Name of the LLC. The name of the LLC shall be “XXXXX VISTA HOSPITAL PARTNERS, LLC”. The LLC may do business under that name and under any other name or names as selected by the Member.
Appears in 1 contract
Name of the LLC. The name of the LLC shall be “XXXXX VISTA HOSPITAL PARTNERSCUMBERLAND HOSPITAL, LLC”. ” The LLC may do business under that name and under any other name or names as selected by the MemberMembers.
Appears in 1 contract
Name of the LLC. The name of the LLC shall be “XXXXX VISTA CUMBERLAND HOSPITAL PARTNERS, LLC”. The LLC may do business under that name and under any other name or names as selected by the Member.
Appears in 1 contract
Name of the LLC. The name of the LLC shall be “XXXXX VISTA HOSPITAL PARTNERSHORIZON MENTAL HEALTH MANAGEMENT, LLC”. The LLC may do business under that name and under any other name or names as selected by the Member.
Appears in 1 contract
Name of the LLC. The name of the LLC shall be “XXXXX VISTA HORIZON HEALTH HOSPITAL PARTNERSSERVICES, LLC”. The LLC may do business under that name and under any other name or names as selected by the Member.
Appears in 1 contract
Name of the LLC. The name of the LLC shall be “XXXXX VISTA HOSPITAL PARTNERSPALMETTO BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SYSTEM, LLC”. The LLC may do business under that name and under any other name or names as selected by the Member.
Appears in 1 contract
Name of the LLC. The name of the LLC shall be “XXXXX VISTA HOSPITAL PARTNERSRAMSAY MANAGED CARE, LLC”. The LLC may do business under that name and under any other name or names as selected by the Member.
Appears in 1 contract
Name of the LLC. The name of the LLC shall be “XXXXX VISTA HOSPITAL PARTNERSSUNSTONE BEHAVIORAL HEALTH, LLC”. The LLC may do business under that name and under any other name or names as selected by the Member.
Appears in 1 contract
Name of the LLC. The name of the LLC shall be “XXXXX VISTA HOSPITAL PARTNERS, BEHAVIORAL HEALTHCARE LLC”. ” The LLC may do business under that name and under any other name or names as selected by the Member.
Appears in 1 contract
Name of the LLC. The name of the LLC shall be “XXXXX VISTA LEBANON HOSPITAL PARTNERS, LLC”. The LLC may do business under that name and under any other name or names as selected by the Member.
Appears in 1 contract
Name of the LLC. The name of the LLC shall be “XXXXX VISTA HOSPITAL PARTNERSPALMETTO BEHAVIORAL HEALTH HOLDINGS, LLC”. The LLC may do business under that name and under any other name or names as selected by the Member.
Appears in 1 contract
Name of the LLC. The name of the LLC shall be “XXXXX VISTA HOSPITAL PARTNERSPSYCHIATRIC SOLUTIONS HOSPITALS, LLC”. The LLC may do business under that name and under any other name or names as selected by the Member.
Appears in 1 contract
Name of the LLC. The name of the LLC shall be “XXXXX VISTA HOSPITAL PARTNERSTHREE RIVERS HEALTHCARE GROUP, LLC”. The LLC may do business under that name and under any other name or names as selected by the Member.
Appears in 1 contract