CIRCUMSTANCES AND PRICE OF REPURCHASE. If Stockholder shall cease to be employed by the Company for any reason or no reason (including, without limitation, for Stockholder's death or disability), the Company shall have the right to purchase (the "Repurchase Right"), and Stockholder or his heirs, assigns, executors, administrators or other legal representatives (collectively, "Legal Representatives") shall, at the election of the Company, be obligated to sell, all or any part of the Unvested Shares (as that term is defined in Section 4(d)) at the Initial Purchase Price (as appropriately adjusted for Recapitalization Events) and on the terms provided in Section 4(b).
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  • Adjustment of Repurchase Price In determining the applicable repurchase price of the Stock and Options, as provided for in Sections 5 and 6, above, appropriate adjustments shall be made for any stock dividends, splits, combinations, recapitalizations or any other adjustment in the number of outstanding shares of Stock in order to maintain, as nearly as practicable, the intended operation of the provisions of Sections 5 and 6.

  • Payment of Repurchase Price The Repurchase Price shall be payable, at the option of the Company or its assignee(s), by check or by cancellation of all or a portion of any outstanding purchase money indebtedness owed by Participant to the Company, or such assignee, or by any combination thereof. The Repurchase Price shall be paid without interest within sixty (60) days after exercise of the Repurchase Option.

  • Exercise of Repurchase Right Any Repurchase Right under Paragraphs 15(a) or 15(b) shall be exercised by giving notice of exercise as provided herein to Optionee or the estate of Optionee, as applicable. Such right shall be exercised, and the repurchase price thereunder shall be paid, by the Company within a ninety (90) day period beginning on the date of notice to the Company of the occurrence of such Repurchase Event (except in the case of termination or cessation of services as director, where such option period shall begin upon the occurrence of the Repurchase Event). Such repurchase price shall be payable only in the form of cash (including a check drafted on immediately available funds) or cancellation of purchase money indebtedness of the Optionee for the Shares. If the Company can not purchase all such Shares because it is unable to meet the financial tests set forth in the Nevada corporation law, the Company shall have the right to purchase as many Shares as it is permitted to purchase under such sections. Any Shares not purchased by the Company hereunder shall no longer be subject to the provisions of this Section 15.

  • Fundamental Change Repurchase Price The Fundamental Change Repurchase Price for any Note to be repurchased upon a Repurchase Upon Fundamental Change following a Fundamental Change is an amount in cash equal to the principal amount of such Note plus accrued and unpaid interest on such Note to, but excluding, the Fundamental Change Repurchase Date for such Fundamental Change; provided, however, that if such Fundamental Change Repurchase Date is after a Regular Record Date and on or before the next Interest Payment Date, then (i) the Holder of such Note at the Close of Business on such Regular Record Date will be entitled, notwithstanding such Repurchase Upon Fundamental Change, to receive, on or, at the Company’s election, before such Interest Payment Date, the unpaid interest that would have accrued on such Note to, but excluding, such Interest Payment Date (assuming, solely for these purposes, that such Note remained outstanding through such Interest Payment Date, if such Fundamental Change Repurchase Date is before such Interest Payment Date); and (ii) the Fundamental Change Repurchase Price will not include accrued and unpaid interest on such Note to, but excluding, such Fundamental Change Repurchase Date. For the avoidance of doubt, if an Interest Payment Date is not a Business Day within the meaning of Section 2.05(C) and such Fundamental Change Repurchase Date occurs on the Business Day immediately after such Interest Payment Date, then (x) accrued and unpaid interest on Notes to, but excluding, such Interest Payment Date will be paid, in accordance with Section 2.05(C), on the next Business Day to Holders as of the Close of Business on the immediately preceding Regular Record Date; and (y) the Fundamental Change Repurchase Price will include interest on Notes to be repurchased from, and including, such Interest Payment Date.

  • Procedures to Exercise the Fundamental Change Repurchase Right (a) To exercise its Fundamental Change Repurchase Right for a Bond following a Fundamental Change, the Holder thereof must deliver to the Company:

  • Change in Option Price or Rate of Conversion If the purchase or exercise price provided for in any Options, the additional consideration, if any, payable upon the issue, conversion, exercise or exchange of any Convertible Securities, or the rate at which any Convertible Securities are convertible into or exercisable or exchangeable for shares of Common Stock increases or decreases at any time, the Exercise Price in effect at the time of such increase or decrease shall be adjusted to the Exercise Price which would have been in effect at such time had such Options or Convertible Securities provided for such increased or decreased purchase price, additional consideration or increased or decreased conversion rate, as the case may be, at the time initially granted, issued or sold. For purposes of this Section 2(b)(iii), if the terms of any Option or Convertible Security that was outstanding as of the date of issuance of this Warrant are increased or decreased in the manner described in the immediately preceding sentence, then such Option or Convertible Security and the shares of Common Stock deemed issuable upon exercise, conversion or exchange thereof shall be deemed to have been issued as of the date of such increase or decrease. No adjustment pursuant to this Section 2(b) shall be made if such adjustment would result in an increase of the Exercise Price then in effect.

  • Closing of Repurchase The closing of the purchase of such Employee Units pursuant to Sections 6(c) above shall take place on the date designated by the Company in the Repurchase Notice. The Company (or its nominee) shall pay for such Employee Units to be purchased by delivery, at the sole option of the Company, of either (i) a check or wire transfer of immediately available funds or (ii) an unsecured promissory note in form and substance reasonably acceptable to the Board and Employee; provided that such promissory note shall (A) accrue interest at the then Applicable Federal Rate as published by the Internal Revenue Service, (B) have a stated maturity of five years, (C) provide that the principal and all accrued interest thereon shall be due and payable in arrears at maturity, (D) allow for voluntary prepayments of principal and interest without penalty or premium and (E) be subordinated to any indebtedness for borrowed money of the Company and its Subsidiaries. In connection with the purchase of Employee Units hereunder, the Company shall be entitled to receive customary representations and warranties from the sellers regarding such sale of units (including representations and warranties regarding good title to such units, free and clear of any liens or encumbrances).

  • Right of Repurchase To the extent provided in the Company's bylaws as amended from time to time, the Company shall have the right to repurchase all or any part of the shares of Common Stock you acquire pursuant to the exercise of your option.

  • Payment of the Fundamental Change Repurchase Price Without limiting the Company’s obligation to deposit the Fundamental Change Repurchase Price within the time proscribed by Section 3.01(B), the Company will cause the Fundamental Change Repurchase Price for a Note (or portion thereof) to be repurchased pursuant to a Repurchase Upon Fundamental Change to be paid to the Holder thereof on or before the later of (i) the applicable Fundamental Change Repurchase Date; and (ii) the date (x) such Note is delivered to the Paying Agent (in the case of a Physical Note) or (y) the Depositary Procedures relating to the repurchase, and the delivery to the Paying Agent, of such Holder’s beneficial interest in such Note to be repurchased are complied with (in the case of a Global Note). For the avoidance of doubt, interest payable pursuant to the proviso to Section 4.02(D) on any Note to be repurchased pursuant to a Repurchase Upon Fundamental Change must be paid pursuant to such proviso regardless of whether such Note is delivered or such Depositary Procedures are complied with pursuant to the first sentence of this Section 4.02(G).

  • Deposit of Repurchase Price On or prior to the Repurchase Date, the Company shall deposit with the Trustee or with a Paying Agent (or, if the Company is acting as its own Paying Agent, segregate and hold in trust as provided in Section 10.03) an amount of money sufficient to pay the Repurchase Price of the Securities which are to be repaid on the Repurchase Date.

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