Common use of All Other Claims; Agreement to Arbitrate Clause in Contracts

All Other Claims; Agreement to Arbitrate. All claims other than for Emotional Harm, bodily injury, illness to or death of a Guest, whether based on contract, tort, statutory, constitutional or other legal rights, including without limitation alleged violations of civil rights, discrimination, consumer or privacy laws, or for any losses, damages or expenses, relating to or in any way arising out of or connected with this Passage Contract or Guest's cruise, with the sole exception of claims brought and litigated in small claims court, shall be referred to and resolved exclusively by binding arbitration pursuant to the United Nations Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (New York 1958), 21 U.S.T. 2517, 330 U.N.T.S. 3, 1970 U.S.T. LEXIS 115, 9 U.S.C. §§ 202-208 ("the Convention") and the Federal Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C. § 1 et seq., ("FAA") located in the County of Los Angeles, California, U.S.A. to the exclusion of any other forum. You agree the arbitrator shall resolve any dispute as the validity or applicability of this arbitration clause. You consent to jurisdiction and waive any objection that may be available to any such arbitration proceeding in Los Angeles County. The arbitration shall be administered by National Arbitration and Mediation ("NAM") under its Comprehensive Dispute Resolution Rules and Procedures and the fee schedule in effect at the time of initiating the proceeding with NAM, which are deemed to be incorporated herein by reference. NAM can be contacted at (800) 358 -2550, attention Claims Department, 000 Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx, First Floor, Garden City, NY 11530, to respond to any questions regarding the arbitration process or to obtain a current copy of the Comprehensive Dispute Resolution Rules and Procedures and/or fee schedule. The arbitrator must follow this Contract and can award the same damages and relief as a court. NEITHER PARTY WILL HAVE THE RIGHT TO A JURY TRIAL OR TO ENGAGE IN PRE- ARBITRATION DISCOVERY EXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN THE APPLICABLE ARBITRATION RULES AND HEREIN, OR OTHERWISE TO LITIGATE THE CLAIM IN ANY COURT (OTHER THAN SMALL CLAIMS COURT). THE ARBITRATOR'S DECISION WILL BE FINAL AND BINDING. OTHER RIGHTS THAT YOU OR CARRIER WOULD HAVE IN COURT ALSO MAY NOT BE AVAILABLE IN ARBITRATION. An award rendered by an arbitrator may be entered in any court having jurisdiction under the Convention or FAA. Xxxxxxx and Guest agree that each shall have the right to take one (1) deposition of a witness or a party and only one deposition of an expert designated by another party. Such depositions shall be limited to three (3) hours each. The parties further agree that each party shall be permitted to propound to another party a single document production request no more than ten (10) specific categories of documents that are material as evidence in the case. In addition, each part may propound only one set of interrogatories to another party containing no more than twenty-five (25) interrogatories, including all subparts. Upon request by a party, the arbitrator(s) shall have the power to order such discovery, by way of document production, interrogatory, deposition or otherwise, as the arbitrator(s) considers necessary for a full and fair exploration of the issues in dispute. All claims filed in small claims court, and any claim as to which this arbitration provision is deemed unenforceable or which cannot be arbitrated for reasons beyond Your control, shall be litigated in and before the United States District Court for the Central District of California in Los Angeles, or as to those lawsuits over which the Federal Courts of the United States lack subject matter jurisdiction, before a court located in Los Angeles County, California, U.S.A., to the exclusion of the courts of any other country, state, city, municipality, county or locale. You consent to jurisdiction and waive any objection that may be available to any such action or proceeding being brought in such courts. The Arbitrator(s) and not any federal, state or local court or agency, shall have exclusive authority to resolve any dispute relating to the interpretation, applicability, enforceability or formation of this agreement to Arbitrate including, but not limited to any claim that all or any part of this agreement to Arbitrate is void or voidable.

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All Other Claims; Agreement to Arbitrate. All claims other than for Emotional Harmharm, bodily injury, illness to or death of a GuestPassenger, whether based on contract, tort, statutory, constitutional or other legal rights, including without limitation alleged violations of civil rights, discrimination, consumer or privacy laws, or for any losses, damages or expenses, relating to or in any way arising out of or connected with this Passage Contract or GuestPassenger's cruise, with the sole exception of claims brought and litigated in small claims court, court shall be referred to and resolved exclusively by binding arbitration pursuant to the United Nations Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (New York 1958), 21 U.S.T. 2517, 330 U.N.T.S. 3, 1970 U.S.T. LEXIS 115, 9 U.S.C. §§ 202-208 ("the Convention") and the Federal Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C. § 1 et seq., ("FAA") located in the County of Los Angeles, California, U.S.A. to the exclusion of any other forum. You agree the arbitrator shall resolve any dispute as the validity or applicability of this arbitration clause. You consent to jurisdiction and waive any objection that may be available to any such arbitration proceeding in Los Angeles CountySanta Clarita, California or Chatsworth, California. The arbitration shall be administered by National Arbitration and Mediation ("NAM") under its Comprehensive Dispute Resolution Rules and Procedures and the fee schedule in effect at the time of initiating the proceeding with NAM, which are deemed to be incorporated herein by reference. NAM can be contacted at (800000) 358 -2550000-0000, attention Claims Department, 000 Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx, First Floor, Garden City, NY 11530, to respond to any questions regarding the arbitration process or to obtain a current copy of the Comprehensive Dispute Resolution Rules and Procedures and/or fee schedule. The arbitrator must follow this Contract and can award the same damages and relief as a court. NEITHER PARTY WILL HAVE THE RIGHT TO A JURY TRIAL OR TO ENGAGE IN PRE- PRE-ARBITRATION DISCOVERY EXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN THE APPLICABLE ARBITRATION RULES AND HEREIN, OR OTHERWISE TO LITIGATE THE CLAIM IN ANY COURT (OTHER THAN SMALL CLAIMS COURT). THE ARBITRATOR'S DECISION WILL BE FINAL AND BINDING. OTHER RIGHTS THAT YOU OR CARRIER WOULD HAVE IN COURT ALSO MAY NOT BE AVAILABLE IN ARBITRATION. An award rendered by an arbitrator may be entered in any court having jurisdiction under the Convention or FAA. Xxxxxxx Carrier and Guest Xxxxxxxxx agree that each shall have the right to take one (1) deposition of a witness or a party and only one deposition of an expert designated by another party. Such depositions shall be limited to three (3) hours each. The parties further agree that each party shall be permitted to propound to another party a single document production request no more than ten (10) specific categories of documents that are material as evidence in the case. In addition, each part may propound only one set of interrogatories to another party containing no more than twenty-five (25) interrogatories, including all subparts. Upon request by a party, the arbitrator(s) shall have the power to order such discovery, by way of document production, interrogatory, deposition or otherwise, as the arbitrator(s) considers necessary for a full and fair exploration of the issues in dispute. All claims filed in small claims court, and any claim as to which this arbitration provision is deemed unenforceable or which cannot be arbitrated for reasons beyond Your control, shall be litigated in and before the United States District Court for the Central District of California in Los Angeles, or as to those lawsuits over which the Federal Courts of the United States lack subject matter jurisdiction, before a court of competent jurisdiction located in the County of Los Angeles CountyAngeles, California, U.S.A., to the exclusion of the courts of any other country, state, city, municipality, county or locale. You consent to jurisdiction and waive any objection that may be available to any such action or proceeding being brought in such courts. The Arbitrator(s) and not any federal, state or local court or agency, shall have exclusive authority to resolve any dispute relating to the interpretation, applicability, enforceability or formation of this agreement to Arbitrate including, but not limited to any claim that all or any part of this agreement to Arbitrate is void or voidable.

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All Other Claims; Agreement to Arbitrate. All claims other than for Emotional Harm, bodily injury, illness to or death of a Guest, whether based on contract, tort, statutory, constitutional or other legal rights, including without limitation alleged violations of civil rights, discrimination, consumer or privacy laws, or for any losses, damages or expenses, relating to or in any way arising out of or connected with this Passage Contract or Guest's cruise, with the sole exception of claims brought and litigated in small claims court, shall be referred to and resolved exclusively by binding arbitration pursuant to the United Nations Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (New York 1958), 21 U.S.T. 2517, 330 U.N.T.S. 3, 1970 U.S.T. LEXIS 115, 9 U.S.C. §§ 202-208 ("the Convention") and the Federal Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C. § 1 et seq., ("FAA") located in the County of Los Angeles, California, U.S.A. to the exclusion of any other forum. You agree the arbitrator shall resolve any dispute as the validity or applicability of this arbitration clause. You consent to jurisdiction and waive any objection that may be available to any such arbitration proceeding in Los Angeles County. The arbitration shall be administered by National Arbitration and Mediation ("NAM") under its Comprehensive Dispute Resolution Rules and Procedures and the fee schedule in effect at the time of initiating the proceeding with NAM, which are deemed to be incorporated herein by reference. NAM can be contacted at (800000) 358 -2550000-0000, attention Claims Department, 000 Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx, First Floor, Garden City, NY 11530, to respond to any questions regarding the arbitration process or to obtain a current copy of the Comprehensive Dispute Resolution Rules and Procedures and/or fee schedule. The arbitrator must follow this Contract and can award the same damages and relief as a court. o NEITHER PARTY WILL HAVE THE RIGHT TO A JURY TRIAL OR TO ENGAGE IN PRE- PRE-ARBITRATION DISCOVERY EXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN THE APPLICABLE ARBITRATION RULES AND HEREIN, OR OTHERWISE TO LITIGATE THE CLAIM IN ANY COURT (OTHER THAN SMALL CLAIMS COURT). THE ARBITRATOR'S DECISION WILL BE FINAL AND BINDING. OTHER RIGHTS THAT YOU OR CARRIER WOULD HAVE IN COURT ALSO MAY NOT BE AVAILABLE IN ARBITRATION. An award rendered by an arbitrator may be entered in any court having jurisdiction under the Convention or FAA. Xxxxxxx and Guest agree that each shall have the right to take one (1) deposition of a witness or a party and only one deposition of an expert designated by another party. Such depositions shall be limited to three (3) hours each. The parties further agree that each party shall be permitted to propound to another party a single document production request no more than ten (10) specific categories of documents that are material as evidence in the case. In addition, each part may propound only one set of interrogatories to another party containing no more than twenty-five (25) interrogatories, including all subparts. Upon request by a party, the arbitrator(s) shall have the power to order such discovery, by way of document production, interrogatory, deposition or otherwise, as the arbitrator(s) considers necessary for a full and fair exploration of the issues in dispute. All claims filed in small claims court, and any claim as to which this arbitration provision is deemed unenforceable or which cannot be arbitrated for reasons beyond Your control, shall be litigated in and before the United States District Court Courts for the Central District of California in Los Angeles, or as to those lawsuits over which the Federal Courts of the United States lack subject matter jurisdiction, before a court located in Los Angeles County, California, U.S.A., to the exclusion of the courts of any other country, state, city, municipality, county or locale. You consent to jurisdiction and waive any objection that may be available to any such action or proceeding being brought in such courts. The Arbitrator(s) and not any federal, state or local court or agency, shall have exclusive authority to resolve any dispute relating to the interpretation, applicability, enforceability or formation of this agreement to Arbitrate including, but not limited to any claim that all or any part of this agreement to Arbitrate is void or voidable.

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All Other Claims; Agreement to Arbitrate. All claims other than for Emotional Harm, bodily injury, illness to or death of a Guest, whether based on contract, tort, statutory, constitutional or other legal rights, including without limitation alleged violations of civil rights, discrimination, consumer or privacy laws, or for any losses, damages or expenses, relating to or in any way arising out of or connected with this Passage Contract or Guest's cruise, with the sole exception of claims brought and litigated in small claims court, shall be referred to and resolved exclusively by binding arbitration pursuant to the United Nations Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (New York 1958), 21 U.S.T. 2517, 330 U.N.T.S. 3, 1970 U.S.T. LEXIS 115, 9 U.S.C. §§ 202-208 ("the Convention") and the Federal Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C. § 1 et seq., ("FAA") located in the County of Los Angeles, California, U.S.A. to the exclusion of any other forum. You agree the arbitrator shall resolve any dispute as the validity or applicability of this arbitration clause. You consent to jurisdiction and waive any objection that may be available to any such arbitration proceeding in Los Angeles County. The arbitration shall be administered by National Arbitration and Mediation ("NAM") under its Comprehensive Dispute Resolution Rules and Procedures and the fee schedule in effect at the time of initiating the proceeding with NAM, which are deemed to be incorporated herein by reference. NAM can be contacted at (800) 358 -2550, attention Claims Department, 000 Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx, First Floor, Garden City, NY 11530, to respond to any questions regarding the arbitration process or to obtain a current copy of the Comprehensive Dispute Resolution Rules and Procedures and/or fee schedule. The arbitrator must follow this Contract and can award the same damages and relief as a court. NEITHER PARTY WILL HAVE THE RIGHT TO A JURY TRIAL OR TO ENGAGE IN PRE- ARBITRATION DISCOVERY EXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN THE APPLICABLE ARBITRATION RULES AND HEREIN, OR OTHERWISE TO LITIGATE THE CLAIM IN ANY COURT (OTHER THAN SMALL CLAIMS COURT). THE ARBITRATOR'S DECISION WILL BE FINAL AND BINDING. OTHER RIGHTS THAT YOU OR CARRIER WOULD HAVE IN COURT ALSO MAY NOT BE AVAILABLE IN ARBITRATION. An award rendered by an arbitrator may be entered in any court having jurisdiction under the Convention or FAA. Xxxxxxx and Guest agree that each shall have the right to take one (1) deposition of a witness or a party and only one deposition of an expert designated by another party. Such depositions shall be limited to three (3) hours each. The parties further agree that each party shall be permitted to propound to another party a single document production request no more than ten (10) specific categories of documents that are material as evidence in the case. In addition, each part may propound only one set of interrogatories to another party containing no more than twenty-five (25) interrogatories, including all subparts. Upon request by a party, the arbitrator(s) shall have the power to order such discovery, by way of document production, interrogatory, deposition or otherwise, as the arbitrator(s) considers necessary for a full and fair exploration of the issues in dispute. All claims filed in small claims court, and any claim as to which this arbitration provision is deemed unenforceable or which cannot be arbitrated for reasons beyond Your control, shall be litigated in and before the United States District Court Courts for the Central District of California in Los Angeles, or as to those lawsuits over which the Federal Courts of the United States lack subject matter jurisdiction, before a court located in Los Angeles County, California, U.S.A., to the exclusion of the courts of any other country, state, city, municipality, county or locale. You consent to jurisdiction and waive any objection that may be available to any such action or proceeding being brought in such courts. The Arbitrator(s) and not any federal, state or local court or agency, shall have exclusive authority to resolve any dispute relating to the interpretation, applicability, enforceability or formation of this agreement to Arbitrate including, but not limited to any claim that all or any part of this agreement to Arbitrate is void or voidable.

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