LEGISLATIVE ACTS AND OTHER INSTRUMENTS. Subject: Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement between Canada, of the one part, and the European Union and its Member States, of the other part 10973/16 DGC 1A DOS/sr EN COMPREHENSIVE ECONOMIC AND TRADE AGREEMENT (CETA) BETWEEN CANADA, OF THE ONE PART, AND THE EUROPEAN UNION AND ITS MEMBER STATES, OF THE OTHER PART CANADA, of the one part, and THE EUROPEAN UNION, THE KINGDOM OF BELGIUM, THE REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA, THE CZECH REPUBLIC, THE KINGDOM OF DENMARK, THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY, THE REPUBLIC OF ESTONIA, IRELAND, THE HELLENIC REPUBLIC, THE KINGDOM OF SPAIN, THE FRENCH REPUBLIC, THE REPUBLIC OF CROATIA, THE ITALIAN REPUBLIC, THE REPUBLIC OF CYPRUS, THE REPUBLIC OF LATVIA, THE REPUBLIC OF LITHUANIA, THE GRAND DUCHY OF LUXEMBOURG, HUNGARY, THE REPUBLIC OF MALTA, THE KINGDOM OF THE NETHERLANDS, THE REPUBLIC OF AUSTRIA, THE REPUBLIC OF POLAND, THE PORTUGUESE REPUBLIC, ROMANIA, THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA, THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC, THE REPUBLIC OF FINLAND, THE KINGDOM OF SWEDEN, and THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND, of the other part, hereafter jointly referred to as the "Parties", resolve to: FURTHER strengthen their close economic relationship and build upon their respective rights and obligations under the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization, done on 15 April 1994, and other multilateral and bilateral instruments of cooperation; CREATE an expanded and secure market for their goods and services through the reduction or elimination of barriers to trade and investment; ESTABLISH clear, transparent, predictable and mutually-advantageous rules to govern their trade and investment; AND, REAFFIRMING their strong attachment to democracy and to fundamental rights as laid down in The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, done at Paris on 10 December 1948, and sharing the view that the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction poses a major threat to international security; RECOGNISING the importance of international security, democracy, human rights and the rule of law for the development of international trade and economic cooperation; RECOGNISING that the provisions of this Agreement preserve the right of the Parties to regulate within their territories and the Parties' flexibility to achieve legitimate policy objectives, such as public health, safety, environment, public morals and the promotion and protection of cultural diversity; AFFIRMING their commitments as parties to the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, done at Paris on 20 October 2005, and recognising that states have the right to preserve, develop and implement their cultural policies, to support their cultural industries for the purpose of strengthening the diversity of cultural expressions, and to preserve their cultural identity, including through the use of regulatory measures and financial support; RECOGNISING that the provisions of this Agreement protect investments and investors with respect to their investments, and are intended to stimulate mutually-beneficial business activity, without undermining the right of the Parties to regulate in the public interest within their territories; REAFFIRMING their commitment to promote sustainable development and the development of international trade in such a way as to contribute to sustainable development in its economic, social and environmental dimensions; ENCOURAGING enterprises operating within their territory or subject to their jurisdiction to respect internationally recognised guidelines and principles of corporate social responsibility, including the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and to pursue best practices of responsible business conduct; IMPLEMENTING this Agreement in a manner consistent with the enforcement of their respective labour and environmental laws and that enhances their levels of labour and environmental protection, and building upon their international commitments on labour and environmental matters; RECOGNISING the strong link between innovation and trade, and the importance of innovation to future economic growth, and affirming their commitment to encourage the expansion of cooperation in the area of innovation, as well as the related areas of research and development and science and technology, and to promote the involvement of relevant public and private sector entities; HAVE AGREED AS FOLLOWS: CHAPTER ONE GENERAL DEFINITIONS AND INITIAL PROVISIONS SECTION A General definitions

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Samples: Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement, Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement, Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement

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LEGISLATIVE ACTS AND OTHER INSTRUMENTS. Subject: Comprehensive Economic Stabilisation and Trade Association Agreement between Canadathe European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the European Union and its Member Statesformer Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, of the other part 10973/16 DGC 1A DOS/sr EN COMPREHENSIVE ECONOMIC STABILISATION AND TRADE ASSOCIATION AGREEMENT (CETA) BETWEEN CANADATHE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES AND THEIR MEMBER STATES, OF THE ONE PART, AND THE EUROPEAN UNION AND ITS MEMBER STATESFORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA, OF THE OTHER PART CANADA, of the one part, and THE EUROPEAN UNION, THE KINGDOM OF BELGIUM, THE REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA, THE CZECH REPUBLIC, THE KINGDOM OF DENMARK, THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY, THE REPUBLIC OF ESTONIA, IRELAND, THE HELLENIC REPUBLIC, THE KINGDOM OF SPAIN, THE FRENCH REPUBLIC, THE REPUBLIC OF CROATIAIRELAND, THE ITALIAN REPUBLIC, THE REPUBLIC OF CYPRUS, THE REPUBLIC OF LATVIA, THE REPUBLIC OF LITHUANIA, THE GRAND DUCHY OF LUXEMBOURG, HUNGARY, THE REPUBLIC OF MALTA, THE KINGDOM OF THE NETHERLANDS, THE REPUBLIC OF AUSTRIA, THE REPUBLIC OF POLAND, THE PORTUGUESE REPUBLIC, ROMANIA, THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA, THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC, THE REPUBLIC OF FINLAND, THE KINGDOM OF SWEDEN, and THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELANDIRELAND Contracting Parties to the Treaty establishing the European Community, the Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community, the Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community, and the Treaty on European Union hereinafter referred to as "Member States", and THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITY, THE EUROPEAN COAL AND STEEL COMMUNITY, THE EUROPEAN ATOMIC ENERGY COMMUNITY, hereinafter referred to as the "Community", of the one part, and THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA hereinafter referred to as "the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia", of the other part, hereafter jointly referred CONSIDERING the strong links between the Parties and the values that they share, their desire to as strengthen those links and establish a close and lasting relationship based on reciprocity and mutual interest, which should allow the "Parties"former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to further strengthen and extend the relations established previously, resolve to: FURTHER strengthen their close economic relationship and build upon their respective rights and obligations under the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization, done on 15 April 1994, and other multilateral and bilateral instruments of cooperation; CREATE an expanded and secure market for their goods and services in particular through the reduction or elimination Cooperation Agreement signed on 29 April 1997 by way of barriers to trade and investment; ESTABLISH clearExchange of Letters, transparentwhich entered into force on 1 January 1998, predictable and mutually-advantageous rules to govern their trade and investment; AND, REAFFIRMING their strong attachment to democracy and to fundamental rights as laid down in The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, done at Paris on 10 December 1948, and sharing the view CONSIDERING that the proliferation relationship between the Parties in the field of weapons inland transport should continue to be governed by the Agreement between the European Community and the former Yugoslav Republic of mass destruction poses a major threat to international security; RECOGNISING Macedonia in the field of transport, signed on 29 June 1997, which entered into force on 28 November 1997, CONSIDERING the importance of international this Agreement, in the framework of the Stabilisation and Association process with the countries of south-eastern Europe, to be further developed by an EU Common strategy for this region, in the establishment and consolidation of a stable European order based on cooperation, of which the European Union is a mainstay, as well as in the framework of the Stability Pact, CONSIDERING the commitment of the Parties to contribute by all means to the political, economic and institutional stabilisation in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia as well as in the region, through the development of civic society and democratisation, institution building and public administration reform, enhanced trade and economic cooperation, the strengthening of national and regional security, democracyas well as increased cooperation in justice and home affairs, CONSIDERING the commitment of the Parties to increasing political and economic freedoms as the very basis of this Agreement, as well as their commitment to respect human rights and the rule of law law, including the rights of persons belonging to national minorities, and democratic principles through free and fair elections and a multiparty system, CONSIDERING the commitment of the Parties to the principles of free market economy and the readiness of the Community to contribute to the economic reforms in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, CONSIDERING the commitment of the Parties to the full implementation of all principles and provisions of the UN Charter, of the OSCE, notably those of the Helsinki Final Act, the concluding documents of the Madrid and Vienna Conferences, the Charter of Paris for a New Europe, and of the Cologne Stability Pact for south-eastern Europe, so as to contribute to regional stability and cooperation among the countries of the region, XXXXXXXX of establishing regular political dialogue on bilateral and international issues of mutual interest, including regional aspects, CONSIDERING the commitment of the Parties to free trade, in compliance with the rights and obligations arising out of the WTO, CONVINCED that the Stabilisation and Association Agreement will create a new climate for economic relations between them and above all for the development of international trade and investment, factors crucial to economic cooperation; RECOGNISING restructuring and modernisation, BEARING IN MIND the commitment by the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to approximate its legislation to that of the Community, TAKING ACCOUNT of the Community's willingness to provide decisive support for the implementation of reform, and to use all available instruments of cooperation and technical, financial and economic assistance on a comprehensive indicative multi-annual basis to this endeavour, CONFIRMING that the provisions of this Agreement preserve that fall within the right scope of Part III, Title IV of the Parties Treaty establishing the European Community bind the United Kingdom and Ireland as separate Contracting Parties, and not as part of the European Community, until the United Kingdom or Ireland (as the case may be) notifies the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia that it has become bound as part of the European Community in accordance with the Protocol on the position of the United Kingdom and Ireland annexed to regulate within their territories the Treaty on European Union and the Parties' flexibility Treaty establishing the European Community. The same applies to achieve legitimate policy objectivesDenmark, such as public healthin accordance with the Protocol annexed to those Treaties on the position of Denmark, safety, environment, public morals and RECALLING the promotion and protection of cultural diversity; AFFIRMING their commitments as parties European Union's readiness to integrate to the UNESCO Convention fullest possible extent the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia into the political and economic mainstream of Europe and its status as a potential candidate for EU membership on the Protection and Promotion basis of the Diversity Treaty on European Union and fulfilment of Cultural Expressionsthe criteria defined by the European Council in June 1993, done at Paris on 20 October 2005, and recognising that states have the right subject to preserve, develop and implement their cultural policies, to support their cultural industries for the purpose of strengthening the diversity of cultural expressions, and to preserve their cultural identity, including through the use of regulatory measures and financial support; RECOGNISING that the provisions successful implementation of this Agreement protect investments and investors with respect to their investmentsAgreement, and are intended to stimulate mutually-beneficial business activitynotably regarding regional cooperation, without undermining the right of the Parties to regulate in the public interest within their territories; REAFFIRMING their commitment to promote sustainable development and the development of international trade in such a way as to contribute to sustainable development in its economic, social and environmental dimensions; ENCOURAGING enterprises operating within their territory or subject to their jurisdiction to respect internationally recognised guidelines and principles of corporate social responsibility, including the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and to pursue best practices of responsible business conduct; IMPLEMENTING this Agreement in a manner consistent with the enforcement of their respective labour and environmental laws and that enhances their levels of labour and environmental protection, and building upon their international commitments on labour and environmental matters; RECOGNISING the strong link between innovation and trade, and the importance of innovation to future economic growth, and affirming their commitment to encourage the expansion of cooperation in the area of innovation, as well as the related areas of research and development and science and technology, and to promote the involvement of relevant public and private sector entities; HAVE AGREED AS FOLLOWS: CHAPTER ONE GENERAL DEFINITIONS AND INITIAL PROVISIONS SECTION A General definitions:

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Samples: Stabilisation and Association Agreement, Stabilisation and Association Agreement, Stabilisation and Association Agreement

LEGISLATIVE ACTS AND OTHER INSTRUMENTS. Subject: Comprehensive Economic Political Dialogue and Trade Cooperation Agreement between Canada, of the one part, and the European Union and its Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Cuba, of the other part 10973/16 DGC 1A DOS/sr EN COMPREHENSIVE ECONOMIC POLITICAL DIALOGUE AND TRADE COOPERATION AGREEMENT (CETA) BETWEEN CANADA, OF THE ONE PART, AND THE EUROPEAN UNION AND ITS MEMBER STATES, OF THE ONE PART, AND THE REPUBLIC OF CUBA, OF THE OTHER PART CANADA, of the one part, and THE EUROPEAN UNION, THE KINGDOM OF BELGIUM, BELGIUM THE REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA, THE CZECH REPUBLIC, THE KINGDOM OF DENMARK, THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY, THE REPUBLIC OF ESTONIA, IRELAND, THE HELLENIC REPUBLIC, THE KINGDOM OF SPAIN, THE FRENCH REPUBLIC, THE REPUBLIC OF CROATIA, THE ITALIAN REPUBLIC, THE REPUBLIC OF CYPRUS, THE REPUBLIC OF LATVIA, THE REPUBLIC OF LITHUANIA, THE GRAND DUCHY OF LUXEMBOURG, HUNGARY, THE REPUBLIC OF MALTA, THE KINGDOM OF THE NETHERLANDS, THE REPUBLIC OF AUSTRIA, THE REPUBLIC OF POLAND, THE PORTUGUESE REPUBLIC, ROMANIA, THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA, THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC, THE REPUBLIC OF FINLAND, THE KINGDOM OF SWEDEN, and THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND, Contracting Parties to the Treaty on the European Union and the Treaty on the Functioning of the other partEuropean Union, hereafter jointly hereinafter referred to as the "PartiesMember States of the European Union", resolve to: FURTHER strengthen and THE EUROPEAN UNION, of the one part, and THE REPUBLIC OF CUBA, hereinafter referred to as "Cuba", of the other part CONSIDERING the Parties' desire to consolidate and deepen their close links by strengthening their political dialogue, cooperation, economic relationship and build upon trade relations, in a spirit of mutual respect and equality; EMPHASISING the importance that they attach to the strengthening of political dialogue on bilateral and international issues; EMPHASISING their respective will to cooperate in international fora on issues of mutual interest; BEARING IN MIND their commitment to further promoting the strategic partnership established between the European Union and Latin America and the Caribbean and the Joint Caribbean‑EU Partnership Strategy and taking account of the mutual benefits of regional cooperation and integration; REAFFIRMING respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of the Republic of Cuba; REAFFIRMING their commitment to strengthening effective multilateralism and the role of the United Nations as well as to all the principles and purposes enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations; REAFFIRMING their respect for universal human rights as set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other relevant international instruments on human rights; RECALLING their commitment to the recognised principles of democracy, good governance and the rule of law; REAFFIRMING their commitment to promoting international peace and security and the peaceful settlement of disputes, in conformity with the principles of justice and international law; CONSIDERING their commitment to international obligations in the area of disarmament and non‑proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery and to cooperation in that area; CONSIDERING their commitment to combating the illicit trade and accumulation of small arms and light weapons, in full compliance with their obligations under international instruments, and to cooperating in that area; CONFIRMING their commitment to fighting and eliminating all forms of discrimination, including discrimination on the Marrakesh grounds of race, colour or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation; HIGHLIGHTING their commitment to inclusive and sustainable development and to working together in pursuit of the objectives of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development; RECOGNISING Cuba's status as a developing island country and taking account of the Parties' respective levels of development; RECOGNISING the importance of development cooperation to developing countries for their sustained growth, their sustainable development and the full realisation of internationally agreed development goals; BASED on the principle of shared responsibilities and convinced of the importance of preventing the production, trafficking and use of illicit drugs; RECALLING their commitment to fighting corruption, money laundering, organised crime and the trafficking in persons and the smuggling of migrants; RECOGNISING the need for enhanced cooperation in the field of the promotion of justice, citizen security, and migration; AWARE of the need to promote the objectives of this Agreement through dialogue and cooperation involving all relevant stakeholders, including, where appropriate, regional and local government, civil society and the private sector; RECALLING their international commitments related to social development, including in the areas of education, health and labour rights, as well as those related to the environment; REAFFIRMING the sovereign right of States over their natural resources and their responsibility to preserve the environment in accordance with their national legislation, the principles of international law and the Declaration of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development; REAFFIRMING the importance that the Parties attach to the principles and rules which govern international trade, in particular those contained in the Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization, done on Organization of 15 April 1994, and other multilateral and bilateral instruments of cooperation; CREATE an expanded and secure market for their goods and services through the reduction or elimination of barriers to trade and investment; ESTABLISH clear, transparent, predictable and mutually-advantageous rules to govern their trade and investment; AND, REAFFIRMING their strong attachment to democracy and to fundamental rights as laid down in The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, done at Paris on 10 December 1948, and sharing the view that the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction poses a major threat to international security; RECOGNISING the importance of international security, democracy, human rights 1994 and the rule of law for the development of international trade and economic cooperation; RECOGNISING that the provisions of this Agreement preserve the right of the Parties to regulate within their territories and the Parties' flexibility to achieve legitimate policy objectives, such as public health, safety, environment, public morals and the promotion and protection of cultural diversity; AFFIRMING their commitments as parties to the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, done at Paris on 20 October 2005, and recognising that states have the right to preserve, develop and implement their cultural policies, to support their cultural industries for the purpose of strengthening the diversity of cultural expressionsmultilateral agreements annexed thereto, and to preserve the need to apply them in a transparent and non‑discriminatory manner; REITERATING their cultural identityopposition to unilateral coercive measures with extraterritorial effect, including through the use of regulatory measures and financial support; RECOGNISING that the provisions of this Agreement protect investments and investors with respect contrary to their investments, and are intended to stimulate mutually-beneficial business activity, without undermining the right of the Parties to regulate in the public interest within their territories; REAFFIRMING their commitment to promote sustainable development international law and the development of international trade in such a way as to contribute to sustainable development in its economic, social and environmental dimensions; ENCOURAGING enterprises operating within their territory or subject to their jurisdiction to respect internationally recognised guidelines and principles of corporate social responsibility, including the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and to pursue best practices of responsible business conduct; IMPLEMENTING this Agreement in a manner consistent with the enforcement of their respective labour and environmental laws and that enhances their levels of labour and environmental protection, and building upon their international commitments on labour and environmental matters; RECOGNISING the strong link between innovation and free trade, and committed to promoting their abrogation; NOTING that, in the importance event that the Parties decide, within the framework of innovation this Agreement, to future economic growth, and affirming their commitment to encourage the expansion of cooperation enter into specific agreements in the area of innovationfreedom, security and justice concluded by the Union pursuant to Title V of Part Three of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, the provisions of such future agreements would not bind the United Kingdom and/or Ireland unless the European Union, simultaneously with the United Kingdom and/or Ireland as well regards their respective previous bilateral relations, notifies Cuba that the United Kingdom and/or Ireland has/have become bound by such agreements as part of the related areas Union in accordance with Protocol No 21 on the position of research the United Kingdom and development Ireland in respect of the area of freedom, security and science justice, annexed to the Treaty on European Union and technologythe Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. Likewise, and any subsequent internal measures of the European Union adopted pursuant to promote Title V of Part Three of the involvement Treaty on the Functioning of relevant public and private sector entities; the European Union to implement this Agreement would not bind the United Kingdom and/or Ireland unless they have notified their wish to take part or accept such measures in accordance with Protocol No 21. Also noting that such future agreements or such subsequent internal measures of the European Union would fall under Protocol No 22 on the position of Denmark, annexed to the said Treaties, HAVE AGREED AS FOLLOWS: CHAPTER ONE GENERAL DEFINITIONS AND INITIAL PROVISIONS SECTION A General definitionsPART I

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LEGISLATIVE ACTS AND OTHER INSTRUMENTS. Subject: Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement between Canada, of the one part, and the European Union and its Member States, the Republic of Armenia on the other part 10973/16 DGC 1A DOSreadmission of persons residing without authorisation COMMON GUIDELINES Consultation deadline for Croatia: 21.3.2013 5860/13 DG D 1 RP/sr vm EN COMPREHENSIVE ECONOMIC AND TRADE AGREEMENT (CETA) BETWEEN CANADA, OF THE ONE PART, AND THE EUROPEAN UNION AND ITS MEMBER STATESTHE REPUBLIC OF ARMENIA ON THE READMISSION OF PERSONS RESIDING WITHOUT AUTHORISATION THE CONTRACTING PARTIES, OF THE OTHER PART CANADA, of the one part, and THE EUROPEAN UNION, THE KINGDOM OF BELGIUMhereinafter referred to as "the Union", and THE REPUBLIC OF BULGARIAARMENIA, THE CZECH REPUBLIC, THE KINGDOM OF DENMARK, THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY, THE REPUBLIC OF ESTONIA, IRELAND, THE HELLENIC REPUBLIC, THE KINGDOM OF SPAIN, THE FRENCH REPUBLIC, THE REPUBLIC OF CROATIA, THE ITALIAN REPUBLIC, THE REPUBLIC OF CYPRUS, THE REPUBLIC OF LATVIA, THE REPUBLIC OF LITHUANIA, THE GRAND DUCHY OF LUXEMBOURG, HUNGARY, THE REPUBLIC OF MALTA, THE KINGDOM OF THE NETHERLANDS, THE REPUBLIC OF AUSTRIA, THE REPUBLIC OF POLAND, THE PORTUGUESE REPUBLIC, ROMANIA, THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA, THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC, THE REPUBLIC OF FINLAND, THE KINGDOM OF SWEDEN, and THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND, of the other part, hereafter jointly hereinafter referred to as the "PartiesArmenia", resolve to: FURTHER DETERMINED to strengthen their close economic relationship co-operation in order to combat illegal immigration more effectively, DESIRING to establish, by means of this Agreement and build upon their respective rights on the basis of reciprocity, rapid and obligations under effective procedures for the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing identification and safe and orderly return of persons who do not, or no longer, fulfil the World Trade Organizationconditions for entry to, done presence in, or residence, on 15 April 1994the territory of Armenia or one of the Member States of the European Union, and other multilateral and bilateral instruments to facilitate the transit of such persons in a spirit of cooperation; CREATE an expanded , EMPHASISING that this Agreement shall be without prejudice to the rights, obligations and secure market responsibilities of the Union, its Member States and Armenia arising from international law and, in particular, from the Convention of 28 July 1951 relating to the Status of Refugees as amended by the Protocol of 31 January 1967, and the Convention of 4 November 1950 for their goods and services through the reduction or elimination of barriers to trade and investment; ESTABLISH clear, transparent, predictable and mutually-advantageous rules to govern their trade and investment; AND, REAFFIRMING their strong attachment to democracy and to fundamental rights as laid down in The Universal Declaration Protection of Human RightsRights and Fundamental Freedoms, done at Paris CONSIDERING that in accordance with Protocol No 21 on 10 December 1948the position of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of Ireland in respect of the area of Freedom, Security and sharing Justice annexed to the view that the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction poses a major threat to international security; RECOGNISING the importance of international security, democracy, human rights Treaty on European Union and the rule Treaty on the Functioning of law for the development European Union, the United Kingdom of international trade Great Britain and economic cooperation; RECOGNISING Northern Ireland and Ireland will not take part in this Agreement unless they notify their wish to that effect in accordance with that Protocol, CONSIDERING that the provisions of this Agreement preserve Agreement, which falls within the right scope of Title V of Part Three of the Parties Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, do not apply to regulate within their territories the Kingdom of Denmark, in accordance with the Protocol No 22 on the position of the Kingdom of Denmark annexed to the Treaty on European Union and the Parties' flexibility to achieve legitimate policy objectives, such as public health, safety, environment, public morals and the promotion and protection of cultural diversity; AFFIRMING their commitments as parties to the UNESCO Convention Treaty on the Protection and Promotion Functioning of the Diversity of Cultural ExpressionsEuropean Union, done at Paris on 20 October 2005, and recognising that states have the right to preserve, develop and implement their cultural policies, to support their cultural industries for the purpose of strengthening the diversity of cultural expressions, and to preserve their cultural identity, including through the use of regulatory measures and financial support; RECOGNISING that the provisions of this Agreement protect investments and investors with respect to their investments, and are intended to stimulate mutually-beneficial business activity, without undermining the right of the Parties to regulate in the public interest within their territories; REAFFIRMING their commitment to promote sustainable development and the development of international trade in such a way as to contribute to sustainable development in its economic, social and environmental dimensions; ENCOURAGING enterprises operating within their territory or subject to their jurisdiction to respect internationally recognised guidelines and principles of corporate social responsibility, including the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and to pursue best practices of responsible business conduct; IMPLEMENTING this Agreement in a manner consistent with the enforcement of their respective labour and environmental laws and that enhances their levels of labour and environmental protection, and building upon their international commitments on labour and environmental matters; RECOGNISING the strong link between innovation and trade, and the importance of innovation to future economic growth, and affirming their commitment to encourage the expansion of cooperation in the area of innovation, as well as the related areas of research and development and science and technology, and to promote the involvement of relevant public and private sector entities; HAVE AGREED AS FOLLOWS: CHAPTER ONE GENERAL DEFINITIONS AND INITIAL PROVISIONS SECTION A General definitions:

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LEGISLATIVE ACTS AND OTHER INSTRUMENTS. Subject: Comprehensive Economic and Trade Strategic Partnership Agreement between Canada, of the one part, and the European Union and its Member States, of the one part, and Canada, of the other part 10973/16 5368/16 DGC 1A DOSAS/sr NT/vm EN COMPREHENSIVE ECONOMIC AND TRADE STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT (CETA) BETWEEN CANADA, OF THE ONE PART, AND THE EUROPEAN UNION AND ITS MEMBER STATES, OF THE ONE PART, AND CANADA, OF THE OTHER PART CANADA, of the one part, and PREAMBLE THE EUROPEAN UNION, hereinafter referred to as “the Union”, and THE KINGDOM OF BELGIUM, THE REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA, THE CZECH REPUBLIC, THE KINGDOM OF DENMARK, THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY, THE REPUBLIC OF ESTONIA, IRELAND, THE HELLENIC REPUBLIC, THE KINGDOM OF SPAIN, THE FRENCH REPUBLIC, THE REPUBLIC OF CROATIA, THE ITALIAN REPUBLIC, THE REPUBLIC OF CYPRUS, THE REPUBLIC OF LATVIA, THE REPUBLIC OF LITHUANIA, THE GRAND DUCHY OF LUXEMBOURG, HUNGARY, THE REPUBLIC OF MALTA, THE KINGDOM OF THE NETHERLANDS, THE REPUBLIC OF AUSTRIA, THE REPUBLIC OF POLAND, THE PORTUGUESE REPUBLIC, ROMANIA, THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA, THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC, THE REPUBLIC OF FINLAND, THE KINGDOM OF SWEDEN, and THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND, Contracting Parties to the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, hereinafter referred to as “the Member States”, of the one part, and CANADA, of the other part, hereafter hereinafter jointly referred to as the "Parties", resolve to: FURTHER strengthen INSPIRED BY the long-standing friendship forged between the people of Europe and Canada through their close extensive historical, cultural, political and economic relationship links, NOTING the strides taken since the 1976 Framework Agreement for commercial and build upon their respective rights economic cooperation between the European Communities and obligations under Canada, the Marrakesh 1990 Declaration on Transatlantic Relations between the European Community and its Member States and Canada, the 1996 Joint Political Declaration on EU-Canada Relations and Joint EU-Canada Action Plan, the 2004 EU-Canada Partnership Agenda and the 2005 Agreement Establishing between the World Trade Organization, done on 15 April 1994, European Union and other multilateral and bilateral instruments Canada establishing a framework for the participation of cooperation; CREATE an expanded and secure market for their goods and services through Canada in the reduction or elimination of barriers to trade and investment; ESTABLISH clear, transparent, predictable and mutually-advantageous rules to govern their trade and investment; ANDEuropean Union crisis management operations, REAFFIRMING their strong attachment to democracy democratic principles and to fundamental human rights as laid down in The the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, done at Paris on 10 December 1948, and sharing SHARING the view that the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction poses a major threat to international security; RECOGNISING the importance , BUILDING on their long-standing tradition of cooperation in promoting international security, democracy, human rights principles of peace and security and the rule of law for the development of international trade law, REAFFIRMING their determination to combat terrorism and organised crime through bilateral and multilateral channels, SHARING a commitment to reducing poverty, stimulating inclusive economic growth and assisting developing countries in their efforts towards political and economic cooperation; reforms, RECOGNISING that the provisions of this Agreement preserve the right of the Parties to regulate within their territories and the Parties' flexibility to achieve legitimate policy objectives, such as public health, safety, environment, public morals and the promotion and protection of cultural diversity; AFFIRMING their commitments as parties to the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, done at Paris on 20 October 2005, and recognising that states have the right to preserve, develop and implement their cultural policies, to support their cultural industries for the purpose of strengthening the diversity of cultural expressions, and to preserve their cultural identity, including through the use of regulatory measures and financial support; RECOGNISING that the provisions of this Agreement protect investments and investors with respect to their investments, and are intended to stimulate mutually-beneficial business activity, without undermining the right of the Parties to regulate in the public interest within their territories; REAFFIRMING their commitment desire to promote sustainable development and the development of international trade in such a way as to contribute to sustainable development in its economic, social and environmental dimensions; ENCOURAGING enterprises operating within , EXPRESSING pride in their territory or subject to extensive people-to-people contacts between their jurisdiction to respect internationally recognised guidelines citizens and principles of corporate social responsibility, including the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and to pursue best practices of responsible business conduct; IMPLEMENTING this Agreement in a manner consistent with the enforcement of their respective labour and environmental laws and that enhances their levels of labour and environmental protection, and building upon their international commitments on labour and environmental matters; RECOGNISING the strong link between innovation and trade, and the importance of innovation to future economic growth, and affirming their commitment to encourage the expansion protection and promotion of the diversity of cultural expressions, ACKNOWLEDGING the important role that effective multilateral organisations can play in advancing cooperation and achieving positive outcomes on global issues and challenges, MINDFUL of their dynamic trade and investment relationship, which will be further enhanced through the effective implementation of a comprehensive economic and trade agreement, RECALLING that the provisions of this Agreement that fall within the scope of Part Three, Title V of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union bind the United Kingdom and Ireland as separate Contracting Parties, and not as part of the European Union, unless the European Union together with the UK and/or Ireland have jointly notified Canada that the United Kingdom or Ireland is bound as part of the European Union in accordance with the Protocol No 21 on the position of the United Kingdom and Ireland in respect of the area of innovationfreedom, security and justice annexed to the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. If the United Kingdom and/or Ireland ceases to be bound as part of the European Union in accordance with Article 4a of the Protocol No 21, the European Union together with the UK and/or Ireland shall immediately inform Canada of any change in their position, in which case they shall remain bound by the provisions of the agreement in their own right. The same applies to Denmark in accordance with the Protocol annexed to those Treaties on the position of Denmark, RECOGNISING the institutional changes in the European Union since the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon, AFFIRMING their status as strategic partners and their determination to further enhance and elevate their relationship and their international cooperation on the basis of mutual respect and dialogue in order to advance their shared interests and values, PERSUADED that such cooperation should take shape progressively and pragmatically, as well as the related areas of research and development and science and technologytheir policies develop, and to promote the involvement of relevant public and private sector entities; HAVE AGREED AS FOLLOWS: CHAPTER ONE GENERAL DEFINITIONS AND INITIAL PROVISIONS SECTION A General definitionsTITLE I BASIS FOR COOPERATION

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Samples: Strategic Partnership Agreement

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LEGISLATIVE ACTS AND OTHER INSTRUMENTS. SubjectSubject : Comprehensive Economic Stabilisation and Trade Association Agreement between Canadathe European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the European Union Bosnia and its Member StatesHerzegovina, of the other part 10973/16 DGC 1A DOS8226/08 DG E VI JF/sr kr EN COMPREHENSIVE ECONOMIC STABILISATION AND TRADE ASSOCIATION AGREEMENT (CETA) BETWEEN CANADATHE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES AND THEIR MEMBER STATES, OF THE ONE PART, AND THE EUROPEAN UNION BOSNIA AND ITS MEMBER STATESHERZEGOVINA, OF THE OTHER PART CANADA, of the one part, and THE EUROPEAN UNION, THE KINGDOM OF BELGIUM, THE REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA, THE CZECH REPUBLIC, THE KINGDOM OF DENMARK, THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY, THE REPUBLIC OF ESTONIA, IRELAND, THE HELLENIC REPUBLIC, THE KINGDOM OF SPAIN, THE FRENCH REPUBLIC, THE REPUBLIC OF CROATIA, THE ITALIAN REPUBLIC, THE REPUBLIC OF CYPRUS, THE REPUBLIC OF LATVIA, THE REPUBLIC OF LITHUANIA, THE GRAND DUCHY OF LUXEMBOURG, HUNGARY, THE REPUBLIC OF HUNGARY, MALTA, THE KINGDOM OF THE NETHERLANDS, THE REPUBLIC OF AUSTRIA, THE REPUBLIC OF POLAND, THE PORTUGUESE REPUBLIC, ROMANIA, THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA, THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC, THE REPUBLIC OF FINLAND, THE KINGDOM OF SWEDEN, and THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND, Contracting Parties to the Treaty establishing the European Community and the Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community, and the Treaty on European Union, hereinafter referred to as "Member States", and THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITY and THE EUROPEAN ATOMIC ENERGY COMMUNITY, hereinafter referred to as the "Community", of the one part, and BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA, of the other part, hereafter jointly together referred to as "the Parties", CONSIDERING the strong links between the Parties and the values that they share, their desire to strengthen those links and establish a close and lasting relationship based on reciprocity and mutual interest, which should allow Bosnia and Herzegovina to further strengthen and extend the relations with the Community; CONSIDERING the importance of this Agreement, in the framework of the Stabilisation and Association process with the countries of south-eastern Europe, in the establishment and consolidation of a stable European order based on cooperation, of which the European Union is a mainstay, as well as in the framework of the Stability Pact; CONSIDERING the European Union's readiness to integrate Bosnia and Herzegovina to the fullest possible extent into the political and economic mainstream of Europe and its status as a potential candidate for EU membership on the basis of the Treaty on European Union (hereinafter referred to as the "PartiesEU Treaty") and fulfilment of the criteria defined by the European Council in June 1993 as well as the conditions of the Stabilisation and Association process, resolve to: FURTHER strengthen their close subject to the successful implementation of this Agreement, notably regarding regional cooperation; CONSIDERING the European Partnership with Bosnia and Herzegovina, which identifies priorities for action in order to support the country's efforts to move closer to the European Union; CONSIDERING the commitment of the Parties to contribute by all means to the political, economic relationship and build upon their respective rights institutional stabilisation in Bosnia and obligations under Herzegovina as well as in the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing region, through the World Trade Organizationdevelopment of civil society and democratisation, done on 15 April 1994institution building and public administration reform, regional trade integration and enhanced economic cooperation, as well as through cooperation in a wide range of areas, including in justice and home affairs, and other multilateral the strengthening of national and bilateral instruments of cooperation; CREATE an expanded and secure market for their goods and services through the reduction or elimination of barriers to trade and investment; ESTABLISH clear, transparent, predictable and mutually-advantageous rules to govern their trade and investment; AND, REAFFIRMING their strong attachment to democracy and to fundamental rights as laid down in The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, done at Paris on 10 December 1948, and sharing the view that the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction poses a major threat to international regional security; RECOGNISING CONSIDERING the importance commitment of international securitythe Parties to increasing political and economic freedoms as the very basis of this Agreement, democracy, as well as their commitment to respect human rights and the rule of law law, including the rights of persons belonging to national minorities, and democratic principles through a multi-party system with free and fair elections; CONSIDERING the commitment of the Parties to the full implementation of all principles and provisions of the UN Charter, of the OSCE, notably those of the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (hereinafter referred to as "the Helsinki Final Act"), the concluding documents of the Madrid and Vienna Conferences, the Charter of Paris for a New Europe, as well as to compliance with the obligations under the Dayton/Paris Peace Agreement and of the Stability Pact for south-eastern Europe, so as to contribute to regional stability and cooperation among the countries of the region; CONSIDERING the commitment of the Parties to the principles of free market economy and the readiness of the Community to contribute to the economic reforms in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as the commitment of the Parties to the principles of sustainable development; CONSIDERING the commitment of the Parties to free trade, in compliance with the rights and obligations arising out of the WTO membership and to apply them in a transparent and non-discriminatory manner; CONSIDERING the wish of the Parties to further develop regular political dialogue on bilateral and international issues of mutual interest, including regional aspects, taking into account the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) of the European Union; CONSIDERING the commitment of the Parties to combat organised crime and to strengthen cooperation in the fight against terrorism on the basis of the declaration issued by the European Conference on 20 October 2001; CONVINCED that the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "this Agreement") will create a new climate for economic relations between them and, above all, for the development of international trade and investment, factors crucial to economic cooperationrestructuring and modernisation of Bosnia and Herzegovina; RECOGNISING BEARING in mind the commitment of Bosnia and Herzegovina to approximate its legislation in the relevant sectors to that of the Community, and to effectively implement it; TAKING ACCOUNT of the Community's willingness to provide decisive support for the implementation of reforms and to use all available instruments of cooperation and technical, financial and economic assistance on a comprehensive indicative multi-annual basis to this endeavour; CONFIRMING that the provisions of this Agreement preserve that fall within the right scope of Part III, Title IV of the Parties Treaty establishing the European Community (hereinafter referred to regulate within their territories as the "EC Treaty") bind the United Kingdom and Ireland as separate Contracting Parties, and not as Member States of the Community, until the United Kingdom or Ireland (as the case may be) notifies Bosnia and Herzegovina that it has become bound as part of the Community in accordance with the Protocol on the position of the United Kingdom and Ireland annexed to the EU Treaty and the Parties' flexibility EC Treaty. The same applies to achieve legitimate policy objectivesDenmark, such as public healthin accordance with the Protocol annexed to those Treaties on the position of Denmark; RECALLING the Zagreb Summit, safety, environment, public morals which called for further consolidation of relations between the countries of the Stabilisation and Association process and the promotion and protection of cultural diversity; AFFIRMING their commitments as parties to the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, done at Paris on 20 October 2005, and recognising that states have the right to preserve, develop and implement their cultural policies, to support their cultural industries for the purpose of strengthening the diversity of cultural expressions, and to preserve their cultural identity, including through the use of regulatory measures and financial support; RECOGNISING that the provisions of this Agreement protect investments and investors with respect to their investments, and are intended to stimulate mutually-beneficial business activity, without undermining the right of the Parties to regulate in the public interest within their territories; REAFFIRMING their commitment to promote sustainable development and the development of international trade in such a way as to contribute to sustainable development in its economic, social and environmental dimensions; ENCOURAGING enterprises operating within their territory or subject to their jurisdiction to respect internationally recognised guidelines and principles of corporate social responsibility, including the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and to pursue best practices of responsible business conduct; IMPLEMENTING this Agreement in a manner consistent with the enforcement of their respective labour and environmental laws and that enhances their levels of labour and environmental protection, and building upon their international commitments on labour and environmental matters; RECOGNISING the strong link between innovation and trade, and the importance of innovation to future economic growth, and affirming their commitment to encourage the expansion of cooperation in the area of innovation, European Union as well as enhanced regional cooperation; RECALLING that the related areas Thessaloniki Summit reinforced the Stabilisation and Association process as the policy framework for the European Union's relations with the Western Balkan countries and underlined the prospect of research their integration with the European Union on the basis of their progress in the reform process and development individual merit; RECALLING the signature of the Central European Free Trade Agreement in Bucharest on 19 December 2006 as a means of enhancing the region's ability to attract investments and science and technologythe prospects of its integration into the global economy, and to promote the involvement of relevant public and private sector entities; HAVE AGREED AS FOLLOWS: CHAPTER ONE GENERAL DEFINITIONS AND INITIAL PROVISIONS SECTION A General definitions:

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LEGISLATIVE ACTS AND OTHER INSTRUMENTS. SubjectSubject : Comprehensive Economic and Trade Cooperation Agreement on a Civil Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) between Canada, of the one part, and the European Union Community and its Member States, States and the State of the other part 10973/16 DGC 1A DOSIsrael 9482/04 DG C III MO/sr ck EN COMPREHENSIVE ECONOMIC AND TRADE COOPERATION AGREEMENT ON A CIVIL GLOBAL NAVIGATION SATELLITE SYSTEM (CETAGNSS) BETWEEN CANADA, OF THE ONE PART, AND THE EUROPEAN UNION COMMUNITY AND ITS MEMBER STATES, STATES AND THE STATE OF ISRAEL THE OTHER PART CANADA, of EUROPEAN COMMUNITY hereinafter referred to as the one part"Community", and THE EUROPEAN UNION, THE KINGDOM OF BELGIUM, THE REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA, THE CZECH REPUBLIC, THE KINGDOM OF DENMARK, THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY, THE REPUBLIC OF ESTONIA, IRELAND, THE HELLENIC REPUBLIC, THE KINGDOM OF SPAIN, THE FRENCH REPUBLIC, THE REPUBLIC OF CROATIAIRELAND, THE ITALIAN REPUBLIC, THE REPUBLIC OF CYPRUS, THE REPUBLIC OF LATVIA, THE REPUBLIC OF LITHUANIA, THE GRAND DUCHY OF LUXEMBOURG, THE REPUBLIC OF HUNGARY, THE REPUBLIC OF MALTA, THE KINGDOM OF THE NETHERLANDS, THE REPUBLIC OF AUSTRIA, THE REPUBLIC OF POLAND, THE PORTUGUESE REPUBLIC, ROMANIA, THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA, THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC, THE REPUBLIC OF FINLAND, THE KINGDOM OF SWEDEN, and THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND, Contracting parties to the Treaty establishing the European Community, hereinafter referred to as "Member States", of the one part, and THE STATE OF ISRAEL hereinafter also referred to as "Israel", of the other part, hereafter jointly hereinafter referred to as "the "Parties"" CONSIDERING the common interests in the development of a global navigation satellite system for civil use, resolve to: FURTHER strengthen their close economic relationship and build upon their respective rights and obligations under the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization, done on 15 April 1994, and other multilateral and bilateral instruments of cooperation; CREATE an expanded and secure market for their goods and services through the reduction or elimination of barriers to trade and investment; ESTABLISH clear, transparent, predictable and mutually-advantageous rules to govern their trade and investment; AND, REAFFIRMING their strong attachment to democracy and to fundamental rights as laid down in The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, done at Paris on 10 December 1948, and sharing the view that the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction poses a major threat to international security; RECOGNISING the importance of international securityXXXXXXX as a contribution to navigation and information infrastructure in Europe and Israel, democracyRECOGNISING the advanced state of Israel's satellite navigation activities, human rights CONSIDERING the increasing development of GNSS applications in Israel, Europe and other areas in the world, DESIRING to strengthen the cooperation between Israel and the rule of law for Community and taking into consideration the development of international trade Euro-Mediterranean Agreement establishing an association between the European Communities and economic cooperation; RECOGNISING that the provisions of this Agreement preserve the right their Member States, of the Parties to regulate within their territories and the Parties' flexibility to achieve legitimate policy objectives, such as public health, safety, environment, public morals and the promotion and protection of cultural diversity; AFFIRMING their commitments as parties to the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, done at Paris on 20 October 2005, and recognising that states have the right to preserve, develop and implement their cultural policies, to support their cultural industries for the purpose of strengthening the diversity of cultural expressions, and to preserve their cultural identity, including through the use of regulatory measures and financial support; RECOGNISING that the provisions of this Agreement protect investments and investors with respect to their investments, and are intended to stimulate mutually-beneficial business activity, without undermining the right of the Parties to regulate in the public interest within their territories; REAFFIRMING their commitment to promote sustainable development and the development of international trade in such a way as to contribute to sustainable development in its economic, social and environmental dimensions; ENCOURAGING enterprises operating within their territory or subject to their jurisdiction to respect internationally recognised guidelines and principles of corporate social responsibility, including the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and to pursue best practices of responsible business conduct; IMPLEMENTING this Agreement in a manner consistent with the enforcement of their respective labour and environmental laws and that enhances their levels of labour and environmental protection, and building upon their international commitments on labour and environmental matters; RECOGNISING the strong link between innovation and tradeone part, and the importance State of innovation to future economic growthIsrael, and affirming their commitment to encourage of the expansion other part 1, which entered into force on the 1 of cooperation in the area of innovation, as well as the related areas of research and development and science and technology, and to promote the involvement of relevant public and private sector entities; June 2000. HAVE AGREED AS FOLLOWS: CHAPTER ONE GENERAL DEFINITIONS AND INITIAL PROVISIONS SECTION A General definitions1 OJ L 147, 21.6.2000, p. 3.

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Samples: Cooperation Agreement

LEGISLATIVE ACTS AND OTHER INSTRUMENTS. Subject: Comprehensive Economic and Trade Euro-Mediterranean Aviation Agreement between Canada, of the one part, and the European Union and its Member States, of the one part and the government of the State of Israel, of the other part 10973/16 DGC 1A DOSCOMMON GUIDELINES Consultation deadline for Croatia: 12.12.2012 16828/12 DG E2 MRS/sr hc EN COMPREHENSIVE ECONOMIC AND TRADE EURO-MEDITERRANEAN AVIATION AGREEMENT (CETA) BETWEEN CANADA, OF THE ONE PART, AND THE EUROPEAN UNION AND ITS MEMBER STATES, OF THE ONE PART AND THE GOVERNMENT OF THE STATE OF ISRAEL, OF THE OTHER PART CANADA, of the one part, and THE EUROPEAN UNION, THE KINGDOM OF BELGIUM, THE REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA, THE CZECH REPUBLIC, THE KINGDOM OF DENMARK, THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY, THE REPUBLIC OF ESTONIA, IRELAND, THE HELLENIC REPUBLIC, THE KINGDOM OF SPAIN, THE FRENCH REPUBLIC, THE REPUBLIC OF CROATIAIRELAND, THE ITALIAN REPUBLIC, THE REPUBLIC OF CYPRUS, THE REPUBLIC OF LATVIA, THE REPUBLIC OF LITHUANIA, THE GRAND DUCHY OF LUXEMBOURG, HUNGARY, THE REPUBLIC OF MALTA, THE KINGDOM OF THE NETHERLANDS, THE REPUBLIC OF AUSTRIA, THE REPUBLIC OF POLAND, THE PORTUGUESE REPUBLIC, ROMANIA, THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA, THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC, THE REPUBLIC OF FINLAND, THE KINGDOM OF SWEDEN, and THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND, Contracting Parties to the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty on the functioning of the European Union, hereinafter referred to as the "Member States", and THE EUROPEAN UNION, of the one part, and THE GOVERNMENT OF THE STATE OF ISRAEL, hereinafter referred to as "Israel", of the other part, hereafter jointly referred DESIRING to as promote an international aviation system based on fair competition among air carriers in the "Parties"marketplace with minimum government interference and regulation; DESIRING to facilitate the expansion of international air transport opportunities, resolve to: FURTHER strengthen their close economic relationship and build upon their respective rights and obligations under the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization, done on 15 April 1994, and other multilateral and bilateral instruments of cooperation; CREATE an expanded and secure market for their goods and services including through the reduction or elimination development of barriers air transport networks to trade meet the needs of passengers and investment; ESTABLISH clear, transparent, predictable and mutually-advantageous rules to govern their trade and investment; AND, REAFFIRMING their strong attachment to democracy and to fundamental rights as laid down in The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, done at Paris on 10 December 1948, and sharing the view that the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction poses a major threat to international securityshippers for convenient air transport services; RECOGNISING the importance of air transport in promoting trade, tourism and investment; DESIRING to make it possible for air carriers to offer the travelling and shipping public competitive prices and services in open markets; RECOGNISING the potential benefits of regulatory convergence and, to the extent practical, harmonisation of regulations; DESIRING to have all sectors of the air transport industry, including air carrier workers, benefit in a liberalised environment; DESIRING to ensure the highest degree of safety and security in international securityair transport and reaffirming their grave concern with regard to acts or threats against the security of aircraft, democracywhich jeopardise the safety of persons or property, human rights adversely affect the operation of air transport and undermine public confidence in the rule safety of law civil aviation; RECOGNISING the security needs in connection with the air relations between the European Union and Israel, as a result of the current Geo-Political situation; NOTING the Convention on International Civil Aviation opened for the development of international trade and economic cooperationsignature at Chicago on 7 December 1944; RECOGNISING that this Euro-Mediterranean Aviation Agreement lies within the provisions scope of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership envisaged in the Declaration of Barcelona of 28 November 1995; NOTING their common will to promote a Euro-Mediterranean Aviation Area based on the principles of regulatory convergence, regulatory cooperation and liberalisation of market access; DESIRING to ensure a level playing field allowing fair and equal opportunity for air carriers to provide air transport; RECOGNISING that subsidies may adversely affect air carrier competition and may jeopardise the basic objectives of this Agreement preserve the right of the Parties to regulate within their territories and the Parties' flexibility to achieve legitimate policy objectives, such as public health, safety, environment, public morals and the promotion and protection of cultural diversityAgreement; AFFIRMING their commitments as parties the importance of protecting the environment in developing and implementing international aviation policy and recognising the rights of sovereign States to take appropriate measures to this effect; NOTING the UNESCO importance of protecting consumers, including the protections afforded by the Convention on for the Protection and Promotion Unification of the Diversity of Cultural ExpressionsCertain Rules for International Carriage by Air, done at Paris Montreal on 20 October 200528 May 1999, insofar as the Contracting Parties are parties to this Convention; NOTING that this Agreement implies the exchange of personal data, which will be subject to the data protection legislation of the Contracting Parties and of the Commission Decision of 31 January 2011 pursuant to Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the adequate protection of personal data by the State of Israel with regard to automated processing of personal data (2011/61/EU); INTENDING to build upon the framework of existing air transport agreements with the goal of opening access to markets and maximising benefits for the consumers, air carriers, labour, and recognising communities of the Contracting Parties; NOTING that states have the right this Agreement is to preserve, develop and implement their cultural policies, to support their cultural industries for the purpose of strengthening the diversity of cultural expressionsbe applied in a progressive but integral way, and to preserve their cultural identity, including through that a suitable mechanism can ensure the use establishment of equivalent regulatory measures requirements and financial support; RECOGNISING that standards for civil aviation based on the provisions of this Agreement protect investments and investors with respect to their investments, and are intended to stimulate mutually-beneficial business activity, without undermining highest standards applied by the right of the Parties to regulate in the public interest within their territories; REAFFIRMING their commitment to promote sustainable development and the development of international trade in such a way as to contribute to sustainable development in its economic, social and environmental dimensions; ENCOURAGING enterprises operating within their territory or subject to their jurisdiction to respect internationally recognised guidelines and principles of corporate social responsibility, including the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and to pursue best practices of responsible business conduct; IMPLEMENTING this Agreement in a manner consistent with the enforcement of their respective labour and environmental laws and that enhances their levels of labour and environmental protection, and building upon their international commitments on labour and environmental matters; RECOGNISING the strong link between innovation and trade, and the importance of innovation to future economic growth, and affirming their commitment to encourage the expansion of cooperation in the area of innovation, as well as the related areas of research and development and science and technology, and to promote the involvement of relevant public and private sector entitiesContracting Parties; HAVE AGREED AS FOLLOWS: CHAPTER ONE GENERAL DEFINITIONS AND INITIAL PROVISIONS SECTION A General definitions:

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