Common use of Indemnification of Collateral Agent Clause in Contracts

Indemnification of Collateral Agent. Financial Security hereby indemnifies and holds the Collateral Agent harmless from and against any and all judgments, claims, defenses, charges, losses, liabilities, costs or expenses that the Collateral Agent may incur or that may be claimed against the Collateral Agent by any Person by reason of any action taken, or any failure to act, in connection with the duties and responsibilities of the Collateral Agent under the terms of this Agreement; provided, however, that Financial Security shall not be required to indemnify the Collateral Agent pursuant to this Section for any judgments, claims, defenses, charges, losses, liabilities, costs or expenses to the extent caused by such Collateral Agent's willful misconduct or gross negligence in any action taken, or any failure to act, in connection with the duties and responsibilities of the Collateral Agent under the terms of this Agreement. The Collateral Agent shall have the right to retain counsel in any action for which indemnification from Financial Security is provided herein, and the reasonable fees and expenses of such counsel shall constitute costs and expenses of such Collateral Agent for which indemnification from Financial Security is provided herein. The Collateral Agent shall be entitled to submit a written request, with supporting documentation, for any amounts expended by it for which indemnification is provided herein, as such amounts are expended or on a periodic basis, as the Collateral Agent shall choose, and Financial Security shall reimburse to the Collateral Agent the amount specified in each such written request promptly. The indemnity agreements contained in this Section shall remain operative and in full force and effect regardless of the termination of this Agreement.

Appears in 17 contracts

Samples: Insurance, Indemnity and Pledge Agreement (WFS Receivables Corp), Indemnity and Pledge Agreement (WFS Receivables Corp), Indemnity and Pledge Agreement (WFS Receivables Corp)

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Indemnification of Collateral Agent. Financial Security hereby indemnifies Each Lender severally, but not jointly, agrees (a) to indemnify and holds the hold Collateral Agent (and each Collateral Agent-Related Person) harmless from and against and (b) promptly upon receipt by each Lender of Collateral Agent’s statement, to reimburse Collateral Agent, according to such Lender’s Pro Rata Share, to the extent Collateral Agent shall not otherwise have been reimbursed by Borrower on account of and for, any and all judgmentsliabilities, claims, defenses, chargesobligations, losses, liabilitiesdamages, costs penalties, actions, judgments, suits, costs, expenses (including, without limitation, the fees and disbursements of counsel and other advisors) or expenses that the Collateral Agent may incur or that may be claimed against the Collateral Agent by any Person by reason disbursements of any action taken, or any failure kind of nature whatsoever with respect to act, in connection with Collateral Agent’s performance of its duties under this Agreement and the duties and responsibilities of the Collateral Agent under the terms of this Agreementother Loan Documents; provided, however, that Financial Security no Lender shall not be required liable for the payment to indemnify the Collateral Agent pursuant to this Section for of any judgmentsportion of such liabilities, claims, defenses, chargesobligations, losses, liabilitiesdamages, costs penalties, actions, judgments, suits, costs, expenses or expenses to the extent caused by such disbursements resulting solely from Collateral Agent's willful misconduct or ’s gross negligence or willful misconduct. Such reimbursement shall not in any action taken, respect release Borrower from any liability or obligation. If any failure indemnity furnished to act, in connection with the duties and responsibilities of the Collateral Agent under the terms of this Agreement. The Collateral Agent shall have the right to retain counsel in any action for which indemnification from Financial Security is provided herein, and the reasonable fees and expenses of such counsel shall constitute costs and expenses of such Collateral Agent for which indemnification from Financial Security is provided herein. The any purpose shall, in the opinion of Collateral Agent, be insufficient or become impaired, Collateral Agent may call for additional indemnity and cease, or not commence, to do the acts indemnified against until such additional indemnity is furnished. Collateral Agent’s right to indemnification shall be entitled to submit a written request, with supporting documentation, for any amounts expended by it for which indemnification is provided herein, as such amounts are expended or on a periodic basis, as the Collateral Agent shall choose, and Financial Security shall reimburse to the Collateral Agent the amount specified in each such written request promptly. The indemnity agreements contained in this Section shall remain operative and in full force and effect regardless of the survive termination of this Agreement.

Appears in 4 contracts

Samples: Loan and Security Agreement (Achaogen Inc), Loan and Security Agreement (Hansen Medical Inc), Loan and Security Agreement (Sunesis Pharmaceuticals Inc)

Indemnification of Collateral Agent. Financial Security hereby indemnifies In connection with its appointment and holds acting hereunder, the Collateral Agent harmless from is entitled to all rights, privileges, protections, immunities, benefits and against any indemnities provided to it under the Indenture. All such indemnities shall survive the termination of this agreement or the Indenture, or the resignation or removal of the Collateral Agent. Beyond the exercise of reasonable care in the custody and all judgmentspreservation thereof, claims, defenses, charges, losses, liabilities, costs or expenses that the Collateral Agent may incur will have no duty as to any Collateral in its possession or that may control or in the possession or control of any sub-agent or bailee or any income therefrom or as to the preservation of rights against prior parties or any other rights pertaining thereto. The Collateral Agent will be claimed against deemed to have exercised reasonable care in the custody and preservation of the Collateral Agent by in its possession or control if such Collateral is accorded treatment substantially equal to that which it accords its own property, and will not be liable or responsible for any Person loss or damage to any Collateral, or for any diminution in the value thereof, by reason of any action takenact or omission of any sub-agent or bailee selected by the Collateral Agent in good faith or by reason of any act or omission by the Collateral Agent, except to the extent that such liability arises from the Collateral Agent's negligence or bad faith. The Collateral Agent shall not be responsible in any failure manner whatsoever for the correctness of any recitals, statements, representations or warranties contained herein. The Collateral Agent makes no representations as to act, in connection with the duties and responsibilities value or condition of the Collateral Agent under or any part thereof, as to the terms title of the Company to the Collateral, as to the security afforded by this Agreement or any other Security Document or as to the validity, execution, enforceability, legality or sufficiency of this Agreement; providedAgreement or any other Security Document, howeverand the Collateral Agent shall incur no liability or responsibility in respect of any such matters. Except as may be expressly provided in the Indenture, that Financial the Intercreditor Agreement or any Security Document, the Collateral Agent shall not be required responsible for insuring the Collateral, for the payment of taxes, charges, assessments or liens upon the Collateral or otherwise as to indemnify the maintenance of the Collateral, except as provided in the immediately following sentence when the Collateral Agent pursuant to this Section for any judgments, claims, defenses, charges, losses, liabilities, costs or expenses to the extent caused by such Collateral Agent's willful misconduct or gross negligence in any action taken, or any failure to act, in connection with the duties and responsibilities has possession of the Collateral Agent under the terms of this AgreementCollateral. The Collateral Agent shall have no duty to the Company or to the holders of the Notes as to any Collateral in its possession or control or in the possession or control of any agent or nominee of the Collateral Agent or any income thereon or as to the preservation of rights against prior parties or any other rights pertaining thereto, except the duty to accord such of the Collateral as may be in its possession substantially the same care as it accords its own assets and the duty to account for monies received by it. Without limitation on the Collateral Agent's right to retain counsel in make any action for which indemnification from Financial Security is provided hereinsuch filing, the Collateral Agent shall have no obligations (i) to file any UCC financing statements or UCC continuation statements except at the written direction of Debtor and the reasonable fees and expenses upon receipt of such counsel shall constitute costs statements completed and expenses of such in a proper form for filing provided to the Collateral Agent for which indemnification from Financial Security is provided hereinat least five Business Days in advance of any requested filing date or (ii) to file any document with any foreign or domestic patent, trademark or copyright office or any foreign governmental, municipal or other office. The Collateral Agent shall not be entitled to submit a written requestresponsible for the consequences of any oversight or error of judgement whatsoever, with supporting documentation, for any amounts expended by it for which indemnification is provided herein, as such amounts are expended or on a periodic basis, as except that the Collateral Agent shall choosebe liable for losses due to its negligence or bad faith. The Collateral Agent shall not be required to ascertain or inquire as to the performance by Debtor of any of the covenants or agreements contained herein or in the Indenture, and Financial Security shall reimburse to the Notes, the Intercreditor Agreement or the other Note Document. Neither the Collateral Agent the amount specified nor any officer, agent or representative thereof shall be personally liable for an action taken or omitted to be taken by any such person in each connection with this Agreement or any other Security Document except for such written request promptlyperson's own negligence or bad faith. The indemnity agreements contained in this Section shall remain operative and in full force and effect regardless Collateral Agent may execute any of the termination of powers granted under the Indenture, the Intercreditor Agreement, this Agreement.Agreement or any other Security Document and perform any duty hereunder or thereunder either directly or by or through agents or attorneys-in-fact selected by it with due care. (signature pages follow)

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Security Agreement (Interdent Inc), Security Agreement (Interdent Inc)

Indemnification of Collateral Agent. Financial Security hereby indemnifies The Companies shall, jointly and holds severally, indemnify the Collateral Agent for, and hold it harmless from and against against, any and all judgments, claims, defensesdemands, chargesexpenses (including, lossesbut not limited to, liabilitiesreasonable compensation, costs or disbursements and expenses that of the Collateral Agent may incur Agent's agents and counsel), losses or that may be claimed against the Collateral Agent liabilities incurred by it without negligence, bad faith or willful misconduct on its part in any Person by reason way arising out of any action taken, or any failure to act, in connection with the duties acceptance and responsibilities of the Collateral Agent under the terms administration of this Agreement; provided, however, that Financial Security shall not be required to indemnify the Agreement and its rights or duties hereunder or under any Collateral Agent pursuant to this Section for any judgments, claims, defenses, charges, losses, liabilities, costs or expenses to the extent caused by such Collateral Agent's willful misconduct or gross negligence in any action taken, or any failure to act, in connection with the duties and responsibilities of the Collateral Agent under the terms of this AgreementDocument. The Collateral Agent shall have notify the right to retain counsel in Companies promptly of any action claim asserted against the Collateral Agent for which indemnification from Financial Security is provided herein, it may seek indemnity. The Companies shall defend any such claim and the Collateral Agent shall provide reasonable cooperation at the Companies' expense in such defense. The Collateral Agent may have separate counsel and the Companies shall pay the reasonable fees and expenses of such counsel shall constitute costs counsel; provided, that the Companies will not be required to pay such fees and out-of-pocket expenses of such if it assumes the Collateral Agent for which indemnification from Financial Security is provided herein. The Collateral Agent shall be entitled to submit a written request, with supporting documentation, for any amounts expended by it for which indemnification is provided herein, as such amounts are expended or on a periodic basis, as Agent's defense and provides the Collateral Agent shall choose, with an Opinion of Counsel that there is no conflict of interest between the Companies and Financial Security shall reimburse to the Collateral Agent in connection with such defense. The Companies need not pay for any settlement made without its written consent. The Companies need not reimburse any expense or indemnify against any loss or liability to the amount extent incurred by the Collateral Agent through its negligence, bad faith or willful misconduct. When the Collateral Agent incurs expenses or renders services after an Event of Default specified in each such written request promptly. The indemnity agreements contained in this Section shall remain operative and in full force and effect regardless 6.1(e) or (f) of the termination TARC Note Indenture occurs, such expenses and the compensation for such services are intended to constitute expenses of this Agreementadministration under any Bankruptcy Law.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Intercreditor and Collateral Agency Agreement (Transamerican Energy Corp)

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Indemnification of Collateral Agent. Financial Security hereby indemnifies Each of the Borrower, by its execution of the signature page of this Agreement, agrees to pay and holds save the Collateral Agent harmless from liability for payment of all costs and expenses of the Collateral Agent in connection with this Agreement or the Credit Documents, other than liabilities, costs and expenses resulting from the Collateral Agent’s gross negligence or willful misconduct. Each Secured Creditor severally agrees to indemnify the Collateral Agent, pro rata (to the extent set forth in the penultimate sentence of this Section 3.6), to the extent the Collateral Agent shall not have been reimbursed by or on behalf of the Borrower or from proceeds of the Collateral or otherwise, from and against any and all judgmentsliabilities, claims, defenses, chargesobligations, losses, liabilitiesdamages, costs penalties, actions, judgments, suits, costs, reasonable expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable counsel fees and disbursements) or expenses that the Collateral Agent may incur disbursements of any kind or that nature whatsoever which may be claimed imposed on, incurred by or asserted against the Collateral Agent by any Person by reason of any action takenin performing its duties hereunder, or any failure to actunder the Credit Documents, in connection with the duties and responsibilities of its capacity as the Collateral Agent under the terms in any way relating to or arising out of this Agreement, the Credit Documents and/or the Collateral; provided, however, provided that Financial Security no Secured Creditor shall not be required to indemnify the Collateral Agent pursuant to this Section liable for any judgmentsportion of such liabilities, claims, defenses, chargesobligations, losses, liabilitiesdamages, costs penalties, actions, judgments, suits, costs, expenses or expenses to disbursements resulting from the extent caused by such Collateral Agent's ’s gross negligence, willful misconduct or gross negligence in any action taken, or any failure to act, in connection with the duties and responsibilities breach of the Collateral Agent under the express terms of this Agreement. The Collateral Agent For purposes of this Section 3.6 any pro rata calculation shall have be on the right basis of the outstanding principal amount of the Secured Obligations held by or for each Secured Creditor at the time of the act, omission or transaction giving rise to retain counsel in any action for which indemnification from Financial Security is provided herein, and the reasonable fees and expenses of such counsel shall constitute costs and expenses of such Collateral Agent for which indemnification from Financial Security is provided hereinreimbursement or indemnity required by this Section 3.6. The Collateral Agent shall be entitled to submit a written request, with supporting documentation, for any amounts expended by it for which indemnification is provided herein, as such amounts are expended or on a periodic basis, as the Collateral Agent shall choose, and Financial Security shall reimburse to the Collateral Agent the amount specified in each such written request promptly. The indemnity agreements contained in provisions of this Section 3.6 shall remain operative and survive the payment in full force of all the Secured Obligations and effect regardless of the termination of this AgreementAgreement and all other documents executed in connection with the Secured Obligations.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Collateral Agency and Intercreditor Agreement (NovaBay Pharmaceuticals, Inc.)

Indemnification of Collateral Agent. Financial Security hereby indemnifies The Companies shall, jointly and holds severally, indemnify the Collateral Agent for, and hold it harmless from and against against, any and all judgments, claims, defensesdemands, chargesexpenses (including, lossesbut not limited to, liabilitiesreasonable compensation, costs or disbursements and expenses that of the Collateral Agent may incur Agent's agents and counsel), losses or that may be claimed against the Collateral Agent liabilities incurred by it without negligence, bad faith or willful misconduct on its part in any Person by reason way arising out of any action taken, or any failure to act, in connection with the duties acceptance and responsibilities of the Collateral Agent under the terms administration of this Agreement; provided, however, that Financial Security shall not be required to indemnify the Agreement and its rights or duties hereunder or under any Collateral Agent pursuant to this Section for any judgments, claims, defenses, charges, losses, liabilities, costs or expenses to the extent caused by such Collateral Agent's willful misconduct or gross negligence in any action taken, or any failure to act, in connection with the duties and responsibilities of the Collateral Agent under the terms of this AgreementDocument. The Collateral Agent shall have notify the right to retain counsel in Companies promptly of any action claim asserted against the Collateral Agent for which indemnification from Financial Security is provided herein, it may seek indemnity. The Companies shall defend any such claim and the Collateral Agent shall provide reasonable cooperation at the Companies' expense in such defense. The Collateral Agent may have separate counsel and the Companies shall pay the reasonable fees and expenses of such counsel shall constitute costs counsel; provided, that the Companies will not be required to pay such fees and out-of-pocket expenses of such if it assumes the Collateral Agent for which indemnification from Financial Security is provided herein. The Collateral Agent shall be entitled to submit a written request, with supporting documentation, for any amounts expended by it for which indemnification is provided herein, as such amounts are expended or on a periodic basis, as Agent's defense and provides the Collateral Agent shall choose, with an Opinion of Counsel that there is no conflict of interest between the Companies and Financial Security shall reimburse to the Collateral Agent in connection with such defense. The Companies need not pay for any settlement made without its written consent. The Companies need not reimburse any expense or indemnify against any loss or liability to the amount extent incurred by the Collateral Agent through its negligence, bad faith or willful misconduct. When the Collateral Agent incurs expenses or renders services after an Event of Default specified in each such written request promptly. The indemnity agreements contained in this Section shall remain operative and in full force and effect regardless 6.1(e) or (f) of the termination TransTexas Note Indenture occurs, such expenses and the compensation for such services are intended to constitute expenses of this Agreementadministration under any Bankruptcy Law.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Intercreditor and Collateral Agency Agreement (Transamerican Energy Corp)

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