BY OTHERS ARE NOT ENDORSED BY THE SERVICE PROVIDER. The Service Provider and Nudge Now (Pty) Ltd. (nor its content providers) do not endorse, support, sanction, encourage, verify, or agree with the comments, opinions, or statements posted on forums, blogs or otherwise contained in the Website. Any information or material placed online, including advice and opinions, are the views and responsibility of those who post the statements and do not necessarily represent the views of the Service Provider, Nudge Now (Pty) Ltd. or its content providers. You agree that the Service Provider, Nudge Now (Pty) Ltd. and its content providers are not responsible, and shall have no liability to you, with respect to any information or materials posted by others, including defamatory, offensive or illicit material, even material that violates this Agreement.
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BY OTHERS ARE NOT ENDORSED BY THE SERVICE PROVIDER. The Service Provider and IQ Business Insights (Pty) Ltd (nor its content providers) do not endorse, support, sanction, encourage, verify, or agree with the comments, opinions, or statements posted on forums, blogs or otherwise contained in the Website. Any information or material placed online, including advice and opinions, are the views and responsibility of those who post the statements and do not necessarily represent the views of the Service Provider, IQ Business Insights (Pty) Ltd or its content providers. You agree that the Service Provider, IQ Business Insights (Pty) Ltd and its content providers are not responsible, and shall have no liability to you, with respect to any information or materials posted by others, including defamatory, offensive or illicit material, even material that violates this Agreement.
BY OTHERS ARE NOT ENDORSED BY THE SERVICE PROVIDER. The Service Provider and Advance do not endorse, support, sanction, encourage, verify, or agree with the comments, opinions, advice or statements posted on forums, blogs or otherwise contained in the Website. Any information or material placed online, including advice and opinions, are the views and responsibility of those who post the statements and do not necessarily represent the views of the Service Provider or . You agree that the Service Provider and Advance are not responsible, and shall have no liability to you, with respect to any information or materials posted by others, including defamatory, offensive or illicit material, even material that violates this Agreement. The opinions expressed by third parties reflect solely the opinions of those individuals who submitted such opinions and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Service Provider or Advance.
BY OTHERS ARE NOT ENDORSED BY THE SERVICE PROVIDER. The Service Provider and The Drawing Board Panel do not endorse, support, sanction, encourage, verify, or agree with the comments, opinions, or statements posted on forums, blogs or otherwise contained in the Website. Any information or material placed online, including advice and opinions, are the views and responsibility of those who post the statements and do not necessarily represent the views of the Service Provider or The Drawing Board Panel. You agree that the Service Provider and The Drawing Board Panel are not responsible, and shall have no liability to you, with respect to any information or materials posted by others, including defamatory, offensive or illicit material, even material that violates this Agreement.


  • Termination by the Service Provider 19.1 The Service Provider may by notice determine the employment of the Service Provider under this Agreement if the Service user is in default in respect of any one or more of the following:

  • Non-Medical, Personalized Services PRACTICE shall also provide Patient with the following non-medical services (“Non-Medical Services”), which are complementary to our members in the course of care:

  • TERMINATION BY THE CONTRACTOR If the Work is stopped for a period of thirty days under an order of any court or other public authority having jurisdiction, or as a result of an act of government, such as a declaration of a national emergency making materials unavailable, through no act or fault of the Contractor or a Subcontractor or their agents or employees or any other persons performing any of the Work under a contract with the Contractor, or if the Work should be stopped for a period of thirty days by the Contractor because the Architect has not issued a Certificate for Payment as provided in Paragraph 9.7 of these General Conditions or because the State has not made payment thereon as provided in Paragraph 9.7, then the Contractor may, upon seven additional days written notice to the State and the Architect, terminate the Contract and recover from the State payment for all Work executed and for any proven loss sustained upon any materials, equipment, tools, construction equipment and machinery, including reasonable profit and damages.

  • Termination by the State The State or commissioner of Administration may cancel this Professional and Technical Services Master Contract and any Work Authorizations at any time, with or without cause, upon 30 days’ written notice to the Contractor. Upon termination, the Contractor will be entitled to payment, determined on a pro rata basis, for services satisfactorily performed.

  • How Non-network Providers Are Paid If you receive care from a non-network provider, you are responsible for paying all charges for the services you received. You may submit a claim for reimbursement of the payments you made. For the limited circumstances listed below, your copayment and deductible will apply at the network level of benefits: • emergency care (emergency room, urgent care and ambulance services); • we specifically approve the use of a non-network provider for covered healthcare services, see Network Authorization in Section 5 for details; • covered healthcare services are rendered by a non-network provider at a network facility outside of your control; • otherwise, as required by law. For those circumstances where we cover services from a non-network provider, we reimburse you or the non-network provider, less any copayments and deductibles, up to the lesser of: • our allowance; • the non-network provider’s charge; or • the benefit limit. You are responsible for the deductible, if one applies, and the copayment, as well as any amount over the benefit limit that applies to the service you received. You are liable for the difference between the amount that the non-network provider bills and the payment we make for covered healthcare services. Generally, we send reimbursement to you, but we reserve the right to reimburse a non-network provider directly. We reimburse non-network provider services using the same guidelines we use to pay network providers. Generally, our payment for non-network provider services will not be more than the amount we pay for network provider services. If an allowance for a specific covered healthcare service cannot be determined by reference to a fee schedule, reimbursement will be based upon a calculation that reasonably represents the amount paid to network providers. For emergency services, we reimburse non- network providers, in accordance with R.I. Gen. Laws § 27-18-76, the greater of our allowance, our usual guidelines for paying non-network providers, or the amount that would be paid under Medicare, less any copayments or deductibles. Payments we make to you are personal. You cannot transfer or assign any of your right to receive payments under this agreement to another person or organization, unless the R.I. General Law §27-20-49 (Dental Insurance assignment of benefits) applies. For information about network authorization requests to seek covered healthcare services from a non-network provider when the covered healthcare service cannot be provided by a network provider, please see Network Authorization in Section 5.

  • Termination by the Customer The Customer may terminate this Agreement by providing a written notice of termination to the Transfer Agent, specifying the date as of which this Agreement will terminate, which may be any date, including the date such written notice is provided, provided the circumstances described below giving rise to the termination right are continuing at the time of the Transfer Agent’s receipt of such written notice, if as a result of an Event Beyond Reasonable Control:

  • The Service Provider upon receipt of a notice contemplated under clause 19.1 shall discontinue the supply of all services or goods under this Agreement, to the extent specified, and on the date specified in the notice.

  • Specialized Services The specialized consultant services identified in the following list are included in Additional Services: Providing financial feasibility or other special studies. Providing planning surveys, site evaluations, environmental studies or comparative studies of prospective sites. Providing services relative to future facilities, systems and equipment which are not intended to be constructed during the Construction Phase. Providing services to make detailed investigation of existing conditions or facilities or to make measured drawings thereof, other than to verify the accuracy of drawings or other information furnished by the Owner. Providing coordination of Work performed by Owner’s separate Contractors or by the Owner’s own forces. Providing services in connection with the Work of a Contractor or separate consultants retained by the Owner other than commissioning consultant, testing and balance consultant, material testing firms or similar firms. Providing services for planning tenant or rental spaces. Making revisions in Drawings, Specifications or other documents when such revisions are inconsistent with written approvals or instructions previously given are required by the enactment or revision of codes, laws of regulations subsequent to the preparation of such documents or are due to other causes not solely within the control of the Project Architect. Making extensive investigations, surveys, valuations, inventories or detailed appraisals of existing facilities, except as otherwise required by the Agreement, and ser­vices required in connec­tion with construction performed by the Owner. Providing consultation concerning replacement of any Work damaged by fire or other cause during construction, and furnishing services as may be required in connection with the replacement of such Work. Providing services made necessary by the default of the Contractor, or by major defects or deficiencies in the Work of the Contractor, or by failure of performance of the Contractor under the Contract for Construction. Providing extensive assistance in the utilization of any equipment or system such as initial start-up or testing, adjusting and balancing, preparation of operation and maintenance manuals, training personnel for operation and maintenance, and consultation during operation. Providing services after the expiration of sixty (60) days following final payment to the Contractor, excluding any services necessary during the warranty period inspections and provided that all of Project Architect’s services as required under this Agreement have been satisfactorily completed. Preparing to serve or serving as an expert witness at the request of the Owner in connection with any public hearing, arbitration proceeding or legal proceeding. Providing any other services not otherwise customarily furnished in accordance with generally accepted architectural practice.

  • PROCEDURE FOR GRIEVANCES AFFECTING A GROUP OF EMPLOYEES The Union may elect to file a grievance on behalf of two or more employees. The facts and issues of the grievance must be the same.

  • Termination by the School The School may terminate this agreement:

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