DELIVERY: FOB DESTINATION, INSIDE DELIVERY, FREIGHT PAID Whenever possible, contractors should give the ordering entities 3 working days prior notice of any deliveries and/or installations. Furniture contractors will not be responsible for the removal/moving of existing furnishings unless requested by the ordering entity. Contractors should verify site readiness prior to delivery. All deliveries will be made during normal working hours unless otherwise arranged with the ordering entity. Contractor will communicate any scheduling delays and/or changes immediately. Agencies will not be responsible for any freight damage, concealed or otherwise.
Purchase Order Number NETAPP's purchase order number must appear on all invoices, packing lists and bills of lading and shall appear on each package, container or envelope on each shipment made pursuant to such purchase order.
Schedule of Rates The specific rates and costs applicable to this Agreement are set forth in Exhibit B – Schedule of Rates, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as if set forth in full.
Schedule of Rates and Charges Any subconsultant rates and charges set forth in the Schedule of Rates and Charges must be the subconsultant’s actual rates and charges exclusive of any markup. The City will compensate the Consultant in accordance with those rates and charges.
Data Universal Number System (DUNS) number Requirement Grantee will provide their valid DUNS number contemporaneous with execution of this Agreement.
Delivery Schedule The Goods specified in the List of Goods are required to be delivered within the acceptable time range (after the earliest and before the final date, both dates inclusive) specified in Section V, Schedule of Requirements. No credit will be given to deliveries before the earliest date, and Tenders offering delivery after the final date shall be treated as non-responsive. Within this acceptable period, an adjustment of [insert the adjustment factor], will be added, for evaluation purposes only, to the Tender price of Tenders offering deliveries later than the “Earliest Delivery Date” specified in Section V, Schedule of Requirements.
SCHEDULE OF RESERVED NAMES Except to the extent that ICANN otherwise expressly authorizes in writing, and subject to the terms and conditions of this Specification, Registry Operator shall reserve the following labels from initial (i.e., other than renewal) registration within the TLD. If using self-‐allocation, the Registry Operator must show the registration in the RDDS. In the case of IDN names (as indicated below), IDN variants will be identified according to the registry operator IDN registration policy, where applicable.
Price Schedule, Payment Terms and Billing, and Price Adjustments (a) Price Schedule: Price Schedule under this Contract is set forth in Exhibit B.
Schedule of Fees Resident Site Staff SF ZZ (A) The RSS on-cost rates are: Collective rank of RSS directly employed by the Consultants or Government staff posted to the Consultants by the Employer RSS on-cost rate of each collective rank ($/man-month)
Minimum Customer Support Requirements for TIPS Sales Vendor shall provide timely and commercially reasonable support for TIPS Sales or as agreed to in the applicable Supplemental Agreement.