Market Makers. The Parent has at least two market makers for its common shares and such market makers have obtained all permits and made all filings necessary in order for such market makers to continue as market makers of the Parent.
Market Makers. The Pubco has at least two market makers for its common shares and such market makers have obtained all permits and made all filings necessary in order for such market makers to continue as market makers of the Pubco.
Market Makers. The Company reserves the right to engage with Market Makers and to provide its Services to Market Makers.
Market Makers. Acquiring Entity has at least two (2) market makers for the Acquiring Entity Common Stock and such market makers shall have obtained all permits and made all filings necessary in order for such market makers to continue as market makers of Acquiring Entity.
Market Makers. Stock Options (1) Premium < * Premium > * Exercise/Assignment fee * * * BEL20® Index Option Premium < * (BXO) Premium > * Cash settlement fee * * * BEL20® Index Future BEL20® Index future (BXF) Cash settlement fee * *
Market Makers. The Parent has at least one market maker for the Parent Stock and such market maker has obtained all permits and made all filings necessary in order for such market maker to continue as a market maker of the Parent. A 15-c2-11 has been filed and accepted by FINRA for the Parent.
Market Makers. In practice, it is unlikely that two companies will contact a financial institution at the same time and want to take opposite positions in exactly the same swap. For this reason, many large financial institutions act as market makers for swaps. This means that they are prepared to enter into a swap without having an offsetting swap with another counterparty.2 Market makers must carefully quantify and hedge the risks they are taking. Bonds, forward rate agreements, and interest rate futures are examples of the instruments that can be used for hedging by swap market makers. Table 7.3 shows quotes for plain vanilla US dollar swaps that might be posted by a market maker.3 As mentioned earlier, the bid–offer spread is 3 to 4 basis points. The average of the bid and offer fixed rates is known as the swap rate. This is shown in the final column of Table 7.3. Consider a new swap where the fixed rate equals the current swap rate. We can reasonably assume that the value of this swap is zero. (Why else would a market maker choose bid–offer quotes centered on the swap rate?) In Table 7.2 we saw that a swap can 2 This is sometimes referred to as warehousing swaps.
Market Makers. Textmunication has at least two (2) market makers for Textmunication Shares and such market makers have obtained all permits and made all filings necessary in order for such market makers to continue as market makers of Textmunication.
Market Makers. We may engage one or more market makers (each, an "MM"), who may also be affiliated with us, to function as liquidity providers. You understand and agree that we may provide information concerning purchase- and sale-transactions provided by you to such MMs. The MMs will have the opportunity, but not the Obligation, to accept and fulfil such purchases or sales.
Market Makers. WCCC has at least four (4) market makers in its Common Stock.