7202-1から227 7202-4に呼応して、商業コンピュータソフトウェアおよび商業コンピュータソフトウェア文書は、アメリカ合衆国政府のエンドユーザに対して、(a) 商業品目としてのみ、かつ(b) 本契約条件に従ってその他のエンドユーザすべてに付与される権利のみを伴って、使用許諾されるものです。非公開の権利は、アメリカ合衆国の著作権法に基づき留保されています。
372/2011 Sb o zdravotních službách a podmínkách jejich poskytování (zákon o zdravotních službách), pojištěno pro případ odpovědnosti za škodu způsobenou v souvislosti s poskytováním zdravotních služeb a že si je vědomo své povinnosti zajistit trvání tohoto pojištění po celou dobu poskytování zdravotních služeb. Příslušná pojistná smlouva je uzavřena v rozsahu požadovaném právními předpisy a neobsahuje pojištění odpovědnosti za škodu způsobenou při provádění klinického hodnocení nebo v souvislosti s ním ani nezajišťuje odškodnění v případě smrti subjektu hodnocení nebo v případě škody vzniklé na zdraví subjektu hodnocení v důsledku provádění klinického hodnocení.
December 2020 The funds of the 11th EDF, and in the case of the Investment Facility the funds stemming from reflows, shall no longer be committed beyond 31 December 2020 unless the Council acting unanimously on a proposal of the Commission decides otherwise. However, the funds subscribed by the Member States under the 9th, 10th and 11th EDFs to finance the Investment Facility shall remain available after 31 December 2020 for disbursement, until a date to be laid down in the Financial Regulation referred to in Article 10(2).
November 2020 Section 1 The objectives, targets, timeframe and other matters relating to official controls and other official activities which the Authority has specified to the Official Agency.
Einwilligung Zur Verwendung Von Daten A. Analysedaten. Wenn du dich entscheidest, die Sammlung von Analysedaten zuzulassen, erklärst du dein Einverständnis damit, dass Apple, seine Tochtergesellschaften und Auftragnehmer Diagnosedaten sowie technische, nutzungsrelevante und zugehörige Informationen, einschließlich insbesondere eindeutige System- oder Hardwarekennungen, Informationen über deinen Computer, deine Systemsoftware und Softwareprogramme sowie deine Peripheriegeräte sammeln, verwalten, verarbeiten und verwenden dürfen. Diese Informationen werden regelmäßig gesammelt, um Produkte und Dienste von Apple bereitzustellen und zu verbessern, die Bereitstellung von Softwareaktualisierungen, Produktsupport und anderen Diensten für dich (sofern vorhanden) in Verbindung mit der Apple-Software zu vereinfachen und um die Einhaltung der Bestimmungen dieses Lizenzvertrags zu überprüfen. Du kannst deine Einstellungen für die Analyse jederzeit ändern, indem du auf deinem Computer zur Einstellung „Analyse“ navigierst und das Markierungsfeld deaktivierst. Die Einstellung „Analyse“ befindet sich in der Systemeinstellung „Sicherheit“ im Bereich „Privatsphäre“. Apple ist berechtigt, diese Informationen zu nutzen, sofern diese für die oben beschriebenen Zwecke in einer Form gesammelt werden, die keinerlei Rückschlüsse auf deine Person zulässt. Damit Partner und Fremdentwickler von Apple die Möglichkeit erhalten, ihre für die Nutzung mit Apple-Produkten ausgelegte(n) Software, Hardware und Dienste zu optimieren, stellt Apple solchen Partnern oder Fremdentwicklern möglicherweise einen Teil seiner Diagnoseinformationen bereit, der für die Software, Hardware und/oder Dienste dieses Partners oder Entwicklers relevant ist, vorausgesetzt, diese Informationen werden in einer Form verwendet, die keinerlei Rückschlüsse auf deine Person zulässt.
November 2016 Real GDP published for calendar 2015;
December 2016 Unless differently stated in forthcoming revisions of the current Voluntary Agreement, the following reports shall be established by 30 April every year covering products placed on the market during the previous full calendar year, e.g. by 30 April 2018 for products placed on the market between 1 January 2017 and 31 December 2017. Within two weeks following the end of a reporting period, the Independent Inspector shall send a request to the Signatories to file their Reports. These shall be submitted no later than two months and two weeks after the end of the reporting period. The Reports shall be compiled by the Independent Inspector into a draft annual progress report (the “Annual Progress Report”) that will be submitted to the European Commission and the Signatories by the 12 April of the calendar year following the end of the reporting period for the purpose of checking inconsistencies and quality. The Independent Inspector will submit the Final Annual Progress Report to the Steering Committee no later than 30 April of the calendar year following the end of the reporting period. This Annual Progress Report will only show anonymous results. Signatories will not be named although individual achievements shall be disclosed (company A, company B, etc.). In case a company is found to be non-compliant, the Annual Progress Report shall provide the identity of the Signatory and detail the reasons for such non-compliance. The Independent Inspector shall be responsible for ensuring that confidentiality of the Signatory’s identity and any data or information provided to it under or in relation to this agreement is maintained. This shall include entering into a non-disclosure agreement with each Signatory if requested by the Signatory.
Lieu Time (i) Subject to (ii). (iii), and (iv) below, overtime taken as lieu time shall be accumulated at the rate of
Distributions; Xxxxxx Xxx Guaranty On or before each Determination Date (or as soon thereafter as is reasonably practicable), Xxxxxx Mae shall calculate the Lower Tier Distribution Amount for the current calendar month. On each Distribution Date, Xxxxxx Xxx shall withdraw from the Certificate Account the portion of the Lower Tier Distribution Amount distributable thereon and shall make the distributions to the Holders of the related Lower Tier Regular Classes in the respective amounts and in the applicable manner determined pursuant to Section 2.02. In the event that the amount on deposit in the Certificate Account on any Distribution Date shall be less than the applicable portion of the Lower Tier Distribution Amount distributable thereon, Xxxxxx Mae shall provide from its own funds the amount of any such insufficiency. In addition, in the event that (i) the applicable portion of the Lower Tier Distribution Amount shall be insufficient to pay all interest due and payable on the related Lower Tier Regular Classes on such Distribution Date or (ii) such Distribution Date is a Final Distribution Date for any Class and the distribution on such Distribution Date of the applicable portion of the Lower Tier Distribution Amount will not be sufficient to reduce the Class Balance of such Class to zero on such Final Distribution Date, then Xxxxxx Xxx shall (a) withdraw from the Certificate Account, such amount as shall be necessary to remedy such insufficiency and (b) to the extent that funds in the Certificate Account shall be insufficient therefor, apply its own funds towards remedying the same.
When Must Distributions from a Xxxx XXX Begin Unlike Traditional IRAs, there is no requirement that you begin distribution of your account during your lifetime at any particular age.