EMJMD LIVE Diploma Supplement Sample Clauses

EMJMD LIVE Diploma Supplement. 6. Appendix 6Student Agreement is the Annex7 of the LIVE project 7. Appendix 7Quality Assurance Scheme 8. Appendix 8 – Financial Identification form and Financial Annex for funding distribution -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Related to EMJMD LIVE Diploma Supplement

  • Purchase Order Flip via Ariba Network (AN) The online process allows suppliers to submit invoices via the AN for catalog and non- catalog goods and services. Contractors have the ability to create an invoice directly from their Inbox in their AN account by simply “flipping” the purchase order into an invoice. This option does not require any special software or technical capabilities. For the purposes of this section, the Contractor warrants and represents that it is authorized and empowered to and hereby grants the State and the third-party provider of MFMP the right and license to use, reproduce, transmit, distribute, and publicly display within the system the information outlined above. In addition, the Contractor warrants and represents that it is authorized and empowered to and hereby grants the State and the third-party provider the right and license to reproduce and display within the system the Contractor’s trademarks, system marks, logos, trade dress, or other branding designation that identifies the products made available by the Contractor under the Contract.

  • Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Capability The wind plant shall provide SCADA capability to transmit data and receive instructions from the ISO and/or the Connecting Transmission Owner for the Transmission District to which the wind generating plant will be interconnected, as applicable, to protect system reliability. The Connecting Transmission Owner for the Transmission District to which the wind generating plant will be interconnected and the wind plant Developer shall determine what SCADA information is essential for the proposed wind plant, taking into account the size of the plant and its characteristics, location, and importance in maintaining generation resource adequacy and transmission system reliability in its area.

  • DISTRIBUTION OF CONTRACTOR PRICE LIST AND CONTRACT APPENDICES Contractor shall provide Authorized Users with electronic copies of the Contract, including price lists and Appendices, upon request. OGS CENTRALIZED CONTRACT MODIFICATIONS Contract Updates will be handled as provided in Appendix C – Contract Modification Procedures.

  • Shipping must be Freight On Board Destination to the delivery location designated on the Customer purchase order The Contractor will retain title and control of all goods until delivery is completed and the Customer has accepted the delivery. All risk of transportation and all related charges are the responsibility of the Contractor. The Customer will notify the Contractor and H-GAC promptly of any damaged goods and will assist the Contractor in arranging for inspection. The Contractor must file all claims for visible or concealed damage. Unless otherwise stated in the Agreement, deliveries must consist only of new and unused merchandise.

  • Schedule for Completing Agreement Closeout Activities Provide All Draft and Final Written Products on a CD-ROM or USB memory stick, organized by the tasks in the Agreement. Products: • Final Meeting Agreement Summary (if applicable) • Schedule for Completing Agreement Closeout Activities • All Draft and Final Written Products

  • Effective Date of the Contract The date indicated on the Contract or as otherwise specified therein.

  • CFR Part 200 or Federal Provision - Xxxx Anti-Lobbying Amendment - Continued If you answered "No, Vendor does not certify - Lobbying to Report" to the above attribute question, you must download, read, execute, and upload the attachment entitled "Disclosure of Lobbying Activities - Standard Form - LLL", as instructed, to report the lobbying activities you performed or paid others to perform. 2 CFR Part 200 or Federal Provision - Federal Rule Compliance with all applicable standards, orders, or requirements issued under section 306 of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 1857(h)), section 508 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1368), Executive Order 11738, and Environmental Protection Agency regulations (40 CFR part 15). (Contracts, subcontracts, and subgrants of amounts in excess of $100,000) Pursuant to the above, when federal funds are expended by ESC Region 8 and TIPS Members, ESC Region 8 and TIPS Members requires the proposer certify that in performance of the contracts, subcontracts, and subgrants of amounts in excess of $250,000, the vendor will be in compliance with all applicable standards, orders, or requirements issued under section 306 of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 1857(h)), section 508 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1368), Executive Order 11738, and Environmental Protection Agency regulations (40 CFR part 15). Does vendor certify compliance? Yes

  • Loop Provisioning Involving Integrated Digital Loop Carriers 2.6.1 Where InterGlobe has requested an Unbundled Loop and BellSouth uses IDLC systems to provide the local service to the End User and BellSouth has a suitable alternate facility available, BellSouth will make such alternative facilities available to InterGlobe. If a suitable alternative facility is not available, then to the extent it is technically feasible, BellSouth will implement one of the following alternative arrangements for InterGlobe (e.g. hairpinning):

  • TIPS Sales and Supplemental Agreements If awarded, when making a sale under this awarded contract, the terms of the specific TIPS order, including but not limited to: shipping, freight, insurance, delivery, fees, bonding, cost, delivery expectations and location, returns, refunds, terms, conditions, cancellations, defects, order assistance, etc., shall be controlled by the purchase agreement (Purchase Order, Contract, AIA Contract, Invoice, etc.) (“Supplemental Agreement” as used herein) entered into between the TIPS Member Customer and Vendor only. TIPS is not a party to any Supplemental Agreement. All Supplemental Agreements shall include Vendor’s Name, as known to TIPS, and TIPS Contract Name and Number. Vendor accepts and understands that TIPS is not a legal party to TIPS Sales and Vendor is solely responsible for identifying fraud, mistakes, unacceptable terms, or misrepresentations for the specific order prior to accepting. Vendor agrees that any order issued from a customer to Vendor, even when processed through TIPS, constitutes a legal contract between the customer and Vendor only. When Vendor accepts or fulfills an order, even when processed through TIPS, Vendor is representing that Vendor has carefully reviewed the order for legality, authenticity, and accuracy and TIPS shall not be liable or responsible for the same. In the event of a conflict between the terms of this TIPS Vendor Agreement and those contained in any Supplemental Agreement, the provisions set forth herein shall control unless otherwise agreed to and authorized by the Parties in writing within the Supplemental Agreement. The Supplemental Agreement shall dictate the scope of services, the project delivery expectations, the scheduling of projects and milestones, the support requirements, and all other terms applicable to the specific sale(s) between the Vendor and the TIPS Member.

  • Local Health Integration Networks and Restructuring In the event of a health service integration with another service provider the Employer and the Union agree to meet.

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