Commodities. 1. The Parties recognise the need to ensure a better operation of international commodity markets and to increase market transparency. 2. They confirm their willingness to step up consultations between them in the international fora and organisations dealing with commodities. 3. To this end, exchange of views shall take place at the request of either Party: - regarding the operation of existing international agreements or specialised intergovernmental working parties with the aim of improving them and making them more effective, consistent with market trends; - when it is proposed to conclude or renew an international agreement or set up a specialised intergovernmental working party. The aim of such exchanges of views shall be to take account of the respective interest of each party. They may take place, where necessary, in the framework of the Ministerial Trade Committee.
Appears in 5 contracts
Samples: Cotonou Agreement, Cotonou Agreement, Cotonou Agreement
Commodities. 1. The Parties recognise the need to ensure a better operation of international commodity markets and to increase market transparency.
2. They confirm their willingness to step up consultations between them in the international fora and organisations dealing with commodities.
3. To this end, exchange of views shall take place at the request of either Party: - β regarding the operation of existing international agreements or specialised intergovernmental working parties with the aim of improving them and making them more effective, consistent with market trends; - β when it is proposed to conclude or renew an international agreement or set up a specialised intergovernmental working party. The aim of such exchanges of views shall be to take account of the respective interest of each party. They may take place, where necessary, in the framework of the Ministerial Trade Committee.. CHAPTER 4 TRADE IN SERVICES
Appears in 4 contracts
Samples: Partnership Agreement, Partnership Agreement, Partnership Agreement
Commodities. 1. The Parties recognise the need to ensure a better operation of international commodity com- modity markets and to increase market transparency.
2. They confirm their willingness to step up consultations between them in the international fora and organisations dealing with commodities.
3. To this end, exchange of views shall take place at the request of either Party: - regarding the operation of existing international agreements or specialised spe- cialised intergovernmental working parties with the aim of improving them and making them more effective, consistent con- sistent with market trends; - when it is proposed to conclude or renew an international agreement or set up a specialised intergovernmental working party. The aim of such exchanges of views shall be to take account of the respective interest of each party. They may take place, where necessary, in the framework frame- work of the Ministerial Trade Committee.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Partnership Agreement