Limitation on Shared Collateral Agent’s Duty in Respect of Shared Collateral Sample Clauses

Limitation on Shared Collateral Agent’s Duty in Respect of Shared Collateral. Beyond its duties expressly provided herein or in any Shared Collateral Security Document and to account to the Shared Collateral Secured Parties and the Grantors for moneys and other property received by it hereunder or under any Shared Collateral Security Document, the Shared Collateral Agent shall not have any other duty to the Grantors or to the Shared Collateral Secured Parties as to any Shared Collateral in its possession or control or in the possession or control of any of its agents or nominees, or any income thereon or as to the preservation of rights against prior parties or any other rights pertaining thereto.
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Related to Limitation on Shared Collateral Agent’s Duty in Respect of Shared Collateral

  • Limitation on Duty of Collateral Agent in Respect of Collateral (a) Beyond the safekeeping of the Collateral Obligation Files in accordance with Article XVIII, neither the Collateral Agent nor the Collateral Custodian shall have any duty as to any Collateral in its possession or control or in the possession or control of any agent or bailee or any income thereon or as to preservation of rights against prior parties or any other rights pertaining thereto and neither the Collateral Agent nor the Collateral Custodian shall be responsible for filing any financing or continuation statements or recording any documents or instruments in any public office at any time or times or otherwise perfecting or maintaining the perfection of any security interest in the Collateral. Neither the Collateral Agent nor the Collateral Custodian shall be liable or responsible for any misconduct, negligence or loss or diminution in the value of any of the Collateral, by reason of the act or omission of any carrier, forwarding agency or other agent, attorney or bailee selected by the Collateral Agent or the Collateral Custodian in good faith and with due care hereunder.

  • Priorities and Agreements With Respect to Shared Collateral 18 Section 2.1 Priority of Claims. 18

  • Actions with Respect to Shared Collateral; Prohibition on Contesting Liens (a) With respect to any Shared Collateral, (i) only the Collateral Agent shall act or refrain from acting with respect to the Shared Collateral (including with respect to any intercreditor agreement with respect to any Shared Collateral), and then only on the instructions of the Applicable Authorized Representative, (ii) the Collateral Agent shall not follow any instructions with respect to such Shared Collateral (including with respect to any intercreditor agreement with respect to any Shared Collateral) from any Non-Controlling Authorized Representative (or any other First Lien Secured Party other than the Applicable Authorized Representative) and (iii) no Non-Controlling Authorized Representative or other First Lien Secured Party (other than the Applicable Authorized Representative) shall or shall instruct the Collateral Agent to, commence any judicial or nonjudicial foreclosure proceedings with respect to, seek to have a trustee, receiver, liquidator or similar official appointed for or over, attempt any action to take possession of, exercise any right, remedy or power with respect to, or otherwise take any action to enforce its security interest in or realize upon, or take any other action available to it in respect of, any Shared Collateral (including with respect to any intercreditor agreement with respect to any Shared Collateral), whether under any First Lien Security Document, applicable law or otherwise, it being agreed that only the Collateral Agent, acting on the instructions of the Applicable Authorized Representative and in accordance with the applicable First Lien Security Documents, shall be entitled to take any such actions or exercise any such remedies with respect to Shared Collateral. Notwithstanding the equal priority of the Liens, the Collateral Agent (acting on the instructions of the Applicable Authorized Representative) may deal with the Shared Collateral as if such Applicable Authorized Representative had a senior Lien on such Collateral. No Non-Controlling Authorized Representative or Non-Controlling Secured Party will contest, protest or object to any foreclosure proceeding or action brought by the Collateral Agent, Applicable Authorized Representative or Controlling Secured Party or any other exercise by the Collateral Agent, Applicable Authorized Representative or Controlling Secured Party of any rights and remedies relating to the Shared Collateral, or to cause the Collateral Agent to do so. The foregoing shall not be construed to limit the rights and priorities of any First Lien Secured Party, Collateral Agent or Authorized Representative with respect to any Collateral not constituting Shared Collateral.

  • Limitation on Duty in Respect of Collateral Beyond the exercise of reasonable care in the custody and preservation thereof, the Collateral Agent will have no duty as to any Collateral in its possession or control or in the possession or control of any sub-agent or bailee or any income therefrom or as to the preservation of rights against prior parties or any other rights pertaining thereto. The Collateral Agent will be deemed to have exercised reasonable care in the custody and preservation of the Collateral in its possession or control if such Collateral is accorded treatment substantially equal to that which it accords its own property, and will not be liable or responsible for any loss or damage to any Collateral, or for any diminution in the value thereof, by reason of any act or omission of any sub-agent or bailee selected by the Collateral Agent in good faith, except to the extent that such liability arises from the Collateral Agent’s gross negligence or willful misconduct.

  • Indemnification of Collateral Agent Financial Security hereby indemnifies and holds the Collateral Agent harmless from and against any and all judgments, claims, defenses, charges, losses, liabilities, costs or expenses that the Collateral Agent may incur or that may be claimed against the Collateral Agent by any Person by reason of any action taken, or any failure to act, in connection with the duties and responsibilities of the Collateral Agent under the terms of this Agreement; provided, however, that Financial Security shall not be required to indemnify the Collateral Agent pursuant to this Section for any judgments, claims, defenses, charges, losses, liabilities, costs or expenses to the extent caused by such Collateral Agent's willful misconduct or gross negligence in any action taken, or any failure to act, in connection with the duties and responsibilities of the Collateral Agent under the terms of this Agreement. The Collateral Agent shall have the right to retain counsel in any action for which indemnification from Financial Security is provided herein, and the reasonable fees and expenses of such counsel shall constitute costs and expenses of such Collateral Agent for which indemnification from Financial Security is provided herein. The Collateral Agent shall be entitled to submit a written request, with supporting documentation, for any amounts expended by it for which indemnification is provided herein, as such amounts are expended or on a periodic basis, as the Collateral Agent shall choose, and Financial Security shall reimburse to the Collateral Agent the amount specified in each such written request promptly. The indemnity agreements contained in this Section shall remain operative and in full force and effect regardless of the termination of this Agreement.

  • Rights of Collateral Agent (a) The Collateral Agent may execute and effect any of its duties under the Security Documents by or through agents or attorneys-in-fact and shall be entitled to advice of counsel concerning all matters pertaining to such duties.

  • Lack of Reliance on the Collateral Agent Independently and without reliance upon the Collateral Agent, each Secured Party, to the extent it deems appropriate, has made and shall continue to make (i) its own independent investigation of the financial condition and affairs of the Company and its subsidiaries in connection with such Secured Party’s investment in the Debtors, the creation and continuance of the Obligations, the transactions contemplated by the Transaction Documents, and the taking or not taking of any action in connection therewith, and (ii) its own appraisal of the creditworthiness of the Company and its subsidiaries, and of the value of the Collateral from time to time, and the Collateral Agent shall have no duty or responsibility, either initially or on a continuing basis, to provide any Secured Party with any credit, market or other information with respect thereto, whether coming into its possession before any Obligations are incurred or at any time or times thereafter. The Collateral Agent shall not be responsible to the Debtors or any Secured Party for any recitals, statements, information, representations or warranties herein or in any document, certificate or other writing delivered in connection herewith, or for the execution, effectiveness, genuineness, validity, enforceability, perfection, collectibility, priority or sufficiency of the Agreement or any other Transaction Document, or for the financial condition of the Debtors or the value of any of the Collateral, or be required to make any inquiry concerning either the performance or observance of any of the terms, provisions or conditions of the Agreement or any other Transaction Document, or the financial condition of the Debtors, or the value of any of the Collateral, or the existence or possible existence of any default or Event of Default under the Agreement, the Notes or any of the other Transaction Documents.

  • Certain Rights of the Collateral Agent The Collateral Agent shall have the right to take any action with respect to the Collateral, on behalf of all of the Secured Parties. To the extent practical, the Collateral Agent shall request instructions from the Secured Parties with respect to any material act or action (including failure to act) in connection with the Agreement or any other Transaction Document, and shall be entitled to act or refrain from acting in accordance with the instructions of Secured Parties holding a majority in principal amount of Notes (based on then-outstanding principal amounts of Notes at the time of any such determination); if such instructions are not provided despite the Collateral Agent’s request therefor, the Collateral Agent shall be entitled to refrain from such act or taking such action, and if such action is taken, shall be entitled to appropriate indemnification from the Secured Parties in respect of actions to be taken by the Collateral Agent; and the Collateral Agent shall not incur liability to any person or entity by reason of so refraining. Without limiting the foregoing, (a) no Secured Party shall have any right of action whatsoever against the Collateral Agent as a result of the Collateral Agent acting or refraining from acting hereunder in accordance with the terms of the Agreement or any other Transaction Document, and the Debtors shall have no right to question or challenge the authority of, or the instructions given to, the Collateral Agent pursuant to the foregoing and (b) the Collateral Agent shall not be required to take any action which the Collateral Agent believes (i) could reasonably be expected to expose it to personal liability or (ii) is contrary to this Agreement, the Transaction Documents or applicable law.

  • Rights of the Collateral Agent In the event of any conflict between any terms and provisions set forth in this Agreement and those set forth in any other Security Document, the terms and provisions of this Agreement shall supersede and control the terms and provisions of such other Security Document. In the event there is any bona fide, good faith disagreement between the other parties to this Agreement or any of the other Security Documents resulting in adverse claims being made in connection with Collateral held by the Collateral Agent and the terms of this Agreement or any of the other Security Documents do not unambiguously mandate the action the Collateral Agent is to take or not to take in connection therewith under the circumstances then existing, or the Collateral Agent is in doubt as to what action it is required to take or not to take hereunder or under the other Security Documents, it will be entitled to refrain from taking any action (and will incur no liability for doing so) until directed otherwise in writing by a request signed jointly by the parties hereto entitled to give such direction or by order of a court of competent jurisdiction.

  • Separate Collateral Agent It is the intent of the parties that there shall be no violation of any Applicable Law denying or restricting the right of financial institutions to transact business in any jurisdiction. If Agent believes that it may be limited in the exercise of any rights or remedies under the Loan Documents due to any Applicable Law, Agent may appoint an additional Person who is not so limited, as a separate collateral agent or co-collateral agent. If Agent so appoints a collateral agent or co-collateral agent, each right and remedy intended to be available to Agent under the Loan Documents shall also be vested in such separate agent. Every covenant and obligation necessary to the exercise thereof by such agent shall run to and be enforceable by it as well as Agent. Lenders shall execute and deliver such documents as Agent deems appropriate to vest any rights or remedies in such agent. If any collateral agent or co-collateral agent shall die or dissolve, become incapable of acting, resign or be removed, then all the rights and remedies of such agent, to the extent permitted by Applicable Law, shall vest in and be exercised by Agent until appointment of a new agent.

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