Force Majeure 17. Vyšší moc 17.1 A Party which fails to perform this Agreement as a result of Force Majeure (as defined below) shall not be held liable for breach of contract if that Party: 17.1 Strana, která nebude schopna tuto smlouvu plnit v důsledku zásahu vyšší moci (jak xx xxxx definována xxxx), nenese odpovědnost za porušení smlouvy, pokud tato strana: (a) informs the other Party as soon as possible about its inability to perform this Agreement; and (a) bude informovat druhou stranu co nejdříve o své neschopnosti plnit tuto smlouvu a (b) takes all reasonable precautions in order to minimize the effect of the Force Majeure. (b) přijme veškerá přiměřená opatření, aby účinek vyšší moci minimalizovala. 17.2 For the purposes of this Agreement, “Force Majeure” shall mean any event beyond the reasonable control of the non-performing Party which makes the performance of this Agreement impossible or excessively onerous (e.g., strikes, lockouts, riots, war, fire, floods, storms, earthquakes, measures taken by public authorities).
Appears in 2 contracts
Force Majeure 17. Vyšší moc
17.1 A Any Party which fails to perform this Agreement as a result of Force Majeure (as defined below) shall not be held liable for breach of contract if that Party: 17.1 Strana, která nebude schopna tuto smlouvu plnit v důsledku zásahu vyšší moci (jak xx xxxx je tato definována xxxxdále), nenese odpovědnost za porušení smlouvy, pokud tato strana:
(a) informs the other Party as soon as possible about its inability to perform this Agreement; and (a) bude informovat druhou stranu co nejdříve informuje o své neschopnosti plnit tuto smlouvu a co nejdříve stranu druhou; a
(b) takes all reasonable precautions in order to minimize the effect of the Force Majeure. (b) přijme veškerá přiměřená opatření, aby účinek vyšší moci minimalizovala.
17.2 For the purposes of this Agreement, “Force Majeure” shall mean any event beyond the reasonable control of the non-performing Party which makes the performance of this Agreement impossible or excessively onerous (e.g., such as but not limited to strikes, lockouts, riots, war, fire, floods, storms, earthquakes, measures taken by public authorities).
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Clinical Trial Agreement, Post Authorisation Study Agreement
Force Majeure 17. Vyšší moc
17.1 A Any Party which fails to perform this Agreement as a result of Force Majeure (as defined below) shall not be held liable for breach of contract if that Party: 17.1 Strana, která nebude schopna tuto smlouvu plnit v důsledku zásahu vyšší moci (jak xx xxxx definována xxxx), nenese odpovědnost za porušení smlouvy, pokud tato strana:
(a) informs the other Party as soon as possible about its inability to perform this Agreement; and (a) bude informovat druhou stranu co nejdříve informuje o své neschopnosti plnit tuto smlouvu a co nejdříve stranu druhou; a
(b) takes all reasonable precautions in order to minimize the effect of the Force Majeure. (b) přijme veškerá přiměřená opatření, aby účinek vyšší moci minimalizovala.
17.2 For the purposes of this Agreement, “Force Majeure” shall mean any event beyond the reasonable control of the non-performing Party which makes the performance of this Agreement impossible or excessively onerous (e.g., such as but not limited to strikes, lockouts, riots, war, fire, floods, storms, earthquakes, measures taken by public authorities).
Appears in 2 contracts
Force Majeure 17. Vyšší moc
17.1 A Any Party which fails to perform this Agreement as a result of Force Majeure (as defined below) shall not be held liable for breach of contract if that Party: 17.1 Strana, která nebude schopna tuto smlouvu plnit v důsledku zásahu vyšší moci (jak xx xxxx je tato below) shall not be held liable for breach of contract if that Party: definována xxxxdále), nenese odpovědnost za porušení smlouvy, pokud tato strana:
(a) informs the other Party as soon as possible about its inability to perform this Agreement; and (a) bude informovat druhou stranu co nejdříve informuje o své neschopnosti plnit tuto smlouvu a co nejdříve stranu druhou; a
(b) takes all reasonable precautions in order to minimize the effect of the Force Majeure. (b) přijme veškerá přiměřená opatření, aby účinek vyšší moci minimalizovala.
17.2 For the purposes of this Agreement, “Force Majeure” shall mean any event beyond the reasonable control of the non-performing Party which makes the performance of this Agreement impossible or excessively onerous (e.g., such as but not limited to strikes, lockouts, riots, war, fire, floods, storms, earthquakes, measures taken by public authorities).
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Clinical Trial Agreement
Force Majeure 17. Vyšší Vyššia moc
17.1 A Party which fails to perform this Agreement as a result of Force Majeure (as defined below) shall not be held liable for breach of contract if that Party: 17.1 Strana, která nebude schopna tuto smlouvu plnit ktorá nesplní túto zmluvu v důsledku zásahu vyšší dôsledku vyššej moci (jak xx xxxx definována xxxxako je definovaná nižšie), nenese odpovědnost neponesie zodpovednosť za porušení smlouvyporušenie zmluvy, pokud tato ak táto strana:
(a) informs the other Party as soon as possible about its inability to perform this Agreement; and (a) bude informovat druhou informuje druhú stranu co nejdříve čo najskôr o své svojej neschopnosti plnit tuto smlouvu a splniť túto zmluvu; a
(b) takes all reasonable precautions in order to minimize the effect of the Force Majeure. (b) přijme veškerá přiměřená opatřeníprijme všetky primerané opatrenia, aby účinek vyšší moci minimalizovalami- nimalizovala dopad vyššej moci.
17.2 For the purposes of this Agreement, “Force Majeure” shall mean any event beyond the reasonable control of the non-performing Party which makes the performance of this Agreement impossible or excessively onerous (e.g., strikes, lockouts, riots, war, fire, floods, storms, earthquakes, measures taken by public authorities).
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Clinical Trial Agreement
Force Majeure 17. Vyšší Vyššia moc
17.1 A Party which fails to perform this Agreement as a result of Force Majeure (as defined below) shall not be held liable for breach of contract if that Party: 17.1 Strana, která nebude schopna tuto smlouvu plnit ktorá nesplní túto Dohodu v důsledku zásahu vyšší dôsledku vyššej moci (jak xx xxxx definována xxxxako je definovaná nižšie), nenese odpovědnost neponesie zodpovednosť za porušení smlouvyporušenie zmluvy, pokud tato stranaak táto Strana:
(a) informs the other Party as soon as possible about its inability to perform this Agreement; and (a) bude informovat druhou stranu co nejdříve informuje druhú Stranu čo najskôr o své svojej neschopnosti plnit tuto smlouvu a splniť túto Dohodu; a
(b) takes all reasonable precautions in order to (b) prijme všetky primerané opatrenia, aby minimize the effect of the Force Majeure. (b) přijme veškerá přiměřená opatření, aby účinek vyšší moci minimalizovalaminimalizovala dopad vyššej moci.
17.2 For the purposes of this Agreement, “Force Majeure” shall mean any event beyond the reasonable control of the non-performing Party which makes the performance of this Agreement impossible or excessively onerous (e.g., strikes, lockouts, riots, war, fire, floods, storms, earthquakes, measures taken by public authorities).
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Clinical Trial Agreement