Infusion Therapy. The Plan provides Benefits for infusion therapy when services are provided by a licensed Provider, facility, ambulatory infusion center, or home infusion therapy Provider, as appropriate. Supplies and equipment needed to appropriately administer infusion therapy are covered as described in your Schedule of Benefits. An alternate infusion location such as home-based infusion may save you money over facility-based infusion. The Plan may offer incentives for certain medical/pharmaceutical services to be obtained through specific Providers to encourage the use of low-cost Providers. Ask your Provider if home-based infusion is an appropriate option for you. Call Member Services at 855- 624-6463 Monday-Friday, 8am-6pm, if you need assistance finding an in-network home-infusion Provider.
Appears in 2 contracts
Infusion Therapy. The Plan provides Benefits for infusion therapy when services are provided by a licensed Provider, facility, ambulatory infusion center, or home infusion therapy Provider, as appropriate. Supplies and equipment needed to appropriately administer infusion therapy are covered as described in your Schedule of Benefits. An alternate infusion location such as home-based infusion may save you money over facility-based infusion. The Plan may offer incentives for certain medical/pharmaceutical services to be obtained through specific Providers to encourage the use of low-cost Providers. Ask your Provider if home-based infusion is an appropriate option for you. Call Member Services at 855- 855-624-6463 Monday-Friday, 8am-6pm, if you need assistance finding an in-network home-infusion Provider.
Appears in 2 contracts
Infusion Therapy. The Plan provides Benefits for infusion therapy when services are provided by a licensed Provider, facility, ambulatory infusion center, or home infusion therapy Provider, as appropriate. Supplies and equipment needed to appropriately administer infusion infusi on therapy are covered as described in your Schedule of BenefitsBenefits . An alternate infusion location such as home-h ome- based infusion may save you money over facility-facility - based infusion. The Plan may offer incentives for certain medical/medical/ pharmaceutical services to be obtained through specific Providers to encourage the use of low-low - cost Providers. Ask your Provider if home-home - based infusion is an appropriate option for you. Call Member Services at 855- 624-855 - 624 - 6463 Monday-Monday - Friday, 8am-6pm8am - 6pm, if you need assistance finding an in-in - network home-home - infusion Provider.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Member Benefit Agreement