MAXIMUM OBLIGATION. 16 A. The Total Maximum Obligation of COUNTY for services provided in accordance with this 17 Contract is as specified in the Referenced Contract Provisions of this Contract. 18 B. ADMINISTRATOR may amend the Maximum Obligation by an amount not to exceed ten 19 percent (10%) of funding for this Contract. 20
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Samples: Contract for Provision of Services
MAXIMUM OBLIGATION. 16 29 A. The Total Maximum Obligation of COUNTY for services provided in accordance with this 17 Contract 30 is as specified in the Referenced Contract Provisions of this Contract.
18 31 B. ADMINISTRATOR may amend the Maximum Obligation by an amount not to exceed ten 19 32 percent (10%) of funding for this ContractAgreement. 2033
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Contract for Provision of Services
MAXIMUM OBLIGATION. 16 31 A. The Total Maximum Obligation of COUNTY for services provided in accordance with this 17 Contract is 32 Agreement, and the separate Maximum Obligations for each period under this Agreement, are as 33 specified in the Referenced Contract Provisions of this ContractAgreement, except as allowed for in 34 Subparagraph B. below.
18 35 B. ADMINISTRATOR may amend the Maximum Obligation by an amount not to exceed ten 19 36 percent (10%) of the original amount of the first year of funding for this ContractAgreement. 2037 //
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Services
MAXIMUM OBLIGATION. 16 24 A. The Total Maximum Obligation of COUNTY for services provided in accordance with this 17 Contract 25 Agreement is as specified in the Referenced Contract Provisions of this ContractAgreement. This specific 26 Agreement with CONTRACTOR is only one of several agreements to which this Maximum Obligation 27 applies. It therefore is understood by the parties that reimbursement to CONTRACTOR will be only a 28 fraction of these Maximum Obligations.
18 29 B. ADMINISTRATOR may amend the Maximum Obligation by an amount not to exceed ten 19 30 percent (10%) of the funding for this ContractAgreement. 2031
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Services
MAXIMUM OBLIGATION. 16 20 A. The Total Maximum Obligation of COUNTY for services provided in accordance with this 17 Contract is 21 Agreement, and the separate Maximum Obligations for each period, are as specified in the Referenced Contract Provisions of this ContractAgreement, except as allowed for in Subparagraph B. below.
18 22 B. ADMINISTRATOR may amend the Maximum Obligation by an amount not to exceed ten 19 23 percent (10%) of Period One funding for this ContractAgreement. 2024
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Outreach and Engagement Services
MAXIMUM OBLIGATION. 16 32 A. The Total Maximum Obligation of COUNTY for services provided in accordance with this 17 Contract is 33 Agreement is, and the separate Maximum Obligations for each period under this Agreement, are as 34 specified in the Referenced Contract Provisions of this ContractAgreement, except as allowed for in 35 Subparagraph B. below.
18 36 B. ADMINISTRATOR may amend the Maximum Obligation by an amount not to exceed ten 19 37 percent (10%) of Period One funding for this Contract. 20Agreement.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Survivor Support Services
MAXIMUM OBLIGATION. 16 31 A. The Total Maximum Obligation of COUNTY for services provided in accordance with this 17 Contract 32 Agreement, and the separate Maximum Obligations for each period under this Agreement, are is as 33 specified in the Referenced Contract Provisions of this ContractAgreement, except as allowed for in Subparagraph 34 B. below.
18 35 B. ADMINISTRATOR may amend the Maximum Obligation by an amount not to exceed ten 19 36 percent (10%) of Period One funding for this ContractAgreement. 2037 25 of 3336
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MAXIMUM OBLIGATION. 16 22 A. The Total Maximum Obligation of COUNTY for services provided in accordance with this 17 Contract is as 23 Agreement, and the separate Maximum Obligations for each period, are specified in the Referenced 24 Contract Provisions of this ContractAgreement, except as allowed for in Subparagraph B. below.
18 25 B. ADMINISTRATOR may amend the Maximum Obligation by an amount not to exceed ten 19 26 percent (10%) of the Period One funding for this ContractAgreement. 2027
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Samples: Housing Navigator Services Agreement
MAXIMUM OBLIGATION. 16 30 A. The Total Maximum Obligation of COUNTY for services provided in accordance with this 17 Contract 31 Agreement is as specified in the Referenced Contract Provisions of this ContractAgreement, except as allowed 32 for in Subparagraph B. below.
18 33 B. ADMINISTRATOR may amend the Maximum Obligation by an amount not to exceed ten 19 34 percent (10%) of the funding for this ContractAgreement. 2035 // 36 // 37 //
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Agreement for Provision of School Readiness Services
MAXIMUM OBLIGATION. 16 22 A. The Total Maximum Obligation of COUNTY for services provided in accordance with this 17 Contract 23 Agreement is as specified in the Referenced Contract Provisions of this ContractAgreement, except as allowed 24 for in Subparagraph B. below.
18 25 B. ADMINISTRATOR may amend the Maximum Obligation by an amount not to exceed ten 19 26 percent (10%) for Period One of funding for this ContractAgreement. 2027
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Behavioral Health Calworks Services
MAXIMUM OBLIGATION. 16 34 A. The Total Maximum Obligation of COUNTY for services provided in accordance with this 17 Contract is 35 Agreement, and the separate Maximum Obligations for each period under this Agreement, are as 36 specified in the Referenced Contract Provisions of this Contract.
18 Agreement, except as allowed for in 37 Subparagraph B. below. 1 B. ADMINISTRATOR may amend the Maximum Obligation by an amount not to exceed ten 19 2 percent (10%) of Period One funding for this ContractAgreement. 203 // 4 //
Appears in 1 contract
MAXIMUM OBLIGATION. 16 24 A. The Total Maximum Obligation of COUNTY for services provided in accordance with this 17 Contract 25 Agreement is as specified in the Referenced Contract Provisions of this ContractAgreement, except as allowed 26 for in Subparagraph B. below.
18 27 B. ADMINISTRATOR may amend the Maximum Obligation by an amount not to exceed ten 19 28 percent (10%) of Period One funding for this ContractAgreement. 2029
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Integrated Community Services
MAXIMUM OBLIGATION. 16 32 A. The Total Maximum Obligation of COUNTY for services provided in accordance with this 17 Contract 33 Agreement is as specified on Page 4in the Referenced Contract Provisions of this ContractAgreement.
18 34 B. ADMINISTRATOR may amend increaseamend the Maximum Obligation by an amount not to exceed 35 ten 19 percent (10%) ), or decrease the Maximum Obligation in accordance with the Budget 36 paragraphSubparagraph II.F, of funding for Exhibit A to this ContractAgreement. 2037 //
Appears in 1 contract
MAXIMUM OBLIGATION. 16 30 A. The Total Maximum Obligation of COUNTY for services provided in accordance with this 17 Contract 31 Agreement, and the separate Maximum Obligations for each period under this Agreement, are is as 32 specified in the Referenced Contract Provisions of this ContractAgreement, except as allowed for in 33 Subparagraph B. below.
18 34 B. ADMINISTRATOR may amend the Maximum Obligation by an amount not to exceed ten 19 35 percent (10%) of Period One funding for this ContractAgreement. 2036 // 37 //
Appears in 1 contract
MAXIMUM OBLIGATION. 16 24 A. The Total Maximum Obligation of COUNTY for services provided in accordance with this 17 Contract 25 Agreement is as specified in the Referenced Contract Provisions of this ContractAgreement. This specific 26 Agreement with CONTRACTOR is only one of several agreements to which this Maximum Obligation 27 applies. It therefore is understood by the parties that reimbursement to CONTRACTOR will be only x 28 fraction of these Maximum Obligations.
18 29 B. ADMINISTRATOR may amend the Maximum Obligation by an amount not to exceed ten 19 30 percent (10%) of the funding for this ContractAgreement. 2031
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Adult Non Drug Medi Cal Detoxification Services
MAXIMUM OBLIGATION. 16 28 A. The Total Maximum Obligation of COUNTY for services provided in accordance with this 17 Contract is 29 Agreement, and the separate Maximum Obligations for each period under this Agreement, are as specified 30 in the Referenced Contract Provisions of this ContractAgreement, except as allowed for in Subparagraph B. below.
18 31 B. ADMINISTRATOR may amend the Maximum Obligation by an amount not to exceed ten 19 32 percent (10%) of Period One funding for this ContractAgreement. 2033
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Adult Residential Drug Medi Cal Substance Use Disorder Treatment Services
MAXIMUM OBLIGATION. 16 30 A. The Total Maximum Obligation of COUNTY for services provided in accordance with this 17 Contract Agreement 31 is as specified in the Referenced Contract Provisions of this ContractAgreement, except as allowed for in 32 Subparagraph B. below.
18 33 B. ADMINISTRATOR may amend the Maximum Obligation by an amount not to exceed ten 19 34 percent (10%) of funding for this ContractAgreement. 2035
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Contract for Provision of Primary Hiv Medical Care Physician Services
MAXIMUM OBLIGATION. 16 27 A. The Total Maximum Obligation of COUNTY for services provided in accordance with this 17 Contract 28 Agreement, and the separate Maximum Obligations for each period under this Agreement, are is as 29 specified in the Referenced Contract Provisions of this ContractAgreement, except as allowed for in 30 Subparagraph B. below. .
18 31 B. ADMINISTRATOR may amend the Maximum Obligation by an amount not to exceed ten 19 32 percent (10%) of Period One funding for this ContractAgreement. 2033
Appears in 1 contract
MAXIMUM OBLIGATION. 16 31 A. The Total Maximum Obligation of COUNTY for services provided in accordance with this 17 Contract is 32 Agreement, and the separate Maximum Obligations for each period under this Agreement, are as 33 specified in the Referenced Contract Provisions of this ContractAgreement, except as allowed for in 34 Subparagraph B. below.
18 35 B. ADMINISTRATOR may amend the Maximum Obligation by an amount not to exceed ten 19 36 percent (10%) of Period One funding for this ContractAgreement. 2037
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Recovery Education Institute Services
MAXIMUM OBLIGATION. 16 34 A. The Total Maximum Obligation of COUNTY for services provided in accordance with this 17 Contract is 35 Agreement, and the separate Maximum Obligations for each period under this Agreement, are as 36 specified in the Referenced Contract Provisions of this ContractAgreement, except as allowed for in 37 Subparagraph B. below.
18 1 B. ADMINISTRATOR may amend the Maximum Obligation by an amount not to exceed ten 19 2 percent (10%) of Period One funding for this ContractAgreement. 203
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Adult Residential Drug Medi Cal Substance Use Disorder Treatment Services
MAXIMUM OBLIGATION. 16 21 A. The Total Maximum Obligation of COUNTY for services provided in accordance with this 17 Contract is 22 Agreement, and the separate Maximum Obligations for each period under this Agreement, are as 23 specified in the Referenced Contract Provisions of this ContractAgreement, except as allowed for in 24 Subparagraph B. below.
18 25 B. ADMINISTRATOR may amend the Maximum Obligation by an amount not to exceed ten 19 26 percent (10%) of the first year of funding for this ContractAgreement. 2027
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Homeless Bridge Housing Services
MAXIMUM OBLIGATION. 16 28 A. The Total Maximum Obligation of COUNTY for services provided in accordance with this 17 Contract is 29 Agreement, and the separate Maximum Obligations for each period under this Agreement, are as 30 specified in the Referenced Contract Provisions of this ContractAgreement, except as allowed for in 31 Subparagraph B. below.
18 32 B. ADMINISTRATOR may amend the Maximum Obligation by an amount not to exceed ten 19 33 percent (10%) of the original amount of the first year of funding for this ContractAgreement. 2034 // 35 // 36 // 37 //
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Supportive Housing Services
MAXIMUM OBLIGATION. 16 A. 30 The Total Maximum Obligation of COUNTY for services provided in accordance with this 17 Contract is 31 Agreement, and the separate Maximum Obligations for each period under this Agreement, are as 32 specified in the Referenced Contract Provisions of this Contract.
18 B. ADMINISTRATOR may amend the Maximum Obligation by an amount not to exceed ten 19 percent (10%) of funding for this ContractAgreement. 2033
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention Services
MAXIMUM OBLIGATION. 16 A. The Total Maximum Obligation of COUNTY for services provided in accordance with this 17 Contract is 34 Agreement, and the separate Maximum Obligations for each period under this Agreement, are as 35 specified in the Referenced Contract Provisions of this Contract.
18 Agreement, except as allowed for in 36 Subparagraph B. below. 37 // 1 B. ADMINISTRATOR may amend the Maximum Obligation by an amount not to exceed ten 19 2 percent (10%) of Period One funding for this ContractAgreement. 203
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MAXIMUM OBLIGATION. 16 24 A. The Total Maximum Obligation of COUNTY for services provided in accordance with this 17 Contract is 25 Agreement, and the separate Maximum Obligations for each period under this Agreement, are as 26 specified in the Referenced Contract Provisions of this ContractAgreement, except as allowed for in 27 Subparagraph B. below.
18 28 B. ADMINISTRATOR may amend the Maximum Obligation by an amount not to exceed ten 19 29 percent (10%) of Period One funding for this ContractAgreement. 2030
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Mental Health Inpatient Services
MAXIMUM OBLIGATION. 16 23 A. The Total Maximum Obligation of COUNTY for services provided in accordance with this 17 Contract 24 Agreement is as specified in the Referenced Contract Provisions of this ContractAgreement, except as allowed 25 for in Subparagraph B. below.
18 26 B. ADMINISTRATOR may amend the Maximum Obligation by an amount not to exceed ten 19 27 percent (10%) of the Period One funding for this ContractAgreement. 2028
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Drug Medi Cal Adolescent Residential Recovery Services
MAXIMUM OBLIGATION. 16 30 A. The Total Maximum Obligation of COUNTY for services provided in accordance with this 17 Contract 31 Agreement is as specified in the Referenced Contract Provisions of this ContractAgreement, except as allowed 32 for in Subparagraph B. below.
18 33 B. ADMINISTRATOR may amend the Maximum Obligation by an amount not to exceed ten 19 34 percent (10%) of funding for this ContractAgreement. 2035
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Recovery Maintenance Services
MAXIMUM OBLIGATION. 16 A. 31 The Total Maximum Obligation of COUNTY for services provided in accordance with this 17 Contract is 32 Agreement, and the separate Maximum Obligations for each period under this Agreement, are as 33 specified in the Referenced Contract Provisions of this Contract.
18 B. ADMINISTRATOR may amend the Maximum Obligation by an amount not to exceed ten 19 percent (10%) of funding Agreement, except as allowed for this Contract. 20in
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