Declaration by Landlord and Tenant as to Commencement Date Sample Clauses

Declaration by Landlord and Tenant as to Commencement Date executed September 1, 2003, by and between Cedars LA LLC (“Landlord”) and Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, M.D. and Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx, M.D. (“Tenant”).
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Declaration by Landlord and Tenant as to Commencement Date executed January 9, 2001, by and between Cedars LA LLC (“Landlord”) and Lawrence M. Richman, M.D. (“Tenant”). Re: Commencement date occurred January 1, 2001 and the Original Term will expire January 31, 2006.
Declaration by Landlord and Tenant as to Commencement Date executed June 4, 2003, by Jennifer Clark, Senior Vice President, Cedars LA LLC (“Landlord”) and Hrayr Shahinian, M.D. (“Tenant”). Re: Commencement Date occurred June 1, 2003, and the Original Term will expire on August 31, 2008.

Related to Declaration by Landlord and Tenant as to Commencement Date

  • Access by Landlord Landlord and any of Landlord’s Invitees shall have the right to enter the Premises at all reasonable times, during normal business hours if feasible under the circumstances, and upon 24 hours’ notice, if feasible under the circumstances, (i) to determine whether the Premises are in good condition and whether Tenant is complying with its obligations under this Lease, (ii) to do any necessary maintenance or make any restoration to the Premises that Landlord has the right or obligation to perform, (iii) to serve, post, or keep posted any notices required or allowed under this Lease, (v) to post “for sale” or “for rent” or “for lease” signs during the final nine months of the Term, (vi) to show the Premises to brokers, lenders, agents, prospective buyers, prospective tenants, or other persons interested in a listing of, financing, purchasing, or occupying the Project, the Premises or any portion of the Project or the Premises, and (vii) to shore the foundations, footings, and walls of the Project, and to erect scaffolding and protective barricades around and about the Premises, but not so as to prevent entry to the Premises, and to do any other act or thing necessary for the safety or preservation of the Premises if any excavation or other construction is undertaken or is about to be undertaken on any adjacent property or nearby street. In the event of an emergency Landlord shall have the right to enter the Premises at any time, without prior notice to Tenant. Landlord’s rights under this Paragraph extend, with Landlord’s consent, to the owner of adjacent property on which excavation or construction is to take place and the adjacent property owner’s agents, employees, officers, and contractors. Landlord shall not be liable for any inconvenience, disturbance, loss of business, nuisance, or other damage arising out of any entry on the Premises as provided in this Paragraph except damage resulting directly from the grossly negligent acts or willful misconduct of Landlord or Landlord’s Invitees. Tenant shall not be entitled to any abatement or reduction of Basic Monthly Rent or other Rent because of the exercise by Landlord of any rights under this Paragraph.

  • Sale of Premises by Landlord In the event of any sale of the Building, Landlord shall be and is hereby entirely freed and relieved of all liability under any and all of its covenants and obligations contained in or derived from this Lease arising out of any act, occurrence or omission occurring after the consummation of such sale; and the purchaser, at such sale or any subsequent sale of the Premises shall be deemed, without any further agreement between the parties or their successors in interest or between the parties and any such purchaser, to have assumed and agreed to carry out any and all of the covenants and obligations of the Landlord under this Lease.

  • TENANT'S USE OF PREMISES Tenant agrees that the Premises shall be used and occupied only for the Permitted Uses specified in the Basic Provisions, and for no other use. Tenant shall not use or permit the Premises to be used for any other purpose or purposes or under any other trade name whatsoever without the prior written consent of Landlord, which consent may be withheld or granted at Landlord’s sole and absolute discretion. Tenant’s use of the Premises shall be in compliance with and subject to all applicable governmental laws, ordinances, statutes, orders and regulations and any CC&R’s (including payments thereunder, if any) or any supplement thereto recorded in any official or public records with respect to the Project or any portion thereof. In the event Landlord desires to record CC&R’s against the Project after the date of full execution of this Lease, Landlord shall, at its option, either (i) obtain Tenant’s consent thereto, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld (provided Tenant’s material rights and obligations under the Lease are not impaired, but provided that any provisions of such CC&R’s which require Tenant to pay reasonable assessments such as for common area maintenance and landscaping shall not be deemed to impair Tenant’s material rights and obligations under this Lease), conditioned or delayed or (ii) elect not to obtain Tenant’s consent thereto, in which event the provisions of this Lease shall prevail over any conflicting provisions of the CC&R’s. Tenant further covenants and agrees that it will not use or suffer or permit any person or persons to use the Premises or any part thereof for conducting therein a second-hand store, auction, distress or fire sale or bankruptcy or going-out-of- business sale, or for any use or purpose in violation of the laws of the United States of America or the laws, ordinances, regulations and requirements of the State, County and City wherein the Premises are situated, including in violation of any of the permitted use restrictions outlined in Exhibit N. Tenant, at Tenant’s sole cost and expense, shall comply with the rules and regulations attached hereto as Attachment 1, together with such additional rules and regulations as Landlord may from time to time prescribe. Tenant shall not commit waste; overload the floors or structure of the Building in which the Premises are located; subject the Premises, the Building, the Common Area or the Project to any use which would damage the same or increase the risk of loss or violate any insurance coverage; permit any unreasonable odors, smoke, dust, gas, substances, noise or vibrations to emanate from the Premises, take any action which would constitute a nuisance or would disturb, obstruct or endanger any other tenants, take any action which would abrogate any warranties; or use or allow the Premises to be used for any unlawful purpose. Tenant shall promptly comply with the reasonable require- Landlord’s Initials CZ Tenant’s Initials HZ ments of any board of fire insurance underwriters or other similar body now or hereafter constituted. Tenant shall not do any act which shall in any way encumber the title of Landlord in and to the Premises, the Building or the Project. Tenant further covenants and agrees that during the term hereof the Premises, and every part thereof, shall be kept by Tenant in a first-class, clean and wholesome condition, free of any objectionable noises, odors or nuisances, and that all fire, safety, health and police regulations shall, in all respects and at all times, be fully complied with by Tenant.

  • Maintenance by Landlord Tenant and its employees, customers and licensees shall have the non-exclusive right to use the parking areas, if any, as may be designated by Landlord in writing, subject to such reasonable rules and regulations as Landlord may from time to time prescribe. Further, in multiple occupancy buildings, Landlord shall perform the roof, paving, and landscape maintenance, exterior painting and common sewage line plumbing which are otherwise Tenant's obligations under Subsection 2.2.2(a) above, and Tenant shall, in lieu of the obligations set forth under Subsection 2.2.2(a) above with respect to such items, be liable for its proportionate share (as defined in Subsection 2.2.1(b) above) of the cost and expense of Building maintenance and the care for the grounds around the Building, including but not limited to, the mowing of grass, care of shrubs, general landscaping, maintenance of parking areas, driveways and alleys, roof maintenance, exterior repainting and common sewage line plumbing; provided, however, that Landlord shall have the right to require Tenant to pay such other reasonable proportion of said mowing, shrub care and general landscaping costs as may be determined by Landlord in its sole discretion; and further provided that if Tenant or any other particular tenant of the Building can be clearly identified as being responsible for obstruction or stoppage of the common sanitary sewage line then Tenant, if Tenant is responsible, or such other responsible tenant, shall pay the entire cost thereof, upon demand, as additional rent. Tenant shall pay/4// when due its share, determined as aforesaid, of such costs and expenses along with the other tenants of the Building to Landlord upon demand, as Additional Rent, for the amount of its share of such costs and expenses in the event Landlord elects to perform or cause to be performed such work. Such share shall include a management fee equal to five percent (5%) of the Rent for each Lease Year, administrative and accounting costs, and a/5// reserve for asphalt, roof repairs and repainting.

  • Inspection by Landlord Landlord shall have the right to inspect the Tenant Improvements at all times, provided however, that Landlord’s failure to inspect the Tenant Improvements shall in no event constitute a waiver of any of Landlord’s rights hereunder nor shall Landlord’s inspection of the Tenant Improvements constitute Landlord’s approval of the same. Should Landlord disapprove any portion of the Tenant Improvements, Landlord shall notify Tenant in writing of such disapproval and shall specify the items disapproved. Any defects or deviations in, and/or disapproval by Landlord of, the Tenant Improvements shall be rectified by Tenant at no expense to Landlord, provided however, that in the event Landlord determines that a defect or deviation exists or disapproves of any matter in connection with any portion of the Tenant Improvements and such defect, deviation or matter might adversely affect the mechanical, electrical, plumbing, heating, ventilating and air conditioning or life-safety systems of the Building, the structure or exterior appearance of the Building or any other tenant’s use of such other tenant’s leased premises, Landlord may, take such action as Landlord deems necessary, at Tenant’s expense and without incurring any liability on Landlord’s part, to correct any such defect, deviation and/or matter, including, without limitation, causing the cessation of performance of the construction of the Tenant Improvements until such time as the defect, deviation and/or matter is corrected to Landlord’s satisfaction.

  • Repairs by Landlord Landlord shall keep the exterior walls, foundations, downspouts, gutters and roofs of the buildings, and the plumbing, electrical and other utility system serving but which are located outside of the Premises, in good order, condition and repair and shall make necessary structural repairs to the exterior walls of the buildings (excluding, however, repairs to windows, doors, saddles, plate glass, store fronts and air conditioning and heating installations and wiring, pipes and other utility installations located outside of the Premises which are used exclusively by Tenant), the dividing walls between the Premises and space occupied or to be occupied by others and the load-bearing walls and load-bearing columns, if any, within the Premises, provided that Landlord shall not be obligated hereby to do any work required to be done because of any damage caused by any act, omission or negligence of Tenant and its invitees, licensees, their respective officers, agents and employees or their customers. Except where Landlord has actual notice of the necessity for such repair, Landlord shall not be required to commence any such repair until after notice from Tenant that the same is necessary, which notice, except in case of any emergency, shall be in writing and shall allow Landlord [***] days in which to commence such repair. The fact that the costs incurred by Landlord in connection with any of the foregoing are includable in Common Area Operating Costs pursuant to Subsections 3.5A and 3.5B shall not affect Landlord's performance obligations under this Section 5.1. When necessary by reason of accident or other cause occurring in the Premises, or elsewhere in the Shopping Center, or in order to make any repairs or alterations or improvements in or relating to the Premises or to other portions of the Shopping Center, Landlord reserves the right to interrupt the supply to the Premises of steam, condenser water or cooled air for air conditioning, electricity, water and gas and also to suspend the operation of the heating and air conditioning system, if any, until said repairs, alterations or improvements shall have been completed. If, as a result of Landlord's performance of its obligations or exercise of its rights under this Section 5.1, there is created a substantial and material interference with Tenant's ability to conduct its business in the Premises and Tenant therefor closes for more than [***] consecutive business days, Tenant shall be entitled to an abatement of Fixed Rent for each day after the [***] business day during which the condition continues. Other than the aforesaid, there shall be no abatement of Rent because of any such interruption or suspension; however, Landlord shall pursue such work with reasonable continuity, diligence and dispatch and in such a manner as (consistent with good practice) to cause a minimum of interference with Tenant's use of the Premises.

  • Lease of Premises for Lease Term Landlord hereby leases the Premises to Tenant, and Tenant hereby rents the Premises from Landlord, for the Term and subject to the conditions of this Lease.

  • Sublease Term The term of the Sublease (“Sublease Term”) commences on the later to occur of (1) Sublandlord’s receipt of Prime Landlord’s written consent to this Sublease, and (2) October 1, 2009 (“Sublease Commencement Date”); and expires on January 28, 2018 (“Sublease Expiration Date”; i.e., the day prior to the Termination Date pursuant to the Prime Lease). Sublandlord shall deliver the Subleased Premises “broom clean” and free of all of Sublandlord’s personal property (other than the F&F (defined in Section 2(f))) and debris, but otherwise in “AS IS, WHERE IS” condition on the Sublease Commencement Date; provided that Subtenant shall not be responsible for, or required to remedy, any violation of any applicable law, or any condition or state of facts, with respect to the Subleased Premises, the Building or the Land existing on or prior to the Sublease Commencement Date. Sublandlord is not required to perform any work to prepare the Subleased Premises for Subtenant’s intended use. If (i) for any reason Sublandlord has not received Prime Landlord’s written consent to this Sublease in form required by Section 15(i) below by the date which is sixty (60) days from the date hereof, or (ii) Prime Landlord elects to terminate the Prime Lease in respect of the Subleased Premises pursuant to Prime Landlord’s recapture right set forth in Section 16.5 of the Prime Lease, then in the case of (i), then Sublandlord and Subtenant each may elect at any time thereafter to terminate this Sublease by written notice to the other, whereupon the parties shall deem this Sublease to be null and void and of no effect (except for those provisions expressly stated herein to survive a termination), and in the case of (ii) the Sublease will be deemed terminated in accordance with Section 16.5 of the Prime Lease.

  • Time of the Essence in This Tenant Work Letter Unless otherwise indicated, all references herein to a “number of days” shall mean and refer to calendar days. If any item requiring approval is timely disapproved by Landlord, the procedure for preparation of the document and approval thereof shall be repeated until the document is approved by Landlord.

  • Alterations by Landlord Landlord may from time to time:

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