Common use of Client Identity Rules 客戶身份規則 Clause in Contracts

Client Identity Rules 客戶身份規則. a. If the Client effects transactions for account of its clients, whether on a discretionary or nondiscretionary basis, and whether as agent or by entering into matching transactions as principal with their clients, the Client hereby agrees that, in relation to a transaction where the Broker has received an enquiry from the Hong Kong Regulators or any other Exchange, governmental or regulatoryauthorityinany jurisdiction (collectively known as the “Relevant Regulators”), the following provision shall apply: 若客戶是為其客戶進行交易, 不論是否受客戶全權委託、以代理人身份抑或以當事人身份與其客戶進行對盤交易, 客戶同意就經紀接獲香港監管機構或其他交易所、其他司法管轄區政府機構或主管機構(統稱為「相關監管機構」)查詢的交易而言, 須遵守下 列規定:  Subject to as provided below, the Client shall immediately upon request by the Broker(which request shall include there levant contact details of the Relevant Regulators ), inform the Relevant Regulators of the identity, address, occupation and contact details of the Client for whose account the transaction was effected (or, in the case of a back to back principal transaction the counter party with whom the Client is transacting) and (so far as known to the Client) of the person with the ultimate beneficial interest in the transaction. The Client shall also inform the Relevant Regulators of the identity, address, occupation and contact details of any third party (if different from the Client/the ultimate beneficiary) who originated the transaction. 在符合下列規定的情況下, 客戶須按經紀要求(此要求應包括相關監管機構的聯絡詳情) , 立即知會相關監管機構有關所進行交易之帳戶所屬客戶 (或, 如該交易乃背對背交易, 則客戶的交易對手) 及 (據客戶所知) 該宗交易的最終受益人的身份、地址、職業及聯絡資料。客戶亦須知會相關監管機構任何發起有關交易的第三者 (如與客戶/最終受益人不同者)的 身份、地址、職業及聯絡資料。  If the Client effects a transaction for a collective investment scheme, discretionary account or discretionary trust, the Client shall, immediately upon request by the Broker (which request shall include the relevant contact details of the Relevant Regulators), inform the Relevant Regulators of the identity, address and contact details of the person who, on behalf of the scheme, account or trust, instructed the Client to affect the transaction. In addition, the Client shall immediately inform the Broker when his discretion in respect of any transaction effected for such scheme, fund, account or trust has been overridden and, upon request by the Broker, immediately inform the Relevant Regulators of the identity, address, occupation, and contact details of the person(s) who gave the overriding Instructions. 若客戶是為集體投資計劃、全權委託帳戶或全權信託進行交易, 客戶須按經紀要求 (該要求應包括相關監管機構的聯絡 詳情) , 立即知會相關監管機構有關該計劃、帳戶或信託的身份、地址及聯絡資料及 (如適用) 有關該名代表該計劃、帳 戶或信託向客戶發出交易指示的人士的身份、地址、職業及聯絡資料。同時, 客戶在其全權委託計劃、帳戶或信託進行 投資的權力已予撤銷時, 須儘快通知經紀。在客戶全權委託權力已予撤銷的情況下, 客戶須按經紀要求, 立即知會相關監 管機構有關該名/或多名曾向客戶發出撤銷指示的人士的身份、地址、職業及聯絡資料。  Without prejudice to the above, if the Client is aware that his client is acting as intermediary for any underlying clients, and the Client does not know the identity, address, occupation and contact details of the underlying clients, the Client confirms that:(i) he has arrangements in place with his client which entitle the Client to obtain such information from his client immediately upon request; and (ii) he will, on request from the Broker, promptly request such information from the client on whose Instructions the transaction was effected, and provide the information to the Relevant Regulators immediately upon receipt. 在不損害以上協議之前提下, 若客戶知悉其客戶乃以中介人身份為其相關客戶進行交易, 而客戶並不知道有關交易所涉 及的相關客戶之身份、地址、職業及聯絡資料, 則客戶須確認: (i) 客戶須與其客戶作出安排, 讓客戶有權在要求時立即 向 其客戶取得該資料; 及 (ii) 客戶將於經紀就有關交易提出要求時, 立即要求其發出交易指示的客戶提供該資料, 及在 收到 客戶之資料後即呈予相關監管機構。  The Clientconfirms that, wherenecessary, the Clienthas obtainedall consents orwaivers from the Client’sown clients or other relevant persons, to release to the Relevant Regulators the information referred to above. 客戶確認在有需要的情況下已取得其客戶或其他關聯人士的同意或豁免, 提供以上所提及的資料及呈交予相關監管機構。 The provisions of this Clause shall continue in effect notwithstanding the termination of this Agreement. 此項條款即使在本合約終止後仍繼續生效。

Appears in 1 contract


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Client Identity Rules 客戶身份規則. a. If the Client effects transactions for account of its clients, whether on a discretionary or nondiscretionary ornondiscretionary basis, and whether as agent or by entering into matching transactions as principal with their clients, the Client hereby agrees that, in relation to a transaction where the Broker has received an enquiry from the Hong Kong Regulators or any other Exchange, governmental or regulatoryauthorityinany regulatory authorityinany jurisdiction (collectively known as the “Relevant Regulators”), the following provision shall apply: 若客戶是為其客戶進行交易, 不論是否受客戶全權委託、以代理人身份抑或以當事人身份與其客戶進行對盤交易, 客戶同意就經紀接獲香港監管機構或其他交易所、其他司法管轄區政府機構或主管機構(統稱為「相關監管機構」)查詢的交易而言, 須遵守下 列規定須遵守下列規定: Subject to as provided below, the Client shall immediately upon request by the Broker(which request shall include there levant contact details of the Relevant Regulators ), inform the Relevant Regulators of the identity, address, occupation and contact details of the Client for whose account the transaction was effected (or, in the case of a back to back principal transaction the counter party with whom the Client is transacting) and (so far as known to the Client) of the person with the ultimate beneficial interest in the transaction. The Client shall also inform the Relevant Regulators of the identity, address, occupation and contact details of any third party (if different from the Client/the ultimate beneficiary) who originated the transaction. 在符合下列規定的情況下, 客戶須按經紀要求(此要求應包括相關監管機構的聯絡詳情客戶須按經紀要求 (此要求應包括相關監管機構的聯絡詳情) , 立即知會相關監管機構有關所進行交易之帳戶所屬客戶 (或, 如該交易乃背對背交易, 則客戶的交易對手) 及 (據客戶所知) 該宗交易的最終受益人的身份、地址、職業及聯絡資料。客戶亦須知會相關監管機構任何發起有關交易的第三者 (如與客戶/最終受益人不同者)的 身份、地址、職業及聯絡資料最終受益人不同者)的身份、地址、職業及聯絡資料If the Client effects a transaction for a collective investment scheme, discretionary account or discretionary trust, the Client shall, immediately upon request by the Broker (which request shall include the relevant contact details of the Relevant Regulators), inform the Relevant Regulators of the identity, address and contact details of the person who, on behalf of the scheme, account or trust, instructed the Client to affect effect the transaction. In addition, the Client shall immediately inform the Broker when his discretion Brokerwhenhisdiscretion in respect of any transaction effected for effectedfor such scheme, fund, account or trust has been overridden and, upon request by the Broker, immediately inform the Relevant Regulators of the identity, address, occupation, and contact details of the person(s) who gave the overriding Instructions. 若客戶是為集體投資計劃、全權委託帳戶或全權信託進行交易, 客戶須按經紀要求 (該要求應包括相關監管機構的聯絡 詳情) , 立即知會相關監管機構有關該計劃、帳戶或信託的身份、地址及聯絡資料及 (如適用) 有關該名代表該計劃、帳 戶或信託向客戶發出交易指示的人士的身份、地址、職業及聯絡資料。同時有關該名代表該計劃、帳戶或信託向客戶發出交易指示的人士的身份、地址、職業及聯絡資料。同時, 客戶在其全權委託計劃、帳戶或信託進行 投資的權力已予撤銷時客戶在其全權委託計劃、帳戶或信託進行投資的權力已予撤銷時, 須儘快通知經紀。在客戶全權委託權力已予撤銷的情況下, 客戶須按經紀要求, 立即知會相關監 管機構有關該名立即知會相關監管機構有關該名/或多名曾向客戶發出撤銷指示的人士的身份、地址、職業及聯絡資料。 Without prejudice to the above, if the Client is aware that his client is acting as intermediary for any underlying clients, and the Client does not know the identity, address, occupation and contact details of the underlying clients, the Client confirms that:(i) he has arrangements in place with his client which entitle the Client to obtain such information from his client immediately upon request; and (ii) he will, on request from the Broker, promptly request such information from the client on whose Instructions the transaction was effected, and provide the information to the Relevant Regulators immediately upon receipt. 在不損害以上協議之前提下, 若客戶知悉其客戶乃以中介人身份為其相關客戶進行交易, 而客戶並不知道有關交易所涉 及的相關客戶之身份、地址、職業及聯絡資料, 則客戶須確認: (i) 客戶須與其客戶作出安排, 讓客戶有權在要求時立即 向 其客戶取得該資料向其客戶取得該資料; 及 (ii) 客戶將於經紀就有關交易提出要求時, 立即要求其發出交易指示的客戶提供該資料, 及在 收到 客戶之資料後即呈予相關監管機構收到客戶之資料後即呈予相關監管機構The Clientconfirms Client confirms that, wherenecessary, the Clienthas obtainedall consents orwaivers Clienthasobtainedall consentsorwaivers from the Client’sown clients or Client’s ownclientsor other relevant persons, to release to the Relevant Regulators the information referred to above. 客戶確認在有需要的情況下已取得其客戶或其他關聯人士的同意或豁免, 提供以上所提及的資料及呈交予相關監管機構。 The provisions of this Clause shall continue in effect notwithstanding the termination of this Agreement. 此項條款即使在本合約終止後仍繼續生效。

Appears in 1 contract


Client Identity Rules 客戶身份規則. a. If the Client effects transactions for account of its clients, whether on a discretionary or nondiscretionary basis, and whether as agent or by entering into matching transactions as principal with their clients, orby enteringintomatchingtransactions asprincipal withtheirclients,the Client hereby agrees thatagreesthat, in relation to a transaction inrelation toatransaction where the Broker has received an enquiry from the Hong theBrokerhasreceived anenquiryfromtheHong Kong Regulators or any other Exchange, governmental or regulatoryauthorityinany regulatory authority inany jurisdiction (collectively known as the “Relevant Regulators”), the following provision shall apply: 若客戶是為其客戶進行交易, 不論是否受客戶全權委託、以代理人身份抑或以當事人身份與其客戶進行對盤交易, 客戶同意就經紀接獲香港監管機構或其他交易所、其他司法管轄區政府機構或主管機構(統稱為「相關監管機構」)查詢的交易而言, 須遵守下 列規定須遵守下列規定:  Subject to as provided belowtoas providedbelow, the Client shall immediately upon request theClient shallimmediately uponrequest by the Broker(which request shall include there levant theBroker(whichrequest shallinclude therelevant contact details of the Relevant Regulators ), inform the Relevant Regulators of the identity, address, occupation and contact details of the Client for whose account the transaction was effected (or, in the case of a back to back principal transaction the counter party with whom the counterpartywithwhomthe Client is transacting) and (so far as known to the knowntothe Client) of the person with the ultimate beneficial thepersonwiththeultimatebeneficial interest in the transaction. The Client shall also inform the Relevant Regulators of the identity, address, occupation and contact details of any third party (if different from the Client/the ultimate beneficiary) who originated the transaction. 在符合下列規定的情況下, 客戶須按經紀要求(此要求應包括相關監管機構的聯絡詳情客戶須按經紀要求 (此要求應包括相關監管機構的聯絡詳情) , 立即知會相關監管機構有關所進行交易之帳戶所屬客戶 (或, 如該交易乃背對背交易, 則客戶的交易對手) 及 (據客戶所知) 該宗交易的最終受益人的身份、地址、職業及聯絡資料。客戶亦須知會相關監管機構任何發起有關交易的第三者 (如與客戶/最終受益人不同者)的 身份、地址、職業及聯絡資料最終受益人不同者)的身份、地址、職業及聯絡資料。  If the Client effects a transaction for a collective investment scheme, discretionary account or discretionary trust, the Client shall, immediately upon request by the Broker (which request shall include the relevant contact details of the Relevant Regulators), inform the Relevant Regulators of the identity, address and contact details of the person who, on behalf of the scheme, account or trust, instructed the Client to affect effect the transaction. In addition, the Client shall immediately inform the Broker when Brokerwhen his discretion in respect inrespect of any transaction effected for such effectedforsuch scheme, fund, account or trust has been overridden beenoverridden and,uponrequest bytheBroker, upon request by the Broker, immediately inform the Relevant Regulators of the identityimmediatelyinformtheRelevantRegulatorsoftheidentity, address, occupation, and contact ,andcontact details of the person(s) who gave the overriding Instructions. 若客戶是為集體投資計劃、全權委託帳戶或全權信託進行交易, 客戶須按經紀要求 (該要求應包括相關監管機構的聯絡 詳情該要求應包括相關監管機構的聯絡詳情) , 立即知會相關監管機構有關該計劃、帳戶或信託的身份、地址及聯絡資料及 (如適用) 有關該名代表該計劃、帳 戶或信託向客戶發出交易指示的人士的身份、地址、職業及聯絡資料。同時有關該名代表該計劃、帳戶或信託向客戶發出交易指示的人士的身份、地址、職業及聯絡資料。同時, 客戶在其全權委託計劃、帳戶或信託進行 投資的權力已予撤銷時客戶在其全權委託計劃、帳戶或信託進行投資的權力已予撤銷時, 須儘快通知經紀。在客戶全權委託權力已予撤銷的情況下, 客戶須按經紀要求, 立即知會相關監 管機構有關該名立即知會相關監管機構有關該名/或多名曾向客戶發出撤銷指示的人士的身份、地址、職業及聯絡資料。  Without prejudice to the Withoutprejudice tothe above, if the Client is aware that his client is acting as intermediary for any underlying clientsunderlyingclients, and the andthe Client does not know the identitydoesnotknowtheidentity, address, occupation and contact details of the underlying clientscontactdetailsof theunderlyingclients, the Client confirms that:(iconfirmsthat:(i) he has arrangements in place with his client which entitle the Client to obtain such information from his client immediately upon request; and (ii) he will, on request from the requestfromthe Broker, promptly request such information from the client on whose Instructions the transaction was effected, and provide the information to the Relevant Regulators immediately upon receipt. 在不損害以上協議之前提下, 若客戶知悉其客戶乃以中介人身份為其相關客戶進行交易, 而客戶並不知道有關交易所涉 及的相關客戶之身份、地址、職業及聯絡資料而客戶並不知道有關交易所涉及的相關客戶之身份、地址、職業及聯絡資料, 則客戶須確認: (i) 客戶須與其客戶作出安排, 讓客戶有權在要求時立即 向 其客戶取得該資料向其客戶取得該資料; 及 (ii) 客戶將於經紀就有關交易提出要求時, 立即要求其發出交易指示的客戶提供該資料, 及在 收到 客戶之資料後即呈予相關監管機構收到客戶之資料後即呈予相關監管機構。  The Clientconfirms Client confirms that, wherenecessarywhere necessary, the Clienthas obtainedall Client has obtained all consents orwaivers or waivers from the Client’sown Client’s own clients or other relevant persons, to release to the Relevant Regulators the information referred to above. 客戶確認在有需要的情況下已取得其客戶或其他關聯人士的同意或豁免, 提供以上所提及的資料及呈交予相關監管機構。 The provisions of this Clause shall continue in effect notwithstanding the termination of this Agreement. 此項條款即使在本合約終止後仍繼續生效。

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Securities and Futures

Client Identity Rules 客戶身份規則. a. If the Client effects transactions for account of its clients, whether on a discretionary or nondiscretionary ornondiscretionary basis, and whether as agent or by entering into matching transactions as principal with their clients, the Client hereby agrees that, in relation to a transaction where the Broker has received an enquiry from the Hong Kong Regulators or any other Exchange, governmental or regulatoryauthorityinany regulatory authorityinany jurisdiction (collectively known as the “Relevant Regulators”), the following provision shall apply: 若客戶是為其客戶進行交易, 不論是否受客戶全權委託、以代理人身份抑或以當事人身份與其客戶進行對盤交易, 客戶同意就經紀接獲香港監管機構或其他交易所、其他司法管轄區政府機構或主管機構(統稱為「相關監管機構」)查詢的交易而言, 須遵守下 列規定須遵守下列規定: 🞟 Subject to as provided below, the Client shall immediately upon request by the Broker(which request shall include there levant contact details of the Relevant Regulators ), inform the Relevant Regulators of the identity, address, occupation and contact details of the Client for whose account the transaction was effected (or, in the case of a back to back principal transaction the counter party with whom the Client is transacting) and (so far as known to the Client) of the person with the ultimate beneficial interest in the transaction. The Client shall also inform the Relevant Regulators of the identity, address, occupation and contact details of any third party (if different from the Client/the ultimate beneficiary) who originated the transaction. 在符合下列規定的情況下, 客戶須按經紀要求(此要求應包括相關監管機構的聯絡詳情客戶須按經紀要求 (此要求應包括相關監管機構的聯絡詳情) , 立即知會相關監管機構有關所進行交易之帳戶所屬客戶 (或, 如該交易乃背對背交易, 則客戶的交易對手) 及 (據客戶所知) 該宗交易的最終受益人的身份、地址、職業及聯絡資料。客戶亦須知會相關監管機構任何發起有關交易的第三者 (如與客戶/最終受益人不同者)的 身份、地址、職業及聯絡資料最終受益人不同者)的身份、地址、職業及聯絡資料🞟 If the Client effects a transaction for a collective investment scheme, discretionary account or discretionary trust, the Client shall, immediately upon request by the Broker (which request shall include the relevant contact details of the Relevant Regulators), inform the Relevant Regulators of the identity, address and contact details of the person who, on behalf of the scheme, account or trust, instructed the Client to affect the transaction. In addition, the Client shall immediately inform the Broker when his discretion Brokerwhenhisdiscretion in respect of any transaction effected for effectedfor such scheme, fund, account or trust has been overridden and, upon request by the Broker, immediately inform the Relevant Regulators of the identity, address, occupation, and contact details of the person(s) who gave the overriding Instructions. 若客戶是為集體投資計劃、全權委託帳戶或全權信託進行交易, 客戶須按經紀要求 (該要求應包括相關監管機構的聯絡 詳情該要求應包括相關監管機構的聯絡詳情) , 立即知會相關監管機構有關該計劃、帳戶或信託的身份、地址及聯絡資料及 (如適用) 有關該名代表該計劃、帳 戶或信託向客戶發出交易指示的人士的身份、地址、職業及聯絡資料。同時有關該名代表該計劃、帳戶或信託向客戶發出交易指示的人士的身份、地址、職業及聯絡資料。同時, 客戶在其全權委託計劃、帳戶或信託進行 投資的權力已予撤銷時客戶在其全權委託計劃、帳戶或信託進行投資的權力已予撤銷時, 須儘快通知經紀。在客戶全權委託權力已予撤銷的情況下, 客戶須按經紀要求, 立即知會相關監 管機構有關該名/或多名曾向客戶發出撤銷指示的人士的身份、地址、職業及聯絡資料。 🞟 Without prejudice to the above, if the Client is aware that his client is acting as intermediary for any underlying clients, and the Client does not know the identity, address, occupation and contact details of the underlying clients, the Client confirms that:(i) he has arrangements in place with his client which entitle the Client to obtain such information from his client immediately upon request; and (ii) he will, on request from the Broker, promptly request such information from the client on whose Instructions the transaction was effected, and provide the information to the Relevant Regulators immediately upon receipt. 在不損害以上協議之前提下, 若客戶知悉其客戶乃以中介人身份為其相關客戶進行交易, 而客戶並不知道有關交易所涉 及的相關客戶之身份、地址、職業及聯絡資料, 則客戶須確認: (i) 客戶須與其客戶作出安排, 讓客戶有權在要求時立即 向 其客戶取得該資料向其客戶取得該資料; 及 (ii) 客戶將於經紀就有關交易提出要求時, 立即要求其發出交易指示的客戶提供該資料, 及在 收到 客戶之資料後即呈予相關監管機構收到客戶之資料後即呈予相關監管機構🞟 The Clientconfirms Client confirms that, wherenecessary, the Clienthas obtainedall consents orwaivers Clienthasobtained all consentsorwaivers from the Client’sown clients or Client’s ownclientsor other relevant persons, to release to the Relevant Regulators the information referred to above. 客戶確認在有需要的情況下已取得其客戶或其他關聯人士的同意或豁免, 提供以上所提及的資料及呈交予相關監管機構。 The provisions of this Clause shall continue in effect notwithstanding the termination of this Agreement. 此項條款即使在本合約終止後仍繼續生效。

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Client Identity Rules 客戶身份規則. a. If the Client effects transactions for account of its clients, whether on a discretionary or nondiscretionary basis, and whether as agent or by entering into matching transactions as principal with their clients, orby enteringintomatchingtransactions asprincipal withtheirclients,the Client hereby agrees thatagreesthat, in relation to a transaction inrelation toatransaction where the Broker has received an enquiry from the Hong theBrokerhasreceived anenquiryfromtheHong Kong Regulators or any other Exchange, governmental or regulatoryauthorityinany regulatory authority inany jurisdiction (collectively known as the “Relevant Regulators”), the following provision shall apply: 若客戶是為其客戶進行交易, 不論是否受客戶全權委託、以代理人身份抑或以當事人身份與其客戶進行對盤交易, 客戶同意就經紀接獲香港監管機構或其他交易所、其他司法管轄區政府機構或主管機構(統稱為「相關監管機構」)查詢的交易而言, 須遵守下 列規定須遵守下列規定: 🞟 Subject to as provided belowtoas providedbelow, the Client shall immediately upon request theClient shallimmediately uponrequest by the Broker(which request shall include there levant theBroker(whichrequest shallinclude therelevant contact details of the Relevant Regulators ), inform the Relevant Regulators of the identity, address, occupation and contact details of the Client for whose account the transaction was effected (or, in the case of a back to back principal transaction the counter party with whom the counterpartywithwhomthe Client is transacting) and (so far as known to the knowntothe Client) of the person with the ultimate beneficial thepersonwiththeultimatebeneficial interest in the transaction. The Client shall also inform the Relevant Regulators of the identity, address, occupation and contact details of any third party (if different from the Client/the ultimate beneficiary) who originated the transaction. 在符合下列規定的情況下, 客戶須按經紀要求(此要求應包括相關監管機構的聯絡詳情客戶須按經紀要求 (此要求應包括相關監管機構的聯絡詳情) , 立即知會相關監管機構有關所進行交易之帳戶所屬客戶 (或, 如該交易乃背對背交易, 則客戶的交易對手) 及 (據客戶所知) 該宗交易的最終受益人的身份、地址、職業及聯絡資料。客戶亦須知會相關監管機構任何發起有關交易的第三者 (如與客戶/最終受益人不同者)的 身份、地址、職業及聯絡資料最終受益人不同者)的身份、地址、職業及聯絡資料🞟 If the Client effects a transaction for a collective investment scheme, discretionary account or discretionary trust, the Client shall, immediately upon request by the Broker (which request shall include the relevant contact details of the Relevant Regulators), inform the Relevant Regulators of the identity, address and contact details of the person who, on behalf of the scheme, account or trust, instructed the Client to affect effect the transaction. In addition, the Client shall immediately inform the Broker when Brokerwhen his discretion in respect inrespect of any transaction effected for such effectedforsuch scheme, fund, account or trust has been overridden beenoverridden and,uponrequest bytheBroker, upon request by the Broker, immediately inform the Relevant Regulators of the identityimmediatelyinformtheRelevantRegulatorsoftheidentity, address, occupation, and contact ,andcontact details of the person(s) who gave the overriding Instructions. 若客戶是為集體投資計劃、全權委託帳戶或全權信託進行交易, 客戶須按經紀要求 (該要求應包括相關監管機構的聯絡 詳情該要求應包括相關監管機構的聯絡詳情) , 立即知會相關監管機構有關該計劃、帳戶或信託的身份、地址及聯絡資料及 (如適用) 有關該名代表該計劃、帳 戶或信託向客戶發出交易指示的人士的身份、地址、職業及聯絡資料。同時有關該名代表該計劃、帳戶或信託向客戶發出交易指示的人士的身份、地址、職業及聯絡資料。同時, 客戶在其全權委託計劃、帳戶或信託進行 投資的權力已予撤銷時客戶在其全權委託計劃、帳戶或信託進行投資的權力已予撤銷時, 須儘快通知經紀。在客戶全權委託權力已予撤銷的情況下, 客戶須按經紀要求, 立即知會相關監 管機構有關該名立即知會相關監管機構有關該名/或多名曾向客戶發出撤銷指示的人士的身份、地址、職業及聯絡資料。  Without prejudice to the 🞟 Withoutprejudice tothe above, if the Client is aware that his client is acting as intermediary for any underlying clientsunderlyingclients, and the andthe Client does not know the identitydoesnotknowtheidentity, address, occupation and contact details of the underlying clientscontactdetailsof theunderlyingclients, the Client confirms that:(iconfirmsthat:(i) he has arrangements in place with his client which entitle the Client to obtain such information from his client immediately upon request; and (ii) he will, on request from the requestfromthe Broker, promptly request such information from the client on whose Instructions the transaction was effected, and provide the information to the Relevant Regulators immediately upon receipt. 在不損害以上協議之前提下, 若客戶知悉其客戶乃以中介人身份為其相關客戶進行交易, 而客戶並不知道有關交易所涉 及的相關客戶之身份、地址、職業及聯絡資料而客戶並不知道有關交易所涉及的相關客戶之身份、地址、職業及聯絡資料, 則客戶須確認: (i) 客戶須與其客戶作出安排, 讓客戶有權在要求時立即 向 其客戶取得該資料向其客戶取得該資料; 及 (ii) 客戶將於經紀就有關交易提出要求時, 立即要求其發出交易指示的客戶提供該資料, 及在 收到 客戶之資料後即呈予相關監管機構收到客戶之資料後即呈予相關監管機構🞟 The Clientconfirms Client confirms that, wherenecessarywhere necessary, the Clienthas obtainedall Client has obtained all consents orwaivers or waivers from the Client’sown Client’s own clients or other relevant persons, to release to the Relevant Regulators the information referred to above. 客戶確認在有需要的情況下已取得其客戶或其他關聯人士的同意或豁免, 提供以上所提及的資料及呈交予相關監管機構。 The provisions of this Clause shall continue in effect notwithstanding the termination of this Agreement. 此項條款即使在本合約終止後仍繼續生效。

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Securities and Futures

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