Interim Storm Recovery Charge Adjustment Request. The Servicer may also make interim Storm Recovery Charge Adjustments more frequently at any time during the term of the Storm Recovery Bonds: (i) if the Servicer forecasts that SRC Collections will be insufficient to make on a timely basis all scheduled payments of interest and other financing costs in respect of the Storm Recovery Bonds during the current or next succeeding payment period or bring all principal payments on schedule over the next two succeeding payment dates and/or (ii) to replenish any draws upon the capital subaccount. Such adjusted storm recovery charge rates shall be filed with the LPSC not less than fifteen (15) days prior to the first billing cycle of the Cleco Power revenue month in which the revised Storm Recovery Charges will be in effect.
Interim Storm Recovery Charge Adjustment Request. The Servicer may also make interim Storm Recovery Charge Adjustments (in the same manner as provided or in Section 4.01(b)(i)-(iii)) more frequently at any time during the term of the Storm Recovery Bonds: (i) if the Servicer forecasts that SRC Collections during the current Calculation Periods will be insufficient to make on a timely basis all scheduled payments of interest and other Financing Costs in respect of the Storm Recovery Bonds during such Calculation Periods or bring all principal payments on schedule for each of the next two succeeding Payment Dates or (ii) to replenish any draws upon the Capital Subaccount. Such adjusted storm recovery charge rates shall be filed with the LPSC not less than fifteen (15) days prior to the first billing cycle of the SWEPCO revenue month in which the revised Storm Recovery Charges will be in effect.
Interim Storm Recovery Charge Adjustment Request. The Servicer may also make interim Storm Recovery Charge Adjustments more frequently at any time during the term of the Storm Recovery Bonds: (i) if the Servicer forecasts that SRC Collections will be insufficient to make all scheduled payments of interest and other financing costs in respect of the Storm Recovery Bonds during the current or next succeeding payment period or bring all principal payments on schedule over the next two succeeding payment dates and/or (ii) to replenish any draws upon the capital subaccount.