No Eyenovia Infringement Sample Clauses

No Eyenovia Infringement. There is no pending action or proceeding alleging that the practice of the Licensed IP (including the Development, Manufacture, and Commercialization of the Device or Licensed Products in accordance with this Agreement) infringes, misappropriates, or otherwise violates any Intellectual Property Rights of any Third Party.
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Related to No Eyenovia Infringement

  • Infringement Controlled Affiliate shall promptly notify Plan and Plan shall promptly notify BCBSA of any suspected acts of infringement, unfair competition or passing off that may occur in relation to the Licensed Marks and Name. Controlled Affiliate shall not be entitled to require Plan or BCBSA to take any actions or institute any proceedings to prevent infringement, unfair competition or passing off by third parties. Controlled Affiliate agrees to render to Plan and BCBSA, without charge, all reasonable assistance in connection with any matter pertaining to the protection of the Licensed Marks and Name by BCBSA.

  • No Infringement To the best of the Company's Knowledge, the Company has not violated or infringed, and is not currently violating or infringing, and the Company has not received any communications alleging that the Company (or any of its employees or consultants) has violated or infringed or, by conducting its business as proposed, would violate or infringe, any Proprietary Asset of any other person or entity.

  • Patent Infringement 3.1 Each party will notify the other promptly in writing when any infringement by another is uncovered or suspected.

  • Trademark Infringement (a) If either Party learns that a third party is infringing the ACTIMMUNE xxxx, it shall promptly notify the other in writing. The Parties shall use reasonable efforts in cooperation with each other to stop such trademark infringement without litigation.

  • Non-Infringement Except as disclosed on Schedule 3.12(d)(i) of the Disclosure Schedule, to the knowledge of the Company, there is no unauthorized use, unauthorized disclosure, infringement or misappropriation of any material Company-Owned IP Rights by any third party. Except as disclosed on Schedule 3.12(d)(ii) of the Disclosure Schedule, since January 1, 2018, the operation of the Business including (i) the design, development, manufacturing, reproduction, marketing, licensing, sale, offer for sale, importation, distribution, provision and/or use of any Company Product and/or Company-Owned IP Rights and (ii) the Company’s use of any product, device, process or service used in the Business as previously conducted, currently conducted and as proposed to be conducted, has not, does not and will not infringe (directly or indirectly, including via contribution or inducement), misappropriate or violate any Third Party Intellectual Property Rights, breach any terms of service, click-through agreement or any other agreement or rules, policies or guidelines applicable to use of such Third Party Intellectual Property Rights, and does not constitute unfair competition or unfair trade practices under the applicable Law of any jurisdiction in which the Company conducts the Business or in which Company Products are marketed, distributed, licensed or sold, in each case except as would not reasonably be expected to result in a material and adverse effect to the Company, and, to the knowledge of the Company, there is no reasonable basis for any such claims. Except as disclosed on Schedule 3.12(d)(ii) of the Disclosure Schedule, since January 1, 2018, the Company has not been sued in any Proceeding or received written notice alleging that the Company has infringed, misappropriated, or violated or, by conducting the Business, would infringe, misappropriate, or violate any Intellectual Property of any other person or entity. Except in relation to the items disclosed on Schedule 3.12(d)(ii) of the Disclosure Schedule, the Company has not received any opinion of counsel that any Company Product or Company-Owned IP Rights or the operation of the Business, as previously, currently conducted, or as proposed to be conducted, infringes or misappropriates any Third Party Intellectual Property Rights.

  • Other Infringement The Parties shall mutually agree on a case-by-case basis (A) whether to bring (or defend) and control any action or proceeding with respect to Competitive Infringement of any Patent Right that is not a Relevant Patent Right, (B) which Party would bring (or defend) and control such action, and (C) how the expenses of, and any recovery from, any such action would be allocated.

  • Infringement and Litigation 11.1 Each party shall promptly notify the other in writing in the event that it obtains knowledge of infringing activity by third parties, or is sued or threatened with an infringement suit, in any country in the LICENSED TERRITORY as a result of activities that concern the LICENSED PATENTS, and shall supply the other party with documentation of the infringing activities that it possesses.

  • No Infringement of Third Party IP Rights Neither the Company nor any Subsidiary is infringing, misappropriating or otherwise violating, or has ever infringed, misappropriated or otherwise violated, any Intellectual Property Right of any other Person. The conduct of the business of the Company and its Subsidiaries has not infringed, misappropriated or otherwise violated any Intellectual Property Right of any other Person or constituted unfair competition or trade practices under the laws of any jurisdiction, and when conducted in substantially the same manner after the date of this Agreement will not infringe, misappropriate or otherwise violate any Intellectual Property Right of any other Person, including patents issuing on patent applications filed as of the date of this Agreement, or constitute unfair competition or trade practices under the laws of any jurisdiction (except to the extent due to Company’s ownership by Buyer or its affiliates). Without limiting the generality of the foregoing: (i) no product or service ever produced, distributed, used, provided or sold by or on behalf of the Company or any Subsidiary has ever infringed, misappropriated or otherwise violated any Intellectual Property Right of any other Person; (ii) no infringement, misappropriation or similar Action, or any Action alleging unfair competition or trade practices, is pending or has been threatened against the Company or any Subsidiary or against any other Person who may be entitled to be indemnified, defended, held harmless or reimbursed by the Company or any Subsidiary with respect to such Action; (iii) neither the Company nor any Subsidiary has received any notice or other communication (in writing or otherwise) relating to any actual, alleged or suspected infringement, misappropriation or violation of any Intellectual Property Right of another Person, or any actual, alleged or suspected engagement by the Company or any Subsidiary in unfair competition or trade practices under the laws of any jurisdiction; (iv) neither the Company nor any Subsidiary is bound by any Contract to indemnify, defend, hold harmless or reimburse any other Person with respect to any infringement, misappropriation or violation of any Intellectual Property Right (other than as set forth in Section 3.13(h) of the Disclosure Schedule); and (v) no Action involving any Licensed IP is pending or has been threatened, except for any such Action that, if adversely determined, would not adversely affect (A) the use or exploitation of such Licensed IP by the Company or any Subsidiary or (B) the distribution, hosting, delivery or sale of any Company Product. Neither the Company nor any Subsidiary has ever sought or obtained an opinion of counsel regarding any possible infringement, misappropriation, violation or unlawful use of another Person’s Intellectual Property Rights or the validity or enforceability of another Person’s Intellectual Property Rights.

  • Infringement Claims If the manufacture, sale or use of any Licensed Product in the Territory pursuant to this Agreement results in any claim, suit or proceeding alleging patent infringement against Unigene or GSK, such Party shall promptly notify the other Party hereto. If GSK is not named as a Party in such a claim, suit or proceeding, GSK may, at its own expense and through counsel of its own choice, seek leave to intervene in such claim, suit or proceeding. Unigene agrees not to oppose such intervention. If GSK, and not Unigene, is named as a Party to such claim, suit or proceeding, GSK shall have the right to control the defense and settlement of such claim, suit or proceeding, at its own expense, using counsel of its own choice, however Unigene, at its own expense and through counsel of its own choice, may seek to intervene if the claim, suit or proceeding relates to the commercialization of the Licensed Product in the Field, and in such event, GSK agrees not to oppose such intervention. If GSK is named as a Party and Unigene shall, at any time, tender its defense to GSK, then GSK shall defend Unigene in such claim, suit or proceeding, at GSK’s own expense and through counsel of its own choice, and GSK shall control the defense and settlement of any such claim, suit or proceeding; provided, GSK shall not enter into any agreement which (i) extends or purports to exercise GSK’s rights under Unigene’s Licensed Technology beyond the rights granted pursuant to this Agreement, (ii) makes any admission regarding (a) wrongdoing on the part of Unigene, or (b) the invalidity, unenforceability or absence of infringement of any Unigene Patent Rights or Joint Patent Rights, without the prior written consent of Unigene, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. The Parties shall cooperate with each other in connection with any such claim, suit or proceeding and shall keep each other reasonably informed of all material developments in connection with any such claim, suit or proceeding. Nothing in this Section 6.5 shall limit or modify the provisions of Article 9, which may apply to such infringement claims as discussed herein.

  • Third Party Infringement If any patent in the MEGABIOS ------------- ------------------------- Patent Rights in the Field is infringed by a third party, the party to this Agreement first having knowledge of such infringement shall promptly notify the other in writing. The notice shall set forth the facts of that infringement in reasonable detail. MEGABIOS shall have the primary right, but not the obligation, to institute, prosecute, and control any action or proceeding with respect to such infringement of the MEGABIOS Patent Rights, by counsel of its own choice, and LILLY shall have the right, at its own expense, to be represented in that action by counsel of its own choice. IF MEGABIOS fails to bring an action or proceeding within a period of one hundred twenty (120) days after receiving written notice from LILLY or otherwise having knowledge of that infringement, LILLY shall have the right to bring and control any such action by counsel of its own choice, and MEGABIOS shall have the right to be represented in any such action by counsel of its own choice at its own expense. [ * ] Certain information on this page has been omitted and filed separately with the Commission. Confidential Treatment has been requested with respect to the omitted portions. If one party brings any such action or proceeding, the second party agrees to be joined as a party plaintiff and to give the first party reasonable assistance and authority to file and prosecute the suit. The costs and expenses (including reasonable attorney's fees) of all suits brought by MEGABIOS or LILLY under this Section shall be reimbursed on a pro-rata basis to both parties out of any damages or other monetary awards recovered therein in favor of MEGABIOS and/or LILLY. Any remaining damages shall split [ * ] to the party initiating and prosecuting the action to completion and [ * ] to the other party. No settlement or consent judgment or other voluntary final disposition of a suit under this Section may be entered into without the joint consent of MEGABIOS and LILLY (which consent shall not be withheld unreasonably). Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, this Section 11.4 shall not apply to the extent it is inconsistent with the License Agreement dated May 9, 1996 between MEGABIOS and UC.

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