RELEASE OF GENERAL INFORMATION TO THE PUBLIC AND MEDIA NASA or Partner may, consistent with Federal law and this Agreement, release general information regarding its own participation in this Agreement as desired. Pursuant to Section 841(d) of the NASA Transition Authorization Act of 2017, Public Law 115-10 (the "NTAA"), NASA is obligated to publicly disclose copies of all agreements conducted pursuant to NASA's 51 U.S.C. §20113(e) authority in a searchable format on the NASA website within 60 days after the agreement is signed by the Parties. The Parties acknowledge that a copy of this Agreement will be disclosed, without redactions, in accordance with the NTAA.
What Will Happen After We Receive Your Letter When we receive your letter, we must do two things:
What To Do If You Find A Mistake On Your Statement If you think there is an error on your statement, write to us at the address(es) listed on your statement. In your letter, give us the following information:
OWNERSHIP/TITLE The Licensed Software is the proprietary property of Symantec or its licensors and is protected by copyright law. Symantec and its licensors retain any and all rights, title and interest in and to the Licensed Software, including in all copies, improvements, enhancements, modifications and derivative works of the Licensed Software. Your rights to use the Licensed Software shall be limited to those expressly granted in this License Agreement. All rights not expressly granted to You are retained by Symantec and/or its licensors.
Waist to Shoulder Full abilities Up to 5 kilograms 5 - 10 kilograms Other (please specify): Stair Climbing: Full abilities Up to 5 steps 6 - 12 steps Other (please specify): Use of hand(s):Left Hand Right Hand Gripping Gripping Pinching Pinching Other (please specify): Other (please specify): APPENDIX B – ABILITIES FORM Bending/twisting repetitive movement of (please specify): Work at or above shoulder activity: Chemical exposure to: Travel to Work: Ability to use public transit Ability to drive car Yes Yes No No