxxxx Xxxxxx- Xxxxx MTL Intrinsically Safe Barriers & Isolators Si gna l, Po we r , Da t a & N e t wo x x Xx r ge Pr o t e c t o rs Fi eldbus Meg ablo cks , P ower Supplies & Wiring Devices XXXX Inte r xx xxxx & In d u stria l Ne t working Produ c ts T o f i no N e t wo r k Se c u r i t y Emco Spirax Sarco In s e r t i o n & Inli n e V o r t e x & T u r bi ne Flo xx x x x x x Clamp On Ult rason i c Flowmeters Ma sstracker In s ertion Flo xx xxxxx Hydro Flo w V orte x F lo wmeters f or Liquid Fox Thermal Instruments T h e r m a l Di s p e r s i o n Ai r & Ga s F lo w Me t e r s N a t u ra l Ga s T o t a li z i n g Fu e l F lo w Me t e r s (T FF s ) Honeywell- Sensotec Se ns o t e c Pr e s s u re & Lo a d T r a n s d u c er s Le bo w Lo a d a nd T o r qu e T r a n s d u c e r s Wirele ss Torque T ransducers DCT Instruments Digita l Pressure Indicators Xxxxxxx- Xxxxxxx Network Power Un inter r uptible Power Su pplies S x x x x x & Three Phase UPS Sy stems Expert Applications M-Systems Signal Isolators and Co nditioners 4 - 2 0 m a lo o p s i gna ls , R T D, T / C , V o lt s , Cu r r e nt Loop Power Supp lies Power Transducers & Indicators Onicon Incorporated Insertion T urbi n e Flo wmeters BT U Me t e r s Insertion & Inli n e Ele ctromagnetic Flowmeters Vortex Steam Flo xx xxxxx Insertion N atur al Gas F lo xx xxxxx ( HVAC Appli c ations) Precision Digital Corporation Co nsolidator Mu l ti -Fun ction Control l e r La r ge Di s p la y Pa n e l Me t e r s DI N Pa ne l Me t e rs a nd E nclo su re s PID Loop Control l e rs Sierra Monitor Corporation LE L & Toxic Ga s De tection Systems Ultra Electronics Weed Instrument R T D & Thermocouple T emperature Sen sors He ad Moun t ed & DIN R ail 4 - 20ma Tran smitters Mu l t i- Sp ot & Averag i n g Temperature Arrays * Devices Inc is F actor y Aut horized Rep rese n tative & Dist ri butor for these Prod ucts & S e rv i c e s i n t he D al l as - F t Wo rt h an d Gre at e r N o rt h Te x as Ar e a . Air Monitor Corporation Ametek-Drexelbrook Xxxxxx Xxxxxx-Xxxxx MTL Emco Spirax Sarco Fox Thermal Instruments Honeywell Sensotec Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Network Power M-System Signal Conditioners Onicon Incorporated Precision Digital Sierra Monitor200201

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Tips Vendor Agreement

Agreement Exceptions/Deviations Explanation. If the proposing Vendor desires to deviate form the Vendor Agreement language, all such deviations must be listed on this attribute, with complete and detailed conditions and information included. TIPS will consider any deviations in its proposal award decisions, and TIPS reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal based upon any deviations indicated below. In the absence of any deviation entry on this attribute, the proposer assures TIPS of their full compliance with the Vendor Agreement. Line Items Response Total: $0.00 REFERENCES Please provide three (3) references, preferably from school districts or other governmental entities who have used your services within servic the last three years. Additional references may be required. DO NOT INCLUDE TIPS EMPLOYEES AS A REFERENCE. Please verify your references are current and valid, as they are a SIGNIFICANT required evaluation component of the evaluation process, and the evaluation cannot be completed without responses from these references when we contact them. You may provide more than three (3) references. Entity Name Contact Person VALID EMAIL IS REQUIRED Phone Texas State University Xxxxxx X. City of San Marcos, TX Xxxxx Xxxxxxx 000-000-0000 University City of Texas at Austin Xxxxxxx San Antonio, TX Xxxxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 University of Texas at Dallas Xxxxxx Southwestern University, TX Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx 000-000-0000 Southern Methodist University Xxxxx Xxxxx 000Warrant information can be found on our Website: xxxx:// Commercial roofing, Duro-000-0000 4JFNFOT *OEVTUSZ, *OD., #VJMEJOH 5FDIOPMPHJFT %JWJTJPO 1000 %FFSGJFME 1BSLXBZ #VGGBMP (SPWF, *- 46# %FWJDFT, *OD. 4PVUIFSO .FUIPEJTU 6OJWFSTJUZ 8FTU $BNQVT $"1 $& 02152800051 $470,000.00 12/13/2017 1IJMBEFMQIJB *OEFNOJUZ *OTVSBODF $PNQBOZ EGSZF!CSVOTXJDLDPNQBOJFT.DPN Devices Inc. is a manufacturers’ representative with expertise in product applications such asLast roofing For details please visit our website: * Proc es s W eighin g * Fl ow * Level * Pre ssu re * Temp e ratur e * Signal Conditi onin g * Surge Protec tio n * Intrins i c Saf e t y * Ga s De t e ct io n Syst em J u s t s ome of the ma rk ets that we s e rve : * Food Proc es s i n g * Pharma c eutic a l * HVA C * Oil & Ga s * Wa t e r / Wast e * Power * Aeros pac e * Semi c onduc to r * Ho spital Facilitie s ISO 17025 Accredited We have over 30 years experience • Effluent F lo xx xxxxx • Ch a r t Re c o r d e r s • Process Instr u me nt V erification • Flow Meter V erification • BTU Me ter Ca l i bration & V erification • Sy s t e m Ins t a lla t i o n St a r t Up • PLC Programming and System Design • Ba ckflow Preventor T es ting Fac t ory trained tec hnic i ans , a c omplete s e t of NIST trac eable e quip ment and f u lly equipped s e rvic e van. W e c a n provide s c heduled verif i c ations i n add ition to on - demand s e r vic e c a lls . Companies we Represent Air Monitor Corporation HVAC Pitot T ube & The r mal Air F low Instruments Outside Air Flow & R oo m Pressurization Monitors Differential Pressure Flo w Transmitters Ametek-Drexelbrook The L e a der in RF L eve l Mea sure ment RF Admitta nce Point a n d Contin uous Level Me a sureme n t Ultrasonic Continuous and Gap Point Le vel Sw itches Ai r bo r ne & T DR Ra d a r Le v e l T r a ns m i t t e r s Plu gge d Ch u t e De te ction Xxxxxx Xxxxxx- Xxxxx MTL Intrinsically Safe Barriers & Isolators Si gna l, Po we r , Da t a & N e t wo x x Xx r ge Pr o t e c t o rs Fi eldbus Meg ablo cks , P ower Supplies & Wiring Devices XXXX Inte r xx xxxx & In d u stria l Ne t working Produ c ts T o f i no N e t wo r k Se c u r i t y Emco Spirax Sarco In s e r t i o n & Inli n e V o r t e x & T u r bi ne Flo xx x x x x x Clamp On Ult rason i c Flowmeters Ma sstracker In s ertion Flo xx xxxxx Hydro Flo w V orte x F lo wmeters f or Liquid Fox Thermal Instruments T h e r m a l Di s p e r s i o n Ai r & Ga s F lo w Me t e r s N a t u ra l Ga s T o t a li z i n g Fu e l F lo w Me t e r s (T FF s ) Honeywell- Sensotec Se ns o t e c Pr e s s u re & Lo a d T r a n s d u c er s Le bo w Lo a d a nd T o r qu e T r a n s d u c e r s Wirele ss Torque T ransducers DCT Instruments Digita l Pressure Indicators Xxxxxxx- Xxxxxxx Network Power Un inter r uptible Power Su pplies S x x x x x & Three Phase UPS Sy stems Expert Applications M-Systems Signal Isolators and Co nditioners 4 - 2 0 m a lo o p s i gna ls , R T D, T / C , V o lt s , Cu r r e nt Loop Power Supp lies Power Transducers & Indicators Onicon Incorporated Insertion T urbi n e Flo wmeters BT U Me t e r s Insertion & Inli n e Ele ctromagnetic Flowmeters Vortex Steam Flo xx xxxxx Insertion N atur al Gas F lo xx xxxxx ( HVAC Appli c ations) Precision Digital Corporation Co nsolidator Mu l ti -Fun ction Control l e r La r ge Di s p la y Pa n e l Me t e r s DI N Pa ne l Me t e rs a nd E nclo su re s PID Loop Control l e rs Sierra Monitor Corporation LE L & Toxic Ga s De tection Systems Ultra Electronics Weed Instrument R T D & Thermocouple T emperature Sen sors He ad Moun t ed & DIN R ail 4 - 20ma Tran smitters Mu l t i- Sp ot & Averag i n g Temperature Arrays * Devices Inc is F actor y Aut horized Rep rese n tative & Dist ri butor for these Prod ucts & S e rv i c e s i n t he D al l as - F t Wo rt h an d Gre at e r N o rt h Te x as Ar e a . Air Monitor Corporation Ametek-Drexelbrook Xxxxxx Xxxxxx-Xxxxx MTL Emco Spirax Sarco Fox Thermal Instruments Honeywell Sensotec Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Network Power M-System Signal Conditioners Onicon Incorporated Precision Digital Sierra Monitorxxxx://

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Tips Vendor Agreement

Agreement Exceptions/Deviations Explanation. If the proposing Vendor desires to deviate form the Vendor Agreement language, all such deviations must be listed on this attribute, with complete and detailed conditions and information included. TIPS will consider any deviations in its proposal award decisions, and TIPS reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal based upon any deviations indicated below. In the absence of any deviation entry on this attribute, the proposer assures TIPS of their full compliance with the Vendor Agreement. Line Items Response Total: $0.00 No response REFERENCES Please provide three (3) references, preferably from school districts or other governmental entities who have used your services within the last three years. Additional references may be required. DO NOT INCLUDE TIPS EMPLOYEES AS A REFERENCE. Please verify your references are current and valid, as they are a SIGNIFICANT required evaluation component of the evaluation process, and the evaluation cannot be completed without responses from these references when we contact them. You may provide more than three (3) references. Entity Name Contact Person VALID EMAIL IS REQUIRED Phone Texas State University Pulaski County Special School Xxxxxx X. Xxxxx Xxxxxxx 000-000-0000 University of Texas at Austin Little Rock School District Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 University of Texas at Dallas Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx 000-000-0000 Southern Methodist University Xxxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 4JFNFOT *OEVTUSZ, *OD., #VJMEJOH 5FDIOPMPHJFT %JWJTJPO 1000 %FFSGJFME 1BSLXBZ #VGGBMP (SPWF, *- 46# %FWJDFT, *OD. 4PVUIFSO .FUIPEJTU 6OJWFSTJUZ 8FTU $BNQVT $"1 $& 02152800051 $470,000.00 12/13/2017 1IJMBEFMQIJB *OEFNOJUZ *OTVSBODF $PNQBOZ EGSZF!CSVOTXJDLDPNQBOJFT.DPN Devices Inc. is a manufacturers’ representative with expertise in product applications such as: * Proc es s W eighin g * Fl ow * Level * Pre ssu re * Temp e ratur e * Signal Conditi onin g * Surge Protec tio n * Intrins i c Saf e t y * Ga s De t e ct io n Syst em J u s t s ome of the ma rk ets that we s e rve : * Food Proc es s i n g * Pharma c eutic a l * HVA C * Oil & Ga s * Wa t e r / Wast e * Power * Aeros pac e * Semi c onduc to r * Ho spital Facilitie s ISO 17025 Accredited We have over 30 years experience • Effluent F lo xx xxxxx • Ch a r t Re c o r d e r s • Process Instr u me nt V erification • Flow Meter V erification • BTU Me ter Ca l i bration & V erification • Sy s t e m Ins t a lla t i o n St a r t Up • PLC Programming and System Design • Ba ckflow Preventor T es ting Fac t ory trained tec hnic i ans , a c omplete s e t of NIST trac eable e quip ment and f u lly equipped s e rvic e van. W e c a n provide s c heduled verif i c ations i n add ition to on - demand s e r vic e c a lls . Companies we Represent Air Monitor Corporation HVAC Pitot T ube & The r mal Air F low Instruments Outside Air Flow & R oo m Pressurization Monitors Differential Pressure Flo w Transmitters Ametek-Drexelbrook The L e a der in RF L eve l Mea sure ment RF Admitta nce Point a n d Contin uous Level Me a sureme n t Ultrasonic Continuous and Gap Point Le vel Sw itches Ai r bo r ne & T DR Ra d a r Le v e l T r a ns m i t t e r s Plu gge d Ch u t e De te ction Xxxxxx Xxxxxx- Xxxxx MTL Intrinsically Safe Barriers & Isolators Si gna l, Po we r , Da t a & N e t wo x x Xx r ge Pr o t e c t o rs Fi eldbus Meg ablo cks , P ower Supplies & Wiring Devices XXXX Inte r xx xxxx & In d u stria l Ne t working Produ c ts T o f i no N e t wo r k Se c u r i t y Emco Spirax Sarco In s e r t i o n & Inli n e V o r t e x & T u r bi ne Flo xx x x x x x Clamp On Ult rason i c Flowmeters Ma sstracker In s ertion Flo xx xxxxx Hydro Flo w V orte x F lo wmeters f or Liquid Fox Thermal Instruments T h e r m a l Di s p e r s i o n Ai r & Ga s F lo w Me t e r s N a t u ra l Ga s T o t a li z i n g Fu e l F lo w Me t e r s (T FF s ) Honeywell- Sensotec Se ns o t e c Pr e s s u re & Lo a d T r a n s d u c er s Le bo w Lo a d a nd T o r qu e T r a n s d u c e r s Wirele ss Torque T ransducers DCT Instruments Digita l Pressure Indicators Xxxxxxx- Xxxxxxx Network Power Un inter r uptible Power Su pplies S x x x x x & Three Phase UPS Sy stems Expert Applications M-Systems Signal Isolators and Co nditioners 4 - 2 0 m a lo o p s i gna ls , R T D, T / C , V o lt s , Cu r r e nt Loop Power Supp lies Power Transducers & Indicators Onicon Incorporated Insertion T urbi n e Flo wmeters BT U Me t e r s Insertion & Inli n e Ele ctromagnetic Flowmeters Vortex Steam Flo xx xxxxx Insertion N atur al Gas F lo xx xxxxx ( HVAC Appli c ations) Precision Digital Corporation Co nsolidator Mu l ti -Fun ction Control l e r La r ge Di s p la y Pa n e l Me t e r s DI N Pa ne l Me t e rs a nd E nclo su re s PID Loop Control l e rs Sierra Monitor Corporation LE L & Toxic Ga s De tection Systems Ultra Electronics Weed Instrument R T D & Thermocouple T emperature Sen sors He ad Moun t ed & DIN R ail 4 - 20ma Tran smitters Mu l t i- Sp ot & Averag i n g Temperature Arrays * Devices Inc is F actor y Aut horized Rep rese n tative & Dist ri butor for these Prod ucts & S e rv i c e s i n t he D al l as - F t Wo rt h an d Gre at e r N o rt h Te x as Ar e a . Air Monitor Corporation Ametek-Drexelbrook Xxxxxx Xxxxxx-Xxxxx MTL Emco Spirax Sarco Fox Thermal Instruments Honeywell Sensotec Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Network Power M-System Signal Conditioners Onicon Incorporated Precision Digital Sierra Monitor0000

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Tips Vendor Agreement

Agreement Exceptions/Deviations Explanation. If the proposing Vendor desires to deviate form the Vendor Agreement language, all such deviations must be listed on this attribute, with complete and detailed conditions and information included. TIPS will consider any deviations in its proposal award decisions, and TIPS reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal based upon any deviations indicated below. In the absence of any deviation entry on this attribute, the proposer assures TIPS of their full compliance with the Vendor Agreement. Line Items Response Total: $0.00 No response REFERENCES Please provide three (3) references, preferably from school districts or other governmental entities who have used your services within the last three years. Additional references may be required. DO NOT INCLUDE TIPS EMPLOYEES AS A REFERENCE. Please verify your references are current and valid, as they are a SIGNIFICANT required evaluation component of the evaluation process, and the evaluation cannot be completed without responses from these references when we contact them. You may provide more than three (3) references. Entity Name Contact Person VALID EMAIL IS REQUIRED Phone Texas Charleston County School District Xxxxxxxx (Xxxxx) Xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx_xxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxx.x00.xx.xx (843) 566−1982 Army National Guard State University of Michigan Major Xxxxxx X. Xxxxx 000-000-0000 University Xxxxxxx (517) 481−7574 General Services Administration Xxxx Xxxxxx (817) 850−8366 Metal Roof & Wall Systems Precoated SIGNATURE® 200 Panel LIMITED WARRANTY Metal Building Components, L.P. warrants the panels, effective from the date of Texas at Austin Xxxxxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 University of Texas at Dallas Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx 000-000-0000 Southern Methodist University Xxxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 4JFNFOT *OEVTUSZshipment, *OD., #VJMEJOH 5FDIOPMPHJFT %JWJTJPO 1000 %FFSGJFME 1BSLXBZ #VGGBMP (SPWF, *- 46# %FWJDFT, *OD. 4PVUIFSO .FUIPEJTU 6OJWFSTJUZ 8FTU $BNQVT $"1 $& 02152800051 $470,000.00 12/13/2017 1IJMBEFMQIJB *OEFNOJUZ *OTVSBODF $PNQBOZ EGSZF!CSVOTXJDLDPNQBOJFT.DPN Devices Inc. is a manufacturers’ representative with expertise will perform in product applications such asaccordance to the following Signature® 200 Warranty: * Proc es s W eighin g * Fl ow * Level * Pre ssu re * Temp e ratur e * Signal Conditi onin g * Surge Protec tio n * Intrins i c Saf e t y * Ga s De t e ct io n Syst em J u s t s ome of the ma rk ets that we s e rve : * Food Proc es s i n g * Pharma c eutic a l * HVA C * Oil & Ga s * Wa t e r / Wast e * Power * Aeros pac e * Semi c onduc to r * Ho spital Facilitie s ISO 17025 Accredited We have over 30 years experience • Effluent F lo xx xxxxx • Ch a r t Re c o r d e r s • Process Instr u me nt V erification • Flow Meter V erification • BTU Me ter Ca l i bration & V erification • Sy s t e m Ins t a lla t i o n St a r t Up • PLC Programming and System Design • Ba ckflow Preventor T es ting Fac t ory trained tec hnic i ans , a c omplete s e t of NIST trac eable e quip ment and f u lly equipped s e rvic e van. W e c a n provide s c heduled verif i c ations i n add ition to on - demand s e r vic e c a lls . Companies we Represent Air Monitor Corporation HVAC Pitot T ube & The r mal Air F low Instruments Outside Air Flow & R oo m Pressurization Monitors Differential Pressure Flo w Transmitters Ametek-Drexelbrook The L e a der in RF L eve l Mea sure ment RF Admitta nce Point a n d Contin uous Level Me a sureme n t Ultrasonic Continuous and Gap Point Le vel Sw itches Ai r bo r ne & T DR Ra d a r Le v e l T r a ns m i t t e r s Plu gge d Ch u t e De te ction Xxxxxx Xxxxxx- Xxxxx MTL Intrinsically Safe Barriers & Isolators Si gna l, Po we r , Da t a & N e t wo x x Xx r ge Pr o t e c t o rs Fi eldbus Meg ablo cks , P ower Supplies & Wiring Devices XXXX Inte r xx xxxx & In d u stria l Ne t working Produ c ts T o f i no N e t wo r k Se c u r i t y Emco Spirax Sarco In s e r t i o n & Inli n e V o r t e x & T u r bi ne Flo xx x x x x x Clamp On Ult rason i c Flowmeters Ma sstracker In s ertion Flo xx xxxxx Hydro Flo w V orte x F lo wmeters f or Liquid Fox Thermal Instruments T h e r m a l Di s p e r s i o n Ai r & Ga s F lo w Me t e r s N a t u ra l Ga s T o t a li z i n g Fu e l F lo w Me t e r s (T FF s ) Honeywell- Sensotec Se ns o t e c Pr e s s u re & Lo a d T r a n s d u c er s Le bo w Lo a d a nd T o r qu e T r a n s d u c e r s Wirele ss Torque T ransducers DCT Instruments Digita l Pressure Indicators Xxxxxxx- Xxxxxxx Network Power Un inter r uptible Power Su pplies S x x x x x & Three Phase UPS Sy stems Expert Applications M-Systems Signal Isolators and Co nditioners 4 - 2 0 m a lo o p s i gna ls , R T D, T / C , V o lt s , Cu r r e nt Loop Power Supp lies Power Transducers & Indicators Onicon Incorporated Insertion T urbi n e Flo wmeters BT U Me t e r s Insertion & Inli n e Ele ctromagnetic Flowmeters Vortex Steam Flo xx xxxxx Insertion N atur al Gas F lo xx xxxxx ( HVAC Appli c ations) Precision Digital Corporation Co nsolidator Mu l ti -Fun ction Control l e r La r ge Di s p la y Pa n e l Me t e r s DI N Pa ne l Me t e rs a nd E nclo su re s PID Loop Control l e rs Sierra Monitor Corporation LE L & Toxic Ga s De tection Systems Ultra Electronics Weed Instrument R T D & Thermocouple T emperature Sen sors He ad Moun t ed & DIN R ail 4 - 20ma Tran smitters Mu l t i- Sp ot & Averag i n g Temperature Arrays * Devices Inc is F actor y Aut horized Rep rese n tative & Dist ri butor for these Prod ucts & S e rv i c e s i n t he D al l as - F t Wo rt h an d Gre at e r N o rt h Te x as Ar e a . Air Monitor Corporation Ametek-Drexelbrook Xxxxxx Xxxxxx-Xxxxx MTL Emco Spirax Sarco Fox Thermal Instruments Honeywell Sensotec Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Network Power M-System Signal Conditioners Onicon Incorporated Precision Digital Sierra MonitorPERFORMANCE SUMMARY

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Tips Vendor Agreement

Agreement Exceptions/Deviations Explanation. If the proposing Vendor desires to deviate form the Vendor Agreement language, all such deviations must be listed on this attribute, with complete and detailed conditions and information included. TIPS will consider any deviations in its proposal award decisions, and TIPS reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal based upon any deviations indicated below. In the absence of any deviation entry on this attribute, the proposer assures TIPS of their full compliance with the Vendor Agreement. Line Items Response Total: $0.00 No response REFERENCES Please provide three (3) references, preferably from school districts or other governmental entities who have used your services within the last three years. Additional references may be required. DO NOT INCLUDE TIPS EMPLOYEES AS A REFERENCE. Please verify your references are current and valid, as they are a SIGNIFICANT required evaluation component of the evaluation process, and the evaluation cannot be completed without responses from these references when we contact them. You may provide more than three (3) references. Entity Name Contact Person VALID EMAIL IS REQUIRED Phone Texas Xxx Houston State University Xxxxxx X. Xxxxx 000-000-0000 Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx XXX_XXX@XXXX.XXX xxxxxxxx@Xxxxxxx.XX.XXX 936−294−3904 University of Texas at Austin Xxxxxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 University of Texas at Dallas Xxxxxx Shadow 713−839−5196 Alamo College Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx 000-000-0000 Southern Methodist University Xxxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 4JFNFOT *OEVTUSZ, *OD., #VJMEJOH 5FDIOPMPHJFT %JWJTJPO 1000 %FFSGJFME 1BSLXBZ #VGGBMP (SPWF, *- 46210−705−2462 TIPS RFP # %FWJDFT, *OD. 4PVUIFSO .FUIPEJTU 6OJWFSTJUZ 8FTU $BNQVT $"1 $& 02152800051 $470,000.00 12/13/2017 1IJMBEFMQIJB *OEFNOJUZ *OTVSBODF $PNQBOZ EGSZF!CSVOTXJDLDPNQBOJFT.DPN Devices Inc. is a manufacturers’ representative with expertise in product applications such as: * Proc es s W eighin g * Fl ow * Level * Pre ssu re * Temp e ratur e * Signal Conditi onin g * Surge Protec tio n * Intrins i c Saf e t y * Ga s De t e ct io n Syst em J u s t s ome of the ma rk ets that we s e rve : * Food Proc es s i n g * Pharma c eutic a l * HVA C * Oil & Ga s * Wa t e r / Wast e * Power * Aeros pac e * Semi c onduc to r * Ho spital Facilitie s ISO 17025 Accredited We have over 30 years experience • Effluent F lo xx xxxxx • Ch a r t Re c o r d e r s • Process Instr u me nt V erification • Flow Meter V erification • BTU Me ter Ca l i bration & V erification • Sy s t e m Ins t a lla t i o n St a r t Up • PLC Programming and System Design • Ba ckflow Preventor T es ting Fac t ory trained tec hnic i ans , a c omplete s e t of NIST trac eable e quip ment and f u lly equipped s e rvic e van. W e c a n provide s c heduled verif i c ations i n add ition to on - demand s e r vic e c a lls . Companies we Represent Air Monitor Corporation HVAC Pitot T ube & The r mal Air F low Instruments Outside Air Flow & R oo m Pressurization Monitors Differential Pressure Flo w Transmitters Ametek-Drexelbrook The L e a der in RF L eve l Mea sure ment RF Admitta nce Point a n d Contin uous Level Me a sureme n t Ultrasonic Continuous and Gap Point Le vel Sw itches Ai r bo r ne & T DR Ra d a r Le v e l T r a ns m i t t e r s Plu gge d Ch u t e De te ction Xxxxxx Xxxxxx- Xxxxx MTL Intrinsically Safe Barriers & Isolators Si gna l, Po we r , Da t a & N e t wo x x Xx r ge Pr o t e c t o rs Fi eldbus Meg ablo cks , P ower Supplies & Wiring Devices XXXX Inte r xx xxxx & In d u stria l Ne t working Produ c ts T o f i no N e t wo r k Se c u r i t y Emco Spirax Sarco In s e r t i o n & Inli n e V o r t e x & T u r bi ne Flo xx x x x x x Clamp On Ult rason i c Flowmeters Ma sstracker In s ertion Flo xx xxxxx Hydro Flo w V orte x F lo wmeters f or Liquid Fox Thermal Instruments T h e r m a l Di s p e r s i o n Ai r & Ga s F lo w Me t e r s N a t u ra l Ga s T o t a li z i n g Fu e l F lo w Me t e r s (T FF s ) Honeywell- Sensotec Se ns o t e c Pr e s s u re & Lo a d T r a n s d u c er s Le bo w Lo a d a nd T o r qu e T r a n s d u c e r s Wirele ss Torque T ransducers DCT Instruments Digita l Pressure Indicators Xxxxxxx- Xxxxxxx Network Power Un inter r uptible Power Su pplies S x x x x x & Three Phase UPS Sy stems Expert Applications M-Systems Signal Isolators and Co nditioners 4 - 2 0 m a lo o p s i gna ls , R T D, T / C , V o lt s , Cu r r e nt Loop Power Supp lies Power Transducers & Indicators Onicon Incorporated Insertion T urbi n e Flo wmeters BT U Me t e r s Insertion & Inli n e Ele ctromagnetic Flowmeters Vortex Steam Flo xx xxxxx Insertion N atur al Gas F lo xx xxxxx ( HVAC Appli c ations) Precision Digital Corporation Co nsolidator Mu l ti -Fun ction Control l e r La r ge Di s p la y Pa n e l Me t e r s DI N Pa ne l Me t e rs a nd E nclo su re s PID Loop Control l e rs Sierra Monitor Corporation LE L & Toxic Ga s De tection Systems Ultra Electronics Weed Instrument R T D & Thermocouple T emperature Sen sors He ad Moun t ed & DIN R ail 4 - 20ma Tran smitters Mu l t i- Sp ot & Averag i n g Temperature Arrays * Devices Inc is F actor y Aut horized Rep rese n tative & Dist ri butor for these Prod ucts & S e rv i c e s i n t he D al l as - F t Wo rt h an d Gre at e r N o rt h Te x as Ar e a . Air Monitor Corporation Ametek-Drexelbrook Xxxxxx Xxxxxx-Xxxxx MTL Emco Spirax Sarco Fox Thermal Instruments Honeywell Sensotec Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Network Power M-System Signal Conditioners Onicon Incorporated Precision Digital Sierra Monitor200201

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Tips Vendor Agreement

Agreement Exceptions/Deviations Explanation. If the proposing Vendor desires to deviate form the Vendor Agreement language, all such deviations must be listed on this attribute, with complete and detailed conditions and information included. TIPS will consider any deviations in its proposal award decisions, and TIPS reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal based upon any deviations indicated below. In the absence of any deviation entry on this attribute, the proposer assures TIPS of their full compliance with the Vendor Agreement. Line Items Response Total: $0.00 REFERENCES Please provide three (3) references, preferably from school districts or other governmental entities who have used your services within the last three years. Additional references may be required. DO NOT INCLUDE TIPS EMPLOYEES AS A REFERENCE. Please verify your references are current and valid, as they are a SIGNIFICANT required evaluation component of the evaluation process, and the evaluation cannot be completed without responses from these references when we contact them. You may provide more than three (3) references. Entity Name Contact Person VALID EMAIL IS REQUIRED Phone Texas State University Xxxxxx X. Xxxxx Xxxx School District Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxx <XXXXXXXX@xxxx.x00.xx.xx> 000-000-0000 University of Texas at Austin Xxxxxxx College XX Xxxxx 000-000-0000 University City of Texas at Dallas Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx City of Xxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxx <> 000-000-0000 Southern Methodist University X.X. Xxx 00000 Xxxxx Xxxxx 000Xxxx, XX 00000 P: 877-000264- 7224 F: 870-247- 0268 0000 4JFNFOT *OEVTUSZX. Xxxxxxxxx Ave. Lebanon, *OD., #VJMEJOH 5FDIOPMPHJFT %JWJTJPO 1000 %FFSGJFME 1BSLXBZ #VGGBMP (SPWF, *- 46# %FWJDFT, *OD. 4PVUIFSO .FUIPEJTU 6OJWFSTJUZ 8FTU $BNQVT $"1 $MO 65536 P: 877-264- 7224 F: 870-247- 0268 Website urls for TIPS Xxxxxxxx Construction & 02152800051 $470,000.00 12/13/2017 1IJMBEFMQIJB *OEFNOJUZ *OTVSBODF $PNQBOZ EGSZF!CSVOTXJDLDPNQBOJFT.DPN Devices Inc. is a manufacturers’ representative with expertise in product applications such as: * Proc es s W eighin g * Fl ow * Level * Pre ssu re * Temp e ratur e * Signal Conditi onin g * Surge Protec tio n * Intrins i c Saf e t y * Ga s De t e ct io n Syst em J u s t s ome of the ma rk ets that we s e rve : * Food Proc es s i n g * Pharma c eutic a l * HVA C * Oil & Ga s * Wa t e r / Wast e * Power * Aeros pac e * Semi c onduc to r * Ho spital Facilitie s ISO 17025 Accredited We have over 30 years experience • Effluent F lo xx xxxxx • Ch a r t Re c o r d e r s • Process Instr u me nt V erification • Flow Meter V erification • BTU Me ter Ca l i bration & V erification • Sy s t e m Ins t a lla t i o n St a r t Up • PLC Programming and System Design • Ba ckflow Preventor T es ting Fac t ory trained tec hnic i ans , a c omplete s e t of NIST trac eable e quip ment and f u lly equipped s e rvic e van. W e c a n provide s c heduled verif i c ations i n add ition to on - demand s e r vic e c a lls . Companies we Represent Air Monitor Corporation HVAC Pitot T ube & The r mal Air F low Instruments Outside Air Flow & R oo m Pressurization Monitors Differential Pressure Flo w Transmitters Ametek-Drexelbrook The L e a der in RF L eve l Mea sure ment RF Admitta nce Point a n d Contin uous Level Me a sureme n t Ultrasonic Continuous and Gap Point Le vel Sw itches Ai r bo r ne & T DR Ra d a r Le v e l T r a ns m i t t e r s Plu gge d Ch u t e De te ction Xxxxxx Xxxxxx- Xxxxx MTL Intrinsically Safe Barriers & Isolators Si gna l, Po we r , Da t a & N e t wo x x Xx r ge Pr o t e c t o rs Fi eldbus Meg ablo cks , P ower Supplies & Wiring Devices XXXX Inte r xx xxxx & In d u stria l Ne t working Produ c ts T o f i no N e t wo r k Se c u r i t y Emco Spirax Sarco In s e r t i o n & Inli n e V o r t e x & T u r bi ne Flo xx x x x x x Clamp On Ult rason i c Flowmeters Ma sstracker In s ertion Flo xx xxxxx Hydro Flo w V orte x F lo wmeters f or Liquid Fox Thermal Instruments T h e r m a l Di s p e r s i o n Ai r & Ga s F lo w Me t e r s N a t u ra l Ga s T o t a li z i n g Fu e l F lo w Me t e r s (T FF s ) Honeywell- Sensotec Se ns o t e c Pr e s s u re & Lo a d T r a n s d u c er s Le bo w Lo a d a nd T o r qu e T r a n s d u c e r s Wirele ss Torque T ransducers DCT Instruments Digita l Pressure Indicators Xxxxxxx- Xxxxxxx Network Power Un inter r uptible Power Su pplies S x x x x x & Three Phase UPS Sy stems Expert Applications M-Systems Signal Isolators and Co nditioners 4 - 2 0 m a lo o p s i gna ls , R T D, T / C , V o lt s , Cu r r e nt Loop Power Supp lies Power Transducers & Indicators Onicon Incorporated Insertion T urbi n e Flo wmeters BT U Me t e r s Insertion & Inli n e Ele ctromagnetic Flowmeters Vortex Steam Flo xx xxxxx Insertion N atur al Gas F lo xx xxxxx ( HVAC Appli c ations) Precision Digital Corporation Co nsolidator Mu l ti -Fun ction Control l e r La r ge Di s p la y Pa n e l Me t e r s DI N Pa ne l Me t e rs a nd E nclo su re s PID Loop Control l e rs Sierra Monitor Corporation LE L & Toxic Ga s De tection Systems Ultra Electronics Weed Instrument R T D & Thermocouple T emperature Sen sors He ad Moun t ed & DIN R ail 4 - 20ma Tran smitters Mu l t i- Sp ot & Averag i n g Temperature Arrays * Devices Inc is F actor y Aut horized Rep rese n tative & Dist ri butor for these Prod ucts & S e rv i c e s i n t he D al l as - F t Wo rt h an d Gre at e r N o rt h Te x as Ar e a . Air Monitor Corporation Ametek-Drexelbrook Xxxxxx Xxxxxx-Xxxxx MTL Emco Spirax Sarco Fox Thermal Instruments Honeywell Sensotec Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Network Power M-System Signal Conditioners Onicon Incorporated Precision Digital Sierra MonitorCommercial Roofing

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Tips Vendor Agreement

Agreement Exceptions/Deviations Explanation. If the proposing Vendor desires to deviate form the Vendor Agreement language, all such deviations must be listed on this attribute, with complete and detailed conditions and information included. TIPS will consider any deviations in its proposal award decisions, and TIPS reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal based upon any deviations indicated below. In the absence of any deviation entry on this attribute, the proposer assures TIPS of their full compliance with the Vendor Agreement. Line Items Response Total: $0.00 REFERENCES Please provide three (3) references, preferably from school districts or other governmental entities who have used your services within s the last three years. Additional references may be required. DO NOT INCLUDE TIPS EMPLOYEES AS A REFERENCE. Please verify your references are current and valid, as they are a SIGNIFICANT required evaluation component of the evaluation process, and the evaluation cannot be completed without responses from these references when we contact them. You may provide more than three (3) references. Entity Name Contact Person VALID EMAIL IS REQUIRED Phone Texas State University City of Xxxxxx X. Xxxxx Xxxx Northcutt 000-000-0000 University of Texas at Austin Xxxxxxx Armko Consultants Xxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 Texas State University of Texas at Dallas Xxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx 512-000202-0000 Southern Methodist University Xxxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 4JFNFOT *OEVTUSZ7897 May 23, *OD., #VJMEJOH 5FDIOPMPHJFT %JWJTJPO 1000 %FFSGJFME 1BSLXBZ #VGGBMP (SPWF, *- 46# %FWJDFT, *OD. 4PVUIFSO .FUIPEJTU 6OJWFSTJUZ 8FTU $BNQVT $"1 $& 02152800051 $470,000.00 12/13/2017 1IJMBEFMQIJB *OEFNOJUZ *OTVSBODF $PNQBOZ EGSZF!CSVOTXJDLDPNQBOJFT.DPN Devices Inc. is a manufacturers’ representative with expertise in product applications such as: * Proc es s W eighin g * Fl ow * Level * Pre ssu re * Temp e ratur e * Signal Conditi onin g * Surge Protec tio n * Intrins i c Saf e t y * Ga s De t e ct io n Syst em J u s t s ome of the ma rk ets that we s e rve : * Food Proc es s i n g * Pharma c eutic a l * HVA C * Oil & Ga s * Wa t e r / Wast e * Power * Aeros pac e * Semi c onduc to r * Ho spital Facilitie s ISO 17025 Accredited We have over 30 years experience • Effluent F lo xx xxxxx • Ch a r t Re c o r d e r s • Process Instr u me nt V erification • Flow Meter V erification • BTU Me ter Ca l i bration & V erification • Sy s t e m Ins t a lla t i o n St a r t Up • PLC Programming and System Design • Ba ckflow Preventor T es ting Fac t ory trained tec hnic i ans , a c omplete s e t of NIST trac eable e quip ment and f u lly equipped s e rvic e van. W e c a n provide s c heduled verif i c ations i n add ition to on - demand s e r vic e c a lls . Companies we Represent Air Monitor Corporation HVAC Pitot T ube & The r mal Air F low Instruments Outside Air Flow & R oo m Pressurization Monitors Differential Pressure Flo w Transmitters Ametek-Drexelbrook The L e a der in RF L eve l Mea sure ment RF Admitta nce Point a n d Contin uous Level Me a sureme n t Ultrasonic Continuous and Gap Point Le vel Sw itches Ai r bo r ne & T DR Ra d a r Le v e l T r a ns m i t t e r s Plu gge d Ch u t e De te ction Xxxxxx Xxxxxx- Xxxxx MTL Intrinsically Safe Barriers & Isolators Si gna l, Po we r , Da t a & N e t wo x x Xx r ge Pr o t e c t o rs Fi eldbus Meg ablo cks , P ower Supplies & Wiring Devices XXXX Inte r xx xxxx & In d u stria l Ne t working Produ c ts T o f i no N e t wo r k Se c u r i t y Emco Spirax Sarco In s e r t i o n & Inli n e V o r t e x & T u r bi ne Flo xx x x x x x Clamp On Ult rason i c Flowmeters Ma sstracker In s ertion Flo xx xxxxx Hydro Flo w V orte x F lo wmeters f or Liquid Fox Thermal Instruments T h e r m a l Di s p e r s i o n Ai r & Ga s F lo w Me t e r s N a t u ra l Ga s T o t a li z i n g Fu e l F lo w Me t e r s (T FF s ) Honeywell- Sensotec Se ns o t e c Pr e s s u re & Lo a d T r a n s d u c er s Le bo w Lo a d a nd T o r qu e T r a n s d u c e r s Wirele ss Torque T ransducers DCT Instruments Digita l Pressure Indicators Xxxxxxx- Xxxxxxx Network Power Un inter r uptible Power Su pplies S x x x x x & Three Phase UPS Sy stems Expert Applications M-Systems Signal Isolators and Co nditioners 4 - 2 0 m a lo o p s i gna ls , R T D, T / C , V o lt s , Cu r r e nt Loop Power Supp lies Power Transducers & Indicators Onicon Incorporated Insertion T urbi n e Flo wmeters BT U Me t e r s Insertion & Inli n e Ele ctromagnetic Flowmeters Vortex Steam Flo xx xxxxx Insertion N atur al Gas F lo xx xxxxx ( HVAC Appli c ations) Precision Digital Corporation Co nsolidator Mu l ti -Fun ction Control l e r La r ge Di s p la y Pa n e l Me t e r s DI N Pa ne l Me t e rs a nd E nclo su re s PID Loop Control l e rs Sierra Monitor Corporation LE L & Toxic Ga s De tection Systems Ultra Electronics Weed Instrument R T D & Thermocouple T emperature Sen sors He ad Moun t ed & DIN R ail 4 - 20ma Tran smitters Mu l t i- Sp ot & Averag i n g Temperature Arrays * Devices Inc is F actor y Aut horized Rep rese n tative & Dist ri butor for these Prod ucts & S e rv i c e s i n t he D al l as - F t Wo rt h an d Gre at e r N o rt h Te x as Ar e a . Air Monitor Corporation Ametek-Drexelbrook Xxxxxx Xxxxxx-Xxxxx MTL Emco Spirax Sarco Fox Thermal Instruments Honeywell Sensotec Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Network Power M-System Signal Conditioners Onicon Incorporated Precision Digital Sierra Monitor2018

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Tips Vendor Agreement

Agreement Exceptions/Deviations Explanation. If the proposing Vendor desires to deviate form the Vendor Agreement language, all such deviations must be listed on this attribute, with complete and detailed conditions and information included. TIPS will consider any deviations in its proposal award decisions, and TIPS reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal based upon any deviations indicated below. In the absence of any deviation entry on this attribute, the proposer assures TIPS of their full compliance with the Vendor Agreement. Line Items Response Total: $0.00 REFERENCES Please provide three (3) references, preferably from school districts or other governmental entities who have used your services within the last three years. Additional references may be required. DO NOT INCLUDE TIPS EMPLOYEES AS A REFERENCE. Please verify your references are current and valid, as they are a SIGNIFICANT required evaluation component of the evaluation process, and the evaluation cannot be completed without responses from these references when we contact them. You may provide more than three (3) references. Entity Name Contact Person VALID EMAIL IS REQUIRED Phone Texas State University Facilitys Commision Xxxxxx X. Xxxxx Xxxx xxxxx.xxxxx@xxx.xxxxx.xx.xx (000-) 000-0000 University of Texas at Austin Xxxxxxx Xxxxx Fort Bend ISD Xxxxxxxx Boston (000) 000-000-0000 University of Texas at Dallas Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx 000-000-0000 Southern Methodist University Xxxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 4JFNFOT *OEVTUSZ, *OD., #VJMEJOH 5FDIOPMPHJFT %JWJTJPO 1000 %FFSGJFME 1BSLXBZ #VGGBMP (SPWF, *- 46# %FWJDFT, *OD. 4PVUIFSO .FUIPEJTU 6OJWFSTJUZ 8FTU $BNQVT $"1 $& 02152800051 $470,000.00 12/13/2017 1IJMBEFMQIJB *OEFNOJUZ *OTVSBODF $PNQBOZ EGSZF!CSVOTXJDLDPNQBOJFT.DPN Devices Inc. is a manufacturers’ representative with expertise in product applications such as: * Proc es s W eighin g * Fl ow * Level * Pre ssu re * Temp e ratur e * Signal Conditi onin g * Surge Protec tio n * Intrins i c Saf e t y * Ga s De t e ct io n Syst em J u s t s ome of the ma rk ets that we s e rve : * Food Proc es s i n g * Pharma c eutic a l * HVA C * Oil & Ga s * Wa t e r / Wast e * Power * Aeros pac e * Semi c onduc to r * Ho spital Facilitie s ISO 17025 Accredited We have over 30 years experience • Effluent F lo xx xxxxx • Ch a r t Re c o r d e r s • Process Instr u me nt V erification • Flow Meter V erification • BTU Me ter Ca l i bration & V erification • Sy s t e m Ins t a lla t i o n St a r t Up • PLC Programming and System Design • Ba ckflow Preventor T es ting Fac t ory trained tec hnic i ans , a c omplete s e t of NIST trac eable e quip ment and f u lly equipped s e rvic e van. W e c a n provide s c heduled verif i c ations i n add ition to on - demand s e r vic e c a lls . Companies we Represent Air Monitor Corporation HVAC Pitot T ube & The r mal Air F low Instruments Outside Air Flow & R oo m Pressurization Monitors Differential Pressure Flo w Transmitters Ametek-Drexelbrook The L e a der in RF L eve l Mea sure ment RF Admitta nce Point a n d Contin uous Level Me a sureme n t Ultrasonic Continuous and Gap Point Le vel Sw itches Ai r bo r ne & T DR Ra d a r Le v e l T r a ns m i t t e r s Plu gge d Ch u t e De te ction Xxxxxx Xxxxxx- Xxxxx MTL Intrinsically Safe Barriers & Isolators Si gna l, Po we r , Da t a & N e t wo x x Xx r ge Pr o t e c t o rs Fi eldbus Meg ablo cks , P ower Supplies & Wiring Devices XXXX Inte r xx xxxx & In d u stria l Ne t working Produ c ts T o f i no N e t wo r k Se c u r i t y Emco Spirax Sarco In s e r t i o n & Inli n e V o r t e x & T u r bi ne Flo xx x x x x x Clamp On Ult rason i c Flowmeters Ma sstracker In s ertion Flo xx xxxxx Hydro Flo w V orte x F lo wmeters f or Liquid Fox Thermal Instruments T h e r m a l Di s p e r s i o n Ai r & Ga s F lo w Me t e r s N a t u ra l Ga s T o t a li z i n g Fu e l F lo w Me t e r s (T FF s ) Honeywell- Sensotec Se ns o t e c Pr e s s u re & Lo a d T r a n s d u c er s Le bo w Lo a d a nd T o r qu e T r a n s d u c e r s Wirele ss Torque T ransducers DCT Instruments Digita l Pressure Indicators Xxxxxxx- Xxxxxxx Network Power Un inter r uptible Power Su pplies S x x x x x & Three Phase UPS Sy stems Expert Applications M-Systems Signal Isolators and Co nditioners 4 - 2 0 m a lo o p s i gna ls , R T D, T / C , V o lt s , Cu r r e nt Loop Power Supp lies Power Transducers & Indicators Onicon Incorporated Insertion T urbi n e Flo wmeters BT U Me t e r s Insertion & Inli n e Ele ctromagnetic Flowmeters Vortex Steam Flo xx xxxxx Insertion N atur al Gas F lo xx xxxxx ( HVAC Appli c ations) Precision Digital Corporation Co nsolidator Mu l ti -Fun ction Control l e r La r ge Di s p la y Pa n e l Me t e r s DI N Pa ne l Me t e rs a nd E nclo su re s PID Loop Control l e rs Sierra Monitor Corporation LE L & Toxic Ga s De tection Systems Ultra Electronics Weed Instrument R T D & Thermocouple T emperature Sen sors He ad Moun t ed & DIN R ail 4 - 20ma Tran smitters Mu l t i- Sp ot & Averag i n g Temperature Arrays * Devices Inc is F actor y Aut horized Rep rese n tative & Dist ri butor for these Prod ucts & S e rv i c e s i n t he D al l as - F t Wo rt h an d Gre at e r N o rt h Te x as Ar e a . Air Monitor Corporation Ametek-Drexelbrook Xxxxxx Xxxxxx-Xxxxx MTL Emco Spirax Sarco Fox Thermal Instruments Honeywell Sensotec Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Network Power M-System Signal Conditioners Onicon Incorporated Precision Digital Sierra Monitor0000

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Tips Vendor Agreement

Agreement Exceptions/Deviations Explanation. If the proposing Vendor desires to deviate form the Vendor Agreement language, all such deviations must be listed on this attribute, with complete and detailed conditions and information included. TIPS will consider any deviations in its proposal award decisions, and TIPS reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal based upon any deviations indicated below. In the absence of any deviation entry on this attribute, the proposer assures TIPS of their full compliance with the Vendor Agreement. Line Items Response Total: $0.00 REFERENCES Please provide three (3) references, preferably from school districts or other governmental entities who have used your services within the last three years. Additional references may be required. DO NOT INCLUDE TIPS EMPLOYEES AS A REFERENCE. Please verify your references are current and valid, as they are a SIGNIFICANT required evaluation component of the evaluation process, and the evaluation cannot be completed without responses from these references when we contact them. You may provide more than three (3) references. Entity Name Contact Person VALID EMAIL IS REQUIRED Phone Texas State University North Xxxxx School District Xxxxx Xxxxxx X. Xxxxx 000-000-0000 University of Texas at Austin Prairiland ISD Xxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxx 000-000-0000 University of Texas at Dallas Paris Housing Authority Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 Southern Methodist University A&M Heating and Air was started by Xxxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 4JFNFOT *OEVTUSZ, *OD., #VJMEJOH 5FDIOPMPHJFT %JWJTJPO 1000 %FFSGJFME 1BSLXBZ #VGGBMP (SPWF, *- 46# %FWJDFT, *ODin 2008. 4PVUIFSO .FUIPEJTU 6OJWFSTJUZ 8FTU $BNQVT $"1 $& 02152800051 $470,000.00 12/13/2017 1IJMBEFMQIJB *OEFNOJUZ *OTVSBODF $PNQBOZ EGSZF!CSVOTXJDLDPNQBOJFT.DPN Devices Inc. is a manufacturers’ representative with expertise in product applications such as: * Proc es s W eighin g * Fl ow * Level * Pre ssu re * Temp e ratur e * Signal Conditi onin g * Surge Protec tio n * Intrins i c Saf e t y * Ga s De t e ct io n Syst em J u s t s ome of the ma rk ets that we s e rve : * Food Proc es s i n g * Pharma c eutic a l * HVA C * Oil & Ga s * Wa t e r / Wast e * Power * Aeros pac e * Semi c onduc to r * Ho spital Facilitie s ISO 17025 Accredited We have over 30 years experience • Effluent F lo xx xxxxx • Ch a r t Re c o r d e r s • Process Instr u me nt V erification • Flow Meter V erification • BTU Me ter Ca l i bration & V erification • Sy s t e m Ins t a lla t i o n St a r t Up • PLC Programming been serving Northeast Texas and System Design • Ba ckflow Preventor T es ting Fac t ory trained tec hnic i ans , a c omplete s e t of NIST trac eable e quip ment Southeastern Oklahoma. We specialize in residential and f u lly equipped s e rvic e vanlight commercial high efficiency units and air quality. W e c a n provide s c heduled verif i c ations i n add ition to on - demand s e r vic e c a lls We also do duct design and install for any application. Companies we Represent Air Monitor Corporation HVAC Pitot T ube & The r mal Air F low Instruments Outside Air Flow & R oo m Pressurization Monitors Differential Pressure Flo w Transmitters Ametek-Drexelbrook The L e a der We have an extremely high standard for installation and in RF L eve l Mea sure ment RF Admitta nce Point a n d Contin uous Level Me a sureme n t Ultrasonic Continuous and Gap Point Le vel Sw itches Ai r bo r ne & T DR Ra d a r Le v e l T r a ns m i t t e r s Plu gge d Ch u t e De te ction Xxxxxx Xxxxxx- Xxxxx MTL Intrinsically Safe Barriers & Isolators Si gna l, Po we r , Da t a & N e t wo x x Xx r ge Pr o t e c t o rs Fi eldbus Meg ablo cks , P ower Supplies & Wiring Devices XXXX Inte r xx xxxx & In d u stria l Ne t working Produ c ts T o f i no N e t wo r k Se c u r i t y Emco Spirax Sarco In s e r t i o n & Inli n e V o r t e x & T u r bi ne Flo xx x x x x x Clamp On Ult rason i c Flowmeters Ma sstracker In s ertion Flo xx xxxxx Hydro Flo w V orte x F lo wmeters f or Liquid Fox Thermal Instruments T h e r m a l Di s p e r s i o n Ai r & Ga s F lo w Me t e r s N a t u ra l Ga s T o t a li z i n g Fu e l F lo w Me t e r s (T FF s ) Honeywell- Sensotec Se ns o t e c Pr e s s u re & Lo a d T r a n s d u c er s Le bo w Lo a d a nd T o r qu e T r a n s d u c e r s Wirele ss Torque T ransducers DCT Instruments Digita l Pressure Indicators Xxxxxxx- Xxxxxxx Network Power Un inter r uptible Power Su pplies S x x x x x & Three Phase UPS Sy stems Expert Applications M-Systems Signal Isolators and Co nditioners 4 - 2 0 m a lo o p s i gna ls , R T D, T / C , V o lt s , Cu r r e nt Loop Power Supp lies Power Transducers & Indicators Onicon Incorporated Insertion T urbi n e Flo wmeters BT U Me t e r s Insertion & Inli n e Ele ctromagnetic Flowmeters Vortex Steam Flo xx xxxxx Insertion N atur al Gas F lo xx xxxxx ( HVAC Appli c ations) Precision Digital Corporation Co nsolidator Mu l ti -Fun ction Control l e r La r ge Di s p la y Pa n e l Me t e r s DI N Pa ne l Me t e rs a nd E nclo su re s PID Loop Control l e rs Sierra Monitor Corporation LE L & Toxic Ga s De tection Systems Ultra Electronics Weed Instrument R T D & Thermocouple T emperature Sen sors He ad Moun t ed & DIN R ail 4 - 20ma Tran smitters Mu l t i- Sp ot & Averag i n g Temperature Arrays * Devices Inc is F actor y Aut horized Rep rese n tative & Dist ri butor for these Prod ucts & S e rv i c e s i n t he D al l as - F t Wo rt h an d Gre at e r N o rt h Te x as Ar e a . Air Monitor Corporation Ametek-Drexelbrook Xxxxxx Xxxxxx-Xxxxx MTL Emco Spirax Sarco Fox Thermal Instruments Honeywell Sensotec Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Network Power M-System Signal Conditioners Onicon Incorporated Precision Digital Sierra Monitorcustomer service.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Tips Vendor Agreement

Agreement Exceptions/Deviations Explanation. If the proposing Vendor desires to deviate form the Vendor Agreement language, all such deviations must be listed on this attribute, with complete and detailed conditions and information included. TIPS will consider any deviations in its proposal award decisions, and TIPS reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal based upon any deviations indicated below. In the absence of any deviation entry on this attribute, the proposer assures TIPS of their full compliance with the Vendor Agreement. Line Items Response Total: $0.00 No response REFERENCES Please provide three (3) references, preferably from school districts or other governmental entities who have used your services within the last three years. Additional references may be required. DO NOT INCLUDE TIPS EMPLOYEES AS A REFERENCE. Please verify your references are current and valid, as they are a SIGNIFICANT required evaluation component of the evaluation process, and the evaluation cannot be completed without responses from these references when we contact them. You may provide more than three (3) references. Entity Name Contact Person VALID EMAIL IS REQUIRED Phone Texas State University Xxxxxx X. Xxxxx City of Bentonville Xxxx Xxxxxxx 000-000-0000 University City of Texas at Austin Xxxxxxx Xxxxx North Little Rock Xxxx Xxxxxx 000-000-0000 University State of Texas at Dallas Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Arkanas - Parks & Rec Xxxx Steinld 000-000-0000 Southern Methodist University Searcy Aquatic Facility Xxxx Xxxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 4JFNFOT *OEVTUSZ, *OD., #VJMEJOH 5FDIOPMPHJFT %JWJTJPO 1000 %FFSGJFME 1BSLXBZ #VGGBMP (SPWF, *- 46# %FWJDFT, *OD. 4PVUIFSO .FUIPEJTU 6OJWFSTJUZ 8FTU $BNQVT $"1 $& 02152800051 $470,000.00 12/13/2017 1IJMBEFMQIJB *OEFNOJUZ *OTVSBODF $PNQBOZ EGSZF!CSVOTXJDLDPNQBOJFT.DPN Devices Inc. is a manufacturers’ representative with expertise in product applications such as: * Proc es s W eighin g * Fl ow * Level * Pre ssu re * Temp e ratur e * Signal Conditi onin g * Surge Protec tio n * Intrins i c Saf e t y * Ga s De t e ct io n Syst em J u s t s ome City of the ma rk ets that we s e rve : * Food Proc es s i n g * Pharma c eutic a l * HVA C * Oil & Ga s * Wa t e r / Wast e * Power * Aeros pac e * Semi c onduc to r * Ho spital Facilitie s ISO 17025 Accredited We have over 30 years experience • Effluent F lo xx xxxxx • Ch a r t Re c o r d e r s • Process Instr u me nt V erification • Flow Meter V erification • BTU Me ter Ca l i bration & V erification • Sy s t e m Ins t a lla t i o n St a r t Up • PLC Programming and System Design • Ba ckflow Preventor T es ting Fac t ory trained tec hnic i ans , a c omplete s e t of NIST trac eable e quip ment and f u lly equipped s e rvic e van. W e c a n provide s c heduled verif i c ations i n add ition to on - demand s e r vic e c a lls . Companies we Represent Air Monitor Corporation HVAC Pitot T ube & The r mal Air F low Instruments Outside Air Flow & R oo m Pressurization Monitors Differential Pressure Flo w Transmitters AmetekSherwood Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxx 000-Drexelbrook The L e a der in RF L eve l Mea sure ment RF Admitta nce Point a n d Contin uous Level Me a sureme n t Ultrasonic Continuous and Gap Point Le vel Sw itches Ai r bo r ne & T DR Ra d a r Le v e l T r a ns m i t t e r s Plu gge d Ch u t e De te ction Xxxxxx Xxxxxx- Xxxxx MTL Intrinsically Safe Barriers & Isolators Si gna l, Po we r , Da t a & N e t wo x x Xx r ge Pr o t e c t o rs Fi eldbus Meg ablo cks , P ower Supplies & Wiring Devices XXXX Inte r xx xxxx & In d u stria l Ne t working Produ c ts T o f i no N e t wo r k Se c u r i t y Emco Spirax Sarco In s e r t i o n & Inli n e V o r t e x & T u r bi ne Flo xx x x x x x Clamp On Ult rason i c Flowmeters Ma sstracker In s ertion Flo xx xxxxx Hydro Flo w V orte x F lo wmeters f or Liquid Fox Thermal Instruments T h e r m a l Di s p e r s i o n Ai r & Ga s F lo w Me t e r s N a t u ra l Ga s T o t a li z i n g Fu e l F lo w Me t e r s (T FF s ) Honeywell- Sensotec Se ns o t e c Pr e s s u re & Lo a d T r a n s d u c er s Le bo w Lo a d a nd T o r qu e T r a n s d u c e r s Wirele ss Torque T ransducers DCT Instruments Digita l Pressure Indicators Xxxxxxx- Xxxxxxx Network Power Un inter r uptible Power Su pplies S x x x x x & Three Phase UPS Sy stems Expert Applications M000-Systems Signal Isolators and Co nditioners 4 - 2 0 m a lo o p s i gna ls , R T D, T / C , V o lt s , Cu r r e nt Loop Power Supp lies Power Transducers & Indicators Onicon Incorporated Insertion T urbi n e Flo wmeters BT U Me t e r s Insertion & Inli n e Ele ctromagnetic Flowmeters Vortex Steam Flo xx xxxxx Insertion N atur al Gas F lo xx xxxxx ( HVAC Appli c ations) Precision Digital Corporation Co nsolidator Mu l ti -Fun ction Control l e r La r ge Di s p la y Pa n e l Me t e r s DI N Pa ne l Me t e rs a nd E nclo su re s PID Loop Control l e rs Sierra Monitor Corporation LE L & Toxic Ga s De tection Systems Ultra Electronics Weed Instrument R T D & Thermocouple T emperature Sen sors He ad Moun t ed & DIN R ail 4 - 20ma Tran smitters Mu l t i- Sp ot & Averag i n g Temperature Arrays * Devices Inc is F actor y Aut horized Rep rese n tative & Dist ri butor for these Prod ucts & S e rv i c e s i n t he D al l as - F t Wo rt h an d Gre at e r N o rt h Te x as Ar e a . Air Monitor Corporation Ametek-Drexelbrook Xxxxxx Xxxxxx-Xxxxx MTL Emco Spirax Sarco Fox Thermal Instruments Honeywell Sensotec Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Network Power M-System Signal Conditioners Onicon Incorporated Precision Digital Sierra Monitor0000 200201

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Tips Vendor Agreement

Agreement Exceptions/Deviations Explanation. If the proposing Vendor desires to deviate form the Vendor Agreement language, all such deviations must be listed on this attribute, with complete and detailed conditions and information included. TIPS will consider any deviations in its proposal award decisions, and TIPS reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal based upon any deviations indicated below. In the absence of any deviation entry on this attribute, the proposer assures TIPS of their full compliance with the Vendor Agreement. Line Items Response Total: $0.00 No response REFERENCES Please provide three (3) references, preferably from school districts or other governmental entities who have used your services within the last three years. Additional references may be required. DO NOT INCLUDE TIPS EMPLOYEES AS A REFERENCE. Please verify your references are current and valid, as they are a SIGNIFICANT required evaluation component of the evaluation process, and the evaluation cannot be completed without responses from these references when we contact them. You may provide more than three (3) references. Entity Name Contact Person VALID EMAIL IS REQUIRED Phone Texas State University Xxxxxx X. Xxxxx Collin College Dr. Xxxx Xxxx 000-000-0000 University City of Texas at Austin Xxxxxxx Xxxxx Frisco Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx 000-000-0000 University Xxxxxx County Xxxxx Xxxxxx 940-349-3130 Town of Texas at Dallas Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Prosper Xxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 Southern Methodist University Xxxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 4JFNFOT *OEVTUSZ, *OD., #VJMEJOH 5FDIOPMPHJFT %JWJTJPO 1000 %FFSGJFME 1BSLXBZ #VGGBMP (SPWF, *- 46City of XxXxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx TIPS RFP # %FWJDFT, *OD. 4PVUIFSO .FUIPEJTU 6OJWFSTJUZ 8FTU $BNQVT $"1 $& 02152800051 $470,000.00 12/13/2017 1IJMBEFMQIJB *OEFNOJUZ *OTVSBODF $PNQBOZ EGSZF!CSVOTXJDLDPNQBOJFT.DPN Devices Inc. is a manufacturers’ representative with expertise in product applications such as: * Proc es s W eighin g * Fl ow * Level * Pre ssu re * Temp e ratur e * Signal Conditi onin g * Surge Protec tio n * Intrins i c Saf e t y * Ga s De t e ct io n Syst em J u s t s ome of the ma rk ets that we s e rve : * Food Proc es s i n g * Pharma c eutic a l * HVA C * Oil & Ga s * Wa t e r / Wast e * Power * Aeros pac e * Semi c onduc to r * Ho spital Facilitie s ISO 17025 Accredited We have over 30 years experience • Effluent F lo xx xxxxx • Ch a r t Re c o r d e r s • Process Instr u me nt V erification • Flow Meter V erification • BTU Me ter Ca l i bration & V erification • Sy s t e m Ins t a lla t i o n St a r t Up • PLC Programming and System Design • Ba ckflow Preventor T es ting Fac t ory trained tec hnic i ans , a c omplete s e t of NIST trac eable e quip ment and f u lly equipped s e rvic e van. W e c a n provide s c heduled verif i c ations i n add ition to on - demand s e r vic e c a lls . Companies we Represent Air Monitor Corporation HVAC Pitot T ube & The r mal Air F low Instruments Outside Air Flow & R oo m Pressurization Monitors Differential Pressure Flo w Transmitters Ametek-Drexelbrook The L e a der in RF L eve l Mea sure ment RF Admitta nce Point a n d Contin uous Level Me a sureme n t Ultrasonic Continuous and Gap Point Le vel Sw itches Ai r bo r ne & T DR Ra d a r Le v e l T r a ns m i t t e r s Plu gge d Ch u t e De te ction Xxxxxx Xxxxxx- Xxxxx MTL Intrinsically Safe Barriers & Isolators Si gna l, Po we r , Da t a & N e t wo x x Xx r ge Pr o t e c t o rs Fi eldbus Meg ablo cks , P ower Supplies & Wiring Devices XXXX Inte r xx xxxx & In d u stria l Ne t working Produ c ts T o f i no N e t wo r k Se c u r i t y Emco Spirax Sarco In s e r t i o n & Inli n e V o r t e x & T u r bi ne Flo xx x x x x x Clamp On Ult rason i c Flowmeters Ma sstracker In s ertion Flo xx xxxxx Hydro Flo w V orte x F lo wmeters f or Liquid Fox Thermal Instruments T h e r m a l Di s p e r s i o n Ai r & Ga s F lo w Me t e r s N a t u ra l Ga s T o t a li z i n g Fu e l F lo w Me t e r s (T FF s ) Honeywell- Sensotec Se ns o t e c Pr e s s u re & Lo a d T r a n s d u c er s Le bo w Lo a d a nd T o r qu e T r a n s d u c e r s Wirele ss Torque T ransducers DCT Instruments Digita l Pressure Indicators Xxxxxxx- Xxxxxxx Network Power Un inter r uptible Power Su pplies S x x x x x & Three Phase UPS Sy stems Expert Applications M-Systems Signal Isolators and Co nditioners 4 - 2 0 m a lo o p s i gna ls , R T D, T / C , V o lt s , Cu r r e nt Loop Power Supp lies Power Transducers & Indicators Onicon Incorporated Insertion T urbi n e Flo wmeters BT U Me t e r s Insertion & Inli n e Ele ctromagnetic Flowmeters Vortex Steam Flo xx xxxxx Insertion N atur al Gas F lo xx xxxxx ( HVAC Appli c ations) Precision Digital Corporation Co nsolidator Mu l ti -Fun ction Control l e r La r ge Di s p la y Pa n e l Me t e r s DI N Pa ne l Me t e rs a nd E nclo su re s PID Loop Control l e rs Sierra Monitor Corporation LE L & Toxic Ga s De tection Systems Ultra Electronics Weed Instrument R T D & Thermocouple T emperature Sen sors He ad Moun t ed & DIN R ail 4 - 20ma Tran smitters Mu l t i- Sp ot & Averag i n g Temperature Arrays * Devices Inc is F actor y Aut horized Rep rese n tative & Dist ri butor for these Prod ucts & S e rv i c e s i n t he D al l as - F t Wo rt h an d Gre at e r N o rt h Te x as Ar e a . Air Monitor Corporation Ametek-Drexelbrook Xxxxxx Xxxxxx-Xxxxx MTL Emco Spirax Sarco Fox Thermal Instruments Honeywell Sensotec Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Network Power M-System Signal Conditioners Onicon Incorporated Precision Digital Sierra Monitor200201

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Tips Vendor Agreement

Agreement Exceptions/Deviations Explanation. If the proposing Vendor desires to deviate form the Vendor Agreement language, all such deviations must be listed on this attribute, with complete and detailed conditions and information included. TIPS will consider any deviations in its proposal award decisions, and TIPS reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal based upon any deviations indicated below. In the absence of any deviation entry on this attribute, the proposer assures TIPS of their full compliance with the Vendor Agreement. Line Items Response Total: $0.00 No response REFERENCES Please provide three (3) references, preferably from school districts or other governmental entities who have used your services within the last three years. Additional references may be required. DO NOT INCLUDE TIPS EMPLOYEES AS A REFERENCE. Please verify your references are current and valid, as they are a SIGNIFICANT required evaluation component of the evaluation process, and the evaluation cannot be completed without responses from these references when we contact them. You may provide more than three (3) references. Entity Name Contact Person VALID EMAIL IS REQUIRED Phone Texas State University Hellas Construction Xxxxx Xxxxxx X. 512-250-2910 Round Rock ISD Xxxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 University of Texas at Austin Xxxxxxx Granbury ISD Xxxxx Xxxxx (000-) 000-0000 University of Texas at Dallas GT Grandstands Xxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx (000-) 000-0000 Southern Methodist University Xxxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 4JFNFOT *OEVTUSZ, *OD., #VJMEJOH 5FDIOPMPHJFT %JWJTJPO 1000 %FFSGJFME 1BSLXBZ #VGGBMP (SPWF, *- 46TIPS RFP # %FWJDFT, *OD. 4PVUIFSO .FUIPEJTU 6OJWFSTJUZ 8FTU $BNQVT $"1 $& 02152800051 $470,000.00 12/13/2017 1IJMBEFMQIJB *OEFNOJUZ *OTVSBODF $PNQBOZ EGSZF!CSVOTXJDLDPNQBOJFT.DPN Devices Inc. is a manufacturers’ representative with expertise in product applications such as: * Proc es s W eighin g * Fl ow * Level * Pre ssu re * Temp e ratur e * Signal Conditi onin g * Surge Protec tio n * Intrins i c Saf e t y * Ga s De t e ct io n Syst em J u s t s ome of the ma rk ets that we s e rve : * Food Proc es s i n g * Pharma c eutic a l * HVA C * Oil & Ga s * Wa t e r / Wast e * Power * Aeros pac e * Semi c onduc to r * Ho spital Facilitie s ISO 17025 Accredited We have over 30 years experience • Effluent F lo xx xxxxx • Ch a r t Re c o r d e r s • Process Instr u me nt V erification • Flow Meter V erification • BTU Me ter Ca l i bration & V erification • Sy s t e m Ins t a lla t i o n St a r t Up • PLC Programming and System Design • Ba ckflow Preventor T es ting Fac t ory trained tec hnic i ans , a c omplete s e t of NIST trac eable e quip ment and f u lly equipped s e rvic e van. W e c a n provide s c heduled verif i c ations i n add ition to on - demand s e r vic e c a lls . Companies we Represent Air Monitor Corporation HVAC Pitot T ube & The r mal Air F low Instruments Outside Air Flow & R oo m Pressurization Monitors Differential Pressure Flo w Transmitters Ametek-Drexelbrook The L e a der in RF L eve l Mea sure ment RF Admitta nce Point a n d Contin uous Level Me a sureme n t Ultrasonic Continuous and Gap Point Le vel Sw itches Ai r bo r ne & T DR Ra d a r Le v e l T r a ns m i t t e r s Plu gge d Ch u t e De te ction Xxxxxx Xxxxxx- Xxxxx MTL Intrinsically Safe Barriers & Isolators Si gna l, Po we r , Da t a & N e t wo x x Xx r ge Pr o t e c t o rs Fi eldbus Meg ablo cks , P ower Supplies & Wiring Devices XXXX Inte r xx xxxx & In d u stria l Ne t working Produ c ts T o f i no N e t wo r k Se c u r i t y Emco Spirax Sarco In s e r t i o n & Inli n e V o r t e x & T u r bi ne Flo xx x x x x x Clamp On Ult rason i c Flowmeters Ma sstracker In s ertion Flo xx xxxxx Hydro Flo w V orte x F lo wmeters f or Liquid Fox Thermal Instruments T h e r m a l Di s p e r s i o n Ai r & Ga s F lo w Me t e r s N a t u ra l Ga s T o t a li z i n g Fu e l F lo w Me t e r s (T FF s ) Honeywell- Sensotec Se ns o t e c Pr e s s u re & Lo a d T r a n s d u c er s Le bo w Lo a d a nd T o r qu e T r a n s d u c e r s Wirele ss Torque T ransducers DCT Instruments Digita l Pressure Indicators Xxxxxxx- Xxxxxxx Network Power Un inter r uptible Power Su pplies S x x x x x & Three Phase UPS Sy stems Expert Applications M-Systems Signal Isolators and Co nditioners 4 - 2 0 m a lo o p s i gna ls , R T D, T / C , V o lt s , Cu r r e nt Loop Power Supp lies Power Transducers & Indicators Onicon Incorporated Insertion T urbi n e Flo wmeters BT U Me t e r s Insertion & Inli n e Ele ctromagnetic Flowmeters Vortex Steam Flo xx xxxxx Insertion N atur al Gas F lo xx xxxxx ( HVAC Appli c ations) Precision Digital Corporation Co nsolidator Mu l ti -Fun ction Control l e r La r ge Di s p la y Pa n e l Me t e r s DI N Pa ne l Me t e rs a nd E nclo su re s PID Loop Control l e rs Sierra Monitor Corporation LE L & Toxic Ga s De tection Systems Ultra Electronics Weed Instrument R T D & Thermocouple T emperature Sen sors He ad Moun t ed & DIN R ail 4 - 20ma Tran smitters Mu l t i- Sp ot & Averag i n g Temperature Arrays * Devices Inc is F actor y Aut horized Rep rese n tative & Dist ri butor for these Prod ucts & S e rv i c e s i n t he D al l as - F t Wo rt h an d Gre at e r N o rt h Te x as Ar e a . Air Monitor Corporation Ametek-Drexelbrook Xxxxxx Xxxxxx-Xxxxx MTL Emco Spirax Sarco Fox Thermal Instruments Honeywell Sensotec Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Network Power M-System Signal Conditioners Onicon Incorporated Precision Digital Sierra Monitor200201

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Vendor Agreement

Agreement Exceptions/Deviations Explanation. If the proposing Vendor desires to deviate form the Vendor Agreement language, all such deviations must be listed on this attribute, with complete and detailed conditions and information included. TIPS will consider any deviations in its proposal award decisions, and TIPS reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal based upon any deviations indicated below. In the absence of any deviation entry on this attribute, the proposer assures TIPS of their full compliance with the Vendor Agreement. Line Items Response Total: $0.00 No response REFERENCES Please provide three (3) references, preferably from school districts or other governmental entities who have used your services within the last three years. Additional references may be required. DO NOT INCLUDE TIPS EMPLOYEES AS A REFERENCE. Please verify your references are current and valid, as they are a SIGNIFICANT required evaluation component of the evaluation process, and the evaluation cannot be completed without responses from these references when we contact them. You may provide more than three (3) references. Entity Name Contact Person VALID EMAIL IS REQUIRED Phone Texas State University Xxxxxx X. Xxxxx 000-000-0000 University of Texas at Austin Xxxxxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 University of Texas at Dallas Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx 000-000-0000 Southern Methodist University Xxxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 4JFNFOT *OEVTUSZ, *OD., #VJMEJOH 5FDIOPMPHJFT %JWJTJPO 1000 %FFSGJFME 1BSLXBZ #VGGBMP (SPWF, *- 46# %FWJDFT, *OD. 4PVUIFSO .FUIPEJTU 6OJWFSTJUZ 8FTU $BNQVT $"1 $& 02152800051 $470,000.00 12/13/2017 1IJMBEFMQIJB *OEFNOJUZ *OTVSBODF $PNQBOZ EGSZF!CSVOTXJDLDPNQBOJFT.DPN Devices Inc. is a manufacturers’ representative with expertise in product applications such as: * Proc es s W eighin g * Fl ow * Level * Pre ssu re * Temp e ratur e * Signal Conditi onin g * Surge Protec tio n * Intrins i c Saf e t y * Ga s De t e ct io n Syst em J u s t s ome of the ma rk ets that we s e rve : * Food Proc es s i n g * Pharma c eutic a l * HVA C * Oil & Ga s * Wa t e r / Wast e * Power * Aeros pac e * Semi c onduc to r * Ho spital Facilitie s ISO 17025 Accredited We have over 30 years experience • Effluent F lo xx xxxxx • Ch a r t Re c o r d e r s • Process Instr u me nt V erification • Flow Meter V erification • BTU Me ter Ca l i bration & V erification • Sy s t e m Ins t a lla t i o n St a r t Up • PLC Programming and System Design • Ba ckflow Preventor T es ting Fac t ory trained tec hnic i ans , a c omplete s e t of NIST trac eable e quip ment and f u lly equipped s e rvic e van. W e c a n provide s c heduled verif i c ations i n add ition to on - demand s e r vic e c a lls . Companies we Represent Air Monitor Corporation HVAC Pitot T ube & The r mal Air F low Instruments Outside Air Flow & R oo m Pressurization Monitors Differential Pressure Flo w Transmitters Ametek-Drexelbrook The L e a der in RF L eve l Mea sure ment RF Admitta nce Point a n d Contin uous Level Me a sureme n t Ultrasonic Continuous and Gap Point Le vel Sw itches Ai r bo r ne & T DR Ra d a r Le v e l T r a ns m i t t e r s Plu gge d Ch u t e De te ction Xxxxxx Xxxxxx- Xxxxx MTL Intrinsically Safe Barriers & Isolators Si gna l, Po we r , Da t a & N e t wo x x Xx r ge Pr o t e c t o rs Fi eldbus Meg ablo cks , P ower Supplies & Wiring Devices XXXX Inte r xx xxxx & In d u stria l Ne t working Produ c ts T o f i no N e t wo r k Se c u r i t y Emco Spirax Sarco In s e r t i o n & Inli n e V o r t e x & T u r bi ne Flo xx x x x x x Clamp On Ult rason i c Flowmeters Ma sstracker In s ertion Flo xx xxxxx Hydro Flo w V orte x F lo wmeters f or Liquid Fox Thermal Instruments T h e r m a l Di s p e r s i o n Ai r & Ga s F lo w Me t e r s N a t u ra l Ga s T o t a li z i n g Fu e l F lo w Me t e r s (T FF s ) Honeywell- Sensotec Se ns o t e c Pr e s s u re & Lo a d T r a n s d u c er s Le bo w Lo a d a nd T o r qu e T r a n s d u c e r s Wirele ss Torque T ransducers DCT Instruments Digita l Pressure Indicators Xxxxxxx- Xxxxxxx Network Power Un inter r uptible Power Su pplies S x x x x x & Three Phase UPS Sy stems Expert Applications M-Systems Signal Isolators and Co nditioners 4 - 2 0 m a lo o p s i gna ls , R T D, T / C , V o lt s , Cu r r e nt Loop Power Supp lies Power Transducers & Indicators Onicon Incorporated Insertion T urbi n e Flo wmeters BT U Me t e r s Insertion & Inli n e Ele ctromagnetic Flowmeters Vortex Steam Flo xx xxxxx Insertion N atur al Gas F lo xx xxxxx ( HVAC Appli c ations) Precision Digital Corporation Co nsolidator Mu l ti -Fun ction Control l e r La r ge Di s p la y Pa n e l Me t e r s DI N Pa ne l Me t e rs a nd E nclo su re s PID Loop Control l e rs Sierra Monitor Corporation LE L & Toxic Ga s De tection Systems Ultra Electronics Weed Instrument R T D & Thermocouple T emperature Sen sors He ad Moun t ed & DIN R ail 4 - 20ma Tran smitters Mu l t i- Sp ot & Averag i n g Temperature Arrays * Devices Inc is F actor y Aut horized Rep rese n tative & Dist ri butor for these Prod ucts & S e rv i c e s i n t he D al l as - F t Wo rt h an d Gre at e r N o rt h Te x as Ar e a . Air Monitor Corporation Ametek-Drexelbrook Xxxxxx Xxxxxx-Xxxxx MTL Emco Spirax Sarco Fox Thermal Instruments Honeywell Sensotec Xxxxx ISD Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Network Power M-System Signal Conditioners Onicon Incorporated Precision Digital Sierra 830−965−1912 Ext. 0000 Xxxx Xxxx XXX Xxxx Xxxxx 281−740−5927 Houston First Corporation Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx 713−853−8215 TIPS RFP # 200201

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Vendor Agreement

Agreement Exceptions/Deviations Explanation. If the proposing Vendor desires to deviate form the Vendor Agreement language, all such deviations must be listed on this attribute, with complete and detailed conditions and information included. TIPS will consider any deviations in its proposal award decisions, and TIPS reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal based upon any deviations indicated below. In the absence of any deviation entry on this attribute, the proposer assures TIPS of their full compliance with the Vendor Agreement. Line Items Response Total: $0.00 No response REFERENCES Please provide three (3) references, preferably from school districts or other governmental entities who have used your services within the last three years. Additional references may be required. DO NOT INCLUDE TIPS EMPLOYEES AS A REFERENCE. Please verify your references are current and valid, as they are a SIGNIFICANT required evaluation component of the evaluation process, and the evaluation cannot be completed without responses from these references when we contact them. You may provide more than three (3) references. Entity Name Contact Person VALID EMAIL IS REQUIRED Phone Texas State University Gordian Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx 630.544.0644 SSC Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx X. Xxxxx 000-000-0000 University of Texas at Austin Xxxxxxx League City Xxxxx Xxxx 000-000-0000 Aldine ISD Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx 281.985.6375 Prairie View A&M University of Texas at Dallas Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxx 000-000-0000 Southern Methodist University Xxxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 4JFNFOT *OEVTUSZ, *OD., #VJMEJOH 5FDIOPMPHJFT %JWJTJPO 1000 %FFSGJFME 1BSLXBZ #VGGBMP (SPWF, *- 46TIPS RFP # %FWJDFT, *OD. 4PVUIFSO .FUIPEJTU 6OJWFSTJUZ 8FTU $BNQVT $"1 $& 02152800051 $470,000.00 12/13/2017 1IJMBEFMQIJB *OEFNOJUZ *OTVSBODF $PNQBOZ EGSZF!CSVOTXJDLDPNQBOJFT.DPN Devices Inc. is a manufacturers’ representative with expertise in product applications such as: * Proc es s W eighin g * Fl ow * Level * Pre ssu re * Temp e ratur e * Signal Conditi onin g * Surge Protec tio n * Intrins i c Saf e t y * Ga s De t e ct io n Syst em J u s t s ome of the ma rk ets that we s e rve : * Food Proc es s i n g * Pharma c eutic a l * HVA C * Oil & Ga s * Wa t e r / Wast e * Power * Aeros pac e * Semi c onduc to r * Ho spital Facilitie s ISO 17025 Accredited We have over 30 years experience • Effluent F lo xx xxxxx • Ch a r t Re c o r d e r s • Process Instr u me nt V erification • Flow Meter V erification • BTU Me ter Ca l i bration & V erification • Sy s t e m Ins t a lla t i o n St a r t Up • PLC Programming and System Design • Ba ckflow Preventor T es ting Fac t ory trained tec hnic i ans , a c omplete s e t of NIST trac eable e quip ment and f u lly equipped s e rvic e van. W e c a n provide s c heduled verif i c ations i n add ition to on - demand s e r vic e c a lls . Companies we Represent Air Monitor Corporation HVAC Pitot T ube & The r mal Air F low Instruments Outside Air Flow & R oo m Pressurization Monitors Differential Pressure Flo w Transmitters Ametek-Drexelbrook The L e a der in RF L eve l Mea sure ment RF Admitta nce Point a n d Contin uous Level Me a sureme n t Ultrasonic Continuous and Gap Point Le vel Sw itches Ai r bo r ne & T DR Ra d a r Le v e l T r a ns m i t t e r s Plu gge d Ch u t e De te ction Xxxxxx Xxxxxx- Xxxxx MTL Intrinsically Safe Barriers & Isolators Si gna l, Po we r , Da t a & N e t wo x x Xx r ge Pr o t e c t o rs Fi eldbus Meg ablo cks , P ower Supplies & Wiring Devices XXXX Inte r xx xxxx & In d u stria l Ne t working Produ c ts T o f i no N e t wo r k Se c u r i t y Emco Spirax Sarco In s e r t i o n & Inli n e V o r t e x & T u r bi ne Flo xx x x x x x Clamp On Ult rason i c Flowmeters Ma sstracker In s ertion Flo xx xxxxx Hydro Flo w V orte x F lo wmeters f or Liquid Fox Thermal Instruments T h e r m a l Di s p e r s i o n Ai r & Ga s F lo w Me t e r s N a t u ra l Ga s T o t a li z i n g Fu e l F lo w Me t e r s (T FF s ) Honeywell- Sensotec Se ns o t e c Pr e s s u re & Lo a d T r a n s d u c er s Le bo w Lo a d a nd T o r qu e T r a n s d u c e r s Wirele ss Torque T ransducers DCT Instruments Digita l Pressure Indicators Xxxxxxx- Xxxxxxx Network Power Un inter r uptible Power Su pplies S x x x x x & Three Phase UPS Sy stems Expert Applications M-Systems Signal Isolators and Co nditioners 4 - 2 0 m a lo o p s i gna ls , R T D, T / C , V o lt s , Cu r r e nt Loop Power Supp lies Power Transducers & Indicators Onicon Incorporated Insertion T urbi n e Flo wmeters BT U Me t e r s Insertion & Inli n e Ele ctromagnetic Flowmeters Vortex Steam Flo xx xxxxx Insertion N atur al Gas F lo xx xxxxx ( HVAC Appli c ations) Precision Digital Corporation Co nsolidator Mu l ti -Fun ction Control l e r La r ge Di s p la y Pa n e l Me t e r s DI N Pa ne l Me t e rs a nd E nclo su re s PID Loop Control l e rs Sierra Monitor Corporation LE L & Toxic Ga s De tection Systems Ultra Electronics Weed Instrument R T D & Thermocouple T emperature Sen sors He ad Moun t ed & DIN R ail 4 - 20ma Tran smitters Mu l t i- Sp ot & Averag i n g Temperature Arrays * Devices Inc is F actor y Aut horized Rep rese n tative & Dist ri butor for these Prod ucts & S e rv i c e s i n t he D al l as - F t Wo rt h an d Gre at e r N o rt h Te x as Ar e a . Air Monitor Corporation Ametek-Drexelbrook Xxxxxx Xxxxxx-Xxxxx MTL Emco Spirax Sarco Fox Thermal Instruments Honeywell Sensotec Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Network Power M-System Signal Conditioners Onicon Incorporated Precision Digital Sierra Monitor200201

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Tips Vendor Agreement

Agreement Exceptions/Deviations Explanation. If the proposing Vendor desires to deviate form the Vendor Agreement language, all such deviations must be listed on this attribute, with complete and detailed conditions and information included. TIPS will consider any deviations in its proposal award decisions, and TIPS reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal based upon any deviations indicated below. In the absence of any deviation entry on this attribute, the proposer assures TIPS of their full compliance with the Vendor Agreement. Line Items Response Total: $0.00 No response REFERENCES Please provide three (3) references, preferably from school districts or other governmental entities who have used your services within the last three years. Additional references may be required. DO NOT INCLUDE TIPS EMPLOYEES AS A REFERENCE. Please verify your references are current and valid, as they are a SIGNIFICANT required evaluation component of the evaluation process, and the evaluation cannot be completed without responses from these references when we contact them. You may provide more than three (3) references. Entity Name Contact Person VALID EMAIL IS REQUIRED Phone Texas State University Big Springs ISD Xxx XxXxxxxxxx 432−940−3301 United ISD Xxx Xxxxxxx 956−473−7916 Ascension Parish School Board Xxxxxx X. Xxxxx 000-000-0000 University Xxxxxxx 225−391−7138 Mountain View School District Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx 909−947−2205 City of Texas at Austin Xxxxxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 University of Texas at Dallas Xxxxxx Edinburg Xxxxxxxx 000-000-0000 Southern Methodist University Xxxxx Xxxxx 000-000-0000 4JFNFOT *OEVTUSZ, *OD., #VJMEJOH 5FDIOPMPHJFT %JWJTJPO 1000 %FFSGJFME 1BSLXBZ #VGGBMP (SPWF, *- 46Xxxxxxxxxx 956−607−2828 TIPS RFP # %FWJDFT, *OD. 4PVUIFSO .FUIPEJTU 6OJWFSTJUZ 8FTU $BNQVT $"1 $& 02152800051 $470,000.00 12/13/2017 1IJMBEFMQIJB *OEFNOJUZ *OTVSBODF $PNQBOZ EGSZF!CSVOTXJDLDPNQBOJFT.DPN Devices Inc. is a manufacturers’ representative with expertise in product applications such as: * Proc es s W eighin g * Fl ow * Level * Pre ssu re * Temp e ratur e * Signal Conditi onin g * Surge Protec tio n * Intrins i c Saf e t y * Ga s De t e ct io n Syst em J u s t s ome of the ma rk ets that we s e rve : * Food Proc es s i n g * Pharma c eutic a l * HVA C * Oil & Ga s * Wa t e r / Wast e * Power * Aeros pac e * Semi c onduc to r * Ho spital Facilitie s ISO 17025 Accredited We have over 30 years experience • Effluent F lo xx xxxxx • Ch a r t Re c o r d e r s • Process Instr u me nt V erification • Flow Meter V erification • BTU Me ter Ca l i bration & V erification • Sy s t e m Ins t a lla t i o n St a r t Up • PLC Programming and System Design • Ba ckflow Preventor T es ting Fac t ory trained tec hnic i ans , a c omplete s e t of NIST trac eable e quip ment and f u lly equipped s e rvic e van. W e c a n provide s c heduled verif i c ations i n add ition to on - demand s e r vic e c a lls . Companies we Represent Air Monitor Corporation HVAC Pitot T ube & The r mal Air F low Instruments Outside Air Flow & R oo m Pressurization Monitors Differential Pressure Flo w Transmitters Ametek-Drexelbrook The L e a der in RF L eve l Mea sure ment RF Admitta nce Point a n d Contin uous Level Me a sureme n t Ultrasonic Continuous and Gap Point Le vel Sw itches Ai r bo r ne & T DR Ra d a r Le v e l T r a ns m i t t e r s Plu gge d Ch u t e De te ction Xxxxxx Xxxxxx- Xxxxx MTL Intrinsically Safe Barriers & Isolators Si gna l, Po we r , Da t a & N e t wo x x Xx r ge Pr o t e c t o rs Fi eldbus Meg ablo cks , P ower Supplies & Wiring Devices XXXX Inte r xx xxxx & In d u stria l Ne t working Produ c ts T o f i no N e t wo r k Se c u r i t y Emco Spirax Sarco In s e r t i o n & Inli n e V o r t e x & T u r bi ne Flo xx x x x x x Clamp On Ult rason i c Flowmeters Ma sstracker In s ertion Flo xx xxxxx Hydro Flo w V orte x F lo wmeters f or Liquid Fox Thermal Instruments T h e r m a l Di s p e r s i o n Ai r & Ga s F lo w Me t e r s N a t u ra l Ga s T o t a li z i n g Fu e l F lo w Me t e r s (T FF s ) Honeywell- Sensotec Se ns o t e c Pr e s s u re & Lo a d T r a n s d u c er s Le bo w Lo a d a nd T o r qu e T r a n s d u c e r s Wirele ss Torque T ransducers DCT Instruments Digita l Pressure Indicators Xxxxxxx- Xxxxxxx Network Power Un inter r uptible Power Su pplies S x x x x x & Three Phase UPS Sy stems Expert Applications M-Systems Signal Isolators and Co nditioners 4 - 2 0 m a lo o p s i gna ls , R T D, T / C , V o lt s , Cu r r e nt Loop Power Supp lies Power Transducers & Indicators Onicon Incorporated Insertion T urbi n e Flo wmeters BT U Me t e r s Insertion & Inli n e Ele ctromagnetic Flowmeters Vortex Steam Flo xx xxxxx Insertion N atur al Gas F lo xx xxxxx ( HVAC Appli c ations) Precision Digital Corporation Co nsolidator Mu l ti -Fun ction Control l e r La r ge Di s p la y Pa n e l Me t e r s DI N Pa ne l Me t e rs a nd E nclo su re s PID Loop Control l e rs Sierra Monitor Corporation LE L & Toxic Ga s De tection Systems Ultra Electronics Weed Instrument R T D & Thermocouple T emperature Sen sors He ad Moun t ed & DIN R ail 4 - 20ma Tran smitters Mu l t i- Sp ot & Averag i n g Temperature Arrays * Devices Inc is F actor y Aut horized Rep rese n tative & Dist ri butor for these Prod ucts & S e rv i c e s i n t he D al l as - F t Wo rt h an d Gre at e r N o rt h Te x as Ar e a . Air Monitor Corporation Ametek-Drexelbrook Xxxxxx Xxxxxx-Xxxxx MTL Emco Spirax Sarco Fox Thermal Instruments Honeywell Sensotec Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Network Power M-System Signal Conditioners Onicon Incorporated Precision Digital Sierra Monitor200201 Addendum 3

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Tips Vendor Agreement

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