Cancellation for Reasons Other Than Set Forth in 7 Sample Clauses

Cancellation for Reasons Other Than Set Forth in 7. 1.1, 7.1.2, and 7.1.3. If prior to assuming occupancy you give us written notice of cancellation by registered or certified mail and neither Sections 7.1.1, 7.1.2, nor 7.1.3 are applicable, this Agreement will be canceled. In such event, we will re- tain the lesser of 2% of your Entrance Payment or $1,000 from the amount of the Entrance Payment you paid, plus an amount equal to any costs specifically incurred by us at your request, if any, and which are set forth in an addendum to this Agreement, and the balance will be repaid to you, without interest, within 60 days of our receipt of your written notice of cancellation.
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Related to Cancellation for Reasons Other Than Set Forth in 7

  • Modification to Article IV, Section 7 of the DPA Article IV, Section 7 of the DPA (Advertising Limitations) is amended by deleting the stricken text as follows: Provider is prohibited from using, disclosing, or selling Student Data to (a) inform, influence, or enable Targeted Advertising; or (b) develop a profile of a student, family member/guardian or group, for any purpose other than providing the Service to LEA. This section does not prohibit Provider from using Student Data (i) for adaptive learning or customized student learning (including generating personalized learning recommendations); or (ii) to make product recommendations to teachers or LEA employees; or (iii) to notify account holders about new education product updates, features, or services or from otherwise using Student Data as permitted in this DPA and its accompanying exhibits. [SIGNATURES BELOW]

  • Modification to Article V, Section 4 of the DPA Article V, Section 4 of the DPA (Data Breach.) is amended with the following additions: (6) For purposes of defining an unauthorized disclosure or security breach, this definition specifically includes meanings assigned by Texas law, including applicable provisions in the Texas Education Code and Texas Business and Commerce Code.

  • Cancellation of the Agreement Resident may cancel this Agreement under the circumstances indicated below.

  • Cancellation Provisions You are authorized, in your discretion, should I die or should you for any reason whatever deem it necessary for your protection, without notice, to cancel any outstanding orders in order to close out my accounts, in whole or in part, or to close out any of the commitments made on my behalf.

  • CANCELLATION OF AGREEMENT In the event that prior to the Closing Date (a) trading in securities on the New York Stock Exchange generally, or in securities of the Bank in particular, shall have been suspended, or minimum prices established by the New York Stock Exchange, or any new restrictions on transactions in securities shall have been established by the New York Stock Exchange or by the Commission or by any other United States Federal or State agency or by any action of the United States Congress or by executive order to such a degree as, in your judgment as the Representatives, to affect materially and adversely the marketing of the Securities or (b) existing financial, political or economic conditions in Europe, the United States or elsewhere shall have undergone any change which, in your judgment as the Representatives, would materially and adversely affect the market for the Securities, this Agreement and all obligations of the Underwriters hereunder may be canceled at, or at any time prior to, the Closing Date by you, as the Representatives, without liability on the part of any Underwriter to the Bank or of the Bank to any Underwriter, subject to Section 11(e). Notice of such cancellation shall be given to the Bank in writing, or by cable or telephone confirmed in writing.

  • Violations, Suspensions, and Cancellation If PURCHASER violates any of the provisions of this contract, STATE may, after giving written notice, suspend any further operations of PURCHASER under this contract, except those operations necessary to remedy any violations. If PURCHASER fails to remedy a violation within the time allowed and as instructed by STATE, or if PURCHASER fails to complete work as required within any interim contract completion date or the contract expiration date, PURCHASER is in breach, and STATE may place the contract in default status as provided in OAR 629-032-0000 through 0070. Any default action taken by STATE shall be subject to the provisions of OAR 629-032-0000 through 0070 as adopted at present and as may be amended later by the agency having jurisdiction or authority over such activities. The provisions of such rules or any future amendments are incorporated into this contract and made a permanent part hereof by their reference as though fully set forth herein. The provisions are in addition to, not in lieu of, any other remedies STATE may have for breach of the contract.

  • Cancellation and Termination a) The exhibitor shall have the right to cancel this license agreement or downsize by notice in writing to be delivered to MPE. All deposits/payments received by MPE up to the date of notice of cancellation or downsize are non-refundable and non-transferable and the balance of the full cost of the space is due immediately. In the event that the Exhibitor (i) fails to make payments in accordance with the payment schedule setout herein or (ii) fails to appear at the show; MPE reserves the right to cancel this license agreement without notice and all rights of the Exhibitor hereunder shall cease and terminate. MPE will retain any and all deposits/payment(s) made by the Exhibitor as liquidated damages (and not as a penalty) for breach of this license agreement and all payments will be due per the terms of the contract. In the event of either of the above circumstances, MPE has the right to (i) re-rent said space and (ii) bring action against the Exhibitor for payment of the full cost of the space originally licensed from MPE.

  • Cancellation by the Bank If (a) the right of the Borrower to make withdrawals from the Loan Account shall have been suspended with respect to any amount of the Loan for a continuous period of thirty days, or (b) at any time, the Bank determines, after consultation with the Borrower, that an amount of the Loan will not be required to finance the Project’s costs to be financed out of the proceeds of the Loan, or (c) at any time, the Bank determines, with respect to any contract to be financed out of the proceeds of the Loan, that corrupt or fraudulent practices were engaged in by representatives of the Borrower or of a beneficiary of the Loan during the procurement or the execution of such contract, without the Borrower having taken timely and appropriate action satisfactory to the Bank to remedy the situation, and establishes the amount of expenditures in respect of such contract which would otherwise have been eligible for financing out of the proceeds of the Loan, or (d) at any time, the Bank determines that the procurement of any contract to be financed out of the proceeds of the Loan is inconsistent with the procedures set forth or referred to in the Loan Agreement and establishes the amount of expenditures in respect of such contract which would otherwise have been eligible for financing out of the proceeds of the Loan, or (e) after the Closing Date, an amount of the Loan shall remain unwithdrawn from the Loan Account, or (f) the Bank shall have received notice from the Guarantor pursuant to Section 6.07 with respect to an amount of the Loan, the Bank may, by notice to the Borrower and the Guarantor, terminate the right of the Borrower to make withdrawals with respect to such amount. Upon the giving of such notice, such amount of the Loan shall be canceled.”

  • CANCELLATION VERSUS TERMINATION Cancellation of this agreement may be done by either the Student or UCF DHRL, but entitles UCF DHRL to rents and assessments either not yet due (such as pre-paid rents for some or all of the remainder of the semester or term), or charges in addition to amounts already paid or payable to UCF DHRL (such as a cancellation assessment for cancelled future semesters). Termination of this agreement is a completion of the agreement by either the Student or UCF DHRL that does not entitle UCF DHRL to additional rents or assessments. In either event, assessments already charged to the Student prior to termination or upon cancellation (i.e., late fees and cancellation fees) remain due and payable, and are not affected by the termination or cancellation.

  • Cancellation by Us 6.1. In the unlikely event (and where you are not in breach of these terms and conditions) that it is necessary for us to cancel your Booking, we will notify you as soon as possible and we shall endeavour to offer you alternative dates for no extra cost. In the event that no alternative dates are available or you do not accept the alternative dates offered, then we will refund to you any and all Scheduled Payments that you have paid.

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