Director's decisions Sample Clauses

Director's decisions. This clause must be carefully considered together with the directors’ quorum clause. For example, it may be appropriate to provide in this clause that the directors voting in the affirmative include at least one nominee from each of the Shareholders (which would in effect give each Shareholder a veto right) or it may be appropriate to provide that all decisions must be unanimous.
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Director's decisions. To the extent permitted by Law, a Director may make a decision in the interests of the Shareholder appointing him or her, without being required to have regard to:

Related to Director's decisions

  • Determinations and Actions by the Board of Directors, etc For all purposes of this Agreement, any calculation of the number of shares of Common Stock outstanding at any particular time, including for purposes of determining the particular percentage of such outstanding shares of Common Stock of which any Person is the Beneficial Owner, shall be made in accordance with the last sentence of Rule 13d-3(d)(1)(i) of the General Rules and Regulations under the Exchange Act as in effect on the date of this Agreement. The Board of Directors of the Company (or, as set forth herein, certain specified members thereof) shall have the exclusive power and authority to administer this Agreement and to exercise all rights and powers specifically granted to the Board of Directors of the Company or to the Company, or as may be necessary or advisable in the administration of this Agreement, including, without limitation, the right and power to (i) interpret the provisions of this Agreement and (ii) make all determinations deemed necessary or advisable for the administration of this Agreement (including, without limitation, a determination to redeem or not redeem the Rights or to amend this Agreement). All such actions, calculations, interpretations and determinations (including, for purposes of clause (y) below, all omissions with respect to the foregoing) that are done or made by the Board of Directors of the Company in good faith, shall (x) be final, conclusive and binding on the Company, the Rights Agent, the holders of the Rights, as such, and all other parties, and (y) not subject the Board of Directors to any liability to the holders of the Rights.

  • Determination and Actions by the Board of Directors, etc For all purposes of this Agreement, any calculation of the number of Common Shares outstanding at any particular time, including for purposes of determining the particular percentage of such outstanding Common Shares or any other securities of which any Person is the Beneficial Owner, shall be made in accordance with the last sentence of Rule 13d-3(d)(1)(i) of the General Rules and Regulations under the Exchange Act as in effect on the date of this Agreement. The Board of Directors of the Company shall have the exclusive power and authority to administer this Agreement and to exercise all rights and powers specifically granted to the Board, or the Company, or as may be necessary or advisable in the administration of this Agreement, including without limitation, the right and power to (i) interpret the provisions of this Agreement, and (ii) make all determinations deemed necessary or advisable for the administration of this Agreement (including a determination to redeem or not redeem the Rights or to amend the Agreement). All such actions, calculations, interpretations and determinations (including, for purposes of clause (y) below, all omissions with respect to the foregoing) which are done or made by the Board in good faith, shall (x) be final, conclusive and binding on the Rights Agent and the holders of the Rights, and (y) not subject the Board to any liability to the holders of the Rights.

  • Major Decisions (a) any proposed or actual foreclosure upon or comparable conversion of the ownership of the Property or the exercise of any other remedies with respect to the Loan;

  • Board of Directors Approval Seller shall have received the approval of its board of directors to the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

  • Nominating Committee Subject to the provisions of Article X, the Nominating Committee shall consist of such number of Directors (none of whom shall be an employee of the Corporation) as may be determined from time to time by the Board. Subject to the provisions of Article X, the Committee shall review the qualifications of potential candidates for the Equity Directors and shall propose nominees for the Equity Directors who are nominated by the Board. Subject to the provisions of Article X, in making their nominations, the Nominating Committee and the Board of Directors shall take into consideration that (i) the Board of Directors shall have meaningful representation of a diversity of interests, including floor brokers, floor traders, futures commission merchants, producers, consumers, processors, distributors and merchandisers of commodities traded on Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. (the “Exchange”) or Board of Trade of the City of Chicago, Inc. (the “CBOT”), participants in a variety of pits or principal groups of commodities traded on the Exchange or the CBOT and other market users or participants; (ii) at least 10% of the members of Board of Directors shall be composed of persons representing farmers, producers, merchants or exporters of principal commodities traded on the Exchange or the CBOT; and (iii) at least 20% of the members of the Board of Directors shall be composed of persons who do not possess trading privileges on either the Exchange or the CBOT, are not salaried employees of the Corporation and are not officers, principals or employees who are involved in operating the futures exchange related business of a firm entitled to members’ rates on either the Exchange or the CBOT. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Nominating Committee shall include the Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation as a nominee for an Equity Director at any annual meeting of shareholders at which his or her term is scheduled to expire; provided, that if such term expiration occurs during the Transition Period, the Chief Executive Officer shall be nominated as a CME Director. Subject to the provisions of Article X, a majority of the Nominating Committee shall constitute a quorum necessary to transact business.

  • Inspectors of Election Before any meeting of stockholders, the Corporation shall appoint an inspector or inspectors of election to act at the meeting or its adjournment and make a written report thereof. The Corporation may designate one or more persons as alternate inspectors to replace any inspector who fails to act. If any person appointed as inspector or any alternate fails to appear or fails or refuses to act, then the person presiding over the meeting shall appoint a person to fill that vacancy. Such inspectors shall:

  • Quorum; Voting; Decisions At each JRC meeting, (i) the participation of at least [********] members designated by each Party shall constitute a quorum and (ii) all members designated by each Party who participate shall [********] vote on all matters before the JRC at such meeting. All decisions of the JRC shall be made by [********] vote. Alternatively, the JRC may act by written consent signed by at least [********] members designated by each Party. Whenever any action by the JRC is called for hereunder during a time period in which the JRC is not scheduled to meet, the Chairman shall cause the JRC to take the action in the requested time period by calling a special meeting or by circulating a written consent. Representatives of each Party or of its Affiliates who are not members of the JRC (including the Patent Coordinators) may attend JRC meetings as non-voting observers with the consent of the other Party, which shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. The Parties shall use reasonable efforts to reach consensus on matters properly before the JRC but, to the extent that that the JRC is unable to resolve any such matter, unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, such matter shall be referred to the ESC to be resolved in accordance with Section 2.1.5.

  • Election of Board of Directors (a) The holders of Preferred Stock, voting as a single class, shall be entitled to elect three (3) members of the Board at each meeting or pursuant to each consent of the Corporation’s stockholders for the election of directors, and to remove from office such directors and to fill any vacancy caused by the resignation, death or removal of such directors.

  • Management Committee The Members shall act collectively through meetings as a "committee of the whole," which is hereby named the "Management Committee." The Management Committee shall conduct its affairs in accordance with the following provisions and the other provisions of this Agreement:

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