Common use of ALTERATION OF TERMS Clause in Contracts

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits A, B, and C attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 subject matter of this Agreement. 20 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the parties, their officers, employees 22 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 been formally approved and executed by both parties. 24

Appears in 11 contracts

Samples: Agreement for Provision of Designated Emergency Services, Agreement for Provision of Hiv Care Services, Hiv Care Services Agreement

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ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 20 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits A, B, C, and C D attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 21 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 subject 22 matter of this Agreement. 20 23 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 24 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the parties, their officers, employees 22 25 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 26 been formally approved and executed by both parties. 2427

Appears in 7 contracts

Samples: Recovery Residence Services, Agreement for Provision of Recovery Residence Services, Agreement for Provision of Recovery Residence Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 34 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits A, B, and C attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 35 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 36 subject matter of this Agreement.. 37 // 20 1 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 2 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the parties, their officers, employees 22 3 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 4 been formally approved and executed by both parties. 245

Appears in 6 contracts

Samples: Agreement for Provision of Collaborative Court Full Service Partnership Services, Agreement for Provision of Services, Agreement for Provision of Enhanced Recovery Full Service Partnership Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 10 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits Exhibit A, B, and C attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 11 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 subject 12 matter of this Agreement. 20 13 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 14 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the partiesParties, their officers, employees 22 15 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 16 been formally approved and executed by both parties. 2417

Appears in 5 contracts

Samples: Agreement for Provision of Children's in Home Crisis Stabilization Services, Agreement for Provision of Children's in Home Crisis Stabilization Services, Agreement for Provision of Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 20 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits Exhibit A, B, and C attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 21 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 subject 22 matter of this Agreement. 20 23 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 24 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the parties, their officers, employees 22 25 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 26 been formally approved and executed by both parties. 2427

Appears in 4 contracts

Samples: Agreement for Provision of Services, Agreement for Provision of Transitional Age Youth Full Service Partnership/Wraparound Services, Agreement for Provision of Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 22 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits Exhibit A, B, and C attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 23 fully expresses the complete all understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 subject matter of 24 this Agreement. 20 25 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 26 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the parties, their officers, employees 22 27 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 28 been formally approved and executed by both parties. 2429

Appears in 4 contracts

Samples: Physician Services Agreement, Agreement for Provision of Physician Services, Agreement for Provision of Physician Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 15 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits A, B, B and C attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 16 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 17 subject matter of this Agreement. 20 18 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 19 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the parties, their officers, employees 22 20 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 21 been formally approved and executed by both parties. 2422

Appears in 4 contracts

Samples: Agreement for Provision of Services, Agreement for Provision of Services, Agreement for Provision of Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 13 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits A, B, and C attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 14 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 15 subject matter of this Agreement. 20 16 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 17 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the parties, their officers, employees 22 18 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 19 been formally approved and executed by both parties. 2420

Appears in 4 contracts

Samples: Agreement for Provision of Co Occurring Residential Treatment Services, Behavioral Health Services Agreement, Agreement for Provision of Adolescent Residential Recovery Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 20 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits A, B, and C attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 21 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 22 subject matter of this Agreement. 20 23 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 24 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the parties, their officers, employees 22 25 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 26 been formally approved and executed by both parties. 2427

Appears in 4 contracts

Samples: Agreement for Provision of Drug Medi Cal Narcotic Replacement Therapy Treatment Services, Agreement for Provision of Drug Medi Cal Narcotic Replacement Therapy Treatment Services, Agreement for Provision of Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 20 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits A, B, and C attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 21 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 subject 22 matter of this Agreement. 20 23 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 24 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the parties, their officers, employees 22 25 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 26 been formally approved and executed by both parties. 2427

Appears in 4 contracts

Samples: Agreement for Provision of Collaborative Courts Full Service Partnership/Wraparound Services, Agreement for Provision of Collaborative Courts Full Service Partnership/Wraparound Services, Agreement for Provision of Behavioral Health Outpatient Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 25 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits A, B, C, D, and C E attached hereto and incorporated 26 herein, 18 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to 27 the 19 subject matter of this Agreement. 20 28 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 29 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the partiesParties, their officers, employees 22 30 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 31 been formally approved and executed by both partiesParties. 2432

Appears in 3 contracts

Samples: Contract for Provision of Services, Contract for Provision of Services, Contract for Provision of Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 23 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits A, B, B and C attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 24 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 25 subject matter of this Agreement. 20 26 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 27 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the parties, their officers, employees 22 28 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 29 been formally approved and executed by both parties. 2430

Appears in 3 contracts

Samples: Agreement for Provision of Services, Hiv Housing Plus Project Services Agreement, Hiv Housing Plus Project Services Agreement

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 10 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits A, B, and C C, D attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 11 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 12 subject matter of this Agreement. 20 13 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 14 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the parties, their officers, employees 22 15 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 16 been formally approved and executed by both parties. 2417

Appears in 3 contracts

Samples: Agreement for Provision of Hospital Services, Hospital Services Agreement, Hospital Services Agreement

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 24 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits A, B, C, D, and C E attached hereto and incorporated 25 herein, 18 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to 26 the 19 subject matter of this Agreement. 20 27 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 28 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the partiesParties, their officers, employees 22 29 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 30 been formally approved and executed by both partiesParties. 2431

Appears in 3 contracts

Samples: Agreement for Provision of Mental Health Residential Rehabilitation and Enhanced Residential Rehabilitation Services, Mental Health Services Agreement, Contract for Provision of Mental Health Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 14 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits A, B, and C attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 15 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 16 subject matter of this Agreement. 20 17 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 18 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the partiesParties, their officers, employees 22 19 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 20 been formally approved and executed by both parties. 24Parties.

Appears in 3 contracts

Samples: Agreement for Provision of Services, Agreement for Provision of Services, Agreement for Provision of Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 13 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits Exhibit(s) A, B, C, and C D attached hereto and incorporated 14 herein, 18 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to 15 the 19 subject matter of this Agreement. 20 16 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 17 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the parties, their officers, employees 22 18 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 19 been formally approved and executed by both parties. 2420

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Pharmacy Benefit Management Services Agreement, Pharmacy Benefit Management Agreement

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 16 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits A, B, and C attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 17 fully expresses express the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 subject 18 matter of this Agreement. 20 19 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 20 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the parties, their officers, employees 22 21 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 22 been formally approved and executed by both parties. 2423

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Contract for Behavioral Health Outpatient Services, Full Service Partnership/Wraparound Services Agreement

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 24 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits Exhibit(s) A, B, B and C attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 25 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 26 subject matter of this Agreement. 20 27 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 28 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the parties, their officers, employees 22 29 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 30 been formally approved and executed by both parties. 2431

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Agreement for Provision of Integrated Community Services, Agreement for Provision of Integrated Community Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 21 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits Exhibit(s) A, B, and C attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 22 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 subject matter of this Agreement.subject 20 24 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 25 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the parties, their officers, employees 22 26 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 27 been formally approved and executed by both parties. 2428

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Hiv Counseling and Testing Services Agreement, Agreement for Provision of Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 20 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits Exhibit A, B, and C attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 21 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 22 subject matter of this Agreement. 20 23 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 24 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the parties, their officers, employees 22 25 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 26 been formally approved and executed by both parties. 2427

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Full Service Partnership Agreement, Agreement for Provision of Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 22 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits A, B, and C attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 23 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 24 subject matter of this Agreement. 20 25 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 26 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the parties, their officers, employees 22 27 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 28 been formally approved and executed by both parties. 2429

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Agreement for Provision of Hiv Prevention Services, Agreement for Provision of Hiv Prevention Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 15 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits A, B, and C attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 16 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 17 subject matter of this Agreement. 20 18 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 19 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the parties, their officers, employees 22 20 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 21 been formally approved and executed by both parties. 2422

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Agreement for Provision of Narcotic Replacement Therapy Treatment Services, Agreement for Provision of Narcotic Replacement Therapy Treatment Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 20 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits A, B, and C attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 fully 21 expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 subject 22 matter of this Agreement. 20 23 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 24 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the parties, their officers, employees 22 25 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 26 been formally approved and executed by both parties. 2427

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Agreement for Provision of Recovery Residence Services, Agreement for Provision of Recovery Residence Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 14 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits A, B, B and C attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 15 fully expresses express the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 subject 16 matter of this Agreement. 20 17 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 18 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the parties, their officers, employees 22 19 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 20 been formally approved and executed by both parties. 2421

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Agreement for Provision of Short Term Housing Services, Agreement for Provision of Short Term Housing Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 21 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits A, B, and C attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 22 fully expresses express the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 subject matter of this Agreement.subject 20 24 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 25 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the parties, their officers, employees 22 26 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 27 been formally approved and executed by both parties. 2428

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Agreement for Provision of Mental Health Outpatient Services, Agreement for Provision of Mental Health Outpatient Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 20 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits A, B, B and C attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 21 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 22 subject matter of this Agreement. 20 23 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 24 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the parties, their officers, employees 22 25 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 26 been formally approved and executed by both parties. 2427

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Agreement for Provision of Drug Medi Cal Substance Use Disorder Outpatient Services, Agreement for Provision of Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 16 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits A, A and B, and C attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 fully 17 expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 subject 18 matter of this Agreement. 20 19 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 20 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the parties, their officers, employees 22 21 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 22 been formally approved and executed by both parties. 2423

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Agreement for Provision of Clinic Services, Agreement for Provision of Clinic Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 24 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits A, B, C, and C D attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 25 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 26 subject matter of this Agreement. 20 27 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 28 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the partiesParties, their officers, employees 22 29 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 30 been formally approved and executed by both partiesParties. 2431

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Agreement for Provision of Services, Agreement for Provision of Supplemental Security Income Outreach Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 25 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits A, B, and C attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 26 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 27 subject matter of this Agreement. 20 28 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 29 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the partiesParties, their officers, employees 22 30 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 31 been formally approved and executed by both partiesParties. 2432

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Contract for Provision of Services, Contract for Provision of Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 13 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits Exhibit(s) A, B, and C attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 14 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 subject 15 matter of this Agreement. 20 16 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 17 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the parties, their officers, employees 22 18 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 19 been formally approved and executed by both parties. 2420

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Samples: Agreement for Provision of Multi Service Center Services, Agreement for Provision of Multi Service Center Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 12 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits Exhibit A, B, and C attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 13 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 14 subject matter of this Agreement. 20 15 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 16 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the partiesParties, their officers, employees 22 17 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 18 been formally approved and executed by both partiesParties. 2419

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Agreement for Provision of Services, Agreement for Provision of Adult Mental Health Intensive Residential Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 18 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits A, B, C, and C D attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 19 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 20 subject matter of this Agreement. 20 21 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 22 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the parties, their officers, employees 22 23 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 24 been formally approved and executed by both parties. 2425

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Agreement for Provision of Designated Emergency Services, Agreement for Provision of Designated Emergency Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 18 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits A, B, and C attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 19 fully expresses express the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 subject 20 matter of this Agreement. 20 21 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 22 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the parties, their officers, employees 22 23 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 24 been formally approved and executed by both parties. 2425

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Samples: Agreement for Provision of Behavioral Health Outpatient Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 21 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits A, B, and C attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 22 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 23 subject matter of this Agreement. 20 24 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 25 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the parties, their officers, employees 22 26 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 27 been formally approved and executed by both parties. 2428

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Samples: Agreement for Provision of Recovery Maintenance Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 25 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits Exhibit(s) A, B, and C C, attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 26 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 27 subject matter of this Agreement. 20 28 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of of, the terms 29 of 21 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the parties, or their officers, 30 employees 22 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, 31 which has 23 been formally approved and executed by both parties. 2432

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Samples: Crisis Stabilization Services Agreement

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits A, B, and C Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein, fully 18 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the subject 19 subject matter of this Agreement. 20 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms 21 of 21 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the parties, their officers, 22 employees 22 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this 23 Agreement, which has 23 been formally approved and executed by both parties. 24

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Samples: Agreement for Provision of Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 21 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits A, B, and C C, attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 22 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 subject matter of this Agreement.subject 20 24 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 25 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the partiespartiesParties, their officers, 26 employees 22 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, 27 which has 23 been formally approved and executed by both partiespartiesParties. 2428

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Samples: Crisis Prevention Hotline Services Agreement

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 18 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits A, B, and C attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 19 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 20 subject matter of this Agreement. 20 21 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 22 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the partiesParties, their officers, employees 22 23 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 24 been formally approved and executed by both partiesParties. 2425

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Samples: Hiv Residential Substance Use Disorder Treatment Services Agreement

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 14 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits A, B, A and C Bthrough D attached hereto and incorporated 15 herein, 18 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 16 subject matter of this Agreement. 20 17 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 18 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the parties, their officers, employees 22 19 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 20 been formally approved and executed by both parties. 2421

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Samples: Agreement for Provision of Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 22 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits Exhibit A, B, and C attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 fully 23 expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 subject 24 matter of this Agreement. 20 25 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 26 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the parties, their officers, employees 22 27 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 28 been formally approved and executed by both parties. 2429

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Samples: Agreement for Provision of Community Clinic Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 29 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits ExhibitExhibits A, B, and C attached hereto and incorporated 30 herein, 18 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to 31 the 19 subject matter of this Agreement. 20 32 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 33 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the parties, their officers, employees 22 34 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 35 been formally approved and executed by both parties. 2436 // 37 //

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Samples: Agreement for Provision of Volunteer to Work Project Program Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits A, B, and C attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 fully expresses express the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 subject matter of this Agreement.subject 20 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the parties, their officers, employees 22 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 been formally approved and executed by both parties. 24

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Samples: Agreement for Provision of Behavioral Health Outpatient Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 14 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, and C J as applicable attached 15 hereto and incorporated herein, 18 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and 16 CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 subject matter of this Agreement. 20 17 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 18 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the parties, their officers, employees 22 19 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 20 been formally approved and executed by both parties. 2421

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Samples: Agreement for Provision of Nutrition Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 18 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits A, B, and C attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 19 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 20 subject matter of this Agreement. 20 21 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 22 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the partiespartiesParties, their officers, 23 employees 22 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, 24 which has 23 been formally approved and executed by both partiespartiesParties. 2425

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Samples: Hiv Residential Substance Use Disorder Treatment Services Agreement

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 14 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits AA and, B, and C attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 15 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 subject 16 matter of this Agreement. 20 17 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 18 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the parties, their officers, employees 22 19 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 20 been formally approved and executed by both parties. 24.

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Samples: Agreement for Provision of Sober Living Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 15 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits A, B, A and C B attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 fully 16 expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 subject 17 matter of this Agreement. 20 18 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 19 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the partiesParties, their officers, 20 employees 22 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, 21 which has 23 been formally approved and executed by both partiesParties. 2422

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Samples: Agreement for Provision of Medical Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 23 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits Exhibit(s) A, B, and C C, attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 24 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 25 subject matter of this Agreement. 20 26 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of of, the terms 27 of 21 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the parties, or their officers, 28 employees 22 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, 29 which has 23 been formally approved and executed by both parties. 2430

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Samples: Medi Cal Mental Health Managed Care Psychiatric Inpatient Hospital Services Agreement

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 11 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits Exhibit A, B, and C attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 12 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 subject 13 matter of this Agreement. 20 14 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 15 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the partiesParties, their officers, employees 22 16 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 17 been formally approved and executed by both partiesParties. 2418

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Samples: Housing Full Service Partnership Services Agreement

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 25 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits A, B, and C attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 26 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 27 subject matter of this Agreement. 20 28 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 29 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the parties, their officers, employees 22 30 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 31 been formally approved and executed by both parties. 2432

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Samples: Agreement for Provision of Integrated Community Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits A, B, A and C B attached hereto and incorporated herein, fully 18 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the subject 19 subject matter of this Agreement. 20 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the partiesParties, their officers, employees 22 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 been formally approved and executed by both partiesParties. 24

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Samples: Community Clinic Services Agreement

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ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 24 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits A, B, C, D, and C E attached hereto and incorporated 25 herein, 18 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to 26 the 19 subject matter of this Agreement. 20 27 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 28 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the partiesParties, their officers, 29 employees 22 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, 30 which has 23 been formally approved and executed by both partiesParties. 2431

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Samples: Agreement for Provision of Mental Health Residential Rehabilitation and Enhanced Residential Rehabilitation Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 24 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits A, B, B and C attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 25 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 In all 26 subject matter of this Agreement. 20 27 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of 28 the terms of 21 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the 29 parties, their officers, employees 22 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written 30 amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 been formally approved and executed by both partiesParties. 2431

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Samples: Agreement for Provision of Recuperative Care Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits A, A and B, and C attached hereto and incorporated herein, fully 18 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the subject 19 subject matter of this Agreement. 20 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the parties, their officers, employees 22 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 been formally approved and executed by both parties. 24

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Samples: Agreement for Provision of Clinic Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 22 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits Exhibit A, B, and C attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 23 fully expresses the complete all understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 subject matter 24 of this Agreement. 20 25 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 26 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the parties, their officers, employees 22 27 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 28 been formally approved and executed by both parties. 2429

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Samples: Master Agreement for Provision of Medi Cal Mental Health Managed Care Psychiatric Inpatient Hospital Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 10 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits Exhibit(s) A, B, B and C attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 11 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 12 subject matter of this Agreement. 20 13 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 14 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the parties, their officers, employees 22 15 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 16 been formally approved and executed by both partiesParties. 2417

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Samples: Agreement for Provision of Integrated Community Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 19 A. This Agreement, together with the Exhibits A, B, and C attached hereto and incorporated 20 herein, 18 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to 21 the 19 subject matter of this Agreement. 20 22 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 23 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the parties, their officers, employees 22 24 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 25 been formally approved and executed by both parties. 2426

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Samples: Agreement for Provision of Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits Exhibit A, B, and C attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the subject 19 subject matter of this Agreement. 20 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the partiesParties, their officers, employees 22 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 been formally approved and executed by both partiesParties. 24

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Samples: Housing Full Service Partnership Services Agreement

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 12 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits A, B, and C attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 13 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 14 subject matter of this Agreement. 20 15 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 16 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the parties, their officers, employees 22 17 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 18 been formally approved and executed by both parties. 2419

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Samples: Agreement for Provision of Early Intervention Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 20 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits A, B, C, and C D attached hereto and incorporated 21 herein, 18 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 22 subject matter of this Agreement. 20 23 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 24 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the parties, their officers, employees 22 25 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 26 been formally approved and executed by both parties. 2427

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Samples: Agreement for Provision of Recovery Residence Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 21 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits Exhibit(s) A, B, and C attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 22 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 23 subject matter of this Agreement. 20 24 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 25 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the parties, their officers, employees 22 26 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 27 been formally approved and executed by both parties. 2428

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Samples: Agreement for Provision of Hiv Counseling and Testing Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits A, B, C and C D attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 subject matter of this Agreement. 20 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the parties, their officers, employees 22 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 been formally approved and executed by both parties. 24

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Samples: Hiv Care Services Agreement

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 10 A. This AgreementAgreement , together with Exhibits A, B, B and C attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 11 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 12 subject matter of this Agreement. 20 13 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 14 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the partiesParties, their officers, employees 22 15 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 16 been formally approved and executed by both partiesParties. 2417

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Samples: Agreement for Provision of Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 27 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits ExhibitsExhibit A, B, and C attached hereto and incorporated 28 herein, 18 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to 29 the 19 subject matter of this Agreement. 20 30 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 31 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the partiespartiesParties, their officers, 32 employees 22 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, 33 which has 23 been formally approved and executed by both parties. 2434

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Samples: Agreement for Provision of Behavioral Health Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 20 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits A, B, and C attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 21 fully expresses express the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 subject 22 matter of this Agreement. 20 23 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 24 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the parties, their officers, employees 22 25 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 26 been formally approved and executed by both parties. 2427

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Samples: Mental Health Services Agreement

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 18 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits A, B, C, and C CD attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 19 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 subject 20 matter of this Agreement. 20 21 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 22 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the parties, their officers, employees 22 23 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 24 been formally approved and executed by both parties. 2425

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Samples: Agreement for Provision of Designated Emergency Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 30 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits A, B, C, D, E, and C FC attached hereto and incorporated 31 herein, 18 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to 32 the 19 subject matter of this Agreement. 20 33 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 34 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the partiespartiesParties, their officers, 35 employees 22 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, 36 which has 23 been formally approved and executed by both partiespartiesParties. 2437 6 of 3234

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Samples: Agreement for Provision of Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 24 A. This Agreement, Agreement together with Exhibits A, B, and C attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 25 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 26 subject matter of this Agreement. 20 27 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 28 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the parties, their officers, employees 22 29 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 30 been formally approved and executed by both parties. 2431

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Samples: Agreement for Provision of Adult Supported Employment Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 24 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits A, B, C, D, and C E attached hereto and incorporated 25 herein, 18 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to 26 the 19 subject matter of this Agreement. 20 27 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 28 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the parties, their officers, employees 22 29 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 30 been formally approved and executed by both parties. 2431

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Samples: Agreement for Provision of Mental Health Residential Rehabilitation and Mental Health Enhanced Residential Rehabilitation Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 30 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits Exhibit(s) A, B, B and C attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 31 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 32 subject matter of this Agreement. 20 33 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 34 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the parties, their officers, employees 22 35 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 36 been formally approved and executed by both partiespartiesParties. 2437 //

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Samples: Agreement for Provision of Integrated Community Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 23 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits ExhibitExhibits A, B, and C attached hereto and incorporated 24 herein, 18 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to 25 the 19 subject matter of this Agreement. 20 26 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 27 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the parties, their officers, employees 22 28 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 29 been formally approved and executed by both parties. 2430

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Samples: Agreement for Provision of Hiv Prevention Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 16 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits ExhibitsExhibit A, B, and C attached hereto and incorporated 17 herein, 18 fully expresses expressexpresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with 18 respect to the 19 subject matter of this Agreement. 20 19 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 20 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the parties, their officers, employees 22 21 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 22 been formally approved and executed by both parties. 2423

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Samples: Agreement for Provision of Psychiatric and Basic Medical Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 16 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits A, B, and C attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 fully 17 expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 subject 18 matter of this Agreement. 20 19 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 20 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the parties, their officers, employees 22 21 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 22 been formally approved and executed by both parties. 2423

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Samples: Agreement for Provision of Narcotic Replacement Therapy Treatment Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 20 A. This AgreementAgreement Contract, together with Exhibits Exhibit A, B, and C attached hereto and incorporated 21 herein, 18 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to 22 the 19 subject matter of this Agreement.Agreement Contract 20 23 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this AgreementAgreement Contract, no addition to, or alteration of 24 the terms of 21 this Agreement Contract or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the partiesParties, 25 their officers, employees 22 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement26 Agreement Contract, which has 23 been formally approved and executed by both partiesParties. 2427

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Samples: Agreement Contract for Provision of Adult Mental Health Psychiatric Skilled Nursing Facility Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 34 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits A, B, B and C attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 35 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 36 subject matter of this Agreement.. 37 // 20 1 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 2 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the parties, their officers, employees 22 3 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 4 been formally approved and executed by both partiesParties. 245

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Samples: Agreement for Provision of Recuperative Care Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 A. This Agreement, together with the Exhibits A, B, and C attached hereto and incorporated herein, fully 18 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the subject 19 subject matter of this Agreement. 20 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the parties, their officers, employees 22 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 been formally approved and executed by both parties. 24

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Samples: Agreement for Provision of Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 and Institutions 22 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits A, B, and C C, attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 23 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 subject 24 matter of this Agreement. 20 25 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 26 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the partiespartiesParties, their officers, 27 employees 22 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, 28 which has 23 been formally approved and executed by both partiespartiesParties. 2429

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Samples: Agreement for Provision of Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 24 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits A, B, and C attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 25 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 26 subject matter of this Agreement. 20 27 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 28 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the parties, their officers, employees 22 29 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 30 been formally approved and executed by both parties. 2431

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Samples: Agreement for Provision of Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits A, B, B and C attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 subject matter of this Agreement. 20 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the parties, their officers, employees 22 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 been formally approved and executed by both parties. 24

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Samples: Agreement for Provision of Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 16 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits Exhibit A, B, and C attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 fully expresses 17 the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 subject matter of this 18 Agreement. 20 19 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 20 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the parties, their officers, employees 22 21 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 22 been formally approved and executed by both parties. 2423

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Samples: Agreement for Provision of Community Clinic Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 18 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits Exhibit A, B, and C attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 19 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 subject 20 matter of this Agreement. 20 21 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 22 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the partiesParties, their officers, employees 22 23 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 24 been formally approved and executed by both partiesParties. 2425

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Samples: Housing Full Service Partnership Services Agreement

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 24 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits A, B, C, and C D attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 25 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 26 subject matter of this Agreement. 20 27 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 28 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the parties, their officers, employees 22 29 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 30 been formally approved and executed by both parties. 2431

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Samples: Agreement for Provision of Services

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 16 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits Exhibit A, B, and C attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 17 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 subject 18 matter of this Agreement. 20 19 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 20 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the partiesParties, their officers, employees 22 21 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 22 been formally approved and executed by both partiesParties. 2423

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Samples: Housing Full Service Partnership Services Agreement

ALTERATION OF TERMS. 17 10 A. This AgreementAgreement , together with Exhibits A, B, B and C attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 fully 11 expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 subject 12 matter of this Agreement. 20 13 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 14 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the partiesParties, their officers, employees 22 15 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 16 been formally approved and executed by both partiesParties. 2417

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Samples: Agreement for Provision of Warmline Services

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