Common use of ILCS 580 Clause in Contracts

ILCS 580. Vendor certifies that neither Vendor nor any substantially owned affiliate is participating or shall participate in an international boycott in violation of the U.S. Export Administration Act of 1979 or the applicable regulations of the United States. Department of Commerce. 30 ILCS 582. Vendor certifies it has not been convicted of the offense of bid rigging or bid rotating or any similar offense of any state or of the United States. 720 ILCS 5/33 E-3, E-4. Vendor certifies it complies with the Illinois Department of Human Rights Act and rules applicable to public contracts, which include providing equal employment opportunity, refraining from unlawful discrimination, and having written sexual harassment policies. 775 ILCS 5/2-105. Vendor certifies it does not pay dues to or reimburse or subsidize payments by its employees for any dues or fees to any “discriminatory club.” 775 ILCS 25/2. Vendor certifies that no foreign-made equipment, materials, or supplies furnished to the State under the contract have been or will be produced in whole or in part by forced labor or indentured labor under penal sanction. 30 ILCS 583. Vendor certifies that no foreign-made equipment, materials, or supplies furnished to the State under the contract have been produced in whole or in part by the labor or any child under the age of 12. 30 ILCS 584. Vendor certifies that any violation of the Lead Poisoning Prevention Act, as it applies to owners of residential buildings, has been mitigated. 410 ILCS 45. Vendor warrants and certifies that it and, to the best of its knowledge, its subcontractors have and will comply with Executive Order No. 1 (2007). The Order generally prohibits Vendors and subcontractors from hiring the then-serving Governor’s family members to lobby procurement activities of the State, or any other unit of government in Illinois including local governments if that procurement may result in a contract valued at over $25,000. This prohibition also applies to hiring for that same purpose any former State employee who had procurement authority at any time during the one-year period preceding the procurement lobbying activity. Vendor certifies that information technology, including electronic information, software, systems and equipment, developed or provided under this contract comply with the applicable requirements of the Illinois Information Technology Accessibility Act Standards as published at ( 30 ILCS 587. Vendor certifies that it has read, understands, and is in compliance with the registration requirements of the Elections Code (10 ILCS 5/9-35) and the restrictions on making political contributions and related requirements of the Illinois Procurement Code. 30 ILCS 500/20-160 and 50-37. Vendor will not make a political contribution that will violate these requirements. In accordance with section 20-160 of the Illinois Procurement Code, Vendor certifies as applicable: Vendor is not required to register as a business entity with the State Board of Elections. or Vendor has registered with the State Board of Elections. As a registered business entity, Vendor acknowledges a continuing duty to update the registration as required by the Act. Vendor certifies that if it is awarded a contract through the use of the preference required by the Procurement of Domestic Products Act, then it shall provide products pursuant to the contract or a subcontract that are manufactured in the United States. 30 ILCS 517. A person (other than an individual acting as a sole proprietor) must be a duly constituted legal entity and authorized to do business in Illinois prior to submitting a bid or offer. 30 ILCS 500/20-43. If you do not meet these criteria, then your bid or offer will be disqualified. Vendor must make one of the following four certifications by checking the appropriate box. If C or D is checked, then Vendor must attach to this form the requested documentation. Vendor certifies it is an individual acting as a sole proprietor and is therefore not subject to the requirements of section 20-43 of the Procurement Code. Vendor certifies that it is a legal entity, and was authorized to do business in Illinois as of the date for submitting this bid or offer. The State may require Vendor to provide evidence of compliance before award. Vendor certifies it is a legal entity, and is a foreign corporation performing activities that do not constitute transacting business in Illinois as defined by Illinois Business Corporations Act (805 ILCS 5/13.75). A vendor claiming exemption under the Act must include a detailed explanation of the legal basis for the claim with its bid or offer and must provide additional detail upon request. If Vendor fails to provide the mandatory documentation with the bid or offer, or does not provide additional detail upon request within the timeframe specified in said request, then the State may deem the Vendor as being non-responsive or not responsible and may disqualify the Vendor. Vendor certifies it is a legal entity, and is an entity otherwise recognized under Illinois law as eligible for a specific form of exemption similar to those found in the Illinois Business Corporation Act (805 ILCS 5/13.75). A vendor claiming exemption under a specific law must provide a detailed explanation of the legal basis for the claim with its bid or offer and must provide additional detail upon request. If Vendor fails to provide the mandatory documentation with the bid or offer, or does not provide additional detail upon request within the timeframe specified in said request, then the State may deem the Vendor as being non-responsive or not responsible and may disqualify the Vendor. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURES AND CONFLICTS OF INTEREST Financial Disclosures and Conflicts of Interest forms (“forms”) must be accurately completed and submitted by the vendor, any parent entity(ies) and any subcontractors. There are nine steps to this form and each must be completed as instructed in the step heading, unless otherwise provided. A bid, offer, or proposal that does not include this form shall be considered non-responsive. The Agency/University will consider this form when evaluating the bid, offer, or proposal or awarding the contract. The requirement of disclosure of financial interests and conflicts of interest is a continuing obligation. If circumstances change and the previously submitted form is no longer accurate, disclosing entities must provide an updated form. Separate forms are required for the vendor, any parent entity(ies) and any subcontractors. Subcontractor forms must be provided with a copy of the subcontract, if required, within 15 days after execution of the State contract or after execution of the subcontract, whichever is later, for all subcontracts with an annual value of more than $50,000. This disclosure is submitted for: Vendor Vendor’s Parent Entity(ies) (100% ownership) Subcontractor(s) >$50,000 Subcontractor’s Parent Entity(ies) > $50,000 Project Name and Illinois Procurement Bulletin Number Click here to enter text. Vendor Name Click here to enter text. Doing Business As (DBA) Click here to enter text. Parent Entity Click here to enter text. Subcontractor Click here to enter text. Instrument of Ownership or Beneficial Interest If you selected Other, please describe: Click here to enter text. EP 1

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ILCS 580. Vendor certifies that neither Vendor nor any substantially owned affiliate is participating or shall participate in an international boycott in violation of the U.S. Export Administration Act of 1979 or the applicable regulations of the United States. Department of Commerce. 30 ILCS 582. Vendor certifies it has not been convicted of the offense of bid rigging or bid rotating or any similar offense of any state or of the United States. 720 ILCS 5/33 E-3, E-4. Vendor certifies it complies with the Illinois Department of Human Rights Act and rules applicable to public contracts, which include providing equal employment opportunity, refraining from unlawful discrimination, and having written sexual harassment policies. 775 ILCS 5/2-105. Vendor certifies it does not pay dues to or reimburse or subsidize payments by its employees for any dues or fees to any “discriminatory discriminating club.” 775 ILCS 25/2. Vendor certifies that no foreign-made equipment, materials, or supplies furnished to the State under the contract have been or will be produced in whole or in part by forced labor or indentured labor under penal sanction. 30 ILCS 583. Vendor certifies that no foreign-made equipment, materials, or supplies furnished to the State under the contract have been produced in whole or in part by the labor or of any child under the age of 12. 30 ILCS 584. Vendor certifies that any violation of the Lead Poisoning Prevention Act, as it applies to owners of residential buildings, has been mitigated. 410 ILCS 45. Vendor warrants and certifies that it and, to the best of its knowledge, its subcontractors have and will comply with Executive Order No. 1 (2007). The Order generally prohibits Vendors and subcontractors from hiring the then-serving Governor’s family members to lobby procurement activities of the State, or any other unit of government in Illinois including local governments if that procurement may result in a contract valued at over $25,000. This prohibition also applies to hiring for that same purpose any former State employee who had procurement authority at any time during the one-year period preceding the procurement lobbying activity. Vendor certifies that information technology, including electronic information, software, systems and equipment, developed or provided under this contract comply with the applicable requirements of the Illinois Information Technology Accessibility Act Standards as published at ( ). 30 ILCS 587. Vendor certifies that it has read, understands, and is in compliance with the registration requirements of the Elections Code (10 ILCS 5/9-35) and the restrictions on making political contributions and related requirements of the Illinois Procurement Code. 30 ILCS 500/20-160 and 50-37. Vendor will not make a political contribution that will violate these requirements. In accordance with section 20-160 of the Illinois Procurement Code, Vendor certifies as applicable: Vendor is not required to register as a business entity with the State Board of Elections. or Vendor has registered with the State Board of Elections. As a registered business entity, Vendor acknowledges a continuing duty to update the registration as required by the Act. Vendor certifies that if it is awarded a contract through the use of the preference required by the Procurement of Domestic Products Act, then it shall provide products pursuant to the contract or a subcontract that are manufactured in Illinois or the United States. 30 ILCS 517. A person (other than an individual acting as a sole proprietor) must be a duly constituted legal entity and authorized to do business Vendor certifies that, for the duration of this contract it: will post its employment vacancies in Illinois prior and border states on the Department of Employment Security’s website or its successor system; or will provide an online link to submitting a bid these employment vacancies so that this link is accessible through the xxxxx:// website its successor system; or offer. 30 is exempt from 20 ILCS 500/201005/1005-43. If you do not meet these criteria, then your bid or offer will be disqualified. Vendor must make one 47 because the contract is for construction-related services as that term is defined in section 1-15.20 of the following four certifications by checking Procurement Code; or the appropriate boxcontract is for construction and vendor is a party to a contract with a bona fide labor organization and performs construction. If C or D is checked, then Vendor must attach to this form the requested documentation20 ILCS 1005/1005-47. Vendor certifies it is an individual acting not prohibited by federal agencies pursuant to a United States Department of Homeland Security Binding Operational Directive due to cybersecurity risks. 30 ILCS 500/25-90. Additional Terms: Assignment and Subcontracting: (30 ILCS 500/20-120 ) Any contract may not be assigned or transferred in whole or in part by Vendor without the prior written consent of the University. For purposes of this section, subcontractors are those specifically hired by the Vendor to perform all or part of the work covered by the contract. Vendor shall describe the names and addresses of all subcontractors to be utilized by Vendor in the performance of the resulting contract, together with a description of the work to be performed by the subcontractor and the anticipated amount of money that each subcontractor is expected to receive pursuant to a subsequent contract. Vendor shall notify the University in writing of any additional or substitute subcontractors hired during the term of a resulting contract, and shall supply the names and addresses and the expected amount of money that each new or replaced subcontractor will receive pursuant to the Contract. All subcontracts must include the same certifications and disclosures that Vendor must make as a sole proprietor condition of their contract. Audit / Retention of Records: (30 ILCS 500/20-65) Vendor and its subcontractors shall maintain books and records relating to the performance of the resulting contract or subcontract and necessary to support amounts charged to the University. Books and records, including information stored electronically, shall be maintained by the Vendor for a period of three years from the later of the date of final payment under the contract or completion of the contract, and by the subcontractor for a period of three years from the later of final payment under the term or completion of the subcontract. If federal funds are used to pay contract costs, the Vendor and its subcontractors must retain its records for a minimum of five years after completion of work. Books and records required to be maintained under this section shall be available for review or audit by representatives of: the University, the Auditor General, the Executive Inspector General, the Chief Procurement Officer, State of Illinois internal auditors or other governmental entities with monitoring authority, upon reasonable notice and during normal business hours. Vendor and its subcontractors shall cooperate fully with any such audit and with any investigation conducted by any of these entities. Failure to maintain books and records required by this section shall establish a presumption in favor of the University for the recovery of any funds paid by the University under the contract for which adequate books and records are not available to support the purported disbursement. The Vendor or subcontractors shall not impose a charge for audit or examination of the Vendor’s books and records. Availability of Appropriation (30 ILCS 500/20-60): Any resulting contract is therefore not contingent upon and subject to the requirements availability of section 20-43 of the Procurement Code. Vendor certifies that it is a legal entity, and was authorized to do business in Illinois as of the date for submitting this bid or offerfunds. The State University, at its sole option, may require Vendor to provide evidence of compliance before award. Vendor certifies it is a legal entityterminate or suspend this contract, and is a foreign corporation performing activities that do not constitute transacting business in whole or in part, without penalty or further payment being required, if the Illinois as defined by Illinois Business Corporations Act (805 ILCS 5/13.75). A vendor claiming exemption under General Assembly or the Act must include a detailed explanation of the legal basis for the claim with its bid or offer and must provide additional detail upon request. If Vendor federal funding source fails to provide the mandatory documentation with the bid or offer, or does not provide additional detail upon request within the timeframe specified in said request, then the State may deem the Vendor as being non-responsive or not responsible and may disqualify the Vendor. Vendor certifies it is a legal entity, and is make an entity otherwise recognized under Illinois law as eligible for a specific form of exemption similar appropriation sufficient to those found in the Illinois Business Corporation Act (805 ILCS 5/13.75). A vendor claiming exemption under a specific law must provide a detailed explanation of the legal basis for the claim with its bid or offer and must provide additional detail upon request. If Vendor fails to provide the mandatory documentation with the bid or offer, or does not provide additional detail upon request within the timeframe specified in said request, then the State may deem the Vendor as being non-responsive or not responsible and may disqualify the Vendor. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURES AND CONFLICTS OF INTEREST Financial Disclosures and Conflicts of Interest forms (“forms”) must be accurately completed and submitted by the vendor, any parent entity(ies) and any subcontractors. There are nine steps to this form and each must be completed as instructed in the step heading, unless otherwise provided. A bid, offer, or proposal that does not include this form shall be considered non-responsive. The Agency/University will consider this form when evaluating the bid, offer, or proposal or awarding the contract. The requirement of disclosure of financial interests and conflicts of interest is a continuing pay such obligation. If circumstances change funds needed are insufficient for any reason, the University has discretion on which contracts will be funded. Transportation Sustainability Procurement Program Act (30 ILCS 530/10 (b): All contracts for freight, small package delivery, and any transportation of cargo require providers to report the amount of energy the service provider consumed to provide those services to the State and the previously submitted form is no longer accurateamount of associated greenhouse gas emissions, disclosing entities must provide an updated form. Separate forms are required for the vendor, any parent entity(ies) including energy use and any subcontractors. Subcontractor forms must be provided with greenhouse gases emitted as a copy result of the subcontract, if required, within 15 days after execution provider’s use of electricity in its facilities and the State contract or after execution energy use and greenhouse gas emissions by the service provider’s subcontractors in the performance of the subcontract, whichever is later, for all subcontracts with an annual value of more than $50,000. This disclosure is submitted for: Vendor Vendor’s Parent Entity(ies) (100% ownership) Subcontractor(s) >$50,000 Subcontractor’s Parent Entity(ies) > $50,000 Project Name and Illinois Procurement Bulletin Number Click here to enter text. Vendor Name Click here to enter text. Doing Business As (DBA) Click here to enter text. Parent Entity Click here to enter text. Subcontractor Click here to enter text. Instrument of Ownership or Beneficial Interest If you selected Other, please describe: Click here to enter text. EP 1those services.

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ILCS 580. Vendor certifies that neither Vendor nor any substantially owned affiliate is participating or shall participate in an international boycott in violation of the U.S. Export Administration Act of 1979 or the applicable regulations of the United States. Department of Commerce. 30 ILCS 582. Vendor certifies it has not been convicted of the offense of bid rigging or bid rotating or any similar offense of any state or of the United States. 720 ILCS 5/33 E-3, E-4. Vendor certifies it complies with the Illinois Department of Human Rights Act and rules applicable to public contracts, which include providing equal employment opportunity, refraining from unlawful discrimination, and having written sexual harassment policies. 775 ILCS 5/2-105. Vendor certifies it does not pay dues to or reimburse or subsidize payments by its employees for any dues or fees to any “discriminatory club.” 775 ILCS 25/2. Vendor certifies that no foreign-made equipment, materials, or supplies furnished to the State under the contract have been or will be produced in whole or in part by forced labor or indentured labor under penal sanction. 30 ILCS 583. Vendor certifies that no foreign-made equipment, materials, or supplies furnished to the State under the contract have been produced in whole or in part by the labor or of any child under the age of 12. 30 ILCS 584. Vendor certifies that any violation of the Lead Poisoning Prevention Act, as it applies to owners of residential buildings, has been mitigated. 410 ILCS 45. Vendor warrants and certifies that it and, to the best of its knowledge, its subcontractors have and will comply with Executive Order No. 1 (2007). The Order generally prohibits Vendors and subcontractors from hiring the then-serving Governor’s family members to lobby procurement activities of the State, or any other unit of government in Illinois including local governments if that procurement may result in a contract valued at over $25,000. This prohibition also applies to hiring for that same purpose any former State employee who had procurement authority at any time during the one-year period preceding the procurement lobbying activity. Vendor certifies that information technology, including electronic information, software, systems and equipment, developed or provided under this contract comply with the applicable requirements of the Illinois Information Technology Accessibility Act Standards as published at ( ). 30 ILCS 587. Vendor certifies that it has read, understands, and is in compliance with the registration requirements of the Elections Code (10 ILCS 5/9-35) and the restrictions on making political contributions and related requirements of the Illinois Procurement Code. 30 ILCS 500/20-160 and 50-37. Vendor will not make a political contribution that will violate these requirements. In accordance with section 20-160 of the Illinois Procurement Code, Vendor certifies as applicable: Vendor is not required to register as a business entity with the State Board of Elections. or Vendor has registered with the State Board of Elections. As a registered business entity, Vendor acknowledges a continuing duty to update the registration as required by the Act. Vendor certifies that if it is awarded a contract through the use of the preference required by the Procurement of Domestic Products Act, then it shall provide products pursuant to the contract or a subcontract that are manufactured in the United States. 30 ILCS 517. A person (other than an individual acting as a sole proprietor) must be a duly constituted legal entity and authorized to do business in Illinois prior to submitting a bid or offer. 30 ILCS 500/20-43. If you do not meet these criteria, then your bid or offer will be disqualified. Vendor must make one of the following four certifications by checking the appropriate box. If C or D is checked, then Vendor must attach to this form the requested documentation. Vendor certifies it is an individual acting as a sole proprietor and is therefore not subject to the requirements of section 20-43 of the Procurement Code. Vendor certifies that it is a legal entity, and was authorized to do business in Illinois as of the date for submitting this bid or offer. The State may require Vendor to provide evidence of compliance before award. Vendor certifies it is a legal entity, and is a foreign corporation performing activities that do not constitute transacting business in Illinois as defined by Illinois Business Corporations Act (805 ILCS 5/13.75). A vendor claiming exemption under the Act must include a detailed explanation of the legal basis for the claim with its bid or offer and must provide additional detail upon request. If Vendor fails to provide the mandatory documentation with the bid or offer, or does not provide additional detail upon request within the timeframe specified in said request, then the State may deem the Vendor as being non-responsive or not responsible and may disqualify the Vendor. Vendor certifies it is a legal entity, and is an entity otherwise recognized under Illinois law as eligible for a specific form of exemption similar to those found in the Illinois Business Corporation Act (805 ILCS 5/13.75). A vendor claiming exemption under a specific law must provide a detailed explanation of the legal basis for the claim with its bid or offer and must provide additional detail upon request. If Vendor fails to provide the mandatory documentation with the bid or offer, or does not provide additional detail upon request within the timeframe specified in said request, then the State may deem the Vendor as being non-responsive or not responsible and may disqualify the Vendor. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURES AND CONFLICTS Vendor certifies that, for the duration of this contract it will: post its employment vacancies in Illinois and border states on the Department of Employment Security’s website or its successor system; or will provide an online link to these employment vacancies so that this link is accessible through the website it successor system; or is exempt from 20 ILCS 1005/1005-47 because the contract is for construction-related services as that term is defined in section 1-15.20 of the Procurement Code; or the contract is for construction and vendor is a party to a contract with a bona fide labor organization and performs construction. (20 ILCS 1005/1005-47). DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST Financial Disclosures and Conflicts BUSINESS OPERATIONS WITH IRAN In accordance with 30 ILCS 500/50-36, each bid, offer, or proposal submitted for a State contract, other than a small purchase defined in Section 20-20 of Interest forms (“forms”) must be accurately completed and submitted the Illinois Procurement Code, shall include a disclosure of whether or not the bidder, offeror, or proposing entity, or any of its corporate parents or subsidiaries, within the 24 months before submission of the bid, offer, or proposal had business operations that involved contracts with or provision of supplies or services to the Government of Iran, companies in which the Government of Iran has any direct or indirect equity share, consortiums or projects commissioned by the vendorGovernment of Iran and: more than 10% of the company’s revenues produced in or assets located in Iran involve oil-related activities or mineral-extraction activities; less than 75% of the company’s revenues produced in or assets located in Iran involve contracts with or provision of oil-related or mineral – extraction products or services to the Government of Iran or a project or consortium created exclusively by that Government; and the company has failed to take substantial action; or the company has, on or after August 5, 1996, made an investment of $20 million or more, or any parent entity(ies) and any subcontractors. There are nine steps to this form and combination of investments of at least $10 million each must be completed as instructed that in the step heading, unless otherwise providedaggregate equals or exceeds $20 million in any 12- month period that directly or significantly contributes to the enhancement of Iran’s ability to develop petroleum resources of Iran. A bid, offer, or proposal that does not include this form disclosure shall not be considered non-responsive. The Agency/University will We may consider this form disclosure when evaluating the bid, offer, or proposal or awarding the contract. There are no business operations that must be disclosed to comply with the above cited law. The requirement following business operations are disclosed to comply with the above cited law: I certify that the number shown on this form is my correct taxpayer identification number (or I am waiting for a number to be issued to me), and I am not subject to backup withholding because: (a) I am exempt from backup withholding, or (b) I have not been notified by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that I am subject to backup withholding as a result of disclosure a failure to report all interest or dividends, or (c) the IRS has notified me that I am no longer subject to backup withholding. I certify that I am a U.S. person (including a U.S. resident alien). If you are an individual, then enter your name and Social Security Number (SSN) as it appears on your Social Security Card. If you are a sole proprietor, then enter the owner’s name on the name line followed by the name of financial interests the business and conflicts of interest the owner’s SSN or Employer Identification Number (EIN). If you are a single-member LLC that is disregarded as an entity separate from its owner, then enter the owner’s name on the name line and the D/B/A on the business name line and enter the owner’s SSN or EIN. If the LLC is a continuing obligationcorporation or partnership, then enter the entity’s business name and EIN and for corporations, attach IRS acceptance letter (CP261 or CP277). If circumstances change For all other entities, enter the name of the entity as used to apply for the entity’s EIN and the previously submitted form is no longer accurate, disclosing entities must provide an updated formEIN. Separate forms are required for the vendor, any parent entity(iesName: Business Name: Taxpayer Identification Number Social Security Number: Or Employer Identification Number: Legal Status (check one): Governmental Individual Nonresident alien Partnership Estate or trust Legal Services Corporation Pharmacy (Non-Corp.) and any subcontractors. Subcontractor forms must be provided with a copy Tax-exempt Pharmacy/Funeral Home/Cemetery (Corp.) Corporation providing or billing Limited Liability Company medical and/or health care services (select applicable tax classification) Corporation NOT providing or billing D = disregarded entity medical and/or health care services C = corporation P = partnership Signature of the subcontract, if required, within 15 days after execution of the State contract or after execution of the subcontract, whichever is later, for all subcontracts with an annual value of more than $50,000. This disclosure is submitted forAuthorized Representative: Vendor Vendor’s Parent Entity(ies) (100% ownership) Subcontractor(s) >$50,000 Subcontractor’s Parent Entity(ies) > $50,000 Project Name and Illinois Procurement Bulletin Number Click here to enter text. Vendor Name Click here to enter text. Doing Business As (DBA) Click here to enter text. Parent Entity Click here to enter text. Subcontractor Click here to enter text. Instrument of Ownership or Beneficial Interest If you selected Other, please describe: Click here to enter text. EP 1Date:

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Samples: Description of Supplies and Services

ILCS 580. Vendor certifies that neither Vendor nor any substantially owned affiliate is participating or shall participate in an international boycott in violation of the U.S. Export Administration Act of 1979 or the applicable regulations of the United States. Department of Commerce. 30 ILCS 582. Vendor certifies it has not been convicted of the offense of bid rigging or bid rotating or any similar offense of any state or of the United States. 720 ILCS 5/33 E-3, E-4. Vendor certifies it complies with the Illinois Department of Human Rights Act and rules applicable to public contracts, which include providing equal employment opportunity, refraining from unlawful discrimination, and having written sexual harassment policies. 775 ILCS 5/2-105. Vendor certifies it does not pay dues to or reimburse or subsidize payments by its employees for any dues or fees to any “discriminatory club.” 775 ILCS 25/2. Vendor certifies that no foreign-made equipment, materials, or supplies furnished to the State under the contract have been or will be produced in whole or in part by forced labor or of indentured labor under penal sanction. 30 ILCS 583. Vendor certifies that no foreign-made equipment, materials, or supplies furnished to the State under the contract have been produced in whole or in part by the labor or of any child under the age of 12. 30 ILCS 584. Vendor certifies that any violation of the Lead Poisoning Prevention Act, as it applies to owners of residential buildings, has been mitigated. 410 ILCS 45. Vendor warrants and certifies that it and, to the best of its knowledge, its subcontractors have and will comply with Executive Order No. 1 (2007). The Order generally prohibits Vendors and subcontractors from hiring the then-serving Governor’s family members to lobby procurement activities of the State, or any other unit of government in Illinois including local governments if that procurement may result in a contract valued at over $25,000. This prohibition also applies to hiring for that same purpose any former State employee who had procurement authority at any time during the one-year period preceding the procurement lobbying activity. Vendor certifies that information technology, including electronic information, software, systems and equipment, developed or provided under this contract comply with the applicable requirements of the Illinois Information Technology Accessibility Act Standards as published at ( ). 30 ILCS 587. Vendor certifies that it has read, understands, and is in compliance with the registration requirements of the Elections Code (10 ILCS 5/9-35) and the restrictions on making political contributions and related requirements of the Illinois Procurement Code. 30 ILCS 500/20-160 and 50-37. Vendor will not make a political contribution that will violate these requirements. In accordance with section 20-160 of the Illinois Procurement Code, Vendor certifies as applicable: Vendor is not required to register as a business entity with the State Board of Elections. or Vendor has registered with the State Board of Elections. As a registered business entity, Vendor acknowledges a continuing duty to update the registration as required by the Act. Vendor certifies that if it is awarded a contract through the use of the preference required by the Procurement of Domestic Products Act, then it shall provide products pursuant to the contract or a subcontract that are manufactured in the United States. 30 ILCS 517. A person (other than an individual acting as a sole proprietor) must be a duly constituted legal entity and authorized to do business in Illinois prior to submitting a bid or offer. 30 ILCS 500/20-43. If you do not meet these criteria, then your bid or offer will be disqualified. Vendor must make one of the following four certifications by checking the appropriate box. If C or D is checked, then Vendor must attach to this form the requested documentation. Vendor certifies it is an individual acting as a sole proprietor and is therefore not subject to the requirements of section 20-43 of the Procurement Code. Vendor certifies that it is a legal entity, and was authorized to do business in Illinois as of the date for submitting this bid or offer. The State may require Vendor to provide evidence of compliance before award. Vendor certifies it is a legal entity, and is a foreign corporation performing activities that do not constitute transacting business in Illinois as defined by Illinois Business Corporations Act (805 ILCS 5/13.75). A vendor claiming exemption under the Act must include a detailed explanation of the legal basis for the claim with its bid or offer and must provide additional detail upon request. If Vendor fails to provide the mandatory documentation with the bid or offer, or does not provide additional detail upon request within the timeframe specified in said request, then the State may deem the Vendor as being non-responsive or not responsible and may disqualify the Vendor. Vendor certifies it is a legal entity, and is an entity otherwise recognized under Illinois law as eligible for a specific form of exemption similar to those found in the Illinois Business Corporation Act (805 ILCS 5/13.75). A vendor claiming exemption under a specific law must provide a detailed explanation of the legal basis for the claim with its bid or offer and must provide additional detail upon request. If Vendor fails to provide the mandatory documentation with the bid or offer, or does not provide additional detail upon request within the timeframe specified in said request, then the State may deem the Vendor as being non-responsive or not responsible and may disqualify the Vendor. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURES AND CONFLICTS OF INTEREST Financial Disclosures and Conflicts of Interest forms (“forms”) must be accurately completed and submitted by the vendor, any parent entity(ies) and any subcontractors. There are nine steps to this form and each must be completed as instructed in the step heading, unless otherwise provided. A bid, offer, or proposal that does not include this form shall be considered non-responsive. The Agency/University will consider this form when evaluating the bid, offer, or proposal or awarding the contract. The requirement of disclosure of financial interests and conflicts of interest is a continuing obligation. If circumstances change and the previously submitted form is no longer accurate, disclosing entities must provide an updated form. Separate forms are required for the vendor, any parent entity(ies) and any subcontractors. Subcontractor forms must be provided with a copy of the subcontract, if required, within 15 days after execution of the State contract or after execution of the subcontract, whichever is later, for all subcontracts with an annual value of more than $50,000. This disclosure is submitted for: Vendor Vendor’s Parent Entity(ies) (100% ownership) Subcontractor(s) >$50,000 Subcontractor’s Parent Entity(ies) > $50,000 Project Name and Illinois Procurement Bulletin Number Click here to enter text. Vendor Name Click here to enter text. Doing Business As (DBA) Click here to enter text. Parent Entity Click here to enter text. Subcontractor Click here to enter text. Instrument of Ownership or Beneficial Interest If you selected Other, please describe: Click here to enter text. EP 1.

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ILCS 580. Vendor certifies that neither Vendor nor any substantially owned affiliate is participating or shall participate in an international boycott in violation of the U.S. Export Administration Act of 1979 or the applicable regulations of the United States. Department of Commerce. 30 ILCS 582. Vendor certifies it has not been convicted of the offense of bid rigging or bid rotating or any similar offense of any state or of the United States. 720 ILCS 5/33 E-3, E-4. Vendor certifies it complies with the Illinois Department of Human Rights Act and rules applicable to public contracts, which include providing equal employment opportunity, refraining from unlawful discrimination, and having written sexual harassment policies. 775 ILCS 5/2-105. Vendor certifies it does not pay dues to or reimburse or subsidize payments by its employees for any dues or fees to any “discriminatory club.” 775 ILCS 25/2. Vendor certifies that no foreign-made equipment, materials, or supplies furnished to the State under the contract have been or will be produced in whole or in part by forced labor or indentured labor under penal sanction. 30 ILCS 583. Vendor certifies that no foreign-made equipment, materials, or supplies furnished to the State under the contract have been produced in whole or in part by the labor or of any child under the age of 12. 30 ILCS 584. Vendor certifies that any violation of the Lead Poisoning Prevention Act, as it applies to owners of residential buildings, has been mitigated. 410 ILCS 45. Vendor warrants and certifies that it and, to the best of its knowledge, its subcontractors have and will comply with Executive Order No. 1 (2007). The Order generally prohibits Vendors and subcontractors from hiring the then-serving Governor’s family members to lobby procurement activities of the State, or any other unit of government in Illinois including local governments if that procurement may result in a contract valued at over $25,000. This prohibition also applies to hiring for that same purpose any former State employee who had procurement authority at any time during the one-year period preceding the procurement lobbying activity. Vendor certifies that information technology, including electronic information, software, systems and equipment, developed or provided under this contract comply with the applicable requirements of the Illinois Information Technology Accessibility Act Standards as published at ( 30 ILCS 587. Vendor certifies that it has read, understands, and is in compliance with the registration requirements of the Elections Code (10 ILCS 5/9-35) and the restrictions on making political contributions and related requirements of the Illinois Procurement Code. 30 ILCS 500/20-160 and 50-37. Vendor will not make a political contribution that will violate these requirements. In accordance with section 20-160 of the Illinois Procurement Code, Vendor certifies as applicable: Vendor is not required to register as a business entity with the State Board of Elections. or Vendor has registered with the State Board of Elections. As a registered business entity, Vendor acknowledges a continuing duty to update the registration as required by the Act. Vendor certifies that if it is awarded a contract through the use of the preference required by the Procurement of Domestic Products Act, then it shall provide products pursuant to the contract or a subcontract that are manufactured in the United States. 30 ILCS 517. A person (other than an individual acting as a sole proprietor) must be a duly constituted legal entity and authorized to do business in Illinois prior to submitting a bid or offer. 30 ILCS 500/20-43. If you do not meet these criteria, then your bid or offer will be disqualified. Vendor must make one of the following four certifications by checking the appropriate box. If C or D is checked, then Vendor must attach to this form the requested documentation. Vendor certifies it is an individual acting as a sole proprietor and is therefore not subject to the requirements of section 20-43 of the Procurement Code. Vendor certifies that it is a legal entity, and was authorized to do business in Illinois as of the date for submitting this bid or offer. The State may require Vendor to provide evidence of compliance before award. Vendor certifies it is a legal entity, and is a foreign corporation performing activities that do not constitute transacting business in Illinois as defined by Illinois Business Corporations Act (805 ILCS 5/13.75). A vendor claiming exemption under the Act must include a detailed explanation of the legal basis for the claim with its bid or offer and must provide additional detail upon request. If Vendor fails to provide the mandatory documentation with the bid or offer, or does not provide additional detail upon request within the timeframe specified in said request, then the State may deem the Vendor as being non-responsive or not responsible and may disqualify the Vendor. Vendor certifies it is a legal entity, and is an entity otherwise recognized under Illinois law as eligible for a specific form of exemption similar to those found in the Illinois Business Corporation Act (805 ILCS 5/13.75). A vendor claiming exemption under a specific law must provide a detailed explanation of the legal basis for the claim with its bid or offer and must provide additional detail upon request. If Vendor fails to provide the mandatory documentation with the bid or offer, or does not provide additional detail upon request within the timeframe specified in said request, then the State may deem the Vendor as being non-responsive or not responsible and may disqualify the Vendor. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURES AND CONFLICTS OF INTEREST Financial Disclosures Vendor certifies that, for the duration of this contract it will: post its employment vacancies in Illinois and Conflicts border states on the Department of Interest forms (“forms”) must be accurately completed Employment Security’s website or its successor system; or will provide an online link to these employment vacancies so that this link is accessible through the website it successor system; or is exempt from 20 ILCS 1005/1005-47 because the contract is for construction-related services as that term is defined in section 1-15.20 of the Procurement Code; or the contract is for construction and submitted by the vendor, any parent entity(ies) and any subcontractors. There are nine steps to this form and each must be completed as instructed in the step heading, unless otherwise provided. A bid, offer, or proposal that does not include this form shall be considered non-responsive. The Agency/University will consider this form when evaluating the bid, offer, or proposal or awarding the contract. The requirement of disclosure of financial interests and conflicts of interest vendor is a continuing obligation. If circumstances change and the previously submitted form is no longer accurate, disclosing entities must provide an updated form. Separate forms are required for the vendor, any parent entity(ies) and any subcontractors. Subcontractor forms must be provided party to a contract with a copy of the subcontract, if required, within 15 days after execution of the State contract or after execution of the subcontract, whichever is later, for all subcontracts with an annual value of more than $50,000bona fide labor organization and performs construction. This disclosure is submitted for: Vendor Vendor’s Parent Entity(ies) (100% ownership) Subcontractor(s) >$50,000 Subcontractor’s Parent Entity(ies) > $50,000 Project Name and Illinois Procurement Bulletin Number Click here to enter text. Vendor Name Click here to enter text. Doing Business As (DBA) Click here to enter text. Parent Entity Click here to enter text. Subcontractor Click here to enter text. Instrument of Ownership or Beneficial Interest If you selected Other, please describe: Click here to enter text. EP 120 ILCS 1005/1005-47).

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ILCS 580. Vendor certifies that neither Vendor nor any substantially owned affiliate is participating or shall participate in an international boycott in violation of the U.S. Export Administration Act of 1979 or the applicable regulations of the United States. Department of Commerce. 30 ILCS 582. Vendor certifies it has not been convicted of the offense of bid rigging or bid rotating or any similar offense of any state or of the United States. 720 ILCS 5/33 E-3, E-4. Vendor certifies it complies with the Illinois Department of Human Rights Act and rules applicable to public contracts, which include providing equal employment opportunity, refraining from unlawful discrimination, and having written sexual harassment policies. 775 ILCS 5/2-105. Vendor certifies it does not pay dues to or reimburse or subsidize payments by its employees for any dues or fees to any “discriminatory club.” 775 ILCS 25/2. Vendor certifies that no foreign-made equipment, materials, or supplies furnished to the State under the contract have been or will be produced in whole or in part by forced labor or indentured labor under penal sanction. 30 ILCS 583. Vendor certifies that no foreign-made equipment, materials, or supplies furnished to the State under the contract have been produced in whole or in part by the labor or any child under the age of 12. 30 ILCS 584. Vendor certifies that any violation of the Lead Poisoning Prevention Act, as it applies to owners of residential buildings, has been mitigated. 410 ILCS 45. Vendor warrants and certifies that it and, to the best of its knowledge, its subcontractors have and will comply with Executive Order No. 1 (2007). The Order generally prohibits Vendors and subcontractors from hiring the then-serving Governor’s family members to lobby procurement activities of the State, or any other unit of government in Illinois including local governments if that procurement may result in a contract valued at over $25,000. This prohibition also applies to hiring for that same purpose any former State employee who had procurement authority at any time during the one-year period preceding the procurement lobbying activity. Vendor certifies that information technology, including electronic information, software, systems and equipment, developed or provided under this contract comply with the applicable requirements of the Illinois Information Technology Accessibility Act Standards as published at ( 30 ILCS 587. Vendor certifies that it has read, understands, and is in compliance with the registration requirements of the Elections Code (10 ILCS 5/9-35) and the restrictions on making political contributions and related requirements of the Illinois Procurement Code. 30 ILCS 500/20-160 and 50-37. Vendor will not make a political contribution that will violate these requirements. In accordance with section 20-160 of the Illinois Procurement Code, Vendor certifies as applicable: Vendor is not required to register as a business entity with the State Board of Elections. or Vendor has registered with and has attached a copy of the official certificate of registration as issued by the State Board of Elections. As a registered business entity, Vendor acknowledges a continuing duty to update the registration as required by the Act. Vendor certifies that if it is awarded a contract through the use of the preference required by the Procurement of Domestic Products Act, then it shall provide products pursuant to the contract or a subcontract that are manufactured in the United States. 30 ILCS 517. A person (other than an individual acting as a sole proprietor) must be a duly constituted legal entity and authorized to do business in Illinois prior to submitting a bid or offer. 30 ILCS 500/20-43. If you do not meet these criteria, then your bid or offer will be disqualified. Vendor must make one of the following four certifications by checking the appropriate box. If C or D is checked, then Vendor must attach to this form the requested documentation. Vendor certifies it is an individual acting as a sole proprietor and is therefore not subject to the requirements of section 20-43 of the Procurement Code. Vendor certifies that it is a legal entity, and was authorized to do business in Illinois as of the date for submitting this bid or offer. The State may require Vendor to provide evidence of compliance before award. Vendor certifies it is a legal entity, and is a foreign corporation performing activities that do not constitute transacting business in Illinois as defined by Illinois Business Corporations Act (805 ILCS 5/13.75). A vendor claiming exemption under the Act must include a detailed explanation of the legal basis for the claim with its bid or offer and must provide additional detail upon request. If Vendor fails to provide the mandatory documentation with the bid or offer, or does not provide additional detail upon request within the timeframe specified in said request, then the State may deem the Vendor as being non-responsive or not responsible and may disqualify the Vendor. Vendor certifies it is a legal entity, and is an entity otherwise recognized under Illinois law as eligible for a specific form of exemption similar to those found in the Illinois Business Corporation Act (805 ILCS 5/13.75). A vendor claiming exemption under a specific law must provide a detailed explanation of the legal basis for the claim with its bid or offer and must provide additional detail upon request. If Vendor fails to provide the mandatory documentation with the bid or offer, or does not provide additional detail upon request within the timeframe specified in said request, then the State may deem the Vendor as being non-responsive or not responsible and may disqualify the Vendor. VENDOR (show Company name and DBA): Signature Printed Name Title Date Address TAXPAYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER I certify that the number shown on this form is my correct taxpayer identification number (or I am waiting for a number to be issued to me), and I am not subject to backup withholding because: (a) I am exempt from backup withholding, or (b) I have not been notified by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that I am subject to backup withholding as a result of a failure to report all interest or dividends, or (c) the IRS has notified me that I am no longer subject to backup withholding. I certify that I am a U.S. person (including a U.S. resident alien). If you are an individual, then enter your name and Social Security Number (SSN) as it appears on your Social Security Card. If you are a sole proprietor, then enter the owner’s name on the name line followed by the name of the business and the owner’s SSN or Employer Identification Number (EIN). If you are a single-member LLC that is disregarded as an entity separate from its owner, then enter the owner’s name on the name line and the D/B/A on the business name line and enter the owner’s SSN or EIN. If the LLC is a corporation or partnership, then enter the entity’s business name and EIN and for corporations, attach IRS acceptance letter (CP261 or CP277). For all other entities, enter the name of the entity as used to apply for the entity’s EIN and the EIN. Name: Click here to enter text. Business Name: Click here to enter text. Taxpayer Identification Number Social Security Number: Click here to enter text. Or Employer Identification Number: Click here to enter text. Legal Status (check one): Individual Governmental Sole Proprietor Nonresident alien Partnership Estate or trust Legal Services Corporation Pharmacy (Non-Corp.) Tax-exempt Pharmacy/Funeral Home/Cemetery (Corp.) Corporation providing or billing Limited Liability Company medical and/or health care services (select applicable tax classification) Corporation NOT providing or billing D = disregarded entity medical and/or health care services C = corporation P = partnership Signature of Authorized Representative: Date: Click here to enter a date Substance Abuse Prevention Program Certification Public Act 95-0635 Contract #   Today’s Date   Project Number:   The undersigned Contractor(s) and Subcontractor(s) certify that they have read the provisions of the Substance Abuse Prevention on Public Works Act, Public Act 95-0635, and are in compliance with the terms of the Act. ____The Contractor/Subcontractors hereby certify that they are exempt from the provisions of Public Act 95-0635 because it is a party to a collective bargaining agreement that deals with Substance Abuse and Prevention as provided for in the Act. ____The Contractor/Subcontractors hereby certify they have a program in place to address Substance Abuse and Prevention as provided for in the Act and will submit the same to the Illinois Tollway prior to issuance of an Authorization to Proceed. `     Contractor Name/Title of Authorized Representative Signature of Authorized Representative     Subcontractor Name/Title of Authorized Representative Signature of Authorized Representative     Subcontractor Name/Title of Authorized Representative Signature of Authorized Representative     Subcontractor Name/Title of Authorized Representative Signature of Authorized Representative     Subcontractor Name/Title of Authorized Representative Signature of Authorized Representative STATE OF ILLINOIS FINANCIAL DISCLOSURES AND CONFLICTS OF INTEREST Financial Disclosures and Conflicts of Interest forms (“forms”) must be accurately completed and submitted by the vendor, any parent entity(ies) and any subcontractors. There are nine steps to this form and each must be completed as instructed in the step heading, unless otherwise provided. A bid, offer, or proposal that does not include this form shall be considered non-responsive. The Agency/University will consider this form when evaluating the bid, offer, or proposal or awarding the contract. The requirement of disclosure of financial interests and conflicts of interest is a continuing obligation. If circumstances change and the previously submitted form is no longer accurate, disclosing entities must provide an updated form. Separate forms are required for the vendor, any parent entity(ies) and any subcontractors. Subcontractor forms must be provided with a copy of the subcontract, if required, within 15 days after execution of the State contract or after execution of the subcontract, whichever is later, for all subcontracts with an annual value of more than $50,000. This disclosure is submitted for: Vendor Vendor’s Parent Entity(ies) (100% ownership) Subcontractor(s) >$50,000 Subcontractor’s Parent Entity(ies) > $50,000 Project Name and Illinois Procurement Bulletin Number Click here to enter text. Vendor Name Click here to enter text. Doing Business As (DBA) Click here to enter text. Parent Entity Click here to enter text. Subcontractor Click here to enter text. Instrument of Ownership or Beneficial Interest Choose an item. If you selected Other, please describe: Click here to enter text. EP 1.

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ILCS 580. Vendor certifies that neither Vendor nor any substantially owned affiliate is participating or shall participate in an international boycott in violation of the U.S. Export Administration Act of 1979 or the applicable regulations of the United States. Department of Commerce. 30 ILCS 582. Vendor certifies it has not been convicted of the offense of bid rigging or bid rotating or any similar offense of any state or of the United States. 720 ILCS 5/33 E-3, E-4. Vendor certifies it complies with the Illinois Department of Human Rights Act and rules applicable to public contracts, which include providing equal employment opportunity, refraining from unlawful discrimination, and having written sexual harassment policies. 775 ILCS 5/2-105. Vendor certifies it does not pay dues to or reimburse or subsidize payments by its employees for any dues or fees to any “discriminatory club.” 775 ILCS 25/2. Vendor certifies that no foreign-made equipment, materials, or supplies furnished to the State under the contract have been or will be produced in whole or in part by forced labor or of indentured labor under penal sanction. 30 ILCS 583. Vendor certifies that no foreign-made equipment, materials, or supplies furnished to the State under the contract have been produced in whole or in part by the labor or of any child under the age of 12. 30 ILCS 584. Vendor certifies that any violation of the Lead Poisoning Prevention Act, as it applies to owners of residential buildings, has been mitigated. 410 ILCS 45. Vendor warrants and certifies that it and, to the best of its knowledge, its subcontractors have and will comply with Executive Order No. 1 (2007). The Order generally prohibits Vendors and subcontractors from hiring the then-serving Governor’s family members to lobby procurement activities of the State, or any other unit of government in Illinois including local governments if that procurement may result in a contract valued at over $25,000. This prohibition also applies to hiring for that same purpose any former State employee who had procurement authority at any time during the one-year period preceding the procurement lobbying activity. Vendor certifies that information technology, including electronic information, software, systems and equipment, developed or provided under this contract comply with the applicable requirements of the Illinois Information Technology Accessibility Act Standards as published at ( ). 30 ILCS 587. Vendor certifies that it has read, understands, and is in compliance with the registration requirements of the Elections Code (10 ILCS 5/9-35) and the restrictions on making political contributions and related requirements of the Illinois Procurement Code. 30 ILCS 500/20-160 and 50-37. Vendor will not make a political contribution that will violate these requirements. In accordance with section 20-160 of the Illinois Procurement Code, Vendor certifies as applicable: Vendor is not required to register as a business entity with the State Board of Elections. or Vendor has registered with the State Board of Elections. As a registered business entity, Vendor acknowledges a continuing duty to update the registration as required by the Act. Vendor certifies that if it is awarded a contract through the use of the preference required by the Procurement of Domestic Products Act, then it shall provide products pursuant to the contract or a subcontract that are manufactured in the United States. 30 ILCS 517. A person (other than an individual acting as a sole proprietor) must be a duly constituted legal entity and authorized to do business in Illinois prior to submitting a bid or offer. 30 ILCS 500/20-43. If you do not meet these criteria, then your bid or offer will be disqualified. Vendor must make one of the following four certifications by checking the appropriate box. If C or D is checked, then Vendor must attach to this form the requested documentation. Vendor certifies it is an individual acting as a sole proprietor and is therefore not subject to the requirements of section 20-43 of the Procurement Code. Vendor certifies that it is a legal entity, and was authorized to do business in Illinois as of the date for submitting this bid or offer. The State may require Vendor to provide evidence of compliance before award. Vendor certifies it is a legal entity, and is a foreign corporation performing activities that do not constitute transacting business in Illinois as defined by Illinois Business Corporations Act (805 ILCS 5/13.75). A vendor claiming exemption under the Act must include a detailed explanation of the legal basis for the claim with its bid or offer and must provide additional detail upon request. If Vendor fails to provide the mandatory documentation with the bid or offer, or does not provide additional detail upon request within the timeframe specified in said request, then the State may deem the Vendor as being non-responsive or not responsible and may disqualify the Vendor. Vendor certifies it is a legal entity, and is an entity otherwise recognized under Illinois law as eligible for a specific form of exemption similar to those found in the Illinois Business Corporation Act (805 ILCS 5/13.75). A vendor claiming exemption under a specific law must provide a detailed explanation of the legal basis for the claim with its bid or offer and must provide additional detail upon request. If Vendor fails to provide the mandatory documentation with the bid or offer, or does not provide additional detail upon request within the timeframe specified in said request, then the State may deem the Vendor as being non-responsive or not responsible and may disqualify the Vendor. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURES AND CONFLICTS OF INTEREST Financial Disclosures I certify that: The number shown on this form is my correct taxpayer identification number (or I am waiting for a number to be issued to me), and Conflicts of Interest forms I am not subject to backup withholding because: (“forms”a) must be accurately completed and submitted I am exempt from backup withholding, or (b) I have not been notified by the vendor, any parent entity(iesInternal Revenue Service (IRS) and any subcontractors. There are nine steps that I am subject to this form and each must be completed backup withholding as instructed in the step heading, unless otherwise provided. A bid, offera result of a failure to report all interest or dividends, or proposal (c) the IRS has notified me that does not include this form shall be considered nonI am no longer subject to backup withholding, and I am a U.S. person (including a U.S. resident alien). If you are an individual, enter your name and SSN as it appears on your Social Security Card. If you are a sole proprietor, enter the owner’s name on the name line followed by the name of the business and the owner’s SSN or EIN. If you are a single-responsivemember LLC that is disregarded as an entity separate from its owner, enter the owner’s name on the name line and the D/B/A on the business name line and enter the owner’s SSN or EIN. The Agency/University will consider this form when evaluating If the bid, offer, or proposal or awarding the contract. The requirement of disclosure of financial interests and conflicts of interest LLC is a continuing obligationcorporation or partnership, enter the entity’s business name and EIN and for corporations, attach IRS acceptance letter (CP261 or CP277). If circumstances change For all other entities, enter the name of the entity as used to apply for the entity’s EIN and the previously submitted form is no longer accurate, disclosing entities must provide an updated formEIN. Separate forms are required for the vendor, any parent entity(ies) and any subcontractors. Subcontractor forms must be provided with a copy of the subcontract, if required, within 15 days after execution of the State contract or after execution of the subcontract, whichever is later, for all subcontracts with an annual value of more than $50,000. This disclosure is submitted for: Vendor Vendor’s Parent Entity(ies) (100% ownership) Subcontractor(s) >$50,000 Subcontractor’s Parent Entity(ies) > $50,000 Project Name and Illinois Procurement Bulletin Number Click here to enter text. Vendor Name Click here to enter text. Doing Business As (DBA) Click here to enter text. Parent Entity Click here to enter text. Subcontractor Click here to enter text. Instrument of Ownership or Beneficial Interest If you selected Other, please describeName: Click here to enter text. EP 1Business Name: Click here to enter text. Taxpayer Identification Number: Social Security Number: Click here to enter text. or Employer Identification Number : Click here to enter text. Legal Status (check one): Individual Governmental Sole Proprietor Nonresident alien Partnership Estate or trust Legal Services Corporation Pharmacy (Non-Corp.) Tax-exempt Pharmacy/Funeral Home/Cemetery (Corp.) Corporation providing or billing Limited Liability Company medical and/or health care services (select applicable tax classification) Corporation NOT providing or billing D = disregarded entity medical and/or health care services C = corporation P = partnership Signature of Authorized Representative: Date: Click here to enter a date State of Illinois Chief Procurement Office 1 Contract Renewal without Disclosures

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ILCS 580. Vendor certifies that neither Vendor nor any substantially owned affiliate is participating or shall participate in an international boycott in violation of the U.S. Export Administration Act of 1979 or the applicable regulations of the United States. Department of Commerce. 30 ILCS 582. Vendor certifies it has not been convicted of the offense of bid rigging or bid rotating or any similar offense of any state or of the United States. 720 ILCS 5/33 E-3, E-4. Vendor certifies it complies with the Illinois Department of Human Rights Act and rules applicable to public contracts, which include providing equal employment opportunity, refraining from unlawful discrimination, and having written sexual harassment policies. 775 ILCS 5/2-105. Vendor certifies it does not pay dues to or reimburse or subsidize payments by its employees for any dues or fees to any “discriminatory club.” 775 ILCS 25/2. Vendor certifies that no foreign-made equipment, materials, or supplies furnished to the State under the contract have been or will be produced in whole or in part by forced labor or indentured labor under penal sanction. 30 ILCS 583. Vendor certifies that no foreign-made equipment, materials, or supplies furnished to the State under the contract have been produced in whole or in part by the labor or any child under the age of 12. 30 ILCS 584. Vendor certifies that any violation of the Lead Poisoning Prevention Act, as it applies to owners of residential buildings, has been mitigated. 410 ILCS 45. Vendor warrants and certifies that it and, to the best of its knowledge, its subcontractors have and will comply with Executive Order No. 1 (2007). The Order generally prohibits Vendors and subcontractors from hiring the then-serving Governor’s family members to lobby procurement activities of the State, or any other unit of government in Illinois including local governments if that procurement may result in a contract valued at over $25,000. This prohibition also applies to hiring for that same purpose any former State employee who had procurement authority at any time during the one-year period preceding the procurement lobbying activity. Vendor certifies that information technology, including electronic information, software, systems and equipment, developed or provided under this contract comply with the applicable requirements of the Illinois Information Technology Accessibility Act Standards as published at ( 30 ILCS 587. Vendor certifies that it has read, understands, and is in compliance with the registration requirements of the Elections Code (10 ILCS 5/9-35) and the restrictions on making political contributions and related requirements of the Illinois Procurement Code. 30 ILCS 500/20-160 and 50-37. Vendor will not make a political contribution that will violate these requirements. In accordance with section 20-160 of the Illinois Procurement Code, Vendor certifies as applicable: Vendor is not required to register as a business entity with the State Board of Elections. or Vendor has registered with the State Board of Elections. As a registered business entity, Vendor acknowledges a continuing duty to update the registration as required by the Act. Vendor certifies that if it is awarded a contract through the use of the preference required by the Procurement of Domestic Products Act, then it shall provide products pursuant to the contract or a subcontract that are manufactured in the United States. 30 ILCS 517. A person (other than an individual acting as a sole proprietor) must be a duly constituted legal entity and authorized to do business in Illinois prior to submitting a bid or offer. 30 ILCS 500/20-43. If you do not meet these criteria, then your bid or offer will be disqualified. Vendor must make one of the following four certifications by checking the appropriate box. If C or D is checked, then Vendor must attach to this form the requested documentation. Vendor certifies it is an individual acting as a sole proprietor and is therefore not subject to the requirements of section 20-43 of the Procurement Code. Vendor certifies that it is a legal entity, and was authorized to do business in Illinois as of the date for submitting this bid or offer. The State may require Vendor to provide evidence of compliance before award. Vendor certifies it is a legal entity, and is a foreign corporation performing activities that do not constitute transacting business in Illinois as defined by Illinois Business Corporations Act (805 ILCS 5/13.75). A vendor claiming exemption under the Act must include a detailed explanation of the legal basis for the claim with its bid or offer and must provide additional detail upon request. If Vendor fails to provide the mandatory documentation with the bid or offer, or does not provide additional detail upon request within the timeframe specified in said request, then the State may deem the Vendor as being non-responsive or not responsible and may disqualify the Vendor. Vendor certifies it is a legal entity, and is an entity otherwise recognized under Illinois law as eligible for a specific form of exemption similar to those found in the Illinois Business Corporation Act (805 ILCS 5/13.75). A vendor claiming exemption under a specific law must provide a detailed explanation of the legal basis for the claim with its bid or offer and must provide additional detail upon request. If Vendor fails to provide the mandatory documentation with the bid or offer, or does not provide additional detail upon request within the timeframe specified in said request, then the State may deem the Vendor as being non-responsive or not responsible and may disqualify the Vendor. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURES AND CONFLICTS OF INTEREST Financial Disclosures and Conflicts of Interest forms (“forms”) must be accurately completed and submitted by the vendor, any parent entity(ies) and any subcontractors. There are nine steps to this form and each must be completed as instructed in the step heading, unless otherwise provided. A bid, offer, or proposal that does not include this form shall be considered non-responsive. The Agency/University will consider this form when evaluating the bid, offer, or proposal or awarding the contract. The requirement of disclosure of financial interests and conflicts of interest is a continuing obligation. If circumstances change and the previously submitted form is no longer accurate, disclosing entities must provide an updated form. Separate forms are required for the vendor, any parent entity(ies) and any subcontractors. Subcontractor forms must be provided with a copy of the subcontract, if required, within 15 days after execution of the State contract or after execution of the subcontract, whichever is later, for all subcontracts with an annual value of more than $50,000. This disclosure is submitted for: Vendor Vendor’s Parent Entity(ies) (100% ownership) Subcontractor(s) >$50,000 Subcontractor’s Parent Entity(ies) > $50,000 Project Name and Illinois Procurement Bulletin Number Click here to enter text. Vendor Name Click here to enter text. Doing Business As (DBA) Click here to enter text. Parent Entity Click here to enter text. Subcontractor Click here to enter text. Instrument of Ownership or Beneficial Interest Choose an item. If you selected Other, please describe: Click here to enter text. EP 1

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